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8 hours ago, HighHopes said:

Question for those who are still shipping Oliver/Felicity. If this is a reunion, but the characters/writers don't actually address the reasons for the break-up or lack of reunion as of yet, or really, any of the issues, would the reunion work for you? I'm honestly curious, because unless they rehab Oliver hard these next 4ish episodes, I just won't find it believable. 

I only like Oliver when he's about Felicity, so they only way to rehab Oliver for me is for him to be dating/engaged/married to Felicity. The relationship is the characterization rehab in itself.

  • Love 23
3 hours ago, Velocity23 said:

They are pissed because they know its real. The only source of them claiming Olicity is dead was the MG article where he said they rushed Olicity in season 4. There has been no taunting of Olicity fans since 5b began. And now this meltdown, it is just glorious. 

I've been waiting for CG to have a meltdown, that was the first sign ??

In other news a LL/KC asked if KenP's reaction was to LL or Olicity. Here's his reply

I don't seen a denial about Olicity....

  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I've been waiting for CG to have a meltdown, that was the first sign ??

I'm just gonna be forever and ever amused that this dude truly believed O/F was over and done because he lacked the reading comprehension skills to understand what Guggenheim was saying in that article about the mistakes of S4. LOL.

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, dtissagirl said:

I only like Oliver when he's about Felicity, so they only way to rehab Oliver for me is for him to be dating/engaged/married to Felicity. The relationship is the characterization rehab in itself.

Yep same.The most I ever liked Oliver was 4A before the lie and until 4. 15 if you ignore the lie which the show mostly did.And in season 3 i managed to like him through a lot of dumb decisions mostly because of his obvious love and pining for Felicity. I don't think they'll ever write him like that again unless he's with Felicity and I feel like the end of constipated robot acting from SA might be if he's allowed to act opposite EBR without the no romance allowed thing of season 5. 

Edited by tangerine95
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I'm still leaning on Olicity not fully reuniting until the finale though. I'm thinking it's going to be like season three. 5x20 will be the starting pistol going off and the finale will be the culmination. That's why I think it's a sex scene.

BUT I wouldn't say no to an elopement of some sort haha since I've seen Olicity heading that way ever since the fake wedding. 

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5 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Could these guys (who hate Olicity and I assume Olicity fans) be colluding to get us super excited with a fake positive spoiler? 

I wondered this too because their tweets came out so close together but I don't think that's it because 1) these guys seem not so smart and 2) they tagged MG in their tweets (like I said, not so smart). If it was a giant fandom troll I think MG would come out with a tweet about callsheets a la "sides are often fake." These paps love Dinah so it could also be about her, but I don't think they'd get this worked up.

It could be a flashback scene. SA did say they would touch on what happened between S4-S5 (I'm not sure anyone was clamouring for that but ok), and he once made that weird joke about O + F doing vodka shots over they hiatus. Still, they wouldn't do a flashback unless it was mirroring something about their relationship in the present so it would still be good. 

I'm leaning towards present day reunion though because they are suddenly talking about Olicity again in the press, WM mentioned her mourning lasts until 520, and they love their parallels. 

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

Wait, so I do have supérnatural powers that include acute targeted mind-controlling of writers of a TV show who live tens of thousands of miles away from me? Because I like the pretty people kissing and then I post about it on this forum it turns out that it makes those writers do my biding?


Use your powers for good....DM me tomorrow's lotto numbers! ???

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Haha I love Olicity and I don't care if people think I'm shallow. I have no desire to prove I'm not shallow and justify why I watch a really stupid show with a paste eating moronic protagonist. I also watch My Kitchen Rules for goodness sakes!

In my personal opinion this season of Arrow reads like super sketchy fanfic at best. Ain't nothing complex about the bad bad bad writing. I've read fanfic and children's stories (like for a toddler) with better and more consistent characterisation.

But they did give me Felicity whom I adore, so I continue to watch to see Felicity smile, look at Felicity’s nice clothes, see Felicity pout and remain hopeful that maybe they'll give my favourite character a decent storyline. One day. I live in hope.

I watch Fresh Off the Boat and I take that show seriously. I'm legitimately antsy about something they did in last week's episode because I expect a lot more from it. Someone else probably thinks it's just a campy show and that's their opinion. 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, rtalive said:

but it is quite unfair for the people, who watch it for the story, for the interesting complicated characters and their interactions, to force something just to please eye.

Those interesting, complicated characters and interactions haven't been seen since mid s3  when the show decided overly complicated, silly plots were more important than interesting, complicated character driven plots.


1 hour ago, rtalive said:

. I still like the protagonist of this show, he grew up as a leader and as a hero this season a lot and I think most of this is because he is not distracted by relationship drama in his personal life. He functions best alone. Even the kidnapping of Susan proves it, his enemies will always use his closed ones against him.

I love Oliver. He's the reason I started watching this show. But I don't know WHO this dude is in s5 who's been wearing Oliver's face and being a complete nimrod.

Edited by catrox14
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, insomniadreams88 said:

WM had said something in some interview about Oliver and Felicity in S6, right? Something about it being different? I wonder if these last episodes (starting with 520) are going to set up what that is? 

Yeah she said she knows where they want to take them in season 6 and are writing towards that. So yes I definitely agree thats what the last 3-4 episodes will highlight.

I also believe we're getting sex and the conversations we need in 5x20 and it's the first step to them reuniting

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On 3/2/2017 at 9:04 PM, apinknightmare said:

Maybe he learned a lesson and he tries to make sure that Chase doesn't know he has a kid/where said kid is. 

My thinking my thinking is that there is so much they need to talk about that more then one ep is necessary to fix both of them. Because they are both spiraling without the other. So the way I see is they will have their 'adult conversation' in 516, they may talk and sleep together in 520 before she is arrested, but they won't for real get together until 523....

really it plays out the same when it was Raylicity.::.. Olicity had an adult covo about how he only wanted her happy, then they slept together in 320 before he turned himself over to the league, and then in 323 they actually got together.

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Does it seem to anyone else that Ken saying "Episode 20 of this season of Arrow could be my least favourite episode of the entire season " and Canada Graphs tweeting "If what I just read isn't a dream sequence for 520 @MGuggenheim then I'm possibly done with #Arrow" just just because there may be an Olicity reconciliation/sex scene makes them sound like the worst kind of entitled tween shippers?

Why are people thinking Felicity will be arrested?  Is it because Roy was arrested in 3x18 and we're hitting the same beats again?  If Helix* is a plan of Chase's, maybe if he send info to the police.  But if Helix is independent of Chase then they should be too smart to be caught.

2 hours ago, rtalive said:

it is quite unfair for the people, who watch it for the story, for the interesting complicated characters and their interactions, to force something just to please eye. I still like the protagonist of this show, he grew up as a leader and as a hero this season a lot and I think most of this is because he is not distracted by relationship drama in his personal life.

The whole Susan season arc has been nothing but Oliver distracted by relationship drama in his personal life.  I think if the show actually did give me interesting, complicated characters and their interactions in a believable, interesting story I wouldn't need Olicity reuniting to give me a reason to watch.

* I wish it were called something else.  Helix reminds me of that terrible sci fi show a couple of years ago.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 5
8 hours ago, Velocity23 said:

Me thinks that Susan might fall for the trap of Prometheus and turn on Oliver. 

Probably. I just hope we don't have to see Oliver still trying to win her back while it happens.

You know what I wouldn't mind seeing? If the clips we saw of Susan kidnapped in the promo and everything are actually a set-up for a video Chase sends to Oliver -- and when the team gets to that location, she's not there. Then Oliver finds out Susan turned on him. Get that all out of the way as quickly as possible. 

It might actually be somewhat interesting to see how the team deals with having to oppose two people in the public eye - Chase, the DA, who's actually Prometheus, and Susan, a reporter who has her job back, now working with him. Now that Oliver has thrown GA under the bus, it's not like GA can make a video and announce this to the public - who would believe him? some people might, but it's a gamble - and Oliver as mayor can't either because he'd have to explain how he knows. "So, uh, remember my last press conference about the Green Arrow? Well..." 

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

he hates Candice Patton too and calls her a Bitch and he was the one to start the Emil is gay rumours.

I heard he was spreading shit about EBR's privacy through dms. Like get a life dude. 

And yes he has trashed CP and KC too. He tends to hate on female actors for some reason while he shows respect to male actors most of time.

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He was once at the airport and got mad that EBR didnt sign all his 15-20 pics of arrow so he started trashing her on twitter claiming that she was ignoring fans,stating that he didnt get mad that she didnt sign him, but that she wouldnt respect fans (cause he was speaking on behalf of fans apparently,demanding that they are not mistreated by this devious actress lol). Funnily enough, fans who were there that day said Emily signed many people,was nice to everyone and it was only CG and his groupy that got pissy. 

Seems like he takes it hard when young women turn him down,even if its just for signing autographs. lol

  • Love 4

Schadenfreude, it's not just for spelling bees.

27 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

You know what I wouldn't mind seeing? If the clips we saw of Susan kidnapped in the promo and everything are actually a set-up for a video Chase sends to Oliver -- and when the team gets to that location, she's not there. Then Oliver finds out Susan turned on him. Get that all out of the way as quickly as possible.

One of the reasons I really liked Arrow in previous seasons is that it didn't do the obvious i.e. Susan gets kidnapped for real and Chase spends two episodes convincing her Oliver is a bad guy and then she turns on him.  I hope the show can get back to that.

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, theOAfc said:

He was once at the airport and got mad that EBR didnt sign all his 15-20 pics of arrow so he started trashing her on twitter claiming that she was ignoring fans,stating that he didnt get mad that she didnt sign him, but that she wouldnt respect fans (cause he was speaking on behalf of fans apparently,demanding that they are not mistreated by this devious actress lol). Funnily enough, fans who were there that day said Emily signed many people,was nice to everyone and it was only CG and his groupy that got pissy. 

Seems like he takes it hard when young women turn him down,even if its just for signing autographs. lol

So basically this boils down to his revenue stream is adversely impacted because he can no longer sell his autographed pap pics because X actor is signing for fans directly themselves.

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8 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Didn't he also used to sell those pictures on e-bay?  That goes beyond fans at the airport or at cons.   EBR not signing pictures for him could be a substantial revenue cut.

Well to be fair,noone buys the signed pics he sells(he even said he has plenty of EBR signed pics that noone bought). Of most actors. I think its simply that 25-30 year old women ignore him when he waits for them to sign the pics so he gets pissy. He and his groupy are entitled due to the fact that they are the only thing resembling paps you'll see in Van,so they get all the local scoops and bts material from shooting. They trully think they are important or something. 

Edited by theOAfc
2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

EBR not signing pictures for him could be a substantial revenue cut.

Wasn't there a rumor that he was hitting on her and she turned him down and therefore he described a photo of her and CH as 'a gay man and a lesbian.' I mean, her sexuality is hers and even if she were gay, it still wouldn't give him any right whatsoever to call her out on it just because. 

But he was quite annoyed that someone spoiled the BC reveal, because he alluded to knowing but someone else published stuff first. So, I don't know what he is trying to do now.

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16 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

So she turned him down and some of his revenue stream is gone. Pissy boy is pissy

So dumb thing..... in season 3 he went on this rant about how Felicity is not important to the show and how she brings nothing to the show. Myself and a few others ended up fighting with him on twitter, we were throwing out things like logic and statistics about how Olicity and Felicity fans are a major fan base and how she is crucial bc without her, the show may not have made it past s1...... so he started calling us names and saying we were stupid and must not have graduated high school bc we clearly were so stupid.


i blocked him after that.

Edited by LadyChaos
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“Kapiushon” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)

THE BREAKING POINT — Prometheus (Josh Segarra) goes to great lengths to break Oliver (Stephen Amell). Meanwhile, in the flashbacks, Anatoly (guest star David Nykl) becomes worried about Oliver’s increasingly violent tendencies, which come to a head in a brutal confrontation. Kevin Tancharoen directed the episode written by Brian Ford Sullivan & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#517).  Original airdate 3/22/2017.


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