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Please tell me he did not say that?! CRINGE.

No offense but why would his wife moderating his panel be a special treat? IDGI. I don't know her. 

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I don’t have anything against her but does he assume people want to know about her or his marriage? Because the moment you bring your spouse people might be inclined to ask about you more than about your job. And frankly, I personally want to know about the show more than his ticks at home. It feels weird to me. But maybe that is his new strategy because he can’t talk about the show and the whole family is busy that way so nobody feels bored. 

Also does the con now have to pay him more or less because he already brought someone to do a job. 

Edited by Belinea
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5 hours ago, Belinea said:

Also, him being particular about things does sound like a discussion waiting to happen. 

I remember him telling a story about having to make the bed before he goes to bed if it wasn't perfect, and I was like, honey, that might be OCD*. 

*not a diagnosis

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2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Do people not make jokes about their significant others quirks? I doubt she looks at it that seriously.

I've seen it a few times that it starts out as making jokes about them and ends in anger.  I've seen four great marriages, soulmates who remained connected beyond death, and none of them made jokes about the other like that.

ETA: I should have specified jokes to strangers. Many people make comments like that within the famil.

Edited by statsgirl
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54 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I've seen it a few times that it starts out as making jokes about them andt ends in anger.  I've seen four great marriages, soulmates who remained connected beyond death, and none of them made jokes about the other like that.

I am sure that there were more issues at hand with those relationships then just jokes (or else pretty much every marriage would be ending) over weird thigns their spouses do. 

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Definitely more issues than the joking.  I was coming back to specify that it making jokes like that to strangers, not just the fact that they were making jokes.  Lots of people do it within the family, like mom saying how crazy dad is, but letting complete strangers in or mocking a spouse in public often has elements of anger or resentment.

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Why would anyone who goes to an Arrow panel want to know about his marriage or his wife? It's just so random to me? I truly don't get it. Leave that stuff to FB.

IDK, for me personally it's just another case of too much overshare. I find it embarrassing but then I do have really bad secondhand embarrassment issues so maybe it's just me. Haha.

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No, no, it's definitely not just you. But also I feel like that every time..when he wrote about how he can't be with his child because he is working that one time that lead to people attacking his wife to defend him or when he tells "fun" stories about dumb comments she made about homeless people or things like that. There are nice ways to mention the person you love if you feel the need to and I don't think he manages most of the times. Also I think it puts fans that want to ask about the show in a awkward position because I wouldn't feel comfortable asking about his love scenes for example with his wife right there. I know he is an actor so it's no big deal to him but it would make me uncomfortable.

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29 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

IDK, for me personally it's just another case of too much overshare. I find it embarrassing but then I do have really bad secondhand embarrassment issues so maybe it's just me.

It is not just you. Mainly because they usually tell stories that I assume they find funny or endearing but are simply not as funny or miss their mark. For example his Coachella story. He could have just said that he changed his mind on it because she convinced him to come but no he made a long story out of it that turned into a big story if you have to like the same things as your spouse.

Maybe he is trying to make himself more of a brand because he can see his Oliver Queen days passing him by. So he makes wine parties and con parties where you can meet his family. Or maybe she is done staying out of the spotlight. Because she wasn't always as present as she is now. Maybe she wants to do some work but finds it difficult to do other things than being part of his business model. I mean, there was this web show that was just not good. 

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50 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

Also I think it puts fans that want to ask about the show in a awkward position because I wouldn't feel comfortable asking about his love scenes for example with his wife right there. I know he is an actor so it's no big deal to him but it would make me uncomfortable.

I don't think he'd have a problem with it if he were sauced enough. Remember that Nocking Point party (where his wife was also present) sometime after S3 when he talked about him and EBR "smooching" in 320?

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46 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I don't think he'd have a problem with it if he were sauced enough. Remember that Nocking Point party (where his wife was also present) sometime after S3 when he talked about him and EBR "smooching" in 320?

Lol I almost forgot about that. He talked about how sexy it was from memory and how Emily went right at it and got really in to it haha. That was an interesting night from the social media accounts from memory haha 

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4 hours ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

Talking about those things seems like a reality show star thing to do..you are an actor, you have talent in something, talk about that. 

Maybe that's the goal? She is wannabe celeb and he's trying to rebuild his career after TMNT2 derailed his launch into movie stardom.  They could be aiming for a cheapass reality T.V. show.  Whatever their reason it's not innocent, it never is in Hollywood. There's some angle their working, I just have no idea what.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Full SA panel at Salt Lake Comic Con on Sep. 23 - I only transcribed the portions that I found interesting (warning: panel included some spoilery info)...

Stephen Amell - Panel/Q&A - SLCC 2017
Published on Sep 24, 2017, by Ammaross Danan

-- Fan asked how he dealt with the complexity of Oliver/GA being bad sometimes but still being a good man in his heart. SA: "Well, I think that any of the best - I think that all of the best characters on television have a little moral ambiguity to them. Um, I think that makes them a more interesting character. Some of the most dynamic episodes and moments for me playing the character are moments where he's failing or he's making the wrong decision because I think that humanizes him a little bit. Um, yeah, it's just fun playing him on an ongoing basis - the fact that I have now been living with this curmudgeon for the better part of six years. And I think that Cass can attest to, um, the show - when I'm doing the show - well, obviously family time is important - but it takes up an inordinate amount of my brain. Um, but that's a blessing. Ultimately."

-- Fan asked if he enjoyed doing the crossovers with The Flash.


SA: "I don't know if you guys saw the announcement yesterday, but, uh, the title of the crossover this year is called 'Crisis on Earth-X,' which is based off of a very well-known DC Comics storyline, 'Crisis on Infinity Earth.' And, um, when I read the crossover this year, the only thing I will say is that - you know, when we first did the crossover back in our third season, Flash first season, it was very much like it's an episode of Flash where I show up and it's an episode of Arrow where he shows up. And even last year, it was like, you know, Flash showed up on Supergirl, but then it was an episode of Flash, an episode of Arrow, and then an episode of Legends. This year it's just a four-hour movie... Technically, it goes, Supergirl, Arrow, Flash, Legends. But you're not supposed to be watching the Supergirl hour and going, 'okay, this is the Supergirl hour.' It's just the first hour of the crossover. And when I - I don't know, I can't spoil it, other than to say - when I read the crossover scripts this year, I felt compelled to e-mail the, uh, sort of the - the original team of Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Marc Guggenheim, and the e-mail just simply said, 'guys, thank you very much for this opportunity, 'cause it's going to be really, really cool.'"

-- Female fan dressed as BC asked which dead character he would bring back. SA: "Yes, Miss Canary." Cass: "I sense a little bias on the part of little Miss Canary." SA: "I'm going to punt on the question a little bit because we did kinda bring back your... person. (He gestured toward fan) Um, for me, it's always Tommy Merlyn." He then related an anecdote of visiting Colin Donnell in Chicago. SA: "I feel like, as great as the emotional significance of him dying on the Season 1 finale was, um, and as much as that impacted and still reverberates through the show, I really would've loved to see what happened to that character because obviously the lore of Tommy Merlyn is that he eventually becomes Oliver's greatest nemesis. So, shoot."(*)

(* tv echo: Hmm, this makes me think that S1 might've ended originally with Laurel's death and Tommy blaming Oliver/GA for her death and starting on his dark path toward becoming Oliver's enemy. Instead, Tommy died and Slade Wilson got the friend-turned-nemesis storyline.)

-- Fan asked what was the best and the worst thing about acting. SA: "I would say that the - well, it's the same thing, actually. The best thing about acting in this particular job for me is how busy we are. And the worst thing is probably how busy we are. Um, I think that the writers and producers and actors and crew members will tell you that 23 episodes is not necessarily the ideal number of episodes to do per year. I think if we were to craft a story, or if you were to look at some of the more - something like - Game of Thrones, or what they do on Netflix with, uh, I assume, like the new Punisher series, uh, that's probably going to be like 10 episodes, 12 episodes. And what that also allows you to do is basically film all the episodes before a single one airs, which is a tremendous advantage, because you can take a look at the whole thing and you can almost move pieces around, or you can look at the edit of episode 1 and highlight something that's going to pay off for the viewer in episode 10 or 12 or whatever your finale is. Meanwhile, our episode 601 is locked and our episode 623 is months and months and months away. So we lose that advantage a little bit. But, um, if I were to have to choose, if it's the best thing or the worst thing, I would say the best because being busy is a real blessing."

-- Fan asked which was his favorite villain from the past five seasons. SA: "I think that, just from a lore perspective and from the way it played out, I would go with Deathstroke. But I don't think that - I don't know that we'll ever be able to match the emotional gravity of Prometheus. I thought that was really, really great."

-- Fan asked what the most difficult part of his job was. SA: "The most difficult part of my job is, uh, not having as much control as I would like - coming from the guy who does actually, physically rearrange furniture in restaurants... People think of Arrow, they think of me. Right? That's what happens when you play the titular character on a show. When people think of Arrow, they think of me. And yet - is 'titular' a funny word? (Audience is laughing)... Let's be adults. T-I-T-U-L-A-R, okay? I thought it was pronounced differently for a long time. But anyway, there are things on the show that I would do differently, simply because I have different, um, priorities. Um, I'm an information hoarder. I wouldn't release a preview. I would release a preview before the first season and then, coming up on the sixth season, I would literally - especially with the way the fifth season ended, I would've put everything under lock and key. That's not how the producers, and by extension, the network and the studio that we work for, do things. I don't have a problem with the way they do things. I just am very particular and have become more particular the longer that I've done the show, thus, have opinions about that stuff.  So, there are just things that happen with the show that still come across as me representing it that, maybe if I had a say, we would frame things a little differently. So maybe the hardest part is being the representative of a show but also continuing to understand my place in it. I'm an actor. I'm not a writer. I'm not a producer. I say the words that are on the page. Um, I don't have - you know, I don't have say in promotional materials. I don't have say in what gets included in previews. Um, and the thing that I know - and Cass would agree here - and I've said multiple times that, if I ever did television beyond Arrow, I would only ever do it if I was involved in the entire through line of the process. So please don't take that as a criticism - I mean, take it out of context and plaster it as a criticism if you want, but - it's just a matter of recognizing my role and staying in that lane. Sometimes that's the toughest thing. Thank you... 'Stephen Amell Blasts Producers, Studio and Network In a Fiery Salt Lake City Comic Con Tirade'... Just doing your headline copy for you."

-- Fan asked who was a better sidekick: Arsenal or Speedy. SA: "I'm going to say Arsenal. Okay? And here's why. Because Speedy can always still be my family sidekick without necessarily being my sidekick in the field. She'll always be my sister before she's my sidekick. So if Roy wasn't Arsenal, I wouldn't care about him, you know? (Smiles)"

-- Fan asked if, either this season or sometime in the future, he'll get "that traditional goatee."


SA: "I think this is going to end up being the promise that Salt Lake City makes me make this year. I promise you, before the series - not the season, but the series - ends, we will have at least one shot of the iconic goatee. It's like I can't help myself, getting in trouble at these things. Always so much trouble. Always so much trouble."

-- Fan asked who his favorite person to film with on Arrow was. SA: "I would say, just based on the amount of time that we've spent together - and I'm always going to have preference towards, um, you know, the people that I started with - but, I mean, it really did begin with David Ramsey. You know, David and I, in my mind, set the template for the show and how we do things to this day. The very first time it was the two of us in the Arrowcave and, you know, in order for our show to be producible, we have to have these days where we had to rip off 14, 15, 16 pages of just he and I going back and forth. And it was a Friday and it was a 1 o' clock start and I turned to him and I said, 'stay close to set, let's get this done, and, uh, let's just bang it out.' And, um, that for me is the template for how we continue to be able to make the show. So, Mr. Ramsey."

-- Fan asked how he is able to change/channel emotions so quickly and so deeply on the show. SA: "Well, thank you, first of all. Um, I would say that, some of it is - everyone has their different technique. Some people use, like, real life recall. Like they go to a traumatic moment. Ehhh, it's not really for me. You know what I mean? Uh, you know, a lot of it is, uh, helped by the actual relationships that I personally have with the people that I'm acting with. Me and David or Emily or Willa or Katie or whomever - um, we've grown close over time, we've grown a bond over time. So when their character is going through something, or I see the way that they react, that - that helps me. Um, and then, I don't know, sometimes it's just - you know, it really helps having lived in Oliver's skin for, you know, all of these years and to have so much invested. And I think about, is the show important to me? Yes. Is the scene important for the show? Yes. Instant emotions. Happy, sad, angry, calm, you name it. It's just the show helps me get there. Thank you. - The hair makes the costume, by the way."

-- Fan asked about his S6 bow.


SA: "It's a lot like the Season 1 bow. And not really for any particular reason. I was just like, 'guys, it's time, it's time.' I wanted it to go a little old school. You know what I mean? So I was like - my pitch to them was, let's do a recurve and let's pretend that Cisco made it."

-- Fan asked about S6 flashbacks.


SA: "Sometimes we have flashbacks. Sometimes we don't. Um, like, for example, this year we tell the origin - not the origin story, but we tell - we, uh, fill in some pieces for Slade Wilson's story... I think a couple of other people are going to have flashbacks. I have not had a flashback. But they probably just don't want to have to pay for a wig, because I burnt the other one."

Edited by tv echo
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6 hours ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I'm sure there are some fans that want to know everything about him but I wouldn't encourage them to be honest, lol. Talking about those things seems like a reality show star thing to do..you are an actor, you have talent in something, talk about that. 

lol We just had Nikki Reed tell the world that her husband, Ian Somerholder flushed her birth control because he wanted a baby. 

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Oh great! More idiots tweeting actors. And with Olicity in their handle so it makes us all look like morons. Greaaaaaat. Just what we need. The stupid burns! The embarrassment burns! 

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7 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Oh great! More idiots tweeting actors. And with Olicity in their handle so it makes us all look like morons. Greaaaaaat. Just what we need. The stupid burns! The embarrassment burns! 

Yeah, I get that. I personally don't enjoy seeing it but at the same time, he put her out there for the fandom. Fans are paying money to see him at these panels if they don't want a certain moderator, they can say it.

Now I do think they shouldn't bring up marriage troubles. That's awkward. 

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8 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Yeah, I get that. I personally don't enjoy seeing it but at the same time, he put her out there for the fandom. Fans are paying money to see him at these panels if they don't want a certain moderator, they can say it.

Now I do think they shouldn't bring up marriage troubles. That's awkward. 

I agree that he opens himself up to it, to an extent. This is where my problems with overshare comes into it. But I don't think that anyone should be tweeting him directly about his wife. If fans have a problem with panel moderators, they should probably tweet the con organizers. Or if you're going to tweet SA, maybe do it in a better way than that particular fan. IDK, I just think it reflects badly on fandom, especially when they're very obviously an Olicity fan. That really bugs me.

Edited by Guest
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2 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Yeah, I get that. I personally don't enjoy seeing it but at the same time, he put her out there for the fandom. Fans are paying money to see him at these panels if they don't want a certain moderator, they can say it.

Now I do think they shouldn't bring up marriage troubles. That's awkward. 

Like you said: They pay to see SA. They saw SA, they have no say in who should moderate his panel, that's not what they pay for. If it were EBR asking the same questions, I doubt they would be tweeting the same thing.         

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Like you said: They pay to see SA. They saw SA, they have no say in who should moderate his panel, that's not what they pay for. If it were EBR asking the same questions, I doubt they would be tweeting the same thing.         

I think they have every right to complain that they went to a panel for Arrow and were given an insight into SA’s marriage which they may not have wanted. But there are ways to do that nicely without insulting anyone. 

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Fans may have no say in who should moderate Amell's panel, but I think everyone, including paying fans, expects a certain level of professionalism from the event and the talent and adding your spouse as the moderator of your own panel does not come off as professional to me. IMO a moderator ought to be a relatively neutral person who knows the subject fairly well and has some prior experience on a panel; this was not the case here. 

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4 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I agree that he opens himself up to it, to an extent. This is where my problems with overshare comes into it. But I don't think that anyone should be tweeting him directly about his wife. If fans have a problem with panel moderators, they should probably tweet the con organizers. Or if you're going to tweet SA, maybe do it in a better way than that particular fan. IDK, I just think it reflects badly on fandom, especially when they're very obviously an Olicity fan. That really bugs me.

I don't like anything that puts Olicity fans in a bad light. And that Olicity fan really should have worded it better.

If the Con had asked for his wife to Moderate than yeah let the Con know, but they made it clear SA requested it. So I think tweeting SA in this case was warranted. 

There is no way he didn't know this would be the response. 

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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

I think they have every right to complain that they went to a panel for Arrow and were given an insight into SA’s marriage which they may not have wanted. But there are ways to do that nicely without insulting anyone. 

The panel is about SA, thats who they went for. They enjoy the actor. If the panel was nothing but marriage I'd maybe understand being upset but from the sounds of it it was maybe 10mins? 

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Just now, Chaser said:

I don't like anything that puts Olicity fans in a bad light. And that Olicity fan really should have worded it better.

If the Con had asked for his wife to Moderate than yeah let the Con know, but they made it clear SA requested it. So I think tweeting SA in this case was warranted. 

There is no way he didn't know this would be the response. 

I totally think it was a dumb idea and pretty unprofessional to have his wife moderate the panel. I truly don't understand why she was there tbh. But yeah, can the fans not tweet him about it like assholes? That person was just so rude and knowing SA he just lashes out at that kind of stuff. I can't believe this fandom hasn't learned this by now. 

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

The panel is about SA, thats who they went for. They enjoy the actor. If the panel was nothing but marriage I'd maybe understand being upset but from the sounds of it it was maybe 10mins? 

I mean, personally I don’t care. I wasn’t there. But it isn’t my business to tell people what they can and can’t be upset about if they got something other than what they expected. 

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Just now, Angel12d said:

I totally think it was a dumb idea and pretty unprofessional to have his wife moderate the panel. I truly don't understand why she was there tbh. But yeah, can the fans not tweet him about it like assholes? That person was just so rude and knowing SA he just lashes out at that kind of stuff. I can't believe this fandom hasn't learned this by now. 

See I didn't see him as lashing out, I got the impression he was enjoying it. Which is weird.

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