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Could just be something on set like in a background view.  Also, hospitals pretty much always make patients go out in a wheelchair, whether they need one or not.


I am sure, regardless, that it's temporary.  They enjoy dressing up EBR and showing off her assets waaaaaay too much to make it permanent.

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Or maybe since they're in a hospital the wheelchair is just set dressing? Since there are often wheelchairs sitting around in hospitals?

I really don't think they're going to paralyze Felicity. Hard to have a 'lighter tone' with something like that happening.

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I think we can all agree that if there is any sort of permanent physical impairment, it will probably be miraculously cured by nanos developed by Palmer Tech and presented at the board meeting of doom in 5(ish?) months. Boom, company saved. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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That's typically not the type of wheelchair hospitals have for wheeling around patients. That's the kind that you go home in. Cheap vinyl seat plus metal vs. padding and lacking high arm rests.


I know that Arrow has had the cheap-o ones in the background of scenes.

Edited by Orion
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This fandom (not here, but all over social media) is hysterical though. Photo of glass of clear liquid - Pregnancy! Photo of wheelchair on set - Paralysis! Water - Drowning!


It's all good speculation, but this fandom could make a holiday feast from crumbs of breadcrumbs.

Edited by kismet
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On a shallow(?) note, if the wedding/marriage actually happens, they're setting it up pretty well. Getting the big obstacles (the kid, Felicity seemingly not being all in, Felicity getting seriously injured, Felicity's abandonment issues, Oliver's dark/murdery side) out of the way in quick order. 

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Suddenly brainwashing is looking pretty good. 


And remember when the grave was all we had to worry about?  Good times. 


This show is going to kill me. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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All of this glee about O/F horror from genuine O/F fans, is totally incomprehensible to me.  "I love this character, so I want her paralyzed!"  "I love this character, so I hope she miscarries a wanted pregnancy!"  "I love this character so I hope she drowns!"  "I love this character so I hope she's stabbed!"


And all so we get to see Oliver go all rampage-y?  So it's exciting to watch a beloved character go through hell so her boyfriend will go all tough guy?  I am fine with her being in danger, but god, this glee and joy over Felicity being tortured is freaking me out.  


Maybe I'm just not cut out for this stuff anymore.

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I doubt they will because they don't want to go overboard. They are only trying to hint to the flash fwd grave, not actually put her there. They want people to tune into the premiere to see if she is alive, not just pass her off as dead. OTH, last season they wanted us to believe that he was dead which explains the reason they showed his last thoughts.


But if they did. I would imagine that Diggle, MamaSmoak, obviously OQ would be on the list. Perhaps some group shot of Team Arrow. As for the kiss, I am guessing that they are gonna flashback to the yin/yang or the proposal kiss.

That's the list I was thinking as well cause it would be obvious. Same for the kiss. Great minds!

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I don't think the wheelchair means anything at all but I do know I'm not really going to like the fallout of whatever happens to Felicity in 409. I can sense it already.

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I'm still pissed about Thea so I'm totally against brainwashing. I can handle a (temporary) wheelchair. Hopefully, they've realized since the S03 finale that dumping someone who's been seriously injured is a dick move. 

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All of this glee about O/F horror from genuine O/F fans, is totally incomprehensible to me.  "I love this character, so I want her paralyzed!"  "I love this character, so I hope she miscarries a wanted pregnancy!"  "I love this character so I hope she drowns!"  "I love this character so I hope she's stabbed!"


And all so we get to see Oliver go all rampage-y?  So it's exciting to watch a beloved character go through hell so her boyfriend will go all tough guy?  I am fine with her being in danger, but god, this glee and joy over Felicity being tortured is freaking me out.  


Maybe I'm just not cut out for this stuff anymore.

Hey I'm there with you I don't want Felicity hurt at all. NO to Brainwashing or Being Paralyzed!!

Suddenly brainwashing is looking pretty good. 


And remember when the grave was all we had to worry about?  Good times. 


This show is going to kill me.

Brainwashing will never look good to me. I don't want her Paralyzed either.

I don't think the wheelchair means anything at all but I do know I'm not really going to like the fallout of whatever happens to Felicity in 409. I can sense it already.

Are you kinda scared they might try to paralyze Felicity for good? I have a little fear now :(

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All of this glee about O/F horror from genuine O/F fans, is totally incomprehensible to me.  "I love this character, so I want her paralyzed!"  "I love this character, so I hope she miscarries a wanted pregnancy!"  "I love this character so I hope she drowns!"  "I love this character so I hope she's stabbed!"


And all so we get to see Oliver go all rampage-y?  So it's exciting to watch a beloved character go through hell so her boyfriend will go all tough guy?  I am fine with her being in danger, but god, this glee and joy over Felicity being tortured is freaking me out.  


Maybe I'm just not cut out for this stuff anymore.


I definitely think a big Felicity injury kinda needs to happen so Oliver/Felicity can deal with it maturely (hopefully) and the possibility is not constantly hanging over their heads. Because of the life they lead" and all that. It's inevitable. But yeah, people are taking it a little far and I hope the show doesn't too. 

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Are you kinda scared they might try to paralyze Felicity for good? I have a little fear now :(


Not at all. That wheelchair means nothing. There's a hospital set, it's probably just hanging around.  

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There aren't any handles on the back, and there aren't any footrests. I don't think that's a hospital wheelchair. 


Oh joy. LOL. I didn't even look at it properly tbh.


I don't know. I just don't see them dedicating the time to a 'Felicity is paralyzed' storyline. It's a pretty sensitive subject and it would change a lot of things. And even if they did attempt it, I don't think they'd do it justice at all so I dread anything that's coming and I'd rather not even think about it until it happens. 

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Maybe Sara being in it means something. Maybe DIG is in the chair! UGH I don't want anyone being Paralyzed!

I definitely think a big Felicity injury kinda needs to happen so Oliver/Felicity can deal with it maturely (hopefully) and the possibility is not constantly hanging over their heads. Because of the life they lead" and all that. It's inevitable. But yeah, people are taking it a little far and I hope the show doesn't too.

I don't know I feel Felicity doesn't need to be injured "cause of the life they lead". About this season being a lighter tone MG said it would be lighter yet we would still have darkness cause it's ARROW. Of course the big death kinda contradicts the lighter tone a little bit

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Oh joy. LOL. I didn't even look at it properly tbh.


I don't know. I just don't see them dedicating the time to a 'Felicity is paralyzed' storyline. It's a pretty sensitive subject and it would change a lot of things. And even if they did attempt it, I don't think they'd do it justice at all so I dread anything that's coming and I'd rather not even think about it until it happens. 


If they paralyze her, I don't think it would be permanent, which brings up all sorts of sensitivity issues, so...yeah, I'd be dreading that, because I agree with you that I don't think they'd do the story justice. And I'd be willing to bet cash money that the storyline would culminate in nanotech, an exoskeleton, an improved wheelchair or something being presented to the board to get PT out of its troubles. 

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I know that they use stages for multiple sets, but it does seem a little odd to me that Baby Sara would be on set on a day they're filming a hospital scene. Unless Felicity's injury (or whoever's...I guess) is so serious that they're bringing Sara there? Otherwise, the wheelchair is being used on a non-hospital set. Or else it's just lying around of course, but, I don't know. That doesn't seem that likely to me, I guess.

Edited by Carrie Ann
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That struck me too, that why would they have the Sara in the hospital set.  But maybe she's just playing around before she goes to shoot the scene she's in on another set.


It does look like Wells' wheelchair.  Re-use and re-cycle.

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I don't know I feel Felicity doesn't need to be injured "cause of the life they lead". About this season being a lighter tone MG said it would be lighter yet we would still have darkness cause it's ARROW. Of course the big death kinda contradicts the lighter tone a little bit

Everyone has been injured except her. It's bound to happen. The last time she got any kind of injury, Oliver dumped her. So they're being put in that situation again. Except without the S03 logic. I hope.

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All of this glee about O/F horror from genuine O/F fans, is totally incomprehensible to me.  "I love this character, so I want her paralyzed!"  "I love this character, so I hope she miscarries a wanted pregnancy!"  "I love this character so I hope she drowns!"  "I love this character so I hope she's stabbed!"


And all so we get to see Oliver go all rampage-y?  So it's exciting to watch a beloved character go through hell so her boyfriend will go all tough guy?  I am fine with her being in danger, but god, this glee and joy over Felicity being tortured is freaking me out.  


Maybe I'm just not cut out for this stuff anymore.

I don't think people are looking forward to seeing Felicity get hurt. All those scenarios are just morbid speculation. However, it's pretty clear by now that something bad is going to happen to her during the winter finale, and I think what fans want is for something meaningful to come out of it, like emotional beats or character growth. 


But even though I see the potential for a good story to develop from putting her in peril, after watching the show utterly squander so many good opportunities for character development and emotional scenes after stabbing its main character and kicking him off a mountain, I have little faith the writers will do any better this year with Felicity.

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It's not a standard wheelchair. Looks a lot like a rehab wheelchair, although it does have a cushion for  someone who sits a long time in the chair. It's also way too small for Dig. Not sure about FS, she might fit but it will be tight. It could really be anything. I'm not getting worried just yet. It's probably just set dressing or maybe a guest star's or extras chair.


I don’t think they have the patience or the sensitivity to write a story with one of the major characters permanently wheelchair bound. It’s why I think they dropped it on the FLASH.  Even as a temporary measure, there is still a lot they would have to accommodate if they pursue a wheelchair story and I just don’t think they want to go there.

Edited by kismet
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I don't think people are looking forward to seeing Felicity get hurt. All those scenarios are just morbid speculation. However, it's pretty clear by now that something bad is going to happen to her during the winter finale, and I think what fans want is for something meaningful to come out of it, like emotional beats or character growth.

But even though I see the potential for a good story to develop from putting her in peril, after watching the show utterly squander so many good opportunities for character development and emotional scenes after stabbing its main character and kicking him off a mountain, I have little faith the writers will do any better this year with Felicity.

Quite a few fans here have been gleefully hoping Felicity would get massive hurt since the S3 hospital rumors showed up. Go back and read this thread, there is actual excitement over Felicity getting hurt so they can get sexy/rage driven Oliver. It's not about a Felicity storyline it's about how Felicity getting hurt affects Oliver.
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I was almost desperate for it to be Felicity in the hospital last season because I needed so badly to see that Oliver really did care about her after spending the season pushing her away.


I don't want/need it this season but it seems like it's her turn.  Quentin got hurt at the end of s2, Oliver and Thea were stabbed in s3.  Diggle gets hurt on a regular basis and Laurel was getting beat up a lot last season.


Putting Felicity in a wheelchair at the comms is an easter egg I doubt they can resist.

Edited by statsgirl
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From what I've seen People figure Felicity will be hurt and it might be rough to watch cause it's sounding serious enough with her mother being back and CR saying her and SA shot a real tearjerker scene . None of the Felicity or Olicity fans I seen want her hurt but they are relishing Oliver kicking some ass cause of his lady being seriously hurt

Edited by jay741982
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I don't think people are looking forward to seeing Felicity get hurt. All those scenarios are just morbid speculation. However, it's pretty clear by now that something bad is going to happen to her during the winter finale, and I think what fans want is for something meaningful to come out of it, like emotional beats or character growth. 

There's been a ton of glee, in this thread, even.  Not to mention utter losing-their-minds glee all over Twitter, from people I truly believe love Felicity and love O/F. I am not into violence against vulnerable people, and I am certainly, utterly, and totally not gleeful about terrible things happening to a character I love, for any reason really, but particularly just to see her boyfriend go Hulksmash.  It really does not compute for me, AT ALL.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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All of this glee about O/F horror from genuine O/F fans, is totally incomprehensible to me.  "I love this character, so I want her paralyzed!"  "I love this character, so I hope she miscarries a wanted pregnancy!"  "I love this character so I hope she drowns!"  "I love this character so I hope she's stabbed!"


And all so we get to see Oliver go all rampage-y?  So it's exciting to watch a beloved character go through hell so her boyfriend will go all tough guy?  I am fine with her being in danger, but god, this glee and joy over Felicity being tortured is freaking me out.  


Maybe I'm just not cut out for this stuff anymore.

I feel like these types of storylines work best BEFORE a couple gets together and/or admits their feelings because the dire circumstance is usually the catalyst for the character(s) to realize their feelings. So, the plot actually drives character development which is how things should work, but Arrow often forgets this and allows plot/shock/twist needs to trump everything else.

So, if Felicity is hurt/kidnapped or whatever and it results in interesting growth for her character I'm good. If it causes Oliver to freak and become a murder machine, then Felicity gets better and everything pretty much goes back to the way it was before then I'll be pretty irritated since it will have simply been a stunt to get people talking but ultimately wouldn't affect the storyline in any real way. So, the whole scenario ends up feeling hollow and the emotional beats miss the mark. We already know Oliver loves Felicity and that he is determined to stop DD.

This is why I hated the 'Oliver Dies' plot from last season. Oliver learned nothing from that experience and, in fact, it seemed to have made him dumber. The storyline had no real impact on his character, so it ended up feeling kind of pointless to me. I mean I get that it had an impact on other characters, but Oliver is the main protagonist so for him to experience something like getting run through with a sword and thrown off a cliff and not have him grow or learn from it was disappointing.

I really don't want to see Felicity hurt at all. I'm already considering either skipping 4x09 or just flipping channels before the end cause I don't want to watch it. If it is really bad, I might even hold off on watching live for awhile until I can get sense of where they are going with storyline.

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I highly enjoy injury related angst, specifically for the opportunity for character growth. I like writing it, I enjoy reading it, and personally I don't take glee in the thought of Felicity being tortured or severely injured, but I would enjoy a well-told story about how Oliver and Felicity come through it, especially knowing how Oliver has dealt with situations like this in the past. Now, whether I'll get something like that from this show...probably not. 

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There's been a ton of glee, in this thread, even.  Not to mention utter losing-their-minds glee all over Twitter, from people I truly believe love Felicity and love O/F. I am not into violence against vulnerable people, and I am certainly, utterly, and totally not gleeful about terrible things happening to a character I love, for any reason really, but particularly just to see her boyfriend go Hulksmash.  It really does not computer for me, AT ALL.


I guess for me, as someone who wants to see Felicity getting hurt (which writing it sounds terrible, I know), Felicity getting hurt means that there's just another thing to explore for her character as well as Oliver's. 


  • How would both of them react to Felicity getting hurt? Will Felicity start questioning what she does? Will Felicity crumble and be vulnerable? Will she be emotionally strong and let it not take over her life? Will Felicity be full of rage and want to take down this guy? Will this change her? What about Oliver? How will he be if Felicity is taken away from him? Will he lose a lot of the character development we saw? Will he be angry as hell? Will he let vengeance/retribution take over? How will his decision making change? 
  • Then there's how Felicity getting hurt will affect their relationship. Will Oliver be more sensitive to Felicity working with TA? Will it actually strengthen their relationship? Will Oliver comfort Felicity? Will Felicity comfort Oliver? Or will they lean on one another? Would this obstacle show how Felicity has affected Oliver's journey and 'galvanize' (thank you SA for this word lol) their relationship?
  • How would it affect other people like Diggle/Thea. Will it make Diggle want to reconnect with Felicity (because I feel like they lost this connection)? Will we get more solid Diggle/FElicity scenes? Will this make Thea actually WANT to talk to Felicity and form a connection with her (considering I don't see Thea wanting to form a connection with her)? Will this change any of the team dynamics?


There's a lot that can come from Felicity getting hurt. A lot of good, but a lot of bad as well depending on how the writers decide to tackle this storyline. 


I guess for me, wanting Felicity to get hurt isn't a bad thing (considering I want a good story to come out of it) because I KNOW she's a fictional character and I KNOW she's going to make it through the other side probably stronger than before. 

Edited by wonderwall
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When I express my 'want' to see Felicity injured, it isn't about this sick gleeful desire to see her hurt, it's because I want to see how Oliver reacts. I want to see how badly he needs Felicity and how important she is to him. Most importantly though, I want to see how he copes without her being there to pull him out of the darkness. I see this as a test for Oliver.


I have zero shame about that and honestly, trying to shame anyone for enjoying a storyline, no matter what it is, is pretty unfair. 



If they paralyze her, I don't think it would be permanent, which brings up all sorts of sensitivity issues, so...yeah, I'd be dreading that, because I agree with you that I don't think they'd do the story justice. And I'd be willing to bet cash money that the storyline would culminate in nanotech, an exoskeleton, an improved wheelchair or something being presented to the board to get PT out of its troubles. 


If it happens, I don't know if it would be permanent but it would last a hell of a lot longer than one or two episodes and it will affect everything. Whether it's Felicity being paralyzed or losing a pregnancy as was discussed the other day, I don't trust the writers to do justice to any long lasting injury/problem. 

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I'm one of those who doesn't want Felicity to get hurt, but since all signs point to yes, I will enjoy Oliver going Hulksmash. Why? I don't know. Maybe it's the hurt/comfort trope. Maybe I want to see Oliver be a badass again because I feel like he's been sidelined lately. I also don't expect a particularly well told story or something longterm so I more open to whatever happens than if I knew they would permanently injure Felicity. 


I would never want anything like this to happen to real life people. Maybe I can indulge this less nice side to my personality in fiction. I do understand the aversion to this mindset though.

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If hurting Felicity ends up being used to advance Oliver's arc instead of her own [which, considering this show, is more than likely], character development for Oliver would be to NOT go hulksmashing.

You're right. But apparently to some people Felicity made him a pussy(which UGH not true at all). So without her he's badass again SMH. Apparently he has to be a killer for these people to Hell with Development and the fact their percious GA Comic book guy isn't a killer

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I've been waiting since the Season 2 finale for the Oliver's line to Slade about Shado, "I remember her as being beautiful and kind. She would be horrified to know what you have done in her name,"  to come back around and apply to Oliver and Felicity. Part of the heroes journey is to stumble at becoming a hero. This was never not going to happen, eventually. 


That being said if this turns into Ray 2.0 where Felicity's injury is to benefit everyone but her (I'm watching you Curtis. Don't think you are going to suddenly become TA's lovable tech nerd on the back of Felicity being injured and launch yourself as a superhero from that.) I'm going to be pissed.

Edited by Orion
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I guess I feel like on a show where the characters are in life-and-death situations all the time, I expect all of them to be near-death or seriously injured at some point. Felicity may be the least likely because she's least-often in the field, but they've established that she would be a target because of both Ray and Oliver, and I would say even aside from them, the civic/business leaders in SC have always been targeted. So I don't mind an injury storyline for her because it feels natural to her circumstances. Also, yeah, I'm way into hurt/comfort/protective-mode-activated tropes, from both sides of the relationship. But we all have different lines and sensitivities--I don't enjoy seeing people hoping for a miscarriage because OMG ANGST. So I get it.


Speaking of angst: what I definitely don't want is another angst-fest season. I don't want 4A to feel like some sort of trick, and the rest of the season is a big sadfest. So whatever happens--if anything--I would really love it if the emotional ramifications weren't super heavy for too long because I'm still so weary of that from last season. I'm not ready to deal with all that again.

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