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S02.E05: Zombaby

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Giant cheese wheel covered in zombies roaming Wisconsin !!!  And now there's a cow in the mix.  Where exactly is that cheese wheel going ?


Zombie sheep !!!


Anthrax-riddled Mennonite zombies !!!


Zombie baby on the way -- where's the zombie stork ??


Noooooooo !!!! Not 10K in danger again.


Wow, they really did pile on the birth of Zombie Jesus complete with bright star in the sky, three wise zombies with a zombie camel on a leash, and zombie goats and sheep as Zombie Jesus was born in a manger.


The zombies still wearing hats just baffles me.


I guess Murphy got off easy with Serena/pie girl getting zombified and given Mercy by Roberta.


I was disappointed that Vasquez is apparently on a long recon mission for the Scorpion.


I'm just glad 10K is going to be alright.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Hmmm... zombie baby, born in a manger, attracting (what I assume were) zombie wise men and their zombie camel, along with a menagerie of zombie cow, horse, goats, sheep, etc. We do know it wasn't a virgin birth, though.


God, I love this show!

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A giant cheese wheel.  A giant awesome friggin cheese wheel!  I vote for a weekly cheese wheel update, also.  These writers have to be partaking of Z Weed to come up with an idea like this.  No other explanation.


ETA:  Doc definitely gets the best lines.  "There was pie."  I really does explain it all, wayne67.

Edited by NurseGiGi
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Loved it.


I was kinda disappointed Serena didn't make it.  She made a good wild card.  Addie seems to be a lot more fun without Mac around.


I started worrying that Murphy was going to have to turn 10K and Addie into hybrids like Cassandra.  I thought maybe the show was going to have the main cast all eventually become Murphy's hybrid army by the end of the season.  But it seems like they all agree they don't want that fate!

Edited by peach
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Baby Zombie Jesus.  Cheese Wheel.  I'd love to be in the writers' room when they're coming up with this funny shit.


I'm sorry I was right about not trusting Vasquez.  Dammit.  He is such eye candy.  I think Roberta is beginning to side-eye him too, thank goodness.


I was hoping that Serena would make it but the way Cassandra was looking at her, she probably wouldn't have lasted that long anyway.  

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I liked this episode. I think it's the one I've liked the most so far this season. I've felt like they have been trying too hard to be OTT and funny and it hasn't been working, but it worked better this episode. Reminded me of season one. The one thing I didn't like was the Zombie Christmas stuff which I thought that was, again, trying too hard.


I loved Serena this time around, and when she was going to get eaten, I thought "Of course, she has to die to Murphy can play daddy. Augh". I loved when she went nuts with the machine gun, made me laugh. I don't like the whole "Murphy/Lucy are the beginning of a new race" or whatever. Meh.


Is Citizen Z gonna die or something? I feel like we don't see him anymore.

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I was disappointed that Vasquez is apparently on a long recon mission for the Scorpion.


I interpreted that differently because he was just listening in to the Scorpion's conversation.  I can't remember what it was specifically in the last couple episodes that made me think this, but I was under the impression that Vasquez has some kind of bad blood with the Zeros (?) and perhaps wants to get even with them.     Did you guys think he was getting orders from them on the walkie talkie?  I need to rewatch some stuff, I think.

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I'm sorry I was right about not trusting Vasquez. Dammit. He is such eye candy. I think Roberta is beginning to side-eye him too, thank goodness.

I totally missed Warren's side-eye. In fact, I thought I saw her smile at Vasquez.

I interpreted that differently because Vasquez was just listening in to the Scorpion's conversation. Did you guys think he was getting orders from the Zeros on the walkie talkie? I need to rewatch some stuff, I think.

I, too, thought Vasquez was eavesdropping. But it's still unclear whether he's good or evil. I've always assumed he's going along with the group because there's safety in numbers, but he's either working with somebody else or he'll doublecross everybody at the last minute to claim the reward for himself.

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I totally missed Warren's side-eye. In fact, I thought I saw her smile at Vasquez.

Yes, she did smile at him but before that when he went missing and she asked him where he was, she did look at him rather suspiciously.  I have to rewatch because I don't remember if she caught him in a lie or if she thought to herself  "hmmm...ok then," and is waiting for him to trip himself up.  I want him to be on the up and up because I wouldn't mind if they hooked up, but I'm not so sure right now.  


And he did leave her in that bar.  But hey, maybe he's still thinking about that and is trying to redeem himself by snooping on the Scorpion.  Guess we'll find out soon. 

Edited by Ohwell
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I'm also bummed that Vasquez might be a bad dude.  Roberta asked him what happened to him and he said Z's.  She asked where is the white dust and then stuff happened that interrupted the conversation.  If he were on their side he would have said, "I heard some info from my old gang and they said..."  Instead he lied.  Ugh.  I wanted him to be a good guy.  I'm disappointed the Mennonite guy didn't join the gang, I liked him, but I knew it wasn't going to happen when he got upset the others were willing to kill in self defense.


Need more Citizen Z and his still unnamed dog.


After the cheese wheel mayhem, I loved it when someone (I think it was Roberta) says, "If anyone asks..."  and the rest all chime in with, "...we were never in Wisconsin."  Hehehe.

Edited by GreyBunny
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I loved the cheese wheel, and it's been a long time since Sunday school, so I was just all "cool, a zombie camel" but NOW I GET IT.  OMG.  In my defense, I haven't had a lot of sleep lately.


I hope 10K's beautiful face clears up quickly.  And I thought maybe Addie was going to show interesting Amish guy the night of his life, but aw, they were a gift for 10K.  I VOLUNTEER MYSELF AS TRIBUTE, oops, sorry, got carried away there for a minute....

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I took a minute to figure out the camel bit as well. It took the star in the sky for me to get it. I did laugh at that as well as the cheese wheel, even though I thought the should have taken some to eat before they covered it in zombie. I thought 10K was passable on the acting front this episode. The better fix his face fast, not messing with the pretty.  I thought for sure Addie was going to take Mennonite V card, but it was not to be. That was harsh leaving them to die, I thought another option was going to present itself and the group would not have to be the asshole. It works for me that they did, the end of the world is the time for tough choices.

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So much cheesy goodness in this episode! Not sorry I went there. One of my favorite episodes ever. The call back fromage... erm homage to the tumbling Liberty Bell was awesome, as was the entire barnyard of zombie animals. And while I appreciated the birth of the zombie Jesus touches, they poured that on a bit thick with the camel. Threatening to kill off the pretty 10K with anthrax is not how you stay on my good side show.


Do Mennonites not speak English? Even if they aren't familiar with all the slang and colloquialisms (like cock blocking), there seemed to be a language barrier that left me baffled. I was also shocked by the tough choice they made to take the cipro with deadly force if necessary. That was really dark for an otherwise hilarious episode. I'm horrible at remembering everything, but that seemed one of the most "evil" things our "heroes" have ever done.


I'll take this episode over that horrid Zombie Road episode any day. I was literally laughing out loud at several of the absurdities.

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Just when I thought this show couldn't get any more ridiculous, we get the Giant Cheese Wheel of Zombie. I hope it randomly shows up in the background of future episodes.


I'm pretty sure Mennonites speak English. Also, I think they also do the Amish rumspringa thing so I was kind of surprised when the cute guy said he was still a virgin. I loved that the one girl recognized Addie's 'the pothead' signal. Our group stealing their meds was pretty dark but they weren't wrong that the Mennonites were basically wasting the meds and prolonging the suffering of the anthrax victims.


I'm kinda sad Serena died, but I should have seen that coming. I loved her with the machine gun. There is a mother loving baby on board here! I loved Doc's "there was pie" comment but I thought it was weird that Vasquez asked 'how did that happen?' to begin with. It would've made me laugh more if Doc responded with something like "Do you not know where babies come from?" I wish they had more ZWeed for Cassandra. Her becoming the group's zombie dog is weird.


Super special babies with superpowers is one of my least favorite SciFi tropes but I have enough faith in the show to not screw this up.

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I thought it was weird that Vasquez asked 'how did that happen?' to begin with. 

I took it more along the lines of "who in their right mind would have sex with Murphy".  Most of us would probably ask the same question if we hadn't been watching this show.

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