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Unpopular Opinions: "These people aren't dysfunctional at all!"

Sweets McGee

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On 9/16/2015 at 11:48 PM, Maharincess said:

I hated Jenelle and all of that Janey doll bullcrap.

I have not watched this show in years, but I still dislike Janelle intensely. She's fake, petty, and apparently way too caught up in being a reality TV "star" to this day. There's nothing there.

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I like Da'vonne.  I don't think anything she has done is so out of the ordinary that she deserves to catch the flack that she does.  Some people play the game paranoid and they are hailed as geniuses.  I realize that history is written by the victors, but still.

I side eye people that have a burning, all-consuming hate for Da'vonne, because I don't think she is playing the game so very dirty that she deserves it....therefore I think the reason people hate her is based on something else entirely.  And that annoys me.

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Zak is a very beautiful lady and I would be pleased if she won - not just because of her looks, but also her personality seems to be very pleasant and she seems o have a genuine concern for others. IMHO, she is a very classy young lady.

4 minutes ago, RCharter said:

I like Da'vonne.  I don't think anything she has done is so out of the ordinary that she deserves to catch the flack that she does.  Some people play the game paranoid and they are hailed as geniuses.  I realize that history is written by the victors, but still.

I side eye people that have a burning, all-consuming hate for Da'vonne, because I don't think she is playing the game so very dirty that she deserves it....therefore I think the reason people hate her is based on something else entirely.  And that annoys me.

I think there is a very good chance you are correct about D. But, IMHO, the thing that makes people get so vocal in their hate for her is that she has such a big mouth. It's like she has no filter between her brain and her mouth. She just doesn't ever think twice about saying mean and ugly shit about other people and I think that is possibly the single biggest factor that makes her such a huge magnet for shit. People seem to really like to talk terrible shit about her and I can understand why.

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20 minutes ago, AliShibaz said:

Zak is a very beautiful lady and I would be pleased if she won - not just because of her looks, but also her personality seems to be very pleasant and she seems o have a genuine concern for others. IMHO, she is a very classy young lady.

I think there is a very good chance you are correct about D. But, IMHO, the thing that makes people get so vocal in their hate for her is that she has such a big mouth. It's like she has no filter between her brain and her mouth. She just doesn't ever think twice about saying mean and ugly shit about other people and I think that is possibly the single biggest factor that makes her such a huge magnet for shit. People seem to really like to talk terrible shit about her and I can understand why.

people say mean shit in this game a lot of the time.

I remember Christine being mean

I remember Aaryn being very mean

I think frank yelling at people about a dumb ass pizza is very mean

None of them get the same level of hate that Da'vonne gets, IMO.  I don't think people liked Christine, but she wasn't pilloried the same way Da'vonne is.  And given what she said, I don't think Aaryn got it nearly as bad either.

And if Da'vonne is being super mean, why is she so safe and a core part of so many alliances?  Clearly, people like her.  So, than she probably is watching what she says to people which would, IMO, mean she has a filter.

So then, she is getting hated on for what?  Saying mean shit behind people's back?  Which has been done.  Playing somewhat dirty in an effort to further her game?  Also been done in the past.  For being paranoid?  This game breeds paranoia.

If Day is doing these things, its likely some plan or strategy she has for her game.  Is it a good strategy?  Maybe, maybe not.

And of course -- people have the right to hate whomever they want, I'm not saying Day is perfect.....but I don't think she is playing the sort of game where it seems fair to constantly call her angry, or stupid, or to just assume that the position she is in isn't, in some way, due to her own strategy and gameplay.

Edited by RCharter
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7 hours ago, RCharter said:

people say mean shit in this game a lot of the time.

I remember Christine being mean

I remember Aaryn being very mean

I think frank yelling at people about a dumb ass pizza is very mean

None of them get the same level of hate that Da'vonne gets, IMO.  I don't think people liked Christine, but she wasn't pilloried the same way Da'vonne is.  And given what she said, I don't think Aaryn got it nearly as bad either.

Wow.  I mean - wow.

I am afraid I simply cannot accept your argument that Da has been blasted anywhere nearly as bad as either Christine or Aryan (cool, I didn't expect to get to use that reference ever again).  Maybe it escapes your memory, but I recollect:

  • Christine was crucified in both mainstream AND social media for what could at worst be labeled emotional quasi-infidelity.
  • Aryan was ripped to shreds at every level - from chat forums like this all the way up to the mainstream press - for her very real racism.  Hell, this bitch went international; when Der Spiegel calls you racist, you know you've hit the big time.

Please cite any examples you have of Da getting shredded to anywhere near the same degree on a widely-distributed mainstream publication level.  Heck, I haven't even heard of anybody threatening Da's job yet.

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Zak is a very beautiful lady and I would be pleased if she won - not just because of her looks, but also her personality seems to be very pleasant and she seems o have a genuine concern for others. IMHO, she is a very classy young lady.

She also doesn't do the "loud, angry Black woman" thing which probably makes her more acceptable/tolerable for some people. I believe that's what killed Day's game her first go 'round and she seems to have been making a big effort to dampen that down this season. Not that stuff didn't (or doesn't) happen for her and Zakiyah to get legitimately angry or upset about but Day really seemed to fly off the handle too easily, IMO. (And I'm of the opinion that production was encouraging and/or provoking it for "good TV" They haven't been doing that with her this season--yet.)

Also, Da'Vonne probably wasn't on the show long enough for it to effect her work/cause a huge social media firestorm the way it did for Christine and Aaryn. She was basically forgotten, plus I think she's kind of an independent contractor, isn't she? It be hard to get her fired because she's basically self-employed. (And I'm still of the opinion that what happened with Aaryn was a set up with CBS from the get go. They wanted to be able do their "we don't condone bigotry" PSAs and Aaryn helped them in exchange for...promises of fame?? Whatever, I never bought that she was as clueless as she tried to act about how her behavior came across. The only thing I think surprised her is the way Julie came at her in her exit interview.)

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Wow.  I mean - wow.

I am afraid I simply cannot accept your argument that Da has been blasted anywhere nearly as bad as either Christine or Aryan (cool, I didn't expect to get to use that reference ever again).  Maybe it escapes your memory, but I recollect:

  • Christine was crucified in both mainstream AND social media for what could at worst be labeled emotional quasi-infidelity.
  • Aryan was ripped to shreds at every level - from chat forums like this all the way up to the mainstream press - for her very real racism.  Hell, this bitch went international; when Der Spiegel calls you racist, you know you've hit the big time.

Please cite any examples you have of Da getting shredded to anywhere near the same degree on a widely-distributed mainstream publication level.  Heck, I haven't even heard of anybody threatening Da's job yet.

Comparing the levels of meanness, I don't think either girl has gotten the relative amount of grief that Day has gotten.  If either of them had simply been somewhat mean, and a little paranoid in the name of gameplay I don't think they would have been nearly as put down as Day has been.

There were a lot of people that defended Aaryan and found her entertaining.  I'm certainly not going to dig through thousands of posts to find proof of that, because I don't think thats required, and its a waste of time.  

And I also don't think that Christine was ever as put down as Day has been -- if she was pilloried it was for....as you said for quasi infidelity with a man much more attractive than her.  I remember her getting a lot of grief for that (and mostly it was "who does she think she is, she has a husband and this guy is way too good looking for her").  But far less "she is mean and awful at this game."  

In talking about Day getting grief I'm mostly talking about from viewers -- so the mainstream media doesn't really count to me unless it includes quotes from viewers.  Or a poll from viewers, or some actual connection with the viewers.

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28 minutes ago, RCharter said:

Comparing the levels of meanness, I don't think either girl has gotten the relative amount of grief that Day has gotten.

I reckon were going to have to agree to disagree on this.  Grief-wise, I'd put both Christine and Aryan somewhere up in the vicinity of the New York Yankees.  Da, on the other hand...?  Closer to the Toledo Mudhens.  YMMV



In talking about Day getting grief I'm mostly talking about from viewers -- so the mainstream media doesn't really count to me unless it includes quotes from viewers.  Or a poll from viewers, or some actual connection with the viewers.

What is your criteria for "viewers"?  Christine was getting death threats both during and after her season - from viewers.  Both were booed and heckled upon exiting the House - by viewers.  Are you talking about forum posters, on this board and others?  Because I'd be royally shocked if every poster on every forum added up to as much as one-tenth of one percent of BB's total viewership.

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I reckon were going to have to agree to disagree on this.  Grief-wise, I'd put both Christine and Aryan somewhere up in the vicinity of the New York Yankees.  Da, on the other hand...?  Closer to the Toledo Mudhens.  YMMV


What is your criteria for "viewers"?  Christine was getting death threats both during and after her season - from viewers.  Both were booed and heckled upon exiting the House - by viewers.  Are you talking about forum posters, on this board and others?  Because I'd be royally shocked if every poster on every forum added up to as much as one-tenth of one percent of BB's total viewership.

My criteria for viewers are people that express an opinion that I know view the show.  So, yes, it ends up being people on social media/message boards.  Other than that I don't know their opinion.  And I don't think that either of those girls have gotten the comparative level of grief that Day has gotten.  Day's "meanness" has been part of her gameplay, and she isn't saying the majority of her "mean comments" to people's face.  Aaryan on the other hand, made it a point to be mean to someone's face.  Had she simply been kinda mean and only as a means of gameplay, I don't think people would have been as tough on her as they are on Day.

Christine's biggest fault that she was called out for, was being stupid enough to believe that a good looking guy would actually be into her...to the point where it looked like she might give up her marriage to a slightly less attractive guy because of it.  That had almost zero to do with her gameplay.  Again, I think if she had simply made some mean comments in the effort to further her game, she wouldn't have been called out for it was Day has been.

As for "booing and heckling," I think CBS can either allow that to happen/encourage it....or they can be very clear that it is not supposed to happen.  I've certainly heard stories of the "studio audience" being CBS employees for certain ousted houseguests.  I also don't know how much bearing that should have since that is an even smaller representative sample of the viewing audience....and you don't even know how many of them would be heckling or booing.  10 people booing would be enough IMO to make a difference.

Edited by RCharter

I think Aaryn and Christine both got a lock of what they deserved, in my opinion. Aaryn was a huge racist, and Christine openly flirted and cuddled with a guy on live television to the point where her husband had to tell her to not forget about him in a special video for her. The thing I think is that the women get a lot more flack for their actions while the guys get to slide by with very similar, if not the same, type of behaviour. Jeff got his own CBS deal even with his homophobic behaviour. So many guys that have shown misogynistic, racist and homophobic behaviour skate by because they're cute or attractive or whatever. The media barely picks up on the men's negative behaviour and if they do, there's always going to be a bunch of people handwaving it. 

I don't like Day because of her bad gameplay. She's very perceptive and I think she and Vanessa could have been powerhouses together, if Vanessa wasn't so increasingly paranoid and if Day could learn how to use her perception in her gameplay. I didn't like Christine or Aaryn for personal reasons, plus the fact that neither were good at playing the game. Aaryn eventually began to hide behind Amanda's bullying behaviour to 'lay low' (plus all her allies/enablers were gone) and Christine made extremely poor gameplay choices that led to many not liking her in jury. They get my dislike for those reasons, so I get why people don't like them. However, I absolutely think the males need to get the same treatment. The only one I remember getting close to the treatment on social media that girls often do was Frankie, and that is definitely well deserved and I still see people posting their dislike for him. But he's the only one that I can think of that does. Caleb ended up being liked on Survivor, Austin is totally forgotten about, and all the other guys are pretty much forgotten about as well. 

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Here's a really unpopular opinion--I've seen the opposite expressed frequently on the live feeds thread, but then I heard the word used on the regular broadcast (by the announcer no less) so I figure it's fair game here--I prefer the word "returners" to "returnees."  Returnees is passive--have been returned--and returners is active, people that return.  There's nothing wrong with the HGs or others using it--in my opinion, of course! 

Edited by Jobiska
11 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think Aaryn and Christine both got a lock of what they deserved, in my opinion. Aaryn was a huge racist, and Christine openly flirted and cuddled with a guy on live television to the point where her husband had to tell her to not forget about him in a special video for her. 

No disagreement there at all.  I am in no way, shape, form or manner defending their actions - especially not Aryan's, whose I consider indefensible (I considered Christine's actions to be more sad and pathetic than anything else).  It had been stated, however, that Da'Vonne had gotten more heat for her actions than either of these two, and I was simply stating my own personal opinion that such was not NEARLY the case.  The question of whether anyone deserved what heat they got wasn't even a consideration.



The thing I think is that the women get a lot more flack for their actions while the guys get to slide by with very similar, if not the same, type of behaviour.

Total agreement here as well.  

Christine got rotisseried for her coziness with Cody; where was the outrage against Cody, though, for messing around with a married woman?  Answer: silent, except for a few mumbles here and there.  Total double standard.

  • Love 5
45 minutes ago, J.D. said:

Christine's biggest fault wasn't being stupid enough to believe that a good looking guy would actually be into her.  Her biggest fault was disrespecting her husband and disgracing her marriage, and by embarrassing her family back home while flirting with Cody.  

but how much shit did she talk about others behind their back?  how many "mean comments" did christine make behind the backs of others?  Yet, that wasn't where the outrage was....it was in her flirty behavior.

So, she engaged in the same behavior Day did.....but didn't catch the same amount of anger and vitriol for that behavior that Day is catching.

Edited by RCharter
10 minutes ago, RCharter said:

but how much shit did she talk about others behind their back?  how many "mean comments" did christine make behind the backs of others?  Yet, that wasn't where the outrage was....it was in her flirty behavior.

So, she engaged in the same behavior Day did.....but didn't catch the same amount of anger and vitriol for that behavior that Day is catching.

I think it's because of Christine's flirting behaviour with Cody that allowed for a different type of anger/victrol than Day. In a lot of people's minds, emotional or physical cheating is on par, and maybe even worse for some, than actual 'mean comments'. If she hadn't engaged in the flirting, she'd get the same type of response than Day is, because she was really a mean girl who pretended to be all about girl power, but quickly showed her hatred and jealousy for over girls within the first couple of weeks. Although there are people who love Day because they think she's funny and honest. Day has good DRs, which does help her a lot. Christine never had good DRs, so she never had that to help her. 

Everyone doe engage in the negative behaviour. Every season has the girls and the guys shit talking about each other behind closed doors. Season 15 had a lot of it upfront, which makes it the worst season that I've personally seen. Day does have a lot of people rooting for her (seriously, there are social media platforms who do love Day, such as Tumblr and Twitter), but she also has people who don't like her because she's not playing a smart game. But I have seen people root for her hardcore. Last season, I never really understood why people loved her and considered her a fan favourite. She showed her perceptiveness, but she ruined her game before her potential ever showed. This season has her playing a bit better, but she's begun to make some really bad gameplay choices, such as turning the target slowly onto Tiffany, even when she realizes there's a much bigger target that they have in common and who they could get out if all the girls could just stick together. 

Basically, Day has a very, very dominant personality so she puts herself more in the forefront. This means we see more of her actions and hear more of her thoughts and see more of her gameplay because of her honesty. That leaves the judgement up to the viewer, because she puts herself through these situations. I love when people play the game, but it also shows if they're good at it or not. Day is not good enough at it for me to want her to make it to the finals. 

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I didn't like Christine mainly because she made disparaging remarks about Donny constantly.  She acted like he gave her the willies.  She's entitled to her opinion, but that is why I couldn't stand her.  I never saw what Donny did to deserve such dislike from her.  I think they're friendly now, but it really bothered me how she treated him in the house. As far as her actions with Cody, I put that on both of them equally.  

Aaryn, Amanda and Gina Marie are the top three despicable house guests for me.  Frankie, Andy and Austin just make me sick.  

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, Nashville said:

No disagreement there at all.  I am in no way, shape, form or manner defending their actions - especially not Aryan's, whose I consider indefensible (I considered Christine's actions to be more sad and pathetic than anything else).  It had been stated, however, that Da'Vonne had gotten more heat for her actions than either of these two, and I was simply stating my own personal opinion that such was not NEARLY the case.  The question of whether anyone deserved what heat they got wasn't even a consideration.


Total agreement here as well.  

Christine got rotisseried for her coziness with Cody; where was the outrage against Cody, though, for messing around with a married woman?  Answer: silent, except for a few mumbles here and there.  Total double standard.

Cody was definitely in the wrong too, and I judged him for that. With that being said, I was harsher on Christine because she was the married one.

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Big Brother means Big Brother is watching you so how about bringing the concept back home where it belongs. Years of fear and unbalanced behavior has derailed the meaning of Big Brother. It's all cheap sensationalism. Bringing on freaks and unstable individuals has created a platform for mostl  young,sheep like inexperienced and uninformed members of life itself.

Granted, some HG,James,Nicole,Cory,Bronte and Bridget are fresh air but the rest seem to be auditioning for soap operas forgetting it takes talent.  Enough of the PC casting!  Make some attempt to get an intelligent cast. No more Frankie Grande freaks. At least this season no one comes close to that prancing idiot. There are a lot of gays that would like to be on the show but probably get turned down becauwe they're not queens and give the audience something to laugh at as the cynical producers think they're being noble but actually know better. Gays should be outraged that a minoroty of their community are being used for laughs and jeers.

I wish the HG would stop voting along with the house and have the rules change so they must be individuals instead of alleged mind melders.  No discussions beforehand on voting. Save that for the diary room where they can express what they really mean.  On eviction night no one would know how anyone voted...unless they're dumb enough to mention it. That would be a disqualification and out they go.

With inteligence taking center stage instead of plots and plans would anyone watch?  Cheap thrills are the center of the show by watching mostly frat boys and valley girls try and spell cat. Maybe, just maybe, the pressure of not knowing what the others are doing would add some legit drama and the end of "Blood on my hands", "Thrown under the bus" and other phrases way past their shelf life.

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