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A Case Of The Mondays: Vent Your Work Spleen Here

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2 hours ago, emma675 said:

Well, then I'm the outlier because I don't want to hear why a company didn't want me, lol. If I'm not going to be working with them, I don't want to hear all the reasons why they didn't think I was good enough. For me, that would undermine my confidence while I'm in the final rounds of other interviews. 

I completely understand your point.  I just know that I would likely be more defeated by the reasons I would create in my imagination.  I'm funny that way, lol.  

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One of the worst parts of job searching is knowing that you have to continue going to a job you’re sick of while you wait to find something better. My Slackbot just went off with my Outlook calendar for the day and I just felt my stomach drop.

I just hope there is actual work for me to do when I get there. I got passed over for a project last week that my boss chose to give to a freelancer “just in case” we got busy and assigned the other part of it to another coworker even though I specifically told him I had two weeks of freedom. (Three of us volunteered.) It’s beyond frustrating to get all this praise for doing good work and being a valued team member and then he chooses a freelancer over one of his own team members “just in case.”  

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
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7 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

One of the worst parts of job searching is knowing that you have to continue going to a job you’re sick of while you wait to find something better. My Slackbot just went off with my Outlook calendar for the day and I just felt my stomach drop.

I just hope there is actual work for me to do when I get there. I got passed over for a project last week that my boss chose to give to a freelancer “just in case” we got busy and assigned the other part of it to another coworker even though I specifically told him I had two weeks of freedom. (Three of us volunteered.) It’s beyond frustrating to get all this praise for doing good work and being a valued team member and then he chooses a freelancer over one of his own team members “just in case.”  

My problem seems to be no one wants to pay me what I'm worth, or the idiots I currently work for won't promote me because I am a "threat" to them (I know the job as well as they do but they like keeping their thumbs on me).

I decided to develop my own business (still working on the website, once that's up, I'm set) because no one wanted to give me a chance no matter how much I put forth to show them what I can do.  I know what I'm capable of (and on occasion, I still think the sky's the limit) and that route seems to be the only one that will work.  

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1 hour ago, magicdog said:

My problem seems to be no one wants to pay me what I'm worth, or the idiots I currently work for won't promote me because I am a "threat" to them (I know the job as well as they do but they like keeping their thumbs on me).

I decided to develop my own business (still working on the website, once that's up, I'm set) because no one wanted to give me a chance no matter how much I put forth to show them what I can do.  I know what I'm capable of (and on occasion, I still think the sky's the limit) and that route seems to be the only one that will work.  

I admire your drive. I thought about starting a freelance writing business (I originally went to school for journalism, and yes it was a bad choice, but I wanted to transition to copywriting) but was always afraid to take the plunge. So here I am. I think I’ll go for it if this instructional design transition doesn’t work out, though, because I am worn out on the “experience” trap so many companies set up. 

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
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7 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

I thought about starting a freelance writing business (I originally went to school for journalism, and yes it was a bad choice, but I wanted to transition to copywriting) but was always afraid to take the plunge. So here I am. I think I’ll go for it if this instructional design transition doesn’t work out, though, because I am worn out on the “experience” trap so many companies set up. 

Definite take the plunge!  At least working for yourself, you know you have a great boss!

I wish I'd done it years ago.  

  • Love 1
On 11/29/2021 at 2:45 PM, magicdog said:

My problem seems to be no one wants to pay me what I'm worth, or the idiots I currently work for won't promote me because I am a "threat" to them (I know the job as well as they do but they like keeping their thumbs on me).

I decided to develop my own business (still working on the website, once that's up, I'm set) because no one wanted to give me a chance no matter how much I put forth to show them what I can do.  I know what I'm capable of (and on occasion, I still think the sky's the limit) and that route seems to be the only one that will work.  

I went to work for myself years ago and don’t regret it. I was lucky to have my husbands reliable income to rely on.

Working for myself was the right path for me, especially as I have had a lot of medical issues.

I do consulting and mostly subcontract with larger consulting firms. It’s great because I can work on a 3-4 month project intensely and then can take a break for a few months to recover (and have another surgery).

The downside for me is that it is feast or famine. But that has more to managing my health than anything else.

The best thing is - I can work for a total asshat for 3 months then I never, ever, have to work with them again.

My husband is now at the same point with his profession. After his current work goes a certain direction, he does not want to be full-time anymore but wants to do contract based work.

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

We got our employee survey today. I definitely am not going to be as kind as I’ve been on past surveys, but I won’t be completely rude either. My management always stresses how important these are but I wonder now if they even care what people have to say. 

My company made some real changes based on last years survey. They don't impact everyone but they are attempting to make an effort to hear us.

  • Love 1

Well, the deal must be nearing completion for the sale of the station.  When I got to work last night, all the postings about covid (masks to be worn when entering, the thing that employees can scan with their phones, and other notices) were all removed.  There's an employee meeting this afternoon but it's during my sleep time, so I'll have to get the highlights from someone else.

22 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

My company made some real changes based on last years survey. They don't impact everyone but they are attempting to make an effort to hear us.

I ended up doing the survey but gave lower scores than I gave in the past on some categories. I am still job searching too; I’m getting close to 40 apps now. Why do work and job searching have to be so hard? 

  • Love 2

I had to show this to y'all because this is my boss's standard M.O. She had me send her an email to "test" the coding that she explicitly told me how to enter in the email to get approval for an invoice, as if a 16-year-old couldn't follow the same directions. When I did exactly as she said, she popped off on me, and then sheepishly admitted I did exactly what she told me to do. I have to draft emails so she can "approve" them. I've been at my job a year and a half.

My friend and former coworker sent this to me the other day and said it was me every time my boss tells me how to do the same job I've been doing every day.
Angry Kung Fu Panda GIF

Edited by bilgistic
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My manager asked me yesterday to "provide by Friday at noon a list of 2021 accomplishments: new tasks you've learned, current tasks you've improved, etc. Include any special projects that I or other managers have asked of you."

Y'all know what all y'all have asked me to do because I told y'all in August when y'all told me to "be patient" and wait until December when I asked for a raise!

  • LOL 1
1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

My manager asked me yesterday to "provide by Friday at noon a list of 2021 accomplishments: new tasks you've learned, current tasks you've improved, etc.

Did they ever hire you directly, or are you still a contractor? Because I've never heard of a contractor going through that process.

Still a contractor, but I'm "permanent". This weird company only hires on its higher management and executive staff. Everyone else—staff accountants (non-CPAs) on down—is employed by agencies. My manager is a contractor!

I'm sure it's so they can evaluate what pittance they will give me for a raise. I got a whole 60¢ an hour last year.

  • Love 1

I just pumped out a comprehensive 10-item list of all of my 2021 accomplishments and finished up with, "I appreciate the flexibility, responsibilities and trust I've been given."


"I deserve a meaningful raise because of all the responsibility I've taken on. Thanks for the opportunity for a year-end review."

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Kind of a crossover between this thread and the family thread I guess. I learned over the weekend that I can no longer talk to my mom about my job search.

My mom basically thinks that I should wait until I’m done with school to look for jobs in my field (and also that I should just wait and see if my current company will give me experience or a promotion first) and that no one will hire me for my chosen job right now. And I also shouldn’t be looking because it’s the holidays. TL;DR: She thinks I should take a “wait and see” approach and not do anything right now because of the holidays or because I’m moving or because I just need to wait on Current Job.

My approach is different though. I know how competitive instructional design is getting. Counting on my current company to give me an opportunity (when I’ve already been there 2.5 years) may have been a viable strategy 20 years ago, but I can’t just cross my fingers and hope. I am working on making LinkedIn connections and my portfolio but still applying for jobs.

I so often find that people who started working in better times or have never really had a competitive career don’t get that the job market of today isn’t like it was when they were my age. Unless you work in a government job or maybe a few other fields, there are very few chances to stay with a company forever anymore if you’re serious about growth and new challenges. No matter how many times I explain this to my mom, she refuses to accept it and just believes I should sit at my current job and maybe ask nicely for a promotion or experience when I’m done with school in another year. It’s crazy. 

And yes maybe Current Job will promote me but there are no guarantees.  So yeah, no more job convos with my mom. 

  • Love 6
33 minutes ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

She thinks I should take a “wait and see” approach and not do anything right now because of the holidays or because I’m moving or because I just need to wait on Current Job.

Has she given any reason?  Is she just worried you'll be disappointed?  That's sweet, I guess.  But what can it hurt to look?  If you don't find anything, you're only out your time and energy.  And you'll hone your resume, search, and interview skills in the process.

And you never know, you might get a great lead!  I work in the corporate world, and sometimes it takes FOREVER for them to fill positions, especially for something as niche as instructional design!  I'd start knocking at doors so that one is open when you graduate.  :)

  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, Jane Tuesday said:

Has she given any reason?  Is she just worried you'll be disappointed?  That's sweet, I guess.  But what can it hurt to look?  If you don't find anything, you're only out your time and energy.  And you'll hone your resume, search, and interview skills in the process.

And you never know, you might get a great lead!  I work in the corporate world, and sometimes it takes FOREVER for them to fill positions, especially for something as niche as instructional design!  I'd start knocking at doors so that one is open when you graduate.  :)

Not really. She just thinks it’s “too much” right now and no one will hire because of the holidays. But companies are still very much looking and maybe interviewing in a lot of fields. And also, with my move, I am moving from one one-bedroom apartment to another. It’s not like I bought a house and have to fix up a ton of things. The landlord had a crew he works with do a lot of remodeling. 

Plus instructional design is getting more competitive because it’s attracting teachers who want to quit the classroom. I can’t just sit back and wait when my competition is building projects for portfolios, networking, and attending virtual conferences. You have to be willing to learn software and do a lot of self-study to break in, and a lot of jobs do require the portfolio. I wish I could get my mom to realize that a website will not build itself. And job searching in general takes a long time! I saw an ID consultant say that when she started her career she had to put in about 200 apps. 

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
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2 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

My mom basically thinks that I should wait until I’m done with school to look for jobs in my field (and also that I should just wait and see if my current company will give me experience or a promotion first) and that no one will hire me for my chosen job right now. And I also shouldn’t be looking because it’s the holidays. TL;DR: She thinks I should take a “wait and see” approach and not do anything right now because of the holidays or because I’m moving or because I just need to wait on Current Job.

Traditionally, most companies would not have many full time permanent openings this time of year, and often pick things up in January.  However, it depends on your job and other factors.  If you don't think your current job is going to offer you something you can use, then put feelers out and see if something pops up.  Right now (at least in my area) employers are begging for workers, although that's because of people making the same amount or more while on unemployment or other government bennies, so even if they look for a job and apply and even make an interview appointment, they just don't show up!  Granted I'm not sure how your field looks at the moment, but I say keep looking and keep trying until something better comes along.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, magicdog said:

Just got an email about paid holidays from the new overlords station owners and color me shocked when I looked down and saw they recognized Festivus as a legit holiday!!

Not a Seinfeld fan or anything but I thought that was just a joke for a TV show.

Pretty sure it is.  Maybe they have a sense of humor and it is a floating holiday or something?

  • LOL 1
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Applied for a contract job that seemed promising only for the hiring manager to tell me that they usually don’t give freelance projects to people who are working full-time. While I haven’t ruled out being self-employed I am definitely not ready to be full freelance right now!

I mean, I get it, but it’s disappointing. How am I supposed to gain experience? My job just says to keep sharing what I’m working on so people know what I can do if/when my chosen job opens. But that’s no guarantee and who knows when they’ll have an opening. I could jump ship for contract work but I’m going to be unemployed if a contract doesn’t get extended. It sucks. 

I could see about volunteer work as long as I don’t get in the trap of doing that for too long. But it’s not my first choice. 

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

Applied for a contract job that seemed promising only for the hiring manager to tell me that they usually don’t give freelance projects to people who are working full-time. While I haven’t ruled out being self-employed I am definitely not ready to be full freelance right now!

I mean, I get it, but it’s disappointing. How am I supposed to gain experience? My job just says to keep sharing what I’m working on so people know what I can do if/when my chosen job opens. But that’s no guarantee and who knows when they’ll have an opening. I could jump ship for contract work but I’m going to be unemployed if a contract doesn’t get extended. It sucks. 

I could see about volunteer work as long as I don’t get in the trap of doing that for too long. But it’s not my first choice. 

I totally get the hesitation with freelance work, but if you wait for the "right time", you'll never do it.  I dove in, created a job for myself that lasted almost 18 years.  The great recession pretty much put an end to it unfortunately, but I made a lot of money; much more than I would have as a regular employee.  Risk/reward.

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2 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I totally get the hesitation with freelance work, but if you wait for the "right time", you'll never do it.  I dove in, created a job for myself that lasted almost 18 years.  The great recession pretty much put an end to it unfortunately, but I made a lot of money; much more than I would have as a regular employee.  Risk/reward.

Thank you for the encouragement. I think part of my problem is that I tend to be very risk-averse and afraid to fail. I also tend to think catastrophically (e.g. “If I go freelance and fail I won’t be able to pay my rent and have to move back in with my parents”), so being employed by someone else feels very safe to me. But I can’t get the idea of at least trying freelance out of my head.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

I also tend to think catastrophically (e.g. “If I go freelance and fail I won’t be able to pay my rent and have to move back in with my parents”)

Unless your parents are an absolute nightmare, there are worse things to happen.  My parents are gone now, even though I'm a functioning adult and been paying my own bills for quite some time.  Be glad there is an option.  One option would be to keep your day job and work freelance part time until you  build up enough business to go it alone.  If it's insurance benefits you're worried about, (and lots of people do worry about that) there's always options like this place which can be a great alternative the for self employed.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, magicdog said:

Unless your parents are an absolute nightmare, there are worse things to happen.  My parents are gone now, even though I'm a functioning adult and been paying my own bills for quite some time.  Be glad there is an option.  One option would be to keep your day job and work freelance part time until you  build up enough business to go it alone.  If it's insurance benefits you're worried about, (and lots of people do worry about that) there's always options like this place which can be a great alternative the for self employed.

No, my parents are great! They’re split up and have been for some time, so my dad and stepmom live out of the area (but even then my dad said he would’ve taken me in if I couldn’t find a place when I was looking recently…with remote work these days that’s possible) and my mom and stepdad live closer to me. I guess it’s just the stigma in the US that people living with their parents are seen as losers and don’t have their lives together but people who live on their own and/or manage to buy a house are responsible and independent. 

But with the economy doing all kinds of weird things these days, who knows anymore? 

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

it’s just the stigma in the US that people living with their parents are seen as losers and don’t have their lives together but people who live on their own and/or manage to buy a house are responsible and independent. 

But with the economy doing all kinds of weird things these days, who knows anymore? 

Totally understand. The economy isn't helping any.  If it's one thing I've learned in my job it's have a Plan A, Plan B, Plan C and when all else fails, Plan D.


If you go freelance, I found this site which can be helpful for creators as well as fledgling business owners who can't afford the big guys for stuff like logo work and copywriting. 

Edited by magicdog
  • Love 1
On 12/11/2021 at 4:59 AM, Cloud9Shopper said:

No, my parents are great! They’re split up and have been for some time, so my dad and stepmom live out of the area (but even then my dad said he would’ve taken me in if I couldn’t find a place when I was looking recently…with remote work these days that’s possible) and my mom and stepdad live closer to me. I guess it’s just the stigma in the US that people living with their parents are seen as losers and don’t have their lives together but people who live on their own and/or manage to buy a house are responsible and independent. 

But with the economy doing all kinds of weird things these days, who knows anymore? 


I admire your drive and determination, Cloud9Shopper, and hope you don't give up. I think you can have *it all* as they say, and I did - I started working a few hours a week (on Saturdays in a small factory) at age 12-1/2 (my choice!) and kept working until I retired - - and now of course I'm working part time again in my dream job....at age 65. As part of this journey I worked for a couple of years at a job I literally fell into while in graduate school preparing for a career in academia, proved good at, started a new firm with another guy who was at the same company and prospered mightily from day one to April, 2019, when I supposedly retired. Lady Fortune can smile upon you if you have a good attitude, plan on only being of the highest ethical standards, trust your instincts and persevere.

My advice: Try and stay living on your own, keep your perm job until you find a new perm job in your field, but if anyone doesn't want to offer you freelance work while you still are working elsewhere, someone else might....keep pounding on that door to get the invaluable actual paid experience you will need to break through into full time/perm in your field of choice. I'm emphasizing the "living on your own" in your case because I think you need not to be hearing any discouraging words, particularly from those nearest and dearest even if well meaning. If you find a worthy voluntary cause to donate time and talent to and that will be relevant for your resume, more power to you!

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, isalicat said:


I admire your drive and determination, Cloud9Shopper, and hope you don't give up. I think you can have *it all* as they say, and I did - I started working a few hours a week (on Saturdays in a small factory) at age 12-1/2 (my choice!) and kept working until I retired - - and now of course I'm working part time again in my dream job....at age 65. As part of this journey I worked for a couple of years at a job I literally fell into while in graduate school preparing for a career in academia, proved good at, started a new firm with another guy who was at the same company and prospered mightily from day one to April, 2019, when I supposedly retired. Lady Fortune can smile upon you if you have a good attitude, plan on only being of the highest ethical standards, trust your instincts and persevere.

My advice: Try and stay living on your own, keep your perm job until you find a new perm job in your field, but if anyone doesn't want to offer you freelance work while you still are working elsewhere, someone else might....keep pounding on that door to get the invaluable actual paid experience you will need to break through into full time/perm in your field of choice. I'm emphasizing the "living on your own" in your case because I think you need not to be hearing any discouraging words, particularly from those nearest and dearest even if well meaning. If you find a worthy voluntary cause to donate time and talent to and that will be relevant for your resume, more power to you!

Thanks. I decided that after the new year I want to give freelancing a try. I won’t quit my full-time job of course, but I would like to give it a go part-time to see if I have any potential. I would rather do that over unpaid/volunteer projects but if I have to do free work, I want to cap the time I spend on it. Like maybe one project for XYZ nonprofit or a three-month virtual volunteer gig/unpaid internship. It’s not going to be an indefinite solution. 

  • Love 2

We're in the middle of developing a five-year strategic plan.  So far it sounds like half of our current problems could be solved by firing one person from at least one of his two leadership positions.  He's one of those people who can never have enough authority, but refuses to have any responsibility, so anything going wrong under his authority isn't his fault.  But he's very good at getting people with more authority than he has to see him as indispensible, so he gets to stay here and run one academic department and both clinics into the ground.

A project I worked on keeps running into issues, part because we did it in an inefficient way and part because the people above me working on it with me also have no clue what they’re doing and run to me looking for help with things they should know.

My boss and I talked yesterday and he even said that he doesn’t know if there was a better way we could’ve done project XYZ but maybe we need better documentation and templates. Gee, ya think? I’m tired of working with “senior (job titles)” who have no business being senior anything if they’re asking me how to do things they should know. And no they didn’t just start working here this week or this month.

I have had no further luck on the full-time job hunt, though a couple other companies are interested in talking to me after the new year about some possible side gig work that would give me experience in my new career. 


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I had my "feedback meeting" on Monday with my bosses. They had nothing negative at all to say and were in fact quite positive about my performance. I was "rewarded" with a whole $1 an hour raise, which isn't even keeping up with inflation.😑 I thought I'd get at least $2, and I made the case for myself in August that I deserve $4 to be competitive and to be compensated fairly for my responsibilities.

I also got a "$3000 bonus", but when I checked my paystub, it was $2176. I emailed my boss and asked what was up. He said I'd already received the $824 "part of the bonus" earlier this year. Um. Yeah, I got that, but it was my understanding that it was my second 1500-hour bonus that I get because of their agreement with my agency, i.e., I get an extra week's pay every 1500 hours. So, yeah...I feel flimflammed.

Also, I guaran-fucking-tee that everyone "above" me got substantially more. Only one other person, my new coworker, is paid less. Even the two lazy staff accountants who just graduated college get paid more than I do. I'll certainly find out what everyone gets paid when I process the invoices for the employment agencies.🙃🙃🙃

There are definite pluses to my job, namely being able to work from home two to three days a week. There are very few people in the office when I have to go in, and I rarely have to see my boss in person. She's fairly insufferable, so I'd not do well with having to be physically with her all the time. I have a lot of flexibility, but I don't really get to do much of what I enjoy.

I'm 47, so I feel like I might be at the point where I need to just settle/resign myself already and stop trying to find something better. Maybe I'm just not going to find the hybrid editing/graphic design/marketing job and just need to be OK with this being "it". I can't keep starting over. I have no retirement savings due to having to liquidate what I had twice for mental healthcare treatment.

I'm rambling.

While working on an edit, one of the stories involved two morning producers riding a mechanical bull at a local honky tonk.  Cute.  When it airs, the anchor mentions it was during the station's Christmas party!!  Neither I nor my edit partner received any notice of a "Christmas party" or any other party.  Maybe it was just an informal get together, but I couldn't help but feel a tad insulted.  I haven't heard of an actual formal Christmas party for the station in years!  At best there was a potluck in the conference room but that was pre-covid.  

My supervisor finally got a clue with what I had to deal with when he had to fill in for my regular partner yesterday.  Seems we're so short, he couldn't find anyone to fill in except himself.  He was shocked to say the least.  I made it easy on him by giving HIM the directions.  

Really annoyed by this acquisition!  We've had to re-do all of our 401K stuff (selections of stocks etc.) and now we're transitioning to new software. 

I'm taking this week off from work - boy do I need the rest!  I couldn't wait to walk out the door!    

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

I don't know; I'd be happy to not be invited to a work holiday party, but I'm a "grinch" according to my boyfriend.

Not a crime!  My dad routinely would say, "Bah humbug!" this time of year!  A good, loving family man, but hated what Christmas turned into over the years. 

I hate to think we were purposely excluded though.  I always preferred the option to say no,

On 12/18/2021 at 12:54 AM, magicdog said:

When it airs, the anchor mentions it was during the station's Christmas party!!  Neither I nor my edit partner received any notice of a "Christmas party" or any other party

My Pet Peeve:  An email was sent in early November to dept managers and VP's, stating that office holiday gatherings were prohibited. The number one reason was to avoid unmasked (while eating) people from gathering in large groups here at the office. What has been happening all week? Groups of people in conference rooms eating, drinking and chatting while having a "Team Meeting". Today a woman who hasn't been in the office since March of 2020 was told she HAD to come in for her department "team meeting". She has a family gathering tomorrow that she is doing a rapid test for because her mother is compromised. C'mon people, you can't forgo some swedish meatballs and ugly holiday sweaters to make sure everyone stays safe????  Ridiculous 

Earlier this week I was in a meeting that went really bad and I ended up hopping off the call,  basically in tears. I had been begging the account manager for help with one of their customers for over a year, they kept ordering the wrong products but I'm not a product specialist. The account manager couldn't be bothered to assist, becuase, in his words, it's a couple thousand dollars a few times a year. So on this call he started out ripping into me for not doing my job (I am, but I need his help) and by the time the other people got on the call he was yelling at me and I was repeating "stop yelling at me", trying to get a word in, as he's threatening to tell the customer to stop ordering online (which is not the solution, the problem is they are ordering the wrong part, period). I finally got to say what I needed to say, was holding back actual tears, and ended with "I'm going to hop off this call now because I really don't appreciate being yelled at".

I'm pretty sure he's going to report me to my boss and I'm going to get fired (even though I've never been written up before, this guy makes the company a fuckton of money) before the end of the year, which also means I won't get my bonus in March. And that is how I'm spending my Christmas weekend.

Edited by theredhead77
Clarifying that it was not on Christmas.

You were on a call on Christmas Day?

I forgot to turn in my online timesheet yesterday, so I got my (company) laptop out of my bag and turned it on. Teams signs in automatically at login and my boss was online. On Christmas. But I get in trouble for "unauthorized" overtime. I quickly shut off Teams.

Our check-run cutoff for the month-end check run was Wednesday. All the internal invoice approvals that come in through midnight on that day will ensure payment on 12/30—but we have an internal email record-keeping system that isn't the easiest thing to understand, especially if you don't work in it daily.

My boss was going to move all the approvals on Thursday morning, since my coworker and I (and my boss, but whatever) were on company paid time off. My boss fucked up the email system and I don't know where she put the emails. I'll have to figure it out Monday. She would rip us a new one if we did something like this, but she'll be like, "Oh, sorry."

2 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I'm pretty sure he's going to report me to my boss and I'm going to get fired (even though I've never been written up before, this guy makes the company a fuckton of money) before the end of the year, which also means I won't get my bonus in March. And that is how I'm spending my Christmas weekend.

So sorry!

Here's what you need to do - prepare a counter report immediately!  Have anything you need to prove you were doing your job correctly and who is screwing up.  Also mention you were contacted on Christmas and that you were treated badly!  Fight back against jerks with everything you have!  Phone records, recordings etc. .

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3 hours ago, bilgistic said:

You were on a call on Christmas Day?


1 hour ago, magicdog said:

Also mention you were contacted on Christmas and that you were treated badly!

This was a meeting earlier this week. Not today. I edited my original post to clarify. There are boatloads of emails of me begging for help. I'm concerned he's going to tell my boss I "walked* out of a meeting".

*meeting is virtual, it's a proverbial walked out.

5 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

This was a meeting earlier this week. Not today. I edited my original post to clarify. There are boatloads of emails of me begging for help. I'm concerned he's going to tell my boss I "walked* out of a meeting".

*meeting is virtual, it's a proverbial walked out.

My advice still holds!  Prepare a counter report showing you did what you could and are not at fault.  Do not let them railroad you!  If it was a virtual meeting - did you record it?  Or perhaps it's available somewhere?

Edited by magicdog
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