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It would seem that Stephen is none to happy about the ring being spoiled if I read his tweet correctly



Yeah, I remember him complaining about it last year, too, and I think I agree with him. Last season's premiere felt a little anti-climatic for me because we'd been spoiled about so much. As much as I've enjoyed the spoilers in the past week, I'm hoping I won't have that same feeling on October 7th.


Also, FWIW, I think Oliver and Felicity's wedding will be a pretty large affair. It won't quite be the society to-do it would be if Moira was still alive, but Felicity is gonna be the CEO of the largest employer in the city and even if Oliver isn't mayor at that point, his public profile is going to be really high after the campaign. So I expect there would be a large wedding full of SC's elite. Until, of course, the big public wedding gets called off because *MAYHEM* and Oliver and Felicity end up exchanging impromptu vows in front of only their closest friends.


I'm feeling a bit too spoiled.  I want to still get the tidbits about the episodes just getting filmed but I don't feel the need to know any more details of the first few episodes.  It's not like last year (knock on wood) where I needed to forewarn myself after Sara died just to cope with the crap they were unloading on us.  I get the feeling I'm going to enjoy this season so I need to figure out a way to stop with getting over spoiled.  I already TRIED to resist the new promo (which seemed like overkill since we JUST had the other one) but I was weak. 



As for the big society wedding - the reality is no show wants to spend it's budget on a really big wedding because even the staging still costs oodles so shows always find a reason to not go through with the big wedding even if they pretend to make plans for it.  The courthouse, or the hastily rescheduled, or out door setting is always the way they go. It's always going to be smaller than reality would have it be.

I'm amused he was upset about Olicity sex being spoiled in the promo when he flat told a fan about it at the Kansas City Con.

Ah, but he made them promise not to post it on line and they sat on their giddy secret for months.  Sure, they soo could have spoiled it but instead SA looks brilliant for trusting them. (or at least very lucky)


Didn't they have a son in the series finale of Smallville? 


La, la, la, you can't prove it.  Never called her mom, never called him son.  La, la, la, she was just babysitting.   And no, Season 11 doesn't count as anything more than illustrated fan fiction.  Shhh!  Chlark rules!

She was pregnant in the series finale but the baby was born in the comics

She was not pregnant in the series at all - just wanted to clarify that part too.   Yes, I'm aware I have issues.  ;)


The mea culpa by Guggie begging us to come back for S4 that I'm sure the BIGS of all the entities that own ARROW told him to do.  S3 sucked and they all knew it.  They were already trying to bring the multitude of fans who hated Season 3 back into the fold.


ALL of the CW's show creator's did the same little PSA type thing so while I agree with the sentiment, I don't think it meant anything special that MG showed up at the end of the season saying tune in next season. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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It would seem that Stephen is none to happy about the ring being spoiled if I read his tweet correctly

He's probably equally unhappy that Damian Darhk's method of stopping arrows was revealed. IIRC he made that seem like a big deal too.

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To be fair though, we still don't know how he's stopping those arrows. It could be magic, or it could be "magic." I still think there's something giving him that power - I don't think he himself is "magical."

This is what I am hoping too!

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To be fair though, we still don't know how he's stopping those arrows. It could be magic, or it could be "magic." I still think there's something giving him that power - I don't think he himself is "magical." 


I think it might have something to do with the ring he's wearing. At least I would prefer that. 

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I feel like she's repeating what the execs sold her on season four, that now she's not gonna be the love interest anymore, BUT she'll get a storyline of her own. If I were an exec, that's exactly what I'd have told her.


And really:




There's no way to spin THAT, you know?

At least her numbers are consistent. Consistency is spin. People can work with consistency, right?


It's a good graphic to show her to change her mindset. But it must be disappointing for her.

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As season 3 toyed with themes pertaining to one’s identity, Arrow now aims to explore the members of Team Arrow each coming into their own. For Felicity, the show is “not defining her solely by her relationship with Oliver,” Guggenheim says, teasing that Felicity will take over Ray Palmer’s (Brandon Routh) company after his apparent death. “She’s going to encounter some unexpected challenges, but it gives us a chance to really show a different side of Felicity. She’s still her funny, quirky, idealistic self, but she’s also now the CEO of a corporation and she’s also now going to have to be strong, confident and imaginative in addition to her already wonderful qualities.” - X


I don't know whether to trust this or not......................... I really really really want this to be true though. 


I need Felicity to have her own independent arc that develops her own character, and I want it to actually develop Felicity and not make her regress. I always say characterization and plot are equally important. If it's not important to the plot then it should be important to characterization. So if this will be good for Felicity's character, then that would just make me really happy. 

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Ugh apparently it's gonna fun wondering this season if Oliver and Felicity will stay together or Break up! "Slams head on Desk" NO UNNECESSARY ANGST FOR THE LOVE OF GOD_

I saw that part of the quote & had the same reaction... Seriously what is it with MG? Is he reliving some unrequited crush? Some heartbroken personal lovestory?


Maybe I'm the minority - but I do not find will they stay together or will they break up an interesting or fun dynamic. You're just betting on heartbreak & angst. It's exhausting. It's like you've taken will they/won't they dynamic & dropped it a vial of depression & suck. On top of that O/F have so much chemistry together that it nearly breaks the camera when they are forced to be angsty & apart. If will they/won't they was their plan - they never should have had s3 or the s3.5 summer of love. Its merciless toying with the audience & not in a good way.


I don't mind them having issues or problems and working through them together. I don't need it to all be rainbows, unicorns & souffles. But I just don't want to stick around while they play Russian Roulette with their relationship for plot reasons again. There are so many other ways to bring the drama. It's a freaking superhero show, not a telenovella. And if it was a telenovella, than at least the drama/angst would be far better written, even if it might be a little cheesy.

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He's probably equally unhappy that Damian Darhk's method of stopping arrows was revealed. IIRC he made that seem like a big deal too.

I was only initially happy to see it because it was proof that I was right. And then I felt really bummed afterwards... because now I know, but don't really know about DD. He's a mystery to be solved and its nice to get a puzzle piece - but sometimes you need more than just one piece. Plus that's just a cool scene to see live in the moment. No its definitely going to take some excitement out from when it airs live.


No offense to the ring scene, but its not that cool of a visual. It would have been different if they had spoiled the actual proposal. But all they did was show OQ putting a ring on whipped cream. In restaurants around the world, thousands of waiters do that on a nightly basis. His words to FS are what I'm craving to hear & not get spoiled. Then again, him being ready to propose was not a shock for me. And the writers putting it in 401, also not a surprise for me. Heck, I was thinking they might have gotten hitched over the break for writers' shock value, but luckily that did not happen.

Edited by kismet
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LOL can you imagine the hell Laurel would get from Olicity fans if Thea wasn't there too as it kind of seemed from the first trailer? Shivers thinking about it...

I guess I can imagine since I'm reading what Laurel/Oliver fans are thinking about the Olicity "proposal"-Shivers...

I love the passion of this fan base though :)

Edited by tarotx
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LOL can you imagine the hell Laurel would get from Olicity fans if Thea wasn't there too as it kind of seemed from the first trailer? Shivers thinking about it...

I guess I can imagine since I'm reading what Laurel fans are thinking about the Olicity "proposal"-Shivers...

I love the passion of this fan base though :)


like what?!

i'm intrigued, just for the hack of it.. I need a good laugh.

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Go read the comment sections over at Stephan's posting of the trailers. You get a good taste of both Olicity and Laural/Oliver* fans hating on the other side.

like what?!

i'm intrigued, just for the hack of it.. I need a good laugh.

*The post you quoted was supposed to have Laurel back slashed with Oliver. I was talking about shippers. Edited by tarotx
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Best advice I have ever read: Don't read the bottom half of the Internet.

I can't read comment sections any more. If I post, I leave a postive comment about things I want see and then never revisit that section again.

When I get negative it's only here because it's a place for actual discussion.

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The thing about Diggle being eager to face DD is interesting. In the trailer, DD is announcing who he is, but while he said he represents an organization, he didn't say HIVE. I wonder if Diggle already knows that? Lyla knows that from ARGUS?


It would be interesting if Dig sees DD as his mark, for obvious reasons. I wonder if Thea and Laurel don't even tell Dig they're gonna ask Oliver for help.

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I love how jbuffyangel (who seems very nice but also pretty kooky) is crowing about her O/F wedding spec (which went WAAAAAY off the rails) for last season has been proven right, only "off by one episode." Yeah, one episode, plus, you know, an entire season. Not to mention she was saying, even post-Nyssa wedding, that O/F were actually going to get married in the finale. If that is how "I was right" is calculated, I really should have had a 4.0 GPA in college.

We're all wrong sometimes. I was convinced there was going to be some twist re Sara's death, that DD or RAG had actually masterminded it, or at least MM had some plan beyond sending an archer to fight a master swordsman with a sword. But you know what, I WAS WRONG. These things happen, and it's good for the soul to admit it.

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I love how jbuffyangel (who seems very nice but also pretty kooky) is crowing about her O/F wedding spec (which went WAAAAAY off the rails) for last season has been proven right, only "off by one episode." Yeah, one episode, plus, you know, an entire season. Not to mention she was saying, even post-Nyssa wedding, that O/F were actually going to get married in the finale. If that is how "I was right" is calculated, I really should have had a 4.0 GPA in college.

We're all wrong sometimes. I was convinced there was going to be some twist re Sara's death, that DD or RAG had actually masterminded it, or at least MM had some plan beyond sending an archer to fight a master swordsman with a sword. But you know what, I WAS WRONG. These things happen, and it's good for the soul to admit it.

I stopped visiting her blog after the all wedding thing.. I just can't.. haven't much time to even go into SmoakandArrow that much lately, but at least her postings are funny in a sweet way, and not in the "somebody obviously took a swim in the Lazarus Pit with Thea and Sara"

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Not to mention that they're definitely not getting married, and they're also not getting engaged (yet), so...wrong.

That's what I meant, that she was saying they'd actually get married, and there's not only NOT a wedding in 401, there's not even an actual proposal. So really, really wrong.

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That choo choo wedding theory being proved incorrect last season was one of the highlights for me personally. And yeah, it's still so so wrong. Haha. Ooops.

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The fact that there's a NON proposal coming is so much more appealing than an actual proposal to me, I can't even describe how much I adore the potential I see in this storyline.

I can't read any of those wacky theories, because I always end up screaming THAT IS NOT HOW TV WORKS at my screen, and then people look at me weird.

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It wasn't so much the theory but the smugness of it, like it was set in stone and gasp! How dare people disagree with it! Because honestly, if O/F were going the way they were going, a proposal at some point in the future is not outside the realm of possibilities. 


But I agree with @dtissagirl, I'm kind of liking the potential of this almost proposal. I just really get a kick out of knowing Oliver wants to marry Felicity. She's it for him. I'm so glad that debate is over because I'm so over it.

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The more I think about it, the more I find it to be really really smart storytelling.

Last season they royally fucked up because they showed the audience what Oliver wanted -- to date Felicity, but then the narrative took it away from him, AND from us. And then gave us exhausting depressing instead.

The failed proposal shows the audience what Oliver wants, and sure, again they take it away from him -- but not from the audience this time around. Because now we hopefully get to watch Oliver and Felicity navigate a relationship in their *actual natural environment*. So. Much. Potential. for character growth.

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I find it reassuring that there's a scene of them kissing at the loft. If all the lovey scenes were set in their house o' domestic bliss, I'd be a little worried, but they show them kissing back in SC and of course they show Felicity completely supporting him in becoming the Green Arrow.

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I love how jbuffyangel (who seems very nice but also pretty kooky) is crowing about her O/F wedding spec (which went WAAAAAY off the rails) for last season has been proven right, only "off by one episode." Yeah, one episode, plus, you know, an entire season. Not to mention she was saying, even post-Nyssa wedding, that O/F were actually going to get married in the finale. If that is how "I was right" is calculated, I really should have had a 4.0 GPA in college.

We're all wrong sometimes. I was convinced there was going to be some twist re Sara's death, that DD or RAG had actually masterminded it, or at least MM had some plan beyond sending an archer to fight a master swordsman with a sword. But you know what, I WAS WRONG. These things happen, and it's good for the soul to admit it.

It was a good theory. I mean it was out of the box and a little crazy. I thought it might happen if the show was going to go big or go home. But there is a time and a place for accepting reality. I love reading her theories, but she has a hard time letting go of what doesn't fit her plan. And on a show like ARROW, you have to be able to let go of some of our expectations & theories. It is time for her to admit that she might just be wrong. I've got to give her credit, she can spin away & sustain her level of intensity, like a hamster on her wheel of wishes.


I don't know what s4 will have in store for ARROW in regards to O/F. I have some ideas, they are the minority here. But my biggest hope is that they can make it quality and rewarding. Too much of s3 was just downright depressing to watch in regards to O&F. In theory the writers idea was a good one for s3, but the execution was poor and the story got away from them. I know what they were trying to do, but it just didn't work. I hope that s4 does not do the same thing. The writers tend to have good ideas, but sometimes they can't execute them well.

Edited by kismet
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I find it reassuring that there's a scene of them kissing at the loft. If all the lovey scenes were set in their house o' domestic bliss, I'd be a little worried, but they show them kissing back in SC and of course they show Felicity completely supporting him in becoming the Green Arrow.


Agree. That perspective is something to hold on to.


I can't help but have a a bit of worry since this time last year there was such good feelings about the show and it took 38 mins into the season (excluding ads) to wipe it all away.


At least after Episode 8 we won't be stuck building up another spin-off and hopefully they will settle down with the insta-heroes. 

I'm glad there with be public persona/secret identity conflict but NOT with the main characters and Oliver being all committed and ready to propose give me such warm fuzzies. I do wonder about Felicity's headspace though. Spoilers are indicating she is happy but misses the hero-ing business, which is different to Oliver, dare I say it, revealing in domestic bliss. Previews indicates that they will be working through this together, which is the conflict I was to see explored between O/F.


I'm basically cautiously optimistic at the stage.

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it's gonna fun wondering this season if Oliver and Felicity will stay together or Break up



I am not worried about what MG said.  It sounds just like spin to me, trying to appease the crowd that worries about what will keep the viewers coming back if everyone is too happy.  I hear him saying  "See, we still have the will they or won't they question, so people aren't going to get bored!"  They KNOW the angst was not well received.  They also probably know that a lot of viewers had no problem with them having conflicts in the earlier seasons (since they were resolved quickly) so yes, there will things that test and try them as a couple but it will probably only end up bringing them closer together.

I can't help but have a a bit of worry since this time last year there was such good feelings about the show and it took 38 mins into the season (excluding ads) to wipe it all away.


Sara's fall took the season to new lows but going into the opening of season three I was already dreading the season.  I have no idea how bad it was going to get but I don't feel like it's the same.  I am feeling very optimistic, like 4A could measure up to 2A. 

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Sara's fall took the season to new lows but going into the opening of season three I was already dreading the season.  I have no idea how bad it was going to get but I don't feel like it's the same.  I am feeling very optimistic, like 4A could measure up to 2A. 


To be honest I'm not really that worried about 4A, the first half of the seasons are always pretty strong imo, it's what happens after the winter break that usually concerns me. (Yes I even enjoyed the first 9 eps of season 3). It's like they begin the season raring to go and full of all these wonderful story ideas for the first 8/9 eps and a definite feel for how and where they want the season to end but with no plan in mind for the middle. This usually translates to a pretty good 1st half of the season followed by the doldrums after the winter hiatus where nothing seems to happen and/or they make it up as they go, until they can kick their finale plans into gear.  In a 23 ep season, its impossible for all the episodes to be of a similar high quality but this period can span as much as 8-9 eps, which is a major part of any season.


Last year those eps were devoted to selling the need for and importance of the newbie heroes and for me were almost painful to watch as almost every plot point seemed designed to blatantly pimp LL and RP as 'heroes'. This year I'm worried the doldrums (coming after the resurrection of Sara and the LOT set up) will be used for Oliver to ponder whether he can be with FS and the GA, cue much introspection and waffling on Oliver's part, as the plot conspires to throw numerous obstacles in the path of Oliver and Felicity, at least until they're ready to kick off the final arc of the season where everything is resolved in time for the finale and let's be real, we endured enough of that last year.


It's not just the anvilicous nature of the writing during this part of the season but the fact that, it's all designed to just tread water until they get to the last part of the season aka the already determined end and these writers have shown that when they write to service plot, the characters often suffer and start saying and behaving in ways that can only be described as OOC. So after much rambling...I guess my point is, I've heard all the EP's have to say about learning from the mistakes made last season but don't trust them to not fall back into their old patterns during those middle eps where they seem to suffer from a dearth of ideas. 

Edited by lexicon
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It's not just the anvilicous nature of the writing during this part of the season but the fact that, it's all designed to just tread water until they get to the last part of the season aka the already determined end and these writers have shown that when they write to service plot, the characters often suffer and start saying and behaving in ways that can only be described as OOC. So after much rambling...I guess my point is, I've heard all the EP's have to say about learning from the mistakes made last season but don't trust them to not fall back into their old patterns during those middle eps where they seem to suffer from a dearth of ideas.

 Edited by lexicon, Yest. 11:13 pm.


It's my hope that while the first 8 episodes service setting up the season's big bad and lead into LoT, I'm hopeful that 9 will launch us into basically the actual Arrow season where Diggle deals with HIVE and we find out what the rest of the characters' arcs are going to be.  I'm trying to remain hopeful that the opening episodes will this time basically be the ones that were treading water until 409, thus hopefully avoiding the midseason slump. 

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General S4 Spoilers

-- In S4, DD (NM) is a series regular, while the following are recurring characters: Baron Reiter (JA), Curtis Holt (EK), Anarky (AC), Alex Davis (PY) and "a woman from Oliver's past" (ER).  (TVLine article, page 21 of Spoilers thread)

-- Per MG, as season 3 toyed with themes pertaining to one’s identity, Arrow now aims to explore the members of Team Arrow each coming into their own. (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- WM: "We're really exploring the notion of family and what that means... Oliver being in a relationship with Felicity is obviously a huge component of season four. Also, what does family mean to the team and to individual members of the team? And now that Oliver's faith in humanity has been restored via his relationship with Felicity, that will be challenged by our new villain Damien Dahrk, so how will he maintain his faith in people over the course of the season?" (Hollywood Reporter article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- WM: “The theme of Season 4 is family... What it means to be part of a family, what defines family.” That starts with Oliver, “specifically, how Oliver balances his two families [Team Arrow and his personal relationships with Thea and Felicity].” (Yahoo articles, page 21 of Spoilers thread)

-- MG: "How magic and mysticism fit into the universe of Arrow is explored a lot in Season 4." (TV Guide article, page 21 of Spoilers thread)
-- MG: “Ever since Slade Wilson [Manu Bennett] came to town around [season 2, episode 15], the show has been on this very, very dark path, leading to Sara’s [Caity Lotz] death and the culmination of season 3... Our goal was to return the show more in the tone of the first season-and-a-half.” (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- MG: "“It still feels like Arrow, but at the same time, Oliver’s got a new outlook on life... We’re driving conflict to the show in ways that we never would have in the first three years. So it still feels like Arrow, but it’s a different take on the show.” (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- On flashbacks, MG: “I’ll be honest: The episodic connection, week to week… that cart started to drag the horse for me a bit... So toward the end of last year I said to the writers, 'what we really need to do is not worry so much about the connection between present and past and just tell a really amazing story in the past.'" As a result, the S4 flashbacks, which kick off in Coast City but then head to places unknown, have MG “really happy.” MG: “I feel like we have our best flashback story ever.” (TV Line article, page 19 of Spoilers thread)
-- On overall plan, per MG, they have not deviated drastically from their plan for the 5-year arc with flashbacks and present time; if the ratings continue to be strong, they will not have to change, but if the ratings tank, then they will make changes as needed. (youmademeafan tumblr post, page 581 of Spoiler Discussion thread)

-- MG: "We finished the first three years like a trilogy. This year, it feels the same and new at the same time. The newness has just been really invigorating, I think for everybody. The show really has an incredible scope this year. We’re all having a lot of fun writing the new, lighter tone. I think the actors are enjoying the dynamics. I think we’re doing a much better job than we have in the past of balancing all of our characters. We have a large ensemble, and I feel like everyone in each episode has their moment to shine, which is something that we’ve always wanted to get to. That’s always just a big challenge. I think we’re coming out of the gate really strong, and I really, really hope that everyone watches it and enjoys it. I think they will. I’m very optimistic about what people will think of the new season." (Nerdist article, page 77 of Starling City Times thread)

-- Starling City is renamed Star City.  MG (laughs): "The town needed to do something to keep people from moving out because of the past three season finales." The change also honors the presumed-dead Ray Palmer (BR) who had the idea for the name change back in last year's premiere. (TV Guide article, page 21 of Spoilers thread)
-- Per MG, they're actually trying to work an Agent Carter Easter Egg into Arrow. (GenderBiasedReviews article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)


Episode 4x01 Green Arrow
-- Title of 4x01 is "Green Arrow" and will be directed by Thor Freudenthal. (MG tweet, page 165 of Behind the Mask thread)

-- Remember, Damian Darhk (Neal McDonough) will debut in this episode.  Also, flashback villain Baron Reiter (Jimmy Akingbola) will debut either in this episode or in episode 4x03.

-- 4x01 synopsis: "Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity’s (Emily Bett Rickards) blissful getaway is cut short when Thea (Willa Holland) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) pay them a visit and tell Oliver they need his help back in Star City. The city has been attacked by 'Ghosts,' assassins led by a dangerous man named Damien Darhk (guest star Neil McDonough). However, when Oliver returns, Diggle (David Ramsey) makes it very clear that he doesn’t want Oliver on the team. Thor Freudenthal directed the episode with story by Greg Berlanti & Beth Schwartz and teleplay by Marc Guggenheim & Wendy Mericle (#401). Original airdate 10/7/2015."  (SpoilerTV article, page 21 of Spoilers thread)

-- 26 photos from 4x01 were released by the CW.  (ComicBook and TVLine articles, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- SA: "The fundamental part of the season, that nobody is really going to understand until they see the premiere, is that we do something in the premiere that we've never done in the history of the show... It does something for the remainder of the season that there's going to be a constant jeopardy in the show, even if times are good. It's a really interesting technique. I think it promotes a good story. I think it will pique people's interest." (Breathecast article, page 76 of Starling City Times thread)
-- MG: "“We’re gonna learn that this villain [Damien Darhk] has been operating in town for the past three months... Team Arrow has basically been trying to keep [him] at bay, but then something happens in the season premiere that’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back and it prompts Laurel [Katie Cassidy] and Thea [Willa Holland] to go find Oliver and get him to return.” (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- When S4 opens, WM: "The city has declined drastically despite the best efforts of Dig, Speedy and Black Canary... And with the arrival of Damien Darhk... on the scene, it's obviously big stakes." Hence, Oliver and Felicity's return – though not everyone is welcoming back the archer with open arms. Per WM, Diggle is still "frosty" toward his "brother," while Quentin still is not thrilled with the masked vigilantes yet has come to see them "as a necessary evil." (TVLine article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Oliver & Felicity living a very different lifestyle when S4 begins, MG: “Oliver even says in the premiere that he is enjoying making evening plans that don't involve him being shot at.”  (TVInsider article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- When S4 starts, Oliver & Felicity are living happily in a nice suburban neighborhood. Oliver returns from jogging to find Felicity in the kitchen trying to cook using a "Cook to Impress" cookbook. They kiss.  Later, Oliver plans to propose to Felicity at a special dinner, even hiding an engagement ring in her souffle(?), when they are interrupted by Thea and Laurel coming to ask Oliver/Arrow for help. Oliver & Felicity return to Star(ling) City in a limo, passing by the new billboard that states that the city has been renamed Star City in honor of Dr. Raymond Palmer (1981-2015). Oliver & Felicity rejoin TA. (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread, and 2nd official S4 trailer posted as Arrow facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Oliver says to Felicity, "I don't want to be that type of person anymore." Felicity replies, "Maybe you just need to be a different kind of person." Felicity uncovers glass case containing new GA costume.  Oliver puts on new suit, with bow & arrows. (2nd official S4 trailer posted as Arrow facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- In this episode, per MG, DD "shows up at a very public meeting that Lance is present at... If Darhk wants to show up somewhere, he’s certainly going to!” (TVLine article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- In this episode, DD says to Oliver/GA: "You can't be the Arrow because he died, so who are you?" Oliver replies "you're about to find out" as he draws an arrow out of his quiver. He shoots the arrow, but DD puts up his hand and stops the arrow in mid-flight. (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread, kalichica12 tweet of SA video, page 593 of Spoiler Discussion thread, and video of Arrow "Embrace Your Dark Side" promo, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- We'll see Diggle's new suit in action in this episode. (CW Arrow tweet, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Per MG, the premiere episode will include a pivotal Black Canary moment.  (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- In flashbacks, Oliver is facing an entirely different criminal organization this season: Shadowspire, led by Baron Reiter, whom Oliver will come up against in Coast City - yes, Green Lantern’s hometown. MG: “There is a nod or two... There is a billboard that people will get a kick out of, and there may or may not be a ring in the season premiere.” (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Per MG, the Green Lantern will not show up on Arrow this season.  (Hollywood Reporter article, page 68 of Starling City Times thread and page 584 of Spoiler Discussion thread)


(to be continued)

Edited by tv echo
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Episode 4x02 The Candidate
-- Title of 4x02 is "The Candidate" and will be directed by John Behring. (MG tweet, page 18 of Spoilers thread and page 559 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Remember, Curtis Holt aka Mr. Terrific (Echo Kellum), Lonnie Machin aka Anarky (Alexander Calvert), and Jessica Danforth (Jeri Ryan) will debut in this episode.  Jessica's daughter, Madison (played by Tiera Skovbye?) may or may not debut in this episode.
-- Anarky, a psychotic criminal, poses a major threat in this episode. Also, Thea will have an unexpected connection to Anarky. (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Press conference with Jessica Danforth at podium with "Jessica Danforth for Mayor 2016" banner. Behind her stand several people, including Lonnie Machin. (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Aug. 4, 2015 Deadline article stated that Jeri Ryan "recently wrapped a stint on the CW’s Arrow." (Deadline article, page 583 of Spoiler Discussion article)


Episode 4x03 Restoration
-- Title of 4x03 is "Restoration" and will be directed by Wendey Stanzler. (MG tweet, page 19 of Spoilers thread and page 180 of Behind the Mask thread)
-- Remember, Jeremy Tell aka Double Down (JR Bourne) and Conklin (Ryan Robbins) will debut in this episode.  Also, flashback villain Baron Reiter (Jimmy Akingbola) will debut either in this episode or in episode 4x01.
-- Double Down approaches elevator which has Curtis and Felicity in it.  Felicity kicks Double Down back just as elevator doors close. Curtis asks "since when are you such a badass?"  Felicity answers "since always." (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Malcolm may be the new leader of the LOA, but he won't be saying goodbye to his old life entirely:  Per MG, he'll "get back into the hood for Episode 3."  (TVLine article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- Per MC, "Ep. 403 holds your answer" to whether Lyla gets over what Oliver did quicker than Diggle. (MG tumblr post, page 20 of Spoilers thread)


Episode 4x05 Beyond Redempton [WILL AIR AS 4TH EPISODE]
-- Title of 4th episode is "Beyond Redemption" and will be directed by Lexi Alexander. (MG tweet, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Remember, "Beyond Redemption" will air as the 4th episode, but is being shot as 5th (production codes are in production order, not air date order).

-- Remember, MG said that "the title refers to more than one person or thing... There’s a bunch of things in episode 4 that are beyond redemption. It’s something that keeps coming up in that episode. There’s a bunch of big revelations in that episode, and some key discoveries. It’s an episode where the title pretty much touches on the different storylines to that episode.”
-- Liza Warner (Rutina Wesley) may be making her debut in this episode. (RW tweet and instagram pic, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Arrow Production Offices tweet, page 19 of Spoilers thread)
-- Conklin will appear in this episode (in addition to previous episode). (LA tweet, page 20 of Spoilers thread)


Episode 4x04 Haunted [WILL AIR AS 5TH EPISODE]
-- Title of 5th episode is "Haunted" and will be directed by John Badham. (MG tweet, page 19 of Spoilers thread)
-- Remember, "Haunted" will air as the 5th episode, but is being shot as 4th (production codes are in production order, not air date order).
-- Remember, John Constantine (Matt Ryan) and Alex Davis (Parker Young) will debut in this episode.
-- Constantine will be "key" in resurrecting Sara, whose presence will be met by "very different reactions" from her family. (TVLine article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Sara's resurrection via the LP, WM: “It’s a different thing than it was with Thea... To put it bluntly, she’s more dead. We needed somebody to come in and basically resurrect her and bring her soul back. We were really thrilled that we were able to get Matt Ryan. He’s the perfect character to do it.” (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- MG: "When you see him in the show, honestly it feels like we’re doing a Constantine/Arrow crossover, and it’s so exciting… We’re just really glad we got the chance to extend Matt Ryan’s run as Constantine by at least one more hour of television. I think you’ll see he fits very neatly into our universe. It never feels forced, it feels right. Stephen’s on screen vibe with Matt is just very natural, it’s as if these guys had been working together forever." (SuperHeroHype article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- This episode wrapped shooting on August 26, 2015, and includes a scene with Quentin and Laurel next to the Lazarus Pit. (PB tweets and pics, page 19 of Spoilers thread)

-- Per MG, they've already written and shot the Constantine episode, and Constantine doesn't die at the end. (GenderBiasedReviews article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)


Episode 4x06 Lost Souls
-- Title of 4x06 is "Lost Souls" and will be directed by Antonio Negret. Production began on this episode on Sep. 9, 2015.  (MG tweet, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- This episode is the show's 75th episode. (MG and SA tweets, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Remember, Donna Smoak (Charlotte Ross) will appear in this episode.
-- Remember, this episode will answer the question of whether the explosion at Palmer Tech is on the same time line as Oliver & Felicity's journey.

-- Curtis Holt has scenes with Oliver, Donna Smoak and Felicity in this episode. (CR and EK tweets, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and SA facebook video, page 613 of Spoiler Discussion thread)


Episode 4x07
-- James Bamford will direct 4x07. (SA tweet, page 581 of Spoiler Discussion thread)


Episode 4x08 [Arrow/Flash Crossover]
-- Hawkman (Falk Hentschel) will first appear on episode 408 of Arrow (before going to LoT). (DCLegendsTV article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Remember, Vandal Savage (Casper Crump) will debut in either this episode or episode 2x08 of The Flash (before going to LoT).
-- Remember, the first non-Oliver flashback will be in this episode.


(to be continued)

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Oliver & Felicity

--  In response to fan asking what Billy Joel song would he use to describe Oliver & Felicity this season, MG said: "'You’re My Home.'" (MG tumblr post, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- Per MG, Felicity is a positive impact on Oliver. (GenderBiasedReviews article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- WM: "Oliver being in a relationship with Felicity is obviously a huge component of season four... And now that Oliver's faith in humanity has been restored via his relationship with Felicity, that will be challenged by our new villain Damien Dahrk, so how will he maintain his faith in people over the course of the season?" (Hollywood Reporter article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- On Oliver & Felicity's five-month getaway, MG: “They have been all over the world traveling... They’ve had a grand old time going to different places and have since settled down in another city and [are] living under very different circumstances.” So different, in fact, that our retired hero has actually embraced the joys of curling up on the couch. (TVInsider article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Pics of Oliver & Felicity on vacation were posted by MG.  (MG tweets, page 20 of Spoilers thread and page 192 of Behind the Mask thread)
-- On when Oliver is going to propose to Felicity, SA: "When he gets his shit together... There's no way that I can answer that question."  (Video of Arrow Saturday panel with SA, JB, KC and MN at Dragon Con 2015, page 195 of Behind the Mask thread)
-- When S4 starts, Oliver plans to propose to Felicity at a special dinner, even hiding an engagement ring in her souffle(?), when they are interrupted by Thea and Laurel coming to him for help. (2nd official S4 trailer posted as Arrow facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Per journalist visiting the Arrow set, the dynamic between Oliver and Felicity is like a married couple. (wonderwall post, page 598 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Shots of Oliver & Felicity kissing on the outside balcony of Thea's loft at night and in bed together in the morning. (Video of Arrow "Embrace Your Dark Side" promo, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- When asked how long Oliver and Felicity could last as a couple, MG joked that they’ll make it “longer than the first episode, which would beat our record!” Actually, the EPs plan to “explore the nature of their relationship as a couple and we have no desire to break them up before [that]...one of the fun parts of the season is the will they stay together or break up.” (TVInsider article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- When asked how long Oliver & Felicity could last as a couple, MG joked that they'll make it "longer than the first episode, which would bear out record!" Actually, the producers plan to "explore the nature of their relationship as a couple, and we have no desire to break them up before [that]." (TV Guide article, page 21 of Spoilers thread)

-- Per MG, Oliver will be supportive of Felicity being CEO. (MG tumblr post, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- In response to fan saying they miss Olicity/Felicity sexual innuendos and asking if we'll see any funny scenes next season, MG said: "Yes." (MG tumblr post, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- WM: "Oliver and Felicity might go through some ups and downs this season, but Lyla and Dig, they’ve seen it all." (TVLine article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Fan who interviewed MG: "Lastly, I know that Marc is a big fan of Sons of Anarchy as I am.  I compared Jax and Tara’s relationship to Oliver and Felicity.  If you’re not familiar with the show, it is a must watch.  If so, you’ll be thrilled to know that Marc was in agreement with me that Jax & Tara had a relationship that didn’t interfere with the story telling and Jax remained true to his character.  At the end of the day, Jax was still ruthless, badass, and not to be taken lightly; but, his love for his girl was amazing.  Marc liked the comparison. So I continued that I thought Arrow has what it takes to continue making Olicity goodness while Arrow maintains its gritty storytelling with no interference.  He agreed whole heartedly." (youmademeafan tumblr post, page 581 of Spoiler Discussion thread)

-- MG: "Ray's return is essential to Felicity and Oliver's storyline." (TV Guide article, page 21 of Spoilers thread)


Oliver Queen AKA Green Arrow
-- On Oliver, MG: “We played him as a guy who was returning home from war with PTSD for the first three years... Now he’s put those demons to rest, or so he thinks, and there’s a lightness to him as a result of all the things he learned last year.” Per WM, suiting up with a new lighter costume (and fully loaded lair) to match the season’s tone, Oliver “has more faith in humanity than he did in the past... It’s less about erasing his father’s legacy and more about establishing his.” (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Per MG, Oliver is still Oliver, just so much more fun.  MG complimented SA on his interpretation of the new and improved Oliver.  There will be more scenes between Oliver and Ray. (youmademeafan tumblr post, page 581 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- MG: "“It still feels like Arrow, but at the same time, Oliver’s got a new outlook on life.” (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- MG: "He has healed and is now, like Felicity [Emily Bett Rickards] said in the season finale, a different person... A great surprise this season is Stephen's performance. He's done something really, really hard, which is to correctly adjust for Oliver's [healthier] mental state." (TV Guide article, page 21 of Spoilers thread)

-- Per MG, at the beginning of S4, Oliver is going to try to be both the GA and Oliver at the same time, but Felicity says that at least this time he's not doing it alone. (GenderBiasedReviews article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- On Oliver's being in a good place when S4 begins as a nice change for his character, SA: "Yeah, it was for me, too. He hasn’t had too many good breaks, basically since the mid-way point of the second season when Slade Wilson shows up at his house. That can become a little tiresome for me creatively, and just in general it’s nice to see him [happy]. But because our show is our show, there are going to be problems, there’s going to be life and death stakes. One difference this year is how Oliver deals with them, and it’s certainly not the only difference. For me, it’s interesting to watch him rely on other people, counsel with more than himself, and ask people for help. All of those things make a richer character." (TeleVixen article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- DD will be gunning for Oliver on more than one front.  WM: “Oliver’s going to be taking up more of an overt role in terms of the city is in a bad space... He’s going to be taking on Damien Darhk, and he’s going to be fighting him not just as Green Arrow, but also as Oliver Queen. It’s public and it’s part of him stepping into the light.” (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- One element from the Green Arrow comics that may or may not show up in season 4 of Arrow is Oliver Queen’s chili, famous in the DC superhero world for being one of the hottest entities known to man and generally only being enjoyed by Oliver himself. According to MG, we’re moving “closer and closer” to the introduction of the chili in season 4.  MG: “I’m surprised [and] I think you’d be surprised at how much Oliver’s culinary skills play a role in season 4... My answer probably seems weird and stupid right now, but it will all actually make a lot more sense when you see the season premiere.” (Den of Geek article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
--  On the popular fan theory about Oliver running for Mayor, WM: "He will definitely be coming more to the fore as Oliver Queen and balancing that with his new role as the Green Arrow. He'll be bringing some light to the city. I can't say exactly how, but that's his goal." (TVLine article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Oliver will be running for Mayor. (Pic of SA and PY, page 19 of Spoilers thread)
-- Oliver says to Felicity, "I don't want to be that type of person anymore." Felicity replies, "Maybe you just need to be a different kind of person." (2nd official S4 trailer posted as Arrow facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Shot of Amanda Waller telling flashback Oliver "you have certainly chosen an unusual hobby, Mr. Queen."  (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Waller says to flashback Oliver "Embrace your inner darkness." (Video of Arrow "Embrace Your Dark Side" promo, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Waller voiceover: "The world is too small for someone like Oliver Queen to disappear." (2nd official S4 trailer posted as Arrow facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Oliver: "The only way I know how to fight the darkness is to be darkness." (2nd official S4 trailer posted as Arrow facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- In response to fan asking if Oliver will finally dance this season, MG said: "No plans as yet.  Stay tuned." (MG tumblr post, page 20 of Spoilers thread)


Felicity Smoak

-- In response to fan complaint that Felicity should be given a codename so bad guys won't hear her name over the comm link, MG said: "Keep watching." (MG tumblr post, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- In response to fan asking if they have a backup destiny for Felicity (other than Oracle), MG said: "You'll see..." (MG tumblr post, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- Per MG, for Felicity, the show is “not defining her solely by her relationship with Oliver,."  Felicity will take over Ray Palmer’s company after his apparent death. MG: “She’s going to encounter some unexpected challenges, but it gives us a chance to really show a different side of Felicity. She’s still her funny, quirky, idealistic self, but she’s also now the CEO of a corporation and she’s also now going to have to be strong, confident and imaginative in addition to her already wonderful qualities.” (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- WM: "She’s no longer just the IT girl or Vice President under Palmer... She’s the full-blown CEO, and it’s an opportunity to really see that character grow up and be challenged in ways we haven’t seen before." (TVLine article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- From journalists' on-set interview with EBR: Felicity comes back to the heroes business because she feels like it is her responsibility. Her dynamic with Oliver is as a couple. Her favorite moment is when Felicity discovers her sense of justice. She likes Felicity's dresses, they don't make any noise when she walks.  She said the suits make noises. (Velocity23 post, page 599 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- SA: "Oliver does not enjoy [Felicity's] cooking. Is that okay? She's a horrible cook. She's good at everything else." (Video of Arrow Sunday panel with SA, JB, KC and MN at Dragon Con 2015, page 196 of Behind the Mask thread)

-- WM: “One thing I've learned about Felicity... is that she's more of an adrenaline junkie than I ever would have imagined!” (Yahoo article, page 21 of Spoilers thread)
-- Felicity shoots a machine gun in what looks like a shot-out lair.  (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread, and 2nd official S4 trailer posted as Arrow facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Felicity angrily tells Oliver and Diggle "you both almost got killed tonight because you didn't have each other's backs". (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)

-- Basically, Curtis and Felicity are going to be best friends. (Den of Geek article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Felicity and Curtis play around with a spherical metal ball (future T-Sphere?). (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Curtis and Felicity hide under a table, with Curtis saying "what's happening now, it is not in my job description." (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Double Down approaches elevator which has Curtis and Felicity in it.  Felicity kicks Double Down back just as elevator doors close. Curtis asks "since when are you such a badass?"  Felicity answers "since always." (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)


(to be continued)

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Team Arrow
-- SA: "There's no leader of the team this year. It's an actual team, which is cool." (Video of Arrow Sunday panel with SA, JB, KC and MN at Dragon Con 2015, page 196 of Behind the Mask thread)
-- Oliver presents the new Arrowcave to the rest of TA.  (dtissagirl post, page 598 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- The new Arrowcave was built with help from Cisco and Star Labs. (dtissagirl post, page 598 of Spoiler Discussion thread)


John Diggle

-- MG: "Andy’s death is a big mystery that will occupy the first half of Season 4."  (MG tumblr post, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- Per MG, DR suggested the actor who played Andy Diggle, and it worked perfectly. (youmademeafan tumblr post, page 581 of Spoiler Discussion thread)

-- Per MG, they didn't do enough to service Diggle's character in S3. However, S4 is Diggle's year and fans of his will be happy. (youmademeafan tumblr post, page 581 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- WM: "One of the things we’re really excited about in the first half of the season is, how does Oliver win [Diggle] back?"... "When they meet again at the top of Season 4, it is frosty. It is not good. In the past, Oliver would have been very defensive and maybe written Dig off or really defended his position. What’s interesting now is that he’s in a different place. He’s happy with Felicity. He’s more willing to say, 'Maybe I made some mistakes.' Their reconciliation, how they get there, is going to be a bumpy ride. It’s not going to be fully resolved." (TVLine article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Per WM, the connection between his brother Andy's death and H.I.V.E. "is going to be a huge piece of Dig’s story and will really take up most of his emotional arc for the season... He wants answers. He’s up against some pretty bad guys. But he’s going to get them." (TVLine article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Pic of Diggle's new suit with helmet posted. (MG tweet, page 20 of Spoilers thread and Soulfire post, page 587 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Diggle's new supersuit has a visor over the face. (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Diggle's helmet can do a lot of stuff, and they'll keep adding functions with time.  Also, his new weapon looks like the one from Blade Runner.  (Cooperativa article, page 607 of Spoiler Discussion thread)

-- Per DR, Diggle will get a new weapon, developed by Star Labs. (Omelete article, page 599 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- MG: “I don’t think Diggle looks at it as a costume per se... Oliver [stephen Amell], in the last season, gave him advice in terms of concealing his identity, and so Diggle approaches it from a very practical standpoint. He followed Oliver’s advice and he’s got a means of concealing his identity, but I think Diggle would probably react to anyone calling it a costume.” (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- From journalists' on-set interview with DR: It's alright that his helmet looks like Magneto's. He might get a superhero name this season, but he doesn't know what it is. (dtissagirl post, page 599 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Per MG, not everyone is happy about Oliver returning. “[Diggle] was the one who was most angered over Oliver’s choices at the end of season 3... And he’s certainly the one who’s most against Oliver returning and him being forced to work with Oliver.” But Diggle — who’s also sporting a new suit this season — is also raring to face off against DD, whose shadowy organization put the hit out on his brother all those years prior.  MG: “It’s something that will drive Diggle in the first half of the year... It’s very tied into what’s going on between him and Oliver.” (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Diggle says "Oliver walked away" to Thea and Laurel. (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Diggle tells Oliver "even when we are out there, we are not out there together." (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Diggle (helping Oliver up) says "You took a bullet for me." (Video of Arrow "Embrace Your Dark Side" promo, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- SA: "There's really good Diggle-Lance stuff this year, which has never happened. I don't know if they've even ever met." (Video of Arrow Sunday panel with SA, JB, KC and MN at Dragon Con 2015, page 196 of Behind the Mask thread)
-- Quentin knocks out Diggle by hitting him on the back of his head. (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Per WM, Diggle & Lyla's relationship is "so solid. Oliver and Felicity might go through some ups and downs this season, but Lyla and Dig, they’ve seen it all." (TVLine article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Pics of Diggle & Lyla's place were taken by international reporters touring the Arrow set on Sep. 8, 2015. (dtissagirl post, page 20 of Spoilers thread)


Lyla Michaels

-- In response to fan saying that Lyla will be over what Oliver did before Diggle will, MG responded: "Ep. 403 holds your answer." (MG tumblr post, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Per WM, Lyla will "have a new place of employment.."  WM: "There are going to be things that happen that motivate her to maybe not return to A.R.G.U.S., but certainly to take up the mantle and come back into the fight."  (TVLine article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)


(to be continued)

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Laurel Lance AKA Black Canary
-- Per WM, having "fully arrived as Black Canary" when the new season opens, Laurel will be focused on her work (at night and during the day), and not so much her personal life. There's no plan to introduce a love interest for the unlucky-in-love gal.  WM: "I think there’s some virtue in having a female character on the show who’s not necessarily involved with a man... She has a lot of business to deal with in terms of her sister [sara] and also finding a new relationship with Oliver now that Felicity is in the picture.... It’s more [about] her finding her place on the team." (TVLine article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Per KC, Oliver’s absence provides the heroine an opportunity to reach her potential.  KC: “I definitely think these past few months she’s been able to come into her own... I feel like this is her time to shine. She’s going to do whatever it takes, especially when it comes to saving Starling City — [which is] something that she’s always done by the book. Being an attorney and working at the District Attorney’s Office, she’s been very involved on the legal side of things, and I think that this is her time to shine being a part of the A story and the action.” (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- On doing her own stunts and Laurel's fighting style, KC: "As much as they let me do. For insurance reasons, obviously they’re not going to let me jump off a building. But I would love to – it would be fun, for sure. But they let me do as much as I can. And my stunt double, Atlin [Mitchell], she is fantastic. And I always say, like, I watch her – she’s really good at morphing herself to the actor. Because she’s also doubled Caity Lotz before. And Caity Lotz and I, we have different mannerisms, obviously we’re different people. And when she doubles Caity Lotz, she does a really good job at sort of forming and morphing into that. And when she doubles me, same thing. We get to talk – and what’s cool about it is, I spoke with her the other night – she shoots, you know like when they do giant masters? It’s normally – during fight scenes – it’s normally the stunt team because they want to go all out. And I get that, that’s totally fine with me. But we’ll discuss if the Black Canary is going to jump off the roof and onto the ground, I am trying to – I’ll talk to her about picking up mannerisms for Caity because we’re sisters. So, even just like the way she falls, she lands, and the way she looks up, and the way she kind of crouches – just small little things just to sort of tie us together and create that, I guess, sisterly bond." (MarySue article, page 78 of Starling City Times thread)
-- KC: "I’m really happy because I like the direction they’ve gone with my character. I’m not the girlfriend or the love interest, I actually have my own storyline. I’m not just there to serve as a love interest. Yeah, I’m sure at some point, hopefully … not to be selfish on a personal level, they’ll cast someone to potentially be my love interest. It’ll probably happen and I like that I have my own storyline aside from Team Arrow as well; I have my own identity.... Honestly, I don’t know when they would do it because Laurel, right now, being on the team and being a part of it is still so new to her, that’s just where she’s focused, owning what she’s doing, owning herself, the Black Canary, and proving herself. I think she’s living that world and is supportive of Oliver and Felicity." (Collider article, page 76 of Starling City Times thread, and MarySue article, page 78 of Starling City Times thread) 
-- In response to a female fan asking if he thinks Oliver will never have a romantic relationship with Laurel or Sara again, SA said that on a show where people come back to life, you wouldn't be that smart to use the word "never". But that being said, SA thinks it's important "that we establish relationships for Oliver, specifically relationships with female characters that don't involve him sleeping with them. Right? Because there are real relationships in the world where men and women can work together without going home together, or having sex on the floor of the Arrowcave.... I don't know. I doubt it, but I will never say never. Plus I don't write the show." (Video of SA panel at Wizard World Chicago Comic-Con 2015 and tv echo recap, page 188 of Behind the Mask thread)
-- Per MG, the premiere episode will include a pivotal Black Canary moment.  (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- BC gets a motorcycle. (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)

-- Storyboard drawing of Laurel/BC riding a motorcycle alongside a Kord Industries truck. (MG tweet, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Shot of Thea/Speedy riding behind Laurel/BC on her motorcycle. (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Laurel says "the Ghost is like nothing we've seen before, well trained, well armed. We need the Arrow."  (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- SA mentioned the "good" hallway scene between Oliver and Laurel in S2 and then said "we have the opposite scene this year... which is actually really cool." (Video of Arrow Sunday panel with SA, JB, KC and MN at Dragon Con 2015, page 196 of Behind the Mask thread)
-- From journalists' on-set interview with KC: She "doesn't plan to go back to being Oliver's love interest" and "you don't always end up with the love of your life". Also, KC talked about Laurel's relationship with Sara and that Laurel will have to help her sister find herself after she comes back. (dtissagirl posts, page 598 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- MG: “[sara’s resurrection] very much comes about because of decisions that Laurel makes and choices that Laurel will then have to live with.” Also, MG: “The episodes dealing with Sara’s return are amongst probably the heaviest material that we’ve had for Laurel. We’re using Sara’s return to really get underneath not just Laurel as a person, but the relationship that she has with Thea and the friendship that she has with Oliver.” (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- MG: "Sara's return is central to the arc for Laurel..." (TV Guide article, page 21 of Spoilers thread)

-- On possible WC/BC fights on Arrow and LoT, KC: "I don’t know. I think you’re going to have to watch both of them. I can’t tell you. As much as I’d love to tell you. What’s great about this whole universe and what our producers did so brilliantly with three shows, we’re all in Vancouver, we all are in the same world. And it’s obviously definitely a possibility to do – everyone to be crossing over. And first, Sarah being my sister, you’d think that at least, Paul [blackthorne] and I at some point would probably be involved in their show, and hopefully they are involved in ours. And I am just so happy to have more friends in Vancouver." (MarySue article, page 78 of Starling City Times thread)


Quentin Lance
-- Per PB, Quentin and DD have shot scenes together. "It’s all rather interesting; a peculiar relationship." (GreenArrowTV interview with PB, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Per WM, Captain Lance is still "very opposed" to the costumed crimefighters. WM: "He still traces back every bad thing in Starling City to Oliver’s arrival and the arrival of the masks." However, given Damien Darhk's arrival and "how dire the straits are for the city, he’s going to start to see them as a necessary evil, something that he doesn’t love or embrace but recognizes might be the only answer to saving his home." (TVLine article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Quentin tells Oliver "this city started to go to crap the moment you put on that hood. You brought madness into all of our lives, and the monster you were inspired other monsters." (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- On Oliver having a new alter ego, the Green Arrow, PB: "Quentin’s actually not massively enamored with the idea that the man suddenly has to give himself a color. We actually had a funny scene the other day where Lance, in his own inimitable fashion, did remark upon how cute that was. 'You should now have a color.'" (GreenArrowTV interview with PB, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- SA: "There's really good Diggle-Lance stuff this year, which has never happened. I don't know if they've even ever met." (Video of Arrow Sunday panel with SA, JB, KC and MN at Dragon Con 2015, page 196 of Behind the Mask thread)
-- Quentin knocks out Diggle by hitting him on the back of his head. (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)


Thea Queen AKA Speedy
-- Per MG, Thea’s storyline helps in bringing the show back to its roots as she faces the difficulties of being a hero.  MG:“Since season 1, we really haven’t done that much with Oliver trying to keep his secret identity secret on the show... But that’s something we’re going to be playing around with Thea as we get deeper into the season and she tries to balance hopefully a personal life with being a superhero - something she’s never had to deal with before.” That personal life includes a new love interest in Alex Davis (Parker Young), though Thea will also have an unexpected connection to Lonnie Machin, a.k.a. Anarky (Alexander Calvert), a psychotic criminal who poses a major threat in the second episode. (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Thea has a new love interest, and the show fully intends to tap into Parker Young's skills as a comedic performer on Suburgatory and Enlisted. WM: "It’s still going to be dark and gritty, but he’s one of those places [where] we’re bringing [humor] in... [Thea] is going to have the challenge that Oliver had in the first season of, she’s now a superhero and she wants to have a normal life. She’s got this guy. How does she balance both of those things?" (TVLine article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Shot of Thea/Speedy riding behind Laurel/BC on her motorcycle, exclaiming "This is so cool". (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Shots of Thea/Speedy fighting and acting a bit crazy, with voiceover saying "when people go in the Pit, they don't come out the same." (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Pics of Thea's place taken by international reporters touring the Arrow set on Sep. 8, 2015. (dtissagirl post, page 20 of Spoilers thread)


Malcolm Merlyn AKA The Dark Archer AKA The Magician AKA Ra's al Ghul

-- Per MG, we will see a lot of JB in S4 as Malcolm, relishing his role as Ra’s al Ghul. (GenderBiasedReviews article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- MG: "The best way to put it is its father knows worst... Malcolm comes into the story very much more in the role of Thea’s father than in the role of the Head of the League of Assassins. It’s so much fun to play with Malcolm as dad because his choices are just very unusual. Much to the chagrin of Thea, he doesn’t handle things the way a typical father would.” (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Malcolm may be the new leader of the LOA, but he won't be saying goodbye to his old life entirely:  Per MG, he'll "get back into the hood for Episode 3."  (TVLine article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- There is a tense confrontation between Nyssa and Malcolm/Ra's. (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Shot of Nyssa and Malcolm fighting. (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)


(to be continued)

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Damien Darhk
-- Per MG, DD has been operating in Starling City for the past three months. (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- One of the great things about all of Arrow’s previous big bads is that, despite their evil deeds, they all had a soft spot we could sometimes root for. They all thought they were doing the right thing. That won’t be the case for Damien Darhk, former friend and rival of the late Ra’s al Ghul.  WM: “Damien is a full-blown megalomaniac... someone who is willing to go to any lengths to gain and maintain power. (Yahoo article, page 21 of Spoilers thread)
-- Although renaming Starling City is not DD’s handiwork, you can be sure that he will cast a long shadow -  though never skulk in one - on the rebranded Star City.  MG: “He’s very different from our previous Big Bads in that he’s not hiding in the shadows... But at the same time, he doesn’t have a public persona.” That, however, won’t keep him from crashing VIP gatherings. Per MG, in 4x01, DD "shows up at a very public meeting that Lance is present at... If Darhk wants to show up somewhere, he’s certainly going to!” (TVLine article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- On magic coming into play in S4, SA: "The Damien Darhk character is cut from the same cloth - no pun intended - as the Ra’s [al Ghul] character when it comes to elements of the Lazarus Pit. You can see very early on there is still so much to do for us. The contrast between the Green Arrow and Damien Darhk - his methods of evading arrows and the way that he handles Green Arrow - sets the tone for a different season. I think people are going to enjoy it. It gives us an opportunity to introduce some familiar characters and explore some new things and it’s interesting, magic or not, the way we set up the problems for the team this year. " (TeleVixen article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- DD will be gunning for Oliver on more than one front.  WM: “Oliver’s going to be taking up more of an overt role in terms of the city is in a bad space... He’s going to be taking on Damien Darhk, and he’s going to be fighting him not just as Green Arrow, but also as Oliver Queen. It’s public and it’s part of him stepping into the light.” (EW article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Shots of DD opening a cabinet, walking into city offices where people are seated around a table, and putting his hand on soldier's chest, with voiceover saying "Oh, you don't know who I am, do you?... I'm Damien Darhk." (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- DD says "So you're all fretting about this city dying. I'm here on behalf of an organization that wants you to let it die." (SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- DD tells Lonnie Machin aka Anarky "I respect order, discipline. All you represent is anarchy." (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- In this episode, DD says to Oliver/GA: "You can't be the Arrow because he died, so who are you?" Oliver replies "you're about to find out" as he draws an arrow out of his quiver. He shoots the arrow, but DD puts up his hand and stops the arrow in mid-flight. (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread, kalichica12 tweet of SA video, page 593 of Spoiler Discussion thread, and video of Arrow "Embrace Your Dark Side" promo, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- DD says "I want to know everything about this Green Arrow.  Where he lives, and who he loves." (Video of Arrow "Embrace Your Dark Side" promo, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and 2nd official S4 trailer posted as Arrow facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread)


Curtis Holt AKA Mr. Terrific

-- Per MG, they do make an effort to have a diverse cast. With the Yamashiros’ story arc having ended last season, they needed to replace the diversity that was being lost, so they brought in Mr. Terrific because they wanted someone in Felicity’s life that could replace Ray, not in a romantic way, but that she could banter with and that was also intelligent. The idea for Mr. Terrific came at the end of S3, and they ended up casting the first person to audition for the role, Echo Kellum. (GenderBiasedReviews article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- MG: "That’s a character that I’ve long wanted to bring to the show and something that we were talking about with Geoff Johns last year. I wrote Mr. Terrific when I did Justice Society, and just had a blast working with him … Echo’s terrific and I’m really excited for people to see him. They got a good glimpse of him in the trailer, but there’s more to come. And if you sort of freeze frame on that little ball that Felicity tosses up in the trailer in front of Curtis, comic books fans might notice a little Easter egg there.” In the comics, Mr. Terrific uses flying metallic balls he calls his “T-Spheres.” The T-Spheres have such capabilities as creating holograms, forming a laser grid, recording, interfacing with other technology, or even acting as weapons themselves.  (Den of Geek article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- Basically, Curtis and Felicity are going to be best friends. (Den of Geek article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- Felicity and Curtis play around with a spherical metal ball (future T-Sphere?). (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Curtis and Felicity hide under a table, with Curtis saying "what's happening now, it is not in my job description." (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- Double Down approaches elevator which has Curtis and Felicity in it.  Felicity kicks Double Down back just as elevator doors close. Curtis asks "since when are you such a badass?"  Felicity answers "since always." (Official S4 trailer posted as SA facebook video, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Velocity23 post, page 589 of Spoiler Discussion thread)

-- In response to fan asking if Curtis will interact with Oliver/Diggle or TA or just with Felicity, and saying that he'd like to see him hit on Oliver, MG said: "He’ll interact with Oliver.  But won’t hit on him.  There will be a good reason why." (MG tumblr post, page 20 of Spoilers thread)


Liza Warner
-- Liza Warner (Rutina Wesley) may be making her debut in the 4th episode, "Beyond Redemption". (RW tweet and instagram pic, page 20 of Spoilers thread, and Arrow Production Offices tweet, page 19 of Spoilers thread)
-- Pic of RW as Liza Warner posted. (Velocity23 post, page 593 of Spoiler Discussion thread)
-- B-t-s pic of RW as Liza Warner with PB and SA posted. (PB instagram, page 20 of Spoilers thread)


Roy Harper AKA Arsenal
-- CH: “It’s one call away. You will definitely be seeing me back on Arrow and possibly a few of the other spinoff shows going forward.” (Rappler article, page 21 of Spoilers thread, and LifeStyle article, page 616 of Spoiler Discussion thread)


Crossovers with Flash/LoT/Vixen

-- Remember, 4x08 is the Flash crossover ep.

-- Per MG, the LoT spinoff will take shape in the early episodes of both Arrow and Flash, but our heroes won't be edged out by the returns of CL and BR. MG: "There is a weird contingent on the Internet who think the first seven or eight episodes are all leading up to Legends... And what I like about this batch of episodes is that Sara's return is central to the arc for Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and Ray's return is essential to Felicity and Oliver's storyline. There is a lot of Arrow story to be told with these characters coming back." (TV Guide article, page 21 of Spoilers thread)
-- Per MG, we will see both Hawkman and Hawkgirl on Arrow and Flash before seeing them on LoT. (GenderBiasedReviews article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)
-- Per MG, whereas in Legends of Tomorrow the character dynamics are more like a chemical equation of how each reacts with one another, in Arrow every character has a “moment to shine.” (GenderBiasedReviews article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)

-- On possible WC/BC fights on Arrow and LoT, KC: "I don’t know. I think you’re going to have to watch both of them. I can’t tell you. As much as I’d love to tell you. What’s great about this whole universe and what our producers did so brilliantly with three shows, we’re all in Vancouver, we all are in the same world. And it’s obviously definitely a possibility to do – everyone to be crossing over. And first, Sarah being my sister, you’d think that at least, Paul [blackthorne] and I at some point would probably be involved in their show, and hopefully they are involved in ours. And I am just so happy to have more friends in Vancouver." (MarySue article, page 78 of Starling City Times thread)

-- Vixen happens around Arrow Ep. 315.  (MG tumblr post, page 1 of Vixen Media thread in Vixen forum)

-- Per MG, a Vixen crosover is something that they “constantly talk about,” but that they “don’t want to do something just to do it,” and that instead they “want it to happen organically.” For example, in the S4 episode of Arrow when Constantine shows up, he has a real role to play. (GenderBiasedReviews article, page 20 of Spoilers thread)


(the end)

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tv echo, I'm truly in awe.  claps


-- Per MG, DR suggested the actor who played Andy Diggle, and it worked perfectly.

I'm curious how their thinking on this goes. He's a good actor but when I saw them together, I thought "These two can't really be sharing genetic material."



The fact that there's a NON proposal coming is so much more appealing than an actual proposal to me, I can't even describe how much I adore the potential I see in this storyline.

I can't read any of those wacky theories, because I always end up screaming THAT IS NOT HOW TV WORKS at my screen, and then people look at me weird.

If it's a show with good writing, I always try to think "what would give the greatest dramatic potential?" when trying to figure out what they're doing


Sadly, they didn't go with "Malcolm had a secret agreement with Ra's" last season.


It was a good theory. I mean it was out of the box and a little crazy. I thought it might happen if the show was going to go big or go home.

The show definitely wants to "do big or go home" but sadly last season, where they went big was in all the wrong directions (the whole drugging Thea/Malcolm/Ra's plot, LL and RP as heroes, Ra's as a big bad and wanting Oliver to replace him) so I don't think we can be blamed for what we hoped was going to happen.


I knew the theory was wrong even as I was reading it but at the same time I was grateful  to everyone who push it because at that point in the season, it was so dark and dismal and depressing that I grasped at any ray of hope.   The 300 Greeks who died in the Battle of Thermopylae, did their commander tell them "Guys, we're all gong to stay here fighting till we're all dead" or did he say "We have a chance.  Not a big one, but a chance"?

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