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That she does. And I wonder how many RTs have a "no thanks" attached, because that's mostly what I saw on my timeline.

Lmao, I SOOOO wish I liked Laurel. I can imagine it. I would've been super excited and happy, but here I am just questioning why I should keep watching this show :p Is my love for Felicity, Diggle, and Oliver enough? Because the writers are certainly botching up the things I liked about the show. Hmmm


I'm actually thinking that viewership will increase tonight after this reveal. Like I said, Laurel has fans and I wish I was one of them :p

  • Love 1


My only concern is that they spend most of the season ripping Olicity apart, hence driving those fans away, and then expect a rather polarizing storyline (i.e. Laurel as Insta-Canary) to carry the show.




Let's just say that Laurel as Canary is a big hit, MG will just use that to justify doing Laurel and Oliver again. It won't matter that they don't have any chemistry, he doesn't care, for him it's about the 'original vision' for the show and sticking to it.


What happened to Sara tells me this.

  • Love 4

Yeah, people are retweeting it to hate on it too though so it's not all positive. But again, MG likes the hate because it's still buzz. I give up.


Doesn't MG realize that hate is the kind of feedback that will eventually force you to turn off the TV?  I don't get the delight that he has over enraging fans.  I don't enjoy punishing myself by watching something that I hate...I'm just hanging in there to maybe gets some crumbs of the stuff that I like (but I'm watching in a way that won't help ratings because yes, I am that petty).

Doesn't MG realize that hate is the kind of feedback that will eventually force you to turn off the TV?  I don't get the delight that he has over enraging fans.  I don't enjoy punishing myself by watching something that I hate...I'm just hanging in there to maybe gets some crumbs of the stuff that I like (but I'm watching in a way that won't help ratings because yes, I am that petty).


Based on his interviews today? No. I think he likes the hate because at least people are talking about it and that's what they want. When no one talks, that's when you have a problem. But there's a fine line because if they keep pushing something that people hate and don't fix what makes it problematic in the first place, that's when people will give up.


Personally, I've been willing to soldier on through all the plots I don't like (Ray, Laurel) because I thought there would be a balance of things I do like to make up for it. Right now though I feel like there's absolutely nothing to look forward to. Not even my enjoyment of Thea's storyline makes me want to tune in right now. 

Another MG interview: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=57041


The Oliver/Felicity part is exactly what I was talking about, posting here because it spoils that Felicity kisses someone else next week:


Felicity and Oliver obviously have the hots for each other. What do Olicity shippers have to look forward to?


The one thing we've always sort of shown is that there are ups and downs. Felicity and Oliver have a very complicated dance, and it's not going to go in a linear progression by any stretch. Episode 7 shows that. We just released a promo where Felicity is kissing somebody other than Oliver. My favorite fans are the ones who enjoy the torture. Not that we're trying to torture anybody, but certainly the star-crossed nature of these two characters is part of their appeal.


The slow burn can be more rewarding.

I think so. I'm definitely from that school of thought. There are a lot of cool moments coming up. The fans of the slow burn, and the fans of their relationship, are going to be happy. At the same time, I read a lot of times on Twitter that we are catering to the Olicity shippers. The truth of the matter is that one of the things that excites me about "Arrow" is the show is multi-faceted. There are a whole lot of things going on in the show in any given episode.

In some episodes, there will be more Olicity material than others. It's not the only thing we talk about in the writers' room, but it's one of the components of the show at least some people are interested in.




No matter how much I like the shade about "catering to 'shippers", the way MG sees Felicity/Oliver is pretty much the opposite of what I liked about them in the first place.  Star-crossed?? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? HOW?

  • Love 4
but certainly the star-crossed nature of these two characters is part of their appeal.



No. It's not. Nothing about them is star-crossed until the writers force it to be. What's star-crossed about two people meeting in a cute scene, and having instant chemistry, and then trusting one another and building a friendship and partnership?


Either he's knowingly lying, or he genuinely does not understand what a large part of his own show has been about, for the past two years. Which is more worrying for those still watching?

Edited by Danny Franks
  • Love 10

IDK, I saw an overall positive view of Laurel as BC on TVline, EW, IGN, IMDB, spoilerTV, and even tumblr! I'm not sure about twitter because I don't have an account but yeah. I must admit though, other than the wig, KC looks pretty good. 

yeah it's not the response is overwhelmingly negative or anything from what I've seen. It's actually pretty positive. I think it's way too soon and she looks to much like a copy-cat Sara. (I was wrong about the stunt double being Sara in flashbacks :( ) But the show rushes everything so yeah w/e. 

TIIC have no idea why people like Olicity, and that's kind of sad. I'm not here to be "tortured." I was here for a really nice, organic, interesting, normal relationship amid a ton of batshit crazy comic book shenanigans. Oh well, there's always fanfic.

This is why I didn't want Olicity to get together ,especially so soon. I knew they would go through the "tortured love" trope, because it's CW lol and it's annoying. 

Edited by ban1o

Another MG interview: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=57041


The Oliver/Felicity part is exactly what I was talking about, posting here because it spoils that Felicity kisses someone else next week:




No matter how much I like the shade about "catering to 'shippers", the way MG sees Felicity/Oliver is pretty much the opposite of what I liked about them in the first place.  Star-crossed?? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? HOW?


Yeah. I was worried about this because Olicity were a happy accident and now they're writing for them purposefully, they're ruining what made them special in the first place. I really hate this. I'm not interested in this stupid star crossed bullcrap.


IDK, I saw an overall positive view of Laurel as BC on TVline, EW, IGN, IMDB, spoilerTV, and even tumblr! I'm not sure about twitter because I don't have an account but yeah. I must admit though, other than the wig, KC looks pretty good. 


Yeah, it seems all people needed to like Laurel was to actually put on the BC outfit! I don't deny that she looks good but that's superficial right now. It's how she gets to BC that's the problem. This is way too soon.

Edited by Guest

No matter how much I like the shade about "catering to 'shippers", the way MG sees Felicity/Oliver is pretty much the opposite of what I liked about them in the first place.  Star-crossed?? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? HOW?

You know, I sort of did see them as star crossed. Girl likes boy, boy sleeps with everyone else but girl. Girl and boy are both always in life/death situations, boy is notoriously emotionally stunted, girl is independent enough to not let boy get her in a tizzy and actually move on to other men (Barry)... 


But I really hate how he's describing Oliver/Felicity's relationship like he described Laurel/Oliver's relationship way back when. It's just UGH frustrating. I liked how Oliver/Felicity were uncomplicated. I LIKED their banter and how fun they were. I think it helped lightened Oliver up, something of which he is the antithesis of right now. It's just not fun

  • Love 2

Let's just say that Laurel as Canary is a big hit, MG will just use that to justify doing Laurel and Oliver again. It won't matter that they don't have any chemistry, he doesn't care, for him it's about the 'original vision' for the show and sticking to it.

What happened to Sara tells me this.

But what are the chances of it being a big hit? Pretty low, IMO. People who hate the character still hate the character and people like me who have never cared still don't. After 2-1/2 seasons, most people have formed their opinions. I really don't see that changing, TBH. Regardless, even if Laurel as BC becomes this "big hit" it still has nothing to do with her as a future love interest since there's plenty of comic canon to say Oliver and Laurel don't have to be together.

Personally, I've been willing to soldier on through all the plots I don't like (Ray, Laurel) because I thought there would be a balance of things I do like to make up for it. Right now though I feel like there's absolutely nothing to look forward to. Not even my enjoyment of Thea's storyline makes me want to tune in right now.

This is the position I'm in too. I tend to ignore the stuff I don't like and just focus on what I do, but I'm finding it's getting harder and harder to do. They've messed up Team Arrow, kept Malcolm and Thea as background, reduced Diggle's importance to the show, and alienated Oliver and Felicity. Now I'm seeing evidence pointing to Oliver going M.I.A. in the mid-season finale with reduced Oliver screentime going into January. I don't watch for one particular character but they're doing a tremendous job at torpedoing all the ones I do care about. That takes serious skill.

  • Love 3

Yeah. I was worried about this because Olicity were a happy accident and now they're writing for them purposefully, they're ruining what made them special in the first place. I really hate this. I'm not interested in this stupid star crossed bullcrap.


Yeah, it seems all people needed to like Laurel was to actually put on the BC outfit! I don't deny that she looks good but that's superficial right now. It's how she gets to BC that's the problem. This is way too soon.

LOL yeah, I agree. Why can't we just have a full functioning healthy couple in Oliver/Felicity? You don't need them to be star crossed in order for them to be interesting. Honestly, it's just lazy writing and not creative at all. 


And I agree. It's all superficial right now. THis is why I'm sort of interested in seeing people's reactions after episode 10. I wonder if the writers will win the audience over with Laurel becoming BC. They definitely won't win me over, but yeah, still interested in the reaction after episode 10. 


In some episodes, there will be more Olicity material than others. It's not the only thing we talk about in the writers' room, but it's one of the components of the show at least some people are interested in.


I love how he worded this, because I know he didn't mean it this way but he made it sound like O/F is the only thing that people are interested in, haha.


I wrote this earlier, but what MG said doesn't bother me. I don't think O/F have been ruined so far, and I'll reserve judgment until I see what happens. What he says and what happens in the show are often two very different things. Apart from them not having very many interactions for two eps (which I believe was mainly because this show crams so much stuff into 43 minutes), they've still been written like the couple I started shipping, with just a lil' river of hurt between them. I'm actually pretty excited for the next ep (not this one - it seems like a one-way train to Snoozeville).

  • Love 3

I guess the problem I have with Roy/Thea/Laurel being badass so soon is that it takes away from Oliver's journey. It diminishes it for me somehow because now it feels like it only takes a few months of training and a shitty circumstance to don a mask and become a vigilante. I guess I'm disappointed in that sense. Otherwise,  I honestly don't really care because this isn't something we all didn't know lol Laurel means nothing to me, I just hope she won't take up a lot of screentime away from the characters I actually like. 


As for Oliver/Felicity, I think MGs interview sort  of proves that they are not straying from this direction. I think they're all in with this couple and I suppose that's nice. I just hope they do them justice. Which I feel they sort of have over the past few episodes. Why? Because both of them are acting like adults. They're not being cruel to one another, they're still a team, and they still care for one another. 

  • Love 2

This is slightly unrelated but  I really wonder what's going to happen with Stephen Amell on the After Show tonight. John Campea, the host is a vocal Laurel hater. and said he'll stop watching the show if she becomes Black Canary. I'm sure he was just being melodramatic, and I'm not the biggest fan of his aftershow, but I do wonder how that exchange will go lol. 

Edited by ban1o
  • Love 1

This is slightly unrelated but  I really wonder what's going to happen with Stephen Amell on the After Show tonight. John Campea, the host is a vocal Laurel hater. and said he'll stop watching the show is she becomes Black Canary. I'm sure he was just being melodramatic, and I'm not the biggest fan of his aftershow, but I do wonder how that exchange will go lol.

Lol, synchronised thoughts, I just posted about this in the media thread.

This is slightly unrelated but  I really wonder what's going to happen with Stephen Amell on the After Show tonight. John Campea, the host is a vocal Laurel hater. and said he'll stop watching the show is she becomes Black Canary. I'm sure he was just being melodramatic, and I'm not the biggest fan of his aftershow, but I do wonder how that exchange will go lol. 


It will probably be awkward as hell. I wasn't going to watch because I don't really find the aftershow that entertaining, but I'm gonna tune in tonight.

  • Love 1

I'm not sure how positive the reaction to LL as BC is going to be once we get into the story. To me it sounds like she puts the suit on too early - based off of the whole 'a suit doesn't make you hero' and 'its a bumpy road' and all that jazz. I'm reading that as she jumps the gun AGAIN and gets herself (or maybe others) hurt. So she may be getting physical training between now and ep. 10, but she will still be lacking a lot of growth. And I'm sorry, but I won't want a costumed vigilante with a weapon running around. Esp. one with a father and a job that could her off when she makes mistakes. 

This is slightly unrelated but  I really wonder what's going to happen with Stephen Amell on the After Show tonight. John Campea, the host is a vocal Laurel hater. and said he'll stop watching the show is she becomes Black Canary. I'm sure he was just being melodramatic, and I'm not the biggest fan of his aftershow, but I do wonder how that exchange will go lol.

I'll still have to see Campea actually dare to confront Stephen about it first. I'm not certain he even will. If, by chance, he does I suspect Stephen will repeat what MG has said (i.e. that it's a "slow burn" and that just because she has a costume that doesn't mean she's fight-ready).

I'm not sure how positive the reaction to LL as BC is going to be once we get into the story. To me it sounds like she puts the suit on too early - based off of the whole 'a suit doesn't make you hero' and 'its a bumpy road' and all that jazz. I'm reading that as she jumps the gun AGAIN and gets herself (or maybe others) hurt. So she may be getting physical training between now and ep. 10, but she will still be lacking a lot of growth. And I'm sorry, but I won't want a costumed vigilante with a weapon running around. Esp. one with a father and a job that could her off when she makes mistakes. 


Yeah, I don't expect her to be a full-fledged fighter off the bat. And I will say that I really hope her putting on this costume isn't to fool Lance. If it is, the rage Tweeting and anger from me will be EPIC.


Both things aside, I'm really wondering how long we're supposed to watch her struggle and do dumb shit and still want to root for her? The show has gone out of its way to show that she's an incompetent, and they'll probably go out of their way to make her incompetent when she puts on the suit, but...how long can I watch her do this and still want her to succeed, even if I did like her to begin with? My gut reaction wouldn't be, "Yes, finally! A victory!" it would probably be, "Girl, just give it up."

  • Love 3


My favorite fans are the ones who enjoy the torture.

I guess I'm just not one of his favourite fans because I really hate the fake angst and teasing when the best thing about this couple is how they fit together so well.


Based on his interviews today? No. I think he likes the hate because at least people are talking about it and that's what they want. When no one talks, that's when you have a problem. But there's a fine line because if they keep pushing something that people hate and don't fix what makes it problematic in the first place, that's when people will give up.

 When people talk gently, they like it. When they talk a lot and with anger, it's a demand for attention before they give up.


Either he's knowingly lying, or he genuinely does not understand what a large part of his own show has been about, for the past two years. Which is more worrying for those still watching?

He doesn't get it if he thinks the best part of a couple is watching them being tortured, and people hating on a storyline is a good thing.



I guess the problem I have with Roy/Thea/Laurel being badass so soon is that it takes away from Oliver's journey. It diminishes it for me somehow because now it feels like it only takes a few months of training and a shitty circumstance to don a mask and become a vigilante. I guess I'm disappointed in that sense. Otherwise,  I honestly don't really care because this isn't something we all didn't know lol Laurel means nothing to me, I just hope she won't take up a lot of screentime away from the characters I actually like. 

What diminishes Oliver's journey for me is time spent away from it. He's still got a lot of journey left almost 3 seasons, so there is more to learn about him.  Taking time away from that means it's not so important as it was before.


I think the only solution is to put Laurel in costume and on a BoP spin-off. That way people who love her will be happy, and people who don't want her on Arrow will be too.


Campea should be thankful for those twitter pictures, it will certainly up his audience tonight.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 3

LOL yeah, I agree. Why can't we just have a full functioning healthy couple in Oliver/Felicity? You don't need them to be star crossed in order for them to be interesting. Honestly, it's just lazy writing and not creative at all. 


And I agree. It's all superficial right now. THis is why I'm sort of interested in seeing people's reactions after episode 10. I wonder if the writers will win the audience over with Laurel becoming BC. They definitely won't win me over, but yeah, still interested in the reaction after episode 10. 


I expected a few bumps in the road to Olicity and I'm totally willing to wait for them to happen but MG's idea of them is not how I view them and certainly not how they come across on screen. 


Also, before this season started I was one of the ones that didn't mind Laurel becoming BC eventually but that all depended on how they eased her into it. Killing Sara to do so was already one strike against them and then sticking her in a suit in episode 10 (which is not even ten episodes of her training since she didn't start straight away) is another. So they've not won me over and I was willing! 


I love how he worded this, because I know he didn't mean it this way but he made it sound like O/F is the only thing that people are interested in, haha.


I wrote this earlier, but what MG said doesn't bother me. I don't think O/F have been ruined so far, and I'll reserve judgment until I see what happens. What he says and what happens in the show are often two very different things. 


This is strange because to me it read like 'only some people are interested in Olicity' like it was a minority or something! Clinging to the bolded though. With both hands. LOL.

We all know now that Sara is dead, Laurel will officially become the Black Canary. So, why are they rushing? If I was a fan of hers, I would be soo pissed off right now. Regardless of how KC looks in that custom, it is too soon for her to be wearing it. There is no getting around it. I mean they barely solved Sara's death and now Laurel is suiting up like her sister? WTF! 

This is strange because to me it read like 'only some people are interested in Olicity' like it was a minority or something! Clinging to the bolded though. With both hands. LOL.


The "it's one area of the show that at least some people are interested in," reads like no one's interested in any other areas of the show. Like, 'our storylines are boring and all over the place, but at least some people are interested in Olicity!'


Again, I know he didn't mean it like that, but that's how it reads to me.

  • Love 4

Wow this has gotten a lot of re-tweets on twitter. Over 1,6 k tweets.

The goth Felicity picture they tweeted last week had almost 1,400 retweets and over 2,000 likes. So really not the first time it's happened for that feed. And like others have said, I'm sure Laurel does have her fans, so it's not entirely surprising that they would retweet her picture.

  • Love 2

We all know now that Sara is dead, Laurel will officially become the Black Canary. So, why are they rushing? If I was a fan of hers, I would be soo pissed off right now. Regardless of how KC looks in that custom, it is too soon for her to be wearing it. There is no getting around it. I mean they barely solved Sara's death and now Laurel is suiting up like her sister? WTF! 

yeah these are my  thoughts. And you know as rushed as Roy's development was. Laurel's seems even more rushed and BC isn't supposed to be a sidekick. I would think it would be better towards the end of the season and i think it looking less like Sara's costume would be better. but Katie does look great in the costume imo and the show rushes everything so I'm not surprised. 

Edited by ban1o
  • Love 1

yeah these are my  thoughts. And you know as rushed as people say Roy's development was. Laurel's seems even more rushed and BC is supposed to be a sidekick. I would think it would be better towards the end of the season and i think it looking less like Sara's costume would be better. but Katie does look great in the costume imo and the show rushes everything so I'm not surprised. 

Yeah. Laurel's journey seems even more rushed then everyone else's. BC is GA's equal. This show would make her Arrow's annoying sidekick who probably messes up a lot because no one would believe Laurel is suddenly Oliver's equal when it comes to anything. I don't think this writers love Laurel. They hate this character cause you don't do that to a character you love. 

Yeah. Laurel's journey seems even more rushed then everyone else's. BC is GA's equal. This show would make her Arrow's annoying sidekick who probably messes up a lot because no one would believe Laurel is suddenly Oliver's equal when it comes to anything. I don't think this writers love Laurel. They hate this character cause you don't do that to a character you love.

I very much agree with this. If you are really invested in a character you don't throw a mask on them and call them a hero. You build up to that. Even Sara had a richer buildup to becoming Canary, though we saw it in flashback.

  • Love 2

But what are the chances of it being a big hit? Pretty low, IMO. People who hate the character still hate the character and people like me who have never cared still don't. After 2-1/2 seasons, most people have formed their opinions. I really don't see that changing, TBH. Regardless, even if Laurel as BC becomes this "big hit" it still has nothing to do with her as a future love interest since there's plenty of comic canon to say Oliver and Laurel don't have to be together.



I literally have no idea how Laurel as Canary will be received. I paid attention to her scenes in season one, but found she was totally miscast as the love interest and assumed she'd be gone by the end of the season. I'm not from comics so I had no clue of her future destiny.


For me the writing for her would have to be outstanding (it's not) for me to become interested, but KC/Canary has fans who've been waiting for the transformation so maybe it'll work?

I could see it going either way. The ones who love her and the ones who hate her aren't going to change their position, its going to be the ones in the middle that tell the story. Honestly, I could see its being popular. She is a hot woman in leather, kicking ass and walking about like she owns the place (the photo on Facebook already has almost a 100k likes, even if a lot of the comments are negative). KC can play that confidence because she plays Laurel like she owns the place anyway. The name and suit actually gives her something to back that confidence up. I think whats going to hurt them though is the speed in which they insist on during this and the fact that they are pushing so many characters in the background for it (SA being the big one). 

Edited by 10Eleven12

Yeah i think people who really dislike Laurel are a lot more vocal than people who really like her  on stuff like facebook and such. Like on facebook the post has a ton of likes but a lot of the comments are negative. It also has gotten a lot of re-tweets (over 1.7 k now!) . And in general on most forums/sites the response seems positive so I think it will work. obviously the people who hate her won't change but there are a lot more people in the middle whose opinions could be swayed. it also depends on the writing though.  

Edited by ban1o


I think whats going to hurt them though is the speed in which they insist on during this and the fact that they are pushing so many characters in the background for it (SA being the big one).


I'll withhold judgment until I see how it actually plays out. Until I know exactly why Oliver's gone or what role Laurel's filling on the team (still not convinced she's going to be "in charge" if she's just suiting up in ep 10), etc., I don't want to get too up-in-arms over it yet. Not really looking forward to her becoming a bigger part of the team based on the interactions I've seen so far, but...not much I can do about that.

  • Love 1

Yeah i think people who really dislike Laurel are a lot more vocal than people who really like her  on stuff like facebook and such. Like on facebook the post has a ton of likes but a lot of the comments are negative. It also has gotten a lot of re-tweets (over 1.7 k now!) . 


I have no interest in watching Laurel as BC but even I think the costume looks cool (on a superficial level) and I think the internet is a pretty superficial place. In my opinion, how people respond to a picture of someone in a costume doesn't necessarily have any bearing on how people will respond to the storyline. I personally think this is a last ditch attempt to "save" the character or they wouldn't have done it so fast.

  • Love 1

I have no interest in watching Laurel as BC but even I think the costume looks cool (on a superficial level) and I think the internet is a pretty superficial place. In my opinion, how people respond to a picture of someone in a costume doesn't necessarily have any bearing on how people will respond to the storyline. I personally think this is a last ditch attempt to "save" the character or they wouldn't have done it so fast.

Roy's costume looked good in photos but is pretty silly on screen IMO.

I cringe every time I see him suited up.

  • Love 1

I'm really curious about the ratings. She isn't supposed to suit up until Ep. 10, but I'm wondering if more people will tune in this week because of the photo. I'm not sure it will increase in ratings, but it might hold steady from the bump it got last week.


Did find it interesting that other then KC and the EPs, no other cast mates tweeted or retweeted about the photo. And SA was on twitter today.

I don't think a picture of Laurel as BC when she won't actually show up until after the mid season finale will have any affect on the ratings,. 

If the ratings DO go down here's how it's going to go down:


Laurel lovers/Felicity haters (I'm making a generalization for the sake of being succinct): "The ratings went down because of the Felicity episode last week and how terrible it was" 


Felicity lovers/Laurel Haters: "The ratings totally went down because there was heavy Laurel promos and Laurel is terrible!" 


lol I hate it when people pin point a ratings decrease on ONE THING. But if people say ratings suffered because Arrow is going against the Voice, I call BS because last week Arrow went against the CMAs which is an even bigger deal. 

  • Love 1

I'm reading the comments to the FB post, which are hugely entertaining, and I realized that most of those 103K "likes" are actually likes of the individual comments. For instance, one of the negative comments has nearly 3500 likes on its own. In any event, I'm amused that almost every comment defending the speed with which Laurel suits up is a variation on "But in the comics she was trained by Wildcat, and he's awesome, so ... Canary. And comics!" Also, a lot of these people keep asserting that there are weeks and months in between each episode, so, in actuality, Laurel's been training forever, y'all! Good to know.

Edited by KenyaJ
  • Love 1

I'm reading the comments to the FB post, which are hugely entertaining, and I realized that most of those 103K "likes" are actually likes of the individual comments. For instance, one of the negative comments has nearly 3500 likes on its own. In any event, I'm amused that almost every comment defending the speed with which Laurel suits up is a variation on "But in the comics she was trained by Wildcat, and he's awesome, so ... Canary. And comics!" Also, a lot of these people keep asserting that there are weeks and months in between each episode, so, in actuality, Laurel's been training forever, y'all! Good to know.

Could you link me the FB photo? I don't have FB and I'd very much like to read the comments!

If the ratings DO go down here's how it's going to go down:


Laurel lovers/Felicity haters (I'm making a generalization for the sake of being succinct): "The ratings went down because of the Felicity episode last week and how terrible it was" 


Felicity lovers/Laurel Haters: "The ratings totally went down because there was heavy Laurel promos and Laurel is terrible!" 


exactly. People should stop pinpointing ratings increases/decreases to one thing. They will just spin it however they want lol. 

Edited by ban1o

I'm reading the comments to the FB post, which are hugely entertaining, and I realized that most of those 103K "likes" are actually likes of the individual comments. For instance, one of the negative comments has nearly 3500 likes on its own. In any event, I'm amused that almost every comment defending the speed with which Laurel suits up is a variation on "But in the comics she was trained by Wildcat, and he's awesome, so ... Canary. And comics!" Also, a lot of these people keep asserting that there are weeks and months in between each episode, so, in actuality, Laurel's been training forever, y'all! Good to know.


Sad when your audience doesn't know the timeline and isn't aware they keep real time.



I just took a closer look at the photo. My first thought is the chick from 50 Shades has realized her destiny as a dom and not a sub. She's more leather model than vigilante/warrior/street fighter.

Edited by AnalyzeAndCritique
  • Love 1

Sad when your audience doesn't know the timeline and isn't aware they keep real time.


To be fair, the timeline IS really confusing. It's supposed to be real time, and sometimes it is, but sometimes it's not? It's difficult to know where exactly we are. Now, people should know it hasn't been MONTHS, but I understand why they wouldn't realize it was supposed to be real time.

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