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I can't believe Oliver and Lyla wouldn't rip that island up looking for Felicity/Thea and Diggle.

My guess is 6x01 flashbacks are them being found and rescued. I think the twist is going to be not all the supporting characters make it (Evelyn, Slade, and Nyssa) and some mains are still healing. Diggle or Thea in a coma maybe?

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Personally, I don't think they'd have Oliver believe that everyone was dead for 5 months since that would be putting all of their eggs in one basket plus put a complete damper on their talking points if any *twists* in 601 is Oliver finding out they're all alive. I can picture some of them thought for dead while some of them are up and about with him in 601 just so they at least have some present day footage and groundwork to lay without Oliver having to interact with unfamiliar characters for exposition of what's going on in present day. Flashbacks can explain what happened after the explosions and slowly reveal others who are alive/hospitalized/dead/whatever, and a twist/kick the the plot into gear action could be someone returning from the island.

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I like the idea of them being taken to a  safe bunker by Slade (all except Evelyn, I never need to see her again) but between Lyla with ARGUS' resources, including devices which can find heat signatures, and Oliver in control of Thea/Malcolm's money and Felicity's money from PT, it would take less than five months to find them.  Also they would have to surface out of any bunker fairly soon to find food because that's nine people who need to eat and bathe so a few flybys should do it..

I also like the idea of people coming back into the present day slowly and then flashbacks as they're rescued, although only through the first half of the episode because they need 6x01 to set up the rest of the season.  But since some viewers think they may not be coming back, like this comment


 Now I'm excited to see Oliver move back into the loft with William now by his side. Also, now that only Lyla seems to be left in Star City to help him, this might make an interesting start of season 6! If it only were October already...

maybe they can keep the suspense going for a while.

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18 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

But since some viewers think they may not be coming back, like this comment


 Now I'm excited to see Oliver move back into the loft with William now by his side. Also, now that only Lyla seems to be left in Star City to help him, this might make an interesting start of season 6! If it only were October already...

maybe they can keep the suspense going for a while.


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So if Slade is killed, then his son Joe finds out that his father is dead. He blames Oliver because Oliver put Slade on the island in the first place and then recruited Slade to help him defeat Prometheus. Joe spends the  summer devising an overly complicated, 5-steps-ahead revenge plan and comes to Star City in S6... Prometheus 2: The Sequel. (lol)

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4 hours ago, tv echo said:

So if Slade is killed, then his son Joe finds out that his father is dead. He blames Oliver because Oliver put Slade on the island in the first place and then recruited Slade to help him defeat Prometheus. Joe spends the  summer devising an overly complicated, 5-steps-ahead revenge plan and comes to Star City in S6... Prometheus 2: The Sequel. (lol)

@Catrox "14 I am so hoping for the reveal that "Vigilante'  is  Chase's evil doppelganger cousin who looks exactly like Chase, and has been working with Chase to get all these plans into play and he will blame Oliver for Chase's death so we get Josh Segerra back cause he was awesome when he was bad."


Personally I think that JS will be the Vigilante but he will be the twin brother of Adrian.

Edited by BunsenBurner
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2 minutes ago, BunsenBurner said:

@Catrox "14 I am so hoping for the reveal that "Vigilante'  is  Chase's evil doppelganger cousin who looks exactly like Chase, and has been working with Chase to get all these plans into play and he will blame Oliver for Chase's death so we get Josh Segerra back cause he was awesome when he was bad."


Personally I think that JS will be the Vigilante but he will be the twin brother of Adrian.

I didn't want to go with the obvious "Evil Twin of the ....Evil Twin".  But I'll take either one! LOL

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As much as I enjoy JS, it's not enough for me to not despise the idea of Chase or anyone associated with him not being dead and gone. 

I think I just used like a triple negative. 

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Maybe Josh Segarra will appear in a flashback scene with Samantha - where we learn that she was in cahoots with him and that's why she was willing to walk to the plane with the others, but that she didn't know about the buried bombs. (Yes, I'm having trouble letting go of that conspiracy theory.)

Or maybe we find out that William is actually the amazing Human Target! (Can Human Target impersonate children?)

Edited by tv echo
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I really appreciate your commitment to "Samantha must be an evil villain.", @tv echo. ?

Unfortunately, I think she is going to end up being just regular evil like Susan. 

I went back looking in this thread for old spec and I feel like with the amount of mindpower spent speculating on Susan's nothing storyline, we could have solved Middle East peace and cold fusion. MG owes the world an apology. 

Edited by leopardprint
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SA: S6 theme is family.

I hope this doesn't mean more of the 'blood family is more important than anything' crap. But, sadly, I'm already resigned to William being there more often. Maybe they'll finally make him a character and not a plot point!

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4 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

If Thea is retired, Oliver will need a new Speedy. William is the comic book appropriate age to start fighting crime.


(Resigned to it happening though tbh.)

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Oh no!  If it's family, we're going to be stuck with William. And maybe Samantha too if they're going to be living in Star City.  Can I look forward a Christmas show with William and Samantha joining Thea, the Diggles, Rene, Curtis and Dinah at the loft for a dinner Oliver's cooked?

I was thinking that this show has always introduced the season's Big Bad in the season before   Kind of clever.

36 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

I went back looking in this thread for old spec and I feel like with the amount of mindpower spent speculating on Susan's nothing storyline, we could have solved Middle East peace and cold fusion. MG owes the world an apology. 

I feel like I could have written a PhD dissertation with the time I spent trying to figure out why Susan is there.

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12 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

SA: S6 theme is family.

I hope this doesn't mean more of the 'blood family is more important than anything' crap. But, sadly, I'm already resigned to William being there more often. Maybe they'll finally make him a character and not a plot point!


I was going to say the same thing! It's actually getting borderline offensive with terrible biological relatives are more important than wonderful friends who risk everything to help you. 

I can't decide if full on exposure therapy is what's needed for Mysonaphobia so he gets like an actual personality or if they should just show periodic phone convos and call it a day. 

I wonder if they will bring Donna next season and perhaps Diggle's parents? 

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1 minute ago, Angel12d said:


From what we've seen of him thus far, William is way too stupid to be a vigilante. His best use would be to fill him with nanites and keep using him for bait.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I'm sure we'll get a scene of Oliver teaching him to shoot an arrow or something, you know, because he wants to be like his dad! But that's a no from me for anything else. Please and thank you.

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16 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

SA: S6 theme is family.

I hope this doesn't mean more of the 'blood family is more important than anything' crap. But, sadly, I'm already resigned to William being there more often. Maybe they'll finally make him a character and not a plot point!

I really do get the feeling that Samantha will get killed off - leading to a Felicity/Oliver/William patchwork family setup in season 6

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Just now, strikera0 said:

I really do get the feeling that Samantha will get killed off - leading to a Felicity/Oliver/William patchwork family setup in season 6

Yeah, I've had that same feeling ever since we learned she was in the season finale but I'm trying to ignore it. LOL.

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4 minutes ago, leopardprint said:


I wonder if they will bring Donna next season and perhaps Diggle's parents? 

Didn't they attempt to bring Donna in early during S5 but couldn't work out an agreement with Charlotte? 

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9 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

I wonder if they will bring Donna next season and perhaps Diggle's parents? 

Huge yes to bringing Diggle's parents to the show, hold up on the Donna, still in recover from too much of her in season 4 but i'm really hoping they bring back Noah 

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15 minutes ago, strikera0 said:

I really do get the feeling that Samantha will get killed off - leading to a Felicity/Oliver/William patchwork family setup in season 6.

I am really dreading this because even beyond the "blood family is everything" the writers have shown no ability or interest in balancing Oliver's "relationship" with his child/Samantha with his relationship with Felicity. Frankly, I have no interest in seeing Felicity being fifth in Oliver's life (after Myson, Mycity, Thea, Samantha...) or them using nonsense equivalancies of myson's safety to justify Oliver disregarding Felicity's feelings. 

ETA: I would like it if Diggle's mom or dad were like a high ranking military officer but then that would raise questions about why they didn't help him. His sense of duty and honor comes from somewhere. Right now they act like he sprang fully formed from a canister of Muscle Milk. 

Edited by leopardprint
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9 minutes ago, strikera0 said:

I really do get the feeling that Samantha will get killed off - leading to a Felicity/Oliver/William patchwork family setup in season 6

I think even if she doesn't get killed off we're still on the way to a Felicity/Oliver/Billy family set up of sorts, i'm almost 100% sure Arrow is going to marry Olicity and make Felicity a stepmom 

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44 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

SA: S6 theme is family.

I hope this doesn't mean more of the 'blood family is more important than anything' crap. But, sadly, I'm already resigned to William being there more often. Maybe they'll finally make him a character and not a plot point!

Ah, i made that guess earlier this week. So, yeah I'm betting William will be around all season.  

I'm also betting that Thea/Lance will form a father/daughter relationship to replace the ones they lost. Noah will come back at some point,  probably tied to Helix. Olicity may actually get married in S6 and Dinah's dead boyfriend will return as a Meta Villain. More time will be spent on Rene/daughter, not sure about Dig or Curtis.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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10 minutes ago, Balaclava said:

Huge yes to bringing Diggle's parents to the show, hold up on the Donna, still in recover from too much of her in season 4 but i'm really hoping they bring back Noah 

Yes! I'd love to meet Diggle's family and maybe get some young Diggle flashbacks. If we're getting more of William, I hate to sound mean, but I hope they recast the role. The current actor not only seems too old, he's not very good.

Edited by JJ928
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2 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I really hope they recast or that kid takes some accelerated acting classes. A season of blank looks and stilted line readings will be painful for me.

Can you imagine if Samantha actually does die? He's going to have to have like...zero residual issues with it because I cannot imagine Arrow writing that storyline or the kid being able to sell it. At all.

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1 minute ago, JJ928 said:

Yes! I'd love to meet Diggle's family and maybe get some young Diggle flashbacks. If we're getting more of William, I hate to sound mean, but I hope they recast the role. The current actor not only seems to old, he's not very good.

Doesn't sound mean to me at all, i also think the kid actor is terrible plus he's looking kind of grown up for a 11/12 yr old. If it's the same actor next year i'm afraid he might have facial hair and be calling Oliver Mydad with a really deep voice 

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I'm pretty sure this is the first time Stephen has actively said he'd want to see an Olicity wedding so in the grand traditions of him suggesting shooting Felicitys boyfriend and vodka mistakes Im taking that as a very good sign of an Olicity wedding for season 6 :D

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Just now, LeighAn said:

I'm pretty sure this is the first time Stephen has actively said he'd want to see an Olicity wedding so in the grand traditions of him suggesting shooting Felicitys boyfriend and vodka mistakes Im taking that as a very good sign of an Olicity wedding for season 6 :D

Yeah I heard he mentioned it at the Con and since last year's jokes all turned out to be spoilers I'm side eyeing everything he says.

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I just need Samantha to live. They can still have William around without killing his mom. I am not here for a "You're not my mom," or a "my mom is dead because of you, I hate you! you're not my dad," meltdown resulting in FS getting stuck with his brat.

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10 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Can you imagine if Samantha actually does die? He's going to have to have like...zero residual issues with it because I cannot imagine Arrow writing that storyline or the kid being able to sell it. At all.

I couldn't imagine the psychological issues this kid would have if absentee father only shows up in time to get mom killed after seeing some weirdo shoot himself in the head. Knowing the Arrow writers, it'd never be mentioned until it's time for Oliver's weekly manpain session because only fathers really matter on this show. 

I get why some people found Donna annoying but I liked that there was a character that was totally in Felicity's corner. Oliver has Thea and Diggle has Lyla. (To me, that's just not how Oliver has been presented on the show)

Edited by leopardprint
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22 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

I'm pretty sure this is the first time Stephen has actively said he'd want to see an Olicity wedding so in the grand traditions of him suggesting shooting Felicitys boyfriend and vodka mistakes Im taking that as a very good sign of an Olicity wedding for season 6 :D

Where did you read/see that?

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42 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

I'm pretty sure this is the first time Stephen has actively said he'd want to see an Olicity wedding so in the grand traditions of him suggesting shooting Felicitys boyfriend and vodka mistakes Im taking that as a very good sign of an Olicity wedding for season 6 :D

After the months and months of fan grumbling about Olicity, I could see them showing up married in 601 and it's just presented as a fait accompli. Then they could flashback to the elopement whenever they find space for it. I think it could even make sense for the characters since Felicity expressed regrets and then Oliver thinking she's dead, even momentarily, and the last thing he said to her was they'll talk about it later. So a rushed elopement could fit especially because then they could use that time on Oliver's relationship with Myson (Ugh, cheated out of the build up once again) 

ETA: Hahaha, disregard my post because @Velocity23 just crushed it . ??

Also, I could see them putting the Olicity rebuild in flashbacks since they recieved positive feedback for 520. So have married Olicity in present time with focus on Myson relationship and then occasional flashbacks to summer rebuild. 

Edited by leopardprint
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I don't get what Oliver and Felicity's relationship is supposed to be, are they together or are they not? Does "not rushing their relationship" mean they'll stay ambiguous like they are now? 

Plus, I'm not sure how they can do that when we've already seen them living together and engaged/almost married, it's like the Memento version of a relationship. 

It's almost like the show is trying to have Olicity and no Olicity at the same time, which makes no sense. 

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I took their "One step at a time" "I'd like that very much" chat in 522 combined with their kiss in 523 as meaning they're together. At least, they clearly want to be together, IMO.

And I guess with everything that's happened it makes sense they wouldn't rush into marriage. Plus we missed the start of their relationship before and jumped straight to them living together and Oliver wanting to propose, so if this means we'll get to see some flirty flirt and maybe a cute date, I'm all for it tbh. 

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I'm not really seeing how the writers can go for an Olicity slow burn next season, either. After the way this season ended, I would expect them to be back in a committed relationship when season 6 opens due to the time jump - unless Felicity is in a coma throughout the hiatus and only wakes up in the season premiere?

Edited by strikera0
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24 minutes ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

Does "not rushing their relationship" mean they'll stay ambiguous like they are now? 

I took it as not living together from the start, engaged by winter, separated by spring but more a relationship in the background with 1 or 2 episodes dedicated to them.

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Ugh, I forgot about the usual time jump. Okay. Ignore what I said then. LOL.

But I do understand why they wouldn't rush into marriage though.

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1 hour ago, leopardprint said:


ETA: I would like it if Diggle's mom or dad were like a high ranking military officer but then that would raise questions about why they didn't help him. His sense of duty and honor comes from somewhere. Right now they act like he sprang fully formed from a canister of Muscle Milk. 

Dig grew up in the Glades, didn't he? And he got out thanks to the military, right? I know he rode the subway as a kid with his dad because that helped uncover the Undertaking, but for some reason I got the impression that his mom was widowed and he played Andy's role model. I hvae no idea if this part comes from the show or if it's just a headcanon that solidified in me.

1 hour ago, calliope1975 said:

I really hope they recast or that kid takes some accelerated acting classes. A season of blank looks and stilted line readings will be painful for me.

Regardless of the kid, I don't think we're escaping that.

By not rushing, I just think no proposal or hints of it in the premiere and it's very possible a wedding happens around crossover/winter finale time.

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18 minutes ago, Belinea said:

I took it as not living together from the start, engaged by winter, separated by spring but more a relationship in the background with 1 or 2 episodes dedicated to them.

Separated by spring? Good God, why? Enough with that. 

I don't understand the taking it slow thing. Granted, they took things a little too fast the first time around, but after the way the season ended if they aren't at least living together by season premier and married by season finale then they'd just seem like idiots who are wasting time to me. 

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I don't remember Diggle saying he grew up in the Glades but he did ride the subway with his dad as a child.

Unpopular opinion here but I don't want to meed the Diggle parents. We've had his brother, sister-in-law, nephew, wife and child. That's enough of the Diggle family for me, as much as I like Lyla.  Also, the show would have to explain not only why his parents didn't help out when he was framed in jail,, but also why they weren't around to help their only grandchild while Carly was single-parenting it.

Why do I get the feeling that "Family" applies to fathers and their sons (and occasionally daughters) rather than fathers and mothers?

I don't really want to see much of Noah either, a couple of episode at most.  I'm reaching my fill of the Evil Daddy Club.  Between Noah, Robert, Malcolm and Ra's, Quentin is the only completely decent father on this show.

If we're going to be stuck with William, I need Samantha to live (I can't believe I just typed that) if only to keep him off-screen and not having to live with Oliver.

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Yeah, I have no interest in meeting anymore of Diggle's family. We've already met more of his family than any other character except a Queen or a Lance, and they don't count because all of those family members we met are integral characters except for Dinah Lance (the elder). The show is called Arrow, not Diggle. 

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11 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Why do I get the feeling that "Family" applies to fathers and their sons (and occasionally daughters) rather than fathers and mothers?

I actually would like someone to ask MG about this because it's getting ridiculous. There are two mothers on the show right now: Samantha and Lyla. Lyla is never really spoken of in the context of parent and Samantha's only character trait is "Mother". Robert is fondly remembered as being incapable of murder despite murdering someone in front Oliver's dumb face while Thea is berated for acting like Moira when trying to protect Oliver's dumb face.

Another reason for Donna to come back. 

Edited by leopardprint
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If they don't recast William, the child actor who plays him will probably be as tall as Emily by the time they finish shooting next season...

Here is the IMDb page for Jack Moore:

His height is currently listed as 5'1" and his age range as 11-13:*

(* Last time I checked, his height was listed as 4'10", so he's grown 3 inches in a year.)

Edited by tv echo
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How old is William supposed to be? 

(Surprisingly, the age mismatch doesn't bother me but I am also stunningly bad at telling peoples' ages. Like the SM pic of SA and CR, they look the same age to me, LOL) 

ETA: @statsgirl, 415 says he's 10, so he's 11/12 now? 

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