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I wish they would use the secret-keeping as a way of pointing out to Oliver how stupid he is to trust Susan but I think the chance of that happening is about 5%.

I know SA and WM both said that Oliver didn't have sex with Susan but since she was in a negligee and they cut to black while Susan and Oliver were kissing, everything about that scene was a set up to sex! sex! sex and the post-airing comments were damage control  I'll believe that they didn't have sex if when they do in 5x12, it's clear that this is their first time.

10 hours ago, MaisyDaisy said:

That would be hilarious, we need a little romantic misunderstanding comedy on the show. Oliver being all passive aggressive toward a clueless Rory, giving Felicity speaking looks and she is all 'what the frack are you doing with your face right now Oliver?'.

This show needs that kind of humour so badly right now.  It's the sort of thing that Major Crimes does really, moments of hysterically funny reactions between the gore and doom.

8 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Yeah, that's really the heart of it for me.  Sadly though, I feel like they have gotten rid of OTA on a regular basis going back to mid season two and only break it out every once and awhile.  (And less and less now)

Which IMO is a huge mistake.  They recognized that they had not just Oliver but a whole trio of popular characters on the team and instead of letting the winning formula continue, they tried to capitalize on the character's individual popularity, often splitting them off to prop other characters or to do their own unconnected storyline.  Which was fine if they remembered to always refresh the well of goodwill to these characters by going back to the original winning combo often enough so that it isn't just a fond but distant memory, but instead they keep pushing new people without revitalizing the bonds between the original characters.

I keep reading in certain places that the original cast members are feeling stale, but I swear it's because the new characters and plot lines suck the life from them and the show isn't recharging the characters by featuring the original relationships anymore that made me love the characters and show in the first place.  I feel like they've forgotten that they have to keep feeding these older, original relationships as well as servicing the newbies.  

And it would be soo easy just to slip in at least one OTA scene in each episode.  It doesn't have to be directly episode related even, just bonding moments so that I get recharged on my love of all the characters and then I'll more appreciate the new relationships and side plots the show wants them to prop.  

They could even include the newbies as long as they learn to mix character interactions up.  

Sigh.  Even if they waved a wand and put Oliver and Felicity back together next week, this show still won't have solved its problems. 

Just wants to say Yes! to all of the above.  Solid OTA interactions is where the show gets its nurturing from.

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43 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

And the thing is, if he doesn't get mad at Susan for investigating him ("just doing her job" or some nonsense like that) and thinks BS can be redeemed- how could he get mad at Felicity for keeping something from him? I hope the writers think about that. 

I could see Susan having a change of heart and telling him about it before the team does, and him forgiving her while being butthurt with the team over keeping things from him. I hope it doesn't go down that way, but SA's comments that she's not Isobel 2.0 make me think she won't actually betray him. 

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I took the Rory/Felicity speculation as goofball speculation and found it funny. And while I don't think it is going to happen, this show has proven again and again that if there is a cracktastic or tone-deaf plot twist, they are happy to give it a try to get a shock from the audience. When people say "based on x spoiler, y might happen" I don't mind the discussion, because it very well might be on next week's episode.

I will be pissed if the secret Felicity is keeping is related to Susan instead of Felicity's own hacking/darkweb connections not because it parallels the baby mama garbage fire, but because back in season two she told Oliver about how Malcolm was Thea's father, even after Moira threatened Felicity with losing Oliver.  She did the hard thing because she was Oliver's friend over everything else, so this is going to piss me off if the Susan thing is the secret.

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6 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

I will be pissed if the secret Felicity is keeping is related to Susan instead of Felicity's own hacking/darkweb connections not because it parallels the baby mama garbage fire, but because back in season two she told Oliver about how Malcolm was Thea's father, even after Moira threatened Felicity with losing Oliver.  She did the hard thing because she was Oliver's friend over everything else, so this is going to piss me off if the Susan thing is the secret.

I completely agree.  But the past few seasons, this show has had a habit of going for the cheap shot that highlights whatever point they want to make in the moment rather than going for the big things.

What I really would like is for Felicity, Diggle & n00bs taking down Susan before she can turn into Isabel and hurt Oliver, and then Oliver realizing that he needs his team more than he thought. But they way they are pushing the "genuine feelings" between Oliver and Susan, I'm dreading that it's going to turn out that Susan comes clean for love of Oliver or he forgives her for love of her.

I'd also love it if Oliver realized he's been neglecting paying attention to Felicity and Diggle because he was stupid/overwhelmed/selfish but there's like a 0.05% chance of that happening.

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5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

What I really would like is for Felicity, Diggle & n00bs taking down Susan before she can turn into Isabel and hurt Oliver, and then Oliver realizing that he needs his team more than he thought. 

I'd also love it if Oliver realized he's been neglecting paying attention to Felicity and Diggle because he was stupid/overwhelmed/selfish but there's like a 0.05% chance of that happening.

Yep. But I also need Thea and Lance part of the takedown. 

And I have a bad feeling that whatever we get with Oliver/Diggle/Felicity in 512 that was teased in some interview is the last we'll see of OTA together in any significant way until closer to the end of the season. They're going to be pushing Dinah, Oliver's going to be busy being mayor/with Susan/etc.  

Hey, speaking of Lance, does anyone else think that cop lady who escapes in 514 is the reason for the bruises in the BTS photos? She finds out he was working for DD, right? 

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Im not going to jump to any conclusions yet that the secret Felicitys keeping is Susan investigating Oliver because it feels like jumping to conclusions that Oliver told Felicity to host a welcome back from the dead party for Laurel situation.

Im not saying that's not what she's keeping but I'm in wait and see mode.

Thing is I don't know why Felicity or the Team would need to keep that a secret from Oliver in the first place. 

I still think their storylines paralleling will be for the benefit of their relationship not to undermine it further and if it's about the BMD it wasn't entirely the lying and with holding Felicity was upset about* but Olivers need to go it alone, to make unilateral decisions without consult not only in a team scenario but in their lives and the BMD situation was just a culmination of that. She could tolerate that on a Team Arrow level but not in their life together.

So I think that will be the way they parrallel the BMD by having Felicity go through her going it alone lone wolf phase and Oliver being on the receiving end of Felicitys place of not being consulted, not being told the truth, not feeling like they were a team.

And if you look at 5x10 and 5x11 that's sort of what they are going for in their Dark path storyline for Felicity.  

I think or I should say I'm hoping the paralleling storyline is less to sink Felicity down to Olivers crappy level but more allow them to forgive each other for what happened last season but understanding the others perspective. And I don't think or I hope that Felicity doesn't need to keep an absurd secret to acheive that. I think Helix and Pandora will suffice.

But I guess we will see soon enough.

*Disclaimer I do think Felicity should have been more upset about the lying and the running off to Central City and not telling her but the writers framed it the way they did.

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1 minute ago, Chaser said:

Did DR say that there would be more focus on OTA in the back half?

I vaguely recall him saying something to that affect.

I thought he said he missed having it on the show or wanted more of it or something like that but nothing about what will be seen onscreen. 

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9 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Did DR say that there would be more focus on OTA in the back half?

I vaguely recall him saying something to that affect.

I recall him saying Felicity and Oliver would play a big role in influencing or pulling Oliver off the ledge (can't remember the quote but that was the gist) in 5B. Not sure if that means OTA or just each character will interact/influence Oliver. 

They usually circle back to OTA by the end of the season. Even if it's just for an episode. I would expect the same for S5.

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1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I recall him saying Felicity and Oliver would play a big role in influencing or pulling Oliver off the ledge (can't remember the quote but that was the gist) in 5B. Not sure if that means OTA or just each character will interact/influence Oliver. 

Oh wasn't this at some con when he also said something like everyone knows Susan is shady?

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FWIW, Prometheus and Pandora are connected figures in Greek mythology - here's one version of their story...

Thomas Bulfinch (1796–1867).  Age of Fable: Vols. I & II: Stories of Gods and Heroes.  1913.


II.  Prometheus and Pandora
*  *  *
Prometheus was one of the Titans, a gigantic race, who inhabited the earth before the creation of man. To him and his brother Epimetheus was committed the office of making man, and providing him and all other animals with the faculties necessary for their preservation. Epimetheus undertook to do this, and Prometheus was to overlook his work, when it was done. Epimetheus accordingly proceeded to bestow upon the different animals the various gifts of courage, strength, swiftness, sagacity; wings to one, claws to another, a shelly covering to a third, etc. But when man came to be provided for, who was to be superior to all other animals, Epimetheus had been so prodigal of his resources that he had nothing left to bestow upon him. In his perplexity he resorted to his brother Prometheus, who, with the aid of Minerva, went up to heaven, and lighted his torch at the chariot of the sun, and brought down fire to man. With this gift man was more than a match for all other animals. It enabled him to make weapons wherewith to subdue them; tools with which to cultivate the earth; to warm his dwelling, so as to be comparatively independent of climate; and finally to introduce the arts and to coin money, the means of trade and commerce.    

Woman was not yet made. The story (absurd enough!) is that Jupiter made her, and sent her to Prometheus and his brother, to punish them for their presumption in stealing fire from heaven; and man, for accepting the gift. The first woman was named Pandora. She was made in heaven, every god contributing something to perfect her. Venus gave her beauty, Mercury persuasion, Apollo music, etc. Thus equipped, she was conveyed to earth, and presented to Epimetheus, who gladly accepted her, though cautioned by his brother to beware of Jupiter and his gifts. Epimetheus had in his house a jar, in which were kept certain noxious articles, for which, in fitting man for his new abode, he had had no occasion. Pandora was seized with an eager curiosity to know what this jar contained; and one day she slipped off the cover and looked in. Forthwith there escaped a multitude of plagues for hapless man,—such as gout, rheumatism, and colic for his body, and envy, spite, and revenge for his mind,—and scattered themselves far and wide. Pandora hastened to replace the lid! but, alas! the whole contents of the jar had escaped, one thing only excepted, which lay at the bottom, and that was hope. So we see at this day, whatever evils are abroad, hope never entirely leaves us; and while we have that, no amount of other ills can make us completely wretched.    

Another story is that Pandora was sent in good faith, by Jupiter, to bless man; that she was furnished with a box, containing her marriage presents, into which every god had put some blessing. She opened the box incautiously, and the blessings all escaped, hope only excepted. This story seems more probable than the former; for how could hope, so precious a jewel as it is, have been kept in a jar full of all manner of evils, as in the former statement?    
*  *  *
Prometheus has been a favorite subject with the poets. He is represented as the friend of mankind, who interposed in their behalf when Jove was incensed against them, and who taught them civilization and the arts. But as, in so doing, he transgressed the will of Jupiter, he drew down on himself the anger of the ruler of gods and men. Jupiter had him chained to a rock on Mount Caucasus, where a vulture preyed on his liver, which was renewed as fast as devoured. This state of torment might have been brought to an end at any time by Prometheus, if he had been willing to submit to his oppressor; for he possessed a secret which involved the stability of Jove’s throne, and if he would have revealed it, he might have been at once taken into favor. But that he disdained to do. He has therefore become the symbol of magnanimous endurance of unmerited suffering, and strength of will resisting oppression.    

Edited by tv echo
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Loosely connecting Arrow to Greek Mythology could work (partly adapted from a tumblr theory I saw and partly my crackpot theory):
Zeus made Prometheus and Epimetheus.  Epimetheus is married Pandora who released awful stuff into the world.
- Zeus - Talia
- Prometheus - Prometheus/Vigilante/DA - dark mirror/brother to Epimetheus
- Epimetheus - Oliver
- Pandora - Felicity

What happens if Talia created Prometheus with the end goal of manipulating Oliver into becoming the fully-realized Green Arrow.  Talia has been moving all the chess pieces around to get him to that end goal - kinda like a Ra's Al Ghul manipulation.  She basically made him into the Hood.  She seems to understand how Oliver works and could be the one that's good with the mind games.  She could have created Prometheus in such a way with the end goal of making Oliver the person she wanted him to be - she could be the one providing all the information to Prometheus.   

Prometheus also being Vigilante/DA could work if he had multiple personalities/dissociative identity disorder.  Vigilante could experience lapses in time and don't remember his other identity.  The identities may compartmentalize what each of them knows and their memories, being completely unaware of each other.  The DA and Oliver are friends, maybe eventually becoming closer to like brothers while Prometheus is a dark reflection of GA.  It's possible then, that after the DA finds out about what his other identity (Prometheus) has done, he commits suicide like in comics.

Felicity similar to Pandora opened the drive and with all the information, can rain hell onto the criminals of the world.  With hope from the jar, it's Oliver/Epimetheus that helps her from going too dark.

Edited by ComicFan777
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Ugh.  I was interested in Felicity's dark arc till 1. she didn't have a single scene with Diggle even though getting him out of prison was the point of starting and 2. it's with a bunch of people who aren't comics important so it probably will be background anyway.  Now there's nothing I'm interested in.

Injustice2, the game that brought us yet another Black Canary, is set to launch in May so Tinah will absolutely be sticking around the rest of the season even if she rails as a character on the show (which she probably won't).

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Right now, I'm not even seeing anything for Felicity's arc that connects to Prometheus or Billy's death, making it even more obvious that the latter was all about Oliver (especially with the 514 description). This could have easily happened without her having a BF or that BF being killed. Maybe that will change in the next couple of episodes. But since it started with Felicity working to free Diggle, it could have happened without any of the previous episodes' events occurring for Felicity. 

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Well, the good thing about reading those interviews is it's clear they want Felicity's arc to give her more understanding of Oliver's lies/moral murkiness in season one, rather than his lies/moral murkiness during the BMD. Thank goodness. 

I wonder how they're going to squeeze the Havenrock stuff into the Russia episode. 

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If Oliver appeared as the Hood-in-training in Russia flashbacks and Susan knows about Oliver being in Russia at that time, then Hood appeared in Star City at the same time as Oliver, it would be easy for her to connect the dots that he was the Hood.  I wonder if she will dig even further to trace the path of Hood->Arrow->Green Arrow and notice that also Oliver came back from Ivy Town at the same time as Green Arrow appearing and piece together that he is also the Green Arrow...or I guess, he could just come clean and tell her.

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3 minutes ago, ComicFan777 said:

If Oliver appeared as the Hood-in-training in Russia flashbacks and Susan knows about Oliver being in Russia at that time, then Hood appeared in Star City at the same time as Oliver, it would be easy for her to connect the dots that he was the Hood.  I wonder if she will dig even further to trace the path of Hood->Arrow->Green Arrow and notice that also Oliver came back from Ivy Town at the same time as Green Arrow appearing and piece together that he is also the Green Arrow...or I guess, he could just come clean and tell her.

Maybe he'll tell her just as the others are discussing the Russia photo, one scene right into the other. Because, you know, he'll have known her a couple of months and she's a reporter, so that's plenty of time to decide to reveal that big secret that affects everyone else on the team to her. 

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6 minutes ago, ComicFan777 said:

I really don't want Oliver to reveal he is the Green Arrow to Susan...it would be so stupid.

Especially if we're going to see him being mayor more than GA. Although, if they don't have someone going out as GA while that's going on, it should become really obvious that he's GA to anyone in Star City. "Hmm, we haven't heard about GA in awhile. It's just been the other masked vigilantes out, including the new BC that popped up after that expensive statue that never should have been made and was probably a waste of money was destroyed. And we've been seeing a lot more of Mayor Oliver Queen." 

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Do you think that Susan uncovers that GA killed Malone and publishes an article that leads the public to call for his arrest?  
It would be kinda funny if that in turn sets Prometheus's sight on Susan - he's basically saving Oliver from his own stupidity so that he can be the one to take GA down.

Edited by ComicFan777
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17 minutes ago, ComicFan777 said:

Do you think that Susan uncovers that GA killed Malone and publishes an article that leads the public to call for his arrest?  
It would be kinda funny if that in turn sets Prometheus's sight on Susan

And Oliver can save and protect Susan and be her hero?  Noooooooooo!

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17 minutes ago, ComicFan777 said:

Do you think that Susan uncovers that GA killed Malone and publishes an article that leads the public to call for his arrest?  
It would be kinda funny if that in turn sets Prometheus's sight on Susan - he's basically saving Oliver from his own stupidity so that he can be the one to take GA down.

At this point, I'd love to see Prometheus make an appointment to see Mayor Queen, sit down across from him in his office and go, "Listen, you're being stupid. Frankly, it takes the fun out of trying to ruin your life when you're doing that yourself. What am I supposed to do then? Just sit back and watch? Stage more scenes like your Hood days? That gets boring after a while."

Speaking of Prometheus, if Oliver is so focused on being mayor, how is he going to stop Prometheus? Or is he going to forget he told Felicity they would after what happened? It's why I hope this Pandora thing is just the beginning and we get more in the next few episodes because otherwise, like I said earlier, how is this going to connect?

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4 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

if Oliver is so focused on being mayor, how is he going to stop Prometheus? Or is he going to forget he told Felicity they would after what happened?

Maybe that is why she'll want to do stuff herself because he just can't at the moment or is busy doing something else.

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9 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Speaking of Prometheus, if Oliver is so focused on being mayor, how is he going to stop Prometheus? Or is he going to forget he told Felicity they would after what happened?

Seems like Prometheus is taking the typical mid-season vacation (based on the synopses for eps 12-14), so maybe he's out of sight, mostly out of mind with random throwaways about trying to find his mom or whatever in the hell they were last working on wrt him. 

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

With Dinah and her canary cry, and Ragman with his magic rags, maybe Oliver thinks he can just sit back and let them handle things.

But Rory's going to be gone after this week. So he's going to be putting a lot of trust in Diggle, Rene and Dinah to handle things in the field full-time if Curtis continues to stay out of the field. 

I do find it interesting that my cable's listing for this week's ep doesn't mention Susan; it ends after Lance returns to work. Could be cut for length, but I've seen longer episode descriptions kept as they were. 

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I don't think the Susan secret is what Stephen was referring, I think it's more about felicity and her questionable methods lately. She didn't share how she was able to hack in to the NSA and clear Diggle and we know next week he tells her and Diggle to not go too dark like him and she obviously doesn't listen. So something happens with Pandora, I am sure the team esp Rory and Diggle will know what she's up to but Oliver would be kept out of the loop. 

So yeah the way I see them paralleling Oliver is having Oliver be more optimistic and opening up to people, while Felicity retreats back to her  hacker ways and ending up doing morally questionable things that Oliver used to do. 

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5 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

I don't think the Susan secret is what Stephen was referring, I think it's more about felicity and her questionable methods lately. She didn't share how she was able to hack in to the NSA and clear Diggle and we know next week he tells her and Diggle to not go too dark like him and she obviously doesn't listen. So something happens with Pandora, I am sure the team esp Rory and Diggle will know what she's up to but Oliver would be kept out of the loop. 

So yeah the way I see them paralleling Oliver is having Oliver be more optimistic and opening up to people, while Felicity retreats back to her  hacker ways and ending up doing morally questionable things that Oliver used to do. 

And then hopefully that leading to Oliver being emotionally there for Felicity in helping her back from the edge the same way she did for him. 

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8 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

But Rory's going to be gone after this week. So he's going to be putting a lot of trust in Diggle, Rene and Dinah to handle things in the field full-time if Curtis continues to stay out of the field. 

Yeah, and then you get the whole point of 514 would be that he's kind of forced to handle things as mayor, meaning that it's up to Diggle and Rene to handle things, and then they'll need Tinah's help, especially since it's a prison break-out scenario. Then, to convince her to help, Felicity will probably give her a speech/costume (following the rumor/possible spoilers) to set-up a whole female hero vs. female villain thing.

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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

WTF is the point could be Arrow's tagline, haha.

Ha true! But the fact that they seem to be highlighting in their obvious way that Oliver is the hopeful optimistic one this season and Felicity is the sceptical down cast and disenchanted one in such an obvious role reversal; that it's being intentionally done so that Oliver can play Felicity to Felicitys Oliver. 

They haven't been that subtle about it IMO. 

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At this point, with everything else Arrow has done, I wouldn't be surprised if Felicity has to give herself an "I believe in you" speech. (That's me saying I'm trying not to get my hopes up about Oliver being there for Felicity like she's been there for him, even though that's what makes the most sense.)

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If WTF Arrow? were a drinking game, we'd all have alcohol poisoning.

Felicity was so happy going back to hacking after all the bleakness of her life in the past 24 episodes..  It's hard to see how she's going to go dark from it, because right now it empowers her again (which she lost after being fired from PT and having little to do on the team beyond basic comm duty) and makes her optimistic.

Right now, this feels more like an "Oops, I took the wrong path" rather than anything Oliver has to be emotionally there for her or provide light and optimism for her.  She needed that after Billy died, not when she's feeling upbeat because she's trying to do good through her hacking.

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28 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

But Rory's going to be gone after this week. So he's going to be putting a lot of trust in Diggle, Rene and Dinah to handle things in the field full-time if Curtis continues to stay out of the field. 


I expect that Curtis will be  back out in the field and only doing coms when they cut Felicity out of that part of the show.  

6 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

If WTF Arrow? were a drinking game, we'd all have alcohol poisoning.

Felicity was so happy going back to hacking after all the bleakness of her life in the past 24 episodes..  It's hard to see how she's going to go dark from it, because right now it empowers her again (which she lost after being fired from PT and having little to do on the team beyond basic comm duty) and makes her optimistic.

Right now, this feels more like an "Oops, I took the wrong path" rather than anything Oliver has to be emotionally there for her or provide light and optimism for her.  She needed that after Billy died, not when she's feeling upbeat because she's trying to do good through her hacking.

True, but I guess there's hope/expectation that the deeper she goes, the less upbeat she will be feeling about the grey areas she visits as she tried to do good.  

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I think it's just a matter of Felicity adjusting how she gets her info. Pandora and Helix is involved. I'm assuming Helix is shady and going to start pulling Felicity down. I think Pandora is what she is going to use to go after Prometheus.

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Did Prometheus set up Pandora?  Or is Helix legit and they are going after Prometheus?

Why are they cutting Felicity off comms?

I'm pretty sure Curtis is going to be  out in the field but with better tech.  So that will give us Oliver, Rene, Curtis, Dinah and Diggle in the field, with Dinah being a meta.  No wonder there is no room for Thea.

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18 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Did Prometheus set up Pandora?  Or is Helix legit and they are going after Prometheus?

Why are they cutting Felicity off comms?

I'm pretty sure Curtis is going to be  out in the field but with better tech.  So that will give us Oliver, Rene, Curtis, Dinah and Diggle in the field, with Dinah being a meta.  No wonder there is no room for Thea.

I don't think she'll be off comms as much as some may worry.  Probably only when her arc needs more time.  


1 minute ago, Chaser said:

Based on what the EPs have said (which isn't the most credible I know), I doubt Prometheus set up Pandora/Helix. Why send Felicity a weapon she could use against him? 

Which then makes me again wonder how it's supposed to be a bad thing for Felicity.  I'm sure they will find a way even if it's contrived but the Felicity I've seen would be able to take what info she's been gifted and use it without risking her soul to the darkside.  

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For all we know, the only "questionably moral" thing Felicity does is 510 and letting BS "escape" (or things like that which aren't really bad) and they're just overselling the arc. I don't think they're going to do anything too drastic with Felicity because honestly, it would take away from the masks and they love the masks this season. The EPs have even said they're not going to do anything too dark with Felicity, right? 

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Felicity looked happy and excited but I don't think she's gotten started yet. I think the morally questionably path comes from what she finds in Pandora and how it benefits her and the team to take down Prometheus. 

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My guess would be that Pandora didn't come for free, and once Felicity starts using it and following a trail/trails she becomes more and more willing to do whatever she's asked to do in order to keep access to it. She made herself beholden to Helix by taking it, seemingly without giving it a whole lot of thought. The closer Pandora gets her to Prometheus, the more she'll be willing to do to hold onto it.

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