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I just like to imagine the EPs hoping against hope that they CAN find external temporary love interests, because let's be real, they're the easiest way to stall 'ships. And now they're going into fucking season five, and not once it has ever worked for them, with either Oliver OR Felicity, but they'll keep watching dailies to see if a spark shows up somewhere... and then realize it won't top their main pairing.

Edited by dtissagirl
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One upside of the Mericle's "let's see where the chemistry takes us" is that Oliver and Felicity were always at their best as a couple when the writers treated them with benign neglect. It's when they write capital R Romance that the writers get in trouble. Plus, bringing in new love interests is hard, even in the flashbacks. I sort of laughed because I felt like Amell turned the chemistry to zero with Poppy.  The dude has an OTP.

I tried to hold off on posting, because between  Guggenheim's "Whoops!  We didn't realize we were writing for more than five seasons," comments and Katie Cassidy's return I fall into a rage blackout. I think Guggenheim is ok writing single episodes, but the pacing of season three where it rappelled from "game changer" to "game changer", the collapse of both the story momentum and Oliver's character in the second half of season four, and now this convinces me that he is a terrible showrunner. It's like he is an excellent short story writer--or even an excellent comic book writer--but has no idea how to write a novel. He drops plot points, has little feel for what is emotionally true, and writes for plot instead of character every single time. While they might be hamstrung by the Flashpoint that shouldn't even be in their universe, I'm not seeing anything particularly original for season four, with the one bright spot being Oliver training the newbies. I'm hoping for Barry-level grumpiness from him. 

Apparently I'm still ragey.

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I think they would be more successful if they had the LIs be completely offscreen. Have FS leave the lair for "dates", need to get home, talk sweet nothings into a phone - just don't cast or write for the guy - it doesn't work out how you planned.

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34 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

Yeah, I know WM is trying to be vague, but I laugh that she's trying to imply that TPTB just don't know if SA/EBR have chemistry anymore. We'll write where they take us. Mmmm hmmm. I know exactly where the chemistry would take these two characters.


Heart eyes all the time. Or lair sex.

Edited by lemotomato
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25 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

Question: wasn't there one of the press room videos in that the journo asked EBR about 505 because he had info from Wendy, and EBR said she didn't know because she's not reading ahead?

Yep, she said she didn't like to know what happens for Olicity ahead because Felicity wouldn't and it makes it more acting in the moment. Although I think part of the issue in this case was that they're just breaking 505 now while writing/drafting 504, so I don't think anyone would even know what's going on in 505 besides MG and WM unless they actually would tell the cast what's going on throughout the season, which, in EBR's case for Olicity, they don't.

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If I'm not wrong, Emily's attitude wrt knowing things in advance has changed with S3. I seem to remember her saying that she would ask things to the writers and the EPs, and then after S3 she started saying that she doesn't want to know. I'm guessing it's because by now - and after her arc with Ray went - she knows these writers say one thing and to the opposite, so it would be pointless - and it'd influence her acting.

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Just now, looptab said:

If I'm not wrong, Emily's attitude wrt knowing things in advance has changed with S3. I seem to remember her saying that she would ask things to the writers and the EPs, and then after S3 she started saying that she doesn't want to know. I'm guessing it's because by now - and after her arc with Ray went - she knows these writers say one thing and to the opposite, so it would be pointless - and it'd influence her acting.

I remember something about that around too around s3. I remember her saying that she would stop asking not necessarily because of a say one thing/do another, but more like listing all of these things that they want to do that might be really exciting but then never really getting to them or pushing them aside. Like, I know she mentioned that for s2/s3 because they told her that they would do stories about Felicity's parents but then did not end up doing them (s2) or pushed them aside (s3).

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39 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Yep, she said she didn't like to know what happens for Olicity ahead because Felicity wouldn't and it makes it more acting in the moment. Although I think part of the issue in this case was that they're just breaking 505 now while writing/drafting 504, so I don't think anyone would even know what's going on in 505 besides MG and WM unless they actually would tell the cast what's going on throughout the season, which, in EBR's case for Olicity, they don't.

Writing is probably further down than that. Ben Sokolowski started writing 503 almost 3 weeks ago [we know it's 503 because he said so in this second tweet] which means they were also breaking 504-505 three weeks ago.

The usual math is writing is 4-5 episodes ahead of filming this early in the season. They're still filming 501-502, so the writers room is breaking/writing 506-507. And most likely already in lots of 508 talks because crossover stuff needs to be discussed with other rooms.

But also, technically actors don't need to get the script until the first day of prep, so it's totally possible that EBR only read as far as 503, which is in prep right now.

Edited by dtissagirl
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5 hours ago, bijoux said:

Excellent catch. AmerTek? Now I'm thinking the newbies go undercover and I want that for the original team members. Even if it's understandable that both Oliver and Felicity are too well known to just blend in. *pout*

Isn't the character in this pic Ragman?

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52 minutes ago, Proteus said:

Isn't the character in this pic Ragman?

Yes. It was my mistake - it was mentioned several times that the character at the end of the teaser was Prometheus - I thought they looked similar and that Ragman wasn't supposed to appear until the 3rd episode. 

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5 hours ago, way2interested said:

Literally all SA had to say was most important relationship on the show this season and I would have been better about it. I still would have been a bit bummed, but at least that answer would have made a bit more sense.

It's worse than that. During the Arrow panel at SDCC, SA said: "I've always thought that Oliver's most important relationship in Arrow is his relationship to Star City and his love of that city."

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8 minutes ago, tv echo said:

It's worse than that. During the Arrow panel at SDCC, SA said: "I've always thought that Oliver's most important relationship in Arrow is his relationship to Star City and his love of that city."

Sadly more proof that Oliver is a horrible boyfriend with the number of times he ran off on the city, and even let her change her name to honor some other guy, which is basically the same as getting a heart tattoo, right?  Is that really love, Oliver?

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8 minutes ago, tv echo said:

It's worse than that. During the Arrow panel at SDCC, SA said: "I've always thought that Oliver's most important relationship in Arrow is his relationship to Star City and his love of that city."

Now there's selling the season premise for the show, and there's just being somewhat delusional. His original "love" for the city wasn't even a love. It was a desire to honor his father, get vengeance for him, and to rid the city of the crime within it. Heck, I think he loved the city in s4 more than any other season, but even then I wouldn't call it his most important relationship. Oliver's relationship with the city isn't what brings me back to the show, SA. I like my relationships to be with people and have story support.  

If we continue this argument against this idea, should we actually take it into the relationships thread? Because part of me refuses to acknowledge it as a relationship from pure bitterness (although then I guess I should take it to the bitterness thread).

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I don't know if anyone mentioned this but I just noticed in a gif from the trailer that when Oliver is fighting the newbies, you can see the lighted HIVE symbols in the background. So it's the same base Damien used during the last couple of episodes last season. Why would they be using Damien's old HQ?

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I've finally watched the Arrow panel and unless Lance's relationship with Donna got erased by FP, I'm convinced that they broke up over the summer, since PB says he's miserable at the start of the season. I don't think he'd be a ray of sunshine if they were together considering the circumstances, but I can see him pushing Donna away over the hiatus. It would also be a good way to explain CR's absence. Felicity has recovered physically and Donna doesn't know about Havenrock, so she'd probably think she's doing okay.

It seems like they're emphasizing SCPD's presence this year. We have the new guy, Pike filming with him, Oliver making some sort of announcement with the police present, and I caught sight of Pike with Thea in the sizzle reel. I approve. I have always wondered if Pike got promoted when Lance got the captain badge. Because last I know he was a lieutenant, which would mean otherwise Lance would have suddenly outranked him. Can't imagine Pike being thrilled about that.

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So Bamfird directed the first two episodes and Gregory Smith is directing 503. I suppose the promised women and minorities will step up to direct the second half of the season. I probably wouldn't have even noticed if their episodes hadn't left me unimpressed.

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Spoilers from SDCC press roundtables (Jul. 23, 2016) - 
The Fandom Interview with WM

(video posted by tv echo on page 41 of Spoilers thread)

-- On how Flashpoint will affect Arrow, WM: "Yeah, I can tell you that it's going to have - we are going to, you know, we're going to honor it and see what kind of effect it'll have on our characters. It's going to be both, I think - it's hard to say. I mean, it definitely will have an impact on the show, but, I think, it may or may not be what the fans were looking for. I'll put it this way, the [unintelligible word] on Flash will probably be a lot bigger, but we're definitely going to explore - it opens up a lot of storytelling possibilities for us and I think [unintelligible words] at this point... What's cool is that it'll be subtle but you'll feel it immediately, but then, in terms of how big or how small we - how big we take it, I think that will be something you'll feel throughout the season."

-- In response to a question about JB's deal and how JB will be used on all three shows, WM: "You know, I think it'll be similar to - you know, there've been deals with Wentworth Miller and also with Katie Cassidy across all shows.. These are characters that fans love, that we love to write for, and I think it becomes a question of, what is the best story to tell for them and where are they best placed? And, you know, John is such an amazing actor and it becomes a question of, is he available and is he right for this story? I know he'll be appearing more toward the end of our season and that's more because of availability than anything else. Um, but I think in terms of how he's placed in the other shows, it's always a dialogue. We always have to kinda - we're all in the same building, we run down the hallway - like 'we need to do this with Malcolm, what are you guys doing with Malcolm right now?' And it's all sorta - it just evolves. And it'll be influenced as well by what they do with him on Legends."

-- WM talked about how they keep track of everything that's happening on all three shows.  They have people who monitor that stuff and they also have a big chalk board. WM: "For example, when Felicity goes over to Flash, we're going to have to know what she's doing on Flash cause it has a great impact on her - not necessarily her availability - what is she [unintelligible word] on Flash that she's going to be carrying with her into our stories."

-- WM said that killing Black Canary was a very difficult decision and it was a matter of which person would have the most impact on the characters. She also said that they're going to honor it and that a lot of stories they're telling on Arrow and LoT couldn't be told unless they had made that decision.

-- WM said that magic still exists because once it's introduced, it's still there, but it won't inform their more grounded storytelling this season.  Also, she said that Arrow is not bringing in another version of Vixen (that version will be on LoT), so if they could get MEK back as Vixen, that would be fantastic.

-- On Oliver's island flashbacks ending in S5, WM: "The flashbacks will be done at the end of the season, yeah. We will always have it, I think, as a potential device. We’ve established this visual language for the show, so we can always do some from a different character’s point of view. But Oliver’s flashbacks, in terms of telling that particular story, this will be it."

Edited by tv echo
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Spoilers from SDCC press roundtables (Jul. 23, 2016) - 
Showbiz Junkies Interview with WM

(video posted by tv echo on page 41 of Spoilers thread)

-- WM: "It's not going to be - we're not going to have any sort of terrorist attacks or anything happening this season. But as a result of what happened with Damian Darhk and the general decline of Star City, we're going to have criminals, there's going to be a huge... mob element. And this is all in the spirit of going back to the basics of kind of like - little bit like answering to season 1. More kinda villains of the week. More kinda hand-to-hand, a little bit - going back to like gritty, crime-of-the-week type of things. And Oliver will be a big part of that. We're also going to have a lot of vigilantes who are inexperienced and inspired by the Green Arrow killing Damien Darhk. And they're going to be popping up all over the city, and that's actually going to become more of a problem than a help."

-- WM: "There will be more standalone episodes this season. Um, and I think that we'll be - we are looking to kind of go deeper into the bench of villains from the DC Universe, and again... go back to our roots in the way that we had - more season 1."

-- On Flashpoint affecting Arrow, WM: "Obviously we live in this universe now where we have things like that happening, we have superpowers, we have metas... You know, it will have an effect on the show. That's about as much as I can say... The characters that are affected, they will feel it."

-- In response to a question about how they'll deal with the tension with fans who are staunchly Olicity and fans who are staunchly anti-Olicity, WM: "What's interesting about Olicity is, it's become this big - as everyone knows, this huge thing online and everyone has taken sides. But for us, it was really a byproduct of you cast someone like Emily Bett Rickards and there is obviously chemistry and you start to write to that. And it really felt in seasons 3 and 4 that, if you didn't go in that direction, it was going to do a disservice to the show and to the characters. And so we leaned into it, we went that way, we saw what it could do, and in season 5, we're going to do the same thing, which is, we left them ambiguous at the end of the season and, I will say, you will get some clarity in episode 5 of season 5. But even then, we're going to be - we are going to be exploring it in, actually in real time, to see where the characters are taking us, and where we feel like the best stories are going to be told."

-- On exploring Oliver's dual life, WM: “In the past we’ve had him be the CEO, we’ve seen him have somewhat of a public face, but this is a public face that he, for lack of a better term, he can’t B.S. this - he’s the mayor. He has to show up. When he’s not there, people know he’s not there. So we’re going to drive story both in the Mayor’s office and in the Bunker. It’s actually a real challenge from a storytelling perspective because you have to figure out where is his real emotional drive coming from. It’ll be fun. We’ll have a lot of fun with the sort of Superman element of him having a new identity, one that’s very, very public.”

Edited by tv echo
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They are professional storytellers. It's their job to make stuff up and make it sound good. Of course the reality and truth changes with the tide. They are the ocean which comes and goes with no deference to the shore ~ we are but the sand that gets jostled and moved. I'm not surprised by the fact that they have more of LL's story to tell. Nothing they say is etched in stone, until the show is cancelled and off the air - everything they say is subject to change. I trust none of them.

On another note, Gregory Smith again??? I realize Berlanti likes to keep it in the family, but this incestual nepotism is getting a little out of hand.

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Do they really have to write for Laurel on Arrow  though?


I love how now it's, we love writing for these characters (including Laurel), where in April it was, we didn't have any more of Laurel's story to tell.

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46 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

Aw, Wendy, you say the sweetest words I've heard about S5. Bless you, pretty.

I'm so grateful to hear "villain of the week" and "hand-to-hand" and "gritty."

In a post-Olicity world, it's the small things, right?

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Spoilers from SDCC press roundtables (Jul. 23, 2016) - 
Showbiz Junkies interview with EBR

(video posted by tv echo on page 41 of Spoilers thread)

-- On what the Olicity relationship will start off like in S5, EBR: "I do believe their communication is getting better, um, and I think that has a lot to do with them being in a new type of relationship, you know, past the breakup and having to work together and having a common goal and, you know, trying to decide things and trying to improve, you know, the city, and not only that, but themselves and their relationship. So, it's interesting like how we left off of the Bunker being destroyed and then both just standing strong in a place where they had inevitably destroyed themselves and how their relationship had also kinda been destroyed and broken, and now they had to [unintelligible word] themselves, everyone's still standing strong, I think, was a really good example about where they're going to go, because they end up staying in it and they clean it up and they start, you know, moving around each other obviously in a different way. But, um, their dance will be a little different, but I think it's growing."

-- On whether there will be the ongoing element of not being able to fully trust each other, EBR: "I feel like they have trust. I feel like they want to think the best of one another and that can sometimes be a problem, um, because you end up finding out, you know, how much your boundaries move. And I think they're both very strong-willed and they both have very strong boundaries. And it's like trying to figure out where they can let each other back in, so I don't know if it's a trust [unintelligible word] - they both trust that they would save each other's lives, but do they trust each other with their emotions and their heart? And that's different."

-- On Felicity having lost her job at Palmer Tech, EBR: "So she owns the company. Right? Cause Ray signed it over to her, um, and then she tried to give it back to Ray and he didn't want it. So she was CEO of the company and got fired from being CEO and, correct me if I'm wrong, but [unintelligible words] CEO, I believe that it's possible that she still owns the company. Um, so in terms of a day job, we haven't really seen much of it."

-- On Curtis becoming Mr. Terrific, EBR: "This idea of him becoming Mr. Terrific is awesome. He is going to get the suit. Um, but it's sorta him sorta balancing out. finding out what he can do, because you just don't become - you don't go like from 0 to 100 to be a superhero. You need training... He might have the drive and the goal to go towards, but you have to have the technical training. It can't all just be heart, because then you will end up dying."

-- On whether she'll get to do any stunts in S5, EBR: "I haven't yet." On whether she hopes for more stunts, EBR: "I mean, yeah, absolutely. I don't necessarily know if Felicity hopes for more - I don't think that she does, and I have to be respectful of that. I like being active, I'm very physical, so obviously I can be selfish and say that, but she is not. I can't really push her to do that - also cause she hasn't met me."

Edited by tv echo
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7 minutes ago, tv echo said:

GG said that there will be more crossovers this year than before and that he's doing at least four episodes of other shows.

Wow. That's pretty crazy. I imagine SA will have a similar work load. 

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3 hours ago, bijoux said:

So Bamfird directed the first two episodes and Gregory Smith is directing 503. I suppose the promised women and minorities will step up to direct the second half of the season. I probably wouldn't have even noticed if their episodes hadn't left me unimpressed.

It's only been 3 episodes, I'd wait till episode 9 before I think something's wrong tbh. And to be fair Gregory Smith actually did a pretty good job directing "Genesis" (one of the best episodes) of the season so I wouldn't count him out.

8 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Barry is totally the boyfriend.

Wait...w aht did I miss? :p

I like blaming Barry for things so I really would like him to be the boyfriend

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46 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

It's only been 3 episodes, I'd wait till episode 9 before I think something's wrong tbh. And to be fair Gregory Smith actually did a pretty good job directing "Genesis" (one of the best episodes) of the season so I wouldn't count him out.

Wait...w aht did I miss? :p

I like blaming Barry for things so I really would like him to be the boyfriend


6 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

I think it has to do with the Flash panel and the way the panel reacted when Felicity is brought up. And the Felicity/Barry kiss shown in the sizzle reel.

Plus, Grant saying he'll appear in four episodes of the other three shows.

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7 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

I think it has to do with the Flash panel and the way the panel reacted when Felicity is brought up. And the Felicity/Barry kiss shown in the sizzle reel.

Is there a screen shot of that?  I somehow keep missing it in the sizzle reel.  Is it their Flash S1 kiss on the train or a new kiss?

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I'd rather Barry was the boyfriend and I have to admit, it does kind of add up. (Though knowing my luck it'll be the cop who I really don't want. LOL.)

Also, the person who says "Green Arrow!" at the end of the Arrow trailer does kinda sound like Barry, IMO. It could be that he crosses over to Arrow in 501 not only because he's Felicity's boyfriend but also as a way to explain the flashpoint changes to the audience who don't watch Flash? IDK.

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56 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

It's only been 3 episodes, I'd wait till episode 9 before I think something's wrong tbh. And to be fair Gregory Smith actually did a pretty good job directing "Genesis" (one of the best episodes) of the season so I wouldn't count him out.

Wait...w aht did I miss? :p

I like blaming Barry for things so I really would like him to be the boyfriend

I was responding to GG talking about one thing being affected directly in Arrow. Add that to Felicity appearing in 3x02, the sizzle kiss, possible Barry voice...

Personally, I think it's looking more and more likely. 

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Just a stupid question (because I don't watch the Flash): Does Barry remember the other life? Does he know what he did? Will he know that he is responsibly for the effects? And will the plot be of S3 to change it back? 

Maybe that is how the crossover will come into play...

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2 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I was responding to GG talking about one thing being affected directly in Arrow. Add that to Felicity appearing in 3x02, the sizzle kiss, possible Barry voice...

Personally, I think it's looking more and more likely. 

I think so, too. There's no other reason to show that kiss in the Flash sizzle reel because Barry and Felicity's relationship has been defined almost entirely by friendship--even in the moment of that kiss.  I just rewatched the scene on YouTube, and Barry actually says the line "But that will change everything."  He was talking about why he couldn't tell Iris about his feelings for her at the time, and I don't believe for a second that FP was set up that long ago, but it is a pretty cool line for this new context.

Thanks, @Velocity23, for the picture!  

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If that is Barry at the end of Arrow's sizzle reel, it's interesting that he calls him "Green Arrow" and not Oliver. Maybe he's trying to protect his identity? Or his memories are wacked and he doesn't know Oliver. Now, that I'm writing this out, he probably wouldn't have called him Oliver anyway. I don't know. I'm tired today.

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From the spoiler thread


"Guggenheim also offered some hints about the crossover between all four DC shows. “It’s an external threat from outside the shows that will involve Supergirl coming over to Flash, then Arrow then Legends of Tomorrow,” Guggenheim said. “I don’t like to oversell. She is going to be coming over but we’re not going to do a full on Supergirl crossover episode. I don’t want to give you the wrong impression.”

Not at all what i expected for the crossover.  Unless I'm reading it wrong it sounds like Supergirl is just going to show up on each show?

If so that makes it really really shitty that they're using Arrow's 100th to be all about Supergirl. 

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I'm not even sure what to make of it. It's not going to be all the shows crossing over into each other, but Supergirl crossing onto each show, but...it's not going to be a full-on Supergirl crossover episode? That doesn't really make much sense, haha. I guess logistically it's less of a nightmare - I thought we were getting a bigger version of the November crossovers we've had before, not three two-show crossovers. Huh.

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I think he means Supergirl isn't hosting a crossover, but the way he is describing it everyone is just hosting Supergirl. 

Which kind of sucks IMO. 

I wonder how that ties into Grant saying he is in at least four other episodes/shows of the crossover isn't one of them. 

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Crossover  -  I still feel like it will be helping reset the timeline after the Flashpoint. It would make sense that its how Supergirl could enter their worlds. Symbolically it would also make sense that it would honor Arrow by returning the timeline to its roots and celebrating the world that Arrow introduced 100 episodes ago. LoT could go back to SC and close off the story. I still feel like SC is LoT geographic homebase - so they have a vested interest to fix it.

FS Boyfriend- It does look like it might be Barry. The spoilers are starting to line up. Which I understand why they might do it, it would be the easiest relationship to explain & erase with the FP reset. Casting would no be a problem. Also it simultaneously stalls canon relationships. But I also don't want it because it's feeling a little incestual with everyone starting to date each other. It's TV so I know it happens, I guess I was just hoping it might not be someone from the pre-existing crew.

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I wouldn't mind if the BF was Barry.  I've always kind of liked Barricity.  I'm not quite convinced yet - I still kind of think it will turn out to be one of the new characters already cast.  But I see where the theory is coming from, and it might be kind of a fun twist. 

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-- On what the Olicity relationship will start off like in S5, EBR: "I do believe their communication is getting better, um, and I think that has a lot to do with them being in a new type of relationship, you know, past the breakup and having to work together and having a common goal and, you know, trying to decide things and trying to improve, you know, the city, and not only that, but themselves and their relationship. So, it's interesting like how we left off of the Bunker being destroyed and then both just standing strong in a place where they had inevitably destroyed themselves and how their relationship had also kinda been destroyed and broken, and now they had to [unintelligible word] themselves, everyone's still standing strong, I think, was a really good example about where they're going to go, because they end up staying in it and they clean it up and they start, you know, moving around each other obviously in a different way. But, um, their dance will be a little different, but I think it's growing."

I had been thinking that Flashpoint erased the past two years of Olicity being in a romantic relationship but this sounds like it's still happened and they've just moved beyond it, Felicity into a new relationship.

If that's the case, even if it is Barry, I'm not going to like it.  Felicity should be too busy rebuilding her life not to mention the bunker and Star City to have the time and energy to get a new boyfriend.

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Oh yeah. I already hate the fact that she's got a new boyfriend. She is single and entitled to move on, of course, but it still doesn't sit right with me. She didn't hang around. I still don't know why a new love interest is the first thing they give her. Character development would be first on my list, tbh. 

So whoever the boyfriend really is, I'm gonna hate it with the fire of a thousand suns. But Barry would still be my preference. I still can't believe I'm hoping Barry is her boyfriend when I look at GG and see a 15 year old. LOL.

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2 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

I wouldn't mind if the BF was Barry.  I've always kind of liked Barricity.  I'm not quite convinced yet - I still kind of think it will turn out to be one of the new characters already cast.  But I see where the theory is coming from, and it might be kind of a fun twist. 

It just doesn't make sense to me. Barry isn't crossing over to Arrow at the beginning of the season.

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