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Just now, Sunshine said:

Is Simon going to just let Susan walk away? She knows her kidnapper's identity. 

Of course, she can apparently be trusted with everything!

I would love it if after Oliver's been kidnapped, we get both Simon and Talia going, "Uh, Oliver, you trusted a reporter with your secret. With multiple secrets. And we've had your office bugged, so we know she told you she was going to write a story on you. And you still trusted her. What is wrong with you? You're making our plan to ruin your life too easy. We went to the movies last month - and it was a double feature. We took a vacation to Europe for a few weeks. All because we didn't need to do anything." 

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Just now, Trisha said:

Also, has this been its most spoiled season yet? I remember the paps ruining the 'who's in the grave' mystery last year, but it feels like this is the first season where multiple big plot points/twists have been consistently spoiled.

I mean in s4, Oliver proposing to Felicity, the baby mama coming back, Laurel being in the grave, the fake wedding, and Felicity being in a wheelchair were all spoiled. There are just more *twists* this year in general, I think.

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Remember the spoilers that Felicity was going to go after Prometheus because of Billy and all her experiences of the last couple of years will culminate in a dark arc?  I want that show.

Now it sounds like Felicity is only going to Helix to get Oliver back from being kidnapped. #Lame.

29 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Oliver has never ended a relationship on this show.

Not with a woman anyway.  He did end his bromances with Malcolm and Ra's.

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So Susan is definitely not dying? Why would she feel betrayed by her great love Oliver? Isn't his love great enough? This storyline is so utterly bad it is not even funny. 

So anything else on Felicity other than her saving Oliver's behind whether he deserves it or not?

Also, all this name switcheroo stuff gets me confused. 'He/She is that person but oh no, SURPRISE, he/she is that person! Or is he/she?' *Cackling*

Edited by Belinea
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Not surprising, I guess. They did say that she wasn't going to go too dark. Though "justifying his decisions" in a season where none of his decisions seem to make any sense may not be a good look for her...

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3 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Not surprising, I guess. They did say that she wasn't going to go too dark. Though "justifying his decisions" in a season where none of his decisions seem to make any sense may not be a good look for her...

It's probably good for the ship thought if her life revolves around Oliver and she's not mourning Mayo.

Mind you her dark arc is all bullocks though! Nothing to do with Oliver indeed!

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Thanks for all the spoilers @YonkouProductions.

23 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I remember people were confused that Felicity was going to go dark over a mayo boyfriend that she couldn't even say she loved. Wouldn't Oliver be an improvement?

Not to me.  If Felicity went dark over Mayo, then at least that would be her thing, something she decided for herself separate from Oliver, her own storyline.  Now it sounds like this like everything else is all about Oliver again. He's like the Barry Allen of the show.

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1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

Not to me.  If Felicity went dark over Mayo, then at least that would be her thing, something she decided for herself separate from Oliver, her own storyline.  Now it sounds like this like everything else is all about Oliver again. He's like the Barry Allen of the show.

True. And I think what bothers me is the Oliver we're getting on-screen while this is happening. 

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3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Thanks for all the spoilers @YonkouProductions.

Not to me.  If Felicity went dark over Mayo, then at least that would be her thing, something she decided for herself separate from Oliver, her own storyline.  Now it sounds like this like everything else is all about Oliver again. He's like the Barry Allen of the show.

It seems like the same motivation, just a different penis.

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I'd feel better about Felicity's compromising herself to save her teammate if I felt like anyone had been a teammate or even a friend to her. Oliver doesn't even feel like Oliver.   I wish Emily Bett Rickards years of steady employment, but I sort of want Felicity to take a flamethrower to her team, Starling, and the whole DCTV universe and run off.  She can bring Iris, Thea, and Rory with her.

Thank you to @YonkouProductions for the spoilers.

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Ok, I am going to risk eating a shoe:  I 100 percent believe that the big face off with Oliver and Prometheus will have the following speech directly from the comics:

"Prometheus' specialty had always been an uncanny knowledge of his opponents . . he studied our abilities, skills and tendencies. He took into account my proficiency with the bow. He was well aware of my hand-to-hand combat training. But Prometheus never grasped that vital piece of information. He never knew that at my core, I wasn't a hero. I was a hunter."

I think they have turned Oliver into a robot this season just to make this speech happen. And I think Prometheus's little speech about how Oliver helped Prometheus discover who he really is and was going to return the favor makes me thing that Prometheus is going to make Oliver believe he's a hunter. 

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I know I am repeating myself but what is Susan's purpose? Why is she there? I really truly irrationally strongly dislike that character. And not even from a shipping standpoint but from a general 'Huh, am I supposed to care?' standpoint. 

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Rats, I was hoping that Susan would turn out to be more than the bitter equivalent of mayo but I guess she's not.

23 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

It seems like the same motivation, just a different penis.

If it were to avenge Billy, it would be Felicity choosing her own path, her own vengeance as Oliver did and Diggle did.  Felicity deciding to step out of the box she's been in since the series started.  It could tie into Havenrock, to her paralysis, everything bad that has happened to her that she had no control over.

If it's to save Oliver, then it's same old, same old, the thing she signed on for in s1.

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9 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

And I think Prometheus's little speech about how Oliver helped Prometheus discover who he really is and was going to return the favor makes me thing that Prometheus is going to make Oliver believe he's a hunter. 

I thought that that was Talia who was saying that to Oliver. (the "T:" before it)

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11 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

If it were to avenge Billy, it would be Felicity choosing her own path, her own vengeance as Oliver did and Diggle did.  Felicity deciding to step out of the box she's been in since the series started.  It could tie into Havenrock, to her paralysis, everything bad that has happened to her that she had no control over.

If it's to save Oliver, then it's same old, same old, the thing she signed on for in s1.

To me, it doesn't make much of a difference if she's deciding to step out of that box to avenge Billy, or to do whatever it takes to save Oliver. She's still making her own decision to step out of that box, and that decision is because of a man. It *could* tie into Havenrock and her paralysis either way - the fact that she seems willing to get her hands dirty now is the same regardless of why she chooses to do it. 

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So, if Oliver is getting kidnapped at the end of the episode will he go through the flashback episode while in captivity and then he will decide in 5x18 to ask the Bravta to help with his problem? Will we also see him being depressed about all of it in 5x18?

Maybe Susan will feel betrayed that Oliver didn't tell her about his double life but someone else...

Edited by Belinea
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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

Some people on reddit are really holding out hope that the flashback sex is Oliver remembering Felicity fondly after she dies, lol. 

Even if you are not watching the show anymore, Felicity dying in 520 doesn't even make sense. Like there is being delusional and then there is whatever these reddit guys are. 

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Can you talk a bit about what motivates him, because Chase is basically doing everything he hates Oliver for?
Absolutely. There’s a fire inside of him that has been fun to explore. What motivates anybody to do anything? Why do you grab a bite to eat? Because you’re hungry. But this is a much bigger thing. Why did this guy end up in the mayor’s office next to this mayor? How long has this plan been in motion? That’s what’s been fun to play. That’s where you don’t know when he started, you don’t know when this plan all started, you don’t really know why isn’t he trying to kill him right now? Why didn’t Chase try to kill him a long time ago? That’s a cool little secret nugget that I get to keep inside. So what motives him? I think you’re going to see that play out a little bit more. Chase is going to give a lot of clarity to that soon. That’s going to be a lot of fun to watch.

What is Chase’s ultimate goal with Oliver? Just to watch his life crumble to pieces?
Oh, absolutely. I think it’s just to burn the world around him. All the things he’s trying to bring to light in Oliver, you see those qualities in him. What drives him is to maybe watch it crumble around him, to play the game, to play the chess match, to put him in checkmate, [Laughs] which is [the title of the episode] this week. I hope you dig it this week, where he looks at him like, “Hey man, I got you, now what?” and then we get to watch Oliver respond.

Chase has kidnapped Susan (Carly Pope). Is she just a bargaining chip so Oliver doesn’t kill him? And should we be worried about other people in Oliver’s life?
One, yes, it is a bargaining chip. I think you nailed it right on the head. He knows that she matters to Oliver. Chase knows that Susan matters, and that’s the move. You take the people that matter most, right? It’s Chase going, “Hey man, I know that you care about her, so I’m going to take her.” Two, I think that’s also the move that goes, “Hey, I know that you’ve been seeing Susan, and I got her, but I also know everybody else that you’re close with. I’m not just here, I’m everywhere else.” That has been fun to play with with Stephen. I’m a big fan of his and a big fan of the show, so I’m trying to take the things that I enjoy and put them into the show as well. I’m trying to take things that I’ve seen and be like, “Hey man, let’s do this.” This week, you watch that permeate with these guys, and see that Chase is coming for Oliver.

Does Chase think he’ll survive all this? Or was he going in basically with a death wish?
I wouldn’t call it a death wish, but I think this is the most important thing to him. What drives this man? If you allow fogginess to get in the way of what your end goal is, you won’t achieve it, right? That’s what Chase is doing. He’s playing this game and he has the checkmate in his brain, and he knows how he’s going to get there, and we get to watch if this man gets there. So, is it a death wish? No way. But if he were to die I think he’s okay with that, because this is the fire, this is what he’s been planning for years, this is the endgame, this is the goal, and he’s going to win it. That’s what drives him, he’s going to win.

What kind of connection does Chase have with Talia (Lexa Doig)? It seems she also trained him. To what end?
I do know that they have history, because she trained him. She knows who he is. To be honest with you, I don’t really know the answer to what extent their relationship will be on the show. I know what I’ve created in my head is that she has history with this man, and there’s a reason why she says to Oliver, “He calls himself Adrian Chase.” I know those reasons that I had to find for myself as an actor, so I don’t want to muddy the waters. But, to that regard, I know there’s history and she trained Chase. She gave him certain skill sets that Oliver possesses. You’re going to have a good time watching how that plays out, the skill set at least. That’s an exciting part of this for me, because that’s the little boy in me, that I got to come out here, and I got to train with the bow and arrow, and I got to work on some combat stuff. Those are all things that he got from Talia.

Is there anything you can tease of Chase’s endgame?
He’s coming for this guy, he’s coming for him, that’s all I can say. Chase wants to watch the world around Oliver crumble, he just wants to watch it crumble.


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Why is everyone pushing Oliver/Susan so much? I just don't get it. These interviews aren't going to change anyone's mind about her. In fact, I'm just getting more annoyed the more they talk about her. 

I have to wonder if this is all supposed to be some big misdirection so that we're surprised when Prometheus/Talia do something else/go after someone else. If it's not... seriously? 

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4 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Why is everyone pushing Oliver/Susan so much? I just don't get it.

My guess is it's a talking point because they're aware of commentary/complaints about what's actually been shown. Or maybe they're all delusional.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I don't know about the reddit guys but if I were mourning someone who had just died I wouldn't be thinking about sex.  But maybe Oliver was thinking of sexy times when Sara and Laurel and maybe even Isabel died.

2 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

To me, it doesn't make much of a difference if she's deciding to step out of that box to avenge Billy, or to do whatever it takes to save Oliver. She's still making her own decision to step out of that box, and that decision is because of a man. It *could* tie into Havenrock and her paralysis either way - the fact that she seems willing to get her hands dirty now is the same regardless of why she chooses to do it. 

I'm trying to think of a time when Felicity wasn't willing to do whatever it took to save Oliver no matter how scared she was, whether it's to get kidnapped by Slade, or jump out of an airplane, or use Prometheus to dig up dirt on Councilman Killum, or leave her life and run away with him.  She wasn't asked to get her hands very dirty yet except in her usual hacking but I never doubted that she would for him so agreeing to work with Helix to save Oliver is SOP for Felicity because it's Oliver.

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He knows that she matters to Oliver. Chase knows that Susan matters, and that’s the move. You take the people that matter most, right?


There's his sister, his ex fiancée, his best friend/brother but no. Prometheus takes the woman Oliver's been dating for five minutes. There's logic and then there's what happens on Arrow.

That said, I'm kinda glad Felicity wasn't kidnapped and she's off doing her own thing instead. 

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6 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I'm trying to think of a time when Felicity wasn't willing to do whatever it took to save Oliver no matter how scared she was, whether it's to get kidnapped by Slade, or jump out of an airplane, or use Prometheus to dig up dirt on Councilman Killum, or leave her life and run away with him.  She wasn't asked to get her hands very dirty yet except in her usual hacking but I never doubted that she would for him so agreeing to work with Helix to save Oliver is SOP for Felicity because it's Oliver.

Yes but my point was that by choosing to join Helix for Billy instead of Oliver - she's doing all the things she'd be doing for Oliver (no matter how scared she was) in order to avenge Billy. The same decisions for a different penis. 

4 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

That said, I'm kinda glad Felicity wasn't kidnapped and she's off doing her own thing instead. 

Yeah, I don't want her kidnapped. I just want Susan kidnapped without all the "meaning" behind it that the show's never bothered to actually take the time to explore. He could be frantic to find her just because she got pulled into this by being his girlfriend, and he's a fundamentally decent person who doesn't want innocent people harmed. It's not that difficult show!

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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

I just want Susan kidnapped without all the "meaning" behind it that the show's never bothered to actually take the time to explore. He could be frantic to find her just because she got pulled into this by being his girlfriend, and he's a fundamentally decent person who doesn't want innocent people harmed. It's not that difficult show!

Same. I just don't buy that he cares so deeply for her. I SAW HIS FACE AFTER HE HAD SEX WITH HER. HE LOOKED LIKE HE WANTED TO DIE. HE HAS NEVER LOOKED HAPPY. 

I get that he'd be worried purely because she's another person in danger because of her association with him. It's in character for Oliver to feel guilty about that, too. But stop trying to tell me she's really important. It's so annoying. Grrrrr.

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I feel like Felicity joining Helix to save Oliver, a man who is still alive and who she still loves, is a much better reason to join the organization than to avenge a dead guy she didn't really love. But that's just me.

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So is there any chance that Susan is in on things with Talia?  That line about Susan as her guest - could that have been in Russia and not present day?  Could be that Chase doesn't know and "kidnaps" her on Talia's orders (not knowing it is a set-up).  Because it seems odd she is freed and "fine" at the end of the episode.  Or is Chase loosing his touch since it is later in the season?  And there has to be some reason Susan knew about Oliver and his ties with Russia. 

Sigh.  I need to stop trying to make her existence make sense, don't I? 

The spoiler about some being told "I'm the man that's going to kill you" seems odd too?  Why is that noteworthy when everyone already knows Chase took Susan?  Could it be someone else?  If the remark about Felicity's rebirth was not tied to 5.20 I would think she might be in some danger now.  Or may be she just gets hurt in 5.20 and Oliver thinks she might die? 

When they get Oliver back, Felicity and Diggle need to make him write down the names of everyone he met/worked with during his five years away from Star(ling) City.  Given how many have ended up hating him enough to want to kill him, his family and friends, and destroy the city perhaps it is time to get ahead of the curve. 

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2 minutes ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

And there has to be some reason Susan knew about Oliver and his ties with Russia. 

The only thing that would be weird about this is Talia knows about Oliver's ties to Russia and the Bratva - why would she send Susan on a scavenger hunt with some PI when she could just tell her what she needed to know? But then again, I shouldn't expect this show to make sense, so maybe it was kind of a game to her, IDK.

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2 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Didn't someone say that Susan being a reporter was going to be relevant or something? 

Josh Segarra did in an interview after the last ep. That her being a reporter was part of the plan. I guess because she's able (and I'm guessing at some point after her kidnapping) and would be willing to reveal that Oliver's Green Arrow. 

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8 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

The only thing that would be weird about this is Talia knows about Oliver's ties to Russia and the Bratva - why would she send Susan on a scavenger hunt with some PI when she could just tell her what she needed to know? But then again, I shouldn't expect this show to make sense, so maybe it was kind of a game to her, IDK.

She was playing chess with Susan too?  So she gave her some, but not all of the info so Susan would need to get close to Oliver? 

Or may be Susan found Talia after she already knew something about Oliver and Russia (wasn't she gone for a few episodes?) and Talia decided to use her then and Susan agreed to help?

You're right - it doesn't make sense.  Good Lord Susan is probably just this boring and tedious for no good reason. 

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29 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Maybe that's the real reason she matters. 

In the JS interview he said that her being a reporter 'may have played into' why she was chosen instead of the others.


also... the Talia/Susan plot..... wha if Talia told  Susan about Olivers time away but told her she needed to evidence that couldn't be tied to Talia or Chase? So even though she knows the story, she has to go through the routine to get the physical evidence to back her story and to discredit Oliver.

Edited by LadyChaos
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7 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

Man, Wendy's talking about two parts of the story that she and her writing buds skipped entirely: Oliver cares deeply about Susan? Okay! Felicity joined Helix as a result of what Prometheus has done to save the team AND Oliver? LOL, that legit did not happen. Did she forget that Felicity joined at the end of last ep?

Felicity though said when she joined Helix is was because she wanted to provide even better back up to her team.  So this comment I actually don't have a problem with.  

5 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

So, is he (Oliver) gonna get kidnapped and taken to a third location, or taken to where Susan's being held, and the "betrayal" part of this mess kicks in?

Is the point in The Dark Knight Rises where his back is broken and he has to get strong enough to escape the pit?  

5 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I feel like we're getting a lot of Tommy mentions lately. 


Exactly this.  

5 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Yeah, saw that spec, too, and it kinda makes sense to me with the whole Susan pivot. If the last several episodes have been messy because of rewrites, this could explain it. 

I'm rolling my eyes at Ra's being "an honorable man" but it's not anything new the show is selling. They kinda tried to portray that in S3, which is why Oliver gave Ra's an "honorable" death complete with prayers.

My head canon has long been that Ra's used to be bound by a code and therefore used to be honorable, but he'd gone the LP version of senile.  

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