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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

KC's hair looks neon yellow in that shot from the live stream. Why, KC, why?

Also what is going on with EK's?

LOL. I promise I'm not usually this fixated on hair.

I don't know but even Echo commented on how weird bis hair was in a Rick G video. Maybe he's must having a Bad Hair Day? ?

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1 minute ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I don't know but even Echo commented on how weird bis hair was in a Rick G video. Maybe he's must having a Bad Hair Day? ?

Ah. We've all been there. LMAO.

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1 hour ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

Why is Emily doing all of her press with Echo, when everyone else is doing it alone?

Her anxiety, possibly. Her friend Carina was supposed to be there for her, but I haven't seen her, so maybe Echo stepped in? IMG_7995.thumb.PNG.637e080cd4ae0e94a1799c725ce7f0bb.PNG

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9 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

KC's hair looks neon yellow in that shot from the live stream. Why, KC, why?

Also what is going on with EK's?

LOL. I promise I'm not usually this fixated on hair.

I'm right there with you, haha. JH's hair looks less blonde as well and KC looks odd to me but I think it might be her hair. EBR's outfit has fit issues and is oddly frumpy for a crop halter and mini skirt combo. Her makeup looks great though. Maybe EK is giving his hair a styling break? 

I get secondhand anxiety looking at those overhead shots so I can't imagine what it's like to have all that attention focused on you. People and cameras are packed in there like sardines. 

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22 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Ah, thanks. Yeah that's sweet, especially given her known issues with crowds and how huge SDCC gets.


29 minutes ago, Soulfire said:

SA assuring EBR is really sweet.

It's really sweet that even in the midst of that chaos he's paying attention to how she, and other people, are doing and tries to help.

That's gotta be a serious anxiety for her.  By now signing at cons should be run-of-the-mill.

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lol There's a screenshot of the cast doing Facebook Live and KCs on her phone again. Just sitting in front with her phone. She must be terrible in the movie theater.

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Much of the awkwardness is the interviewer's fault.  It looks like she didn't have any questions prepared and just planned to wing it based on their answers to "What do people most ask you?" #DoYourJob

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There's one interview where KC is sitting front and centre but texting on her phone. I'm sorry but that is just so unprofessional. WTF is wrong with her?

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6 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

There's one interview where KC is sitting front and centre but texting on her phone. I'm sorry but that is just so unprofessional. WTF is wrong with her?

Somebody please bite the bullet and just take it from her before she is filmed.

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Just now, bijoux said:

Somebody please bite the bullet and just take it from her before she is filmed.

I usually like to give people the benefit of the doubt but she keeps doing this (she also did it at the HVFF panel in London) so I guess she just doesn't care. It's so damn rude. 

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3 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I'd have to hand my phone off to someone. Not because I'd want be intentionally rude but mostly because I'm addicted to Emoji Blitz and get bored a lot, haha.

Haha, I'd be the same, especially if nervous and she's not the star or lead so she probably lets her attention wander. I'd totally be on my phone unless someone took it away. 

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Just now, leopardprint said:

Haha, I'd be the same, especially if nervous and she's not the star or lead so she probably lets her attention wander. I'd totally be on my phone unless someone took it away. 

Same. I'd be worried I'd instinctively reach for it not really thinking about where I was or what I was doing.

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7 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Not the only time


Wow. I expected her to do it with fans because she doesn't give a fuck about her fans. I'm surprised she did it during an interview she's usually "on" when it's time to suck up/play up to media

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Just now, LeighAn said:

Okay but question if you were at a staff meeting would you be on your phone while your boss or coworkers were talking? Cause essentially KC was.

I generally tend to make it a point to put my phone as far away from me during important meetings. KC should've handed her phone to her handler considering it's pretty much rude and unprofessional.

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Just now, LeighAn said:

Okay but question if you were at a staff meeting would you be on your phone while your boss or coworkers were talking? Cause essentially KC was.

Yes, I have taken my phone out to look at it while in staff meetings and in training and in many other situations that I shouldn't have, just because I wasn't thinking and it's a habit. That's why I don't bring it with me anymore - and why I think it would be wise for KC to hand hers off to a handler.

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5 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Haha, I'd be the same, especially if nervous and she's not the star or lead so she probably lets her attention wander. I'd totally be on my phone unless someone took it away. 

I'd be the opposite--I'd be so excited to be there and be a part of the show, that I'd soak it all up.  I can be on my phone any old time, but taking part in SDCC would be enough to keep me focused.  I would get distracted by people watching, not by my tech.  I say this as someone who is absolutely addicted to my technology. 

I think it comes across as incredibly unprofessional and self-absorbed of KC.  

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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Yes, I have taken my phone out to look at it while in staff meetings and in training and in many other situations that I shouldn't have, just because I wasn't thinking and it's a habit. That's why I don't bring it with me anymore - and why I think it would be wise for KC to hand hers off to a handler.

Yes, I have done it mindlessly when not directly involved with whatever was going on. 

Edited by leopardprint
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3 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

And if she MUST be on her phone, why not sit in the back where she can kind of hide it in her lap, instead of front and center? Jfc, KC.

LOL we all know why she likes to insert herself front and center every single time...

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14 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Okay but question if you were at a staff meeting would you be on your phone while your boss or coworkers were talking? Cause essentially KC was.

I've been in plenty where the big boss is on his phone when not talking. 

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Slight change of subject, but I'm just happy that this group isn't sucking face in every picture.  It seemed like JB and EBR were going at it in every group photo and video last year.  Clearly, last year's group had more energy and seemed to be having a great time, but the blatant display of tongues between two people* I don't ship got a little old. ;-)  But definitely bring on the silly poses and dolphins of love!

*By "people," I definitely mean characters--no trash shipping here.

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11 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I've been in plenty where the big boss is on his phone when not talking. 

Well that makes him rude. And even though he can't get reprimanded because he's the big boss, I can't imagine feeling great about working for someone that doesn't give a shit about his employees

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3 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Well that makes him rude. And even though he can't get reprimanded because he's the big boss, I can't imagine feeling great about working for someone that doesn't give a shit about his employees

I'm almost positive that even a rude boss who plays with his phone during meetings would put it away if he were being interviewed by the media about the company or if he knew he was taking part in a group photo that represented the company.  Because even the rude boss who doesn't give a shit about his employees tends to give a shit about his and the company's image.

That KC can't even bother to think about how this behavior influences her image/brand in the eyes of fans, the media, and prospective future employers speaks a lot about her self-absorption.  

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7 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Well that makes him rude. And even though he can't get reprimanded because he's the big boss, I can't imagine feeling great about working for someone that doesn't give a shit about his employees

To me it doesn't = him not giving a shit about his employees, it isn't that black and white. 

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I'm genuinely confused about how anyone can think her being on her phone during a live interview and in front of a fan during a signing is understandable.

This isn't her first rodeo. This is her job. Those are her fans. Put the phone down. 

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2 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I'm genuinely confused about how anyone can think her being on her phone during a live interview and in front of a fan during a signing is understandable.

This isn't her first rodeo. This is her job. Those are her fans. Put the phone down. 

LOL IDK why people are equating it to being in a board meeting... No, she's being filmed/interviewed. No one in their right mind would do that in an interview. No matter how important or high up they are I've never seen anyone do that on TV.

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12 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Steve looks like a happy dork!*  Willa looks aloof and fabulous. David . . . (happy sigh). JH is wearing a hat that looks like a shark's mouth eating her head!

*I think I must look like a happy dork looking at this ADORABLE picture.

Edited by EmeraldArcher
Just noticed JH hat!
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2 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

LOL IDK why people are equating it to being in a board meeting... No, she's being filmed/interviewed. No one in their right mind would do that in an interview. No matter how important or high up they are I've never seen anyone do that on TV.

That was me. And it was really about whether you'd be on your phone in a professional setting in front of your boss and coworkers and a staff meeting was probably the closets example us oridinary folk have to Katie being on her phone during a cast interview where her boss/superior is the one asking questions.

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As a body language interpretation professional*, EK's face says to me, "My character exploded, they are not paying me enough money to stand here." 


*Not an actual body language interpration professional 

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6 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

LOL IDK why people are equating it to being in a board meeting... No, she's being filmed/interviewed. No one in their right mind would do that in an interview. No matter how important or high up they are I've never seen anyone do that on TV.

I think some people empathized with being easily distracted by their cell phones (without excusing KC), even during meetings, and it snowballed from there.  My post upthread was trying to make the point that it isn't the same as a meeting at all.  I don't think anybody defended her using the meeting analogy--it just took on a life of its own.

ETA: Or what @LeighAn said.

Edited by EmeraldArcher
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Just now, LeighAn said:

That was me. And it was really about whether you'd be on your phone in a professional setting in front of your boss and coworkers and a staff meeting was probably the closets example us oridinary folk have to Katie being on her phone during a cast interview where her boss/superior is the one asking questions.

I suppose a professional setting for actors is different... You don't act like that in front of a camera. It makes you look really bored, uninterested, like you're too good for it. Wrong image to portray.

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I was training a new guy at work this week, and he was on his phone texting 85% of the time. It was super irritating since I couldn't tell if he was listening to me or not. Neither one of us were being recorded or interviewed or meeting fans at the time. I don't quite understand how KC doesn't see how rude it is. Ah well, keep reinforcing my opnion of you, my dear. 

Edited by calliope1975
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15 minutes ago, EmeraldArcher said:

Steve looks like a happy dork!*  Willa looks aloof and fabulous. David . . . (happy sigh)

*I think I must look like a happy dork looking at this ADORABLE picture.

Steve is very attached to the title of Captain, I think ? I saw another pic from that photoshoot of just him in a boat, still wearing that hat. Totally dorky.

Edited by lemotomato
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