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But Sara wasn't dead,he still had time to save her from the poison.It would have been weird to say the least if he just stood there and let her die when he could save her life.

I don't think they need to mention her suicide attempt because she only did it as a last resort to escape the LoA.It should have been brought up at the end of season 2 when she went back to the league but they decided to send her off like she was going on a vacation with her girlfriend.

I don't think Oliver would have brought back Thea if she was dead for a year.So he has the right to be against it but should realize it's not his choice.

I would prefer if she was brought back by DD or Rip Hunter but it seems like it will be Laurel and Quentin.

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All the Lazarus Pit stuff has, for me, been a colossal fail. The first time we ever saw RAG or the Pit he was lounging in it like a 1970s coked-up rock star. Not a great beginning either for him or for the Pit. How am I supposed to take it seriously when he is actually using it like a hot tub? What, his back hurt that day so he decided a little dip'd do him? Then we saw him at least one more time lounging in it. Then Thea gets put in it, and other than an Exorcist moment and five minutes of memory loss we're supposed to tune in NEXT SEASON to see any consequences for her? Contrast that with Buffy...Willow killed a fawn to get the blood for the spell, which seriously, a FAWN, so you knew it was really bad juju. Then they showed Buffy being reconstituted in her grave, losing her mind for like an episode plus, and we very quickly found out she'd been in heaven and was as traumatized by being yanked out as she was by generally being resurrected. They were even smart enough to throw in that Willow thought Buffy was probably in a hell dimension bc of how she'd died, which made us sympathize with Willow despite all the bad around the resurrection. I hate that Guggie et al. compare themselves to Whedon, unless they were to compare themselves and admit their comparative lack of talent.

I'm willing to bet the writers have forgotten she tried to kill herself.

She also had a moment earlier in the episode in which Nyssa is holding her and considering whether to knife her, and Sara pretty clearly thinks she's about to, but doesn't make any attempt to move away or defend herself. Not really getting into the suicide discussion, just that it's kind of a heartbreaking scene.

Man I can't wait to get Sara back!

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I just need Oliver to have NOTHING TO DO with bringing Sara back.

I agree with this. I actually don't have a problem with Laurel doing it - to me it seems very in character for her to do what she wants and damn the consequences. But I'd really rather Oliver didn't know anything about it until it was too late.

Edited by Starfish35
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So Wendy Mericle says they didn't come all this way with O/F "to break them up right away." Yikes. The "right away" is a bit concerning. I'm hoping they'll stay together at least this season before the nearly inevitable breakup (and probably just as inevitable reunion).


Miss Piggy and Kermit broke up and he's now WITH ANOTHER PIG. NO COUPLE IS SAFE.


(Though Miss Piggy seems to have gotten Liam Hemsworth out of it, so I'd say she'll be fine.)

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Love the couple.... but the photo-shopping is not well done. You can totally tell its green screen. Oh and MG tagging along is kinda hysterical. Here's hoping these are just him having fun. I am loving FS's hair. Such an adorable couple & creepy tagalong though! :)

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I agree, I think we'll get a sweeping shot of their apartment and we'll see all these pictures in the background but they won't focus on them much. So I'm very glad and grateful to see them now. 


The added MG was a lot of fun.

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I'm pretty sure the terrible photoshop was because of the rush job to add MG :) I'm sure the official images will be better like the one SA posted

Really... you have high hopes for the official photos? You remember the psycho killer photo & that awful shot of O&D @ Dig's wedding....

I love the props dept, but I don't think they spend that much time on the still photograph props.

Clearly they have other priorities, but I do find it hysterical the photos they actually use on set :)


Edited - because I meant psycho killer pic, not stalker pic. Thanks @wonderwall!

Edited by kismet
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LMAO I feel like there were worse photos than that!


Like the one of the Queen family in Man Under the Hood and Oliver's creepy psycho killer photo :p

Creepy psycho killer picture, not stalker pic my bad... There's just so many. And they reuse the worst of the bunch :)

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Maybe bad photos are a running gag like the horrendous wigs? :p

Hey now, I actually thought the wig had some good moments in s3... esp during the night club scene. It was so flowey with its billowing layers. It worked for me in some s3 scenes, don't quite know why but it did.

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Hey now, I actually thought the wig had some good moments in s3... esp during the night club scene. It was so flowey with its billowing layers. It worked for me in some s3 scenes, don't quite know why but it did.

Are you sure it was good? Or was it you lowering your standards/expectations??? We will never know

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Are you sure it was good? Or was it you lowering your standards/expectations??? We will never know

No, I think it was good as wigs for men go. It looked like he washed it and then styled it for his big night out... I don't think I lowered my standards/expectations that much. S1&2, he desperately needed to wash that thing. In s3, I could dig the longer hair, so long as it was washed & slightly styled which I think they did try to do for the most part in s3  :)

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Guggie photoshopped in the pictures is hilarious.  I can just see him tagging along, living vicariously through Oliver.


I have a question about Constantine:  does he automatically show up when there's a problem, or does he have to be called to the scene?  I was just assuming that he would show up, not that Oliver or someone else would have to get in touch with him  And who would know to?  Merlyn? Nyssa?


I'm willing to bet the writers have forgotten she tried to kill herself.

Me too.  And I bet they're happier that way.  Reminding people that Sara was willing to kill herself to keep from going back with Nyssa to the LoA will mess with their love story.


 I initially had some problems believing that OQ could be on American soil & hiding from people in plain sight. But in towns & neighborhoods that are not good, one learns to keep their head down & stay out of trouble. So if Coast City is one of those towns, then it becomes very believable that OQ could walk around in plain sight & not be bothered. But I have a hard time believing that is where O/F would choose to settle for their summer hiatus. Perhaps they just visit someone there briefly in ep1 & settle in another sunny suburb/town.

Is McKenna still there?  Oliver could drop in to visit her.


I actually have no problem believing that Oliver wouldn't be recognized in Coast City  He's now got facial scruff and probably an even worse wig, and he would have been declared dead.  He looks different enough from Ollie that anyone looking closely at him would probably not think of the effete well-dressed Ollie in the hard-bitten wall of muscle.  (Unlike Malcolm Merlyn who was in the same city and looked exactly the same as he did when he had his picture in all the papers and other news media.)


If Laurel brings Sara back without Oliver's knowledge, then whatever happens that needs Constantine to show up  -- Sara comes back evil/crazy/believing she's Jesus/a zombie/whatever -- then I'm perfectly good with Oliver being super mad at Laurel for doing something that actively created a problem.

I'm good with Oliver being mad at Laurel any time because I think those are the only time they generate any chemistry.

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I doubt we'll see McKenna, there hasn't been any rumors about securing the actress for new scenes and I think she already has a regular series job on another show.


There were those pictures of a guy friend, who was supposedly in CoC with his trailer & the fireplace. But then the pics got taken down from Instagram because they were perhaps too spoilery. That is the guy I think they may see in CoC, and I think he might be the connection to the GL airline company. Or like others suggested perhaps it is where FS uses her casino skills.


I'm gonna stay in the minority & call mini-bullshit on people not recognizing OQ in America. The hair (now that he washes it) & the scruff do not make him look that much different. One day in SC fine, but a continued residence people who live around him are gonna start to recognize him. But like I said before if CoC is corrupt & run by the underbelly, people go out of their way to not recognize people, so that is the rationale I will believe as why people are keeping their lips sealed.

Edited by kismet
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I didn't mean we would actually see McKenna, just that she would have provided Oliver with an excuse to visit during the summer road trip.


But if they ever did want her back, I'm pretty sure that Greg Berlanti would arrange shooting around her role on The Mysteries of Laura to go over to the Arrow set to film a few scenes.

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Yeah, I'm not sure McKenna would be part of the itinerary. I just don't think he'd have a planned visit to his pseudo-ex on a road trip... but then again who knows? Stranger things have happened.

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I agree with this. I actually don't have a problem with Laurel doing it - to me it seems very in character for her to do what she wants and damn the consequences. But I'd really rather Oliver didn't know anything about it until it was too late.


It doesn't really matter. He'll still get blamed for it anyway. It's the Arrow way.


(My I'm a Debbie Downer today)

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I have a question about Constantine:  does he automatically show up when there's a problem, or does he have to be called to the scene?  I was just assuming that he would show up, not that Oliver or someone else would have to get in touch with him  And who would know to?  Merlyn? Nyssa?


In the show there were any number of ways that he'd show up.  Sometimes a friend would call him for help, there was also a map from the pilot made by a psychic, she scryed and left blood drops over towns where evil was happening or coming.  There was also Zed, another psychic who had visions and finally Manny the Angel who occasionally sent Constantine on a mission.


Constantine could show up because he heard rumblings from the magic world about some major voodoo or they could have Oliver know Constantine and tie them together in a flashback. Personally, I prefer Constantine just showing up and getting in Arrow's business it's more fun that way.  Plus I hate when this show pulls the oh, did I forget to mention there's a cure?  My bad!  

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I wonder if MG has been lawyering us and Green Lantern never shows but a pre-GL Hal Jordan is part of the flashbacks? I'm still not sure DC would allow it, but there may be just enough parsing for MG to be able to say his past statements weren't lies. We will see. I guess I shouldn't let myself think too much this way, or I will start to get excited, then the next step is disappointment, and on and on.

Edited by WaitandHope
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Constantine could show up because he heard rumblings from the magic world about some major voodoo or they could have Oliver know Constantine and tie them together in a flashback. Personally, I prefer Constantine just showing up and getting in Arrow's business it's more fun that way.  Plus I hate when this show pulls the oh, did I forget to mention there's a cure?  My bad!  

This. I need Constantine to come in his full sarcastic, irreverent glory. Seeing him interact with way-too-serious, grumpyface Oliver Queen will make the entire episode for me. They had better not let me down on this one.

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This. I need Constantine to come in his full sarcastic, irreverent glory. Seeing him interact with way-too-serious, grumpyface Oliver Queen will make the entire episode for me. They had better not let me down on this one.

Totally with you.  I didn't care for the show, but loved John Constantine.  I seriously CANNOT WAIT to see him and Oliver interact.

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I wonder if MG has been lawyering us and Green Lantern never shows but a pre-GL Hal Jordan is part of the flashbacks? I'm still not sure DC would allow it, but there may be just enough parsing for MG to be able to say his past statements weren't lies. We will see. I guess I shouldn't let myself think too much this way, or I will start to get excited, then the next step is disappointment, and on and on.

Oh MG & his lawyering of us... :) I can't wait to get into the season just so we can get his lawyer style responses & spoilers. He's been all types of cheery & cooperative. I give it a few weeks in and then it will be spiltting words trying to figure it out.


The pre-GL Hal Jordan could be very possible. They are dropping GL references everywhere possible.

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For the record, as an attorney it hurts me in my soul that Guggie's a lawyer.  Nearly every legal thing that has ever come up on the show has been 100% incorrect.  Seriously.


Oh my God in heaven, I just looked it up, and he went to MY FRIGGING LAW SCHOOL!  Boston University School of Law!  It is a top 25-30 law school, and I swear the majority of its grads are not arrogant douchebag morons!

Edited by AyChihuahua
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For the record, as an attorney it hurts me in my soul that Guggie's a lawyer.  Nearly every legal thing that has ever come up on the show has been 100% incorrect.  Seriously.

Most definitely his use of the law on the show is very loose & seems not that accurate. But his skills as a lawyer is very much used in his correspondence with press & fans.

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Miss Piggy and Kermit broke up and he's now WITH ANOTHER PIG. NO COUPLE IS SAFE.

The other pig clearly had a nose job.


Remember this?  I have a feeling Oliver and Laurel will have an argument involving Sara...

-- On Oliver's relationship with Laurel, SA: "I know that there will be some issues with Laurel, but I think that we're going to move through those." (Laura Brown video of media interview with SA at SDCC 2015, page 155 of Behind the Mask thread)


The fourth episode, "Beyond Redemption," sounds like it's going to be a big angsty episode.  IF there's any arguing about bringing or not bringing Sara back, I bet it happens in this episode (since the fifth episode is the Constantine one).

-- Per MG, "the title refers to more than one person or thing... There’s a bunch of things in episode 4 that are beyond redemption. It’s something that keeps coming up in that episode. There’s a bunch of big revelations in that episode, and some key discoveries. It’s an episode where the title pretty much touches on the different storylines to that episode.” (GreenArrowTV article, page 19 of Spoilers thread)


BTW, I checked and the word "redemption" has two different definitions:

1. the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.

"God's plans for the redemption of his world"

synonyms: saving, freeing from sin, absolution

"God's redemption of his people"

2. the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt.

synonyms: retrieval, recovery, reclamation, repossession

So I'm wondering if we're assuming the first definition, when it's the second definition that's being used (or also being used) in "Beyond Redemption."


Oliver & Felicity are so good together that I can only see them breaking up over some stupid, OOC, plot-contrived reason.  For example, maybe this time it's Felicity who backs off even though she loves Oliver "for his own good" (maybe related to her father).  MG seems fixated on 'star-crossed' lovers.

Edited by tv echo
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Shows such as Law & Order mostly just make it seem much more exciting than it really is.  It's mostly a lot of reading and writing.  But Arrow gets basically everything wrong, from corporate stuff (Isabel watered down the Queen family's holdings in QC, meaning she did stock splits and things like that...their percentage holding and its overall value would be the same...if she'd tanked the total value of QC, first of all there'd be so much overall value that the family would still be wealthy unless ALL their personal wealth was backing QC, which no billionaire family would ever do, the Queen family would hold so many untouchable assets, and if Isabel tanked QC's stocks she'd be canned by the board, not promoted to sole CEO), to criminal law and procedure, to inheritance issues, to basically everything else.  It's the most cuckoo show I've ever seen on legal issues, and I'm traumatized by the knowledge Guggie's a fellow BUSL alum.

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My best friend is a lawyer and she actually hates the legal procedurals the most, because it's still all convenient-for-TV Law and because they structure their plots around inaccurate laws/procedures, it bugs her way more than in shows like Arrow, where she can just wave off all the bad TV policing/lawyering that goes on. But personally, I don't really mind the silly, unrealistic legal or business stuff except when something really hinges on it or it's left unexplained. The Queens losing their money was really stupid, just because there were other ways to accomplish the same ends that would have made it less confusing and...wrong. Felicity becoming CEO is another weird thing that I hope they can handle better this season.

Edited by Carrie Ann
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I don't really watch legal procedurals except Law & Order, the original, which was probably one of the more accurate shows in terms of the actual law, if not lawyering.  It only really bothers me on Arrow when it's full-on crazy and a large part of the plot.  The Queens losing all their money makes literally no sense at all.  Moira's trial lasting one day.  Ray transferring ownership of a seemingly publicly-owned corporation to Felicity with a very short document...that is simply impossible.  He could transfer HIS SHARES (with a HUGEHUGEHUGE tax burden), but not ownership of the corporation itself.  How exactly Thea gained ownership/control of Malcolm's assets.  Oliver's marriage to Nyssa IF they ever try to make it legally binding in the US.  Most of the criminal stuff is totally, totally wrong, but I handwave/ignore it.

Oh, and Moira using duress as a defense for multiple murder charges.  Duress is not a valid defense for a murder charge.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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