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14 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

Lady Shiva has a connection with Black Canary and Batman. 

So they have to have been wanting to use the character anyway. 

Downside, doesn't really sound like a love interest for the insane puppy. Upside, kind of evilish if I remember right. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

Did I just hear correctly that Cody Rhodes' character is a dealer dealing a drug named Stardust?

I believe you heard correctly. I actually thought he said Stardust died. I'm glad SA got to work with his friend. I think that's the nicest thing I can say about that preview. 

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7 hours ago, Belinea said:

It's like a relationship where you expect your partner to change but he/she never does so even though it makes you sad you have to ask yourself: Should I stay or should I go?

So you're saying we're Felicity and the writers are Oliver?

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2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Also, was if just me or did the guy playing Wilddog kind of sound in the interview like a self obsessed tool?  Just me?  Full disclosure, I may be judging him solely based on the fact he didn't mention EBR when the question specifically included her.  And he gave himself credit for bringing the energy to the old tired (apparently) but well oiled machine. Bite me. 

Not just you.  It's a huge contrast to Echo Kellum, who was not only a more interesting actor but gave huge props to EBR and the rest of the cast.

Maybe it's him.  Maybe it's because it sounds like they made him so much an important part of the season and the crossovers.  Then again, maybe he hasn't got any greater role than anyone else and it's him.

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1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Which just confirms my decision to skip 503.

After two really surprisingly good episodes, I don't think I'm willing to risk skipping 503 based on the spoilers and promos that we've seen and heard. If I'd been going just by those, I absolutely would have skipped 501 and 502.  Maybe I'll be wrong and there won't be anything of worth but often the filler episodes pack in good character beats.  And so far in the episodes that have promised me nothing, I've done pretty well (Mayo McTiny Hands not included but I might be able to handle him if he's only ever on for like a minute. )  

So far I'm really liking how they are writing Felicity as she "hides" in the bunker.

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So MG gave an interview (it's in the news thread) and he specifies that Oliver is going to turn his attention to his promise about a new BLACK Canary. 

That actually wasn't the promise he made so did Guggenheim just tip his hand or misspeak? 

If he tipped his hand, all I can hope is that Oliver tries looking for a new one and it goes horribly wrong. 

This is not the news I was looking for. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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Wouldn't another Black Canary just make Laurel irrelevant? Why out Laurel as BC and give her a statue if you're just gonna give her mantle to someone else? Haha. What...?

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I have to wonder if a new BC is a DC mandate.  For a lot of non-comic people Arrow's BC didn't go over very well so they may have been told to fix it.  They can't sell BC merchandise if the last live action version wasn't very popular.    

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Forefront in his mind is this notion of recruiting this new team, and as the season progresses, eventually it will turn Oliver’s attention towards the specificity of thatpromise of a new Black Canary, and we’ll have to see what happens.  

Brought this over from the interview thread.

I think the biggest problem for me is that Sara is still BC for me, and she's still out there even if she's not on arrow so another BC seems wrong. 

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8 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Wouldn't another Black Canary just make Laurel irrelevant? Why out Laurel as BC and give her a statue if you're just gonna give her mantle to someone else? Haha. What...?

At the end of the season sticking her code name on the statue seemed like them making sure the name was dead and buried.  So did the fricken' statue.  Makes no sense unless they end the season saying there never will be another one like her??  (Clings to hope)

1 minute ago, Sunshine said:

I have to wonder if a new BC is a DC mandate.  For a lot of non-comic people Arrow's BC didn't go over very well so they may have been told to fix it.  They can't sell BC merchandise if the last live action version wasn't very popular.    

If it was a mandate, then why drag Laurel back on the show to stir people up?  Why bring in baby Canary right away to put the persona to rest.  I'm so confused. After watching tonight I was so fricken' hopeful.  Now I don't know what to think. 


4 minutes ago, Thundercatmary said:

Brought this over from the interview thread.

I think the biggest problem for me is that Sara is still BC for me, and she's still out there even if she's not on arrow so another BC seems wrong. 

One of many reasons.   

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1 hour ago, Sunshine said:

I have to wonder if a new BC is a DC mandate.  For a lot of non-comic people Arrow's BC didn't go over very well so they may have been told to fix it.  They can't sell BC merchandise if the last live action version wasn't very popular.    

When they announced that Geoff Johns was going to be overseeing all TV and movie properties early this past spring I didn't really sweat it, despite him saying in interviews related to Rebirth that Black Canary was central to the Green Arrow mythos.  I figured that a) he had bigger problems what with having to fix the movieverse and b) corporations like money, and Arrow had a formula that worked.  But seeing all the DC shows load up with masks and seeing all the black canary talk, even though she's gone, has changed my mind.   I'm now convinced they are willing to lose a little money if they can have synergy with the comic universe and sell merchandise and get the Green Arrow back with Black Canary, the way the comics say it should be.

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I think I'll wait til the midseason break before I give up hope.  The spoilers and promos and interview's really suck but the show was actually good.  And the spoilers and promos and interview's frequently suck every year. 

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I can't stand that they gave her love interest the same name as the kid that was used to break them up. There is something perverse in that. Like rubbing it in my face.  Speaking of which...

His full name might just be Billy. 


I am thinking the DA is a love interest for Thea..although why has nobody seen him anywhere but hes a season regular?

Too old, maybe Wild Dog or Ragman will be. DA guy seems recurring.


Why did they kill Laurel and then kill off Olicity?

Well according to Marc: I I think for better or for worse, we don’t write for those fans. I think the fact that we did put Felicity in a relationship… we’re not idiots, we knew it probably wouldn’t go over well with a segment of the fandom, but that can’t be why we don’t do something.

We go where the story takes us. We do something because we realize we have a story to tell. There may be someone who raises their hand in the writers' room and goes, “wow, some group of fans are not gonna be happy with this,” but we do it anyway. We’ve had to do it on a personal level where, every time we decide to kill off a character, that’s us doing something far worse than pissing people off on our Twitter feed, that’s us affecting someone’s livelihood.


Edited by DCLeague
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36 minutes ago, DCLeague said:

Well according to Marc: I I think for better or for worse, we don’t write for those fans. I think the fact that we did put Felicity in a relationship… we’re not idiots, we knew it probably wouldn’t go over well with a segment of the fandom, but that can’t be why we don’t do something.

Applies to both. Writers got to do what writers got to do. 

I beg to differ with Mr Guggenheim. I think it is a matter of perspective ;)

That whole interview is just LOLOLOL. I guess WM and he skipped the PR 101 crash course, um?  He can write  whatever he thinks is "good entertainment", without an audience there is no show (and no job). He should perhaps focus on the heart of the matter, good storytelling and characterization instead of perceived fandoms or audiences. 

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4 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I think I'll wait til the midseason break before I give up hope.  The spoilers and promos and interview's really suck but the show was actually good.  And the spoilers and promos and interview's frequently suck every year. 

I'm trying to see why I'm reacting differently than in Season 3, and I realise it's because there was nothing concrete in Season three. All they had was an abortive date and a goodbye kiss. But then the showrunners gave me something I didn't even know I wanted, Oliver and Felicity in love, and then they took it away, just 'cause. So I'm going to watch this season the way I've never watched Arrow: spoiled to hell and reading the episode forum before I even watch.

That way, if we get the equivalent of the Crazy Eyes post-coital Atom flyby, while Felicity sleeps in his bed, I'll know which episode to avoid.

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 He can write  whatever he thinks is "good entertainment", without an audience there is no show (and no job).

Thats the gamble of being a writer or other creative careers, I think you have to believe  that your work is good enough to get or keep an audience.Tough job.

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@DCLeague I definitely take your point. That said, in this case, the creative gamble was mostly taken in the conception phase, the pilot and season 1. They found an audience and it's their job to keep it. 

By season 5, they should focus on "organic" storytelling and, for me, plotting and writing for the sake of being ~original and ~independent from audiences does not a good story make.

If he's not interested in his audience reaction (comments, social media response, ratings, reviews, etc.)  then what is the point of his creative process as a showrunner? He can just keep a diary. 

And just to avoid confusion, I'm sure there are people enjoying the show's direction. I'm simply stating my opinion on his comments. 

Edited by RussianRoulette
Wrong thread
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11 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

"Lord, give me the confidence of a mediocre white man."

I think you'd need more than that to succeed in this world. Can you imagine how a woman imbued with 'that' kind of confidence would be treated? She'd be laughed out of town. To get away with that level of BS you'd really need a penis #sorrynotsorry

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12 minutes ago, lexicon said:

I think you'd need more than that to succeed in this world. Can you imagine how a woman imbued with 'that' kind of confidence would be treated? She'd be laughed out of town. To get away with that level of BS you'd really need a penis #sorrynotsorry

I think I will print and frame this post in my office. 

That level of cynicism and snarkiness? You know how to steal a girl's heart! ;)

*slow clap*

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I actually enjoyed 501 and 502. But reading spoilers (like the recent MG & WM interviews) just discourages me.

I wouldn't read too much into the "Tina" auditions posted in the Spoilers thread, except to the extent they confirm the casting sides used for that character. Those videos were posted by the women themselves and not by Rapaport Casting, so there were probably tons more audition tapes sent in but just not posted on youtube. We also don't know yet who got the part. Arguably, the age range does make it seem like the woman would be more age appropriate for Oliver than, say, Wild Dog.

Edited by tv echo
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I was okay with 501 and enjoyed 502.  I am however only committed through 505.  I want to see if they actually give Felicity a POV in the Havenrock fall out.  As much as I liked Ragman in 502 I don't want it to be all about his POV only.   I am also curious about Human Target (Wil Traval) but not expecting much from the Olicity scene.*  Beyond that I am episode by episode.  The spoiled story lines don't actually interest me.  I've lost interest in 5.08 the 100th episode.   As far as I can see, the only real purpose for the boyfriend is for people to be understanding when Oliver starts dating - Nov sweeps?  For me a lot of it will depend on how they handle Diggle and Felicity going forward.  I think they are bringing Diggle back into the team which makes me nervous (based on nothing) that whatever they are "positioning" Felicity for that is "new" for her will take her out of the team.  I have liked Diggle's scenes but I miss his interaction with characters I care about. 

My fear is that when new canary shows up in 5.11 that we're going to get a S2B redo but probably without insecure Felicity. She has a boyfriend now.

*My preference would be for Oliver to see the kiss with Det Mayo and just decide it was time to move on.  No Felicity telling Oliver he needs to move on.  No Oliver telling Felicity that he's glad she's happy.  Just do it.   

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I decided after watching this morning that my balls-to-the-wall unlikely, totally reaching desire wrt Oliver finding out about the boyfriend is that he would understand that Felicity was using him as a distraction for Havenrock feels. They just seem way more casual than the loft scene at the end of the first ep indicated, and that would be a reaction from him that I truly wouldn't expect. 

It's just difficult for me to believe that after last night's ep, when Felicity said "I think you're missing something," and he replies with, "Just one thing," and Felicity gives him this little smile and laugh? That's not a guy who's gonna be like, "Okay cool, you've moved on." 

Which is why I'm pretty sure he'll be like, "Okay cool, you've moved on." But still. Want it. 

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25 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Rewatching some scenes. MM is really bad.

She was awful on SPN and really bad in 419. I'm not surprised she stinks here. Hopefully they limit her to background stuff because she's another typical "CW" actress.

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I didn't think it was possible to find an actor that has no chemistry with Emily but it seems like they did. I thought watching that scene was like watching paint dry.

5 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Tyler Ritter's response to fans wondering if Malone is Prometheus (I still think Adrian Chase is Prometheus)...

I too think Adrian is definitely Prometheus. Although Joshua's build doesnt match that of Prometheus.

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The thing I'm confused about regarding Adrian Chase is: isn't he supposed to be Vigilante in the show? Or is someone else playing Vigilante? I suppose him having a superhero alter ego would do a lot to take suspicion off of him, but...IDK, seems like a lot of effort to go through for a bad guy, haha.

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Pretending to be Vigilante could be a way of getting closer to GA, bring him down from the inside. IDK?

I'm torn between it being Adrian Chase and someone from the first season, though I have no idea who.

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53 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I decided after watching this morning that my balls-to-the-wall unlikely, totally reaching desire wrt Oliver finding out about the boyfriend is that he would understand that Felicity was using him as a distraction for Havenrock feels. They just seem way more casual than the loft scene at the end of the first ep indicated, and that would be a reaction from him that I truly wouldn't expect. 

It's just difficult for me to believe that after last night's ep, when Felicity said "I think you're missing something," and he replies with, "Just one thing," and Felicity gives him this little smile and laugh? That's not a guy who's gonna be like, "Okay cool, you've moved on." 

Which is why I'm pretty sure he'll be like, "Okay cool, you've moved on." But still. Want it. 

I'm honestly surprised (and perhaps impressed) with how superficial they made the relationship seem. I was expecting Ray level.

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

The thing I'm confused about regarding Adrian Chase is: isn't he supposed to be Vigilante in the show? Or is someone else playing Vigilante? I suppose him having a superhero alter ego would do a lot to take suspicion off of him, but...IDK, seems like a lot of effort to go through for a bad guy, haha.

Yeah, I mean, they said he would be Vigilante, 507 is called "Vigilante," and the character was already foreshadowed/pseudo-name-dropped in 501. It was one thing for the Jay Garrick/Zoom thing on Flash (which was still too much effort), but this would be even more illogical imo, especially since this guys has no powers. Idk, they could be trying to pull a fast one, but a guy having two costumes and moonlighting as the DA seems like a lot to me. 

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Per MG, Kovar will debut in 506 and his dailies were apparently so good that he will now appear in more than the originally planned three episodes.

Edited by tv echo
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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

I decided after watching this morning that my balls-to-the-wall unlikely, totally reaching desire wrt Oliver finding out about the boyfriend is that he would understand that Felicity was using him as a distraction for Havenrock feels. They just seem way more casual than the loft scene at the end of the first ep indicated, and that would be a reaction from him that I truly wouldn't expect. 

It's just difficult for me to believe that after last night's ep, when Felicity said "I think you're missing something," and he replies with, "Just one thing," and Felicity gives him this little smile and laugh? That's not a guy who's gonna be like, "Okay cool, you've moved on." 

Which is why I'm pretty sure he'll be like, "Okay cool, you've moved on." But still. Want it. 

I love this scenario and wish it would happen.  Then I remember the writers and think bf is plot point to get Oliver to move along.

I could also go for the boyfriend being Prometheus. They did say he was the anti-Oliver. Ha! No reaching on my part. 

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56 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

She was awful on SPN and really bad in 419. I'm not surprised she stinks here. Hopefully they limit her to background stuff because she's another typical "CW" actress.

The part when she yelled at WD for jumping Rags, her face didn't move at all.


36 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

She was doing the heavy breathing thing when delivering dialogue that KC used to do. 

KC school of acting. yikes

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I want Oliver to actually fight for Felicity when he finds out about the boyfriend. Has he ever done that before? It's always been, okay, I'm happy if you're happy. Be proactive, Oliver.

*Note, I probably would not feel this way about a real-life relationship. If a woman says she's moved on, believe her. 

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28 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I'm honestly surprised (and perhaps impressed) with how superficial they made the relationship seem. I was expecting Ray level.

To hear WM & MG talk about it, they don't seem to have any idea how superficial it seems.  WM "He loves her." MG paraphrasing, Oliver has too much going on.  He hasn't noticed the spring in her step.  (Me neither.)

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9 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Then I remember the writers and think bf is plot point to get Oliver to move along

I feel like as though this is the scenario they'll go with. Because for all we know she is still his always and he cannot move on from that before she has made it clear she won't return. That way he won't have to go back on his statement and isn't a bad guy in any scenario because she moved on first. I really do feel that the new character or the reporter will be a new LI for Oliver. 

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