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The Flash: Season Zero (2014-) #9

It's just another day in Central City as The Flash battles The Hydro Hunter, a metahuman made entirely of water! "Smoak Signals," a special two-part adventure starring Arrow's Felicity Smoak starts here!


I'm happy for the popularity of the character but damn, I was all set to ignore the Flash comics and now they've sucked me back in. 

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Frankly the pants weirded me out, lol.  I also found it out of character that Ray was the one lecturing Felicity about being on time.  I will say that the cooking show excuse was almost soo lame that it was funny.  Almost. 

Yeah, I thought that whole exchange was really weird, and I don't like that they made Felicity look like she wasn't taking her job seriously just so they could get Ray in there. The whole thing would've worked without her having been late to a meeting.

  • Love 3

According to the Arrow wiki here, Flash Zero is supposed to be set between "Things You Can't Outrun" and "Going Rogue." So at this point, Felicity would know who the Flash is but Barry wouldn't know that Felicity knows.


I wonder if they changed that and this is the beginning of a new series set further in the season (wasn't the last installment an ending of sorts)? Because not only does Felicity not know about Barry yet if that timeline holds, but Palmer Technologies was still Queen Consolidated then. 

I wonder if they changed that and this is the beginning of a new series set further in the season (wasn't the last installment an ending of sorts)? Because not only does Felicity not know about Barry yet if that timeline holds, but Palmer Technologies was still Queen Consolidated then. 

Felicity apparently followed Oliver when Barry called him up to the roof to talk so she's known since the Flash pilot about Barry's secret.  About the Palmer Tech thing, maybe it's a case of the company makes the changes internally but waits a while before the "official" announcement.  Like how a grand opening is often weeks after a store opened. 


About Felicity finding out about Barry...I'm so surprised that I've never seen any stories about why Felicity would have followed Oliver up to the roof after the way they parted.  There has to be a story there.  

Felicity apparently followed Oliver when Barry called him up to the roof to talk so she's known since the Flash pilot about Barry's secret.  About the Palmer Tech thing, maybe it's a case of the company makes the changes internally but waits a while before the "official" announcement.  Like how a grand opening is often weeks after a store opened. 


About Felicity finding out about Barry...I'm so surprised that I've never seen any stories about why Felicity would have followed Oliver up to the roof after the way they parted.  There has to be a story there.  


Sorry, I didn't mean that she didn't know about Barry, I meant that Barry didn't know that she knows. Because he was surprised to find out that she knew about his powers in "Going Rogue" - the season zero comics are supposed to take place before that episode. And Ray and Felicity were still referring to PI as QC in ep 3x05. So, I think maybe these comics are supposed to take place closer to real time in the show than the first run did.

About Felicity finding out about Barry...I'm so surprised that I've never seen any stories about why Felicity would have followed Oliver up to the roof after the way they parted.  There has to be a story there.  


I have to watch the ep again but I thought she said she heard them on the comms, which is plausible.

I wonder if they changed that and this is the beginning of a new series set further in the season (wasn't the last installment an ending of sorts)? Because not only does Felicity not know about Barry yet if that timeline holds, but Palmer Technologies was still Queen Consolidated then.

Not only that but Barry is being covered live, which is something they aren't up to on the show yet...so perhaps in the future? Color me confused, but all I really want to know is Oliver's reaction to all of this. Does this happen while he's dead??!!

I suppose I could argue that the Flash doesn't say anything that says he's revealing who he is behind the mask but it's more likely that the people writing this just weren't  paying attention


The truest truth that I've ever read about the digital comics and, sometimes, the actual show, too. Because the people who wrote this particular story of season zero-Flash, with their favorite fan bait (got me to buy the issue, those bastards) guest star Felicity Smoak? Are Marc Guggenheim and Andrew Kreisberg... Oh, oh! Was that the joke? I see what you did there, then. Lol.


I see the Starling City Windows repair guy continues to rake in the money, even in the comics. Good for him. Also, I approve of the artist's decision to tone down the intensity that can be Palmer's crazy eyes. I would, additionally, like the phone number of whoever custom-fitted Felicity's eyeglasses to be so snug on her face, in a not too tight yet stylishly perched on her nose way, that it can incredibly stay on even after she gets dropped off a building/crashes through windows/swings on vines/etc.

I have to watch the ep again but I thought she said she heard them on the comms, which is plausible


Just went back and watched.  What she says is:  "Honestly I heard you two talking on that rooftop in Starling City that night."  No mentions of comms.


Taking to Mind Your Surroundings

Edited by BkWurm1

Erm... Am I looking at the right pictures because that looks nothing like Felicity? That interaction is something I would've loved to see on screen.




This looks like Felicity to me. It's not the usual ponytail look, but after staring at Arrow 2.5 where Felicity doesn't look like Felicity ...




I'm pretty happy with the Flash's version :)

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
  • Love 1

Those flying men, with the glowing gold "O"s on their deltoids, that threw Felicity from the window, are they supposed to be OMACs? From the plans of the QC Applied Sciences division? Cyborgs that are, perhaps, controlled by someone using Felicity's Brother Eye virus? Or are they people that turned into cyborgs because of the particle accelerator blast?

If they are OMACs, I'm side-eyeing these writers hard for tackling this possible plot point/possible future storyline on the Flash season zero comics rather than on Arrow. Then again, on one hand, having cyborgs might be hella expensive and also difficult to ground in Arrow's world. On the other hand, I'll be annoyed that possible story arcs/potential character-introspection scenarios for Felicity will be shown on the Flash instead of Arrow. Again. This time in digital comics form.

Available on Jan. 5th...

Arrow: Season 2.5 (2014-) #10
An old friend returns, an ally awakens, and Oliver discovers that Felicity has gone missing!


Marc Guggenheim retweeted
Smoak & Arrow ‏@SmoaknArrow    18h
I may or may not be relentlessly stalking online for #Arrow Season 2.5 #10 teasers/reviews/anythingOMG! @mguggenheim


Edited by tv echo

Same. Exactly the kind of episodes I like to watch because it had a bit of everything for everyone. And it's starting to explain the little things I've been finding annoying - like Oliver's money issues and how Felicity can possibly get time off work. Well, turns out she doesn't. She just misses days! 


I'm really interested about Felicity putting a security camera in her apartment too. That woman thinks of everything. 


Also it was good seeing Walter. I really hope he comes back later on this season. I think he should be key in getting Thea away from Malcolm.

Edited by Guest

I'm really interested about Felicity putting a security camera in her apartment too. That woman thinks of everything. 


Now I'm wondering if this security camera is just in her living room or if she has them everywhere? Because...well, you know. And Oliver already knew about its existence and how to view the feed, so...


No, don't go there mind. Don't go there.


And yeah, I guess maybe that's why she got a crap job at Buy More - it'd be a job she couldn't really get a reputation (for missing work) at since she probably wouldn't put that on a resume. I'm glad Ray gives her the time she needs without questioning it too much. Crazy eyes does have that going for him, I guess. 

  • Love 4

Now I'm wondering if this security camera is just in her living room or if she has them everywhere? Because...well, you know. And Oliver already knew about its existence and how to view the feed, so...


No, don't go there mind. Don't go there.


And yeah, I guess maybe that's why she got a crap job at Buy More - it'd be a job she couldn't really get a reputation (for missing work) at since she probably wouldn't put that on a resume. I'm glad Ray gives her the time she needs without questioning it too much. Crazy eyes does have that going for him, I guess. 


My mind already went there. As soon as I saw it. 


I regret nothing.

If Oliver knows how to access Felicity's cameras, why didn't he check them when she was missing in 3x05?

I did like this chapter, though. Explained some stuff like why Felicity is no longer at Kord. Loved seeing Walter again. Still not quite buying Roy's sudden devotion to Felicity. Did I miss something? Did they have a moment on the show or in the comics to back this?

  • Love 1

If Oliver knows how to access Felicity's cameras, why didn't he check them when she was missing in 3x05?

I did like this chapter, though. Explained some stuff like why Felicity is no longer at Kord. Loved seeing Walter again. Still not quite buying Roy's sudden devotion to Felicity. Did I miss something? Did they have a moment on the show or in the comics to back this?

Head canon: she disabled them due to some as of yet unknown accidental act of spying by someone (Oliver or Roy) while clicking on the "favorites" in Feliciy's browser on one of her computers in the foundry.

His mom had life insurance, for one thing, and Walter got the backers together for his bid for QC.

the life insurance makes sense.. Moira was probably insured for at least a few good millions.

the backers money is a bit odd.. one would assume that money would have to go straight into QC repurchase and not Oliver personal pocket.

If his mom had that much insurance, why was Oliver sleeping on the floor of the foundry (and why couldn't he buy his own bed)?



the backers money is a bit odd.. one would assume that money would have to go straight into QC repurchase and not Oliver personal pocket.


He didn't get to keep the backers' money, did he?  Once Ray won control of QC, the backers would have kept their money.






Edited by statsgirl

If his mom had that much insurance, why was Oliver sleeping on the floor of the foundry (and why couldn't he buy his own bed)?



He didn't get to keep the backers' money, did he?  Once Ray won control of QC, the backers would have kept their money.


I imagine Oliver was holding tight to whatever cash he did have to run Arrow operations because he wasn't sure if/when he'd be getting any more. I think that's why he was living in the foundry and sleeping on the floor - not because he couldn't afford another arrangement, but because he was unwilling to spend whatever money he had left on it. And that's why he slept in that cot Felicity bought him - the bare minimum to get by. I doubt she would've taken no for an answer, so what would be the point of fighting her on it? 


And I don't think the people backing Oliver's purchase of QC ever gave him the money. I've never purchased a conglomerate before so I can't say for sure, but I think there's probably some complicated financial maneuvers involved - Oliver wouldn't just collect and then write a big check for it.

  • Love 3

If his mom had that much insurance, why was Oliver sleeping on the floor of the foundry (and why couldn't he buy his own bed)?


I don't think the show/comics-runners are terribly concerned with making sure the two line up, I think the comics are primarily a way to bring in more revenue.  The comics also give them a way to shut up fans who may complain about missing scenes/details ("It's in the comics!") .  The show itself often has enough plot holes in it for a fleet of trucks, I'm not surprised to hear there are inconsistencies between the show and the comics.

  • Love 2

i can understand that but I do resent it when things get dropped in the show (e.g. the bottle of wine Oliver promised Felicity) and MG just handwaves it with "I'll put it in the comics".  I know they want to burn through stories on the show but they often end up doing a half-assed job because they think they can finish it in the comics.


I think Oliver's just being really really frugal and putting all the money into bankrolling team arrow, which I think is very responsible of him. 


I think we're also supposed to get the impression that he is so dedicated to his cause that he's discarded all creature comforts.  Still, there should have been enough to pay Felicity a salary so she didn't have to work at Tech Village.

i can understand that but I do resent it when things get dropped in the show (e.g. the bottle of wine Oliver promised Felicity) and MG just handwaves it with "I'll put it in the comics".  I know they want to burn through stories on the show but they often end up doing a half-assed job because they think they can finish it in the comics.

Oh, absolutely and it drives me nuts.  Between the comics and tossing stuff off on social media, it's like, why bother having a tv show?


I don't think Felicity would've taken a salary from Oliver for Team Arrow work; she wasn't doing it for money before so I can't see that changing.  She just seems like she would want to pay her own bills and if it means taking a job below her temporarily (while waiting to get QC back), then so be it.

  • Love 3

I don't think Felicity would've taken a salary from Oliver for Team Arrow work; she wasn't doing it for money before so I can't see that changing.  She just seems like she would want to pay her own bills and if it means taking a job below her temporarily (while waiting to get QC back), then so be it.


I agree. If he had offered her a salary so she wouldn't have to work while he was trying to get QC back, I don't think she ever would've taken it. 

Was Oliver paying Diggle a salary, or was he living off of Lyla?  I wonder what she had to say about that. 


Felicity wasn't taking money for doing Team Arrow work in seasons 1 and 2 because she had a job she earned money at.  After Oliver got booted out of QC, that ended.  Maybe it's because I'm used to consulting work but I can see Felicity taking a consultant's fee while she's doing Team Arrow IT work and preparing Oliver to get QC back because it's real work and she doesn't have another source of income. But the writers wanted to have her working at a retail job so she could meet Ray Palmer (ha, ha) so they gave her a low level job at Tech Village.


It's something else that doesn't quite line up with the comics because if she had worked consulting for Kord Industries, then she would have had enough money that she didn't need to work at Tech Village.

Edited by statsgirl

Was Oliver paying Diggle a salary, or was he living off of Lyla?  I wonder what she had to say about that. 


Felicity wasn't taking money for doing Team Arrow work in seasons 1 and 2 because she had a job she earned money at.  After Oliver got booted out of QC, that ended.  Maybe it's because I'm used to consulting work but I can see Felicity taking a consultant's fee while she's doing Team Arrow IT work and preparing Oliver to get QC back because it's real work and she doesn't have another source of income. But the writers wanted to have her working at a retail job so she could meet Ray Palmer (ha, ha) so they gave her a low level job at Tech Village.


I can see her needing the retail job from the point of view of having to justify where her income is coming from; obviously, filling out tax returns and putting 'Team Arrow' as your employer would probably be something to avoid.

  • Love 1

It's something else that doesn't quite line up with the comics because if she had worked consulting for Kord Industries, then she would have had enough money that she didn't need to work at Tech Village.

She got fired from Kord Industries for missing work though - that money would've only lasted her for so long. And Oliver could've set up some kind of shell corporation for her to collect consulting fees from, but I think Felicity probably would've thought that would be too big of a risk in case she got audited.

ETA: not to mention-she got health and dental from Buy More, which a "consulting job" from Oliver wouldn't have given her. I really think she took the job there because it was kind of a throwaway. She could miss work and losing it wouldn't be a big deal or harm her professional reputation.

Edited by apinknightmare

Rich people have all sorts of consultants and advisers to help them through their day.  (Even middle-class people like me have a financial adviser so we have enough money to retire.)  Oliver still had money, three or four million according to SA, given his lack of business qualifications he needs a financial adviser to help him decide what funds to put the bulk in because he wouldn't have spent it all on Arrow stuff at once.  Felicity was his former EA, it would have made sense for him to hire her to help him as he was doing the work to get back QC.  Maybe the IRS would have looked at it askance if he had hired her as a media consultant (and he really should have hired one to get QC back since he had the money) or personal shopper but as an assistant and for general IT work, why not hire Felicity, just as he probably kept Diggle on salary as his bodyguard.

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