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22 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

He seemed pretty convinced that it was the end of the road for MM though. IDK, I just don't trust a word MG says tbh. Haha.

I mean... Even if it was the end of the road for MM, I don't understand throwing that tantrum on IG? As people have noted here, he's been in the industry for so long and he more than anyone should know that there is a point in time where the story ends for every character. Instead of clinging onto the Arrowverse I don't get why he just doesn't move on...  In the end what will causing drama achieve? 

Edited by wonderwall
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5 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I mean... Even if it was the end of the road for MM, I don't understand throwing that tantrum on IG? As people have noted here, he's been in the industry for so long and he more than anyone should know that there is a point in time where the story ends for every character. Instead of clinging onto the Arrowverse I don't get why he just doesn't move on...  In the end what will causing drama achieve? 

What tantrum? Can you point me to that? I follow JB on instagram and I don't remember a post that was a tantrum

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2 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

What tantrum? Can you point me to that? I follow JB on instagram and I don't remember a post that was a tantrum

Him throwing the EPs under the bus over what easily could've been a misunderstanding constitutes as a tantrum for me. Instead of taking it up with them privately he went public putting everyone in an uncomfortable position.

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2 minutes ago, strikera0 said:

As far as I am concerned, Malcolm Merlyn overstayed his welcome by at least 2 seasons and I don't need to ever see him again. 

Seriously. I hope nothing ever comes of this invite to appear if he wants, although with this show's history I know better. 

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Just now, wonderwall said:

Him throwing the EPs under the bus over what easily could've been a misunderstanding constitutes as a tantrum for me. Instead of taking it up with them privately he went public putting everyone in an uncomfortable position.

Okay. Thanks for clarifying.

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19 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Seriously. I hope nothing ever comes of this invite to appear if he wants, although with this show's history I know better. 

Crossing fingers. Merlyn is so played out I hope they never bring him back. If they do, save it for the Final Season and make it a flashback or something involving Tommy.

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36 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I mean... Even if it was the end of the road for MM, I don't understand throwing that tantrum on IG? As people have noted here, he's been in the industry for so long and he more than anyone should know that there is a point in time where the story ends for every character. Instead of clinging onto the Arrowverse I don't get why he just doesn't move on...  In the end what will causing drama achieve? 

I dont think he threw a tantrum but as far as him moving on, he obviously enjoyed the character and put in a lot of work into MM so it isn't surprising that he wasn't happy with how MM ended.

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39 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I mean... Even if it was the end of the road for MM, I don't understand throwing that tantrum on IG? As people have noted here, he's been in the industry for so long and he more than anyone should know that there is a point in time where the story ends for every character. Instead of clinging onto the Arrowverse I don't get why he just doesn't move on...  In the end what will causing drama achieve? 

I don't understand either. I find posting every single thing on social media embarrassing tbh. The whole thing, including MG's reply, made me cringe. Have they never heard of email? Haha.

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2 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Are there lots of perks working on Arrow or something?

Why do these people not gracefully move on to new employment? What are they getting from Arrow that makes them not want to leave?

Employment. Lol

Really though, I get the impression with JB he truly enjoys the cast/crew and didn't care for the way it was handled. 

I don't think KC can find other employment.

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Just now, Mellowyellow said:

Are there lots of perks working on Arrow or something?

Why do these people not gracefully move on to new employment? What are they getting from Arrow that makes them not want to leave?

IMO, JB had a beef with the manner of the exit. An off screen death for Malcolm was BS, whether you hated him or not, Malcolm has been there from the jump.

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With the way he died, an offscreen death is the only way they could really do it. I don't really care to see someone blow up. The only reason the offscreen death bothered me was because it gave him a chance to come back, but with this show you can flat-out watch someone die and they still show up so...eh. Maybe if I didn't think his character was overplayed by 3 seasons I'd feel like he deserved more. 

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9 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

This sounds exactly what happened with Manu... LOL

 I've not seen JB throw any shade at the show on SM. Nothing weirdly passive aggressive. He was direct about being sad that Malcolm was killed.

17 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

With the way he died, an offscreen death is the only way they could really do it. I don't really care to see someone blow up. The only reason the offscreen death bothered me was because it gave him a chance to come back, but with this show you can flat-out watch someone die and they still show up so...eh. Maybe if I didn't think his character was overplayed by 3 seasons I'd feel like he deserved more. 

They didn't have to blow Malcolm up. They could have given him a final battle or something.  We can agree to disagree.

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25 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

 I've not seen JB throw any shade at the show on SM. Nothing weirdly passive aggressive. He was direct about being sad that Malcolm was killed.

No - but he did throw the EPs under the bus because as you said he was likely upset about how he was written off.

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Even if you though the character was played out, it was a piss poor exit for someone who had been such a substantial part of the show.  Besides, that exit that just screamed "Malcolm Merlyn is not really dead".

2 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

Eh, I believe him in this instance, since he's brought up that "goodbye is never goodbye" parallel universe, flashback BS about killed off characters before. And all the major characters that they killed off have reappeared in some way, shape or form, so it's something they make good on.

But most of them have been a one-shot for plot purposes. JB was very invested in the Malcolm Merlyn he created; I can see that getting a crumb like that meaning little to him.

Edited by statsgirl
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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

Are there lots of perks working on Arrow or something?

Why do these people not gracefully move on to new employment? What are they getting from Arrow that makes them not want to leave?

They get other jobs, doesn't mean they don't want to leave a cast and crew they've been with for for years.

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24 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

But most of them have been a one-shot for plot purposes. JB was very invested in the Malcolm Merlyn he created; I can see that getting a crumb like that meaning little to him.

Manu was invested in Slade so I'm just kinda confused as to why why is it that he's the one who's crucified but JB isn't? 

I'm not defending Manu here - I think he's a grade A dick but I just don't see a lot of difference in how they acted... Manu had just been doing it longer than JB...

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1 hour ago, Angel12d said:

I don't understand either. I find posting every single thing on social media embarrassing tbh. The whole thing, including MG's reply, made me cringe. Have they never heard of email? Haha.

At least with Marc I can understand him making a public comment because JB started it and was basically making the producers look like liars. 

1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

Are there lots of perks working on Arrow or something?

Why do these people not gracefully move on to new employment? What are they getting from Arrow that makes them not want to leave?

John Katie and Manu should start a club or something. Arrow desperation society haha 

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51 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Manu was invested in Slade so I'm just kinda confused as to why why is it that he's the one who's crucified but JB isn't? 

I'm not defending Manu here - I think he's a grade A dick but I just don't see a lot of difference in how they acted... Manu had just been doing it longer than JB...

I didn't crucify MB or even comment on his tweets I don't think although I did think he lacked class for his reaction.

But in terms of why I have sympathy for Barrowman, it's partly it's because Manu created Slade for two seasons and 35 episodes while Barrowman had Malcolm Merlyn for 5 seasons and 74 episodes so yeah, much more invested in the character and also in the show Arrow, talking it up and according to SA offering him advice on how to be the lead of a show like that.

And also because MB really did talk trash about Arrow while JB has only said nice things about it and the people involved in it until he was what appears to be sidewiped. And even then, it was just the one facebook post, unlike MB who continued to say bad things about the show until they offered him the chance to come back in a bigger role.

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MM's exit being off screen wasn't that great but they had him die saving someone, he didn't die like the majority of women on Arrow so I don't think he had it that bad.

I think JB had a different attitude than MB in the way he expressed his disappointment but telling fans how they killed his character off before the finale was unprofessional..he gave me the same impression MB gave me..that they both think the show and the writers were lucky to have them and owed them more when especially thinking about JB he should consider himself lucky they kept him on the show even when the was no room for his character anymore..

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7 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

They get other jobs, doesn't mean they don't want to leave a cast and crew they've been with for for years.

But what's the point of being passive aggressive on social media (and imo I think JB has been passive aggressive)? If they miss the cast and the crew I still don't see how having a bad attitude after you leave the show helps.  

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I really tend to suspect that JB was blindsided by MM's death.  He had so much hope after the MM comics for seeing some of his created back story explored on screen so I think he probably was shocked that Malcolm was not only dying and staying dead but that it also happened in a year where he'd barely been on Arrow at all and there was really no build up to it.

Plus I can easily imagine WM and MG being rather blunt about it even if they may have tacked on a "well, there might be flashbacks or time travel maybe" which I still read as no, Malcolm is gone but like anything we do, we will double back on anything we've said if we change our minds later.    

JB has expressed his disappointment in being gone but he's was also so much better than Manu who ripped apart the whole show (writing and stunts) by instead urging everyone to keep on loving Arrow like he planned on doing whether he was a part of it or not.  But I do think there were some hurt feelings by probably how abruptly MM's end came both on screen and in informing JB about it.  That's what I think we saw on his Instagram post and in MG being all super defensive in his Twitter reply. 

I am willing to believe that MG and WM were too abrupt in giving the news and willing to believe that JB didn't register any words of solace about possibly returning in the future.  I'm still more on JB's side because I've never seen him be negative about anything he's been attached to while MG has behaved like a thin skinned baby, well, all the time.  So for now, I'll give JB the benefit of the doubt.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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1 minute ago, Chaser said:

I wondered about that because I was checking the tag for spoilers and couldn't find a mention of the panel.

Must of cut it when DR canceled. 

I don't get why they'd cancel... There are only two reasons I can probably think of and even those reasons are kind of iffy:

Maybe KC wanted to cancel because she didn't want to do a solo (which doesn't make sense because she's done plenty of them before with no problem) or maybe not enough people wanted to see her to justify keeping the panel on? 

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The Con was posting schedule changes and I didn't see the Arrow one under canceled panels so I assumed it was still going on. I didn't see any tweets from fans about the canceled panel either. Idk. 

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Under canceled panels it did list DR I assumed it just meant him, but they could have meant the Arrow panel. 

KC posted she was heading home an hour ago, the panel wouldn't have been over yet if it was still going on.

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So, really, what the heck is up with Gail Simone and her hate for Olicity?

I mean, is the consensus just that she is trolling for engagement? Black Canary is supposed to be a big time feminist, so you'd think the creator would want her to be more than her 'ship with the Green Arrow.  Did she lose out on royalties when BC's role was cut back?  Because I think Dinah Drake would bring the same.  Did some seriously crazy Olicity "fan" boil her bunny?

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She used to be generally good natured in her trolling (IDK if that's changed because I haven't followed her in a while), but Olicity is something that's guaranteed to get some Olicity people whipped up into a frenzy, and her followers whipped up into a frenzy making fun of them, and gives her some RT fodder and some of the attention and validation that she seems to desperately crave. I mean, that's the only thing I can think of as to why she continually picks at that scab.

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19 minutes ago, TrueMyth said:

Black Canary is supposed to be a big time feminist, so you'd think the creator would want her to be more than her 'ship with the Green Arrow.  Did she lose out on royalties when BC's role was cut back?  Because I think Dinah Drake would bring the same.  Did some seriously crazy Olicity "fan" boil her bunny?

She didn't create Black Canary, she's didn't even create the BoP comic title, Chuck Dixon originated the Run.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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1 minute ago, strikera0 said:

Uhm, why do Olicity shippers pay any attention to Gail Simone? She has nothing to do with Arrow. Just ignore her and her ramblings. 

Amen. She just does this to get attention. I wish Olicity fans would stop playing along by giving it to her.

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1 minute ago, KenyaJ said:

Amen. She just does this to get attention. I wish Olicity fans would stop playing along by giving it to her.

Seriously. And it just gives her fodder for more, since apparently people are writing DC about her, trying to get her fired. Just let her bask in her attention from her fans when she posts, and don't give her what she's looking for. The fun will die out for her if no one responds. 

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3 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Amen. She just does this to get attention. I wish Olicity fans would stop playing along by giving it to her.

Seriously I wish people would just stop giving her the attention. 

Don't feed the trolls and she's a troll doesn't matter if she's a 'celebrity' troll

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33 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Seriously. And it just gives her fodder for more, since apparently people are writing DC about her, trying to get her fired. Just let her bask in her attention from her fans when she posts, and don't give her what she's looking for. The fun will die out for her if no one responds. 

Considering the source of this comes from Gail herself I don't find it credible. Gail like all internet trolls also dabbles in victimisation of herself as well. So I wouldn't be surprised if she's making it up so her followers can both feel sorry for her and continue to fight with Olicity fans on her behalf. 

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5 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Considering the source of this comes from Gail herself I don't find it credible. Gail like all internet trolls also dabbles in victimisation of herself as well. So I wouldn't be surprised if she's making it up so her followers can both feel sorry for her and continue to fight with Olicity fans on her behalf. 

Maybe. I also wouldn't be surprised if some people really were contacting DC about her - so I'm not willing to call her a liar about this, haha.

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Literally saw one Olicity fan tag DC in a screen cap of Gail's tweets comparing Olicity fans to Hitler/Trump and it was more a "reminder what someone from DC is tweeting" not a request for DC to fire her.


Gail is plain and simple the bully who bully's someone and then plays victim afterwards. 

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Thanks for the info!  There are some bullies who actually have a somewhat complicated origin and others who are just horrible attention-seekers.  Was never clear on exactly where Simone fell until now.

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I like Oliver and Felicity together. But there's a part of that fandom that's toxic. They bully anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with them. They hate tweet the cast and crew. I have seen some horrifyingly homophobic crap from them. I've stopped interacting with so many people on Tumblr and Twitter for this very reason. Unfortunately, this is the part of the fandom that tends to be the most vocal. At least, from my experience. 

Gail isn't directly tweeting to anyone. You only see her tweets only if you follow her. Why is it so hard for people to ignore what she posts?

Edited by Vera
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47 minutes ago, Vera said:

I like Oliver and Felicity together. But there's a part of that fandom that's toxic. They bully anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with them. They hate tweet the cast and crew. I have seen some horrifyingly homophobic crap from them. I've stopped interacting with so many people on Tumblr and Twitter for this very reason. Unfortunately, this is the part of the fandom that tends to be the most vocal. At least, from my experience. 

Gail isn't directly tweeting to anyone. You only see her tweets only if you follow her. Why is it so hard for people to ignore what she posts?

I love how people just only call out Olicity fandom but are quiet about every body else. And i would argue that people who send hate at creators and cast arent even fans. Just like i dont consider the #NoLaurelNoArrow anything but KC fans. 

Edited by Velocity23
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1 hour ago, Vera said:

I like Oliver and Felicity together. But there's a part of that fandom that's toxic. They bully anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with them. They hate tweet the cast and crew. I have seen some horrifyingly homophobic crap from them. I've stopped interacting with so many people on Tumblr and Twitter for this very reason. Unfortunately, this is the part of the fandom that tends to be the most vocal. At least, from my experience. 

Gail isn't directly tweeting to anyone. You only see her tweets only if you follow her. Why is it so hard for people to ignore what she posts?

I'd like evidence of this "horrifying homophobic crap" since when the SuperCorp fans got mocked at comic con by the cast I saw a huge amount of Olicity fans sticking up for Supercorp shippers and most of them hate Supergirl, I have seen a huge amount of Olicity fans campaign for Sara's bisexuality to be respected by the writers and a lot of them don't like Sara or Caity Lotz, I've seen a huge amount of Olicity fans tweeting in support for transgender the LGBT community and against hatred by bigots and the current White House administration. I saw a huge amount of Olicity fans praise and stick up for Stephen Amell against actual homophobic  comments on his Facebook.


So if you could show me all these "homophobic Bully" Olicity fans and I'll unfollow and stop going to their twitter accounts.

Edited by LeighAn
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