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Season 14 Discussion

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Look, I've been drinkin'. And I'm pretty sure "Drinkin'" is the target audience for this show. So my comment is thus:




[Five pages later.]




Really though, all these women seem equally mentally and emotionally wrecked, and I think we're in for a good time watching them snatch and screech and dumb-du-du-dumb their way into our cold black hearts. Yay!


If you look up "Bad Bitches" in the dictionary, you'll find that that isn't a definition included in the dictionary because it is not actually a real term that people use in real life because we're not all functioning as if we never made it past the age of TUH-WELVE, BITCHES.


And besides, I can tell from the style of your boots, that you bitches aren't on my level anyway. So watch your mattresses. They about to get wet. :P


But for serious-serious, I am a GOD-IN-MY-OWN-MIND and I'm about to drop an Acme anvil on this planet. Because we are in a cartoon now. We're in the Bee Gee Cee, reality is irrelevant! Wakka wakka wakka, beyotcheznatchez.


In conclusion, bitches, BITCHES BITCHES BITCHES, bitches. I will fuck you up because that is my personality in a nutshell, and I am a unique and especially valuable human being.


(Please get those dogs away from these psychopaths.)

Edited by Liqidclark
  • Love 3

Looks to be a good season.


Lauren - I cain't stand sloppy drunks, though I felt bad for her when she spoke about her brother who OD'd.


Jasmine - Chile, please!  She hates on Jela and the twins 'cause they have money and style...plus, she must be used to being top dog in Chi-town and cain't accept that here she is going to be the bottom bitch.  Jela cut her some slack regarding Kat's ciggies....I would have shouted her down and told her to sit down and listen to the pretty music as the grown bitches are running the house.


Tina - Eesh.  She's going to be a follower.


Jela - 'The Jela Show' got old the second time, please knock it off.  And a true bad bitch has her own money and doesn't need to be a golddigger.


Kat - Got a sexy vibe to her.


The twins - I really don't find them attractive but I do like their delusional confidence in themselves.

  • Love 1

Oh my God, the twins are going to be insufferable. Watching them swan around the house acting superior to everyone else got old after like, five minutes. The only thing that got old faster than that was "The Jela Show." Ugh. I look forward to the Twins' birthday so they can get drunk and we'll see them act as stupid as the other ones. (I forget her name -- Shannon, maybe? -- from a few seasons ago, when she shared with Rocky her trick for when they go out. You alternate with water/soda so you can keep a cool head while everyone else gets turnt up and ratchet. That way you can defend yourself properly if need be.)


Like in the car on the way home when Lauren asked Jela why she had to have a black babydaddy, and Jela just went off on her. Then we got the sober (maybe?) DR where she explained rationally about how she wants a black father to be able to teach her children about growing up black and how to deal with that. Then back to the car where she was too drunk to explain that to anyone and just shouted and kicked and put up a fuss. Nice.


I also felt a little bad for Lauren when she admitted her brother OD'd, and that's why she doesn't do drugs, but clearly overcompensates with alcohol. She's the kind of sloppy drunk that isn't entertaining to watch. Like Judi. I worry about this one going off the rails like that. It's uncomfortable to watch sometimes.


Judging from that preview at the beginning, it looks like the entire house gangs up on Jela and the Twins and destroys all their stuff. (Guess that lock didn't help after all, eh, Jela?) It's not cool to destroy property, but I'm going to assume that they have a perfectly good reason to go to that extreme. Those three are pretty awful. I look forward to their comeuppance. :D

  • Love 2

Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me but during the preview where they show the four girls readying themselves for a fight after just having thrown Jela and the twins' stuff out, I did not see Tina there or at least it did not look like her.  It was clearly Jasmine on the far left, Kat, Lauren, and then someone else.  I wonder if Tina gets replaced by then or maybe it was her and I just did not realize it.   


Judging from that preview at the beginning, it looks like the entire house gangs up on Jela and the Twins and destroys all their stuff. (Guess that lock didn't help after all, eh, Jela?) It's not cool to destroy property, but I'm going to assume that they have a perfectly good reason to go to that extreme.


No....just no.  I don't give a bluedilly fuck of the reason or reasons they had, destroying someone's property is wrong and I hope Jela and the Twins are allowed to mollywhop these bitches for a few minutes before being separated froim them.


I'm getting a jealousy vibe from the other girls and this will likely result in destroying the clothes, backhanded remarks, etc.



So...what was the reason for Shannade showing up later than everyone else? Did they explain that?


I thought that it was just for the surprise of her being a twin.


I think Tina believes that being a bad girl just means talking a bunch of nonsense while overusing happenin' phrases and words.  She'll be taught a lesson early in the game.

Jasmine is Judi lite, always dramatic and never standing up for herself.  I don't know how she got cast, all she's going to do is whine and sell wolf tickets to no one in particular.  And see, told you she was hating on Jela/Twins due to their lifestyles.


Lauren - All that mouth but as soon as Jela/one of the Twins got in your face and read you, you sat your drunk ass down. 


Tina - Have a seat little one....you are lucky that Jela didn't come after you when you were pounding your fist and talking shit, all while having security hold your ass back.


Jela/Twins - So full of themselves, but I like them because at least they own how OTT they are.

Looks to be a good season.


Lauren - I cain't stand sloppy drunks, though I felt bad for her when she spoke about her brother who OD'd.


Jasmine - Chile, please!  She hates on Jela and the twins 'cause they have money and style...plus, she must be used to being top dog in Chi-town and cain't accept that here she is going to be the bottom bitch.  Jela cut her some slack regarding Kat's ciggies....I would have shouted her down and told her to sit down and listen to the pretty music as the grown bitches are running the house.


Tina - Eesh.  She's going to be a follower.


Jela - 'The Jela Show' got old the second time, please knock it off.  And a true bad bitch has her own money and doesn't need to be a golddigger.


Kat - Got a sexy vibe to her.


The twins - I really don't find them attractive but I do like their delusional confidence in themselves.

I thought Kat had a sexy vibe to her too; but she seems to get really sloppy-emotional-angry drunk in the previews for the rest of the season. I think she is the only one I could actually care about getting better. 

Jasmine is a fool. So transparent. She wanted to make this big dog bad bitch move within the first 24 hours or so bc in her mind thats how you show youre the leader and get respect. Umm.. maybe in some circles, but even there you should have a lefitimate reason for being mad, or just be a flat out bitch to everyone for no reason. But she took this littlle incident with the cigarettes, which Kat even admitted at first she could have easily dropped and got caught in the towel if she had gotten up and tossed them carelessly, so Jasmine didn't look tough, she didn't look bad; she looked like a nosy shit-stirrer who gets way to emotional about unimportent mess.

The twins, I'm pretty sure will grate my nerves early on. So far, I'm just completely bored by them, and their saying things in unison (and pulling silly pranks that have been done since Season 4.)

Tina- I hate to say this, and I hope I'm wrong but I really get the vibe from her and something sexually innapropriate happened to her when she was young. She has that kind of dead eyed, i know im only worth how I look or what my body can do, way about her that seems so jaded for someone so young.

Lauren- I. cant. even. Sloppy drunks are not cute, and certainly not "bad bitches". She's a whiny, annoying hillbilly mess and I get the feeling we will see much more of her screeching, falling down, throwing up than doing anything so called "bad"

I feel like on this show the token white person has beecome such a characature. Years ago it was much more diverse; there was the girl from Chicago that was alright, and a few others ones early on that I'm not remembering. But after Lauren's season (which she was no where as bad as the recent ones), but I feel that they thought they found their formula; wide-eyed, hillbilly, sloppy drunk mess and have been just running it into the ground ever since.

The one thing I will say about this cast vs. others is that almost every girl said she is looking forward to changing something about herself. So I kind of feel like the people that apply nowadays could in no way hang with the OG bad girls, which will be much less entertaining for us viewers. Though it may be a good thing if they really accept the help from that hack therapist.

Also, it was kind of sweet how many of the girls carried sloppy ass Lauren up and tucked her into bed; probably the first and last time they will do that but sweet nonetheless.

Edited by SneakyCentipede

Oh my God, I can't take Jela and The Twins. They are so up themselves and I don't know how the other girls don't murder them in their sleep. And unfortunately, it doesn't look like any of the other girls are going to be strong enough to stand up to them. (well, except for when they gang up on them and destroy their property while they're out, which is a cowardly BS move)


Watching them strut around I see red and I want to let them know that YES, their shit DOES in fact stink. :P

  • Love 3

This is my first time where I am going to attempt to watch a whole season of BGC in years.... But, man, I hope Jela + the twins get their ass whooped @ some point.... Those three needs to stop acting like they hot shit because it ain't a good look @ all.... Nobody wants to be any of you.... The more "holier than thou" they act, the more insecure you can tell they are....


And, if you have to call yourself a "bad bitch" constantly to others then you probably ain't....

Edited by OrientalAmish

I can't stand those twins. I've never seen two uglier girls in a long time.

That Jela is common. Her mother sounded common too. And she has the nerve to pretend she's upper class. No honey.

They wanted to be friends with Jasmine because Jasmine is lighter than they are, they don't fool me at all.

I hope the three of them disappear STAT.

Edited by Neurochick

So, bottom line, Kat is the only person worth paying attention to or rooting for on this show. She isn't trying too fucking hard to show the worst of her personality just to get noticed. She isn't DESPERATE for those cameras like that.


I understand now why twins keep getting cast on shows like this. They've spent their lives trying to stand out from their doppelganger, they'll do ANYTHING to get attention. That's a TV producer's wet dream.


Christina is the chillest so far. She's involved, but not too involved. She's doing her thing, but she's not doing too much. She finds the catty drama as funny as we do.


THE N-WORD: It was a song, a non-racist song, and a white girl doesn't become a racist if she sings along to that song. These women call each other bitches like it means 'friends', and I doubt they would object to a man who sang along to a song that used 'bitch' in a harmless way. They wouldn't call that man a sexist. So singing along to a song that uses the N-word in a harmless way does not make someone a racist. If anyone has race issues, it's the woman who thinks only a black man could be a good father.


JELA. You put your fucking hands on Lauren first. YOU are the violent person in that situation. Get some help, girl. You are a mess, and it isn't hot. You're just messy. (And you're an asshole to your mom, but that's a whole other topic.)

Edited by Liqidclark
  • Love 4

Jela is very weird. Starting with that sob story that her mom abandoned her to work but never mentioning why her daddy coulnd't keep her.


THEN we find out her dad married some white chick.  How you screaming a white man can't raise no black kids but your dad clearly didn't mind spending his life with a white woman.  Is it because there are no kids involved that makes it ok?


Added to that her revisionist history on what Lauren has done to her (nothing) and her off center bump-it in the talking heads....She's just...off.



Also, them twins aren't half as cute as they think they are. Also, they wear entirely too much makeup, in the way a drag queen would...but not even contoured well. That goes double for older sister.

  • Love 2

Yeah, I loved when they were putting on their makeup and the older sister was still in the early stages, and it was all blocked out and contoured like the queens on Ru Paul's Drag Race. :D


I sort of hate Lauren for simply being a pot stirrer and also a REALLY sloppy drunk (like, ALL THE TIME), but I also hate Jela for being an arrogant cow. I don't want either of them to emerge victorious. And if they just spend all season at each others' throats like this, it's going to get really old really fast. (And yes, you can be a little offended if the white girl sings the n-word while singing along to a song and point out to her that maybe you skip over that word if you're in public, but you don't jump down her throat calling her a racist just because you're looking for trouble.)


The twins drive me up the wall with their DRs. They also need subtitles because they mumble and slur like they're high or something. Ugh. I did laugh when they made them take a multi-liquor shot and one of them immediately ran to the bathroom to ralph. That was pretty awesome.


I had thought Kat would be the cool chick I would like all season, but she's actually kind of boring. She seemed like the tough girl who actually had a good head on her shoulders. I like those. The ones who will defend themselves and the ones whose backs they have, but doesn't actively go around shit stirring like some of these bitches. But if all she's going to do is mope around the house, they're going to need her to go so we can get someone with a personality in here. You just know casting is kicking themselves for this one… :)

So how long until Kat gets a call from a "concerned friend" back home who confirms her dream about her girlfriend cheating?

Jela, if Lauren is nasty so are you. And you are equally rude. People always hate on others the most for what they hate about themselves. Maybe they'll have an epic blow up and both get kicked out the house. I'm already over their lame drama.

The twins are annoying, but I did like that they aren't being total assholes by trying to exclude the others from their birthday strippers. Everyone needs a stripper in the BGC.

  • Love 1

Yes. Even busted-looking strippers like those two. Props to Lauren for having the balls to throw herself at one of them. I don't know if he would have picked up or returned her call, but at least he told her to call him! :D 

Yes. Even busted-looking strippers like those two. Props to Lauren for having the balls to throw herself at one of them. I don't know if he would have picked up or returned her call, but at least he told her to call him! :D 

I already hated Lauren as it is, but the way she says one thing to Kat in her face and a total other once she gets in the confessional really shows what a piece of shit she is

So, bottom line, Kat is the only person worth paying attention to or rooting for on this show. She isn't trying too fucking hard to show the worst of her personality just to get noticed. She isn't DESPERATE for those cameras like that.

I understand now why twins keep getting cast on shows like this. They've spent their lives trying to stand out from their doppelganger, they'll do ANYTHING to get attention. That's a TV producer's wet dream.

Christina is the chillest so far. She's involved, but not too involved. She's doing her thing, but she's not doing too much. She finds the catty drama as funny as we do.

THE N-WORD: It was a song, a non-racist song, and a white girl doesn't become a racist if she sings along to that song. These women call each other bitches like it means 'friends', and I doubt they would object to a man who sang along to a song that used 'bitch' in a harmless way. They wouldn't call that man a sexist. So singing along to a song that uses the N-word in a harmless way does not make someone a racist. If anyone has race issues, it's the woman who thinks only a black man could be a good father.

JELA. You put your fucking hands on Lauren first. YOU are the violent person in that situation. Get some help, girl. You are a mess, and it isn't hot. You're just messy. (And you're an asshole to your mom, but that's a whole other topic.)

Aww, I thought the guy Lauren was all up on was cute; however, I was looking at his tat...it was a picture of him hugging a woman, only the woman didn't look like his mother but of a girlfriend/wife.  I don't think she had a chance in hell with him, despite his 'call me' to her.


BTW, strippers gross me out....I don't need you shakin' your sweaty dong/ass in my face!


Jela - Sigh.  Should have been kicked out of the house the second she socked Lauren in the jaw.  Like ya'll have said, SHE had HER hands on Lauren's shoulders as she was trying to make a point so IMO she was in Lauren's personal space.  Lauren practically didn't even touch her and Jela swung at her jaw.  Plus, how is Lauren disgusting when you were shaking your cooch/licking your tongue out to the strippers?  As for Lauren's 'rudeness', bitch just answered your question....you would have answered in the same tone if she had asked you!  I was on the Jela train but tonight's eppy had me leaving the station where she is concerned.


I thought Shanukah was much prettier than the twins. 


Jasmine - All talk!  When Jela was going off about cleaning, why didn't you tell her how you have also been cleaning?  Why do you always have a counter point when Jela isn't around?  Oh that's right...'cause you are afraid of her!


Lauren - Boy, those kids must have really bullied the hell out of her when she was young, 'cause she seems to be acting out all that pain now.  How about after she got mollywhopped by Jela?  "I didn't think she'd hit me."  Oy.


N-Gate - I have always been back and forth on this.  I am black and Mr. Stud is white and trust when I say you don't want to know how we bust on each other in private sometimes.  That said, while I may have given Lauren the side eye when she rapped the N-word, I wouldn't have thought her racist.  Jela just took that to an unnecessary level.

  • Love 1

Yeah I have to agree Shanukah is much better looking than her sisters.  I don't find the twins attractive at all and their voices annoy me just as much as the voices of the twins on Big Brother.


I find it crazy how much Lauren looks and acts like my ex.  I mean my ex-girlfriend was a sloppy drunk and she could be Lauren's twin sister.  It really is uncanny.


I know Dr. Laura was not in this episode but I feel like making a comment about her.  She seems like a nice enough woman but really what the hell is a life coach?


I mean she acts like she is a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist so I really do not see how she can be considered an expert.  I think Juile from last season was right when she basically told her she did not need or want her help.

I was surprised to see Shanuka goes by Shan. Aren't they all Shan, really?

This is going to be one of those seasons where I don't really like anyone. Right now I like Kat, but I suspect she isn't long for this, and Tina. Jasmine is a flip flopper and generally annoying, Lauren is just too annoying, the Claremont twins with their matching "Claremont twins" robes- just too much. I want to like Jela but she's as dumb as the rest of them.

If Kat goes, I hope Tina perks up because this show is going to suck for me. Anyone know/have any guesses as to Tina's ethnicity? She's beautiful.

It's so dumb for Lauren and Jasmine to "plot" against Kat. They're just trying to prove they're the baddest and they just look like idiots. I'm glad Jela whacked Lauren. I'm very nonviolent but I would be tempted to do the same if I had to live with her.

Edited by Elizabeth9

I wrote the recap for this episode. "Fuck you bitch! You're a dumb bitch! Bitch, fuck you!"


You're welcome.


Okay, but seriously, I obviously watched this crap, so who am I to pretend these fools aren't worth dissecting in detail?


The twins are SO THIRSTY for those cameras. Life isn't worth it for those twins if cameras aren't recording them while they act ugly. Lauren had a good point, it was Kat and New Julie who had a problem at the club, and the twins just wanted in on that action in the limo. I smell double the desperation from their direction. Oh, but they got crowns from the 99-cent Store on their heads, so they're good, no need to grow as people.


And again, Tina was just watching in amusement at these tittied clowns. She is us, isn't she? She went there just to get the best seats for the show, didn't she? Bad move. It's better to watch this crap on TV. The type of 'boring' and 'weak' they're calling you, is not a bad thing. Being disinterested in participating in The Bad Girls Club is not a character flaw. Sign up for an account at the Previously.TV forums, instead.


When Jela was so tired of being in the middle of the drama that she had to insert herself into the drama, I saw her mosaic-ed crotch and realized that the amount of pixelation on these people just makes me wonder why they didn't sign up for a show on the Playboy channel, instead. I have no problem with nudity, but if that's an angle you're working, then at least apply that shit in the correct area.


And when New Julie threw her drink upstairs  at Jela, I got excited when Jela took off, but then she just attacked a bed. WTF? What did that bed do to you, Jela?


BUT I FEEL LIKE I'M BEING SOME TYPE OF WAY ABOUT THIS EPISODE SO I 'POLIGIZE. Anything offensive I may have said is now erased. Hug me.




Oh, but wait! I have a fishy issue. I have a *CLAP MY HANDS* issue! LET'S FIGHT, BITCH! Oh, wait, commercial break first. And when we come back, let's calm it down. We ARE faking all of this, after all. I apologize until we fight over nothing again tomorrow.


What's really important is that I need to force someone out of the house when her friends are gone and I have the upper-hand. That's how strong I am. I attack you only when you are most vulnerable. Let me now gather all of your belongings for you, so it's easier to pack. Take that! You're not broken enough as a person to be in the Bad Girls house! HAHAHA! Haha?



Edited by Liqidclark
  • Love 3

If anyone should have been kicked out this eppy then it should have been weak assed Jasmine or as I call her, Judi 2.0 (bitch even looks like her, without the crazy brows).  All this chile does is snap at people like a little dog then whimpers when she's smacked on the ass.


I will give her this though, she at least knows who she can't bark at, Jela would mollywhop that ass 1-2-3 and as of tonight so will the twins.  Just sit down, listen to the pretty music and STFU.


Twins - For bitches so ballin' one of them had a giant hole under their arm...you'd think they'd be checking out their clothes before going out.  Jela had a little one too.


Speaking of Ms. Hypocrite, why is it alright to apologize/be zen with Jasmine but be balls out with Lauren all the time? 


Tina - She was miscellaneous at the very beginning by trying too hard to be hard, so won't miss her ass at all.


Kat - You really should have broken up with Emily before coming into the house....damn, err'time you call her you are acting like a bitch to her, shit I'd be cheating on you too.



I saw Jela's mosaic-ed crotch


I was like, what's with the pixelated puss?  Matter of fack was she wearing shorts, 'cause I didn't understand the pixy at all.

Edited by Vixenstud

Wow. That was one of the most pathetic good-byes ever on this show. I mean, I thought it was lame in previous seasons when a girl would get there and practically go home the first day because she realized that she was not cut out for that. But to have Jela put your stuff in the yard and you just give in and leave? That makes her feel like the winner. (When I feel like Tina would've left on her own eventually) Don't let Jela ever feel like she's got one up on you. She'll never let that go. So congrats, Tina! You're the most pathetic Bad Girl of the season! (So far)


It was interesting to see Kat finally show why she's in the house. Lauren had been asking, and now she's seen first-hand the insane temper that makes Kat a Bad Girl. Clearly she's got a jealous streak a mile wide, and I feel bad for any girl who tries to date her. But punching in the kitchen window? (Which already had tape on it? Why?) Yikes. And then that completely insane outburst at the end when Lauren told her they wanted to get her out? (why would you say that?) Double Yikes. She cut her hand again. Girl's got ISSUES. A whole subscription, really. 


I enjoyed watching Jela fall out with the twins, but unfortunately it was resolved pretty quickly. i expected some trouble in paradise since they can't ALL be the prettiest. :D


Oh, but along those lines: Without their caked-on makeup and eyeliner, those twins are beasts! Their skin is awful! Terrifying!

Yeah, that's what always cracks me up about this show. You have to pick a side and stay with it, you can't talk to anyone else in the house or else it's THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL. And then you'll be labeled a traitor. Or even worse, A FAKE BITCH.


These bitches are so concerned with who's fake and who's real. Just once, I would like someone to call another one a fake bitch and that one to whip off a Mission Impossible mask and reveal that they really are fake because they're actually an alien monster. And then the alien monster kills the other one. :D

  • Love 2

I don't think Kat's any crazier than any other BG.

Sucks if she leaves, because then I will hate everyone. This is really an unlikeable group of women.

Jasmine is a hot mess to the point where it's almost not fun to watch. Seeing her on her birthday was almost sad to watch. Girl has issues.

Maybe the new girl will be likable? Only if she stays with Kat. If she chooses either side, then she will probably wind up annoying me like the other girls.

  • Love 1

Neurochick, agreed. That's why the earlier seasons were so much more interesting. They would have conflicts and people went home only when they really went over the line. But then once the girls realized that would happen, it became like a competitive reality show where they would try to drive someone to throw the first punch and get booted from the house. It got really, really bad a few seasons ago when it seemed like someone would go home every week. I forget which season, but a couple girls just decided to drive everyone out of the house one by one. It got really old really fast. And it makes the reunion SUPER crowded! (and you're like, who is that bitch? Because they were only on for an episode)

The twins are SO THIRSTY for those cameras. Life isn't worth it for those twins if cameras aren't recording them while they act ugly.


Ditto for Jela. The three of them obviously think of this show as a big career move. They figure they just need to show up, look as hot and/or naked as possible and grab as much attention as they can, and Hollywood will beat a path to their door. I suppose if all you aspire to be is a D-list reality show star, this is as good an approach as any. It worked for Natalie, who isn't half as attractive as these three. But if you're looking for a legit career as a model or actress, it seems counterproductive to go on a show where the cast members are known to be generally rowdy, immature, inebriated, promiscuous, violent, and straight up dumb.Who is looking to hire that? I think Jela has this idea of being the bad girl who is just hot and confident and not any of those other things, but when casting agents see BGC on her resume, they're going to assume she was a mess like everyone else on the show. Which she is. I laughed out loud in whatever episode it was where she was talking about being in Vogue and having her own tv show. Vogue isn't looking for a 25 year old with a booty and giant tattoos up the side of her body. The twins however, have positioned themselves perfectly to get even more of the vaguely soft porn photoshoots they've been doing for years. There's plenty more of that in their future.

Oh my God, every time the twins say "Know your place," I want to stab those stuck up bitches in the eye! Aaargh!


It just cracks me up that Jela and the Twins complain about "fake bitches" all the time, when they're clearly the fakest in the house. They took one look at Jenna's picture and immediately judged her as being not on their level. (If she's from Albany, I don't know what the tire was all about, though) The other girls are much more real because they were willing to wait and see who she actually is and not judge a Bad Girl by her photo. (Seriously though, between the tire and her facial expression, it's like the show was TRYING to make her look bad from the start)


And Jenna had every right to complain about the club they went to. I mean, it didn't look that bad to me, but apparently they all agreed it was kind of dead, so when Jenna asks if that's the type of place they normally go to, why wouldn't you just say "Ugh, no. That place was lame. We'll never go there again!" No, of course you would turn it into a shouting match in the limo and start a fight. And while Jela was trying to make peace, she lost any points she might have earned when she turned it around and blasted Jenna for throwing water on her. Um, no, actually, it was one of your twins who pushed you from behind and got the water accidentally splashed on you. Not really Jenna's fault. 


Props for Jenna for kicking that door in, though. The whole locking someone out of the house is so juvenile. When she was standing at the kitchen door with that big window, I was like, "This is where I just throw a lawn chair through the window and walk in." Although I don't know how production feels about that kind of property destruction. I guess Kat was okay breaking a window, but that might be a bit much. Kicking it in worked a treat, though!


I do have to call editing shenanigans though. We saw Jela pouring the Patron down the sink, but later she made nice by giving it back to her in a water bottle. So… um… where did it come from? I feel like Jela probably poured it into a water bottle and then filled the Patron bottle up in the sink, but that wasn't good enough, so production asked her to pour out that water and act like she was pouring out the Patron. Something like that. But if she didn't actually pour out the Patron and kept it to give back, that seems weird. And not very Bad-Girl-y. 


But clearly when that production guy sat everyone down and said "Cut that shit out. We can't deal with any more fighting today you psycho bitches," Jela got nervous. Because if you're not going to throw someone out because they threw the first punch, you're going to have to throw someone out because they're the problem. And Jela is very clearly the problem.


it's funny because they were all getting along so well in the beginning and when they went on the not-at-all-production-scheduled visit to the animal shelter/farm, so I was wondering what was going to turn them against each other to lead to the massive property destruction we got a tease of in the first episode. But yeah, Jela and The Twins are not going to change. And I feel like they deserve whatever they get!

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