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He's mentioned "kids" before in his interviews, but never really elaborated on it, so I'm not sure if he has just one or more. He occasionally posts picts of children he's with, but usually their backs/feet/other non-identifying features, which is great. 

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SA's facebook videos from yesterday (no spoilers)...

Q: Any clues about Felicity & Oliver?
"No. There aren't. We just started season 5... like literally just now. And I think sometimes people take, uh - there were two things I said over the weekend at Heroes & Villains-New Jersey.  One, someone comes up to me and they go, 'Is Flashpont on Flash going to affect Arrow?' and I sarcastically go, 'Sure!'  And then they said, 'No, really, is it going to to?' and I go, 'Yeah, it could.'  And then I proceed to say, 'Actually, I don't know, and if I did know, I wouldn't tell you, but I don't actually know.'   And that actually got printed as 'Stephen Amell confirms that Flashpoint in Flash will have major consequences on Arrow.'  Boy, that's not what happened at all.  And then some website called We Got This Covered says, 'Stephen Amell Walks Back Statement,' when I actually took to twitter - or facebook, I can't remember - and it was like, gosh, that's a responsible headline. ... Oh yeah, and then the second thing is, some very nice fans came up to me when I was in New Jersey over the weekend, and they were like, 'We need some positivity around Oliver & Felicity's character,' and I'm like, 'Guys, ... it's the off-season.' It's funny for me during the off-season because - over the hiatus, I guess - I'm not a professional athlete.  It's funny for me because I would sit down for interviews and, you know, a lot of the journalists would've seen Turtles and that was the - that was the point of the interview, and they would ask two Turtles questions - but, you know, then 'What happens in season 5?' ... 'I don't know' ... and that has led to, like, news, for some reason. I literally don't know.  I've now read three scripts. I've had lots of discussions.  But I didn't reveal sh*t in any of those interviews, for the record."

Stephen Amell Less than 24 hours. Vote Saunders! mlb.com/vote

Stephen Amell don't know what I did to piss T3 Athletics off | ARROW

Edited by tv echo
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Yesterday Warner Bros. TV released keycard art for hotel keycards featuring all the DC Comics TV shows, as well as ABC’s mid-season show, Time After Time, and announced that there will be 40,000 copies available for people who will be staying at hotels in the San Diego area for SDCC 2016.  Here is the keycard art for Arrow...

(Pic source)

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Dude, Steve, you should actually be GLAD journos who saw Turtles only asked you a couple of questions about it before turning to Arrow. Can you imagine if they dove in on the fact that half of your press tour was about your exec producer Michael Bay being a jerkface douchenozzle?

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Also, considering all anyone knows about him IS Arrow, he should expect to get questions on it, even when it's a press tour for another movie. There aren't that many questions to ask about a TMNT sequel, and part of his appeal (and getting people to read their articles) is by addressing Arrow. It's just common sense.

I'm not sure what he was expecting... but it's not like this is him starring in a leading role in a small indie or something. He's part of a greater machine that could easily cast someone else in the role, or excise his role entirely. I understand he's excited about his first film, but don't let excitement overshadow the fans who helped make your show successful. 

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He is pissed people wanted to talk Arrow, but he is probably more pissed that TMNT was not this big blockbuster. I'm guessing the offers and interest hasn't coming flooding in for him. Instead he is back at work and the fans arent giving him that praise he wants either because he was who? what? all hiatus

Now we are getting little temper tantrums. 

I wish the others would get on the BTS train so SA could go pout in a corner. 

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You know,  I could have sworn that originally he was just excited to do a movie that his daughter could watch and not have him be an escort or a serial killer.   I wasn't under the impression that he was taking it all that seriously,  but now he seems salty as hell.   Strange. 

Edited by Delphi
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It's very interesting to hear the fan's accounting of their conversation, and then his, and now her response to his response. I'm not being snide; it's genuinely interesting. 

Also, everything they say convinces me more that O/F is dead for an extended time period. Possibly the whole season unless ratings tank.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Here's how I see it: I don't believe for a second he doesn't know what's going to happen. And aside from casting news, all they've been saying is the 'back to the roots' thing. Nothing else. Now, if this goes on even after SDCC, I'll actually start believing the Flashpoint theory. At least for the first two episodes. 

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2 hours ago, tv echo said:

SA's facebook videos from yesterday (no spoilers)...

Q: Any clues about Felicity & Oliver?
"No. There aren't. We just started season 5... like literally just now. And I think sometimes people take, uh - there were two things I said over the weekend at Heroes & Villains-New Jersey.  One, someone comes up to me and they go, 'Is Flashpont on Flash going to affect Arrow?' and I sarcastically go, 'Sure!'  And then they said, 'No, really, is it going to to?' and I go, 'Yeah, it could.'  And then I proceed to say, 'Actually, I don't know, and if I did know, I wouldn't tell you, but I don't actually know.'   And that actually got printed as 'Stephen Amell confirms that Flashpoint in Flash will have major consequences on Arrow.'  Boy, that's not what happened at all.  And then some website called We Got This Covered says, 'Stephen Amell Walks Back Statement,' when I actually took to twitter - or facebook, I can't remember - and it was like, gosh, that's a responsible headline. ...


I'm sure I'm missing a lot of context, but why would he think it was a good idea to answer what seemed to be a sincere question abt Flashpoint's effect on Arrow with sarcasm? Seems to me that started the ball rolling, so he helped create the situation he goes on to complain abt. And if someone asks a question & you give them a sarcastic response, are you not kind of making fun of them, like you think they're stupid for asking you that question? Why wouldn't some viewers be curious abt that possibility? Why not just give a straightforward answer, like 'I don't know' or 'I'm not sure' or 'I can't really get into that' As a public figure doesn't he understand he needs to be careful abt just making throwaway sarcastic responses, b/c not everyone is going to know that is how he is answering something.

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Today I was reminded of this video, and I am yet again upset about the lack of shirtless scenes/salmon ladder scenes. Can the show please find a reason to have Diggle do the salmon ladder in season five?? Or even just some work out scenes?

Edited by HighHopes
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36 minutes ago, Delphi said:

You know,  I could have sworn that originally he was just excited to do a movie that his daughter could watch and not have him be an escort or a serial killer.   I wasn't under the impression that he was taking it all that seriously,  but now he seems salty as hell.   Strange. 

I feel like SA's sudden pissy attitude indeed stems from the fact that he was banking on that turtles movie to be a springboard for movie stardom. Yeah, well. 

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Just now, Midori Ya said:

I'm sure I'm missing a lot of context, but why would he think it was a good idea to answer what seemed to be a sincere question abt Flashpoint's effect on Arrow with sarcasm? Seems to me that started the ball rolling, so he helped create the situation he goes on to complain abt. And if someone asks a question & you give them a sarcastic response, are you not kind of making fun of them, like you think they're stupid for asking you that question? Why wouldn't some viewers be curious abt that possibility? Why not just give a straightforward answer, like 'I don't know' or 'I'm not sure' or 'I can't really get into that' As a public figure doesn't he understand he needs to be careful abt just making throwaway sarcastic responses, b/c not everyone is going to know that is how he is answering something.

That one I don't blame him entirely for because he got that question about 2-3 times during his TMNT tour (and that question isn't even about Arrow, but how Flash affects Arrow, which is even less to do with SA) and once right after Flash's and Arrow's season finale. He has nothing to do with Flash, so asking him that really should go to a showrunner/producer/someone related to Flash (none of whom actually commented on the Flashpoint thing once it happened even though they should have been the ones to clarify it in the first place) and not SA who was promoting TMNT or, in the con's case, Arrow. Plus, he's already answered "Not sure" and "possibly" before in those interviews but people still keep asking him. At this point it would just get annoying and would be easier to answer in a joking way, especially if Flashpoint likely isn't going to affect much of anything, with an audience at a con who would likely get his sense of humor. From what I saw, a lot of people even knew he was being sarcastic (heck, I even knew without needing his tone of voice that he was probably being sarcastic by answering "sure"), but sites like ComicBookNow took him extremely literally (even misquoting the whole point by saying that "Flashpoint to majorly affect Arrow, says SA").

SA's been kind of grating me for a little while now too, but this one I actually blame more on the sites who wanted click-bait articles more than SA himself, although his need to overcorrect the matter (having to make fun of grammar incorrectly or mention it on a live video instead of just simply tweeting/posting that he was misquoted and then letting it die) because people mistakenly thought he was going back on his statements is somewhat eye-rolling.

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I'm kind of a simple person, bc I don't see why he's not just thrilled to be the lauded lead on a CW show going into its 5th season. He's obviously doing very well financially, and he's extremely successful in his chosen field. The odds against attaining that degree of success in acting are astronomical. If I were him I'd just freaking be happy. Stop hoping to be Tom Cruise, who's batcrap crazy, and just be Stephen Amell. 

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6 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

There's always Code 8!

When is that actually happening? What is it actually supposed to be? What will actually happen with money? 

I mean, yes, you should be excited if you get the opportunity to be in a big movie. But didn't he read the script, doesn't he know what Michael Bay movies look like and does he not know that the first one didn't do well? Shouldn't you be glad that you have a daytime job that allows you the opportunity to do a big movie? 

Edited by Belinea
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3 minutes ago, AyChihuahua said:

I'm kind of a simple person, bc I don't see why he's not just thrilled to be the lauded lead on a CW show going into its 5th season. He's obviously doing very well financially, and he's extremely successful in his chosen field. The odds against attaining that degree of success in acting are astronomical. If I were him I'd just freaking be happy. Stop hoping to be Tom Cruise, who's batcrap crazy, and just be Stephen Amell. 

Next thing you know he'll be jumping on the couch of a talk show telling everyone how much he loves his family. Or are his FB posts this decade's version of that already?

Edited by looptab
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1 minute ago, Belinea said:

When is that actually happening? What is it actually supposed to be? What will actually happen with money? 

He mentioned it in his Live video last night, but I don't remember all the details other than he mentioned that he's an EP and he wants to open it in China to get that $$$, and he thinks he'll be able to be really involved (which to me means that he doesn't expect to have anything big lined up next hiatus, since that's when they're supposed to film, unless that's changed).

2 minutes ago, looptab said:

Next thing you know he'll be jumping on the couch of a talk show telling everyone how much he loves his family. Or are his FB posts this decade version of that already?

After that, he has to go on the Today show. "You're glib, Matt. You're glib!"

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Just now, AyChihuahua said:

I'm kind of a simple person, bc I don't see why he's not just thrilled to be the lauded lead on a CW show going into its 5th season. He's obviously doing very well financially, and he's extremely successful in his chosen field. The odds against attaining that degree of success in acting are astronomical. If I were him I'd just freaking be happy. Stop hoping to be Tom Cruise, who's batcrap crazy, and just be Stephen Amell. 

That's kind of my thought process too, and that's also what I kind of feel like for his recent dismissal of Olicity. Like, ok, maybe you don't want to be known for being a romantic lead, but when critics actually laud moments between him and EBR in 409/410/411 as being some of the best acted moments between them, then maybe you should be happy that your abilities are being praised in general instead of being picky about what you're being praised for.

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2 minutes ago, AyChihuahua said:

I'm kind of a simple person, bc I don't see why he's not just thrilled to be the lauded lead on a CW show going into its 5th season. He's obviously doing very well financially, and he's extremely successful in his chosen field. The odds against attaining that degree of success in acting are astronomical. If I were him I'd just freaking be happy. Stop hoping to be Tom Cruise, who's batcrap crazy, and just be Stephen Amell. 

But I don't think the show is enough for him. He must be trying to build some kind of ~legacy~ and to do that he taps into various businesses: his book stuff, wine stuff, con stuff, etc.  He really loves stardom.

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Let's be real, maybe he can write nicely but who actually wants to read a book on his life? But then again what kind person offered him such a deal?

I also doubt he is the wine person in the business, he is the face and somebody else knows about wine. And I honestly believe that the con stuff brings in so much money. You can do it all at once, sell your show, promote your brands and make money by just appearing.

Edited by Belinea
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3 minutes ago, RussianRoulette said:

But I don't think the show is enough for him. He must be trying to build some kind of ~legacy~ and to do that he taps into various businesses: his book stuff, wine stuff, con stuff, etc.  He really loves stardom.

Yeah, he's clearly ambitious. Though I could understand him not wanting to be pigeonholed even without all of that. It's great that he's got the lead part on this show, but it won't last forever. Him trying to create some groundwork for what happens next doesn't bother me in the slightest. His occasional crossings into douchiness are another matter. Basically, realizing that this show will have a limited run and thinking ahead is smart. It would also be good to use those smarts in the way he presents himself while trying to achieve this.

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7 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Yeah, he's clearly ambitious. Though I could understand him not wanting to be pigeonholed even without all of that. It's great that he's got the lead part on this show, but it won't last forever. Him trying to create some groundwork for what happens next doesn't bother me in the slightest. His occasional crossings into douchiness are another matter. Basically, realizing that this show will have a limited run and thinking ahead is smart. It would also be good to use those smarts in the way he presents himself while trying to achieve this.

That's what I mean by saying I'm a simple person. If I had millions in my bank account and a job that I found fun and rewarding, that allowed me to travel and take vacations to exotic destinations, I'd be very happy. He most likely would never have to work again after Arrow. I don't begrudge him trying out for movie roles, but he seems to be very unhappy when they don't turn into something more. It's not so much trying for even more, but being, apparently, so unhappy when it doesn't happen that seems problematic to me. 

Edited by AyChihuahua
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@Belinea I definitely would not want to read a book about his life. His social media tidbits are more than enough. 

@bijoux I also agree that it's smart to have several options to fall back on. But how invested is he in these ventures? If he's super invested in X number of ventures then I understand even less his recent shenanigans about how he has to go to enormous lengths to spend time with his family. 

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14 minutes ago, way2interested said:

That one I don't blame him entirely for because he got that question about 2-3 times during his TMNT tour (and that question isn't even about Arrow, but how Flash affects Arrow, which is even less to do with SA) and once right after Flash's and Arrow's season finale. He has nothing to do with Flash, so asking him that really should go to a showrunner/producer/someone related to Flash (none of whom actually commented on the Flashpoint thing once it happened even though they should have been the ones to clarify it in the first place) and not SA who was promoting TMNT or, in the con's case, Arrow. Plus, he's already answered "Not sure" and "possibly" before in those interviews but people still keep asking him. At this point it would just get annoying and would be easier to answer in a joking way, especially if Flashpoint likely isn't going to affect much of anything, with an audience at a con who would likely get his sense of humor. From what I saw, a lot of people even knew he was being sarcastic (heck, I even knew without needing his tone of voice that he was probably being sarcastic by answering "sure"), but sites like ComicBookNow took him extremely literally (even misquoting the whole point by saying that "Flashpoint to majorly affect Arrow, says SA").

SA's been kind of grating me for a little while now too, but this one I actually blame more on the sites who wanted click-bait articles more than SA himself, although his need to overcorrect the matter (having to make fun of grammar incorrectly or mention it on a live video instead of just simply tweeting/posting that he was misquoted and then letting it die) because people mistakenly thought he was going back on his statements is somewhat eye-rolling.

Good points. But tho' he might have been annoyed abt the question during TMNT tour, this was at con where Arrow-related questions were the point, so it was appropriate question and IMO not appropriate for him to translate irritation abt inappropriate questions in a TMNT promo setting to a venue where it was appropriate (or was this not at the con? Was this another TMNT-related gig? maybe I'm missing that context). Also, agree he has nothing to do w/ Flash. But he's smart enough, at least I hope so, to know that the shows are part of a connected universe. They have cross-overs obviously. He wasn't being asked abt how Flashpoint would affect Flash, but how it would affect his show. He may be tired of answering that question, but hey, what does he expect? Just like he can expect multiple questions about Olicity, the upcoming 4-show crossovers and other related topics over and over again. That's part of the job. And agree, the site probably just ran w/ his response to stir up drama, but again, he should be smart enough to know that when you're a public figure these things are going to happen, so all the more reason to be careful abt how you answer things in public, including your social media content.  Sarcasm can easily be missed and the sarcasm accomplished nothing, it's kind of childish and indulgent.

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4 minutes ago, Midori Ya said:

Good points. But tho' he might have been annoyed abt the question during TMNT tour, this was at con where Arrow-related questions were the point, so it was appropriate question and IMO not appropriate for him to translate irritation abt inappropriate questions in a TMNT promo setting to a venue where it was appropriate (or was this not at the con? Was this another TMNT-related gig? maybe I'm missing that context). Also, agree he has nothing to do w/ Flash. But he's smart enough, at least I hope so, to know that the shows are part of a connected universe. They have cross-overs obviously. He wasn't being asked abt how Flashpoint would affect Flash, but how it would affect his show. He may be tired of answering that question, but hey, what does he expect? Just like he can expect multiple questions about Olicity, the upcoming 4-show crossovers and other related topics over and over again. That's part of the job. And agree, the site probably just ran w/ his response to stir up drama, but again, he should be smart enough to know that when you're a public figure these things are going to happen, so all the more reason to be careful abt how you answer things in public, including your social media content.  Sarcasm can easily be missed and the sarcasm accomplished nothing, it's kind of childish and indulgent.

My feelings about it just stem to the idea that that is just a bad question to ask SA in general. Yes, it is a connected universe, but it doesn't mean that the stories are that connected that one thing that happens on Flash is going to directly and completely affect the plot on Arrow. It may be asking him how Flashpoint will affect his show, but production-wise it almost as if asking him, "How will the Supernatural finale affect Arrow?" He wouldn't know because Supernatural is not his show and neither is Flash, even if it is slightly easier to get info from Flash. That question is something that the showrunners of Flash should have immediately answered after the finale (if this will affect the other shows), but they didn't and didn't even comment on the ending at all. Because of that, now people ask SA about it as if he knows these answers when even the Flash people didn't know/give the answers.

This one was at a con, but he was being sarcastic at first and then followed with a real "I don't know" or "Possibly" (or from what I heard, a straight-up "no") answer, but people decided to take his immediate answer (which was a 2 sec joke before his quick real answer because he still doesn't have a real answer because it probably won't even though in a way it should) as truth without looking at context or even the rest of his answer. This wasn't really me trying to point out that he was annoyed at the question so much as people taking his joke out of context. He was just trying to make a quick joke answer to a question that he really could not have the answer to to a group of people who would be likely able to understand his humor (getting full context including question, body language, tone of voice, exact wording, etc.) before giving his standard answer yet again. As for the other type of questions that could possibly annoy him (Olicity, the four-way crossover, future for Arrow, etc.), I agree that it is part of the job and that he should take those questions seriously instead of trying to brush them off as he has been doing, but it's just the Flashpoint question that really gets me because that one was really blown out of proportion and out of context and once again just ties in Arrow's importance in regards to the Flash instead of on its own. 

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Yes, it is a connected universe, but it doesn't mean that the stories are that connected that one thing that happens on Flash is going to directly and completely affect the plot on Arrow. 

But that was the exact question: Is the story on Flash going to affect Arrow.

I don't see any way that's not a fair question to ask at an Arrow con. And for him to answer sarcastically and then snark at people for reporting his answer is totally absurd. That is what reporters DO.  


It may be asking him how Flashpoint will affect his show, but production-wise it almost as if asking him, "How will the Supernatural finale affect Arrow?" 

I don't understand this AT ALL. Supernatural is not remotely connected to Arrow; The Flash is closely connected to Arrow. The actual Flash, as in the character the Flash, was INTRODUCED on Arrow. They've had two major crossovers since, in which stuff on The Flash hugely affected Arrow, and then stuff on Arrow affected The Flash, and both set up yet another spinoff. Asking how The Flash's HUGE plot is going to affect Arrow is just nothing like asking how Supernatural will affect Arrow. 

Edited by AyChihuahua
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So his favourite episodes are: The pilot, Year's End, Three Ghosts, The Promise (seriously???), and the Climb. 

Yeah...The only episode of those I like is Three Ghosts. (I don't really remember any season one episodes). 

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2 hours ago, Delphi said:

You know,  I could have sworn that originally he was just excited to do a movie that his daughter could watch and not have him be an escort or a serial killer.   I wasn't under the impression that he was taking it all that seriously,  but now he seems salty as hell.   Strange. 

Oh I believe he took Turtles very seriously. It's his first major movie role in an action franchise that could have catapulted him to so much more. IIRC, he was likening it to the Marvel Cinematic Universe when he was teasing the role. But...that didn't happen, and he's totally mad about that. Plus, while he actually got the few positive mentions about TMNT2, most people, including journos, are only interested in Arrow, or even "worse," Olicity. That's gotta be a huge ego blow, and as has been demonstrated in the past, SA does not do well when his ego is bruised or threatened.

Edited by calliope1975
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Just now, AyChihuahua said:

I don't see any way that's not a fair question to ask at an Arrow con. And for him to answer sarcastically and then snark at people for reporting his answer is totally absurd. That is what reporters DO.  

It is a fair question, but I just don't get what people are expecting when asking SA this question. The snark is what I had a problem with. The sarcasm I didn't really care about because he went back and still answered the question in a regular manner but reporters misquoted him in context that would have come back and had people call SA a liar when Flashpoint doesn't affect Arrow. I get SA being upset and wanting pointing it out as incorrect, but snarking at sites was going way too far for him.  

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9 minutes ago, HighHopes said:

So his favourite episodes are: The pilot, Year's End, Three Ghosts, The Promise (seriously???), and the Climb. 

Yeah...The only episode of those I like is Three Ghosts. (I don't really remember any season one episodes). 

I liked the action stuff in the pilot, and, you know, the yummy shirtless stuff. I have to give him Year's End...other than the awkward triangle crap, it was really good. That was back when MM wasn't a cartoon who caused Oliver's and Thea's IQs to drop precipitously whenever he came near them. I personally hated The Climb, bc the whole plan re the Thea thing was just absolutely stupid...not even a MENTION of the computer hacker trying to find/erase all copies of the stupid video? Plus back then I loved Oliver and hated seeing him hurt. The Promise was boring, but whatevs.

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Just now, way2interested said:

It is a fair question, but I just don't get what people are expecting when asking SA this question. The snark is what I had a problem with. The sarcasm I didn't really care about because he went back and still answered the question in a regular manner but reporters misquoted him in context that would have come back and had people call SA a liar when Flashpoint doesn't affect Arrow. I get SA being upset and wanting pointing it out as incorrect, but snarking at sites was going way too far for him.  

Why couldn't they just expect him to answer the question or say that he can't bc spoilers? We know for a fact that he knows about the season-long plan before the season starts, bc he has said so, numerous times. We also know that he's read the first three scripts for the season. Guggie, etc., weren't there to ask that question; he was, and I am 100% sure that he knows the answer. The sarcasm was unnecessary, silly, childish, and most importantly, counterproductive.

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That shows that even then people were tired of the flashbacks. They've always ruined the momentum of the story and without them their could be more character beats. Or who am I kidding this Arrow they'd probably just throw in more mindless action sequences to make up for the flashbacks. 

I think SA is butthurt that Turtles wasn't a big hit, it was kind of flop wasn't it? I haven't been paying much attention to it but to me it feels like the buzz died down after it was released. 

They all basically get the same questions at every con any of them attend since the show started. That at least is a different one since it just happened last season. If he is getting sick of the same questions maybe he should take a break from doing Cons (at least ones that aren't HVFF since he's involved with that one).

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I honestly don't know how he thought he turtles thing would end differently than it did?

Hack I know for a fact that last year when he announced the role I was like 'The movie gonna suck and flop (that much is obvious) so either this will be his Batman & Robin if he plays it right or it will kill his option for a proper movie career, but it will all depend on he will handle it.'

Hi Steve! I don't think this is the B&R to your Clooney.

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I'm amused that 2 days after he disparages Twitter, he has to beg Twitter followers for RTs for his guy because the MLB decided hashtags = votes. It's been an hour and he hasn't hit the 5k RTs he asked for yet.

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Just now, lemotomato said:

I'm amused that 2 days after he disparages Twitter, he has to beg Twitter followers for RTs for his guy because the MLB decided hashtags = votes. It's been an hour and he hasn't hit the 5k RTs he asked for yet.

I didn't know he asked for 5k RTs, haha. 

Since he's obviously doing this to bolster his relationship with the Blue Jays, I'm just going to not participate and do something productive with my time. Like watch paint dry. 

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1 hour ago, HighHopes said:

So his favourite episodes are: The pilot, Year's End, Three Ghosts, The Promise (seriously???), and the Climb. 

Yeah...The only episode of those I like is Three Ghosts. (I don't really remember any season one episodes). 

What was The Promise about? It doesn't ring a bell off the bat for me. The pilot had its issues but it was very well executed, and I LOVE Year's end, probably my favorite mid-season finale and Three Ghosts has probably been the best crafted episode of the show. It was a really clever play on Dickens and everything just flowed. To be honest, I don't recall muh of The Climb aside from Oliver leaving to fight Ra's.

1 hour ago, looptab said:

The best mostly FB episode was The Odissey.  There's just no competition.

Is there any doubt?

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