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Detective Malone so far has been nothing more than a "Look. Felicity has a boyfriend and it's not Oliver" character.  He happens to be a cop who knows nothing about Felicity's real life.  The EPs have said he's like Quentin but a little more friendly/welcoming to the vigilantes.  Malone is in the stills for 5.03 with his hands in the air displaying his badge.  I am wondering if this is an encounter with Green Arrow & Co. (Could be crooked cops but...).  Anyway this makes me wonder if when Oliver sees Felicity kissing him (which is how I figure he finds out) if Oliver doesn't encourage Felicity to tell him the truth about what she does. You know, relationships should be built on trust, etc.  This would be more surprising than him just moving on.  (He will but that's another story.)  The cop of course isn't going to be too upset. The story doesn't require him to be.  I was originally thinking he was going to cause problems for Oliver/Green Arrow but maybe he's just going to provide "growth" while keeping Felicity sidelined in case they need to double back to her for the love interest role.

At the moment they are still talking about reconciling Olicity at some point in the future but maybe not this season.  I think that's the long game but if new canary works it may be over.

Edited by Sunshine
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8 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Anyway this makes me wonder if when Oliver sees Felicity kissing him (which is how I figure he finds out) if Oliver doesn't encourage Felicity to tell him the truth about what she does. You know, relationships should be built on trust, etc.  This would be more surprising than him just moving on.

I like this idea a lot.

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If Oliver encourages Felicity to tell Mayo the truth, then with the same mindset, Oliver would tell the reporter the truth as well if he ends up having a relationship with her...and I am not sure how that would work out.  That's just assuming the reporter is the new LI.

Edited by ComicFan777
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9 minutes ago, ComicFan777 said:

If Oliver encourages Felicity to tell Mayo the truth, then with the same mindset, Oliver would tell the reporter the truth as well if he ends up having a relationship with her...and I am not sure how that would work out.  That's just assuming the reporter is the new LI.

It could be something where he tells her if she's serious about him she needs to tell him - I would imagine it wouldn't be something where he'd tell her to just let every rando she dates know what she does at night (and I wouldn't expect him to tell anyone until it reaches a certain level of seriousness, either). 

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besides the reporter being a female and using that seductive voice in the trailer, is there a really good reason why we think shes a love interest. Just finished watching suits and Carly Pope would seem way more older than Oliver if they had them in a relationship. The actress is only a year older than Amell, but she looks way older because Amell doesn't look his age.

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On 10/12/2016 at 0:32 PM, Cleanqueen said:

besides the reporter being a female and using that seductive voice in the trailer, is there a really good reason why we think shes a love interest.

For me the possibility comes from the character the description, knowing how TV works and a recent comment about having tonwin her over. Just seemed like they're going to try for a relationship

Edited by Morrigan2575
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4 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:


For me the possibility comes from the character the description, knowing how TV works and a recent comment about having tonwin her over. Just seemed like they're going to try for a relationship

Yeah I read that one as well and honestly relationship didn't even come to mind, just him trying to convince her that hes not the GA because she suspects as such was what came to mind. I mean if they go the date route, it'll probably Felicity pushing him to do whatever he needs to do to get her off his back a la McKenna in season 1. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that. 

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I hate saying this, but if the writers insist on the LI route, I would rather Oliver go out with the reporter than the new BC.

Just to be clear, I would much rather they just didn't have temp LIs at all and just have O/F work their way back to each other.

Edited by ComicFan777
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15 hours ago, Chaser said:

I know the timing of the 'Tina' casting call and Laurel's final words scream NEW BLACK CANARY but I hope its just a coincidence. How about BS just sparks the conversation and Oliver asks Sara to take the name again?

Hey now. I'm trying to go deep.

When MG was asked how much Oliver's vow to Laurel to find a new Black Canary was going to be weighing on his mind this season, MG specifically used the words "new Black Canary" in his answer:

MG: "Forefront in his mind is this notion of recruiting this new team, and as the season progresses, eventually it will turn Oliver’s attention towards the specificity of that promise of a new Black Canary, and we’ll have to see what happens." (Oct. 12, 2016 Mashable article, page 184 of Starling City Times thread)

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Here is an excerpt from a fan's tumblr post regarding Felicity's new boyfriend. I don't know if this info is 100% reliable, so I'm just posting it here for discussion (I'm not saying it's not legit, just that I don't know)...


Some of you may know that I am friends with someone involved with the show. This doesn’t mean I have inside story info or know what’s going to happen - not at all. But occasionally this person will give me something to look forward to. Recently we had a long discussion where I shared some of my current frustrations. One of them is the Felicity BF situation. Not because I’m a shipper - I don’t feel like Olicity is threatened. That isn’t it. It’s that I see no story purpose for this guy. The wedge between Olicity doesn’t need to come in the form of another man. I’d like Felicity’s story to be about her. But anyways, I digress. I had this discussion with my friend. And I feel a lot better after having it. 

I now sort of understand the purpose. I don’t agree, but I get it. I also am confident that this story (including the BF) is going to get more interesting. It (meaning Felicity’s new relationship) definitely isn’t going to last very long. Of these points I am certain. I know I said I don’t have inside story info…but this time…I kinda do? Like I said, I haven’t completely changed my mind and I’m still a bit tentative, but I do know there’s good stuff coming; interesting stuff that moves the story forward in a way I feel really good about, and I think many others in fandom will feel good about, too. And that makes me feel better. 


Edited by tv echo
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The vibe I got from the ~seductive voice was the reporter talking to herself, not directly to Oliver. Like, maybe she was watching footage of Mayor Handsome doing something Green Arrow-y, or she's outright following him. I don't know. It felt like a shipper trap to have the trailer start with a voiceover like that.

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I do get why people think Oliver needing to win the reporter over might equal something romantic, but it's on record that Oliver is a completely shit mayor. Of course a reporter would want to get to the bottom of why, and would a) be pretty hard on him, and b) be incredibly meddlesome, which is something Oliver wouldn't want. 

So, could she be a new LI? Sure. Could "winning her over" just mean getting her on his good side so she stops digging? Yeah. 

Maybe both, haha. 

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16 minutes ago, looptab said:

I was thinking, they always say they run out of time to do stuff..couldn't they forget about the new BC? :))

It's funny. I put a potential new BC as more evidence Olicity will be back together in Feb Sweeps. They didn't want Olicity together when they killed Laurel and I don't think they will want them apart if they bring in a new BC.

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A new BC just sounds too much like that destiny theme they're spouting over on Flash (Barry & Iris are always destined to end up together regardless of timeline/universe, blah, blah, blah).  So it's like, if the EPs are really catering to the comics crowd, Oliver is always destined to end up with someone called BC regardless of who she is or how many women named BC he has to sleep with.

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8 minutes ago, Chaser said:

It's funny. I put a potential new BC as more evidence Olicity will be back together in Feb Sweeps. They didn't want Olicity together when they killed Laurel and I don't think they will want them apart if they bring in a new BC.

That's one way to look at it :) And I wouldn't mind. But my suggestion was merely because this 'will there be a new BC?' is starting to resemble last year's who's in the grave - and this is just the beginning, haha.

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5 minutes ago, tv echo said:

A new BC just sounds too much like that destiny theme they're spouting over on Flash (Barry & Iris are always destined to end up together regardless of timeline/universe, blah, blah, blah).  So it's like, if the EPs are really catering to the comics crowd, Oliver is always destined to end up with someone called BC regardless of who she is or how many women named BC he has to sleep with.

Maybe if this was season 3 of Arrow, I can't see this being the case this year. I do think olicity is getting a slow rebuild, they're working together better, they're being honest and open about their feelings that hopefully when we do them see reunite their would be no reason to add any unnecessary relationship drama. I am just trying to understand where this new BC will fit with an already overcrowded Arrow cave?

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9 minutes ago, tv echo said:

A new BC just sounds too much like that destiny theme they're spouting over on Flash (Barry & Iris are always destined to end up together regardless of timeline/universe, blah, blah, blah).  So it's like, if the EPs are really catering to the comics crowd, Oliver is always destined to end up with someone called BC regardless of who she is or how many women named BC he has to sleep with.

Destiny is the only thing they've ever really used over on The Flash to sell Iris and Barry's relationship. I mean, even when having Iris coming around to her feels for Barry, destiny seemed to be the driving force in lieu of some actual storytelling. Crappy as the actual storytelling has been for the relationships on the show, Arrow's never fallen back on "destiny" for any that I can remember - not Oliver and Laurel, and not Green Arrow/Black Canary. 

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12 minutes ago, quarks said:

To be fair, Oliver hasn't banged Evelyn yet. And, since they just reestablished that she's 16 years old, she won't be banging anyone for two more seasons. 

But but but what if she meets Wally, and then it's Kid Flash and Artemis from Young Justice! Dammit, why can't I be fanserviced? It's not shipping, it's canon!

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16 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Arrow's never fallen back on "destiny" for any that I can remember - not Oliver and Laurel, and not Green Arrow/Black Canary. 

Almost..they tried it in the beginning and then ran away from it as fast as they could :)

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We will soon find out how Oliver feels about Felicity’s new boyfriend, especially as he’s unwittingly working with him at the moment. “Eventually, yes,” EP Marc Guggenheim says. “I don’t think I’m spoiling anything to say that pretty much every secret on this show eventually [comes out]. Felicity’s boyfriend is certainly no exception — not that she’s keeping it a secret from Oliver, but at the start of season 5, Oliver doesn’t know.”

What in the hell is this idiot word salad? 

Every secret on the show comes out, but it's not a secret, but Oliver doesn't know because she didn't tell him because...it's not a secret?

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14 minutes ago, Thundercatmary said:

In what way?

MG doesn't talk about Mayo in anyway other than how fans will react to him, or how Oliver will react to him, or how Felicity is not keeping him a secret while not telling anyone about him. They didn't even put Mayo's first name on script yet, I mean, what the fuck? This guy was created to rile fans up.

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1 minute ago, dtissagirl said:

This guy was created to rile fans up.

Well it worked because now I can't even enjoy mayo anymore. LMAO.

I kid. 

Kind of.

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8 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Any chance he's Prometheus? Don't know the source but according to Twitter he's filming 5.09.

You mean the cop? There's a new photo of him and Wild Dog, presumably from the set.

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There was a theory on Tumblr (that, of course, I can't find) that said Mayo was either handed or handed to someone an artist's rendering of GA. It was the drawing someone with production (Bamford or the Production Office?) tweeted out once. They also said he gave weird looks to this coworker when Felicity arrived. Perhaps he knows she's involved with GA or is targeting in some way, either good or bad. I skipped that scene completely so I can't confirm that's what happened, but it did give rise to the idea that he's going to be more than a tiny-handed plot point. 

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17 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

There was a theory on Tumblr (that, of course, I can't find) that said Mayo was either handed or handed to someone an artist's rendering of GA. It was the drawing someone with production (Bamford or the Production Office?) tweeted out once. They also said he gave weird looks to this coworker when Felicity arrived. Perhaps he knows she's involved with GA or is targeting in some way, either good or bad. I skipped that scene completely so I can't confirm that's what happened, but it did give rise to the idea that he's going to be more than a tiny-handed plot point. 

He did hand a fellow cop that sketch of the Green Arrow, but I think the weird look theory is a stretch, haha. 

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

He did hand a fellow cop that sketch of the Green Arrow, but I think the weird look theory is a stretch, haha. 

Thank you for saving me actually having to watch that scene. :D Maybe once the season is over, I'll go back and only watch his scenes. It'll be a whole new show!

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I wonder if they played up the "He's a straight shooter" thing and seemingly a nice guy to fool us and it turns out Mayo Bread is actually one of the bad ones? Because he definitely wasn't on Quentin's list of cops he trusted. 

IDK. He's so bland I don't even know what to make of him apart from meh.

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44 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

MG doesn't talk about Mayo in anyway other than how fans will react to him, or how Oliver will react to him, or how Felicity is not keeping him a secret while not telling anyone about him. They didn't even put Mayo's first name on script yet, I mean, what the fuck? This guy was created to rile fans up.

His blatant ship stall-ness amuses me greatly. These writers must have realized that they had to have a physical body separating Olicity (Sara, Ray, Mayo) because without that these guys would be bunnies. I find that kind of flattering to my ship.

And then super freakin annoying.

TR hasn't been in Vancouver since 5x03 and then he returns looking like that for 5x09? Is he undercover on the streets? Do they break up first or are they still together? So many questions.

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I know it sounds weird but I don't want them to be together for a longer amount of time. Since we don't know when they started dating we obviously have no really idea how serious they are. Well apart from 'He loves her'.

I know it sounds childish but as a viewer I still have emotional attachments to my characters and if I feel as though she truly moved on then I might really do that myself emotionally and then the stuff they currently portray doesn't give me a lot to get invested again. I just don't like the notion of a serious relationship that came out of nowhere and is supposed to rival the one we saw for half a season (if you don't add the build-up).

I feel like stomping my foot ;-)

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