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Criminal Minds Fanfiction

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On 2/7/2016 at 9:39 PM, ReidFan said:

more new fiction from me..... thanks to Booky, for the push :)

The accidental death of Anton Yelchin really affected me. Besides the obvious-- the life of such a young and talented man cut short--it also put the kaibosh on there ever being an actual follow up episode to his season 2, episode 11 "Sex, Birth, Death" which I thought was an absolute elite episode, probably a top ten in the series. So I threw an idea around with a couple of you here and a few other online friends, and the result is this Reid retrospective "From Darkness Comes the Light"

at aooo: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7369804

and at ffnet:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12029692/1/From-Darkness-Comes-the-Light

thanks again Booky xoxo

I read this last night, I enjoyed it very much. I have only seen Anton Yelchin in Criminal Minds,and I liked his performance a lot. I didn't know that he had died until I read it on some CM-related thing, and I felt so sad about it.

Anyway, I didn't mean this post to be sad, only to let you know that I liked your story!!

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sorry I made you cry CStar....well, sorta....it was kinda the point, wasn't it?

Got a question for those who read it though....did I not make it obvious enough that it was Jack and Hotch with 'Brookie' (a Black Lab, like TG's dog!)  at the end? I had a couple of people question wtf 'the guy at the end with the kid' was all about.  Since they're in WitPro they wouldn't be using their (old) names anymore, and I didn't want to confuse people by giving them new ones. :-\

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I don't think it was unclear at all who they were. Part of the beauty of writing fic is that you don't have to spell everything out for everyone. I'd say if someone doesn't understand, you can chalk that up to 'reader error'. :)

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52 minutes ago, normasm said:

Not unclear at all, in fact, I liked the shoutout to Haley's last name, Brooks, in the dogs name.

I thought the same! It was a nice touch Reidfan 

Edited by smoker
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I have already said that I liked that story very much. It didn't make me cry, but almost.  And for me it was very clear who the man and the boy were, from the beginning of the last scene. Anyway, who else could it be?

By the way, when you described the tall, dark haired man, you forgot one adjective... handsome!! 

I'm editing to add: I wonder why a folder with the name "fanfiction" has suddenly appeared in my laptop ? 

Edited by senin
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2 hours ago, senin said:

Thanks ReidFan and CobaltStargazer for the links!!  

What is the order of the Reid/Elle stories, CStar? I'm afraid I have started just at the end!! (The House on Jackson Street) 

Heh, sorry about that,, I should have mentioned that there's an order to it. The first Reid/Elle story is The Broken Hallelujah, which I wrote two years ago. The second Reid/Elle timeline (don't judge me!) starts with Alpha and Omega. If you have any further confusion, don't hesitate to ask. :-)

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Yes. TBH takes place after season eight ends, and the events of that timeline (so far) end with The House on Jackson Street, and Alpha and Omega takes place a bit after Elle was shot, an the stories that follow that take place at various points in canon, just with Elle still in the picture.

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Thanks. I had already read (and enjoyed) The Broken Hallelujah so I will go on from there. Or read this one again and then go on.  

How can I know which is the next story in each timeline? (Remember, I'm new to fanfiction!) 

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5 hours ago, senin said:

How can I know which is the next story in each timeline? (Remember, I'm new to fanfiction!) 

The little summaries before you click the link for a story are usually pretty indicative. I try to make it clear which timeline folks will be reading, mostly because other fanfic writers tend to be vague. Please don't forget to leave kudos, which means to click the little button with a heart on it. It feeds the muse. :-)

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I have finished reading the Broken Hallelujah series and I enjoyed it a lot, a lot , a lot!! 

Starting with the Alpha and Omega, only problem, days have got only 24 hours, and weeks have only 7 days!!

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Potential story idea, need some input.  Hypothetical situation, and some questions:

If you were tasked with fostering a social media campaign aimed at damage control, how would you go about it?  Would you use Twitter?  Facebook?  Snapchat?  Forums like this one?  Online newspapers/journals? Blogs?   Other means?

Would you control the information by limiting responses, or would you allow free exchange?  Would you try to influence that exchange?

If so, how would you accomplish it?  Would you reach out to individuals sympathetic to your cause? Would you seek out individuals who seem easy to influence? If so, how would you identify them? Would it be standard practice to have a cadre of individuals already poised, for whatever cause needs to be promoted? 

Once recruited, how would you reward/retain them?  With money?  Goods?  Privileges?

Would you do it directly, or use a middleman?  A PR firm, or an individual?


Not that I have any business thinking about a new story!

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I think the fastest way these days is Twitter, but the limitations may make Facebook a better idea. Or perhaps a combination of the two.

I don't think monetary rewards is a good idea, personally, it just seems ethically wrong to me. (Maybe it's the Canadian in me.....) I suppose it depends on what you mean by 'privileges' and 'goods'.

and I'm thinking anyone who deals with the public and/or the internet would already have a PR crew at the ready for any kind of social interaction and intervention. (which would be staff, which would be monetary rewards.. *sigh* I'm useless)

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I would think presenting of facts, repetitively, would be effective because if you caught the public's eye they'd be easily debunked if not true. If there's enough attention then Snopes is a good site. Not sure what social media the spinners favor, but think of the widest group of people you could reach. Youtube, TV ads... I would guess they'd be the most effective. And if you could get on a news program like Maddow, O'Reilly (ugh), 60 Minutes, etc... I would think that would be effective. Twitter can be powerful I guess, but you'd have to have thousands of followers to make any impression. Maybe talk shows like Kimmel or Fallon? Also, what ReidFan said about already having a PR person in place.

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A great many people agree with those comments about the firing of TG. I'm a Reid fan first and foremost but I also think the whole incident was inflated out of all proportion. None of us know the true facts and I have no reason not to take TG's account of what happened as basic truth. Based on the facts that we actually know, at worst  the suspension should have been ample punishment. As it is they have alienated a big tranche of fans and maybe damaged the show irreparably.

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I was doing something on my laptop and I had the TV playing in the background, a re-run of Rock Creek Park.

Aaaand some fanfiction kept coming into my thoughts. Interesting experience!! 

Note: I had forgotten how handsome Reid is in this particular episode,even more than usual.  

Edited by senin
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6 minutes ago, senin said:

I was doing something on my laptop and I had the TV playing in the background, a re-run of Rock Creek Park.

Aaaand some fanfiction kept coming into my thoughts. Interesting experience!! 

Note: I had forgotten how handsome Reid is in this particular episode, more than usual.  

Yep, that's how it starts.    Are you writing yet?

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I don't write fanfiction, and I have only recently started reading it. The fanfiction that came into my mind was something I  read a few days ago, which is about the relationship between Reid and Dorian Loker, very nicely written by the way (by ReidFan, I think, I'm not sure).

And I do have a list of some of your writing waiting for me to read it... I need days with 36 hours instead of 24!!

Edited by senin
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1 hour ago, senin said:

I don't write fanfiction, and I have only recently started reading it. The fanfiction that came into my mind was something I  read a few days ago, which is about the relationship between Reid and Dorian Loker, very nicely written by the way (by ReidFan, I think, I'm not sure).

And I do have a list of some of your writing waiting for me to read it... I need days with 36 hours instead of 24!!

Yeah, probably. I've done a few. but at fanfic net you cannot search for 'Loker' she's not listed in their character dropdown (which sucks because that's a pairing I could really get behind); at least at aooo you can actually just write in the name 

I've done two Reid/Loker stories and two more that were just listed as Reid/female before I realised I could just add the note in the summary.

my very first CM fanfiction was 'Love and Family' which is Reid/Loker and PG. I did 'Snowbound' as a kinda M rated (but I'm not one go to into explicit detail....) with them, and there's "Wash Away the Day" which is as explicit as I get, and "What Happens in Vegas" , both of which are listed as Reid/female but are supposed to be Loker.

I adored the chemistry between Matthew and Emily Churchill, but it doesn't appear likely that she's gonna be back. Shame that is.


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2 hours ago, ReidFan said:

Yeah, probably. I've done a few. but at fanfic net you cannot search for 'Loker' she's not listed in their character dropdown (which sucks because that's a pairing I could really get behind); at least at aooo you can actually just write in the name 

I've done two Reid/Loker stories and two more that were just listed as Reid/female before I realised I could just add the note in the summary.

my very first CM fanfiction was 'Love and Family' which is Reid/Loker and PG. I did 'Snowbound' as a kinda M rated (but I'm not one go to into explicit detail....) with them, and there's "Wash Away the Day" which is as explicit as I get, and "What Happens in Vegas" , both of which are listed as Reid/female but are supposed to be Loker.

I adored the chemistry between Matthew and Emily Churchill, but it doesn't appear likely that she's gonna be back. Shame that is.


Tis a pity. As Springsteen once sang:
"I'll take a red headed woman
A red headed woman
It takes a red headed woman
To get a dirty job done"
I've often cringed at some of the fan fiction I've read (not just CM-related). But I am really impressed by the CM fan fiction written by some very talented people found in our little corner of the Internet like ReidFan and CoBalt StarGazer. Seriously, CM needs to fire a handful of writers and hire those two lovely ladies.

I've written my share of poetry, prose, short stories and fan fiction, but most of my writing experience has been in the world of non-fiction, mostly as a freelance journalist and as a copywriter. I just don't know if I have the ovaries to actually write the CM fan fiction story that has been percolating in my head for the past few months.

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If you haven't already, check out aMUSEment345 for your fiction needs as well as the lovelies mentioned. She should replace 2 or 3 of the real deal on CM. Oh, and a new person here but a veteran FF author extraordinaire, TKL

Edited by normasm
I forgot the Lady!
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yes! aMUSEment345 is the only person I've 'favourited' as a fanfic author there..but for some reason, even though I checked the 'author alert' thingie there, it NEVER lets me know when she's posted something new. I have to search it out for myself

stoopit fanfic dot net!!

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Thanks, Ladies.  Sorry about that malfunction, ReidFan.  Maybe I can try to remember to send you a PM, or to put up something here.  As it is, I only remember about once a year.  

Want to point out that we also have TKL, whose stories about Spencer Reid are among the most imaginative on the site.  

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This feels weird.  This feels like I'm boasting...lol, but I also dabble in writing over on fanfiction. I'm Shadpup over there.  Unlike the majority here, I focus on Emily.  I try to write case oriented stories and I don't ship any characters...no matter how much reviewers ask me to.  I've always seen them as teammates only.  

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16 hours ago, JMO said:

Thanks, Ladies.  Sorry about that malfunction, ReidFan.  Maybe I can try to remember to send you a PM, or to put up something here.  As it is, I only remember about once a year.  

Want to point out that we also have TKL, whose stories about Spencer Reid are among the most imaginative on the site.  

I've tried to find some of TKL's stories but  haven't been successful. If someone could help... a link, title... anything. As I said before I'm new to fanfiction and I'm not very good with technology so it's sometimes difficult for me to find things. Thanks 

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4 hours ago, CrimeFan12 said:

This feels weird.  This feels like I'm boasting...lol, but I also dabble in writing over on fanfiction. I'm Shadpup over there.  Unlike the majority here, I focus on Emily.  I try to write case oriented stories and I don't ship any characters...no matter how much reviewers ask me to.  I've always seen them as teammates only.  

This seems a bit different from other things I've been reading. I will have a look, I like Emily a lot and I haven't seen any stories focused on her. As I said before...I need longer days!! 

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not boasting at all shadpup! just letting us know!

I wish the search function was better than it is. I would actually prefer to read non-team-members-shipped-because-it-would-never-be-allowed-in-the-first-place which and I'd want it to be Reidcentric obviously, as a Reid fan.

 But I like Emily so I might just check your work out! :)

I think my favourite kind of CM fanfic is the episode filling outs and/or codas, cause those generally focus on the characters on the team. And that's one of the things JMO does so well. 

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I'm exchanging threads @Droogie

I'm a little weird for that, if I don't see it (the couple) I don't enjoy the read, there are several fanfics exploring Hotch and Prentiss too, for example, but I don't see it, I've never seen them as anything else than good friends.

And it's a shame because there are great writers out there, I love the short story written by @ReidFan to deal with Hotch's exit.

I wouldn't mind read some stories about the team just doing their job, tho. So any suggestion will be more than welcome :D

Edited by smoker
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ugh. me either. Reid/anybody on the team. Just no. But especially not his boss. That's just all kinds of wrong to me (in any situation, not just CM)

I realise that's what some people enjoy and have at it, but ick. Not for me.

The closest i would come to accepting it is Reid/Elle as written by CoStar cause she writes so well and Elle is no longer with the team in her timeline. But TVShowVersion-Elle, to me, was just too bitchy for Reid.

I find writing *just* case stories really difficult for CM. I've written non-ship stories in other fandoms and it's easier if the subject matter is easier to deal with but gruesome murders just really isn't my bag, so even though I did try to do that with one of my stories, it did end up having a Reidcentric ship in  it. 

If you find any, please let me know!

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I think the thing with fanfiction is that most of us are drawn to write because of the characters, and it's hard to write for the characters without wanting to explore more about them.  So, for me at least,  there's an inherent movement toward looking at what makes them tick, how they react to things, and what they do in the time not spent on cases.  That pretty much always involves some type of relationship, whether friendship, family or romance.   If I want cases, independent of the characters, I'll just watch another show.

I've only ever written for CM, so I can't tell if it's me, or Reid.  But I find him to be such an intriguing, attractive character, that it's easy for me to see someone falling for him, even a teammate.  Like ReidFan, I can't see him actually in a romantic relationship with anyone on the team as they are currently portrayed, and I wouldn't want to see it on my TV screen.  I think that, for each of them, it would remain a strong friendship with just that hint of flirtation or 'what might have been', and that would be plenty for me.   

But, for some reason, in fanfiction----or, more correctly put, in my fanfiction----it almost always seems to grow into more.  Not something I ever set out to do---the characters just keep taking over, like they're in charge.  

Which is your warning, Senin, when you get to my stories.  If Reid/JJ is not to your liking, stick with the one chapter post-eps.  And  I guess Before I Sleep is safe.  Beware most of the others!

Edited by JMO
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16 hours ago, JMO said:

I think the thing with fanfiction is that most of us are drawn to write because of the characters, and it's hard to write for the characters without wanting to explore more about them.  So, for me at least,  there's an inherent movement toward looking at what makes them tick, how they react to things, and what they do in the time not spent on cases.  That pretty much always involves some type of relationship, whether friendship, family or romance.   If I want cases, independent of the characters, I'll just watch another show.

I've only ever written for CM, so I can't tell if it's me, or Reid.  But I find him to be such an intriguing, attractive character, that it's easy for me to see someone falling for him, even a teammate.  Like ReidFan, I can't see him actually in a romantic relationship with anyone on the team as they are currently portrayed, and I wouldn't want to see it on my TV screen.  I think that, for each of them, it would remain a strong friendship with just that hint of flirtation or 'what might have been', and that would be plenty for me.   

But, for some reason, in fanfiction----or, more correctly put, in my fanfiction----it almost always seems to grow into more.  Not something I ever set out to do---the characters just keep taking over, like they're in charge.  

Which is your warning, Senin, when you get to my stories.  If Reid/JJ is not to your liking, stick with the one chapter post-eps.  And  I guess Before I Sleep is safe.  Beware most of the others!

Thanks for the warning. I have already read soma fanfic about Reid/JJ and I didn't have any problem with it. If it's well written,then it's OK. I agree with you I wouldn't like it in the show, but reading it is no problem. 

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I have finally read some of your stories, JMO, and I reeeaaaalllyyyy liked them !!!

As you suggested I have started with the one shots, (I have read about five of them)  and I really liked two things: the way you write( your style, we could say) and the way you get into the character feelings, thoughts, the relationships among them... 

I also like the fact that you're making me work, I've had to check a few words, and expressions, so I have improved my vocabulary a little by reading you !! ( The "elephant in the room" almost drove me crazy. I had never heard that expression before, there isn't any equivalent in Spanish that I know of and it took me a while to guess it with the help of a couple of online dictionaries and the context. Hard work but worthwhile)

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Thanks, Senin!  I probably should have warned you that I use a lot of idiom, which might be annoying to the non-native English reader. But, maybe it's a good way to learn more, as you point out.  I've heard of people who learned the language through watching situation comedies, and thought it helped them learn both the text and the sub-text.  

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