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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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Last time I heard, he was getting around 75k per episode? And I agree. It's rather ridiculous that someone who doesn't put as much into the show and doesn't really make the effort in generating buzz or any enthusiasm for the show gets paid just as much as a person who puts so much into the show. Oh well, that's show politics I suppose. 

She was the bigger star when they ok'd the pilot.  I guess they thought she'd be good for the show and bring in lots of eyes.


Irrespective of what she gets, SA deserves a whole lot more than 75k.  But he's locked into a 5 year contract so unless CW/WB gets generous, he stays where he is, unless there is a clause that after a certain point or certain audience he gets more, but that's doubtful.

No, SA got a super-long one because without him, there is no show. Everyone else got the standard 3 year contract, including CH and EBR when they were hired on as regulars for s2.


I think SA was hired first.  When the press release for KC as Laurel Dinah Lance came out, she talked about how she didn't know who SA was when she was hired but he's just like she imagined Oliver Queen to be.  (????)

I believe the CW has really good relationships with fashion houses. Reign uses very high end designers all the time. I remember Gossip Girl getting some major jewerly on loan too, as well as some insane gowns (like the price of several nice cars). Granted, those shows are more "fashion-focused" but getting their clothes on tv means millions of people will see them, so that's basically free publicity for fashion houses.


Ah don't remind me about Gossip Girl and the clothes and shoes and jewelry everyone used to wear.

Every week, girl friends and I would talk about clothes and accessories rather than the storylines of the show which were rather lame to be honest. I cannot tell you who was banging whom in a particular season (that show was as incestuous as most of Oliver Queen's relationships) but show me an outfit that either Serena or Blair had worn and I probably will be able tell you exactly which season/occasion and episode that belonged to.

I don't watch Reign so have no idea about the quality of clothing there, I just wished that Arrow upped its game as far as wardrobe is concerned. Getting the same boob window dress in 2 colors is criminal or lazy or both, and the less said about Laurel's office wear, the better. The only characters that were always dressed according to their characters were Sara Lance and Moira Queen.

Well, Katie Cassidy's running a fashion blog - of course she'd tweet about any and every fashionable thing she gets her hands on.


I don't think Emily's personally getting Jimmy Choo's for free, but no doubt the CW is either getting them for free or at a very, VERY discounted price.


I seriously do not get KC's fashion blog. She is always modeling everything herself and almost every shoot that she does is identical, same hair, same nails, same accessories (her 56 rings) and same weird pouty face expressions. How in the god's name is she making any money out of it because that blog is a mess.

If anything, it tells you that once you are famous, you will always be able to make shitload of money because someone out there will pay you to do something or the other. It pays to be famous for sure.

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No, SA got a super-long one because without him, there is no show. Everyone else got the standard 3 year contract, including CH and EBR when they were hired on as regulars for s2.


I think SA was hired first.  When the press release for KC as Laurel Dinah Lance came out, she talked about how she didn't know who SA was when she was hired but he's just like she imagined Oliver Queen to be.  (????)

It's a bit confusing for me, someone posted a KC interview from October 2012 and in it KC talked in a way that made me think she was cast first.

From February 15, 2012:


Gossip Girl, Melrose Place and Supernatural alumna Katie Cassidy is back at the CW as the female lead in the network’s pilot Arrow. The Warner Bros TV-produced project, a modern retelling of the story of DC Comics character Green Arrow, stars Stephen Amell as the vigilante superhero who fights crime using archery, martial arts and technology under his secret identity as Oliver Queen, a wealthy playboy and billionaire industrialist-turned-outspoken politician in Star City. Cassidy will play Laurel, a young legal clinic attorney who shares a romantic past with Oliver. (In the comics, the character, Dinah “Laurel” Lance, has a superhero alter ego, Black Canary.) In Arrow, Cassidy joins Amell and Susanna Thompson, who was cast yesterday as Oliver’s mother, Moira Queen.

"joins Amell and Susanna Thompson" makes it sound like she was cast after Stephen Amell.


TVLine adds David Ramsey


The cast also includes Once & Again‘s Susanna Thompson as Oliver’s mom and Dexter‘s David Ramsey as an ex-military/special forces type now working in private security for Oliver.


ign a day later says pretty much the same.  


Cassidy joins Stephen Amell (who had an amusing guest role on New Girl last night as Cece's shrooming boyfriend) as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow and Susanna Thompson as Oliver's mother, Moira Queen.


It's possible that she was cast before everyone else, but why wait till Oliver, Moira and Diggle have been cast before announcing Laurel's casting.   She was probably just offered the role without having to read with other cast members but it does seem like SA and ST were cast first.

Edited by statsgirl

This is what makes me think KC was cast first.

How did you come to this show? Was it through your relationship with The CW?

CASSIDY: It happened because I got the script and I saw who was involved before I read it. Greg Berlanti, David Nutter, Andrew Kreisberg and Marc Guggenheim are the people I wanted to work with. They’re smart, they’re funny, they’re cool, they’re edgy. I felt like we would speak the same language. And then, I read the script and loved it. I thought it was fantastic, and I loved the character. Everything was right. It was just a matter of it all coming together, and luckily, it did.

Was there an actor for Arrow attached yet, at that point?

CASSIDY: No, there wasn’t. There was nobody attached. We had to wait to see who they were going to get for Arrow. I told Stephen [Amell] that I pictured him, before he got the part, even though I had never seen him. When I read things, I get a lot of visuals, and I guess he was the visual. And then, he was attached and that was it. I was like, “This is exactly what I thought.”

Read more at http://collider.com/katie-cassidy-arrow-interview-2/#JtPh0cUYAshHEUbE.99

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Wasn't KC invited by the CW to read for the role? If so she might as well have been the first actor to read the script, and to audition as well. And then her contract negotiation could've been long, or they wanted to announce the title character first. Or maybe they didn't close the deal with her until they had a figure for Amell. Or KC herself could have decided to wait to see how much they'd pay him and asked for the same amount. The network was banking her, so she had leverage. It happens all the time.

Edited by dancingnancy
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I think it's a matter of when the contracts where signed. Katie didn't have to audition, so it seems like she got the script, was offered the part, and was like "I'd like to do it, but I want to wait to see who's gonna be Arrow yet". Then they went through auditions for Oliver, and after that part was cast, Katie agreeded to sign on too.


EBR is only signed for 3 years? That seems dumb of the CW. Especially since at that point they already knew the show was a hit. Isn't the standard contract for 6/7? That basically means when it's time to re-sign she can ask for more money.

3 year contracts are becoming more common across networks for various reasons, so it wouldn't be surprising to hear that everyone in the cast except Amell was signed to a 3 year contract.


Regarding budgets: I've been told that the post-viewing numbers for Arrow and Vampire Diaries are excellent - really, really excellent, to the point where they are higher than the post-viewing numbers for some of the major network shows. If that's true, I think it's possible that Flash and Arrow are able to offer lower initial salaries with a fairly decent promise of high residual payments later. But that's just speculation on my part. It's equally possible that the actors and their agents are like, uh, yeah, that's all very nice but come on, look at what type of shows we're talking about. Money upfront, please :)

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One per day, usually.

I heard that someone asked the panel who would be THE Black Canary on the show and they wouldn't answer (not surprising but awkward).

From what I'm seeing on tumblr the audience was heavily in favor of Sara being THE Black Canary.

Edited by Morrigan2575

I'm sad that Emily or David weren't there :/ But hopeful that this means they have a lot of juicy scenes to shoot back at home! Regardless, I feel like the kiss is pretty important, so the fact that it's the eighth most important thing that happens in that episode has me intrigued! ALSO, does this confirm that there will be a kiss and it won't be interrupted? 



Stephen thought the premiere was leaked when he saw the kiss online:

'When Stephen saw the Olicity kiss online he thought 3x01 had been leaked'

the kiss from the promo was the "eighth most important thing that happens in the episode"


Pfft, I wish.

Also, I'm sad he said it wasn't a tease, because I was enjoying the "it looks like he's trying to tell her a secret" type comments on TVLine and EW.

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SA said in one of his panels that he was kind of broke before Arrow came along. Not quite true since he was a main character's love interest on Private Practice and they had to cut short his arc when he signed on for Arrow but I get what he's saying.



 If that's true, I think it's possible that Flash and Arrow are able to offer lower initial salaries with a fairly decent promise of high residual payments later. But that's just speculation on my part.

I think that's more likely with the Flash than with Arrow.  When Arrow was coming on, no one knew if it would work, it could have tanked like the old Birds of Prey. The Flash has Arrow's success behind it.


As for Katie Cassidy, my theory is that they sent her the script on spec, as they probably sent it to a number of people.  SA got hired first, followed by David Ramsey and Susanna Thompson. Then they got to casting for Laurel and hired KC in February but she dates it from the time she was first sent the script as of course they would hire her if she wanted the job since she's the only one with a Name and a CW star.  Maybe it would have been announced earlier but the contract also got stalled by the lawyers; Jack Cassidy, David, Shaun, Shirley Jones ... you know she's got to have some of the best lawyers in Hollywood.

Edited by statsgirl

Stephen thought the premiere was leaked when he saw the kiss online:

'When Stephen saw the Olicity kiss online he thought 3x01 had been leaked'

the kiss from the promo was the "eighth most important thing that happens in the episode"


If the premiere had been leaked I think the Olicity fans would've blown up the internet. 


I heard that someone asked the panel who would be THE Black Canary on the show and they wouldn't answer (not surprising but awkward).


I figured they talked about Caity being The Black Canary when KC wasn't there. But asking a question like that while she's there, that's hilarious. That really shows how much the writers of this show have their work cut out for them to get people to even like the Laurel character let alone want her as a super hero.

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I think that's more likely with the Flash than with Arrow.  When Arrow was coming on, no one knew if it would work, it could have tanked like the old Birds of Prey. The Flash has Arrow's success behind it.



For the initial contracts, yes, but I was thinking about this season's contracts with Brandon Routh and any other guest star they pick up, which might help out with their budget issues.

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