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For me I'm invested in it being LL  as well as invested in it not being someone important like Digg or interesting like Mama Smoak who we are JUST getting to know (when she just put down that cutesy mask in that last episode? I was shocked, but pleased to see a different side of her).


So basically all I'm saying is, I'm doubly invested :p I wouldn't be crushed if it wasn't her because I know the 'because comics' argument can be strong...


I actually mind LL right now, she's just a background character, but based on my history with the character, and the fact that she IS a non-entity, I want it to be her. I'd much rather the show focus on more interesting characters like Digg/Thea/Felicity/Oliver... Laurel just takes up screen time and adds zero value to the show and I thoroughly believe that her character is the reason we aren't seeing other characters interact. There's a barrier between Thea/the team, Felicity/the team, Diggle/the team, Thea/Oliver... and I think it's because the show is trying too hard to incorporate LL. I want to see that barrier (LL) taken away.

Laurel just takes up screen time and adds zero value to the show and I thoroughly believe that her character is the reason we aren't seeing other characters interact. what??????OK, we all know that laurel is a character that has long been under-utilized, and many people do not like her because she is selfish but now she returns to the front of the series, and starts to become a real leader, she is as important as Diggle or felicity,she finally begins to have his place in the team,  only oliver is most important, I see things like that.

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Laurel just takes up screen time and adds zero value to the show and I thoroughly believe that her character is the reason we aren't seeing other characters interact. what??????OK, we all know that laurel is a character that has long been under-utilized, and many people do not like her because she is selfish but now she returns to the front of the series, and starts to become a real leader, she is as important as Diggle or felicity,she finally begins to have his place in the team,  only oliver is most important, I see things like that.

responded in the LL thread... 


But I'm tired of talking about her so I'm going to stop. LL is not worth my time or effort tbh

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So... KC cancelled on Dallas Con for Fashion Week in NYC, not because of filming. 


Mild criticism ahead - who schedules KC's cons? Fashion Week is a known event every year roughly at the same time. Right? (If I'm wrong, please let me know.) And KC's been going to Fashion Week for several years that I know of. Why double book yourself? 


I totally get canceling for filming and anything out of the actor's control. Things happen. I also believe actors owe no one Con appearances. But I do understand fans' frustration when their fave cancels. 

Edited by calliope1975
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So... KC cancelled on Dallas Con for Fashion Week in NYC, not because of filming. 

I'm guessing after DallasComicCon posted this: ‪#‎GuestNews‬ Katie Cassidy has postponed her appearance due to extended Arrow filming this weekend. She’s sorry to miss Fan Days and is working with her agent to make it up to fans. John Barrowman’s travel is also delayed due to filming but he will be arriving (just in time!) for his photo-ops on Saturday.


I'm sure she thought it best for clarification. Glad she did cause I'm sure many would not have taken kindly to her absence after the Con's explanation and then see photos of her in New York at a fashion show. So is this for her Tommy Boy stuff cause she clearly said "work"?

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The real question here is why cancel last minute? It's just unprofessional especially considering people pay to see her and probably wouldn't have any other opportunity to do so because it's expensive (flight + hotel + con tickets + photos)...


Then again I'm not really surprised *rolls eyes*

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I never followed KC on twitter, but I have looked at a few of her quotes in the past. Didn't her profile description used to include that played Black Canary or was that her other social media profiles?


Just looking for more breadcrumbs, if they exist.

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Mild criticism ahead - who schedules KC's cons? Fashion Week is a known event every year roughly at the same time. Right? (If I'm wrong, please let me know.) And KC's been going to Fashion Week for several years that I know of. Why double book yourself? 


I totally get canceling for filming and anything out of the actor's control. Things happen. I also believe actors owe no one Con appearances. But I do understand fans frustration when their fave cancels. 

I find it interesting that whoever is running KC's twitter account has been favoriting tweets talking about her schedule appearance at Dallas Con as recently as Wednesday. So it's not like she forgot it was happening. But Fashion Week is also scheduled well in advance. So why the last minute cancellation?


I guess I'm mean, but I'm not the least bit sympathetic for anyone that wanted to see her at the Con. KC has done this so often her photo ops might as well have "buyer beware" stamped on them.

Edited by lemotomato
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The real question here is why cancel last minute? It's just unprofessional especially considering people pay to see her and probably wouldn't have any other opportunity to do so because it's expensive (flight + hotel + con tickets + photos)...


Then again I'm not really surprised *rolls eyes*


Good question. Because as calliope 1975 mentioned this is a known event and yes, it is scheduled around the same time twice a year. It's not like there was suddenly a conflict of schedule because one event got moved. Both have set dates. And then to have her flack blame on "Arrow" filming at first? *SMH*

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I'm sorry but her fans should know she's a prime candidate for cancelling. She almost always does. Plus didn't she last year cancel Dallas con and then tweeted that she was shopping in Dallas at the same time the con was going on? Just LOL

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Even so, Guggenheim assures that the death will be handled with care.


“It’ll feel organic and very earned,” he promises. “It’s actually very elegant.”


I remember when this interview came out that other versions of the same conversation (Ones that quoted verbatim) revealed that this writer misattributed the organic and earned  and elegant comments to be about the death but I can't remember what they really were refereeing to.  Does anyone remember? 




CL posted a pic with KC in her BC gear. 418 might just be an episode with a lot of Laurel.

Between the pic of CL and KC and CL mentioning that she was back dressed in a way she never expected Sara to be again combined with PB's wig and knowing KC was going to be in a flashback, does that mean that 4-18 aka "Eleven Fifty-Nine" is the episode with the flashback?

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ETA: Could CR be posting an old pic? The shirt is from 406, CR filmed 406 and i want to say I've seen that nostril pic before



Unless CR is in 4x18, then I would think it would have to be an old pic. I know they have posted nostril pics before. Is that a thing? I don't get it.


These are photos taken while filming 4x17. Their outfits match those in pics she posted on February 2 and in the video Echo posted the day before, as well as Charlotte's outfit in the pics with Willa posted on February 5.

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I remember when this interview came out that other versions of the same conversation (Ones that quoted verbatim) revealed that this writer misattributed the organic and earned  and elegant comments to be about the death but I can't remember what they really were refereeing to.  Does anyone remember? 


I think, but I'm not for sure certain, that they were referencing how the writers were going to destroy the Lazarus Pit with that "organic and earned and elegant" line. Which, I mean, I don't know about the organic part but I guess it was kinda earned in that it was Nyssa that destroyed it since the usage of the Pit was her right as Heir, in the first place, and here comes Malcolm and Laurel deciding to put Sara in there when Nyssa explicitly refused. They were right about the elegant part, though, since the purple bubbles and steam in the hot tub combined with the dim lighting and candles certainly made it look like a chic spa resort.

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I think, but I'm not for sure certain, that they were referencing how the writers were going to destroy the Lazarus Pit with that "organic and earned and elegant" line. Which, I mean, I don't know about the organic part but I guess it was kinda earned in that it was Nyssa that destroyed it since the usage of the Pit was her right as Heir, in the first place, and here comes Malcolm and Laurel deciding to put Sara in there when Nyssa explicitly refused. They were right about the elegant part, though, since the purple bubbles and steam in the hot tub combined with the dim lighting and candles certainly made it look like a chic spa resort.

YES!!!  Thank you, yes, now I remember that too. 

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JB is showing up at the Con on Sunday. It's possible KC is filming some on Saturday and then going to NYC Saturday night/Sunday.

At least she made apologies this time instead of just posting stuff on Social Media of what she is doing instead.

ETA: Looks like extended filming meant late Friday because JB is headed out this morning for Dallas.

Edited by Chaser
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Anyway KC used to attend NYC , this is not the first time, so it means nothing, it seems to me that last year she was absent from filming for nearly two weeks and was attending NYC,and many speculated that she was leaving Arrow

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No one said her attending NYC means anything other then her being an ass to her fans for not letting them know earlier and even liking posts about the con this week. DP pulled a similar thing with the difference that she let the con know in advance and it was announced on Monday already. And they managed to score David as DPs replacement.

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I think, but I'm not for sure certain, that they were referencing how the writers were going to destroy the Lazarus Pit with that "organic and earned and elegant" line. Which, I mean, I don't know about the organic part but I guess it was kinda earned in that it was Nyssa that destroyed it since the usage of the Pit was her right as Heir, in the first place, and here comes Malcolm and Laurel deciding to put Sara in there when Nyssa explicitly refused. They were right about the elegant part, though, since the purple bubbles and steam in the hot tub combined with the dim lighting and candles certainly made it look like a chic spa resort.

it was an "organic" substance she poured into the pit :) Can't destroy magical pits with some man-made or processed solution :)

Edited by kismet
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My favorite is right after she posted that tweet about being so sad to miss the Con becuase of a work obligation, she (or really her Twitter management becuase the wording is so different) posts an imagine of NYC with excited exclamation points.

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On page 314 of this thread, I posted a video of SA doing an exercise that didn't have a name.  From SA's facebook yesterday...

We have a winner courtesy of Jack Bursee. Heretofore, this will be known as The Sapper.

I'd like to thank everyone for submitting suggestions... Robbie Amell thought TheTomorrow was good (agree) and Jared Padalecki nailed it with The Warm Up (dink). But The Sapper... GIVE ME 8 SAPPERS, AMELL just wins for me on a number of levels. Not the least of which: The short form of this word is a tremendous inside joke I share with my wife, which I will never explain publicly for fear that she'll swiftly divorce me.

Additionally... Name That Exercise feels like something we'll do on a semi-regular basis.

Finally... I enjoy nothing more than dudes who power clean for a living coming on here and giving me instructions on proper form. Hey dudes: I'm an actor. I had never, ever attempted this before. I'm not on the clock for the Rio Olympics this Summer. Oh... and I'm also SUPER strong. So there.


Edited by tv echo
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Ugh I feel so bad for Stephen. It must legit suck to have to go around promoting a storyline that sucks, and hating it but having absolutely no power to change it.


I like that his "promotion" of it basically consists of telling people that he hates the lie and knows it's not Oliver but had to be done for plot, and apologizing in advance for what's about to happen, haha. 

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OMG this promotion for a Valentine's Day Arrow Marathon is hilarious:





Here's the full version of the video from the TV channel. It gets better! (more Olicity clips at the beginning and end)




That's possibly the best thing I've seen today. Hubba hubba.  And did I hear a bow chica bow wow towards the end? It's completely hysterical. More, please.

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