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Small Talk: The Looooove. The Priiiiiide. Welcome Home.

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I got CSM too. (I was trying to figure out who all of the options were, given there were only six of them - Mulder, Scully, and CSM obviously, but I think the others are Doggett, Reyes, and Well-Manicured Man? I'm disappointed if that means there's no Skinner and no Krycek in the test.)


Edit: The comments suggest the six options were Mulder, Scully, Doggett, Reyes, Skinner, and CSM.

Edited by SnideAsides
Mulder, Scully, Doggett, Reyes, Skinner, and CSM.



I just tried a bunch more times, and I only find those, too.  Such a bummer that there's no Krycek option.


 But CSM's is cool.  I'd love to be called "confusingly evil" for a change instead of always being the empathetic one.  (Honestly, I don't know how I ended up as Mulder on my first try.  I didn't even choose most of the alien-based answers!)

That is awesome Hide!  Did you squeal out loud when you saw the question?  Heh.

Just a little bit!


I got Scully on the test. It made me laugh, because I think my personality is actually closer to Mulder's (I'm not sure if that's a good thing, LOL). Any of you guys read the Season 10 comic books? I just downloaded issue #11. =D

I got Scully, which I guess is because my answer to most things is: "science."

I'm more of a Mulder/Gunmen mix really. *g*


I have to get my hands on those new comics. Are they any good?

They're pretty good. They start off slow though... they've finally gotten to the point where they got the timing, humor and mood right.

Hi! I'm new, found my way here from the link on the TWOP forum. My mother watched X-files when I was a kid, and I remember seeing a few episodes here and there. I probably didn't start following the show myself into maybe late season 4? Which would have put me in jr. high/early high school? I loved the movie and seasons 5 and 6. 7 was ok, and 8 and 9 pissed me off to point that I quit watching for the most part. Lets just say my memories of those last two seasons are not fond. I never saw the 2nd movie.

So now I'm working my way through all of the seasons and movies in order. I missed most of the first 4 seasons when I was younger, except an occasional rerun here or there. Just wrapping up Season 2 and getting ready to start Season 3. Loving these early seasons, wish I had done this sooner. :)

I like the comics. Mulder is too facetious, but otherwise I think the characterization works. It sounds strange, but I actually enjoy the monthly wait for each issue. The anticipation is fun, and it makes me appreciate how frustrating it must have been to wait for each episode to come out while the show was originally airing.


I was talking to my brother last night and we somehow got off on a tangent about TV shows, which led to a discussion about X-Files.

He's never been into the show, or so he claims - I think he's only seen season 1. But for such a casual viewer, he had a lot of insight into their characters. He thought Mulder and Scully got married in the second movie, referred to them as a "dynamic duo", and kept talking about how well their characters worked together. What the heck? Now I'm convinced that he's secretly a gigantic shipper. 


Welcome, queequeg! I'm a little jealous that you get to watch season 3 for the first time. Season 3 is awesome. :)

What the heck? Now I'm convinced that he's secretly a gigantic shipper.



Hee hee HEE!  I love this so much.


So now I'm working my way through all of the seasons and movies in order. I missed most of the first 4 seasons when I was younger, except an occasional rerun here or there. Just wrapping up Season 2 and getting ready to start Season 3. Loving these early seasons, wish I had done this sooner. :)



Rewatches are always awesome!  I need to get mine finished.


I've alllllmost got my 15 yo daughter talked into watching XF for the first time.  I really hope she picks it up, I look forward to discussing the show with her.


So Haven help... I was trying to send a message to the administrator about registering, but regardless of the browser I use, I can't get the image verification piece to show up so I can send a message.  Is there any other way to contact the administrator?


ETA:  I've tried IE 11 and Firefox 30.0

Edited by queequeg

Hi everyone!

I'm new here (and to forums in general), but after lurking around for a few weeks as a guest I decided to join in with you guys and these fantastic discussions! I'm a relatively recent fan, I started watching about a year ago and by season 2 I was hooked. I'm now on my third rewatch (currently in season 4) mainly because it's so good and also because nothing else really holds up after binging on XF for months! I was so happy to find that there are other people who have the same appreciation for this great show :)

  • Love 2

OMG the Haven is still up and running?


I lived on that board during the 90's.  Even met a bunch of other posters for various things, including the Existence finale, in which we all danced around insanely after THE KISS.


Wow, serious blast from the past.


Yep it is :). It's still a pretty good board too.

So I have been marathoning the show from the start, because I only saw odd episodes here and there growing up and on the Chiller channel. I'm now at the season with Doggett taking over Mulder's place after he's been abducted, and I am so freaking bored. I cannot stand Doggett, and I heard that Monica Reyes isn't much better. Is there any real reason to continue watching? It just isn't "The X-Files" to me if there's no Mulder and Scully.

So I have been marathoning the show from the start, because I only saw odd episodes here and there growing up and on the Chiller channel. I'm now at the season with Doggett taking over Mulder's place after he's been abducted, and I am so freaking bored. I cannot stand Doggett, and I heard that Monica Reyes isn't much better. Is there any real reason to continue watching? It just isn't "The X-Files" to me if there's no Mulder and Scully.


Just keep on soldiering through, don't give up :). Mulder does show up every so often. As for the latter, I kind of disagree. At that time I was kind of tired of M & S (not now though -- it's all water under the bridge). So the switch in of new agents was a breath of fresh air, writing issues aside. I don't put the blame on the characters as much as I do on the writers themselves. 

Just keep on soldiering through, don't give up :).

And I will give the opposite response of just give up, there's no point in watching past the end of season 7. Or maybe there are a few episodes important to watch (a couple, but not all, of the S8 episodes that have Mulder in them), but I never watched any of season 9 except the finale and find I don't regret it in the least.

And I will give the opposite response of just give up, there's no point in watching past the end of season 7. Or maybe there are a few episodes important to watch (a couple, but not all, of the S8 episodes that have Mulder in them), but I never watched any of season 9 except the finale and find I don't regret it in the least.


What do you find so bad about the latter 2 seasons, writing and characterizations aside?

I'm in the camp of I wish seasons 8 and 9 had not happened as they did, or at all possibly, but because they do I'll rewatch them because they exist.  I'm a completist in that I have to watch or read all of something, even if there are parts I don't enjoy.  I don't think 8 and 9 are all bad, there are a few gems, and poor Doggett and Reyes... they're not bad in their own right, they just joined a singing ship and a show that was basically IMO built around two specific characters. Big shoes to fill.  I mentally have a hard time thinking of X-Files outside of Mulder and Scully, but that's just me.


But Mindy, watch it all the way through at least once.  Then in the future you can just rewatch whatever you want, but at least you know what happened, especially given that some of 8 and 9 is mytharc that will probably tie into the upcoming reboot (because it IS happening... I BELIEVE!!!).

The Small Talk thread should really be just for chatting and yaddering about anything BUT the X-Files episodes themselves. If you want to discuss a season as a whole, please head on over to the dedicated threads for the full season, or the individual episode threads.


This one should really be just for random yadda yadda yadda....(oh wait, wrong show).

  • Love 1

Has anyone here watched Fringe?  I finally started watching it recently.  I had originally held off because I had read things that compared it to X-Files, and I figured I would just compare it to X-Files and be disappointed.  But so far it really doesn't FEEL like the X-Files.  Although, at the beginning of Season 2 they did do a couple shout-outs to X-Files, which I'm not sure how I feel about that.

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