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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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They actually promoted her. Someone catch me, I'm about to fall down in shock! Hehe. No, seriously though. This is good. I'll eat my earlier words! :)

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9 minutes ago, wonderwall said:


But...but I was just going on the usual bias and lack of any promo from the CW. I didn't know! I didn't!

Actually, the CW Arrow twitter has been a little better lately (with the exception of retweeting Supergirl stuff, although that's to be expected). Do you think they suddenly took notice of everyone's comments? Or maybe someone other than Chico runs it now. Haha.

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So I finally figured out what you need to do to get banned from the Arrow FB page.

Take a screencap of an abusive comment (it said that EBR was a bad actress and only good at giving BJs) on the most recent post, and use that screencap to reply to someone else's post that's accusing you of lying about EBR getting abusive comments. I can't comment or like posts on the page anymore, and my other comment (an innocuous "Emily's great! Looking forward to her episode!") on the EBR Whose Line post also got deleted. 

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28 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

So I finally figured out what you need to do to get banned from the Arrow FB page.

Take a screencap of an abusive comment (it said that EBR was a bad actress and only good at giving BJs) on the most recent post, and use that screencap to reply to someone else's post that's accusing you of lying about EBR getting abusive comments. I can't comment or like posts on the page anymore, and my other comment (an innocuous "Emily's great! Looking forward to her episode!") on the EBR Whose Line post also got deleted. 

Congrats @lemotomato! You've just achieved the impossible, you exposed the Arrow FB page mods for just how low they can stoop.

I say it's impossible because I honestly thought that they hit rock bottom... Apparently not.

Edited by wonderwall
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I don't even follow them. I'm only ever there to like/post positive comments on EBR/Olicity/Felicity posts. I just couldn't resist responding because the evidence was right there in the comment above him! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

At least the post I screencapped also got deleted. The comment accusing me of making stuff up is still there.

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13 hours ago, lemotomato said:

So I finally figured out what you need to do to get banned from the Arrow FB page.

Take a screencap of an abusive comment (it said that EBR was a bad actress and only good at giving BJs) on the most recent post, and use that screencap to reply to someone else's post that's accusing you of lying about EBR getting abusive comments. I can't comment or like posts on the page anymore, and my other comment (an innocuous "Emily's great! Looking forward to her episode!") on the EBR Whose Line post also got deleted. 

Wow, I didn't know the FB pages were even moderated. You definitely wouldn't think so. They can't even get that right.

Can you just make another account to like/comment (not worth it but just in case you wanted to)? I doubt they ban IP addresses, even though they should most of the time.

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Those wary of spoilers, don't go to Guggenheims tweet. It contains the title of the episode in question. I just thought this was really solid of MR considering he hasn't been on the show for longer than a season.

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15 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Those wary of spoilers, don't go to Guggenheims tweet. It contains the title of the episode in question. I just thought this was really solid of MR considering he hasn't been on the show for longer than a season.

I appreciate how he's less pissy than Manu. 

He's basically made sure that he'll never work for the Arrowverse again. 

What a moron.

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I'm curious about what pissed Manu off so much. The stuff he likes on social media are brutal. Hate on the show, hate on Felicity, hate on the producers, etc. It was such a 180, I can't help but think there has to be more to the story then just 'actor is unhappy with story'.

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It's definitely weird because I remember seeing gifs of Manu at cons being very complimentary of EBR/Felicity, although he did express dislike over Slade being in love with Shado (which I full agree with actually, it came out of nowhere). So it seems like something happened to shift his opinion. I wonder if he thought he'd be coming back at some point and they told him no because they knew Deathstroke would be used elsewhere.

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I remember him talking positively about his whole experience on the show, not just EBR/Felicity. He disagreed with this and that but it wasn't an overwhelming impression. Now its all THE SHOW WENT TO HELL WHEN DEATHSTROKE LEFT, DEATHSTROKE MADE ARROW WHAT IT WAS, LET'S JOKE ABOUT DEATHSTROKE COMING BACK TO KILL FELICITY AND THE PRODUCERS...it's a little crazy.

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Sure. I'm just saying I remember seeing a gifset where he spoke about Felicity in a nice way (so he hasn't always hated her). I think I remember he put on someone's glasses and did an impression? I know he used to speak positively about his experience as a whole and I remember when he spoke up about the Shado mess I was quite impressed that he went there. But now it seems he's dropped the politeness and has gone OTT, which I find unprofessional.

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IIRC MG has mentioned Manu sharing his dissatisfaction with the show directly with him. Seems like he was either unhappy with his last performance (like Thea being able to hold her own against him), or thought he'd be coming back and was told that plans changed (or wanted to come back and was told no). I can imagine the conversation not going all that well with MG, but regardless, Manu's behavior since is typical man baby who didn't get his way about whatever. 

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Manu has said some things I agree with; for example, the Slade/Shado thing coming out of nowhere, and I think he also commented about it being problematic (I don't think he used that word) about Slade going after all the women in Oliver's life.  

But yeah, it seems like his attitude went downhill after that last appearance in season three, and I think he's even commented about it, mainly IIRC about Thea and how she shouldn't have been able to hold her own in a fight with him, or something like that.  Basically I think he felt like they really depowered Slade and he didn't like that.  I don't know where the anti-Felicity thing is coming from though.

Edited by Starfish35
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Sidebar: re Justin Hartley on Smallville. OMG my OTP was Jasex (Jason/Lex) and when Hartley joined I was so lamenting that I didn't get an adventure with Jason, Lex and Ollie.  I need to write some fic about that. LOL

Edited by catrox14
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7 hours ago, Chaser said:

JB had to cancel HVFF because of his husbands surgery. That leaves SA and DR from the Arrow cast. That's sad. 


I'm really disappointed in JB - this should be a cause really close to his (and his husband's) heart. Scott isn't in hospital, he's recovering at home. Surely a friend could have stayed with him for 36 hours so that JB could raise a lot of money.  But to tell you the truth I'm not surprised by either him or KC cancelling (I just had a feeling they would).

The fact that it's only SA and DR from the entire Arrowverse is also really disappointing. Most of the rest of them are making a good income from HVFF - could they not have given up 1 day to give something back. It's all tax deductible. 

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38 minutes ago, sadfangirl said:

I'm really disappointed in JB - this should be a cause really close to his (and his husband's) heart. Scott isn't in hospital, he's recovering at home. Surely a friend could have stayed with him for 36 hours so that JB could raise a lot of money.

Scott being allowed to recover at home doesn't give any indication of what assistance he might need. For all we know, he could need help for very personal tasks like getting dressed, bathing, going to the bathroom, stuff one would expect a significant other to help with, not friends. Not to mention that complications from surgery are always possible, and JB would be across the country if anything happened. I think his husband's well being is a very valid reason for JB to cancel.

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Not to sound mean... but the tickets are non-refundable right? So JB already raised the $$ for the charity... plus he most likely already gave money to the cause... It definitely sucks for the fans who wanted to see him, but I totally understand and respect him putting his family's needs during a health crisis ahead of a con (even if it was a charity event).

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The autograph tickets and photos (where they will make most of the money) are completely refundable. So no, John hasn't raised any money. Entry prices are low to get people in the door, they make the cash from photos and autos.

I didn't know if it was a cancer scare (I just saw he had surgery), but even so, I'm still very disappointed in John - he has form for this (pre-Arrow, back in the UK). Plus we have no idea if he's given money or not. 

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Titan to publish Arrow: Oliver Queen’s Dossier


Titan Books has announced the upcoming publication of Arrow: Oliver Queen’s Dossier from Nick Aires, which presents a detailed  in-universe exploration of intelligence and information that Oliver Queen has collated on nefarious business dealings and criminal activity in Starling City in the hit CW superhero show. The 160-page book is set for release on October 14th, and can be pre-ordered via Amazon UK or Amazon US.

Amazon (U.S.) - (hardcover) to be released Oct. 18, 2016:


Arrow - Oliver Queen's Dossier collates the intelligence Oliver Queen has uncovered on nefarious business dealings and criminal activity in Starling City, with "top secret" records on his alter-ego Arrow since his return from Lian Yu. Includes hard copy duplicates of confidential government and business documents acquired by Oliver and Felicity Smoak, top secret schematics for Arrow's weaponry, and Queen family records.


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That dossier looks cool and everything but why are they not giving me books that I actually want to read?! Give me the adventures of Original Team Arrow and I'll buy dozens (for me and to give away). I used to buy or at the very least borrow SPN, Angel, Highlander books :P

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I found this screencap on Twitter. It's supposed to be from SA's Facebook page but I honeslty don't see it there? It's a screencap from the trailer that was dropped earlier so I'm putting it under spoilers. I don't think it actually spoils much, it's more about the aspect of the show he's chosing to promote in this instance.



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Just now, bijoux said:

I found this screencap on Twitter. It's supposed to be from SA's Facebook page but I honeslty don't see it there? It's a screencap from the trailer that was dropped earlier so I'm putting it under spoilers. I don't think it actually spoils much, it's more about the aspect of the show he's chosing to promote in this instance.

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I think he deleted it. IDK why.

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