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3 minutes ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

Playing Devil's Avocado here; what about the flashback Oliver/Laurel kiss last season? Or the alien hallucination shower sex? That stuff obviously wasn't going to lead anywhere, but they still included it. What if this Oliver/Felicity flashback sex scene is similar? 

None of that could go anywhere because LL was dead and she's staying dead. And that relationship was dead since mid-season 2. Felicity's still alive, and Olicity is still being teased.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Angel12d said:


Seriously though, I hope this isn't gonna make Felicity look bad. She sleeps with Oliver but still goes on to date Mayo. Ugh. Is their post coital chat just gonna be "It was a mistake, nothing has changed?"


I can see this going either the reconciliation or the writing off direction. 

But even if it's good for Olicity, with the way that Oliver has been written this season with no accountability for his actions, I don't see how Felicity's characters will be treated well in either scenario. 

  • Love 3

Remember MG's definition of an "Olicity" episode...


kyle558 asked:
Hi Marc! I really hope you read this and reply! The Olicity fandom is really bummed out and lots of people are quitting the show because of you guys giving Felicity a boyfriend now (?). You had mentioned to a fan that 5x05 was a "huge Olicity episode and it was mentioned that this episode is a "turning point" for their relationship. Can you tell us if Olicity fans will like this episode? Will it be good for Olicity's romantic relationship? Please Marc, we need something good. Thanks in advance
First, my definition of an “Olicity” episode is one that focuses on them as a couple – be that past, present or potentially future.  Fans who enjoy their story will enjoy the episode.  Fans who want them to get back together in that episode will be disappointed.
253 notes Oct 10th, 2016


Edited by tv echo
  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, sara1121 said:

MG also said 5x05 had a HUGE OLICITY scene and we know how that went.

We don't know if he actually say that. It's not in quotes in jbuffy's account of what happened, and what she did put in quotes shows that he walked back whatever it was he said:


Marc said that Episode 5 is a HUGE Olicity episode. I asked him if Oliver was giving up and he said, “No! No no non no!” But then he paused and said, “That said, Felicity does say to him, ‘You keep waiting for things to go back to the way they were.’’”

5 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Sad and glad this got spoiled. It was a nice few days without the ever present doom and gloom, haha.

Three whole days. I should've known it wouldn't last.

  • Love 1

I'm one of the few people that actually prefer it being in flashbacks. I think present time sex would rush their reunion, which I've felt since the premier would happen by the finale. At least this way, we'll get to see a piece of the puzzle from the summer, and I do believe that will play into the present. I can see why this would be a negative to some, but I've never had the impression they're done with Olicity. If anything this season has felt much like season 3, so some forward movement in 20 is predictable. That said, I need Oliver fixed before they move forward. I have no interest in Olicity if we still have Pod Oliver.

  • Love 9
6 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

I can see this going either the reconciliation or the writing off direction. 

But even if it's good for Olicity, with the way that Oliver has been written this season with no accountability for his actions, I don't see how Felicity's characters will be treated well in either scenario. 

I'm just not sure why they'd go to the trouble to show us a flashback love scene and have things remain the same in present day afterwards. Olicity are already broken up. They don't need to give us more scenes to show us why they're over. So it must have some positive meaning for the present day. I hope so anyway. 

I'm just somewhat nervous about how it's going to present Felicity. Because in 501 she's already dating Mayo but Oliver is still unsure if they're really over. Like, I already know you gave Felicity a boyfriend just so Oliver didn't look like an ass for having a new girlfriend. Please don't make it worse.

I don't know whether to thank Jbuffyangel for spoiling this so I'm prepared or to be really annoyed because it was nice feeling excited about something again. Haha.

MG and WM have an amazing talent to take something that should be amazing and make it terrible.  Like Felicity & Friends going off the Nanda Parbat to rescue Oliver, only to have the episode end with they dying in a cell while Oliver marries Nyssa.

14 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Seriously though, I hope this isn't gonna make Felicity look bad. She sleeps with Oliver but still goes on to date Mayo. Ugh. Is their post coital chat just gonna be "It was a mistake, nothing has changed?"

You stole the words from me.  Oliver will be all hopeful and Felicity will kind of shut him down but not really so he'll still go on hoping until 5x05

This is how they're going to save the "Oliver Dates Sketchy Reporter" storyline, by making Felicity look worse than him.

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

You stole the words from me.  Oliver will be all hopeful and Felicity will kind of shut him down but not really so he'll still go on hoping until 5x05

This is how they're going to save the "Oliver Dates Sketchy Reporter" storyline, by making Felicity look worse than him.

Yeah, this is my worst fear tbh. I'm really over them doing this kind of crap to elevate Oliver and not make him look like a dick. I'm worried it's gonna be like "Poor Oliver, see, he was holding on to hope this whole time and she slept with him and still went on to date someone else! No wonder he went with Susan!" 

Please let this be worst case scenario.

3 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

We don't know if he actually say that. It's not in quotes in jbuffy's account of what happened, and what she did put in quotes shows that he walked back whatever it was he said:

Three whole days. I should've known it wouldn't last.

3 days my ass, people were already kvetching about this shit yesterday. 

  • Love 5

I don't mind that it's a flashback. 

  • Them having sex and just getting back together is just too fast for where they are at right now. I'd much prefer a kiss in present day
  • If they had sex, we'd run the risk of Felicity saying she's not ready. ESPECIALLY this quickly after her going down her dark path
  • This leaves time for them to grow back together instead of banging and boom they're together again
  • They wouldn't just show a full on sex scene without them making movement in the present
  • Stephen started saying that maybe fences can be mended... And you know he toes the company line. So good things are coming. But also - it's a process. They might be taking their time to mend fences
  • I don't mind them slipping up in the past. At least it shows me that they never stopped really feeling things for one another (especially Felicity), in vino veritas and all that. And maybe because Felicity slipped up, that's what probably made her force herself to move on because she knew it would probably happen again if she didn't at least try to move on (does that make sense?)
  • Love 13

But if Oliver was left feeling hopeful after a post-sex talk, what was with the "were you keeping the door open" conversation? I feel like we should have seen something else between 501 and Oliver finding out about Billy in 505 then. 

And really, I can't see them making Felicity's character look really bad.

Plus, it's not like they can use these FBs to excuse all of Oliver's stupidity this season. He still looks bad asking Felicity to help with Susan after it's clear she's uncomfortable. He still looks bad for trusting a shady reporter and defending her to his sister. 

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, JJ928 said:

I'm one of the few people that actually prefer it being in flashbacks. I think present time sex would rush their reunion, which I've felt since the premier would happen by the finale. At least this way, we'll get to see a piece of the puzzle from the summer, and I do believe that will play into the present.

I don't think  present time sex would rush their reunion any more than the sex in 3x20 did.  There is a tense situation, they're hiding out, they have sex, oops, where are we? we can't talk about this now, but it's an indication that their feelings for each other are still there.  Then they fight Prometheus/Helix/whatever while winking and sending secret smiles to each other and get together when all the fighting is done.

I don't see the point of this fb sex other than an Olicity shipbait tease  as  opposed to an Olicity move forward.  It may explain why Oliver is hopeful in 5x01 but I don't understand how it's going to explain the pod people they both were throughout this season.

So basically it seems to me that they heard complaints about how stupid Oliver is this season and they're going to deal with it by making Felicity look worse.  Not the way to get folks to tune in to your show, guys.

1 minute ago, lemotomato said:

It was easier to turn around the conversation with overly optimistic sexytime scenarios. Less so now.

People in this fandom want to be miserable. I'm done letting them ruin my enjoyment and turn everything into the most negative fucking thing ever imagined.

I had no problem with Olicity flashback sex 2 months ago when that article dropped in fact at the time people joked about it. Now all of a sudden it's the worst possible thing to ever happen. 

I have no problem with Olicity sex in past, present or future. In all 3 cases it's going to be used to reunite the two characters.

  • Love 17

I don't think it's going to be so cut and dry with making Oliver look more hopeful/desperate or making Felicity look worse. They kind of already did the scenario like that in 505 (Oliver wasn't really moving on, Felicity already started without mentioning it to him), so idk why they would have to remind people of that. I think it would be more of them slipping up and then them mentioning their issues without resolving them (leading Felicity to think that she should move on, leading Oliver to think that there's still time to mend fences) which then come to a head again in the present.

Edited by way2interested
  • Love 8

I have no doubt whatsoever they always planned on getting back into the O/F game, but this looks to me like them trying to fix the what the fuckery they set up with O/F being so detached all season. I wish they had told the story in the proper chronological order. Have had O/F had mistake sex in 501, and then have Oliver be constipated all he wanted. This looks like an oops, we have to fix that shit to me.


  • Love 23
5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I don't think  present time sex would rush their reunion any more than the sex in 3x20 did. 

I loved the 3x20 scene but I did find it rushed. I accepted it because my otp finally hooked up but it wasn't my preference. I'm feeling positive about the 4x20 scene but that's me, I'm not expecting anyone else to feel the same. I think 20 will be the first step to reuniting.

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

I have no doubt whatsoever they always planned on getting back into the O/F game, but this looks to me like them trying to fix the what the fuckery they set up with O/F being so detached all season. I wish they had told the story in the proper chronological order. Have had O/F had mistake sex in 501, and then have Oliver be constipated all he wanted. This looks like an oops, we have to fix that shit to me.


I think this is why Arrow is better when you binge watch... But at least now we know why they were the way they were.

  • Love 3

This smells like a quick patch to fix the complaints of how could Oliver date Susan to me.  If it were an important part of the storytelling, WM wouldn't have been pitching "they worked it out over the summer" and it would have been in one of the early episodes of the season.

I don't want to be miserable.  I don't ask much from this show, just something that I can look forward to with a clear heart.  Instead every time we get a spoiler that looks good, I need to protect myself because I know it's going to go sideways.  I was so excited in December about Felicity's dark arc where she goes after Prometheus herself to get revenge for Billy.  Instead, we get endless Susan and Oliver and Diggle being hypocritical and Thea being forced to leave because she gets her Mini Moira on and I have to fanwank Felicity because all she's doing is Oliver/Susan stuff.

13 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I don't mind them slipping up in the past. At least it shows me that they never stopped really feeling things for one another (especially Felicity), in vino veritas and all that. And maybe because Felicity slipped up, that's what probably made her force herself to move on because she knew it would probably happen again if she didn't at least try to move on (does that make sense?)

It makes sense but only in an insecure, mentally unhealthy way. I don't want Felicity to be needy like that.

Even EBR said that Felicity getting into a relationship with Billy didn't make sense to her.

17 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Plus, it's not like they can use these FBs to excuse all of Oliver's stupidity this season. He still looks bad asking Felicity to help with Susan after it's clear she's uncomfortable. He still looks bad for trusting a shady reporter and defending her to his sister. 

My guess is that they're going to use "Felicity moved on while he was still hoping" as the reason he dated the first woman who threw herself at him, or rather at HT.  He did it because he knew he had to move on but he still had feelings for her so he got into the first relationship he could and got "serious" about her super fast, just like Felicity grabbed on to Billy.  They will use that to deflect complaints about the stupidity and I bet it will work. People will be so busy talking about what Felicity did to him and how she broke his heart that the stupidity will be forgotten.

  • Love 8
Just now, statsgirl said:

This smells like a quick patch to fix the complaints of how could Oliver date Susan to me. 

But we already know how Oliver could date Susan. Because Felicity had moved on and he decided that he should too. She told him she wasn't leaving a door open for them. There isn't anything about that that needs to be expanded on.

  • Love 11
4 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

I wonder what the lead-in to this flashback could be. Maybe they have some sort of romantic moment/conversation in the present but instead of rushing into things (cue flashback) they decide to slow things down and do things the right way?

I feel like you are speaking narratively, but I took it literally, and just pictured this scenario:

*Oliver and Felicity stuck in the bunker for whatever Helix/Susan leaking GA secret/whatever reason*

Felicity: So just you and me stuck down here

Oliver: Mhm

Felicity: Hopefully this will not end up like the last time we were stuck down here.

*CUE oddly framed shot of panning to a wall just to pan out of the same wall in the flashback*

with no subtlety whatsoever. 

Edited by way2interested
  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I wouldn't have a problem with this if Felicity told Oliver she decided to start dating someone else. Like this knowing Oliver still hoped (and now I can say rightfully so) they could be together again she looks bad. Unless she tells him it was a mistake but then why was he hopeful?

Post-coital chat might be this shouldn't have happened. It won't happen again, etc.  Sorry.

He knew she loved him.  She told him so when they broke up. She was still attracted to him. She stayed when everyone else left. He probably figured he'd just give her time and she'd come around. She on the other hand gets on with living.  See 3.02, 4.15-4.16. 

Assuming they are stuck in the bunker alone it might be a good opportunity to have an adult conversation and mend fences.  They can't move forward until that happens.  Since both of them have attempted relationships with another they also might just realize how important theirs is to them.

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I think this is why Arrow is better when you binge watch... But at least now we know why they were the way they were.

I agree re: binge-watch, but I don't know if I totally buy it that this was the plan all along specifically -- meaning, I'm not sure I buy the constipated robot + totally aloof and detached O/F were planned from day one for this season, OR if the dailies from the middle episodes started showing the EPs a leading actor looking kinda haggard and robotic, and having no chemistry whatsoever with anyone in the new cast [except for Josh Segarra, bless him] and this is the fix.

That said, I'm super a-okay that the fix is sexytimes and going back to O/F FINALLY, because that is the single thing that can help this show at this point, imo. It's the single only thing that can save Oliver.

Edited by dtissagirl
  • Love 19
9 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Post-coital chat might be this shouldn't have happened. It won't happen again, etc.  Sorry.

He knew she loved him.  She told him so when they broke up. She was still attracted to him. She stayed when everyone else left. He probably figured he'd just give her time and she'd come around. She on the other hand gets on with living.  See 3.02, 4.15-4.16. 

Assuming they are stuck in the bunker alone it might be a good opportunity to have an adult conversation and mend fences.  They can't move forward until that happens.  Since both of them have attempted relationships with another they also might just realize how important theirs is to them.

Yeah but if they had that conversation why was Oliver hopeful in his chat with Diggle? That's what leaves me perplexed about the FB sex. And if instead they didn't talk about where they stood afterwards Oliver's hopefulness makes more sense but then she should have told him when she started seeing someone else because Oliver had an objective reason to hope for a reconciliation. I don't know..we will see how it plays out.

  • Love 1

I just read the posted synopsis for 518 (Disbanded)...

Oliver defeated League-trained Malcolm Merlyn in S1, mirakuru-enhanced Slade Wilson in S2, League boss Ra's al Ghul in S3 and magical Damien Dahrk in S4.  But now he can't defeat Prometheus - one ordinary human with the same training as him - without the help of Bratva?  WTF?!

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 12
1 minute ago, tv echo said:

I just read the posted synopsis for 518 (Disbanded)...

Oliver defeated League-trained Malcolm Merlyn in S1, mirakuru-enhanced Slade Wilson in S2, League boss Ra's al Ghul in S3 and magical Damien Dahrk in S4.  But now he can't defeat Prometheus - one ordinary human with the same training as him - without the help of Bratva?  WTF?!

It's probably only because we're up to the Russia part of his FBs. 

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I just read the posted synopsis for 518 (Disbanded)...

Oliver defeated League-trained Malcolm Merlyn in S1, mirakuru-enhanced Slade Wilson in S2, League boss Ra's al Ghul in S3 and magical Damien Dahrk in S4.  But now he can't defeat Prometheus - one ordinary human with the same training as him - without the help of Bratva?  WTF?!

This season he has either a brain tumor exponentially diminishing his IQ as it grows, or a severe neurological degenerative disease making him stupid, give him a break!

  • Love 11
6 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I just read the posted synopsis for 518 (Disbanded)...

Oliver defeated League-trained Malcolm Merlyn in S1, mirakuru-enhanced Slade Wilson in S2, League boss Ra's al Ghul in S3 and magical Damien Dahrk in S4.  But now he can't defeat Prometheus - one ordinary human with the same training as him - without the help of Bratva?  WTF?!

I figured they wanted to introduce the Bratva in the present and this is how they're doing it. Also Prometheus's game isn't physical its more of a mental game that he's playing with Oliver and he doesn't know yet how to get the upper hand. Not sure what help the Bratva could offer him though

  • Love 2

Given that Oliver was so hopeful in 5x01, and continued to be so till Felicity shuts him down in 5x05, it's doubtful they had a conversation about ending it.   

I think I would feel better about this if in present day they talked about the conversation they had in the flashback and Felicity and possibly Oliver explained what they were thinking.

22 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

But we already know how Oliver could date Susan. Because Felicity had moved on and he decided that he should too. She told him she wasn't leaving a door open for them. There isn't anything about that that needs to be expanded on.

It explains why he wants to move on himself. But it doesn't was explained why he so badly wants to be in a serious relationship with a woman that both Thea and Lance warned him against and which had so many red flags about it.

3 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I just read the posted synopsis for 518 (Disbanded)...

Oliver defeated League-trained Malcolm Merlyn in S1, mirakuru-enhanced Slade Wilson in S2, League boss Ra's al Ghul in S3 and magical Damien Dahrk in S4.  But now he can't defeat Prometheus - an ordinary human with the same training as him - without the help of Bratva?  WTF?!

To be fair, Chase is a lot smarter than either Slade or Ra's al Ghul.

29 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I think this is why Arrow is better when you binge watch... But at least now we know why they were the way they were.

Yeah, my sister-in-law and I were talking about this last night. It's like the writers are now gearing the show to the Netflix binge crowd instead of those who tune in week to week. Oliver would seem a lot less insufferable if we were watching it in big chunks and we didn't have to wait so long to understand his motivations. Whether the Olicity rebuild was always planned from the beginning of the season or they are moving up the timeline because they're scared of the ratings, either way the writers thought it would be a good idea to wait until at least episode 20 to explain the hero's actions in episode 1. Arrow has always had a pacing problem, but that's just shockingly crappy writing.

At this point, I'm just happy that it seems a reunion is on the horizon. I'll take sex scenes in whatever timeline they choose to give us them in, I'll hope that it doesn't somehow retroactively damage Felicity's character (though I'm sure her haters will find a way to blame her in any case), and then I'll just pretend everything between 501-519 didn't happen. 

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

It explains why he wants to move on himself. But it doesn't was explained why he so badly wants to be in a serious relationship with a woman that both Thea and Lance warned him against and which had so many red flags about it.

I doubt you're ever going to get an answer to that, mostly because the real answer is "because plot."

  • Love 1

To sort of continue a theme--Me learning the sex is in a flashback:


Since I suspected there was going to be a flashback to this summer because of SA's comment, I was leaning toward the sex happening then, so I'm not surprised. I am a little disappointed only because it would be sort of nice to know that they were already reunited and we could move on to the happy stuff. But I like the idea posited above that they could decide to slow it down this time. Or just show their conversation and how it led to where they were in 501 and beyond, and (hopefully) reveal something through that conversation that we can see has changed (or will change, starting now). And also if this is the start (or a mid-point) of a multi-episode reconciliation arc, then I AM HERE FOR IT.

As far as the post-coital conversation itself, if I had to guess, I would say that Felicity probably knew that their problems weren't resolved and/or that she still didn't trust Oliver. And if we're supposed to be able to use this conversation to understand them this season (and btw, I agree with @dtissagirl that I'm not convinced this flashback situation was always in the plan, though I do think their reconciliation was), then I would say she probably told him that they needed to put more distance between them. Depending on how all of that is worded, I don't think it would make Felicity look like the bad guy for somehow leaving Oliver on the hook while she went out and dated Billy. I think Oliver could still feel sort of unsettled about them in 501 simply because he would know she still had feelings for him but still be unsure whether she could ever get over what happened. And her finding someone new to date would be a way to create distance from Oliver, and considering she didn't seem to be leading Billy on as far as her commitment to or feelings for him, I don't think she would be doing wrong by either of them by trying to move on by just moving on.

  • Love 11
3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

But it doesn't was explained why he so badly wants to be in a serious relationship with a woman that both Thea and Lance warned him against and which had so many red flags about it.

See, this is the whole problem with Susan. Even if Oliver and Felicity had never been together, she would still be a horrible choice for Oliver. 

  • Love 14
16 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I just read the posted synopsis for 518 (Disbanded)...

Oliver defeated League-trained Malcolm Merlyn in S1, mirakuru-enhanced Slade Wilson in S2, League boss Ra's al Ghul in S3 and magical Damien Dahrk in S4.  But now he can't defeat Prometheus - one ordinary human with the same training as him - without the help of Bratva?  WTF?!

Not to stick up for this show or whoever writes their synopses, but...presumably defeating "Prometheus" is more complex than just a showdown with Chase himself, but more about shutting down whatever machinations Chase has going on, and other people or entities he has doing his dirty work. Assuming that is the case, Oliver required the assistance of all sorts of people each season to defeat the Big Bads, including in the finales. Plus, at this point, Oliver may still be stuck in hiding (or at least, the Green Arrow might be). I don't know--this doesn't bother me.

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