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I think Slade and Boomerang must have the Argus kill chips in their spines, otherwise I don't see how they explain them helping Oliver. I guess Oliver is using them as a last resort. 

I really wish just OTAF (Original Team Arrow + Fam (Thea/Lyla/Lance)) was on the island. Chase could have attacked Star City and kidnapped Felicity to Lian Yu simultaneously. Team B stays home and Team A hits the road. 

Edited by leopardprint
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Just now, leopardprint said:

I really wish just OTAF (Original Team Arrow + Fam (Thea/Lyla/Lance)) was on the island. Chase could have attacked Star City and kidnapped Felicity to Lian Yu simultaneously. Team B stays home and Team A hits the road. 

That's basically it, though, except replace Lyla with Curtis (totally a downgrade, but still, that's who's on the island so far), seems like Dinah and Rene aren't there.

Unless you mean all the villains plus Nyssa (now that I'm reading your post again, I think that might be what you mean) that are taking part now, and I kind of agree. Team Prometheus going to Lian Yu and releasing Boomerang and Slade from the Argus prison on the island, and then maybe bringing in Nyssa and Malcolm to be on Oliver's team, is one thing I could have handled, but Oliver teaming up with Slade and Malcolm and Boomerang and (presumably) Kovar and Nyssa to save his entire team after they've all been kidnapped (except for Rene and Dinah who aren't coming because...it's May and someone has to stay in the city?) is kind of not my cup of tea. It's not even on the principle of too many people, rather just the idea that I wouldn't even know what this is supposed to prove or show how Oliver has ultimately developed or anything (ironically compared to Chase where I totally get why kidnapping Oliver's main team/support system makes sense).

Then again, I have no complete context as to what's going on in 523, and I'm still excited at where we're going so far and at the basic idea of the final big battle taking place on the island.

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20 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Since it looks like she is part of Prometheus' gang, I am guessing she will be there for the big battle. Or just the battle in general. 

Yeah I can definitely see this.  I do think most of the focus in the great battle will be between Prometheus/Oliver though while everyone else fights in the background. 

When it comes to who the finale will focus on I think it'll be the following in order:

  1. Oliver
  2. Prometheus
  3. Felicity/Diggle
  4. Rest of TA + Thea
  5. Rest of the goons
  • Love 4
15 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Unless you mean all the villains plus Nyssa (now that I'm reading your post again, I think that might be what you mean) that are taking part now, and I kind of agree. Team Prometheus going to Lian Yu and releasing Boomerang and Slade from the Argus prison on the island, and then maybe bringing in Nyssa and Malcolm to be on Oliver's team, is one thing I could have handled, but Oliver teaming up with Slade and Malcolm and Boomerang and (presumably) Kovar and Nyssa to save his entire team after they've all been kidnapped (except for Rene and Dinah who aren't coming because...it's May and someone has to stay in the city?) is kind of not my cup of tea.

Yes, @way2interested, that's what I meant :) and I agree with you that the idea of Lian Yu as the final battle arena is exciting. However, I do think it's too many people and the pairings also don't really make sense with what MG had said about exploring Oliver's willingness to kill. 

I have a totally unfounded suspicion that there will be the main battle, Team Oliver vs Team Chase, then possibly minor battles, Team Felicity vs Team Helix (Kovar?), Team Talia vs Team Nyssa vs Team Merlyn, Team Argus vs ?. To clarify, these wouldn't be at the same time/place as Oliver vs Chase like the Nanda Parbat one but throughout the episode. 

Edited by leopardprint

Color me slightly intrigued with the Manu stuff and what appears to be a very overstuffed finale. They need a really strong script and director to make these scenes not be full of pointless cameos. I have no faith in the former, but I looked up Jesse Warn and he's directed a bunch of fun episodes plus some Spartacus eps so I'm putting all my faith in him. 

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All the paps and Yonku before he disappeared said Olicity is getting back together I think most of us expected that it might not happen straight away in 5x20 but that 5x20 will be the start much in the same way as 3x20 was the start. I'm good with Olicity reuniting in 5x22 at Olivers birthday party TBH.

As someone pointed out on Twitter Marc voluntarily brought up marriage twice without being prompted even if it was in jest so I'm good with where his head space is at.

Marc also said Black Siren won't be getting a new costume- so no Insta-transformation to Black Canary for Siren.

Edited by LeighAn
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I didn't expect Olicity to reunite in 520, but I am surprised MG outright said they're not. I figured he'd want to have people guessing what could happen in the present between Oliver and Felicity.

I will admit that the more I hear about 520, the more worried I am about it, especially given how BMD/their breakup was handled last year.

Regarding Lyla and Diggle and Helix, I wonder if they're using Helix for their disagreement sort of like they've brought up the Suicide Squad in interviews since it doesn't seem like the Suicide Squad is coming back. 

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Marc or Stephen mentioned that 522 was unlike any other penultimate episode they've done and I was wondering about that. It could just be because it ends happily, sort of, with the team thinking they've defeated Prometheus. But I wondered whether they maybe actually do defeat him in that episode? And then the finale is a different kind of battle, on Lian Yu, and more of a start to a new journey, like SA said. I haven't seen talk about JS filming for this ep (though I could have missed it), and I just thought about the fourth season of Buffy, where the Big Bad was defeated in the penultimate episode and the finale was a weird prophetic group dream that set up some things in the latter seasons. Not that I think Team Arrow is going on a vision quest. Just thinking out loud. 

LOL at Marc saying that it's well established that he doesn't know what makes Olicity shippers happy.  Self-knowledge is the first step towards self-improvement.

Given the sudden increase in "Olicity ruined season 4" videos on youtube, I'd say most people are interpreting this as Oliver and Felicity getting back together again.

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54 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

As someone pointed out on Twitter Marc voluntarily brought up marriage twice without being prompted even if it was in jest so I'm good with where his head space is at.

I think it's more that he thinks that's what shippers want.  It's a go-to for "Happily Ever After."  So yeah, he gets an Olicity question, he uses marriage as short hand for them being committed and happy, which is what he assumes shippers are looking for when they ask Olicity questions.  Which, fair enough, maybe some are?

I personally was very surprised that engagement was on the table in 4x01 and felt a bit robbed of the development.  And now I really want their issues hashed out before any kind of marriage takes place.

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49 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

LOL at Marc saying that it's well established that he doesn't know what makes Olicity shippers happy.  Self-knowledge is the first step towards self-improvement.

Given the sudden increase in "Olicity ruined season 4" videos on youtube, I'd say most people are interpreting this as Oliver and Felicity getting back together again.

Not to mention social media wise their is a certain fandom who has suddenly acted more threatened in the last month then they have recently. It feels like the good old times of season 3 and 4 hahaha. 

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Maybe Oliver teams up with people he could have killed but chose not to. That might prove Chase wrong.

Also, maybe it is just me but are they trying to create positive buzz? I mean, I don't claim to know whether or not ratings affect them anymore but it feels like they are trying their best to get people to come back after hiatus. Or maybe MG is just really bored at the moment. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, statsgirl said:


LOL at Marc saying that it's well established that he doesn't know what makes Olicity shippers happy.  Self-knowledge is the first step towards self-improvement.

Given the sudden increase in "Olicity ruined season 4" videos on youtube, I'd say most people are interpreting this as Oliver and Felicity getting back together again.


Oh I didn't connect that fear of revival of Olicity to the spike in haters, makes sense now. I had noticed an increase of comments across the internet talking about 'Real Fans' (apparently you don't have to watch the show, or be involved in fandom- you just need to follow the religion of Comics to be a 'real fan'). I also noticed an increase of comments about Felicity taking Oliver's manhood or calling him a 'cuck' because of her. 

I was wondering why they had renewed in fervor, now I got it, it's the fear of coming Olicity.

  • Love 3
Just now, MaisyDaisy said:

Oh I didn't connect that fear of revival of Olicity to the spike in haters, makes sense now. I had noticed an increase of comments across the internet talking about 'Real Fans' (apparently you don't have to watch the show, or be involved in fandom- you just need to follow the religion of Comics to be a 'real fan'). I also noticed an increase of comments about Felicity taking Oliver's manhood or calling him a 'cuck' because of her. 

I was wondering why they had renewed in fervor, now I got it, it's the fear of coming Olicity.

Yes the moment LL was announced to be back as BS for next season LL stans went out in full force again. That, as well as the spoilers about olicity heavy episode,had reddit shook and they are out here reminding everyone that they can go back to harassing in no time if the show dares to not pander to them every second every episode. My favorite is when they post "proof" that ratings are up this season. lmao

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, theOAfc said:

Yes the moment LL was announced to be back as BS for next season LL stans went out in full force again. That, as well as the spoilers about olicity heavy episode,had reddit shook and they are out here reminding everyone that they can go back to harassing in no time if the show dares to not pander to them every second every episode. My favorite is when they post "proof" that ratings are up this season. lmao

Oh yeah, I have seen some hilarious comments, made totally without any factual data to back them up. One thing I adore about the Olicity fandom is that they do their homework, they have their receipts ready and waiting to use.

i have been seeing a lot of other fans throwing out comments about how the ratings prove that Olicity ruined the ratings and is actually a small fandom. They get politely but ruthlessly schooled and buried in facts and links as proof, but will just keep stating factual untruths. 

I hope they do have a fairly smooth path to an Olicity reconciliation, because I am so over the toxic, rather scary at times, behavior from the anti people. 

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Why is MG using an engagement ring emoji to partly describe reaction to 523? We know they don't get married but I keep expecting the rug to be pulled out from under us tbh. 

*bites nails*

Didn't he say "I put the last one in to f#ck with you" in his comment after the emojis.

He seems to be having a ball teasing the Olicity fandom. I'm taking it as a good sign because he didn't act like this before 505.

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14 minutes ago, MaisyDaisy said:

i have been seeing a lot of other fans throwing out comments about how the ratings prove that Olicity ruined the ratings and is actually a small fandom.

What bugs me with these people is that no matter how dumb and unstable they sound,they still stick to their headcanons trying to twist everything around to prove they are right. They are embarrassing. And they have the audacity to call themselves real arrow fans when they dont even pay attention to the actual show. 

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1 minute ago, theOAfc said:

What bugs me with these people is that no matter how dumb and unstable they sound,they still stick to their headcanons trying to twist everything around to prove they are right. They are embarrassing. And they have the audacity to call themselves real arrow fans when they dont even pay attention to the actual show. 

What's worse is when they use the olicity tag thingy on twitter so some poor unsuspecting person like me sees a heap of crazy I didn't go looking for. 

Can they just not bond with their own crowd?

  • Love 6
35 minutes ago, theOAfc said:

My favorite is when they post "proof" that ratings are up this season

How does that proof look? An arrow that points downwards usually indicates something different. Maybe they should be made aware. I doubt the ratings are done just because of LL or just because of Olicity. They are down because 4B was not a good example on how to write a show and 5A really didn't help matters much. Nobody could emotionally connect properly anymore and therefore the people who were already on the verge of leaving the show lost interest.

They are trying to get viewers back but I doubt it will work as much as they might hope.

Also I don't like how often MG has to repeat that they cannot only count on comic fans and these fans still think they are the most important ones because they read all the comic books and would prefer a live-reading of it. 

Also I agree, MG can't make everyone happy but I doubt that if you let Oliver and Felicity exist as a couple in the background and give them one episode in 23 that the whole season will suffer. 

10 minutes ago, theOAfc said:

they still stick to their headcanons trying to twist everything around to prove they are right. {...} when they dont even pay attention to the actual show. 

I know that this is mean and I don't mean to be rude.... But when I read this, laughed and thought: 'Remind you of anyone?'

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4 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Both sides of the fandom have been shook ever since KC came back.  One side doesn't want Olicity back,  the other are in fear that KCs return means DLL/OQ are a possibility and it's back to the same old same old blah blah blah hate hate hate.

Where is anybody in fear of LL/OQ? I think with Dinah on the show they will finally ditch that part of the name for BS. 

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