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Also on the twitter status people freaked because he only used three turtle emojis instead of four.


Ha!  Oh no which one dies!  Ha,ha,ha,ha!  People crack me up. 

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Jarett is Senior Editor, Entertainment, at BuzzFeed News...

Jarett Wieselman ‏@JarettSays  17h
So stoked to announce I'm moderating the #Arrow portion of #WBSDCC Superhero Saturday Night at Comic Con!



FYI:  Laura Prudom (Variety) will be moderating the Flash panel, and Damian Holbrook (TV Guide) will be moderating the Supergirl panel.

Edited by tv echo
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As if GB isn't busy enough, he's apparently also producing a new TV show called Riverdale, which is “a bold, subversive take on Archie, Betty, Veronica, and their friends, exploring the surrealistic twists of small-town life plus the darkness and weirdness bubbling beneath Riverdale’s wholesome facade.” (source)

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At a very minimum hopefully Jarett's relationship with Emily will lead to a higher quality of questioning beyond being Oliver's love interest. I would love some Felicity content having to do with her potential H.I.V.E. ties or what they'll be doing with her as CEO of PT.

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Maybe I missed it, but have there been any ComicCon posters released for Arrow/Flash/LoT? I've been seeing some for other shows - I just saw one for AoS. It just made me wonder if there has been any for Arrow/Flash/LoT?

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Yeah there was one. It was basically the Fight Club Photoshop. My favorite part of it is Arrow tucked behind Flash and Captain Cold. It actually took me a moment to find him.

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At least Hawkgirl and Sara got to be on the poster, unlike Diggle and Felicity.


I don't know why The CW keeps leaving their most popular characters off of their superhero show promotion, it's odd. 

Edited by DrSpaceman10
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"DEFY YOUR WORLD. DARE TO LIVE IN OURS." What does that even mean?


At least they included Sara and Hawkgirl this time. I really need someone to ask them when the promotion is going to include the rest of the cast. 


Seriously tho, that is just a mess of a promo.

Edited by 10Eleven12
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I don't know why The CW keeps leaving their most popular characters off of their superhero show promotion, it's odd. 


This one I kind of get because my god, how many more people can be on there? I'm more upset that Oliver's just kind of tucked back behind Barry. I know The Flash is more popular and they're hyping LoT, but the hero of the show that got all of that started should have a more prominent place in the promo, IMO.

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^^^^This. I'm super annoyed that Arrow is getting shoved further into the background literally, like he's the supporting character for the entire DC CW universe. Those motherfuckers wouldn't even have stood a chance of getting on the air without the success of Arrow.  Yes, I am a bitter, bitter Arrow-girl.

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Standing behind Flash annoys me, but what bugs me more is Arrow standing behind a Villian and the Tin Man and Sara (who is a hell of a lot more established then any of the other newbies) is way in the back. Seriously, you are allowed to put more than one woman front and center.


These promos are killing whatever interest I had in both shows. Which probably makes me petty, but I don't care.

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That's par for the course though, isn't it? Arrow paved the way for all of these spinoffs and the spinoffs get to reap all of the benefits, including taking Arrow's people and advertising attention. It's not new, sadly.

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Every single character from LoT is on there, they could have easily cut a few of them and had Diggle and/or Felicity and even another character from The Flash instead.


I suppose what it really comes down to is masks vs. non-masks, since every character on that poster is masked. 

Edited by DrSpaceman10
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I suppose what it really comes down to is masks vs. non-masks, since every character on that poster is masked. 


Yeah, I think the only time a non-masked character will get on a poster is for their own show. And even then I'm not so sure anymore.

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The ignoring of arrow is making me really dislike the Flash.I watched the first season,but I'm not that invested,IMO its overhyped.LOT looked interesting but knowing its going to be set up during the first half of season 4 kills it for me.

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Um. That's the first time I've seen that promo picture and I'm PISSED. But not surprised. I knew this would happen. I hate that Diggle and Felicity are missing and I'm not liking how the Arrow is behind the Flash. What fuckery is this?  

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The ignoring of arrow is making me really dislike the Flash.I watched the first season,but I'm not that invested,IMO its overhyped.LOT looked interesting but knowing its going to be set up during the first half of season 4 kills it for me.

I don't begrudge the existence of any of the spinoffs really but it does grate that people complain so much about how much better The Flash is than Arrow when I'm convinced the big reason why S3 suffered so much was because everyone's attention was shifted so much in getting The Flash off and running--I mean, they lost 2 of their 3 main showrunners (leaving the weakest of the 3, IMO) and who knows how many of their writers and stunt crew. That, coupled with the forced insertion of Ray Palmer in the hopes of getting yet another new spinoff show, definitely did Arrow no favors. Of course any show will suffer in comparison when the network throws all of the production and advertising dollars at the new shiny toy. It is what it is--I get that's how TV works--but it bugs that people fail to keep the proper perspective when comparing the two.

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The Flash had the advantage of a more popular comic book,a great actor playing the villain,no huge casting mistakes and a lighter tone.I'm very interested to see how season 2 will be received because I don't trust those writters to handle time travel right,they're already saying season 2 will have a lot of new characters and they will have to share the burden of setting up LOT.I kinda like MG more the AK.I know MG made mistakes but I hated how AK wrote Felicity in the crossover with Ray and think he just sees her as comic relief.They did the big crossovers really well so maybe they  work best together with Berlanti.

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I don't think it's any shock that Greg is the best of the three. He was crucially involved in some of the best episodes of the show, for example Years End and the Odyssey. I think Marc and Andrew are average writers at best. Sometimes they are really good, but they work better when Greg is hands on steering the ship.

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The placement on the poster looks messy. I get they are attracted by masks but at least make the poster look cool.

The Flash got better ratings but if they keep shoving it at us, it will be negatively affected. I already am not that interested in the show if not For Barry's likeability.

And Captain Cold up front like that is annoying. He's funny but not someone I'm looking forward to having on LOT compared to the others minus Heat.

Each show deserves their own poster. Than we could have everbody.

Edited by tarotx
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You're right about The Flash being more popular in the comic book world, tangerine95, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's a better TV character. Sure it initially brought more eyeballs to the show but the quality of Barry Allen's character isn't necessarily better than Oliver Queen's. The EPs have openly admitted that they learned from their Arrow production/casting/storyline mistakes so as to not make the same mistakes on The Flash so that right there gave them the advantage.

I can't pile on AK too much regarding Felicity, TBH. I thought they did a great job in her portrayal in the first crossover episode. I blame the beyond awful second crossover writing of Felicity on them trying too hard to make Ray the most awesome, special superhero ever! Of course they had to destroy any dignity Felicity by having her slobber all over her "boyfriend" and act like a twit because he's just the GREATEST man to ever grace our TV screens and we'd be stupid not to want to watch his new show.

ETA: That was meant to be sarcastic, BTW. In case anyone thought I was serious. ;)

Edited by NumberCruncher
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Gotta say as much as MG can be infuriating at times, I think he writes/runs a more interesting show than AK. I haven't been super impressed with The Flash. I enjoy watching the show, but its not something that encourages investment. If I never found out Barry outran his bad decisions I would not feel that I missed anything. I would just assume he ran faster. And what gets me minimally invested in the Flash is the actors, not the story/scripts. Honestly, I think they all work better with GB, or perhaps need each other to balance one another. But I've decided that GB is probably behind all the reasons I invested in the Arrow in the first place (good characterization driven stories, quality relationships over gotchas, realism based drama & action). Even this season, the episodes that GB has been involved in are some of the best.

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You're right about The Flash being more popular in the comic book world, tangerine95, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's a better TV character. Sure it initially brought more eyeballs to the show but the quality of Barry Allen's character isn't necessarily better than Oliver Queen's. 


I wrote about this a couple of weeks ago, but I agree. Barry is the victim of plot-mandated stupidity just like Oliver is, but the whole thing he pulled in the finale was the worst. I think he just gets a pass because he's more popular/likable than Oliver, but he's so whiny about Iris and is occasionally a selfish moron. I think The Flash also gets a pass because of the effects and wacky science that can explain away most of the plot holes. 

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Gotta say as much as MG can be infuriating at times, I think he writes/runs a more interesting show than AK. I haven't been super impressed with The Flash. I enjoy watching the show, but its not something that encourages investment. If I never found out Barry outran his bad decisions I would not feel that I missed anything. I would just assume he ran faster. And what gets me minimally invested in the Flash is the actors, not the story/scripts. Honestly, I think they all work better with GB, or perhaps need each other to balance one another. But I've decided that GB is probably behind all the reasons I invested in the Arrow in the first place (good characterization driven stories, quality relationships over gotchas, realism based drama & action). Even this season, the episodes that GB has been involved in are some of the best.

I guess that's where I have a different interpretation of bad writing re: AK vs. MG. At least with AK's characterization and storylines on The Flash I don't end up furious after I watch an episode. Also, while there's a lot of repetition in the storylines, at least I can rely on the fact that the characters are generally pretty consistently written. Conversely, you never know what you're going to get with MG's characterization on Arrow because he's too busy writing the most asinine, nonsensical, "gotcha" storylines and then contorting the characters to fit them until all consistency goes bye-bye. I have never been as angry watching a show as I was this Arrow season and that's saying something since I endured 9 seasons of The X-Files, haha.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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I was way more okay with plot-driven Barry than I was with plot-driven Oliver this past season, and the reason was the tone of the shows. Of course, I'm only comparing S1 Flash to S3 Arrow. The Flash was just as plot-driven as Arrow, sometimes even more so, but I can handwave all sorts of bad writing if I'm at least having fun while watching. I had fun watching Flash. Arrow was basically THE OPPOSITE of fun in S3, so the plot-drivenness annoys me more. But whenever Arrow gets its fun on, I can look past whatever dumb thing Oliver does just fine. 320 is a plot-driven mess and I LOVE IT SO MUCH I COULD MARRY IT.


And maybe it's Grant Gustin's performance, I don't know, but I only ever want to punch Barry up the nose when it's Iris-related. I give him a pass on everything else. Even the whining. Because his kicked puppy face sells me on it. OTOH, this season I wanted to punch Oliver up the nose about Merlyn, about Ra's, about keeping Felicity at arms length, about lying to Thea, about kidnapping Lyla, etc. ad infinitum. And unfortunately for Oliver, his kicked puppy face only gets to me when it's Felicity-related.

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I agree,I don't think Barry is a better character at all.He's funny and likable sure,but I hated how quick he was to call himself a hero,his  behavior towards Iris made me like him a lot less.He was so selfish in the finale I couldn't believe they made someone who is supposed to be a hero do that.
And yeah Felicity in the crossover was bad when she has to prop Ray,but they also made a big deal about her getting a nemesis and it ended up being a 3 minute scene where they don't even meet.I also get the feeling AK would try to push Lauriver again and MG almost erased it so at least he did that right :)

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Barry going back in time to save his mother, changing his mind after he's ALREADY THERE not because he has an epiphany about it being a completely stupid and selfish thing to do, but because his future self tells him not to and everyone just being like, "sure my life might cease to exist as I know it, but go ahead and do you, Barry!" is the epitome of stupid storytelling and so many viewers/reviewers thought that finale was amazing, haha. Not to mention the fact that Barry let Eobard out of his cell for absolutely no freaking reason. Ugh. The Flash's grading curve is strong.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Yeah, I get that The Flash storylines were just as stupid as Arrow's were, but I guess where I was okay with one and not the other was that Barry has always been a bit dense, selfish, and arrogant, so having him do what he did in the finale didn't irritate me because that's what I expected him to do. Compare that to me constantly wanting to smack Oliver for regressing backwards as a character to fit the stupid Arrow plotline in one episode and then doing a 180 the very next episode--especially when it came to anything related to Malcolm.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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Barry going back in time to save his mother, changing his mind after he's ALREADY THERE not because he has an epiphany about it being a completely stupid and selfish thing to do, but because his future self tells him not to and everyone just being like, "sure my life might cease to exist as I know it, but go ahead and do you, Barry!" is the epitome of stupid storytelling and so many viewers/reviewers thought that finale was amazing, haha. Not to mention the fact that Barry let Eobard out of his cell for absolutely no freaking reason. Ugh. The Flash's grading curve is strong.

Barry had so many people supporting  him and calling him amazing it was ridiculous.I would have understood at least a little if he had a bad life after his mother died,but compared to a lot of other characters he had it pretty good.I completely blame him for Eddie dying.The worst was the way they had Joe constantly saying how he was such a better hero then Oliver even after Oliver helped him when he went crazy in the crossover and against Wells.

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See, I feel like Oliver at least has the past to back up him being an idiot. Granted, yes, it's getting old at this point, but Barry taking the chance of voiding the entire world just to save his mom is about a thousand steps too far into selfish idiot territory for me to be able to deal with.

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That is one of the worst posters I've seen yet. Oliver looks like he's growing out of Barry's ass, Ray is doing some weird hip thrust with head at a strange angle, I have no idea what Barry's doing with his body twisted like that and Rip looks like he's about to punch himself in the face. Sara and Hawkgirl look like they were added in as afterthoughts. 

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Sara and Hawkgirl look like they were added in as afterthoughts. 


Sara's legs were afterthoughts, too, haha. As in I wonder if anyone realized that they aren't there?

Edited by apinknightmare
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Monkeys flinging poo could have made a better poster. I do have graphics experience and that poster makes my head hurt, from an artistic standpoint alone, much less the shabby treatment of certain characters.

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I guess that's where I have a different interpretation of bad writing re: AK vs. MG. At least with AK's characterization and storylines on The Flash I don't end up furious after I watch an episode. Also, while there's a lot of repetition in the storylines, at least I can rely on the fact that the characters are generally pretty consistently written. Conversely, you never know what you're going to get with MG's characterization on Arrow because he's too busy writing the most asinine, nonsensical, "gotcha" storylines and then contorting the characters to fit them until all consistency goes bye-bye. I have never been as angry watching a show as I was this Arrow season and that's saying something since I endured 9 seasons of The X-Files, haha.

I can understand your interpretation. I don't think either is great at writing character driven stories, which is my preference for quality dramas. My impression is MG is definitely more plot driven & AK seems to like punchlines & tropes. Honestly, I think there are far better writers than both MG & AK on the Arrow staff. But if forced to choose between the two, I might have to choose for MG.


I think the Arrow characters were better written from the start (probably due more to GB & not MG), so that probably helped them through the plottiness of s3 from my perspective. I find the Flash characters to be very cookie cutter & one-dimensional in the writing. So they are consistent, the problem is that I don't find them interesting on their own, if they didn't have such strong actors I feel like the show would not be getting as much praise. The Arrow characters for all of their faults, I find to be more interesting & appealing. The yo-yoing for plot though did get to be frustrating at points, but at least it was always interesting and sometimes the spontaneity of not knowing what to expect was fun in & of itself. Plus I always chop it up to the old expression. The opposite of love is not hate, its apathy. Even in my hatred moments of s3, I never felt apathetic which means I still care whereas as I was apathetic towards a lot of the Flash this season. But I will be glad when s4 rolls around & MG has a co-pilot, I think (ok I hope) it will help to balance out his over need for gotchas over characters.

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