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I really hope the "just friends" dialogue tease is Ray breaking up with Felicity, although the relationship is only 2 1/2 episodes long at this point,they've just agreed to be partners, and it looks like Ray is about to save her life so that's doubtful.  But this is one case where I'd applaud their usual burning through storylines.


If it's Donna saying that to Felicity, well, I don't need that any more. We know that, we've been hearing all season random characters tell either Oliver or Felicity they're in love with each other, but the relationship itself is still stuck in quicksand.  I don't want to waste any more time on that.


So here's a horrible thought. Maybe the dialogue tease is Donna to Felicity about Ray. Maybe F introduces R as her friend and Donna objects? I hope I'm wrong. 

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So here's a horrible thought. Maybe the dialogue tease is Donna to Felicity about Ray. Maybe F introduces R as her friend and Donna objects? I hope I'm wrong.

I don't think so. Donna shows up at the hospital to offer her support after Ray gets injured-she must know they're more than friends or else why would she make the trip? I mean, maybe it's because she heard someone shot an arrow at Felicity, but if she's coming to the hospital, she must know Ray was the one who was injured. Although who knows with this show.

Plus, MS is in the hospital with Ray and Felicity, so she'd "see" it in Felicity's eyes of she was claiming Ray was just her friend. Saw implies past tense, like the last time she saw Oliver. But then again maybe they're talking outside Ray's room so again, who knows. I've just made my brain hurt.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I was just thinking...I used to love The Vampire Diaries, and one of the things that show did in the first two seasons that I thought was really smart was that Elena was actually ready to GTFO from all the vampires. I loved that; it showed that she actually had a functioning brain. BUT then it turned out that the reason all the bad stuff was happening was actually her, not the vampires. Heck, if Stefan and Damon hadn't come to town Katherine would have trussed her like a chicken and handed her to Klaus on a platter. So, what if something similar happens here? Assuming the stupid LOA storyline is over at the end of the season, and the new danger for S4 really does involve her dad, she would be bringing danger to Oliver, instead of vice versa. Maybe that could break through his whole "I can't be with you because I put you in danger, blah blah." (I know there's more to it, but frankly the characters' motivations change pretty often nowadays, and I think keeping her safe in a normal-ish life is part of his motivation, for the moment.)

Felicity and Diggle are getting bigger story next season according to MG. I won't be surprised if this Damien Darhk dude had Andy killed AND is Felicity's papa

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So here's a horrible thought. Maybe the dialogue tease is Donna to Felicity about Ray. Maybe F introduces R as her friend and Donna objects? I hope I'm wrong. 


I don't think so. That tweet was very specific:  "The moment you've been (patiently) waiting for." Followed by: "You were more than 'just friends.' I saw it in your eyes.' " I don't think anyone has been waiting, patiently or not, for Felicity to realize that she's not "just friends" with Ray, or for someone else to tell her this. They're clearly not just friends: they're sleeping together and she just brought him to the wedding.  

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The "moment you've been patiently waiting for" was because the writers were promising that tease once they reached a certain number of Twitter followers.

But I don't see any scenario in which Felicity tries to convince her mom that she and Ray are just friends.

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Ah, ok, thanks for the context, Apinknightmare.


Even still, I don't think that Felicity is going to be trying to convince anyone that she's just friends with Ray.  With Oliver or the Arrow, sure.

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I think the dialogue tease ("You were more than 'just friends.' I saw it in your eyes.") is Ray to Felicity, during that scene where he's in his hospital bed and Felicity is sitting by his bedside looking like they're having a serious conversation.

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I sort of think the last episode eliminated Palmer as an option here, because of the "You have feelings for him" / "Yes! I mean, no! No! I did, but that's over now" exchange. Palmer already knows they were more than just friends, and not because he saw it in her eyes, but because she told him so.

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Not necessarily.  Ray knowing that Felicity has feelings for Oliver doesn't mean that he knows Oliver reciprocated or that they did anything about it.  Season 2 Felicity had feelings for Oliver but they were just friends.

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The only way I would be happy with the line being from Ray to Felicity is if its during a break up scene. I don't want him to say that to her only for Felicity to reassure him that she put that behind her and this is where she wants to be.


I want her and Donna to have a honest conversation about her headspace. No lying to herself or her mother. I doubt I'm going to get what I want tho. When asked if we get into Felicity's voice, MG pointed a out a scene with Laurel. I don't know why he wouldn't mention Donna given how excited the fans were/are about her return if there is a scene. Of course, MG never misses an opportunity to mention Laurel. Idk


I'm pretty sure its a *wink*wink moment that will lead to disappoint because it doesn't actually lead anywhere.


Change of subject: Every time I see the gif of Roy getting fried, I just think about his possible death in 3x19 and wondered if the electricity fried his heart. I know Ray isn't going to kill him, but thats going to be my headcanon if the boys dies. He was weakened because of that fight. 


I still find it interesting that this big death happens in Ray's episode. 

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Donna could always give Felicity something to think about. Much as I wish it to be, I don't think she's going to break up with Ray in the hospital, but I do think that Donna's going to plant some seeds with Felicity. If that line about "just friends" is from her to Felicity, I wonder in what context Felicity's dad comes up? Does Donna talk to Felicity about settling, or following her heart? Maybe Felicity's dad's the one she settled for because she couldn't have who she wanted? IDK.

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I do think it's Donna to Felicity about Oliver. But I hope it doesn't end there and Mama Smoak actually helps Felicity realize she can't pretend she can be happy with Ray when her heart belongs to another. One of my complaints this season has been the utter lack of POV from Felicity regarding her feelings for Oliver. I'd hoped she'd be able to talk about it with Diggle but they've kept them apart more than they've kept Oliver and Felicity apart. So I hope she finally gets to talk about her feelings so we don't have to try and explain every darn thing ourselves (and to see if we're actually accurate in our guesses).

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I do think it's Donna to Felicity about Oliver. But I hope it doesn't end there and Mama Smoak actually helps Felicity realize she can't pretend she can be happy with Ray when her heart belongs to another. One of my complaints this season has been the utter lack of POV from Felicity regarding her feelings for Oliver. I'd hoped she'd be able to talk about it with Diggle but they've kept them apart more than they've kept Oliver and Felicity apart. So I hope she finally gets to talk about her feelings so we don't have to try and explain every darn thing ourselves (and to see if we're actually accurate in our guesses).

Irony at its worst. The character who is known for not keeping her thoughts to herself is the one the writers won't let talk. And the one labeled controlled and tight-lipped is making all the declarations. They may think its romantic and an interesting character statement, and it could have been IMO. But poorly done and it just leaves the audience wondering what has happened to their favorite characters.

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The only problem is that Felicity never referred to Oliver as her friend. In the introduction scene in Verdent, Donna asks is this your friend (or something along those lines) and she said no this is Oliver. I always thought it was interesting in how she introduced him to her mother. But then the remainder of the episode we never saw Felicity interact with Oliver around her mother. So how is her mother going to see how they interact to get that visual reading on her daughter? And we've been told that MS does not interact with anyone on TA, so she won't even interact with OQ & FS together this episode, so I'm not sure how the line would work. Plus I think its almost too obvious a guess that it would be MS to FS about OQ and the writers are more tricky than that in their dialogue teases.


I love MS returning to SC, but I really can't see her coming in on OQ's side, since the whole point seems to part of the Ray is Awesome PR propping parade for his spin-off. I know that sounds bitter, but I really can't understand another reason they would pay for a guest star to come back for this episode unless it was to further promote Ray and to do that I can't see her siding with OQ it just makes no conversational sense. Unless its to help ease the audience away from Ray... See MS help FS figure out her headspace so when Ray or FS leave each other it was under her blessing. And its too soon to drop info about FS father if he is the possible big bad. So yea, I don't know, its just hard to figure out the motivations this season. But excited that it brings MS back so I'll take any rationale this season to get her back. Still would have preferred her meeting Lance and finding them both some happiness.

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Felicity doesn't have to have referred to Oliver as her friend in their first meeting - all she has to do is tell her mom that she and Oliver are just friends now. 


Besides, IF this is a line from MS, she doesn't have to have seen them interacting to make that observation. Seems like Oliver's going to get arrested in this ep, and there are stills of Felicity at the SCPD station, so maybe he gets taken in, she gets a call at the hospital, and her reaction tells MS all she needs to know about who Oliver is to Felicity? 

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Besides, IF this is a line from MS, she doesn't have to have seen them interacting to make that observation. Seems like Oliver's going to get arrested in this ep, and there are stills of Felicity at the SCPD station, so maybe he gets taken in, she gets a call at the hospital, and her reaction tells MS all she needs to know about who Oliver is to Felicity?

If MS tells Felicity they're not just friends this is the only way I can see it happening without seeing Oliver and Felicity interact.

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Plus I think its almost too obvious a guess that it would be MS to FS about OQ and the writers are more tricky than that in their dialogue teases.

Are they? I feel like the writers are pretty predictable with their dialogue teases 95% of the time. And 8 times out of 10 the dialogue tease is spoken by or has something to do with Felicity.

Since there will be a big manhunt for the Arrow/Oliver, maybe Mama Smoak and Felicity see live footage or a news blurb about it on the hospital tv. And Donna sees how Felicity reacts to it so she asks her about Oliver and realizes how much Felicity really cares for him.

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Are they? I feel like the writers are pretty predictable with their dialogue teases 95% of the time. And 8 times out of 10 the dialogue tease is spoken by or has something to do with Felicity.

Since there will be a big manhunt for the Arrow/Oliver, maybe Mama Smoak and Felicity see live footage or a news blurb about it on the hospital tv. And Donna sees how Felicity reacts to it so she asks her about Oliver and realizes how much Felicity really cares for him.

Maybe Im wrong... TBH sometimes reading this forum I forget how much insight we put into the show vs how much they actually give out. So who knows?? 

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I think the dialogue tease ("You were more than 'just friends.' I saw it in your eyes.") is Ray to Felicity, during that scene where he's in his hospital bed and Felicity is sitting by his bedside looking like they're having a serious conversation.

That is what I was hoping for followed by a break-up until I read The Flash ep 118 write-up "Felicity Smoak (guest star Emily Bett Rickards) arrives from Starling City along with her boyfriend, Ray Palmer"


I'm pretty sure its a *wink*wink moment that will lead to disappoint because it doesn't actually lead anywhere.. 


Yes to the *wink*wink* because they think that's all that will take to keep us happy.


Also yes to Ray seriously hurting Roy's heart because of his idiocy.


Irony at its worst. The character who is known for not keeping her thoughts to herself is the one the writers won't let talk. And the one labeled controlled and tight-lipped is making all the declarations.

But Oliver's a guy.  And Felicity is just a woman. Of course hearing what he has to say is more important!



Since there will be a big manhunt for the Arrow/Oliver, maybe Mama Smoak and Felicity see live footage or a news blurb about it on the hospital tv. And Donna sees how Felicity reacts to it so she asks her about Oliver and realizes how much Felicity really cares for him.

I think you've nailed it.  Felicity assumes her mother they're just friends, and that's when Donna says the line.


Because what this show really does well is keep people dangling and only rarely delivering. Intermittent reinforcement, baby, it's the strongest hook.

Edited by statsgirl
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We know that the writers and the show runners have no control over the episode descriptions. Maybe they do break up in episode 18, but the PR people didn't get the memo to correct The Flash's description. That can happen right? Please? lol 

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I mean, Ray IS Felicity's boyfriend. I don't see any logical reason why she'd try to convince her mom that he was just her friend. Oliver, on the other hand, she definitely would.


I could see her doing it because Ray's her boss, but I don't think it's about Ray anyway.

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Late to the party but look at them trying to win us over with their dumb dialogue teases. UGH.


Mama Smoak is obviously back for this episode for a reason and I hope it's to help Felicity realize her deeper feelings for Oliver, although is she really the one who needs convincing at this point? I don't know. It's Oliver who needs to realize he can have more than living life as the Arrow. Or maybe Felicity genuinely doesn't realize she's in love with Oliver because she refuses to acknowledge the painful reality as it gets her nowhere? That's also a possibility.


So I feel like the dialogue tease is Donna to Felicity for sure. I'm starting to wonder if Felicity dashes off to help Oliver quickly while Ray is in hospital and Mama Smoak notices. I can see it going down that way. 

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So I feel like the dialogue tease is Donna to Felicity for sure. I'm starting to wonder if Felicity dashes off to help Oliver quickly while Ray is in hospital and Mama Smoak notices. I can see it going down that way. 


This is literally what I said a few days ago, so I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. I sort of hope this is the case because it means that Felicity won't be in the hospital the whole time. I

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This is literally what I said a few days ago, so I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. I sort of hope this is the case because it means that Felicity won't be in the hospital the whole time. I


Yeah, I'm pretty sure in one of the spoiler pics Felicity isn't in the hospital room. And isn't this the episode where she's in a scene with Maseo?

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So after writing about the R/F relationship in the relationship thread, I've been thinking that perhaps the break up will come in the Flash episode. Im thinking that if you guys are right and MamaSmoak does play the more than friends card with FS about OQ it will they the groundwork for FS to begin questioning herself. But we all know that she won't easily give up on Ray, not after 317 and certainly not after he takes an arrow for her. Its gonna take more than MS to make her just throw in the towel. I'm thinking when they go to CC, Barry Allen will observe them and have something to say. Barry has always been very perceptive and insightful. Maybe he will be able to see some of the flaws in their relationship. He might then talk about it to FS. The dinner date might turn out to be a disaster because there is all this hidden relationship tension because people are questioning each other. I mean its not like there isn't already enough romantic tension between eddie/iris/barry. So it might be a funnier version of the disaster dinner we saw on Arrow. There is more comic bumbling because its on the Flash so that will make it funny, but in the end people will still be hurt because it will end in the revelations. So I think it will be the next step on the break-up train. Between Barry & her mother, FS will have more evidence that she might not be as happy as she says anything. Who knows maybe Iris will say something flattering about Oliver and Ray will respond like a petulant child that would be amusing too.

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Spoiled Speculation- maybe Felicity will break up with Ray because she doesn't want to put him in any more danger, and that he should put his mission first.  Kind of parallels Oliver and his mission first decision.

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I'm thinking when they go to CC, Barry Allen will observe them and have something to say. Barry has always been very perceptive and insightful. Maybe he will be able to see some of the flaws in their relationship. He might then talk about it to FS.


That's what I'm hoping too. The synopsis of the upcoming Flash crossover ep states: "Barry (Grant Gustin) is surprised when Felicity Smoak (guest star Emily Bett Rickards) arrives from Starling City along with her boyfriend, Ray Palmer (guest star Brandon Routh), who flies in as the Atom." I'm really hoping that the surprise is not that Felicity is in town or that Ray is the Atom, but that Felicity is now with Ray. Other than Diggle (and maybe Roy?), Barry is the only person who has been privy to both Felicity's and Oliver's true feelings about each other. I know Oliver hasn't come right out and told Barry he loves Felicity but as you say, Barry is very perceptive, so I'm thinking he gleaned as much from Oliver's resigned "Guys like us don't get the girl" speech.


I'd like to think that Barry is Team Olicity and has probably been under the assumption that Oliver and Felicity have been gradually working their way toward each other, which is why he's in for a rude awakening when she shows up with Ray in tow. And even if Ray's on his best behavior while in CC, I'm hoping that Barry sees that Felicity isn't really herself when she's with Ray and that she may not be as happy as she thinks she is.

Edited by dcinmb
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It's good that there's no development on R/F on the Flash. We need to see that on the Arrow. 


What we'll most likely see is Barry and Felicity bonding and talking about their lives. It'll give us insight into Felicity's thoughts. This is what sorta pisses me off because we're supposed to see that on Arrow and not the Flash. smh

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I don't trust MG as a reliable source of information when it comes to understanding what is happening on the show or to the characters. He's proven himself an unreliable, his hubris tends to overshadow his judgment.

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Spoiled Speculation- maybe Felicity will break up with Ray because she doesn't want to put him in any more danger, and that he should put his mission first.  Kind of parallels Oliver and his mission first decision.

But that would be Felicity drinking the Oliver kool-aid that you can't be a vigilante and be in a relationship too.  Up to now she's been saying that that's not true and she's right.  Now that it looks like Oliver may be coming around, I hope Felicity is not going to start taking his place in the argument.


Unless Maseo is specifically targeting her because she is the "woman Oliver loves and can't have", it could as easily have been a complete stranger in that window.  Ray took her to the meeting, not she took Ray (I assume since he's the one who called it).


Not to mention, given Ray's behaviour in the last episode, he would have no trouble at all putting himself first and ignoring Felicity. Poor, deluded Felicity.

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I posited on Tumblr already, but I'm still trying to figure out why Ray was established as a minister. It would've made so much more sense for Felicity to get internet ordained and marry her friends. Diggle LITERALLY met Ray 10 minutes before the wedding. 


Part of me wants to ask Trollenheim if Ray is indeed Chekov's Minister. We have confirmed spoilers of another wedding. Will it come up again?


But then again, I don't actually believe the writing staff is that clever. 

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Coming in late to the dialogue tease discussion. The only alternative I can see to Mama Smoak & Felicity is Thea to Oliver about Felicity.


As for Barry and Felicity I hope they get some time together without Ray hovering over them. I assume Barry's identity will be revealed, but not sure before or after the diner date of Awkward. I also hope we get some meaningful dialogue between Caitlin and Felicity surely there is something about Oliver and Ronnie both being back from the dead.

Edited by Genki
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Just as long as we don't have to deal with Felicity feeling pressured to reveal Barry's secret identity to Ray, or Ray angry that she didn't tell him.


I feel like there will be some underlying judgement coming from Ray when he finds out. Frankly I would like it if he doesn't, just makes it worse for regular cast member who don't know. But since this is the Ray Palmer showcase tour, I'm sure he will find out.

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So with the scheduling issue, it's 22 of Arrow (Here Is Your Sword-Oliver's in the LOA), then the following week 22 of The Flash, with the pic of Al-Saheem with Firestorm and Barry, confronting RF), then the finale of Arrow, then a week later the finale of Flash.  I'm trying to figure out exactly how that works.  I guess I would hope that Oliver helps Barry against RF, then Barry helps Oliver against Ra's.  But it's not like Barry et al. are going to confront RF and then take a break to help Oliver confront Ra's, and then return to finish up against RF.  I'm presuming they don't defeat RF in Flash.22 (also, I love Oliver, but not sure how much help he can be against an experienced speedster).  Also, usually 21-23 are the big finales, but I guess Oliver can take a break in the midst of his big finale to go help Barry?


This whole thing is so weird.

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I don't expect to see any crossovers in the final episode of either show.

Huh?  We've already seen pictures of Oliver dressed in LOA gear with Firestorm, Barry, and RF, during the filming of Flash 22  That is why I wrote "then the following week 22 of The Flash, with the pic of Al-Saheem with Firestorm and Barry, confronting RF)". That is the whole reason for my question.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Huh?  We've already seen pictures of Oliver dressed in LOA gear with Firestorm, Barry, and RF, during the filming of Flash 22  That is why I wrote "then the following week 22 of The Flash, with the pic of Al-Saheem with Firestorm and Barry, confronting RF)". That is the whole reason for my question.


Aren't both shows shooting their penultimate episodes right now? So there'd be one more episode of The Flash after that Oliver crossover.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I posited on Tumblr already, but I'm still trying to figure out why Ray was established as a minister. It would've made so much more sense for Felicity to get internet ordained and marry her friends. Diggle LITERALLY met Ray 10 minutes before the wedding. 


Part of me wants to ask Trollenheim if Ray is indeed Chekov's Minister. We have confirmed spoilers of another wedding. Will it come up again?


But then again, I don't actually believe the writing staff is that clever. 

Who is Chekov's Minister?


Not sure if it would make them clever or not, but I would prefer if they had a plan rather than just let's make Ray more interactive w/ cast & more fun. I also think that if it was only to have Ray & Oliver on the alter so Felicity could pine at RP while Oliver counterpines at her it was unnecessary and tropy.

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Who is Chekov's Minister?


It's a play on the Checkov's gun principle: if there's a rifle in the first act, it has to go off in the second or the third. If they introduced Ray as a minister in episode 3x17, there needs to be a reason for it in a future episode (as in, he would be the one performing the second wedding ceremony MG teased). Otherwise, they just had him be a minister to have him be a minister and be present at Digg and Lyla's wedding so that Oliver could see him and Felicity together. Which is probably what it was - my guess is Ray's being a minister will serve no other purpose.

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It's a play on the Checkov's gun principle: if there's a rifle in the first act, it has to go off in the second or the third. If they introduced Ray as a minister in episode 3x17, there needs to be a reason for it in a future episode (as in, he would be the one performing the second wedding ceremony MG teased). Otherwise, they just had him be a minister to have him be a minister and be present at Digg and Lyla's wedding so that Oliver could see him and Felicity together. Which is probably what it was - my guess is Ray's being a minister will serve no other purpose.

Thanks that could be why I wasn't having quick results on Google, although I gave up after 1 attempt - so I wasn't trying that hard. Figured you guys could give me the answer better than random website :)

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It's a play on the Checkov's gun principle: if there's a rifle in the first act, it has to go off in the second or the third. If they introduced Ray as a minister in episode 3x17, there needs to be a reason for it in a future episode (as in, he would be the one performing the second wedding ceremony MG teased). Otherwise, they just had him be a minister to have him be a minister and be present at Digg and Lyla's wedding so that Oliver could see him and Felicity together. Which is probably what it was - my guess is Ray's being a minister will serve no other purpose.


Yeah, I mean, chances are that it's because RAY IS THE BEST EVER AND CAN DO EVERYTHING.  Instead of something INTERESTING.


It's laughable including this sentiment considering the writing team we're dealing with: Chekhov, master of the short story, gave this advice: if it's not essential, don't include it in the story.

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Aren't both shows shooting their penultimate episodes right now? So there'd be one more episode of The Flash after that Oliver crossover.

That is my question.  Oliver was there, dressed as an LOA member, in Flash 22.  Since Flash is apparently one week behind Arrow (right?) it will be Flash 21 Tuesday, then Arrow 22 Wednesday (Here Is Your Sword).  Then the following week, Flash 22 Tuesday, with Oliver helping against RF, dressed as LOA.  The next day Arrow final episode.  Meaning that between the penultimate and ultimate episodes of Arrow, he runs off to help Barry.  


So Oliver is doing whatever in Sword, then running to help Barry, then finishing up his own thing v. Ra's.  And Barry is getting help from Oliver, then it's Oliver's final episode so I guess Barry isn't going to help Oliver, since as I said, presumably Barry won't stop his confrontation v. Reverse Flash to dash to Nanda Parbat, although it seems Oliver stops his confrontation v. Ra's to help Barry.


For the prior seasons, the last three episodes have been a fairly cohesive finale, but this year it's 21 (signing LOA HR paperwork, getting the guided Nanda tour); 22 (plan how to defeat Ra's, maybe some fighting); Flash.22 (PAUSE v. Ra's to dash to Central City to help Barry); then finally 23 (finish up whatever plot/fighting Ra's).


I find that odd.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Huh? We've already seen pictures of Oliver dressed in LOA gear with Firestorm, Barry, and RF, during the filming of Flash 22 That is why I wrote "then the following week 22 of The Flash, with the pic of Al-Saheem with Firestorm and Barry, confronting RF)". That is the whole reason for my question.

Both shows are filming episode 22, the final episode is 23. I don't expect to see any crossovers in 323 or 123.

Flash is one week behind Arrow for the Ray cross-over but the timeline can reset after that. It doesn't need to stay that way till the end of the season.

are you talking schedule or internal timeline? Schedule wise it doesn't change, Flash ends a week after Arrow. Internal timeline seems questionable, it's possible were supposed to think it's the same time. Won't know until 118 airs, I guess. Edited by Morrigan2575
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