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Just now, apinknightmare said:

Nah, he'd legit try to bang her in the coat room. Probably while Laurel was somewhere looking for him.

You're probably right. They'll probably go at it against Laurel's coat. LMAO.

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I feel bummed that instead of eagerly awaiting the 100th episode, I'm now dreading it. Love letter to me, my ass. Unless this nonsense ends within the first 30 minutes and then I get OTA chilling in the Arrow Cave reminiscing about good times with pop ins by Moira, Thea, Roy, and Constantine, I view it as more of a middle finger to this fan.

OK, that was way harsh, Tai, but I'm going to need more information before I raise my expectations. 

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An AU/dream timeline/other earth marriage/engagement to Laurel that doesn't carry over into the actual timeline would make me laugh and laugh and laugh. I have no desire to watch it though, unless it's the complete nasty trainwreck I would imagine provided it's some version of Oliver's world where he never got on the Gambit. If it's some fantasy version where they're in love and everything is perfect and is completely opposite of everything we've ever seen between them then, no thanks. 

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Right now I'm still of the mind that the alt reality is not as perfect as it seems, so I'm actually anticipating the two of them being married. I think it would be an opportunity to state yet again how bad they are together.

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8 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

An AU/dream timeline/other earth marriage/engagement to Laurel that doesn't carry over into the actual timeline would make me laugh and laugh and laugh. I have no desire to watch it though, unless it's the complete nasty trainwreck I would imagine provided it's some version of Oliver's world where he never got on the Gambit. If it's some fantasy version where they're in love and everything is perfect and is completely opposite of everything we've ever seen between them then, no thanks. 

But would we get Douchey Hair, Serial Killer vibe? If so, I may have to revise my feelings on the matter.

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Oh, I thought I missed the producers talking about the crossover from a definite what-if standpoint of Oliver living an alt.life. 

I had been wondering if they won't use that Earth-2 idea of Robert Queen as Green Arrow. Keeping up the legacy theme, in a reality in which Oliver died, but Robert survived, what if the Green Arrow existed anyway to ~save the city~.

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1 hour ago, Princess Vanellope said:

If this is a love letter to the fans, they should prepare themselves for one hell of a breakup.....

Given the previous episodes MG/AK have considered "love letters": Sara and The Return, you might possibly want to throw that letter in the garbage, if history is any indication.

Edited by apinknightmare
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2 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

Oh, I thought I missed the producers talking about the crossover from a definite what-if standpoint of Oliver living an alt.life. 

I had been wondering if they won't use that Earth-2 idea of Robert Queen as Green Arrow. Keeping up the legacy theme, in a reality in which Oliver died, but Robert survived, what if the Green Arrow existed anyway to ~save the city~.

And then Robert could be doing the sister banging.......

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3 minutes ago, Princess Vanellope said:

And then Robert could be doing the sister banging.......

I'm already disappointed that Oliver will meet a version of his father, and the first thing out of his mouth won't be "I banged your mistress, dad."

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13 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Given the previous episodes MG/AK have considered "love letters": Sara and The Return, you might possible want to throw that letter in the garbage, if history is any indication.

Oh, we are breaking up.  Full on bust the windows out of your car, run your clothes through the wood chipper, listen to Rihanna breakup.  ;p

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3 hours ago, tv echo said:

For some reason I find Caity getting her dad a cameo adorable. (And he looks the part)  I love Sara but I'm pretty fond of the kind of person CL seems to be as well.  So cute.

Edited by BkWurm1
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23 minutes ago, Chaser said:


It says Felicity "finds out" about Oliver and Lyla helping Diggle. So do they not tell her? I don't like that. 

Since it's to do with Lyla and possibly ARGUS, maybe there's a Lyla-mandated reason? Or it could be a badly-worded release since it says that she opts to stay behind, which indicates that she was invited to go along (which could've happened after she finds out).

Edited by apinknightmare
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What I actually don't get is the part where it should be a love letter to the fans. The fans who stopped watching because of BC being dead or the fans that aren't watching because of Olicity or those who want OTA but don't see it anymore. Which fans are now supposed to watch this episode? 

If they wanted Laurel to be a floater, they wouldn't have needed to kill her off. If they wanted Olicity fans to tune in, they just could have given Felicity anything but a new guy. As for OTA, anything at this point is enough. 

Instead they took everything away and it doesn't seem like they are trying to attract these viewers at the moment. 

I mean, I wasn't a LL fan but in all truth, I'd have taken her being BC over a new one. Again. Or her popping up her and there. 

I would been able to deal with Felicity and her guilt storyline if it hadn't included Commander GirlyHands. 

There is so many things that could have been done differently but instead you get surprise visits from the dead, Oliver starting from scratch, Felicity solving her problems with a penis and 159 403 new characters....  Again who is the audience that will like this love letter? Maybe people who started the show with 5x01.

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If Oliver is keeping his mission secret from Felicity in 5.04 or lies about it because someone asks him to, I can't say that he's learned his lesson about secret-keeping or inclusion.  Both Lyla and Oliver know that they can trust Felicity, so I don't see a good reason for them to keep it from her specifically.  I can't see 5.05 (the big olicity episode) moving in a positive direction if Oliver hasn't made an effort to change that.

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I don't see Oliver keeping it from Felicity because Lyla asks him to as an issue with his personal growth, especially if it winds up being a mission that Lyla recruited him for for ARGUS - it's kinda not up to him at that point. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Felicity finding out about Oliver and Lyla's mission in 504 seems like regular old plot contrivance to me. (I side-eye that part too). It reminds me of when Oliver went from knowing when something was up with Felicity in 213 to the complete opposite in 214, as if he'd forgotten she existed...because plot.

They need a reason for Felicity to stay behind in 504 and I guess we're just supposed to think Oliver doesn't tell her everything anymore? Or maybe she's too wrapped up her grief (LOL) and her stale loaf of bread for him to have the time to tell her. IDK.

Edited by Angel12d
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2 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

They need a reason for Felicity to stay behind in 504 and I guess we're just supposed to think Oliver doesn't tell her everything anymore?

Plus, why would he? As it relates to their Green Arrowing, sure - since they do seem to be fully partners in that still, but they seem to be leading pretty separate lives otherwise. If Lyla asked Oliver for a personal favor, like...okay, help her out. No need to tell Felicity everything (just like Felicity doesn't need to tell him everything anymore). 

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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

Plus, why would he? As it relates to their Green Arrowing, sure - since they do seem to be fully partners in that still, but they seem to be leading pretty separate lives otherwise. If Lyla asked Oliver for a personal favor, like...okay, help her out. No need to tell Felicity everything (just like Felicity doesn't need to tell him everything anymore). 

Yeah, I'm leaning toward it not being something wrongly kept from her.

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5 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Plus, why would he? As it relates to their Green Arrowing, sure - since they do seem to be fully partners in that still, but they seem to be leading pretty separate lives otherwise. If Lyla asked Oliver for a personal favor, like...okay, help her out. No need to tell Felicity everything (just like Felicity doesn't need to tell him everything anymore). 

Yeah, I mean, I'm not saying that like it's a bad thing tbh. It's just the status quo of their relationship at the moment.

Edited by Angel12d
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I guess I would have expected Oliver to mention it to Felicity because it pertains to Diggle, one her closest friends, who could be in a lot of trouble and she might have been able to offer additional support.  Just as in the Ra's mission, Oliver could have kept his team in the loop for assistance.  He has no obligation to tell her...it just might have been a good way to show her...no more secrets.

Edited by ComicFan777
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23 minutes ago, ComicFan777 said:

I guess I would have expected Oliver to mention it to Felicity because it pertains to Diggle, one her closest friends, who could be in a lot of trouble and she might have been able to offer additional support.  Just as in the Ra's mission, Oliver could have kept his team in the loop for assistance.  He has no obligation to tell her...it just might have been a good way to show her...no more secrets.

Maybe we should wait and see what happens first? 

It's possible it's just a terribly written synopsis:


Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) team up on a secret mission for Diggle (David Ramsey). Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) finds out and disapproves of the plan and opts to stay behind.

Is it a mission for Diggle as in...to go and GET Diggle? Is it a mission that Diggle asks the two of them to complete on his behalf? "Secret" indicates that it's a secret from Felicity, but the next sentence is that she opts not to go, which means she finds out about it before Lyla and Oliver leave. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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I'm gonna go with it being a badly written synopsis tbh, probably because Chico likely wrote it. LOL.

Also, out of the new recruits, who are we betting gets hurt in 504 once Felicity decides to send them out in the field? 

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Hopefully it isn't Baby Canary (whose name I've forgotten). Evelyn? 

Speaking of - are they going to retcon her age? I find it really strange that Felicity would advocate recruiting a 17-year old vigilante, and that Oliver would agree to it. 

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As of last season, Evelyn was 16. :( I am also uncomfortable with Felicity advocating for a kid to be out fighting on the streets, and with Oliver accepting that as a reasonable plan. I just don't buy it from either of them.

Edited by Carrie Ann
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Has Evelyn been out fighting on her own in the streets like Wild Dog?  If she's out there already, maybe they didn't want her to pull an untrained Laurel thing, get hurt on their watch, or interfere with their missions, so they thought it would be better to train her to keep her safer.  I mean, they could arrow her in the leg, but that would only keep her down for so long.

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Possibly! I don't think they mentioned that in the episode, but it's the only way this will make sense--if she's pulling a Roy and won't quit. But I mean, learning about the dangers and gravity of doing this stuff was kind of the whole point of her episode last season...not that the writers care about that, obviously, since they apparently forgot that Oliver accepting that Laurel's death wasn't his fault was kind of an important aspect of that storyline too, and yet here we are.

Edited by Carrie Ann
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Since Felicity mentioned her along with Wild Dog and "Mr. Ski Goggles" as the people who were out there inspired by Oliver, I'm guessing that it is going to be a Roy situation of "if you're out there, you might as well be trained and with a team." Also, since she and Wild Dog didn't get their reasons for joining Team Arrow/vigilanting, I'm guessing those get mentioned in 502. Whether they are actually going to be logical/thorough is a whole other matter. 

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I actually would still enjoy it if he was engaged/married to Laurel in whatever place and then they cut to another scene where he meets Felicity by a completely innocent encounter, cue *the usual cute Olicity looks where nothing happens but they make you feel things*

My head cannon is that without Felicity he would have eventually ended up with Laurel. She was never going to let him go and he would have kept her dangling. Laurel was not the the love of his life but she would have managed to land him if he never met Felicity.

Edited by Mellowyellow
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My guess: if they are going to a world where Oliver and Thea died, then Laurel is married happily married to Tommy. They go to a world where their parents and friends are happy and alive. 

Or, it's some type of dream world were the Gambit never went down. They aren't aware of the world at first. Oliver is happily married to Laurel (for those who want to see that) but then gets knocked out of it and is desperate to get back to Felicity (for Olicity).

For the record, I hate the term "love letter" to fans. It's impossible to achieve and just gets fans annoyed trying to figure out who is going to really be happy. I'd rather they say they are putting together an episode to honor the series. 

Edited by Chaser
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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

My head cannon is that without Felicity he would have eventually ended up with Laurel. She was never going to let him go and he would have kept her dangling. Laurel was not the the love of his life but she would have managed to land him if he never met Felicity.

If LL had had more time, she would have dragged him into the grave with her. 

I can't think of too many shows that said they were making a love letter to fans that turned out to be true except for Supernatural. Fan Fiction made me cry in the best way after I'd quit watching 2 seasons earlier, and it was meta and everything I'd ever loved about Sam and Dean. 

Edited by calliope1975
grammar is important
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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

She looks super happy, so Laurel must be marrying/married to Oliver in whatever place this is. 

Honestly, when KC looks super happy (think jacket), I get nervous.

42 minutes ago, Chaser said:

My guess: if they are going to a world where Oliver and Thea died, then Laurel is married happily married to Tommy. They go to a world where their parents and friends are happy and alive. 

Or, it's some type of dream world were the Gambit never went down. They aren't aware of the world at first. Oliver is married to happily married to Laurel (for those who want to see that) but then gets knocked out of it and is desperate to get back to Felicity (for Olicity).

For the record, I hate the term "love letter" to fans. It's impossible to achieve and just gets fans annoyed trying to figure out who is going to really be happy. I'd rather they say they are putting together an episode to honor the series. 

I expect them to be married but I question the happy part. 

5 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

If LL had had more time, she would have dragged him into the grave with her. 

I can't think of too many shows that said they were making a love letter to fans that turned out to be true except for Supernatural. Fan Fiction made me cry in the best way after I'd quit watching 2 seasons earlier, and it was meta and everything I'd ever loved about Sam and Dean. 

I remember when Gilmore Girls did their 100th and the term "love letter to the fans" was tossed around and that episode ended with the main couple breaking up.  These show runners don't really understand what love is.   

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I think that when a show says it's giving "a love letter to fans", it's time to beware. Most show runners don't know what it is that the fans want.  On House, they didn't even include the two most popular characters after House and Wilson.  On NCIS the significant ones always end up being All About Gibbs and I'm so tired of it.

The only special episode I remember really enjoying was Star Gate SG1's "200" because it messed with every trope the show had come up with.

1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

My head cannon is that without Felicity he would have eventually ended up with Laurel. She was never going to let him go and he would have kept her dangling. Laurel was not the the love of his life but she would have managed to land him if he never met Felicity.

LOL.  That is so true.  She was always the driving force of pre-island Oliver.

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The only special episode I remember really enjoying was Star Gate SG1's "200" because it messed with every trope the show had come up with

So in another five years or so we might get a letter we want to read. 

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2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

I'm kind of disappointed that they arent bringing in The Hood 'Robert Queen' from E2 to have a big face off with Oliver. 

Has there been something confirming it that we're not?

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