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I really want to know the question.

I have this head canon that Felicity did her homework at casinos while her Mom worked. She would help customers count cards and bet the odds. She was favourite of some of the high rolling criminal elements who frequented the bars. Her knowing how to shoot a gun fits into that. A

Secuity guard or bodyguard decided to show her before she want off to college.

Of course, maybe she is just shooting it in the lab to test something.

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The gun thing is (IMO) 100% dependent upon the situation. Shooting a gun isn't difficult. Hitting your target can be rather difficult.

I would call BS on Felicity being a sharp shooter, quick draw, or being able to hit a moving target while on the run (unless it was a totally lucky shot). However Felicity shooting at someone/something while stationary and not very far away? Sure, that's easily believable. Even having Felicity engage in a shootout like Lyla/Captain Boomerang did in 308 would, IMO be believable because you can always get lucky.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I could see either Sara or Diggle training her on the basics of gun shooting before. Or it being one of the things her & OQ did for fun on their roadtrip. A few trips to the gun range. I honestly can't believe that it was a pre-TA skill set. That being said in my personal head canon she has archery experience. So who knows maybe FS has all these secret vigilante skills just waiting to come out.


Agree with Morrigan2575 though that how they use it vs how believable it is, is totally situational. FS being able to properly handle & shoot a gun, absolutely believable. FS being a skilled sharp shooter on the level of Deadshot or even OQ, not as believable without some explanation or decent backstory they explain. I would actually like to see it be a newly acquired skill set since joining TA & something that she actually works on moving forward. Perhaps they have a gun/shooting range in the bunker that she utilizes. I always like when they show people meeting/going to gun ranges for some reason. I think its a side effect of watching too many spy programs.

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That being said in my personal head canon she has archery experience. So who knows maybe FS has all these secret vigilante skills just waiting to come out.



Kismet, take this with the affection and respect that is intended - your mind is a strange and curious place.  :)


I'm gonna assume it's a newly acquired skill set. I wonder if the scene will be her being taught how to shot by Diggle or Lyla.


If I am very, very lucky it's Oliver and he gets very handsy showing her the correct posture when aiming and shooting. 

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Wasn't Felicity an assassin in the 6 or so Green Arrow comics?

I say this only because then she would have the necessary skill set to fire a gun or even archery? ;-)

No she wasn't an assassin, she had no physical skills in the comics.
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I'm probably remembering this wrong, but I thought it was more of a "lure him to his death" kind of thing instead of having to do the actual act of killing herself. Not sure if that makes her an assassin or not (not in my book).

You're correct, she was supposed use her computers to lure him into a trap; other employees of John King were supposed to kill him.

Even in the final showdown where all of Oliver's "friends" showed up to help, Felicity needed a rescue from Naomi (who had since taken up Red Dart's identity and weapons).

She was not an assassin, she was a hacker.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Since SA is just mentioning this now, it must be from the recent filmed episodes. Maybe DD or an episode vilian &/or maybe Crazy Sara makes Felicity feel weak so she ask Oliver and/or Diggle to give her some help. Maybe a little self defense and a gun lesson or two.

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Firing a loaded gun with safety off is extremely easy. Speaking from experience here. (Glock 17)


Hiting a stationary target is also quite easy if you know what you're doing and which is your dominant eye.


I wouldn't call Felicty firing a gun a Mary Sue or fanservice or what-not... Unless they do it with some kind of mind control magic mumo-jumbo, then I cry foul!

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Cool! Thanks for confirming.

I figured we'd get a lot of Arrow/Constantine but I'm really hoping for some Constantine with Diggle and Felicity. I think Dig's reaction to Constantine would be rather funny.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Looking forward to hearing what Digg would think of the whole magic and mysticism thing, as well as Constantine. I still get a kick out of his reaction to Barry.


In the gun comment from Stephen, he mentioned visiting the set and watching from the monitors. So, not a scene with Oliver in it? I'm dying of curiosity over why Felicity would be handling a gun. And if she is indeed shown to be proficient, that can easily be explained by a line or two, kinda similar to Oliver in "Corto Maltese" where he says something like he doesn't like guns but didn't say anything about not being good at them. Felicity can always say she learned from Digg or from Oliver during the road trip. (Sort of an aside, did Emily handle guns in that TV show she was in? Soldiers of the Apocalypse or something like that?)

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Have we gotten any hints about the Felicity twist in 401? I thought it might have been the new lair but that's not ready yet so it couldn't be the reveal.

I also thought it might have been a reveal about Felicity working with the team while on vacation but they've mentioned that openly so I don't think that's the twist.

I really thought DD would be revealed as her father in 401 but that's been sadly shut down.

Could it be that she's been doing target practice? That seems too small for what they've hinted but who knows? They do have a tendency to overhype stuff.

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They mentioned Felicity working with the Team? I was still figuring that was the twist. Poorly hid twist, but still the twist.

I would love the twist to be father related, but I highly doubt it at this point. I wish someone had asked SA about Felicitys storyline since we don't have much from EBR.

I don't think Felicity firing a gun is going to be anything big.

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They mentioned Felicity working with the Team? I was still figuring that was the twist. Poorly hid twist, but still the twist.

I would love the twist to be father related, but I highly doubt it at this point. I wish someone had asked SA about Felicitys storyline since we don't have much from EBR.

I don't think Felicity firing a gun is going to be anything big.

They didn't specifically mention Felicity working with the team but they've talked about Felicity being the one that wanted to get back to TA while Oliver would be content in vacation mode. Just seems way to obvious a twist to find out Felicity was helping TA while on vacation. That could be the twist but it would be hugely disappointing, IMO
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I wonder if they wrote Felicity shooting a gun in response to the SDCC comments about her not being a hero.


The Felicity twist in 4x01 could just be that Felicity is the one who wants to get back to vigilante work, not Oliver.  I hope Quentin's is bigger than that though.


I said something similar in the article thread. Frankly I just don't want to see these writers write whole season of mayor plots/stories. It takes a certain skill to write political drama/comedy well. The writers have not shown this skill set.

They saw themselves as Joss Whedon, and last season they saw themselves as screwball comedy writers......   I wouldn't be surprised to see being Aaron Sorkin coming next.


The only people who think Trump has an actual chance of getting the GOP nomination and than winning are those who support trump.. about 5% of the population. for the other 95% of US citizens* and those of us who follow USA politics he is a total joke.

Donald Trump's campaign is an example of "the risky shift"  (intro social psych) in effect.  Because he's so far out there, other candidates are becoming more radical to match him, e.g. Ted Cruz's "we cook bacon differently in Texas" which as any other time would have been a comedy skit rather than a real ad.  (There is no way Trump could actually get elected but I imagine a number of Republicans are worrying he could skew the election either during the nomination process or if/when he runs as an independent.)


Part of me wants one of the mayoral candidates to be a whacko.  I don't want to see the show write serious political scenes but it could be fun playing around with it.

Edited by statsgirl
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They saw themselves as Joss Whedon, and last season they saw themselves as screwball comedy writers...... I wouldn't be surprised to see being Aaron Sorkin ooming next.

They already made the Sorkin/West Wing comparison back in S2 (Two Cathedrals, IIRC). They also compared the Suicide Squad episode to The Avengers movie

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>Jessica Danforth's daughter, Madison supports her mother in her political endeavors and will have lasting impact in Oliver's life

There was a previous Eonline spoiler that "Patty" (earlier name given for the Jessica Danforth character) is a mother and cares for her daughter above all else. So this spoiler might be true. 


I've been wondering how Madison could have "lasting impact in Oliver's life".  The actress looks too young to play a past or future love interest (or another baby mama, please no) for Oliver.  It would also be inconsistent with other spoilers.  Presumably Madison knew Oliver and Thea as children.  So here's my wild theories:


  • Madison is Oliver's half-sister, the result of an affair between Robert Queen and Jessica - probably at about the same time that Moira had an affair with Malcolm.  Maybe Moira's affair was in retaliation for Robert's affair(s).  The result was Thea and Madison, who are the same age but not blood-related at all.  This theory would be consistent with the S4 theme of family: biological vs. created. Jessica might also have returned to Star(ling) City to claim part of former QC assets on behalf of her daughter.


  • While Oliver (GA?) is able to protect Jessica from Anarky, Madison is killed by Anarky.  Jessica blames Oliver (GA?) for Madison's death and becomes his enemy.  Oliver also blames himself for not preventing the death of an innocent. This theory would work whether or not Madison is Robert's illegitimate daughter.
Edited by tv echo
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They already made the Sorkin/West Wing comparison back in S2 (Two Cathedrals, IIRC). They also compared the Suicide Squad episode to The Avengers movie

Taking it to Behind the Scenes, as that might be the best thread. Although I have no idea if that is the most accurate thread. We really need a general "catch-all" discussion thread.

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  • Madison is Oliver's half-sister, the result of an affair between Robert Queen and Jessica - probably at about the same time that Moira had an affair with Malcolm.  Maybe Moira's affair was in retaliation for Robert's affair(s).  The result was Thea and Madison, who are the same age but not blood-related at all.  This theory would be consistent with the S4 theme of family: biological vs. created. Jessica might also have returned to Star(ling) City to claim part of former QC assets on behalf of her daughter.

That sounds like a good guess to me. I would not like it, at all, but it seems like something they would write.

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Hmm. Yeah, that sounds like she could be a half-sibling. If she is Robert's daughter, I wonder if he even knew. I'm guessing not. Then they could have a Robert/Oliver parallel where they both had kids they didn't know about.

Edited by Guest
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Please! no more half siblings. okay i'm find with Tommy and Thea (even if it screwed my Thea/Tommy romance dreams- i'm still working through the crushing pain)

but I don't think I can deal with another half sibling.


here's to hoping she just tells him something inspirational or other and that's what they mean.

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Yeah, I don't want any half-siblings. Same as I don't want Oliver to have a kid. But I'm wondering how this woman has such an impact on Oliver's life. The only other reason I can think of is that she's the Baby Mama, possibly recast, although that seems dumb considering they bought back Baby Mama for that one scene in the Flarrow crossover last season. So I don't know. Half siblings seems more plausible right now, with the info we have.

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I've been watching Anna Hopkins on Defiance this season and she really is a good actress. So I'm hoping they keep her as the baby mam.


Tell me again how this is not a soap if they have more half-siblings running around?

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What was the main story of The Green Arrow Year one. I know it's one of the main story Arrow is loosely based on. Stephan said that fans of that story will be very happy this season

Appearing before SummerSlam on the preshow, Amell shared that in Season 4 of the CW’s Arrow, the world will be “bigger,” in part by “getting into mystical things” as well as visiting stories “that fans of [the DC Comics series] Green Arrow: Year One are really going to appreciate.”


Edited by tarotx
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I vote for a RQ love child/half-sibling to OQ than another baby mama. I'm just not ready for OQ's kid to come onto the actual show. I loved that they dropped the possibility. I think that is smart storytelling to lay all these possibilities out there. But there is no way the show is ready to handle a child in OQ's life. It just is such a waste of plot & storytelling for the actual show. Perhaps a few seasons down the road. Right now leave the OQ babies to fan fictions. There is no actual good plot device or story for the child other than to bring artificial drama to O/F relationship, which it doesn't need right now from a story perspective.


Honestly, half siblings don't bother me that much. It's kinda something I just expect to happen on shows like ARROW. It would be interesting to see how OQ & TQ react to another surprise sibling. Plus it would provide someone for the show to have fun with the whole secret identities thing again, without having it be someone the show is really invested in having the secret revealed too. Half-siblings can come & go as needed in the story line, but still provide a family network. After s3, it felt like the Queens were very alone in the familial sense, it would be nice for the to have family again that is not TA.

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Honestly, half siblings don't bother me that much. It's kinda something I just expect to happen on shows like ARROW. It would be interesting to see how OQ & TQ react to another surprise sibling. Plus it would provide someone for the show to have fun with the whole secret identities thing again, without having it be someone the show is really invested in having the secret revealed too. Half-siblings can come & go as needed in the story line, but still provide a family network. After s3, it felt like the Queens were very alone in the familial sense, it would be nice for the to have family again that is not TA.

I think the reason I don't want it is that I'm not particularly happy with the S3 Oliver/Thea relationship. It was too daddy/daughter, and he just seemed a little obsessed with her. I get that it was for plot, he's ten years older, etc., but at the end of the day I didn't like it and it made me a little uncomfortable. I REALLY don't want to see him interact with another younger sister and get all obsessed again. Frankly, make it a half-brother, and I'd probably be totally neutral on the storyline.

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If she is a half-sibling because Robert had an affair with Jessice (before his affair with Isabel), it would make for a more complex relationship between Jessica and Moira, and consequently a more complex one between Jessice and Oliver, especially if he's going to work on her campaign. This could be a plus.

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They could always play it out that Jessica thought that her daughter was RQs but in reality it is not. The campaign could force DNA testing that reveals that Jessica was wrong and her daughter's father was someone else. This could be a double plus for the show. It would get the drama of the possible half-sibling, milk the complexity of Jessica/Oliver relationship, but in the end drop the half-sibling character so that she doesn't have to linger on in the story.


It would be similar to what Berlanti did in Brothers & Sisters,where there was a presumed half-sibling who turned out to not be the father's daughter (who became a part of that family, good cast chemistry) and then an actual half-sibling who brought trouble to the family (but that guy had NO cast chemistry, so no big loss). They could go either way with Jessica's daughter. Of course be the end of that series they went back to that well of unknown paternity again and that was just one too many attempts. But I don't think ARROW has gotten there with RQ's possible illegitimate children. Only Thea has really had a surprise paternity and that was actual well executed in the story.

Edited by kismet
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What was the main story of The Green Arrow Year one. I know it's one of the main story Arrow is loosely based on. Stephan said that fans of that story will be very happy this season

Year One was basically Oliver on the island fighting China White and her drug cartel.

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Year One was basically Oliver on the island fighting China White and her drug cartel.

Is China White gonna get out of jail, stop doing Viagra commercials and come back to Star(ling) city? That would be fun again. It really is becoming ARROW-Redeux.


I thought they would hold off on drug cartels again until Bratva, esp if they are hesitant to do sex or human trafficking based upon that WM article. I really want to know if its going to be Bratva this season or next. That is critical info that can help solidfy so many of these loose ends.

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I read that line about Madison having a lasting impact in Oliver's life as if perhaps she's the one to push Oliver into his brand new political career. Maybe because Jessica dies, or has to step away from the election for whatever DD-related reason.


But step-sibling would be hilarious, yes.



I've been watching Anna Hopkins on Defiance this season and she really is a good actress. So I'm hoping they keep her as the baby mam.


Right? Her performance on Defiance has been a legit bright spot in a super dreary season of misery porn sci-fi. And funnily enough, because I'm now an Anna Hopkins fan, at the same time that I don't want Baby Mama drama shenanigans, I really wanna see her again on Arrow? Hee.

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