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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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It's too bad that there's already a black leather and fishnets association with the show because EBR looks amazing and it would be too funny to see Felicity playing around with Oliver in something like that on Arrow. However, having that look tied so closely with Laurel's character virtually assures that it can never happen.

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It's too bad that there's already a black leather and fishnets association with the show because EBR looks amazing and it would be too funny to see Felicity playing around with Oliver in something like that on Arrow. However, having that look tied so closely with Laurel's character virtually assures that it can never happen.


...Laurel ruins everything -_- :p

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And suddenly Justin Smoak jersey sales jump 100%. The BlueJays must be loving this

They're both so damn cute. If stuff like this is what we'll get from FB livestreams, then I'm totally on board.

Edited by lemotomato
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They're both so damn cute. If stuff like this is what we'll get from FB livestreams, then I'm totally on board.




I'll take back what I wrote about it if we get more of this kind of content. 


I still want someone to accidentally livestream something embarrassing though - not necessarily Stephen, haha. 

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so am I the only one who found it both cute and a bit umm strange that when he said smoak he accidentally said smell...

I'm not one of them stemily fans, but I don't know.. the way he behaves around her is making me suspect that that little crush he has for Felicity is actually for Emily.. i'm probably just misreading his behavior.

Edited by foreverevolving
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I don't think Stemily exists in a romantic sense at all as Stephen appears to be very much in love with his wife and daughter (as he should be), but I do think his friendship with Emily is genuine, foreverevolving. They appear to be great friends and I think that definitely translates onscreen. I think a big reason why Olicity is even a thing goes all the way back to the day Stephen and Emily met. Clearly there was a professional spark there since Stephen has fondly spoken of it so much. I think that bled into their scenes together and things snowballed for their characters. I don't think it's a coincidence that Stephen talked about all the little things he and Emily added to their scenes that weren't even in the script at SDCC. I think they intended for the audience to see chemistry because they enjoyed working together so much.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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so am I the only one who found it both cute and a bit umm strange that when he said smoak he accidentally said smell....

It's the combo of saying words that start with "sp" and "sm" ("how do you spell Smoak") one right after the other, that's kind of tongue twisty. Plus, he couldn't even remember the word "syllable" for a bit, so he might just be tired.

Edited by lemotomato
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so am I the only one who found it both cute and a bit umm strange that when he said smoak he accidentally said smell...

I'm not one of them stemily fans, but I don't know.. the way he behaves around her is making me suspect that that little crush he has for Felicity is actually for Emily.. i'm probably just misreading his behavior.

He didn't screw up Smoak, he screwed up spell and smell. Which I can see as they're very, very close.

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so am I the only one who found it both cute and a bit umm strange that when he said smoak he accidentally said smell...

I'm not one of them stemily fans, but I don't know.. the way he behaves around her is making me suspect that that little crush he has for Felicity is actually for Emily.. i'm probably just misreading his behavior.

I think he was trying to say "spell" when he was saying "smell". He was asking her how she/Felicity/the show spells 'Smoak' because it is spelt the same way for the player. 

Edited by HighHopes
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It seemed like he was genuinely happy that she liked the gift. :-) So adorable. 


And on a superficial note...is that Emily's real hair in the ponytail? It seems quite long again already...

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yes sorry it was smell instead of spell.. but still "how do you smell smoak" that's pretty hilarious.


and i didn't mean that he is inlove with her (I have no doubt he is madly inlove with his wife) just the way he acts around her.. i can't quite explain it.. to me it looks like.. like a school boy who has a crush on his best friend or something like that.

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and i didn't mean that he is inlove with her (I have no doubt he is madly inlove with his wife) just the way he acts around her.. i can't quite explain it.. to me it looks like.. like a school boy who has a crush on his best friend or something like that.

Oh, okay...no worries. I guess I wouldn't really describe it as a crush but I don't know how any of the cast can resist Emily's charms. They all seem to adore her and I can't blame 'em!

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Oh, okay...no worries. I guess I wouldn't really describe it as a crush but I don't know how any of the cast can resist Emily's charms. They all seem to adore her and I can't blame 'em!

I think SA has a crush on Felicity Smoak, which is harmless. Now, if he starts spending too much time with the babysitter Mrs. Amell should worry.
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That was a wicked adorable video on Facebook with the jersey. Found it hilarious that he couldn't get the words out. Who has fumbled over their speech every now and then? I also loved that he then tried to figure out grammatically how he was having difficulty saying qords. I like when he tries to mentally process his thoughts externally through his videos, I feel like it will only get more interesting if he continues to live feed. Besides its funny either way whether its spell or smell.


Also I think EBR was referring to a Snuggie bar crawl, which I've actually seen before. People wear their Snuggies (wearable blankets) out and go from bar to bar. They all seem so comfortably. I actually talked to a few people who did it, they said it was fun until it got a little hot. That being said they looked far warmer than some of the other bar crawls that were out that night. Frolicking from bar to bar in the snowy weather can get pretty cold. Plus the Snuggie crew got to have cute outfits on underneath, whereas the others did not.


Lastly, I guess there will still be a lair next season, since he wants to hang it up there. So yea for that :)

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I was so indifferent to Stephen and the whole wrestling thing....


But this stardust guy took it TOO FAR: 

‏@StardustWWE Stardust retweeted Stephen Amell





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How dare he. 


(I weep for what will become of that dude's Twitter feed.)

It's all good and fun :p The responses are a mix of Felicity haters saying they love him now and Felicity fans wanting Stephen to mess him up because 'dems fighting words'

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It's all good and fun :p 


Oh I know. I was once a big fan of Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling and late '80 wrestling. And growing up in Texas, it was impossible not to know all about the Von Erich family. :D


I wasn't going to, but I might have to tune in on Monday. 

Edited by calliope1975
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I'm loving the three looks we got on Emily today. Dom, CollegeGirl, and Felicity. And I have a felling they all got a little Emily in them.


The responses to StarDust's tweet are hilarious. I have to laugh that some people think he is serious. If I hated Olicity/Felicity, I would be pissed. The implications. LOL 

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I'm loving the three looks we got on Emily today. Dom, CollegeGirl, and Felicity. And I have a felling they all got a little Emily in them.


The responses to StarDust's tweet are hilarious. I have to laugh that some people think he is serious. If I hated Olicity/Felicity, I would be pissed. The implications. LOL 


LMAO EXACTLY! Dude probably loves Olicity :p He's literally promoting it when he doesn't have to. 



Edited by wonderwall
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LMAO EXACTLY! Dude probably loves Olicity :p He's literally promoting it when he doesn't have to. 



All SA needs to do is post the GIF of the 3 arrows going into the Count….or the kick to Ray….or the arrows to Barry's back...

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Stardust brought in Felicity Smoak. He knew exactly what he was doing.


Guess I'll be watching wrestling Monday night........

I haven't watched WWE EVER and now I will. I pretty much will follow him anywhere just like I do Jensen, Jared and Misha. Assholes.

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It's funny that the trash talking involves Felicity/Olicity...interesting way to pimp the show.

Now, I'm expecting backstage shenanigans with someone defacing a Felicity picture or a girl mockingly dressed up as Felicity.

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After all the fanfare, looks like The Rock beat him to it. I only watched the first three minutes but DJ explains that Team Facebook and Zuckerberg approached him about being "the very first actor to launch this platform" because "no one really connects to the fans the way [he] does."

I don't know much about DJ but I've always thought he seemed like a nice guy in interviews. Unfortunately, he comes across as an ass in what little I saw of this video.




Edited by dcinmb
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I guess it's smart. The most vocal Arrow fans are shippers and most of what I saw from them till this point was a bunch of eye rolling. Now it's a lot Hell No! Take Him Down!. It got the chatter going.

Or it's not about being smart and StarDust just caught all the pictures of 'Felicity' yesterday and wants to meet Green Arrow's girlfriend.

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I unexpectedly ended up attending a panel and later hanging out for a bit with Arrow director Guy Bee this weekend. A lot of this has already been discussed on this thread, or come out in other interviews, but some production tidbits that I thought might interest some of you:


1. Arrow books their directors well in advance - often months in advance - but the directors generally don't get shooting scripts until a couple of days before the prep work.


2. Most episodes involve about eight days prep, eight days shooting - a tight, exhausting schedule.  Early in the season, when they still have months before an episode airs, things are relatively relaxed, since going slightly over the filming schedule isn't a huge issue at that point, but towards the end of the season, when an episode is going to air just three or four weeks post shooting, there's a lot of pressure.


3. Prep work includes location scouting (major location shots are booked months in advance, but smaller scenes - like a scene in a bar, for instance - can be booked sooner) - where Guy works with the people on location to determine if/how that site would work. It also includes planning the action sequences with the stunt team and sometimes the actors, and working out lighting, camera shots and tracking shots. Guy tends to take a lot of notes during this process.


4. Guy usually spends the last three days of prep and the first three days of shooting working with one of the writers; sometimes a writer will be there for the entire episode. Script changes continue throughout the shooting process. Some of this is from the showrunners, some from the networks.  (The "s" is there on purpose - there are separate CW and WB comments.)


5. Guy also works with/takes feedback from the actors when they have ideas to simplify shots/scenes or think something would look "cool." That often involves getting additional feedback from the writer and the showrunners. In the first season, some of the actors were still unsure about their characters/what they should be doing in a particular scene. By the second season, most of Arrow's actors tended to know their characters very well, making some later scenes more of a collaborative effort, with actors bringing in input during table reads and shooting.   


6. In episode 3, Arrow was still getting a sense of the look and feel for the show - they'd already realized that the voiceovers weren't working well at all, and knew they were eliminating those, but were still tinkering with other aspects, and asked Guy to help with that, which allowed for a lot of experimentation. With later episodes, like "Deathstroke," the look/feel was already set, so Bee had less creative input, but was still working to make the episode as "cinematic" as possible.


7. Speaking of which - the general goal he has as an Arrow director is to make everything look like as much of a movie as possible, while also trying to follow the general television dictates of "save as much money as possible."  (This later led into two separate discussions of the differences between film/television/animated episodes, the type of people you meet in all three instances and budget things.) This can include:


- Choosing location shooting based on lighting needs, since lighting = money. Arrow often goes small in location sets for that reason. The other reason is that Arrow sometimes wants a cramped, claustrophobic look for dramatic tension purposes.  


- Eliminating small voiced parts that appeared in the original script.  Many of the scripts Guy shot originally called for actors to come in for one or two lines; Bee worked with the writers to figure out alternative ways to stage/shoot these scenes so that the lines could either be eliminated entirely or voiced by the regular actors, since "studios always like to save money."


- Keeping the camera in motion during action shots.


- Having actors move during dialogue whenever possible, or fight during dialogue - for instance, the Isabel/Oliver confrontation in "Deathstroke."


This wasn't specifically said, but in general, my sense was that Guy really prefers to have a scene proceed visually instead of verbally - for instance, if he can have the camera show Slade walking around, he prefers that to having a character say "Hey, Slade's here!"  


8. Arrow shoots digitally, not on film, which for him makes watching daillies these days really boring - with film, you're trying to see if you got the shot at all, and what you got. With digital, you know what you have immediately, and you don't have the sound effects/music yet.


9. His favorite part of working with Arrow: the action sequences.  


Thank you for sharing, interesting info 

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