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I guess I don't understand why Oliver would be ticked at Felicity for working at QC.  At all.  Maybe a bit on alert for personal reasons? but ticked at her? No, he has no right to be, in my opinion.


Well, first of all, this is Oliver Queen, who gets ticked at a lot of things he has no right to get ticked about, so that's in character. But in this case - yes, actually, I do think he has a right to say something, because she's not just going to a new job, she is going to work for a person who just hacked into his family's company and who put a GPS tracer on his partner. Given that Ray was able to follow her to the hospital, it's a VERY sure bet that he was able to follow her little dot over to Verdant.


As I've said previously, the hack was unnecessary: given that Ray Palmer can easily spend 1.2 billion to buy up some stores, the QC board shouldn't have any issues whatsoever with approving his takeover bid. Frankly, even with the hacking and the general smarminess, I approve of his takeover bid - at the very least he doesn't seem like the sort of person who will scribble over rights to his company without checking with an attorney first. You go, Ray. But since that is the script, then yes, Oliver is watching his partner - someone he has to put a lot of trust in, whether or not she stays with Team Arrow, go and work with someone who did something unethical, and something unnecessarily unethical. That tracker is another concern - it can be waved off for now, but if Felicity ever has to rush off for Team Arrow emergencies, that, plus the little dot hovering around a supposedly condemned building - is bound to raise eyebrows, and whatever else Ray is or isn't, he's clearly VERY intelligent.  Felicity already suggested, in the script, that Team Arrow emergencies were getting her into trouble at an ordinary retail job.


Mind you, I kinda figure Ray has already guessed something. At least, I won't be surprised if that's revealed later.

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 That tracker is another concern - it can be waved off for now, but if Felicity ever has to rush off for Team Arrow emergencies, that, plus the little dot hovering around a supposedly condemned building - is bound to raise eyebrows, and whatever else Ray is or isn't, he's clearly VERY intelligent.  Felicity already suggested, in the script, that Team Arrow emergencies were getting her into trouble at an ordinary retail job.


Mind you, I kinda figure Ray has already guessed something. At least, I won't be surprised if that's revealed later.


That's a good point actually. I didn't really connect that if he tracked her phones then he could have tracked her to the empty Verdant and wonder why she's there. Interesting...


So are we saying Ray already knows? Or is already wondering…? Hmmm...

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So are we saying Ray already knows? Or is already wondering…? Hmmm...

mm Although it is a good point that I didn't thin about, I personally think thats giving a bit too much credit to the writers at being consistent :P But if her did track her phone to Verdant,  the club still exists, right? Wouldn't it just look like she was at the club? 

Edited by ban1o
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That's a good point actually. I didn't really connect that if he tracked her phones then he could have tracked her to the empty Verdant and wonder why she's there. Interesting...


So are we saying Ray already knows? Or is already wondering…? Hmmm..


I won't be surprised if that comes up later, but I'd be really, really surprised if Felicity told Oliver that Ray tracked her cell phone. And I'd also be surprised if she didn't do something to keep Ray from being able to do that again, although I suppose that might be a future plot point, so I'll temper that surprise.


If Oliver's jealous or has a problem with Felicity taking a job with Palmer, then I'll bet it's got to do with his own feelings of jealousy and/or hurt rather than his concern for her safety or well-being. In that scene outside of QC, Oliver had all but given up and admitted that Ray was better for the job. Now that he's decided he needs to be the Arrow, why would that change? I do expect it to change later in the season, but now? Not so much. Oliver knew Felicity was looking forward to getting her QC job back, so if he does love her, and if he does want what's best for her, he'll build a bridge and get over it.

mm Although it is a good point that I didn't thin about, I personally think thats giving a bit too much credit to the writers at being consistent :P But if her did track her phone to Verdant,  the club still exists, right? Wouldn't it just look like she was at the club? 


It does exist, but it's condemned at the moment.

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I can see Oliver's first reaction to Felicity working for Ray (and I do think that is how he will see it at first - not QC, but Palmer) being negative. And I would certainly understand if it was, both because it was his family's company and it is a sign she is moving on with her life. I think that's where her super chipper response about Thea's whereabouts is from, in response to his attitude. Still, I think that we will get a conversation at the end of the episode where he is supportive. At least I hope so. And it wouldn't surprise me if she decides to go to Central City after that talk, because A) he shoots her mixed signals or B) he lets her go and it hurts her more then she thought it would.


I don't have any problem with her working with Ray. A lot of people talk about how talented she is, and how she went to MIT, but if you take a look at her resume it can't look that good. She goes from IT to EA. Public perception: She is playing "Mr. Queen & the Secretary." Per Isabelle, everyone thinks they are doing it and this probably got around to other major firms. Plus, they married coupled that board meeting. Outside looking in: that would have confirmed to an outsider how close they were/are. She was also the EA for a CEO who crashed and burned his company. That can't look good for her. And with the Starling City sucking? I don't think she had the best options. What I will say though is that I don't want her allowing Ray to throw pot shots at Oliver. That's a big no for me. 


I also don't think they have any reason to believe Ray is shady yet - aggressive business practices don't mean criminal. I think Felicity will start getting curious working for him directly. And it probably won't happen until after the Sara arc is over.

Edited by 10Eleven12
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To be clear, I don't think that Oliver's belief that Ray Palmer is better for the QC CEO job has changed at all. To be fair, though, Oliver's point was more that he couldn't afford the distraction of running QC and being the Arrow, and he needs to be the Arrow, not so much that he thought Ray Palmer was a great guy.


Ray was very clear in the hospital hallway: he's been tracking Felicity using her cell phone. He himself called it stalking.  Which means that he saw her spend a significant amount of time in an abandoned building before she headed to the hospital.  And just to slam the point home, Sara, before she died, pointed out how easy it was for her to track Team Arrow.  Scene cuts to Felicity and Ray. 


I also don't think they have any reason to believe Ray is shady yet - aggressive business practices don't mean criminal.



Well, hacking into the QC's computers isn't aggressive business practices; it's criminal, even if Felicity describes hacking as a hobby that she does not engage in :)


I'd say they have reason to be at least concerned. 

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Mind you, I kinda figure Ray has already guessed something. At least, I won't be surprised if that's revealed later.


Considering the number of cuts to Ray's face watching the fight between Arrow/Aresenal and Komodo in the last episode, yeah, he suspects something.

If Oliver's jealous or has a problem with Felicity taking a job with Palmer, then I'll bet it's got to do with his own feelings of jealousy and/or hurt rather than his concern for her safety or well-being. In that scene outside of QC, Oliver had all but given up and admitted that Ray was better for the job. Now that he's decided he needs to be the Arrow, why would that change? I do expect it to change later in the season, but now? Not so much. Oliver knew Felicity was looking forward to getting her QC job back, so if he does love her, and if he does want what's best for her, he'll build a bridge and get over it.

Yes, that's what I think too. Oliver was pissy when he thought she was spending too much time with Barry and not working for him; he made her his EA so that she would be right there for him when he wanted her rather than down 18 floors in the job she trained for.  And now she walked out of the lair and took a job with Ray, one probably more fitting to her talents than the one Oliver gave her.  I can see him being seriously annoyed with that.


i hope they make up soon, although I'm not counting on the end of this episode because there has to be something that sends  her to Barry next week.

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What is it with those guys and toques?  Stephen wears one a lot, and now Grant is wearing one. IIt is really, really cold on set?


He's really kind of sweet and I like the way he works too keep Barry in character. I'm looking forward to Felicity showing up and awkardness.  I wonder if Felicity will tell Barry what's going on with Oliver or just keep that to herself.

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Ray was very clear in the hospital hallway: he's been tracking Felicity using her cell phone. He himself called it stalking.  Which means that he saw her spend a significant amount of time in an abandoned building before she headed to the hospital.  And just to slam the point home, Sara, before she died, pointed out how easy it was for her to track Team Arrow.  Scene cuts to Felicity and Ray. 



I'd say they have reason to be at least concerned. 


Yeah, good point again. And they're not subtle with their dialog (or anything) on this show so all the mentions of stalking (from Felicity and Ray) and Sara saying she heard Felicity's transmission has to mean something.  

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Yeah, good point again. And they're not subtle with their dialog (or anything) on this show so all the mentions of stalking (from Felicity and Ray) and Sara saying she heard Felicity's transmission has to mean something.

Also from season 2.5 new brother blood knows Felicity and Diggles faces. Not looking good for the secret identities.

Plus all the mirakuru thugs who trashed the foundry....

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Yeah, good point again. And they're not subtle with their dialog (or anything) on this show so all the mentions of stalking (from Felicity and Ray) and Sara saying she heard Felicity's transmission has to mean something.

I'm not entirely sure the tracked cellphone is foreshadowing, but Sara's comment about the open comm transmission definitely was.

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I can see Oliver's first reaction to Felicity working for Ray (and I do think that is how he will see it at first - not QC, but Palmer) being negative. And I would certainly understand if it was, both because it was his family's company and it is a sign she is moving on with her life.

I agree. It makes sense in terms of what we have seen up until now that he'd take issue with her accepting the job, and that there is tension between them. But I hope too they'll come to an understanding by the end of the episode, mostly because I'm worried, with all this talking about Oliver and Laurel's bond and friendship, that they'll go and shift the kind of interactions Oliver had with Felicity to Laurel, and that's something I really don't want to see. 

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I can understand Oliver being initially negative about Felicity working at QC again, with Ray, but hopefully he cools his jets very quickly on that issue. There are more advantages to her working there than negatives.


I must have missed the spoilers/mentions of Laurel and Oliver getting closer again and being friends. That's nothing I have an interest in watching, especially as the rift between him and Felicity deepens.  That rift will have a negative impact on the entire team, whether or not Laurel is even there. 


Also nothing I want to see.

Alas, it's time to head back over to the bitterness thread again. *sigh*

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Just catching up on recent spoiler posts...


Nyssa "respects" Laurel. - What?  Nyssa tranqued Laurel and left her on the floor.  Here's some wild speculation - maybe the EPs have Laurel somehow save Nyssa's life (suspend belief here!), and Nyssa agrees to give her a few fighting tips.  Then Nyssa saves Laurel's life (which was in danger due to a Laurel screw-up!), but dies in the process (more propping of Laurel!).  Then to repay the life debt, Laurel agrees to join the LOA - and leaves Starling City!  Yay!


There was a deleted scene of Laurel carrying Sara's body to the foundry. - What?!  I don't believe it unless I see actual video of KC carrying CL, without the use of wires or stunt doubles or special effects.

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Writersblock51, the spoilers for Laurel and Oliver reaching one of their lowest points, but then getting closer than ever before were for the last episode. 


And I'm willing to buy that: yes, Laurel and Oliver were physically closer before and sorta planning on living together, but since Oliver was lying to Laurel the entire time, they weren't all that close, really.   And since this closer than ever before didn't include any romantic elements from either side, I'm not concerned about a rekindling of that romance, either.  

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Maybe I didn't express myself very well. I was referring to MG general comments on Laurel/Oliver (how they were best friends, then lovers, and now post break-up and how there is always going to be this bond between them). I meant to say that I'd be annoyed, now that O/F seem distant, if  his relationship with Laurel was to have those interactions that we've come to recognize as characteristic of O/F's relationship and friendship (smiling, confiding in each other and so on). That would not sit well with me, even if they weren't meant to be romantic. 


I hope I was a little bit more clear!

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Makes you wonder, if they're not going to put L and O together because even they can see that would be craptacular, instead they sneak her into the Felicity role, by shifting F out of the lair and off to Ray the Stalker's GPS Tracking Emporium and Laurel into the lair and basically put Felicity's words in Laurel's mouth. I mean the supporty words not the techno-babble words.

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I don't think the next episode will have a lot of Laurel/Oliver interaction in any case - Oliver is heading over to Corto Maltese, and Laurel is heading over to Ted Grant.  Episode four probably will - but that episode supposedly is also focusing on Oliver/Malcolm. Episode five is the Felicity episode, where Amell said he didn't have that much screentime, which I took to mean "with anyone."  I have no idea what's going on with episode 6, supposedly the Roy episode, but KC doesn't seem to have been on set much during episodes 7 and 8.  She's not in any of the cast photos for the crossover episodes.


Episode 9 is presumably the big Ra's Al Ghul episode, so chances are good that Laurel will have a larger role here. And for the last two seasons episode nine has also been a huge "beat Oliver up," "make him come to a major revelation about life," and "end with a shot establishing him in Heroic Superhero mode," (first season, looking over the city, second season, mask) so it's possible that episode nine will be the Laurel dons the fishnets episode. Maybe.


Pyramid, they have had Laurel delivering the supporty words several times before, so that would be nothing new. 

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Makes you wonder, if they're not going to put L and O together because even they can see that would be craptacular, instead they sneak her into the Felicity role, by shifting F out of the lair and off to Ray the Stalker's GPS Tracking Emporium and Laurel into the lair and basically put Felicity's words in Laurel's mouth. I mean the supporty words not the techno-babble words.

Yes. This. And it would be awful.

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Pam:  I need more adorable daddy/daughter moments between Diggle and his baby on Arrow. Like, right now.

Couldn't agree more! That's why we took your question to new dad Diggle himself. "Yeah, you're going to see a lot more of scenes like that," David Ramsey said. "Diggle has reconciled all the parts of his life. He's just as easy with being in a wonderful and loving relationship with Lyla and picking up his baby and rocking her to sleep at two o'clock in the morning, and then going and risking his life with Oliver. All those things exist in his world and he's adjusted to it. Oliver hasn't made that jump yet and that's part of what this season is about, for him to make that jump to where Diggle is."

NEWS/ Spoiler Chat: Scoop on Glee, Revenge, The Good Wife, Parenthood, The Mindy Project and More



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Makes you wonder, if they're not going to put L and O together because even they can see that would be craptacular, instead they sneak her into the Felicity role, by shifting F out of the lair and off to Ray the Stalker's GPS Tracking Emporium and Laurel into the lair and basically put Felicity's words in Laurel's mouth. I mean the supporty words not the techno-babble words.


Oh good heavens, no. It just wouldn't work. Laurel's already been given some goofy things to say ("know you in my bones"??!?!?!?) and been roundly eye-rolled about it. I just don't see this happening.


And I don't think anyone is taking over Felicity's computers in the lair at this point. Laurel has shown zip experience with tech (planting a bug is not techy) and Diggle, Roy and Oliver know just enough to get by in a pinch. A very tiny pinch at that.


Sara was actually the only person who showed any inclination to have a clue. and well, you know.


I love Diggle but more Daddy Diggle is not what I'm here to watch. And I love babies. Just not so much on TV.  Interesting about how Diggle's made peace with all the elements of his life - that's wonderful to hear. 


Also interesting - and promising - that Oliver isn't 'there yet.' Hmmmm


quarks, thanks for the episode break down.  I'm thanking you a lot today!

Edited by writersblock51
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Jack: What is Firestorm going to be like on The Flash?
While we're going to see Robbie Amell's first episode of The Flash tonight, we're only going to see him in flashbacks as Ronnie from before the particle accelerator explosion. When he returns to the CW hit show in December, that's when we'll meet his DC Comics alter ego, Firestorm. So will he reunite with his fiancé who thinks he died? Will he interact with Barry or Cisco? "There's a whole lot of people involved in my first episode back," Amell told us. "I might not even be the only Amell in the episode." Whoa, two Amells in one episode? We're not sure our TV's can handle that!



Would that be episode 9 of the flash or one of the crossovers? 

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Pyramid, let's be strong and try not to worry until we have reason to. :) I think after Sara's death we are all struggling with trusting the writers to know what they're doing lol.

Would that be episode 9 of the flash or one of the crossovers? 

I think it's in the cross-over.

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I love Diggle but more Daddy Diggle is not what I'm here to watch. And I love babies. Just not so much on TV.  Interesting about how Diggle's made peace with all the elements of his life - that's wonderful to hear. 


Also interesting - and promising - that Oliver isn't 'there yet.' Hmmmm

This is why I'm not the least bit worried they'll shove Oliver and Laurel together in Felicity's absence. DR has said Oliver and Felicity's relationship will happen in two different interviews the past few days (not to mention what Stephen said at SDCC). I'm just holding my breath that the writers don't wreck the characters before they get there.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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I think Robbie must be talking about the crossover.  If they don't air a new ep the last week of November due to the Thanksgiving holiday in the US (which I don't think they typically do), the crossovers will air the first week of December, at the earliest.

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Episode 9 is presumably the big Ra's Al Ghul episode, so chances are good that Laurel will have a larger role here. And for the last two seasons episode nine has also been a huge "beat Oliver up," "make him come to a major revelation about life," and "end with a shot establishing him in Heroic Superhero mode," (first season, looking over the city, second season, mask) so it's possible that episode nine will be the Laurel dons the fishnets episode. Maybe.




that would be so unbelievably rushed it's not even funny.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I'm wondering if the mid-season finale ends with Oliver choosing to be 'Left Behind' with Ra's. They do a time jump. He comes back to what is now Star City. Laurel is now officially the Black Canary with Diggle/Felicity/Roy as her side-kicks. Felicity is also playing house with Ray.


I just threw-up a little in my mouth. Honestly, must of that is my fear talking. However, I do think we may get a time jump to make Laurel the Black Canary now.

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I'm not watching live tomorrow, but I'd like to know about Laurel's chemistry with Ted and if the guy playing Ted is a good actor.  So if anyone happens to think about putting that in their post after they watch the episode, I'd appreciate it.  I need to prepare myself for this.

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Guggenheim's tweet that "it'll be a wait" before we see any Felicity/Malcolm interaction makes me think they haven't written it yet much less shot it.  Like "we'll do Felicity's backstory later in s2".


Laurel putting on fishnets in ep 3x09 is way too soon.  I'm not the only one waiting to see how they next 7 episodes turn out, especially how they treat Felicity and how they write Laurel, before deciding whether to keep watching.  Laurel putting on fishnets so fast would end our relationship.

Makes you wonder, if they're not going to put L and O together because even they can see that would be craptacular, instead they sneak her into the Felicity role, by shifting F out of the lair and off to Ray the Stalker's GPS Tracking Emporium and Laurel into the lair and basically put Felicity's words in Laurel's mouth. I mean the supporty words not the techno-babble words.



Pyramid, they have had Laurel delivering the supporty words several times before, so that would be nothing new. 

it wouldn't be anything new, but with Felicity not there, we wouldn't have the contrast the supporty words got in  2x21 (Laurel) and 2x22 (Felicity), which Felicity won by a landslide.  


Diggle is a man of few words, Roy is still working his way into the Team and Felicity is off with Ray. I can see the EPs thinking this would be a good time to make Laurel Oliver's cheerleader.

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I'm not watching live tomorrow, but I'd like to know about Laurel's chemistry with Ted and if the guy playing Ted is a good actor.  So if anyone happens to think about putting that in their post after they watch the episode, I'd appreciate it.  I need to prepare myself for this.

I have a theory that they don't have much chemistry because they made a big deal out of this role over the summer, and then the next thing I knew, the guy's only going to be on for something like 4-5 episodes and the actor has signed on to another show. I think they had longer-term hopes for him, but either they couldn't meet his terms vs the other show, or there was no spark between KC and him. Or both, I suppose.

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I have a theory that they don't have much chemistry because they made a big deal out of this role over the summer, and then the next thing I knew, the guy's only going to be on for something like 4-5 episodes and the actor has signed on to another show. I think they had longer-term hopes for him, but either they couldn't meet his terms vs the other show, or there was no spark between KC and him. Or both, I suppose.


I actually theorized the same thing because the EPs mentioned a love interest for Laurel (who I thought would be Ted Grant), but KC hasn't really confirmed that in her interviews.  I suppose that she could just be playing it secretive...I don't know.  I know that J.R. Ramirez was already a part of Power when he took the Ted Grant role, but I was under the impression that he would appear in more than a few episodes.  Is Laurel going to go train three or four times, and then be ready to become BC? 

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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I'm confused.  In the article linked , they say:



Stephen Amell, who plays the mysterious Oliver Green/Arrow, told IGN that the storyline for the crossover episode was actually his idea, Without revealing any major details, he told the site that at that time, he thought that it would be cool for both of the characters to fight each other in "The Flash"'s first season.


I had assumed his idea was dropping some mention of his child, but this seems to say that he came up with the reason that they go to Central City in the first place and it leads to a fight.  Was this misinterpreted?


Some cool information in the article on the differences between filming fight scenes on Arrow vs. The Flash.

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Wait, why would Laurel take Felicity's place just because she's going to work for Ray? The Arrow operates at night, and Felicity has a day job (as does Laurel), so why would her job compromise her place on the team?

I hesitate to apply logic to this show (remember, Sara was buried without Quentin, Dinah or Sin knowing much less being there).  However, Laurel has more flexibility in her job. Felicity will be expected to be there 9-5+ even though she's firm about no late night e-mails.


It's not a given.  It's an opportunity to bring Oliver and Laurel closer together if they want to do it.

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Speaking of trying to apply logic to the show, was thinking about Felicity's crossover to The Flash.


When is this happening in the Arrow/Flash timeline? (Full disclosure, I don't scrutinise The Flash like I do Arrow)

We know at the end of Episode 1 they aligned, but I fell like Arrow's timeline is a week or 2 behind The Flash's. 


Arrow Ep2 starts next day after Ep1, Flash I assumed the normal week time jump each episode.

I can't imagine Oliver waiting 1 week to go find Thea and seriously if all it took Felicity to find her was a Ping, surely that can't take 1+ weeks (unless she has it switched off?)


Also when does Felicity find out about Barry? and by whom? Barry? I hope so... Otherwise Oliver's taking too long to tell her, that he is out of the coma at least, it will come across as a bit douchey.

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I get the impression that Arrow/The Flash is supposedly happening at the same time or at least the same week, like the episodes. And I think Felicity must find out in Arrow 303, likely from Oliver because he's the only one who knows so far. I don't know what the hell happens to prompt him to tell her though. 

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I get Laurel hanging out at the lair when Nyssa is there because she may have information on Sara's murder. But her just there with Team Arrrow makes no sense. She has no skills and no connections that could assist them (I don't think DA connections cover this). She would literally just be posing and talking about stuff she knows nothing about. It also sounds like she is going to be training alot, which she is doing with Ted not Oliver. It doesn't even sound like Oliver is going to be supporting her or much involved in that aspect. It sounds like Oliver is going to be focused on Malcom and Thea for the next couple episodes. It doesn't sound like he will be much involved in E5 beyond what the discription says - which puts him with Felicity. The next couple episodes are the Cupid ones, one of which is Roy centered and Thea's love interest is introduced. I know that MG said Oliver and Laurel share a sweet scene in E6 plus the dialouge tease "We used to date" makes me think its Oliver meeting Ted and giving Laurel his approval or cautioning her on the training. Then there is the crossover episode which Laurel doesn't seem much involved in.....How much of the A plot is Laurel involved again? Is there going to be nothing but training montages with Ted until E8 or 9 when she magically becomes the Black Canary?

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