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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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Her arms are fantastic, I just wished she focused more on her legs, because they're as skinny as sticks.. :/ It would've made her look as BC more powerful...But I suppose that doesn't matter anymore considering we've already seen her in a suit for about 1 season

Edited by wonderwall
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It's a holiday in every freaking country but here. Seriously, everyone I work with (in Europe) is off on Good Friday and Easter Monday but, not the US.



Wait. They celebrate Easter Sunday on Mondays, too? I know most countries get Good Friday off, especially if it's a predominantly Catholic country, but Monday, too? Damn. A nice 4-day weekend sounds like a good reward for having to fast/abstain throughout the Fridays of Lent (for those who practice that tradition, at least).

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When SA did his first Represent campaign, he mentioned that their suggested price was $21, but that he was changing it to $18 because he liked multiples of 3. That's one of the reasons why he has a rep for being bad at math. Emily's are priced at $22.99, so no issue there!

I should've explained, haha. It's kind of an obscure fandom reference.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Ummm what is KC doing? Girl Stephen left Vancouver on Thursday morning and he will be doing Turtles promos, since they have the day off on Good Friday, its a holiday in Canada.

actually, but the production has said?or stephen? maybe it's on set today, again, Katie is in Vancouver since Wednesday evening

otherwise she never said that this photo was shooting for Arrow

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Ummm what is KC doing? Girl Stephen left Vancouver on Thursday morning and he will be doing Turtles promos, since they have the day off on Good Friday, its a holiday in Canada.

Correct, the script cover page shows they're not filming on Friday...everyone but the US gets an extra long weekend...bitter!

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Lucky. I'm going to an Ontario university right now and we get today off, but not Monday. And I already have Fridays off, so it just feels like a regular week....well, we also had a snow day yesterday so I guess we got compensated for not having Easter Monday. 

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In my state, we traded getting Good Friday off as a paid holiday so we could have . . . wait for it . . . Confederate Memorial Day off. This year it's on a Tues., so we just have a rando day off in the middle of the week.

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In my state, we traded getting Good Friday off as a paid holiday so we could have . . . wait for it . . . Confederate Memorial Day off. This year it's on a Tues., so we just have a rando day off in the middle of the week.

I think I would work on Confederate Memorial Day, bc its mere existence would piss me off.

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Salt Lake Comic Con FanXperience has started (March 24-26)...

  • Paul Blackthorne and Charlotte Ross have a joint panel this morning at 11:00 am (local time).
  • Summer Glau has a solo panel this afternoon at 1:00 pm (local time).
  • Alex Kingston is part of a Doctor Who panel this evening at 7:30 pm (local time).
I said "Hi!" to Charlotte as she was walking to her booth and she smiled and waved back. I wanted to go to hers and PB's joint panel but it conflicts with Gillian Anderson's schedule and thus...priorities. Edited by NumberCruncher
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I'm feeling really dumb today, but can someone explain the point of the before and after shots? 

I think it's supposed to be without the shirt = "a mess" and with the shirt = "better"...The tweet to go with the picture:


Look MA! My shrink bought me this MAGIC Tee that instantly makes you feel like a million bucks! I'm CURED!! Get you…


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Sigh. Why is it such a problem that some people think KC and EBR aren't friends? It's entirely possible it's just a PR friendship. It's also possible it's not. We'll never know for sure. But the passive aggressiveness for not agreeing with one opinion or another is getting a little tiresome on this thread.

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I liked KC's tweet. It was random and off the wall and total fits EBR's shirt and campaign style.


Bathroom Therapy is so random. Normally I just don't get them. But I found this one amusing. Especially the "Brooklyn" moment.

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