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Why is Curtis controversial? Yeah I posted the "regular cast" member's response over in the spoiler section cause I never know what to or not to post. I also posted Charlotte's response. But I thought Curtis was a well like character so could you expand on why he is considered controversial?

Because they are grooming him to be another masked hero and some see Felicity being used as a prop for him just like she was for Ray back in S3. However, I think they've done a pretty good job not making Felicity's storyline all about Curtis (so far).

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Why is Curtis controversial? Yeah I posted the "regular cast" member's response over in the spoiler section cause I never know what to or not to post. I also posted Charlotte's response. But I thought Curtis was a well like character so could you expand on why he is considered controversial?

There's some discussion, that I haven't engaged in much bc I don't have strong opinions about it, that bringing him on as a tech guy has caused/resulted in some dumbing-down of Felicity's abilities. (If this restarts that discussion, I will stay out of it, not because I don't find it interesting...I do. I just don't currently have any strong feelings on the subject.)

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There's some discussion, that I haven't engaged in much bc I don't have strong opinions about it, that bringing him on as a tech guy has caused/resulted in some dumbing-down of Felicity's abilities. (If this restarts that discussion, I will stay out of it, not because I don't find it interesting...I do. I just don't currently have any strong feelings on the subject.)

Okay and thank you. 

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Actually if they do kill off Paul, (is that the name of Curtis' hubby?), injure Thea (or Donna) as well as  Kill BC, I can see Felicity's demeanour in the limo being realistic.


Currently, for me, it is too much just for Laurel's death.


I wonder if Felicity decides to go away at the end of 4.17, good-bye scene in 4.18 and the funeral brings her back in 4.19. I can see the EP's giving KC a lot of screen time leading up to her big death.

Edited by Genki
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Right now, I like the Curtis and his husband, although I do wish that Felicity got to do more of the stuff that Curtis has taken over in the show (ie. laptop, phone hack).  I would like to see Felicity and Curtis collaborate on projects, rather than projects just being passed onto Curtis to develop on his own.  He is brilliant, but so is Felicity, so it would be cool to see them put their brains together to make something really great to help people.  I do think he plays off of Felicity well. 


The thing that kinda bothers me about him is that he seems to be able to do anything and everything, with the potential of being too perfect.  Maybe it's a stupid complaint about his character, but when he becomes Mr. Terrific, he will have the athletic/fighting ability like the rest of Team Arrow and the smarts like Felicity, being a superhero at night and being able to cure paralysis and solve the energy crisis by day.  He is capable of doing everything all by himself.  I suspect the more we see of him, we will see that he does have flaws, otherwise he wouldn't have any character development later on.  Sadly, Paul will probably die to give him character growth if they are going by comic origins.

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4-17 is Beacon of Hope. They wouldn't have her decide to leave, would they? :(

I do wonder with the comment about unexpected returns if it means crossover characters popping up on Arrow and Flash. Lot, not so much.

I'd love if Roy came for another visit.

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I do wonder with the comment about unexpected returns if it means crossover characters popping up on Arrow and Flash. Lot, not so much.



Maybe that's why LoT ends earlier than Arrow - they want them to show up for the last episode.


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If it's mayoral campaign stuff in 4.18, I can see Felicity kind of staying away. Assuming the breakup is public knowledge, and at least IRL it would be as soon as she stepped out without her ring. I'm pretty sure it's not a great political move for your ex-fiancée to show up at your campaign events, at least not right away. They could just have a line that Alex said Felicity should avoid the whatever mayoral celebration thing, and so she's at work when stuff goes down. No need for her to be out of town, necessarily.

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I do hope that "Mr Terrific" moniker is introduced sarcastically like "Captain Awesome" rather than genuinely, it may help me accept yet another mask on the team.

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I think it more likely that, assuming 418 is the death episode and that death is Laurel (or Lance), that it just was a heavily Lance-focused episode and Felicity just wasn't in it that much. I don't expect her to be absent altogether, but I expect the episode to focus more on Laurel and Quentin.

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I think it more likely that, assuming 418 is the death episode and that death is Laurel (or Lance), that it just was a heavily Lance-focused episode and Felicity just wasn't in it that much. I don't expect her to be absent altogether, but I expect the episode to focus more on Laurel and Quentin.

I think you're right, and honestly, it's probably smart for Felicity not to be featured much in the episode if Laurel ends up being the one in the grave as she has become such a lightning rod for the wrath of those upset at the prospect of a BC death.

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Agreed. Actually I find it comforting that it looks like Felicity won't be in 418 very much, because that would mean that crazy IMDb rumor about Laurel dying saving Felicity is probably not true. Lol. :)

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I think you're right, and honestly, it's probably smart for Felicity not to be featured much in the episode if Laurel ends up being the one in the grave as she has become such a lightning rod for the wrath of those upset at the prospect of a BC death.


Sadly, I think that regardless of Felicity being in the episode much, both Felicity and olicity will be blamed for LL's death no matter what, even if it doesn't make sense at all.

Edited by ComicFan777
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Sadly, I think that regardless of Felicity being in the episode much, both Felicity and olicity will be blamed for LL's death no matter what, even if it doesn't make sense at all.

I think everyone should just accept that everything bad that happens is Felicity's and Olicity's fault :p 

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I do hope that "Mr Terrific" moniker is introduced sarcastically like "Captain Awesome" rather than genuinely, it may help me accept yet another mask on the team.


Which, irony, since Captain Awesome was in fact, Awesome! ;p

Sadly, I think that regardless of Felicity being in the episode much, both Felicity and olicity will be blamed for LL's death no matter what, even if it doesn't make sense at all.

Felicity and all things Olicity are already being blamed for at least three of Laurel's four years of writing issues. It's only going to get more fun.

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Sadly, I think that regardless of Felicity being in the episode much, both Felicity and olicity will be blamed for LL's death no matter what, even if it doesn't make sense at all.

Well of course she/they will. I think that's a given, but I think literally seeing less of her will soften the blow at least a little bit. One of the big complaints I often see is that Felicity is "taking over the show". Well, here's an opportunity to remind people that there have been a handful of episodes the last few seasons she hardly appears in at all and if they're going to sideline her, this is a golden opportunity.

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This is where I envision them going with the story. Parallel life & death moments put everything in perspective. They still have loads to work through, but it will bring them to want to work through it together rather than apart.


Also randomly, your post inspired me to imagine the scenes being played out to Celine Dion's "All coming back to me" blaring in my head. So thanks for my youtube detour this morning. :) Nothing like a good power ballad to power through the melodrama. I know MG loves his Billy Joel. But I swear the writers room secretly plays a rotating collection of woman power-balladeers like Celine, Adele, Whitney, etc.

I've already said a theme for Olicity would be "The Power of Love" By Celine Dion

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Oooh, DR looks a bit beat-up in the face. Ouch! My poor Diggle! THE DUMB HELMET SHOULD PROTECT HIM! Haha.

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gorgeous davis R.   exciting for news ‎hvff‬, i hope for laurel lance regular  for Arrow season 5  and Sara lance for LOT season 2

Edited by spartan
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Which, irony, since Captain Awesome was in fact, Awesome! ;p

Felicity and all things Olicity are already being blamed for at least three of Laurel's four years of writing issues. It's only going to get more fun.

Thats what happens, Laurel is blamed for dumbass stuff and F/O are blamed for dumbass stuff.

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Note of interest, I was looking at the young actress Madison something's Twitter because I noticed JB welcomed her to Arrow. She is retweeting/liking all the Arrow renewal news.

I really think she is going to be a recurring in S5 at the least. I'm not surprised by that. Its another confirmation for me that they are killing off a female character.

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Well, 34-year-old SA is starting to "age" out of The CW show demo... maybe they're going to introduce a new generation that the GA will mentor next season - like a Teen Arrow redux. ;)


ETA: Edited to add the winky face.

Edited by tv echo
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Anyone else find it a little ironic that the episode before they kill somebody is titled "Beacon of Hope"? Just saying.... :)

I know I'm feeling pretty hopeful about it.

At HVFF SA said Oliver may get back in Felicity's good graces, but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll get back together [soon]. I'm down with that, bc I've always thought she'd forgive him relatively quickly, but trusting him again will be much more difficult. 

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Yes, he said it at Chicago. Sorry was just responding to the previous question didn't realize what was going on :)

BTW - SA's comment lines up with my hopes, i know I'm in the minority but, I'd prefer a delayed reunion.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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If Laurel's in the Grave I want a delayed reunion. But if she's not I don't want a summer of Oliver will now get with Laurel fans fighting with Olicity fans.


I'm not sure I believe him tho. He can't say when they get back together.

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Yes, he said it at Chicago. Sorry was just responding to the previous question didn't realize what was going on :)

BTW - SA's comment lines up with my hopes, i know I'm in the minority but, I'd prefer a delayed reunion.

I want a delayed reunion, bc he needs to earn back her trust. But if she forgives him that should make their interactions more pleasant for viewers. They could be friendly, and I'd think there'd be some S2A-style UST. Overall, I'd be okay with end of this season or not until next season. If they're about to get back together and then she got kidnapped at the end of the season, that could work bc we wouldn't miss the fun moments of their reconciliation, and S5 could open with him running to track down a lead on her. It'd be very Alias, but not like this show is above ripping off another show.


But since I got my breakup, I'm okay with them getting back together this season, too. Obviously as long as the lesson STICKS this time! Oh, and NO AMNESIA if she gets kidnapped.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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I'm wondering if they mean the tweet from CL about playing a version of Sara she never thought she'd play again or if it's something post 420? I reall, really don't want non Regulars to feature in the final episodes. I love Sara but the final 3 episodes are not the time for crossover appearances.

I think it's an assumption because she said we'd see Nyssa and Sara together again. Unless she outright said she was coming back and I missed the tweet. If Laurel's in the grave, she's probably in the funeral ep.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Echo showed up with a birthday cake for Caity. Her birthday is in December so I don't know what's happening. 


I think it's an assumption because she said we'd see Nyssa and Sara together again. Unless she outright said it and I missed the tweet.


Caity tweeted that she's playing a version of Sara she never thought she'd play again. Again still don't know why Sara wouldn't show up if someone in her family just died. That makes complete sense to me. It could just be a small part like when Barry showed up at the grave. 

Edited by Sakura12
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