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So there was absolutely nothing new at all in that producer's preview, was there? 

1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

This is going to be such a long hour if they're counting on me giving much of a shit about Oliver getting his son (MY SON!!!!111!!!) back. Why are the people who write this show so awful at everything.

Yep. This. So much this. (Please don't let there be another "my boy.")

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Just now, Midnight Lullaby said:

I'll take a shot every time someone says "son". I'm sure that will make the episode enjoyable!

Take two when it's an angry MY SON!!!1111!!!

Just now, insomniadreams88 said:

So there was absolutely nothing new at all in that producer's preview, was there? 

Yep. This. So much this. (Please don't let there be another "my boy.")

I mean, there are definitely ways that I could've cared about him, even after the mess that was last season thanks to his terrible mother (difficult, but not impossible). But for him to just exist offscreensville since last year and brought back with everything hinging on his well-being? Terrible idea, so Arrow.

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Does ARGUS not provide shoes or is Slade too tough to be wearing them?

There are many illogical things about the Slade/Oliver scene, but the actors have a very good vibe between them which pulls it into something good.

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Wow, MG retconned their own canon again, unless Barry or LoT messed up the timeline.  In Arrow:Vengeance, 2-4 bullets hit Joe directly in the heart and Slade stood over his dead body in the aftermath.

Edited by ComicFan777
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1 hour ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

Who said they were going to bond over their sons?? LMAO

I was literally just about to post about how I was excited for an episode for the first time this season after the EW reviewer liked it and then this dropped. ?



Slade's voice does totally makes up for a multitude of writing sins though.

Edited by leopardprint
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About the new Inside: Arrow video.. I really hate that the team is completely doubting Oliver on his ability to rescue them, making it seem like he is useless without them. Which is sort of true, which is why i hate the weakling Oliver has become. I wish they had more faith in Oliver in terms of rescueing them! Kinda funny he has to go beg villains for help aswell... Can we let him do SOMETHING by himself next season pls? :S

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So we've had Oliver say "That's my boy" and I felt nothing. Now he's angrily shouting "MY SON!" and I also feel nothing. Who thought it was a good idea to put all the emotional weight of an episode/season on a kid we've seen for less than five minutes? My money is on MG. 

I wish the reporters with screeners would shut up though. They're not making me excited at all tbh.

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1 minute ago, DeadZeus said:

I really hate that the team is completely doubting Oliver on his ability to rescue them, making it seem like he is useless without them

To be fair, it was Curtis (new) and Lance (only really on the team from s4) who were saying that. Diggle was saying that he'll need help (which, it's 1 vs 4 plus an army, so tactfully true), Thea knew Oliver was going to come regardless, and Felicity had confidence in Oliver and said he's faced worse odds.

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6 minutes ago, theOAfc said:

I still think the cliffhanger is a flashforward to Oliver being revealed as the Green Arrow to the world. 

I think you might be right! 

1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

Flashforwards have been on my "Do not want" list for a while now. 

I am anti flashforward and anti GA reveal, ugh. 

Edited by leopardprint
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1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

Flashforwards have been on my "Do not want" list for a while now. 

Same. Especially if it's one that takes nearly a season to catch up to. I might be okay with it if the flashforward is to October. But if it's something that's like, "one year from now"? Nope.

Still, I'm bracing myself for a flashforward in the final minute. I'm hoping I'm wrong. 

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I've decided I'll be happy with a few good character moments thrown in between all the MYSON! nonsense. I just hope the cliffhanger isn't anything fantastical (time travel, etc.) I'd like to keep it as grounded in Arrow reality as possible. 

I don't want Oliver to be revealed publicly as GA, but I feel this story line is coming anyway so may as well rip that band-aid off quickly.

Edited by calliope1975
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Is the only other show on for sweeps tonight besides the 100? Because then there's some process of elimination to do on the sweeps list that could kind of hint as to what's going to happen. So, between Arrow and the 100, there are these moments left:

  • 1 person left to die
  • 3 characters' fates left up in the air
  • 4 characters leaving town
  • 1 job change
  • 1 engagement
  • 1 time jump

Also, tbh, the 100 has more ammo for a time jump than Arrow does at this point.

Edited by way2interested
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-- On what she envisioned for the future of the show after S5, WM: "I think that’s an excellent question. I think that we’ve closed a chapter here in [Seasons] 1 through 5, and it’s very much been about Oliver looking back at his legacy and his family and where he’s come from. I think Season 6 and onward is going to be him thinking about who is he and where he’s going. Where does he go from here? And he has got a whole new team of people now to work with, and I think that will be a big part of it as well." (Oct. 28, 2016 CRB article, page 47 of Spoilers thread and page 215 of Mind Your Surroundings thread)
-- WM: “Oliver is moving toward forging a new legacy... He’s put this past and this burden from his family to rest and he’s moving forward to redefine that in season 6. It’s all new, and he’s got this wealth of experience and knowledge to draw from now, and a team to work with.” (Apr. 26, 2017 ComicBook article, page 1 of New Spoilers thread)
-- On how Oliver comes back from everything Prometheus has done to him, WM: "That’s one of the things we wanted to do was bring him to his lowest point this year. He’s going to have to, in some ways, let go of all of this, and let go of the past. Really the answer to that question will be in the premiere of season 6, which is how is he going to start rebuilding and what is his new legacy going to look like? He’s going to have to start rebuilding, because Chase has left pretty much everything in tatters." (May 9, 2017 Entertainment Weekly article, page 2 of New Spoilers thread)

I don't know whether to be excited about tonight's finale or to dread it.

Ironic that Arrow's biggest ratings competition tonight is probably going to be another show featuring a bunch of people on an island fighting for survival (Survivor finale).

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Just now, tv echo said:

Really the answer to that question will be in the premiere of season 6, which is how is he going to start rebuilding and what is his new legacy going to look like? He’s going to have to start rebuilding,

Ah, that's the quote I was trying to remember when thinking that Rebuilding was going to be the theme for s6, thanks!

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12 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Is the only other show on for sweeps tonight besides the 100? Because then there's some process of elimination to do on the sweeps list that could kind of hint as to what's going to happen. So, between Arrow and the 100, there are these moments left:

  • 1 person left to die
  • 3 characters' fates left up in the air
  • 4 characters leaving town
  • 1 job change
  • 1 engagement
  • 1 time jump

Also, tbh, the 100 has more ammo for a time jump than Arrow does at this point.

Empire is also on I think.

And I'm seeing 1 breakup/divorce and no slots open for engagement. (I know nothing about Empire, but I'm guessing it could fill that one.) 

I'm thinking the characters leaving town is also going to be The 100, since they're planning to take a rocket into space. I could see that filling up the 4 for that category.

I'm assuming Malcolm is the 1 death. At least 1 character's fate left up in the air will probably be Arrow.

Time jump could go either way, or they could add another slot. 

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2 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Empire is also on I think.

And I'm seeing 1 breakup/divorce and no slots open for engagement. (I know nothing about Empire, but I'm guessing it could fill that one.) 

I'm thinking the characters leaving town is also going to be The 100, since they're planning to take a rocket into space. I could see that filling up the 4 for that category.

I'm assuming Malcolm is the 1 death. At least 1 character's fate left up in the air will probably be Arrow.

Time jump could go either way, or they could add another slot. 

Yeah, it's breakup, not engagement, my bad. But I'm thinking same for Empire (along with probably the job change I'm guessing? I know nothing of Empire either) and the 100 and that Malcolm is the one death. The 100's been teasing a possible 5 year flashforward glimpse in the last bit of the finale for like a month now, so I'm still going with that, but yeah, they could technically add slots to all of them if they wanted, I'm just using counting with what's there now (since I'm thinking some of them have to already be there for Arrow).

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Here’s a little bit of behind-the-scenes information about what it’s like to review TV episodes in advance: Often times, a network or studio will include a list of DNR’s, or Do-Not-Reveals, asking us not to spoil or ruin the biggest parts of an episode.

The DNR list for Arrow’s season finale “Lian Yu,” airing tonight on The CW, contained nearly 20 plot points.

Yes, this episode is big. It also happens to be one of the most exciting and satisfying episodes of the entire series, and quite possibly the best season finale for the series yet.

(Yes, better than Season 2).

To tie in with the wrapping up of Oliver’s “five years in Hell” in the flashbacks, the present day story also goes to Lian Yu, with a collection of all-star guests, including the long-awaited return of Manu Bennett as Slade. While Bennett’s Twitter activity denying that he was in the episode is a bit puzzling, it’s all worth it as his material is among the best in the episode. Also a welcome sight this week, who we also saw a little bit last week, is Katrina Law as Nyssa. Some of her scenes with Malcolm tonight make me wish for a sitcom spinoff for the two. In all seriousness, though, while the show cast already is a bit large, I would love to see Manu Bennett and Katrina Law on Arrow on a more permanent and regular basis — assuming they make it out of the season alive — as they both elevate the material and the action.

It’s also interesting, as Slade was arguably the best and most realistically threatening villain Oliver had faced prior to this season, that he’s back for the final showdown with Adrian Chase, a.k.a. Prometheus. As played by Josh Segarra, Chase has been a monster, and that does not let up in this finale, as he’s always steps ahead of Oliver and his team. As evil as Slade got — I mean, he killed Moira (spoiler warning!) — at least he seemed to have a soul and a conscience. Not so for Adrian, who is just downright sadistic.

There’s a lot of action this week, as is probably to be expected from an Arrow season finale, but the episode also works because of a collection of conversations and character moments. Oliver and Chase. Oliver and Slade. Oliver and Digger Harkness. Oliver and Felicity. Felicity and Samantha. Laurel and Dinah. Nyssa and Talia. Malcolm and Thea. Malcolm and Nyssa. Thea and Oliver. Oliver and… well, you get the picture, and we can’t give every conversation away. These are relationships built over 5 seasons and 115 episodes, and these are moments earned. Some of these moments and conversations are things we’ve been waiting for a while to see. I do sometimes wonder why Lyla and a team from ARGUS weren’t called in as backup, but I can only imagine it’s because Oliver wanted to keep things from escalating to a point that his loved ones would be in even more danger.

One criticism of Arrow, especially at season finale time some years, is that some fan groups or viewers feel left out. I think almost every group will be satisfied — maybe one could argue that the finale needed more Black Siren, but she does get one of the best lines of the entire hour, she does have some pretty juicy scenes in the finale, and she is a series regular next year, so I’m sure we’ll have more of her. Some of the newer recruits like Curtis, Rene, and Dinah may have less to do than many others too, but hey, there’s a lot to juggle this week, and again, every character that does show up serves a purpose in one way or another.

It’s the end of the island flashbacks, which will give viewers nostalgic Arrow pilot episode feels. I think I may want to go watch the pilot again next. And finally, there’s at least one moment in the finale that will probably leave you in tears. You’ll know it when you see it, but I will say that Stephen Amell especially performed excellently in that scene. Oh, and keep your eyes open for some very clear visual ties between the flashbacks of 5 years ago and the things that are happening in present day.

“Lian Yu” is a reminder of the show we all fell in love with, the capper on what I feel has been a successful fifth season. It is by far the best of the four DCTV finales on The CW this season. It will leave audiences wondering what exactly the future of this world will entail, and I can’t wait to see what happens next.


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For what it's worth, I still rate S1 as the best season finale.


There’s a lot of action this week, as is probably to be expected from an Arrow season finale, but the episode also works because of a collection of conversations and character moments. Oliver and Chase. Oliver and Slade. Oliver and Digger Harkness. Oliver and Felicity. Felicity and Samantha. Laurel and Dinah. Nyssa and Talia. Malcolm and Thea. Malcolm and Nyssa. Thea and Oliver. Oliver and… well, you get the picture, 

Oh. Em. Gee. Finally. [/sarcasm]

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10 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:


That does sound ominous. :(


That's not what I meant when I said they needed to end that marriage, Marc!

Ok, I am now really thinking something happens with Slade/Felicity.

They didn't call out Oliver and Myboy and Oliver and Samantha, hmmmm....

Edited by leopardprint
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Just now, leopardprint said:

That's not what I meant when I said they needed to end that marriage, Marc!

Lol I didn't even think of that!    It would resolve the issue though I guess.  :)

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Not sure why they have to bring Nyssa back for one episode just to kill her. I hope that's not happening. 

I still feel like Slade is gonna turn on Oliver though. 

Me @ Slade:


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I think the fact that if they kill her they can't make that dumb joke anymore is an argument for her to stay from the writers' POV. LOL

I guess the conversation GATV left out if between Oliver and his kid because it's sooooo important. Can't spoil that! Also I can picture Samantha telling Felicity to take care of her kid after she dies and please show DON'T.

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When I read above that Felicity and Samantha will have a conversation, all I could think was that MG was going to double down (once again) on how Oliver was faced with an impossible choice and how Samantha was just being a protective mother. Only this time, Samantha will say how sorry she is that Olicity broke up, but Felicity will say how she understands now. (Argh!)

ETA: Samantha: "Please don't let me be the last Baby Mama."

Edited by tv echo
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Maybe Felicity will also apologize to Samantha for being a hypocrite. "You were so right to blackmail Oliver, thanks for being such a great example of motherhood." 

Edited by leopardprint
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9 minutes ago, tv echo said:

When I read above that Felicity and Samantha will have a conversation, all I could think was that MG was going to double down (once again) on how Oliver was faced with an impossible choice and how Samantha was just being a protective mother. Only this time, Samantha will say how sorry she is that Olicity broke up, but Felicity will say how she understands now. (Argh!)

ETA: Samantha: "Please don't let me be the last Baby Mama."

This is so funny cause eventually thats pretty much what their convo will end up being about.

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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

I think Season 6 and onward is going to be him thinking about who is he and where he’s going.


The Felicity/Samantha conversation, in the right hands, has the ability to fix a lot of the damage the BMD did last season. Do I think it will?  No.

They better not kill Nyssa.  I do like the idea of a Malcolm/Nyssa LoA spin-off though.

1 hour ago, leopardprint said:

Slade can join Rene and Oliver's support group for voluntarily absentee fathers. 

And Malcolm. He was gone for years from Tommy's life.

Is this MG projecting?

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5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Is this MG projecting?

Dude, I have seriously pondered this myself.

Felicity put herself as on the "wrong" side of the BMD so I doubt Samantha is going to say anything satisfactory. 

Also, She really should take the kid and run again because baby daddy has gotten Myson kidnapped twice is less than 18 months he's known about him. That's proof how far Oliver has fallen, that I now think he shouldn't be involved. 

Edited by leopardprint
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1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

The Felicity/Samantha conversation, in the right hands, has the ability to fix a lot of the damage the BMD did last season. Do I think it will?  No.

The Felicity/Samantha conversation is in MG's hands. So, obviously not the right hands. Therefore, you're right, it won't fix the damage done. 

I'm hoping it's not Samantha thinking Oliver and Felicity never broke up and are still together and Felicity having to awkwardly go, "Uh, no, we just started kind of dating again. I dated a guy Chase tricked Oliver into killing, and I think his name was Billy. Weird, right? And Oliver dated a reporter named Susan Williams. Again, weird, right? What's with us and the name William? Oh, and you were completely right last year even though you apparently still haven't told your son not to talk to strangers." 

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