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S10.E17: Broken Records

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The issue the other three have failed to address is was it ever really a supportive or good friend thing to do to suggest Brooks present any medical records to assuage Meghan's curiosity?  Since everyone stopped writing blogs-except Heather who just rapped on about her product line, we won't know if Shannon, Heather or Tamra thought they overstepped or if they just threw it out there as a possibility.  it was difficult because Vicki would not answer inquires and it almost seemed as if Brooks was baiting Shannon, Heather and Tamra into asking for the records.  One thing each of the three said, "the others," all placing themselves outside of the doubt circle. 


The one thing I found humorous is when Heather was on WWHL, and she was talking about why Tamra, instead of she and Terry (obviously he is a physician), Meghan because she has a medical background and finally Shannon because she goes to a lot of doctors.  I guess it saved Tamra the obvious embarrassment as a lack of education as the aforementioned all have college degrees.  Heather seemed to be grasping to stay the storyline.  The ethical question of asking for a third party verification never entered into the conversation.

I honestly think that Brooks was baiting them. He told differing stories to everyone, not big enough for them to outright call him a liar but different enough so that they would notice it and comment about it on camera. I still get the feeling that this is payback for how he has been treated by Tamra, Briana and how he was portrayed by production.

  • Love 5

Here is what Bravo has released as the OC schedule:  October  5, 2015, "Satan Loves Confusion"

                                                                                        October 12, 2015 "Baptism By Fire"

                                                                                        October 19, 2015  "Reunion Part One"

                                                                                        October 26, 2015  "Reunion Part Two"


So I guess they predetermine how any episodes the Reunion will be.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 3

Here is what Bravo has released as the OC schedule:  October  5, 2015, "Satan Loves Confucion"

                                                                                        October 12, 2015 "Baptism By Fire"

                                                                                        October 19, 2015  "Reunion Part One"

                                                                                        October 26, 2015  "Reunion Part Two"


So I guess they predetermine how any episodes the Reunion will be.


A two part reunion makes sense.  There's only five HWs and not much to discuss.   The only big controversy this season was about Brooks' cancer/no cancer.  No one really cares about Tamra's "come to Jesus" moment or wants to hear about Shannon and David's marriage or the DuBrow's new house.

  • Love 6

I honestly think that Brooks was baiting them. He told differing stories to everyone, not big enough for them to outright call him a liar but different enough so that they would notice it and comment about it on camera. I still get the feeling that this is payback for how he has been treated by Tamra, Briana and how he was portrayed by production.

If you give Vicki a pass for  grieving and have contradictory comments about going with Brooks to the doctor err...I mean chemo (that would have been in October and  December). It is the rest of her stories that don't add up.  I would think the response to Briana when she was going on and on about her vast experience with chemo patients through all the oncologists she works with and how Brooks would if he traveled would have been a dead man-"he hasn't had chemo since January (the conversation took place in early April) or perhaps, "Brooks has opted for an optional treatments that doesn't include chemo."  Here is where I think Briana is lying-she obviously keeps up on what is going on-Brooks big announcement on March 20th  would have been consumed by Briana. Just like Briana saying she will kill brooks herself if he is lying to her mother-time for poor meek Briana to give up the forever the drunken comment by Brooks. 


What makes Brooks a victim is the nerve of someone to ask or suggestion by another RH about clearing up the confusion through presentation of a medical record.  The fact Vicki and Brooks can't keep their stories straight seems to go right over their heads-and I believe it is intentional.

Shannon and David marriage will be huge because there are far more people that have to face infidelity than there are people facing the trials and tribulations of building a 20,000 square foot house.  The other big snore  is Consult Beaute-no one cares about that product or Botched or Heather's new show, Botched Post Op.  It would not surprise me if we see footage from her new show.  I think David and Shannon's marital strife will be fodder for Tamra to comment about her spawn's reluctance to marry.  I am thinking a lot will revolve around Meghan.

The fact Vicki and Brooks can't keep their stories straight seems to go right over their heads-and I believe it is intentional.


That's an interesting theory.   If they did it intentionally, I don't think that was the original plan.  I still think they announced the cancer story for sympathy and to hawk their Club Detox snake oil.   When that didn't work, they may have switched to inconsistent stories which fed the great cancer debate and became "THE" storyline of the season which is what they wanted in the first place.  The downside to that is they didn't get a favorable edit and wound up looking like the famewhores they really are.

  • Love 3

What I have observed about both Vicki and Brooks is that their first reflex is to lie.   We have seen so many examples of this over the years. Blatant lies, followed by trying to blame someone else, then an admission when pushed into the wall with nowhere else to go.

          Any admissions have never been genuine either. There is always a but .......

 Also, I can't help but remember the relentless snooping, bullying and cruel behavior from Vicki and Tamra regarding Gretchen.  In Meghan's defense, she has not gleefully laughed her way thru any of her discoveries.    I remember Vicki and Tamra acting like buffoons and enjoying it.

  • Love 7

The conversation about Orange county has been particularly intelligent and interesting this season, in my opinion. If you haven't seen this blog, Camile Paglia, whom I respect very much is a housewives fan. I find that both fascinating and reassuring. She is an academic and has said many of her friends also enjoy the Housewives. We are in good company!

"The Real Housewives franchise isn't entertainment to me—it's a lifestyle. I watch virtually nothing else on TV now, except for occasional documentaries and Turner Classic Movies. I can see the same Real Housewives episode multiple times with equal enjoyment. I love the frank display of emotion, the intricate interrelationships, and the sharp-elbows jockeying for power and visibility. I appreciate every snippet—the rapid scene set-ups, dynamic camera work, and crisp editing, with its enchanting glimpses of fine houses and restaurants and its glowing appreciation of beautiful objects, from flowers and tableware to jewelry and couture. And I applaud the Real Housewives master theme of the infectious hilarity and truth-telling delirium induced by copious alcohol, that ancient Dionysian elixir!"

- Camile Paglia

She goes into her love of soap operas, and how The Real Housewives are updated, real-life versions of women from Knots Landing and Dynasty. Paglia mourned the decline of soaps and "their great female 'trash-and-sleaze' style of old Hollywood." She turned to movies like Valley of the Dolls and Mommie Dearest to get her soap fix, but also liked The Group and Black Widow for giving "good soap, with their intense competitive, woman-on-woman psychodramas." She credits Andy Cohen with "alter[ing] and redeem[ing] the pop culture landscape—which had been suffering for years from snide snark and pseudo-hip cynicism."

(I didn't write this part, it's the conclusion of the interview)

^^^^THIS really clears up a lot for me! I'm always so impressed by the level of analysis, as well as the clarity of writing, and even the precise grammar I usually see on these boards. Now, we can tell our detractors that we are intellectual anthropologists! Ha!  We are in good company, indeed! Thanks, freeradical!

  • Love 8

That's an interesting theory. If they did it intentionally, I don't think that was the original plan. I still think they announced the cancer story for sympathy and to hawk their Club Detox snake oil. When that didn't work, they may have switched to inconsistent stories which fed the great cancer debate and became "THE" storyline of the season which is what they wanted in the first place. The downside to that is they didn't get a favorable edit and wound up looking like the famewhores they really are.

What if they hawked the hell out of Club Detox and Bravo just didn't show more? And what if Vicki just misspoke when she talked about which appointments she attended? People misspeak ALL THE TIME and usually when you correct them they say "oh yeah, that's what I meant". It's not RARE and to hang everything on verbatim dialogue just seems like such a huge stretch. So what, that they were going to try to make some money with Club Detox. They never claimed (that we saw) that it cured cancer. I don't see how it's any different than hawking wrinkle remover cream.

Edited by Grneyedldy
  • Love 4

The specifics are Brooks is saying Meghan is defaming him by saying he does not have cancer.   In order to prove she is defaming him, he has to prove he had and cancer and the part where he loses is that she knew he had cancer.  Meghan has said many things her primary claim is that Brooks discontinuing chemo and trying alternative medicine did not cure or improve his health status.  There is no agreeing or disagreeing it is black letter law. if you sue you have to show proof of your position.  You can't say HIPAA laws protect me.  If Brooks were to say he was an original investor in Apple Computers and had $10 million dollars in the bank and Meghan said no he is not and he doesn't have $10 million dollars in the bank.  Brooks sues her he has to release his banking records-especially the one with the $10 million balance.  BTW banking privacy records are also federally protected. 

None of the people on the show are employees of Bravo or Evolution Media.  They are talent.  Bravo contracts are very clear on this.

While I know what the term means when used in this context, assigned to these people "talent" is such a misnomer.  They are one talent-less group of talent.  The again, they are talented at creating meaningless drama, misinterpreting simple statements, and battling for the title of biggest jerks around. 


Maybe Vicki can take a page out of Ramona's book and go to sleep during the reunion.  That actually went over really well.

Some say she was sleeping.  Some say she passed out from too much day drinking.  Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to. 


Tammy Sue must be happy,  She scored the season finale party with her pasteurization.  If the water doesn't boil when she is dunked, there is no god. 

  • Love 4


 Also, I can't help but remember the relentless snooping, bullying and cruel behavior from Vicki and Tamra regarding Gretchen.  In Meghan's defense, she has not gleefully laughed her way thru any of her discoveries.    I remember Vicki and Tamra acting like buffoons and enjoying it.


Meghan isn't someone I'd want in my life but I also don't think she's a horrible person.  You're right.  Vicki and Tamra acted horribly with Gretchen.  I often feel bad for Meghan when I see the posts saying she should STFU.  I blame Bravo and Vicki for this season's distasteful storyline, not Meghan.   I actually think she was encouraged by production to stir the cancer pot.  She didn't create it.


What if they hocked the hell out of Club Detox and Bravo just didn't show more? And what if Vicki just misspoke when she talked about which appointments she attended? People misspeak ALL THE TIME and usually when you correct them they say "oh yeah, that's what I meant". It's not RARE and to hang everything on verbatim dialogue just seems like such a huge stretch. So what, that they were going to try to make some money with Club Detox. They never claimed (that we saw) that it cured cancer. I don't see how it's any different than hocking wrinkle remover cream.


The difference I see is that Vicki and Brooks needed the cancer storyline in order to introduce Club Detox.   Instead of using their own money to further a business venture, they used cancer.

  • Love 7

If you give Vicki a pass for  grieving and have contradictory comments about going with Brooks to the doctor err...I mean chemo (that would have been in October and  December). It is the rest of her stories that don't add up.  I would think the response to Briana when she was going on and on about her vast experience with chemo patients through all the oncologists she works with and how Brooks would if he traveled would have been a dead man-"he hasn't had chemo since January (the conversation took place in early April) or perhaps, "Brooks has opted for an optional treatments that doesn't include chemo."  Here is where I think Briana is lying-she obviously keeps up on what is going on-Brooks big announcement on March 20th  would have been consumed by Briana. Just like Briana saying she will kill brooks herself if he is lying to her mother-time for poor meek Briana to give up the forever the drunken comment by Brooks. 


What makes Brooks a victim is the nerve of someone to ask or suggestion by another RH about clearing up the confusion through presentation of a medical record.  The fact Vicki and Brooks can't keep their stories straight seems to go right over their heads-and I believe it is intentional.

Shannon and David marriage will be huge because there are far more people that have to face infidelity than there are people facing the trials and tribulations of building a 20,000 square foot house.  The other big snore  is Consult Beaute-no one cares about that product or Botched or Heather's new show, Botched Post Op.  It would not surprise me if we see footage from her new show.  I think David and Shannon's marital strife will be fodder for Tamra to comment about her spawn's reluctance to marry.  I am thinking a lot will revolve around Meghan.

A part of me wonders if Vicki is intentionally misleading everyone because she does not want anyone to know that she really hasn't been there for Brooks, the love of her life, like she claims BUT my gut tells me that Vicki and Brooks are using these different stories to keep front and center of the show/drama/camera as much as possible. I think Vicki feared that if the show centered around the Beador marriage she would have nothing to offer the show and that she would get downgraded to FOH so they ran with his cancer/treatment as a way for her to keep her Orange.


As for Briana knowing details about Brooks cancer treatment, I really do not think Vicki would talk to her about him and I can see Briana asking Vicki about the interviews he gave before filming and Vicki telling her the reports were wrong or taken out of context. I really do think Vicki tries to not talk about Brooks to Briana when at all possible.


IMO, just mine, I think Brooks counted on the women not believing his/Vicki's differing stories and counted on/hoped that they would question him on camrea and push for "proof".


I am not sure that the show could handle another season with the Beadors marriage as the main show storyline again. I think the producers may have felt it would be overkill using it/focusing on it once again despite the fact that we learned he cheated on her most, if not all, of last season. IMO, neither the cheating scandle or the cancer does/doesn't storylines is a good idea as a main show storyline, both are depressing and bring out the worst in everyone (HWs).

  • Love 3

"Meghan isn't someone I'd want in my life but I also don't think she's a horrible person.  You're right.  Vicki and Tamra acted horribly with Gretchen.  I often feel bad for Meghan when I see the posts saying she should STFU.  I blame Bravo and Vicki for this season's distasteful storyline, not Meghan.   I actually think she was encouraged by production to stir the cancer pot.  She didn't create it."


I totally agree.  I also found finally she is someone who is not going to let Vicki / Brooks get away with it.  Taking the whether he has cancer out of it, for example Brooks says he has two flat tires, while Vicki claims she never ever asked Shannon for help at all.   So, that means if you believe Vicki, Brooks was on his way to an appointment that never existed because Vicki never called Shannon.    Or Vicki is lying and Brooks had to make up a big excuse not to get to said appointment and never re-schedule.  Chances are both of them are lying.

         Vicki doesn't have any dirt on Meghan so she wasn't afraid of confronting her.  Of course Vicki made up a lie about Meghan's marriage, then got busted on it.

      With all that said, I would never have a desire to be friends with any of these folks.   If they happened to be seated next to me at a restaurant, I would asked to be moved or just leave.

Edited by Cherrio
  • Love 3

The conversation about Orange county has been particularly intelligent and interesting this season, in my opinion. If you haven't seen this blog, Camile Paglia, whom I respect very much is a housewives fan. I find that both fascinating and reassuring. She is an academic and has said many of her friends also enjoy the Housewives. We are in good company!

"The Real Housewives franchise isn't entertainment to me—it's a lifestyle. I watch virtually nothing else on TV now, except for occasional documentaries and Turner Classic Movies.............

- Camile Paglia


I think that's so sad.   I think most of us watch the HWs to snark and not because they have any redeeming qualities whatsoever.

  • Love 6

Yes it was. However, I find the cancer storyline to be in extremely poor taste so I can't condone using it for an endorsement deal.

I don't think either Vicki or Brooks expected the cancer storyline to be controversial. They probably thought there would be scenes of their life with Brooks cancer and the Club Detox as a supplement for Brooks health. I don't think anyone would have thought Tamra was going to take it where she did. Including winding up the giraffe and siccing her on V & B.

Edited by Grneyedldy
  • Love 7

I don't think either Vicki or Brooks expected the cancer storyline to be controversial. They probably thought there would be scenes of their life with Brooks cancer and the Club Detox as a supplement for Brooks health. I don't think anyone would have thought Tamra was going to take it where she did. Including winding up the giraffe and siccing her on V & B.


Maybe.  I don't think so but it's OK for us to disagree.


If Vicki really loves Brooks and believed that he was "fighting for his life" she wouldn't have gone off to Disneyworld, Tahiti or Oklahoma 14 times.  Vicki knows Tamra well and understands how Bravo twists things so I can't buy that she didn't realize it would go the way it did.


This Vicki doesn't seem to be too concerned about Brooks' health.......



Edited by AnnA
  • Love 3

I see it the other way around, the Club Detox was a good fit with the cancer.



I see it the other way around, the Club Detox was a good fit with the cancer.

I think it is great they are using such a healthy product.  I think it is unfortunate that Brooks chose the words he did when he was talking about alternative treatments.  BTW if anyone is interested you can be  a Club Detox franchise owner.  See Club Detox website. 

  • Love 2

I think that's so sad. I think most of us watch the HWs to snark and not because they have any redeeming qualities whatsoever.

What Camile is saying here is that there are redeeming qualities in a show you can enjoy snarking and sneering at. The old school soap operas she is reminiscing about were exactly that. It is not only a guilty pleasure but in the case of these pseudo-reality shows it contains an added fascination for the student of human nature. The two are not mutually exclusive.

  • Love 3

Maybe.  I don't think so but it's OK for us to disagree.


If Vicki really loves Brooks and believed that he was "fighting for his life" she wouldn't have gone off to Disneyworld, Tahiti or Oklahoma 14 times.  Vicki knows Tamra well and understands how Bravo twists things so I can't buy that she didn't realize it would go the way it did.


This Vicki doesn't seem to be too concerned about Brooks' health.......



Yes I agree to disagree. Though I'm not sure about Vicki being gone meaning much means she doesn't care about Brooks' health. I have a narcisstic sister that reminds me of Vicki, caring for and about someone they love is always about them. Vicki explained that she doesn't like watching someone take pills or puke, ergo you won't find her around unless there's a camera. Also Brooks' chemo was every six weeks and had recovery time in between sessions.

Just my own thoughts. Really, I don't even know why I care and the odds are against us of ever knowing the complete truth.

  • Love 2

What Camile is saying here is that there are redeeming qualities in a show you can enjoy snarking and sneering at. The old school soap operas she is reminiscing about were exactly that. It is not only a guilty pleasure but in the case of these pseudo-reality shows it contains an added fascination for the student of human nature. The two are not mutually exclusive.


Yes.  I get that part.  


What I thought was so sad (and still do) is that she said "I watch virtually nothing else on TV now."  

  • Love 2

Yes. I get that part.

What I thought was so sad (and still do) is that she said "I watch virtually nothing else on TV now."

To avoid back and forth, which is not allowed on this forum. We can simply agree to disagree. I would like to make one final clarification, as I may not have in my OP. Camille Paglia is a professor at the University of the arts in Philadelphia, She teaches popular culture, art, poetry etc. so I would assume she doesn't have the time to sit around all day watching t.v. When she does, she said she watches Real Housewives, documentaries and T.C.M. movies (these are movies from the 1940's to 1950's) I don't know what else a person "should" watch on t.v. but I appreciate her confession to liking the Housewives. Also, I understand she enjoys gardening, reading and has many speaking engagements so I hope I didn't post an interview that implies she doesn't do anything else. Edited by freeradical
  • Love 4

JMO, but I don't think there is a line Icky would not cross to get her airtime, if that means throwing herself on the floor in grief, peeing herself, shrieking like a demented shrew, making up cancer, etc...so whatever. I just want her to get in a confrontation with Meghan or someone else, where she flails around and her seams start bursting and buttons flying off. Maybe one will hit Andy or Tamra in the face.

Edited by Bebecat
  • Love 8

What I really find sad is that those characters on the soap operas of old were narcissistic assholes, but their lines and over the top actions portrayed exaggerated, dramatic fictional characters.  They were selfish, cutthroat, and couldn't care less about anyone but themselves. 


Unfortunately, these HWs are no different, even without a script.  Greed and self-promotion are king, and the goal is to cash in on anything and everything they can.  Friendship?  What's that?  (There are a few exceptions, of course, but this is all just my humble opinion)  Even more sad is that they are becoming a fairly accurate representation of our society as a whole, which is on a downhill slide that is picking up speed by the minute - thanks, in part, to the monster that is social media.  It's "every man for himself" and it absolutely breaks my heart. 


What happened to the early days, when one of the main draws of shows like this were the connections between people?  I guess this "show" and the motivation to remain on it have changed the women, but beyond that is the fact that the majority of what Bravo chooses to show us is idiotic high school crap and it's insulting.  I'd much rather see women with whom we can identify, if in no other way than the fact that they are caring, feeling human beings, trying to navigate their way through life together, rather than in competition with one another?    We definitely don't see that with this group.  Very sad. 


Ok enough out of Debbie Downer for the day.   Down with assholes!!

Just my own thoughts. Really, I don't even know why I care and the odds are against us of ever knowing the complete truth.

I thought the same thing until I saw Heather on WWHL say that there is way more to the cancer/notcancer story and baically that we should continue to watch, because when it all comes out, it's going to be "epic".   I'm hopeful that we'll know what actually went down for the first time EVAHHHHHHHHH!!!!

  • Love 6

 So what, that they were going to try to make some money with Club Detox. They never claimed (that we saw) that it cured cancer. I don't see how it's any different than hawking wrinkle remover cream.


Wrinkles that aren't treated don't kill you. Cancer not treated by legitimate means will kill you. Vicki and Brooks didn't outright claim their detox crap cures cancer but they are heavily insinuating just that. I'll bet the plan was (and still may be) to have Brooks miraculously cancer free by season's end thanks to his fasts, detoxing with Club Dextox, and his voodoo doctor.  As a poster above pointed out, who knows how heavily they were hawking this crap on camera and Bravo, due to concerns over people believing it, left that footage out.

Edited by happykitteh
  • Love 4

Wrinkles that aren't treated don't kill you. Cancer not treated by legitimate means will kill you. Vicki and Brooks didn't outright claim their detox crap cures cancer but they are heavily insinuating just that. I'll bet the plan was (and still may be) to have Brooks miraculously cancer free by seasons end thanks to his fasts, detoxing with Club Dextox, and his voodoo doctor.  As a poster above pointed out, who knows how heavily they were hawking this crap on camera and Bravo, due to concerns over people believeing it, left that footage out.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by legitimate means. There are more ways to treat cancer then just chemo. It's up to each person to do their own research and make informed decisions. For instance, there is growing evidence that a Ketogenic diet can play a major role in treating cancer. As for Club Detox, why isn't this product thought of like any other product being hawked by a housewife? Look at all the unbelievable crap that has been thrown at us. How many HW products have you bought? Don't believe the spiel, don't buy it. Don't like it, don't buy it. Simple as that. I'm never going to sign up for Club Detox, I don't believe the spiel and maybe the product is a big hoax, but it's certainly not the first one hawked by a HW. How about that Sensa (something like that) that you sprinkled on your food and it helped you lose weight? Hmm, wonder what happened to it? This is just another loser for Vicki, right up there with hoping people would be so heartbroken about losing little FiFi, they would want to turn the ashes into a diamond. It didnt take too much research to figure out how what a colossal rip off that was. Buyer beware.

  • Love 1

Meghan isn't someone I'd want in my life but I also don't think she's a horrible person.  You're right.  Vicki and Tamra acted horribly with Gretchen.  I often feel bad for Meghan when I see the posts saying she should STFU.  I blame Bravo and Vicki for this season's distasteful storyline, not Meghan.   I actually think she was encouraged by production to stir the cancer pot.  She didn't create it.



The difference I see is that Vicki and Brooks needed the cancer storyline in order to introduce Club Detox.   Instead of using their own money to further a business venture, they used cancer.


Do you think production encouraged her to pick on Shannon, relentlessly, the first half of the season?

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 2
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by legitimate means. There are more ways to treat cancer then just chemo.



I didn't post the above comment, but I took the statement to mean (literally) "legitimate means," methods that are generally approved by the medical community...not multilevel marketing scams.  It doesn't have to be chemo...but there's a myriad of other acceptable treatments that aren't wacky and in need of free television commercials.

  • Love 8

Ahhh, YUP! I think it was production that gave Meghan Shannon's phone number and suggested she call her for advice. LOL

Absolutely.  Meghan saw the weakest one in the herd and took her shot.  I did not like Meghan because I thought she created drama.  She and Jim had no business singling her out-except the Dubrows needed some street cred for treating David and Shannon like poo.



I didn't post the above comment, but I took the statement to mean (literally) "legitimate means," methods that are generally approved by the medical community...not multilevel marketing scams.  It doesn't have to be chemo...but there's a myriad of other acceptable treatments that aren't wacky and in need of free television commercials.

Is there any proof that Brooks did anything to treat the cancer, the very serious end of life cancer that Terry saw?  I was all for Brooks and protecting his privacy until he did nothing but Club Detox and some other spurious treatments.  Now I just want to shoot myself-Meghan was right Brooks had a plan to declare a very serious cancer and then sit back and claim he was in remission-or better numbers.   90 days came and went and Brooks claims no additional conventional treatment.  Perhaps some of the 40 pills each morning were oral chemotherapy-very common in the blood cancer world.

  • Love 1

I didn't post the above comment, but I took the statement to mean (literally) "legitimate means," methods that are generally approved by the medical community...not multilevel marketing scams. It doesn't have to be chemo...but there's a myriad of other acceptable treatments that aren't wacky and in need of free television commercials.

I don't recall hearing that Brooks was going to "cure" his cancer with the Club Detox nor the resveratrol for that matter. So in some ways the convo is moot. Once again though, I take exception to the phrase "legitimate means". Western Medicine is not the only legitimate means by which to treat cancer. There are many things between western medicine and multilevel marketing scams.

Edited by Grneyedldy
  • Love 3

Ahhh, YUP! I think it was production that gave Meghan Shannon's phone number and suggested she call her for advice. LOL


So production knew Shannon was going to act like that over an innocuous phone call?  And production pushed poor, sweet Meghan to continue to prod Shannon thereafter?  


IMO, Meghan tried to start something with easy target Shannon for a story line.  Then a better one came along via her mentor, Tamra, so she made fake friends with Shannon for ally reasons, and ran with it full force, (full force to the point where I question her sanity, but I'll just chalk it up to being extremely immature.)

Edited by cherry slushie

So production knew Shannon was going to act like that over an innocuous phone call?  And production pushed poor, sweet Meghan to continue to prod Shannon thereafter?  


IMO, Meghan tried to start something with easy target Shannon for a story line.  Then a better one came along via her mentor, Tamra, so she made fake friends with Shannon for ally reasons, and ran with it full force, (full force to the point where I question her sanity, but I'll just chalk it up to being extremely immature.)

I don't think Shannon was rude, I believe Meghan made a mountain out of a molehill.  No one in the room agreed with Meghan's assessment Shannon was rude.  Meghan has said it was her choice at an event to take Shannon on.  I saw nothing that deserved Meghan  demanding an apology. Shannon had little to do with the charity Meghan was championing (and has had no input since).  Who the hell calls someone and wants the number of appetizers to serve? 


Meghan may be immature but like many a person she is championing traditional cancer treatment vs. Brooks' treatment choices.  None of her business.



I don't recall hearing that Brooks was going to "cure" his cancer with the Club Detox nor the resveratrol for that matter. So in some ways the convo is moot. Once again though, I take exception to the phrase "legitimate means". Western Medicine is not the only legitimate means by which to treat cancer. There are many things between western medicine and multilevel marketing scams.

Brooks gave the impression his Doc Feelgood cured his own cancer with resveratrol.  The Club Detox has more to do with the founder accompanying Brooks to alternative treatment.  If Brooks feels as if these treatments cured him-good for him.  I just don't  think Brooks should be posturing himself to sue Meghan without preparing himself for the fallout. 

  • Love 2

I don't think Shannon was rude, I believe Meghan made a mountain out of a molehill.  No one in the room agreed with Meghan's assessment Shannon was rude.  Meghan has said it was her choice at an event to take Shannon on.  I saw nothing that deserved Meghan  demanding an apology. Shannon had little to do with the charity Meghan was championing (and has had no input since).  Who the hell calls someone and wants the number of appetizers to serve? 


Meghan may be immature but like many a person she is championing traditional cancer treatment vs. Brooks' treatment choices.  None of her business.



Brooks gave the impression his Doc Feelgood cured his own cancer with resveratrol.  The Club Detox has more to do with the founder accompanying Brooks to alternative treatment.  If Brooks feels as if these treatments cured him-good for him.  I just don't  think Brooks should be posturing himself to sue Meghan without preparing himself for the fallout. 

Totally agree!  I didn't think she was super rude, just rushed.  But, like you said, Meghan turned it into something it wasn't to rile Shannon up (not hard to do considering what we now know what she was dealing with).  However, I think Meghan's championing of traditional cancer treatment is a thinly veiled excuse to go after Brooks due to her hatred of Vicki.  I highly doubt she's going to rag on others who use alternative or holistic methods - just Brooks.

Edited by cherry slushie
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Yes I do. I also think that's why Shannon did a 180 on Meghan in the second half of the season. We all know that Shannon doesn't get over anything easily or quickly but that tendency was absent with Meghan.


You're right about Shannon immediately forgiving Meghan.  Definitely suspect.


You know, if it's scripted to that extreme, they should just turn it into it into a fully scripted show.  I always knew they manipulated situations, but that would suck if they truly go that far.  :(

Edited by cherry slushie
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Once again though, I take exception to the phrase "legitimate means". Western Medicine is not the only legitimate means by which to treat cancer. There are many things between western medicine and multilevel marketing scams.

 By "legitimate"  I mean treatments approved by and tested by the AMA, FDA, and other LEGIT medical boards. As for other treatments that are not "Western medicine" I do believe that survival rates of those "alternative" treatments are zero. It's the last grasp of hope for the desperate who have exhausted all options of what I will term as REAL medicine and who are shamelessly taken advantage of by those "practicing" this kind of medicine. When people of means around the world need treatment for a difficult cancer where do they come? Why the great USA of course! This includes the wealthy of Eastern countries practicing this kind of alternative medicine.



. As for Club Detox, why isn't this product thought of like any other product being hawked by a housewife? Look at all the unbelievable crap that has been thrown at us. How many HW products have you bought? Don't believe the spiel, don't buy it. Don't like it, don't buy it. Simple as that. I'm never going to sign up for Club Detox, I don't believe the spiel and maybe the product is a big hoax, but it's certainly not the first one hawked by a HW.

 How many products hakwed by HWs have I bought? That would be zero. The difference I see is the other HW are hawking crap jewelry, cosmetics, books, clothing, handbags, etc. None are, as far as I know, insinuating their product cures cancer or helps to cure/regulate other medical conditions. Every doctor (those who aren't marketing a cleanse) will tell you that cleanses/detoxes are a bunch of hooey based on junk science and outright falsehoods. At best they do nothing, at worse they damage your digestive system.

Edited by happykitteh
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So production knew Shannon was going to act like that over an innocuous phone call?  And production pushed poor, sweet Meghan to continue to prod Shannon thereafter?  


IMO, Meghan tried to start something with easy target Shannon for a story line.  Then a better one came along via her mentor, Tamra, so she made fake friends with Shannon for ally reasons, and ran with it full force, (full force to the point where I question her sanity, but I'll just chalk it up to being extremely immature.)

You asked a question, If production was behind Meghan going after Shannon and my reply was that YES, I thought production got it started, it was not an endorsement of Meghan's behavior. That said, IMO, BOTH women acted like idiots, not just Meghan, although I think Meghan LIKES to push hard/cross the line all too easily and I don't think Meghan knew about David cheating on Shannon. In the begining of the season, Meghan was not a FH, she was in competition for the position with Katie and to give herself an edge, she went at Shannon hard. This is why production had 2 women vying for 1 full HW slot, to create drama/conflict right off the bat and the one that achieves that normally gets the job.


As for Meghan's overzealous pursuit of Truth and Justice concerning Brooks........that is all on her.

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 Brooks gave the impression his Doc Feelgood cured his own cancer with resveratrol.  The Club Detox has more to do with the founder accompanying Brooks to alternative treatment.  If Brooks feels as if these treatments cured him-good for him.  I just don't  think Brooks should be posturing himself to sue Meghan without preparing himself for the fallout.

Brooks never said he was going to be treated by that doctor. He just shared with the HW the doctor's success with resveratrol. I don't think it was clear to us, the viewers, who exactly was treating him with the resveratrol. Naturopaths are not quacks, they believe in healing with nutrients, foods and diet as medicine for first line of defense. Unfortunately they do tend to push their own supplements.

I think Brooks threatening to sue Meghan is stupid. My guess is all the stir about this story is getting to him. I don't blame him for being pissed at Meghan, but I can't see it going anywhere.

  • Love 1

By "legitimate"  I mean treatments approved by and teated by the AMA, FDA, and other LEGIT medical boards. As for other treatments that are not "Western medicine" I do beleive that survival rates of those "alternative" treatments are zero. It's the last grasp of hope for the desperate who have exhausted all options of what I will term as REAL medicine and who are shamelessly taken advantage of by those "practicing" this kind of medicine. When people of means around the world need treatment for a difficult cancer where do they come? Why the great USA of course! This includes the wealthy of Eastern countries practicing this kind of alternative medicine.

Are you saying that the only people that have ever survived cancer used conventional medical treatment? No one else beat cancer unless they went to the good ole docs in the USA? Surely that can't be what you are saying. I'm not going to go OT and post info to the contrary, Google is your friend. There is much to read.

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Brooks never said he was going to be treated by that doctor. He just shared with the HW the doctor's success with resveratrol. I don't think it was clear to us, the viewers, who exactly was treating him with the resveratrol. Naturopaths are not quacks, they believe in healing with nutrients, foods and diet as medicine for first line of defense. Unfortunately they do tend to push their own supplements.

I think Brooks threatening to sue Meghan is stupid. My guess is all the stir about this story is getting to him. I don't blame him for being pissed at Meghan, but I can't see it going anywhere.

But, the same Dr. that Brooks claimed "cured" his NHL with resveratrol IS the very same Dr. that we saw him,Vicki and Detox woman go to. It is the very same Dr. that Heather said she went to for failed cellulitis treatments. So, YES at least for me, Brooks did give the impression that he was going to go to this specific Dr., which is exactly what he did do. YMMV

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 How many products hakwed by HWs have I bought? That would be zero. The difference I see is the other HW are hawking crap jewelry, cosmetics, books, clothing, handbags, etc. None are, as far as I know, insinuating their product cures cancer or helps to cure/regulate other medical conditions. Every doctor (those who aren't marketing a cleanse) will tell you that cleanses/detoxes are a bunch of hooey based on junk science and outright falsehoods. At best they do nothing, at worse they damage your digestive system.

I'm pretty sure they didn't claim the product will cure cancer. C'mon, really? As I mentioned, I don't plan to buy their cleanses, but there are many people out there that buy cleanses. I don't see that big a deal with some juice cleanses, if people don't want them, they won't buy them. If you are trying to save all the naive people out there from parting with their money, you may want to get a mask and cape, It's going to be a job for a super hero. :-)

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