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S14: Predict Your Finalists & Winner


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Lets predict!
Poll questions for final elimination (basically a backwards way to ask what the Final 3 will be--this of course presumes there IS a Final 3 and not a Final 2) and who the eventually Season winner will be.
Post as well if you want to elaborate.

EDIT - Added a "There Will Be No Final Elimination (please note this is only for a true final 4, not a "2 people competing for a 3rd spot" thing)" choice to the first question. I believe this poll system lets you delete your vote and re-vote if that new change affects your voting.

Edited by Kromm

Why would there be a final 2? I think it more likely there would be a final 4.

True. I doubt a Final Two. I wasn't seriously suggesting it.


As for a Final Four?  Sure, but the number of episodes left makes it unlikely.  And when they DO go into a finale with 4, it's usually with that lame "one will be eliminated before the show" approach.

Based on what walked down the runway, Edmond's collection was too basic which is why I think he'll be eliminated first. I chose Kelly for the win because hers is on trend..

I loved Swapnil's Bollywood collection the most. Whatever.

Is this intended to be a spoiled thread? If so, there needs to be a spoiler tag in the title. Otherwise you need spoiler tags on yout post

Edited by yeswedo
added spoiler tags

I'm predicting based on what my worst fears are:


Edmond will be eliminated when the judges suddenly decide to slam him for being too basic/derivative/whatever although he hasn't really "suddenly" become any of those things. As much as I like quiute a bit of what he has done, he has been basic and derivative all season.


Ashley will win because they have jumped through hoops to keep her in and praise her for awful looks. She has been the clearly designated choice from the beginning.


What I would prefer:

We go back in time and eliminate Ashley instead of Merline.

4 people create "sample" collections and then either Merline or Candice gets eliminated before the "Final 3"


Kelly or Edmond wins.

Edited by slothgirl
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I voted Candice as the elimination, because I think they either may want it as a "shock" elimination, or they'll do the "send two home to fight over one spot" thing and Candice will be scripted to lose that.  The other person in that duo could be either of the other girls: Ashley to put a scare into her and give her the underdog win they've been aiming for all along, or Kelly From The Deli for much the same reason (although arguably HER underdog win might actually RELY on her being in danger and narrowly escaping next time, because if she's near the top three times in a row it's a totally different (losing) portrayal for the eventual win.


If it's not Candice going then it would indeed be Edmond (although if he's not the one going he probably won't even be in the bottom 2 at all). He's the utterly disposable boring one, who at least SEEMS like he's never going to be made the winner. This show has cranked out a few boring winners and I think they'll be in the mood for one with a good "story" like Ashley or Kelly this time instead... actual talent level be damned. If there was some overwhelming talent standout instead they'd go that way, I'm sure, but there isn't, so instead I think they'll pick among the mediocre for the best story.


I picked Kelly for the win, but as I already said Ashley's win using the exact same storyline ("underdog victory") is just as easy. It really WOULD depend on who gets the "scare" of almost being eliminated next but doesn't go.


Or I could be wrong about all of this. It feels like that's the edit we've been getting, but who knows?  Having the underdogs in the finale just to lose to boring Edmond could be the plan. It will just feel weird (although it would be an obvious setup to having one or both of them back in a future All-Stars or "vote back your favorite" spot).

Edited by Kromm

I predict all four of the remaining designers will compete in the televised finale. My guess is that Tim uses his save next week (probably on Ashley), and that there will be no elimination in the penultimate episode.


4th place: Edmond. Looking at his pre-show portfolio, I cannot imagine him creating a collection that will appeal to these judges. He'll be this year's Daniel Vosovic/Bradon/Kini.


3rd: Candice. She has the focus and drive necessary to be successful in the industry, and I think her collection would have the polish to impress the judges, if not the excitement to warrant a win.


Runner-up: Kelly. IMO, she's the best at working under the constraints of Project Runway and it's clear she has some fans on the panel.


Winner: Ashley. I think she'll be praised for having a strong POV and the judges will tell her how "brave" she is for designing for full-figured women. History has shown they're willing to overlook significant flaws in a collection if they like the designer and the designers' style is unique in the PR pantheon (take S12's Dom, for instance). 

I predict all four of the remaining designers will compete in the televised finale. My guess is that Tim uses his save next week (probably on Ashley), and that there will be no elimination in the penultimate episode.

I'm not disagreeing that this could happen, but it's kind of insulting that the show would LET it happen. Tim's save logically should never extend to the finale. It's absurd, and if it's being done that way it's probably not even his idea, but the Producers.

I do assume you are talking about a TRUE final 4 and not the now often used "two compete for the third slot" thing, right?

  • Love 1

I chose Ashley out next, wishful thinking mostly.  And Kelly for the win.   I hate the "twist" we see almost every time.  That being no elimination and send 2 home to present their collections to see who gets in F3.  I get if the F4 are all stand outs and it is too difficult to choose  I can see that occasionally.  This season that is NOT the case. 


I do see the point, some bring to the table, of having a plus sized collection winning.  That would undermine any authenticity this show may have left.  

I'm not disagreeing that this could happen, but it's kind of insulting that the show would LET it happen. Tim's save logically should never extend to the finale. It's absurd, and if it's being done that way it's probably not even his idea, but the Producers.

I do assume you are talking about a TRUE final 4 and not the now often used "two compete for the third slot" thing, right?

Yes. I'm thinking Ashley will get the boot, Tim will save her, and she'll have a secured spot at fashion week. Then the show could both congratulate itself for crowning a plus-size designer and validate Tim's save (which was seriously criticized last year).


If they want to maximize the drama, Ashley could have a "do or die" moment post-save, in which the judges can potentially eliminate her if her mini-collection isn't strong enough (they won't). There is no way she's not getting a televised fashion week showcase. 

 I get if the F4 are all stand outs and it is too difficult to choose ...  This season that is NOT the case.

The only reason it is difficult for them to choose who to eliminate (to get a final 3) is that they are determined NOT to eliminate the person who most deserves to be eliminated.


The only reason Tim hasn't used his save yet is because they haven't eliminated the designated recipient yet, most likely because they were afraid she'd crash and burn more than once and they couldn't take the chance on having her saved too soon (and needing it again)


No, I'm not a bit jaded.. why do you ask? ;)

Edited by slothgirl
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Yes. I'm thinking Ashley will get the boot, Tim will save her, and she'll have a secured spot at fashion week. Then the show could both congratulate itself for crowning a plus-size designer and validate Tim's save (which was seriously criticized last year).


If they want to maximize the drama, Ashley could have a "do or die" moment post-save, in which the judges can potentially eliminate her if her mini-collection isn't strong enough (they won't). There is no way she's not getting a televised fashion week showcase. 

See I'd think Tim's save being used at this point makes the save even MORE of a target for criticism. It seems to undercut the role of the judges WAY too much. Not that we respect those judges much, mind you, but I think the show has to at least PRETEND to do so.

Which doesn't mean they won't do this. But I think there will be a shitstorm afterwards if they do. 

I don't think they "like" Candice (and by that I mean intend to hand her a good result). If they did, the "mean girls" storyline never would have aired (all references to it mentioned by the judges could have been easily been removed, because they have hours of footage from those judging sessions).  Heck, even the amount of Talking Heads she's had doesn't change this. She's getting the large amount I think someone often gets when they speak well, AND go far, but don't win.

Politically, I agree that Tim pulling out a save right now would be a terrible, terrible idea (which probably means it will happen...).

Personally, I'm a big "meh." None of the last four scream "clear winner," and they all have pretty comparable weaknesses (in my opinion, of course). Four so-so finalist designers vs. three: whatever.

If it's not Candice going then it would indeed be Edmond (although if he's not the one going he probably won't even be in the bottom 2 at all). He's the utterly disposable boring one, who at least SEEMS like he's never going to be made the winner. This show has cranked out a few boring winners and I think they'll be in the mood for one with a good "story" like Ashley or Kelly this time instead... actual talent level be damned.

It's interesting because Edmond actually HAS a story -- guy who tried out for Project Runway every season and finally made it this year!! The fact that they rarely bring this up means it doesn't matter because he's not going to win.


I think it will be Ashley. The plus-size industry is hot right now!

Edited by Maya
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I predict all four of the remaining designers will compete in the televised finale. My guess is that Tim uses his save next week (probably on Ashley), and that there will be no elimination in the penultimate episode.


4th place: Edmond. Looking at his pre-show portfolio, I cannot imagine him creating a collection that will appeal to these judges. He'll be this year's Daniel Vosovic/Bradon/Kini.


3rd: Candice. She has the focus and drive necessary to be successful in the industry, and I think her collection would have the polish to impress the judges, if not the excitement to warrant a win.


Runner-up: Kelly. IMO, she's the best at working under the constraints of Project Runway and it's clear she has some fans on the panel.


Winner: Ashley. I think she'll be praised for having a strong POV and the judges will tell her how "brave" she is for designing for full-figured women. History has shown they're willing to overlook significant flaws in a collection if they like the designer and the designers' style is unique in the PR pantheon (take S12's Dom, for instance). 

I think you're probably right, and I hate that.  Ugh.  Ashley's a home town girl, and I was rooting for her, but she's let me down and I'm bored with her sh*t.

I don't know what's up with this thread, but every time I check the PR forum, it says this thread has new posts. I open it and there are no posts I haven't read.


Anyone else having this issue where the thread won't stay "read"? Is it somehow due to the poll?

I believe it's the voting. New votes affect the thread the same way as new posts, I suppose.

Yep. Knew it.


Although my latest "prediction" is that Tim brings Edmond back next week. Notice he didn't send him to the workroom to clean up his space, and Heidi still mentioned the Tim Gunn save which means he would have still been allowed to use it this episode.


Don't see him winning either way though. I think it's between Kelly and Ashley at this point.


And since pretty much everyone else seems to be assuming the same thing, it's not that much of a "prediction". More of a "probability".

Edited by slothgirl

I'm closing the first part of the poll, even though I think technically we're almost 100% going to learn next week that Edmund got saved and that the 9 people who voted "There Will Be No Final Elimination" are right and not the 8 people who voted that Edmond would go.


I mean we always see Tim visit the workroom and yet this time he didn't. It means that visit is being saved for next episode and there's only ONE reason the show would do that.


Here are all the official totals for the now removed (by the time you read this) first poll question...


Who Will Be Eliminated? (Final Elimination) - 47 votes

Ashley - 21 VOTES - 44.68%
Edmond - 8 VOTES - 17.02%
Kelly From The Deli - 1 VOTES - 2.13%
Candice - 8 VOTES - 17.02%

Nobody - 9 VOTES - 19.15%

Please note that you should be allowed to delete your vote (on the remaining question) and re-vote if anything in the last episode made you change your mind.

Edited by Kromm

Nope. Deleted my vote to re-vote and change it and I got an error message sayign that I must cast a vote for all questions in the poll.

Since I deleted the question I don't know how that would even be possible!  Argh!


Maybe the board admins can fix it. If not, maybe make they'll be able to totally delete this thread and make a new one.  I'll report this thread and let them read this request.

Okay I deleted my OWN vote and tried to revote and see the problem too. It's not the vote deletion that's broken, it's making a vote at all. It LET me delete the other question in the poll manager, but seems to be confused by that and something still thinks there are two questions.


I reported the thread to the admins--worst case maybe they'll just delete the thread and start another poll topic fresh.

I could simply close the poll, but the thread would still need to be locked or deleted (and as I said ideally we'd simply need another one). So admins, as per my Report, please see what you can do.  Thanks.

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