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Oliver has 2 sons in the comics. This second one would need a new mom&backstory since Shado isn't an option.


Im thinking ths baby mama and surprise kid will be the shows nod to Shado's baby & story. The womans name will probaby have some pun or hint of shadows. Or her name will be Misty or something. I agree that they willl be original characters, but they will count in the comic checklist. I know its different, but having this baby be connected to MQ shenanigans is the shows nod to Shado's RQ connection in the comics.

Which only means we can all look fwd to when the show gets bored and drops surprise kid (Connor Hawk) on us in a fews seasons. My prediction know is s6. And trust me when I say look fwd to it, I mean like one looks fwd to getting hit by a car.

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Chances that Quentin is gonna blame Oliver for DD terrorizing the city? Even though Oliver wasn't even there? Anyone?

It's time for the writers to give Quentin a new song to sing as this one has gotten really old. The show is going into season 4 and it went back to the season 1 dry well of Quentin blaming Oliver for everything. I mean how does Oliver bear more of the blunt force of his anger for not telling him about Sara when he and the rest of TA was just doing was Laurel asked of them? At this point the writing is putting Quentin in a very easy to dislike place and if they keep pursuing that same line of writing with him then it may be one that the fans get really tired of (if they haven't already) and him!

Edited by Ann Mack
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I haven't watched any of the sneak peeks, not even the DD one. I'm fine with a trailer but after last year I want to keep some things a surprise.

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Nitpick: I think they meant sous vide, not slow cooker.

As cute as Oliver and Felicity are in the clip, I don't really blame her for wanting to run back to Starling as soon as they're asked to help.

Edited by lemotomato
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I have never heard of cooking eggs in a slow cooker.  Do you poach them?


Little disappointed that the engagement conversation wasn't with Thea, but oh well.

It seems like they want to keep Thea clueless about Oliver's relationship with Felicity. She didn't even know there was one in 3x21.

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I have never heard of cooking eggs in a slow cooker.  Do you poach them?


Sometimes I poach them, sometimes I scramble them, sometimes I make scrambled egg casserole. I'm not sure why Oliver would cook them that way, unless he had other things he'd rather be doing (which I always do, haha).

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Why does a new cute clip always get posted when I just state out loud that I'm not going to watch them?! Curses everything!


I didn't watch the clip, someone give me a medal for my restraint! But I did read the article and I really love Greg Berlanti. He just knows and understands. Praise!

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Why does a new cute clip always get posted when I just state out loud that I'm not going to watch them?! Curses everything!


I didn't watch the clip, someone give me a medal for my restraint! But I did read the article and I really love Greg Berlanti. He just knows and understands. Praise!



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I have never heard of cooking eggs in a slow cooker.  Do you poach them?


It seems like they want to keep Thea clueless about Oliver's relationship with Felicity. She didn't even know there was one in 3x21.

As the creepy suburbia stepford wife woman from the video said "Slow cookers are absolute life-changers"... it's in my top 10 favorite kitchen gadgets & appliances (I have alot of gadgets & appliances.. more than you're average Jane.. I could literally cook for an army between my pots, pans, slow cooker, oven, microwave and bread machine- but i digress). You can make alot of tasty stuff in a slow cooker!

Edited by foreverevolving
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I'm being good this year. We pretty much knew 90% of 301 last year, what with promos and spoilers and sneak peeks. I just want something to be a surprise, even if I can't keep away from the spoilers thread! :)

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I have no self control.  I'm disappointed in myself (hangs head in cyberspace shame).   I'm so spoiled  that I think I can actually list every scene of tonight's episode IN ORDER without tv echo's help.  (save for the flashbacks-my least-favorite part of the show).   I think it's because most of what I've read about the new season sounds really great and is course-correcting so many of everyone's criticisms that's it's hard to stop clicking.   Because of the spoilers, I am super-pumped.  Realistically, I know it will disappoint because I am so spoiled.  I do this every time! I blame of all you for being so entertaining and engaging...

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Sometimes I poach them, sometimes I scramble them, sometimes I make scrambled egg casserole. I'm not sure why Oliver would cook them that way, unless he had other things he'd rather be doing (which I always do, haha).

If I have to cook eggs for a crowd, I'll give that a try. Otherwise cleaning my big ole slow cooker for smaller servings seems like a lot of trouble. I still recommend sous vide eggs if you get the chance, though!

Anyway, yeah. They're laying down the Stepford-ness of suburbia awfully thick, which I'm kind of relieved about. Makes it less cruel to yank Oliver out of there when it's apparent (to the audience, at least) it's not the right place for him.

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I had never heard of a sous vide before.  (The things I learn here....)


I'm biased because my slow cooker has been gathering dust for years (hate cleaning it and it leaves sauces runny) but can you really poach 8 eggs in a slow cooker  (two per person)?  If they're scrambled, why not just do them on the stove?


To me it looked like Oliver was more  "Be polite, Felicity" than annoyed, which is all kinds of weird, LOL. Anyways it was awesome!

That's how it seemed to me.  Felicity could just feel her brain cells dying over that conversation.


It felt like Oliver was trying too hard with the "hail fellow, well met" relationship with his neighbours, and especially telling them he was going to propose. Boy needs to get back into the real world fast.


The wife seemed very familiar to me.  What else has she been in?

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If I have to cook eggs for a crowd, I'll give that a try. Otherwise cleaning my big ole slow cooker for smaller servings seems like a lot of trouble. I still recommend sous vide eggs if you get the chance, though!

Anyway, yeah. They're laying down the Stepford-ness of suburbia awfully thick, which I'm kind of relieved about. Makes it less cruel to yank Oliver out of there when it's apparent (to the audience, at least) it's not the right place for him.

Eggs in slow cooker: the good thing about it is: you can set the cooker to low heat and really let them slowly cook away, while you are making other stuff, even if they are done you can just put the cooker on the "keep warm" feature and it will just keep the eggs warm enough without over cooking them (nothing worse than too dry over cooked eggs!)


statsgirl: Sous Vide is pretty awesome, it's cooking by method of really warm water while the food is in a bag.. google it.

as for a slow cooker: I recommend buying a Cuisinart, I have the 6 qt one and I love it! it makes beautiful beef stew!- with nice creamy sauce (but I add beef bones so they and the bone marrow from them (together with the pearl barley and potato) helps thicken up the entire dish; there are slow cooker bags where you can cook multiply dishes in one slow cooker.


The wife looks like a former SNL comedian whose name I can't remember at the moment.


ETA: molly shannon, that's who the wife looks like.

Edited by foreverevolving
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I think they just had Oliver use a slow cooker, because it a) seems so suburban, b) it's a gift that a neighbor would give to a new couple who just moved in, and c) it allowed the wife to make that joke that allowed Felicity's response to illustrate that she doesn't have much in common with the people in Ivy Town, and is a little bit restless about being there. 

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If by "normal" you mean the nuclear family suburban experience, then yeah, she's never had that and seems to want Oliver to have his dream of living that way. If you mean "normal" as in non-crime fighting, then yeah, she's lived that life before.

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Originally by Normal I guess I meant "family". To have a place that you feel is your place surrounded by people who support you . Team Arrow is that for Felicity. She felt so different form Donna that she never had as peace as a Child. And Before Team Arrow Felicity was hiding from what happened with her ex. Oliver wants Family and peace. 

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There was that time as a random IT worker before Oliver (and the retcon that she's apparently the worlds greatest hacker)

She was the world's greatest hacker hiding in plain sight as a random IT worker. Where's the retcon?
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I fail to see the retcon here either. Given Cooper's run in with the law and his resulting "death" back in the MIT days I totally buy that she has always been a brilliant hacker flying under the radar as much as possible--thus taking a lower-level job at QC.

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But I really love the idea that Oliver thinks this is what normalcy should be, because it's just so completely OLIVER to overshoot at everything ever.


And the potential for "real life" vs. "normal life" stories are very very appealing. Especially wrt to how a couple deal with trials and tribulations. Yes, please, gimme.

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Yeah, seems like if they don't mention every single bit of information about a person the second you meet them, anything new is a retcon. Not that this show doesn't retcon some things but the two latest mentions of it: of Oliver/Laurel being retconned because of this new flashback love interest, and Felicity being a great hacker? Nah.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Felicity's arc is that she always was a brilliant hacker/technologist but she was too afraid to move out of her safe bubble after what happened with Cooper. Even back in s2, she told Oliver that he was the one who showed her she could be more than an IT girl.


Felicity had Donna as a mom...

LOL. Whatever normal is by average standards, it's not having a single mother who works 60 hour weeks in 6" heels, eating casino food while a young child and learning math  by counting cards.


But I really love the idea that Oliver thinks this is what normalcy should be, because it's just so completely OLIVER to overshoot at everything ever.

That is so Not Normal, it's painful. 

Edited by statsgirl
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I mean, normal is different for everyone - it's impossible to define or (most of the time) say whether it's right or wrong, really. It seems like after living how Oliver's lived for the past 8 years, married life in suburbia is Oliver's ideal. I can't say that it surprises me, since he was forced into vigilante life and didn't enter it willingly like the rest of the team did.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Okay, lemme add to the confusion.


Paul Blackthorne latest instagram says director John Behring is on set today:




The script Guggie posted for 408 lists Thor Freudenthal as director:




And not that IMDb is reliable in anyway, but John Behring's page kinda looks self-updated, and he's listed as directing 409:



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