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I'm not a fan of any of the looks. CL looks like she is going to a black tie 70s dance. Willa is too severe (that choker is awful and her BF grosses me out). CR is too bright. KC looks like a hostess.

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Caity really did love the 70's. I like the outfit-Very BC. I would never wear the bottoms draped over my feet though. I would fall.


I love Willa's. It's sexy and Mature. I want.


Charlotte Ross looks fab in her dress but I don't like the color. 

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I think they all look great but there's something about every outfit that I don't like? CL especially looks amazing, her hair style is fantastic, but the bottom of the outfit is where it goes a bit wrong. 


I'm surprised EBR didn't go to LA seeing as she was actually in an Oscar-nominated movie. It would have been the perfect time to go. But I do love that she's still grounded and staying behind for her mom's birthday reminds me why I like her so much.

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I love how grounded she is.  Of everyone, she'd have the most reason to go to the Oscars since she was actually in a film that was nominated, but she opted to spend the time with her mother..


Her mom looks pretty good for 60 too.

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Part of me is torn between cheering EBR for deciding to spend quality time with her mother on her birthday and also thinking that she missed an opportunity to make connections at the Oscars considering she was in a Best Picture Nominee. Family time is really valuable, but so is one's career. I don't know, it probably honestly depends on what parties she was invited to, which we will never now. If it was just some random ones or non-important afterparties than it makes sense to stay home as her mother's birthday is probably more important, as she will probably be able to get into those same parties next year anyway.


As for CR, WH, CL's outfits ~ nothing special. They all look beautiful, but the dresses are just ok. But CL definitely either needed to get those pants hemmed or wear taller shoes.

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Part of me is torn between cheering EBR for deciding to spend quality time with her mother on her birthday and also thinking that she missed an opportunity to make connections at the Oscars considering she was in a Best Picture Nominee. Family time is really valuable, but so is one's career.

She's young enough (24) and becoming well known enough that she doesn't have to schmooze through every party. She's still got her major role on Arrow which means that she's busy most of the year, she's probably had to turn down a role on the Brooklyn TV series because she doesn't have time to do it, and given her role on Brooklyn, casting directors are going to be more aware of her now.


If she were 44, or maybe ven 34, I'd say she needs to spend time at the parties.  But between Arrow and her age, her dance card is pretty full at the moment and I like the choice she made.

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Um, what's a dink? Is that Canadian for idiot or something? I only know it as an acronym for "double income, no kids."

Not sure about Canada bUT yeah, basically a stupid person. It's used a lot in new England.

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Oh that's going to get him in trouble...again.

Bad SA, Bad!

ETA: It's a very deeogatory word in Australia, it's quite racist. He got in trouble over 2 years back when he used that word to describe Richard Sherman

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I think intention matters in these cases. I can playfully call my friend a dink for forgetting plans or tripping. Or I can call my inept coworker a dink because he's an idiot and really slow.

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I think intention matters in these cases. I can playfully call my friend a dink for forgetting plans or tripping. Or I can call my inept coworker a dink because he's an idiot and really slow.

Location matters too I would imagine.. some words are not considered offensive in one country while using them in another may just get you killed!

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Location matters too I would imagine.. some words are not considered offensive in one country while using them in another may just get you killed!

very true and it becomes a bigger concern when you're a celebrity and you put it out on Twitter or Facebook. I have no doubt he meant it like it's used in the US/Canada which is a mostly inoffensive term. However, he has fans around the world and they might take offense. Hopefully, since it's Facebook and not Twitter this won't become a thing

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So i am guessing KC got herself a deal with dunkin Donuts? Its her 3rd add already since yesterday



I think there was some larger thing I'm missing with Dunkin Donuts and the Oscars.  She wasn't the only one constantly bringing them up. 

Oh that's going to get him in trouble...again.

Bad SA, Bad!

ETA: It's a very deeogatory word in Australia, it's quite racist. He got in trouble over 2 years back when he used that word to describe Richard Sherman

Well, that's useful information to have, lol.  .  Yeah, no, in North America "dink" is what you'd call your little brother when he was annoying you and your mother wouldn't even scold you. Means almost nothing. I found SA using it funny because it seemed to imply the dude was barely worth his bother (while still clearly an insult)


The alternate meaning is to just goof off.  As in, my friends and I were just dinking around. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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Oh that's going to get him in trouble...again.

Bad SA, Bad!

ETA: It's a very deeogatory word in Australia, it's quite racist. He got in trouble over 2 years back when he used that word to describe Richard Sherman



Not meaning to contradict you, but which part of Australia? I'm from Melbourne and "dink" meant to give someone a lift on your bicycle when I was growing up.

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Not meaning to contradict you, but which part of Australia? I'm from Melbourne and "dink" meant to give someone a lift on your bicycle when I was growing up.

Not sure, my online friend got quote upset when he used it last. She's the one that explained what it meant to me. Until then i just knew it as idiot/tool/dumbass. From what I understand related to slamming people of Vietnamese/Asian heritage.

n. Offensive Slang

Used as a disparaging term for a Vietnamese person, especially during the Vietnam War.

[Originally an Australian military slang term for an East Asian person, perhaps from rhyming slang for Chink.]


Do you guys really not remember the shit Storm that happened when SA tweeted it about Richard Sherman 2 years ago? People were slamming him on both Facebook and Twitter for using it.

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Not sure, my online friend got quote upset when he used it last. She's the one that explained what it meant to me. Until then i just knew it as idiot/tool/dumbass. From what I understand related to slamming people of Vietnamese/Asian heritage.



Could very well be, I came across that in Urban Dictionary today, when I went looking. I don't think it's widely used, but doesn't mean it's not offensive in the wrong context.

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I remember when people got offended when he wrote that FB post about people complaining to him about the S3 poster - he used it there. No recollection about Sherman. But it seems to be a term he uses quite often.

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I remember Richard Sherman because I don't like Sherman (I think he's an arrogant ass).  So, seeing SA tweet that out I got a good laugh out of it and then everything went bad.  It was like his tweets about the kid with the clock down in Texas...a big kerfuffle.

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I don't really know that much about Australian slang, so I can't offer insight here.



In other news I find this hilarious and the fact that SA chose it for Meme Monday even more so.


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DC All Access interview with Flarrow composer Blake Neely (starts at around 2:30 mark)...


-- For Arrow music, he got the idea to use only instruments that were "bowed".
-- He also talks about music for Flash and Supergirl.


The Flash, Arrow & Supergirl Music + New Batman v Superman Collectible
Published on Mar 1, 2016, by DC Entertainment

Edited by tv echo
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Could very well be, I came across that in Urban Dictionary today, when I went looking. I don't think it's widely used, but doesn't mean it's not offensive in the wrong context.

So question then, does that man we are supposed to just stop using the word even if it's not offensive for at least 300 million people? 


My pet peeve is showing up. I'm one of those people that doesn't believe that there are really such things as synonyms aka words that mean the exact same thing.  There are similar words, but each one comes with IMO special shadings or nuances and I hate to lose the communication tool out of fear of unintentionally offending someone.  It's like how fanny in the US was/is the overly cutesy term used for bottom but is not a polite word in the UK.  (Making fanny packs unintentionally hilarious)


I guess I'm something of a logophile and oddly resent when words are deemed offensive when the word as used and in origin (at least not broadly) isn't.  It's not like with some words that you didn't realize they were offensive (like retarded) and rightly people stopped using it, but I HATE that I get pounced on for using for example the word crazy even if I never use it in regards to someone with a real mental illness.  I got blocked and repeatedly shamed for daring to call Laurel crazy for digging up her sister's year old corpse and then dropping it in a pit even after multiple warnings.  I hate that I'm now afraid to use niggardly because people might not realize it has zero connection to the similar sounded very offensive word.  (Niggardly meaning stingy is from an old Norse word while the other is based off the Latin word for black) 


I just morn that attempts at being more open and inclusive sometimes translates into restricting access to words  that might help one more fully articulate their thoughts thus aiding in communication that is so badly needed.  I sometimes worry that being overly cautious so as to offend no one  will mean discouraging the need for a broader and deeper understanding of vocabulary and a loss of the nuances in language in general.   


Wizard World's Philadelphia Comic Con, June 2-5, 2016 (Philadelphia, PA)

Stephen Amell, John Barrowman and Alex Kingston (also Arthur Darvill)


Changing the subject, but I don't think I'd realized how big the Arrowverse/Whovian world had already collided.  Now I want the woman who plays Missy/The Master as a big bad on Arrow.  #dreamcasting  (Though in a way Ruve' already reminds me of her) 

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CL posted this on her Twitter. Does anyone get what the bunched material at KC's middle is?




CL also got a mention on GoFugYourself. And I guess the waaaay too long pant leg is a thing now, since I saw Elizabeth Banks with the same issue.  

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OH No! KC has a fighting pose going on which obviously means she's still BC which means LL probably isn't the one that dies!!!

No... No... No... she is simply posing to show to future employers. Need a Cater-Waiter? I'm available. Need a former superhero? I'm available. It's just her marketing her diversity of roles  she can play :)


See how CL is cheering with the #1 sign, it's her sly victory pose ;)

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No... No... No... she is simply posing to show to future employers. Need a Cater-Waiter? I'm available. Need a former superhero? I'm available. It's just her marketing her diversity of roles she can play :)

See how CL is cheering with the #1 sign, it's her sly victory pose ;)

That was my sarcasm that didn't translate very well haha I wasn't serious about that! And unfortunately emojis don't work on this site because I can't see the laugh cry emoji I used in response to your post! So much fail in 1 post!

ETA: AND apparently I failed to see the sarcasm in your post... rereading your post and I'm dying from laughter hahaha

Edited by wonderwall
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Wow.... she is just stirring the pot.... now I definitely believe the spoilers. She's a little too late to the party. BOP would have been great, but it's not right for the show at this moment in time.

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