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Climbing the Spitball Wall - An Unsullied's Take on A Song of Ice and Fire - Reading Complete! Now onto Rewatching the Show and Anticipating Season 6!

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  On 4/18/2016 at 4:34 PM, WSmith84 said:

Completed my season 4 rewatch. Wouldn't you know, Lysa makes it pretty clear that Sansa can't marry again until Tyrion is dead. That obviously was completely ignored for the 'thrilling' plot with Ramsey in season 5.


Season 4 left me slightly tired, to be honest. I didn't find it all that enjoyable, although it had some decent scenes and episodes. I find that the series really likes to dwell on the negatives and misery. Brienne is simultaneously the luckiest and unluckiest person in Westeros; she manages to find pretty much everyone, but no one wants to go with her. She also comes across as quite a bully, honestly, given how she treats Pod.


I don't know if I have the energy to watch season 5. It was just so bad in so many areas and has the terrible Winterfell and Dorne plots. Poor Jaime. They screwed him so badly in season 4 and season 5 was just worse.


Lysa is talking about being married under the Faith of the Seven. Season 5 spoiler

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In season 4 Brienne is frustrated and poor Podrick suffers because of that. But that attitude of Brienne in season 4 (season 5 spoiler)

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Edited by OhOkayWhat
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Edited by GertrudeDR

Nope, the law is the law. A marriage by the Seven is recognised by followers of the Old Gods and vice versa. Ned got married in a sept. Do you think he thought that his marriage was invalid because they weren't married in front of a Heart Tree? Did any Northerner claim it to be so? No. Robb in the show married Talisa in a ceremony of the Seven (for some reason) and none of his Northern bannermen called it a false marriage. Sorry, but there is no evidence to suggest that faith of the Seven marriages are not recognised by the Old Gods and vice versa, and plenty of evidence against it. The writers messed up, that's all there is to it.


As for season 5


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The worst bit of the Winterhell story is that it ignores Theon, the central bloody character. They ignored all of his wonderful source material in exchange for this daft, poorly written, senseless turd of a story that makes Sansa, once again, look like a complete, frigging moron. Dorne might be slightly worse in terms of absolute quality, but in terms of worse adaption, I'd say Winterhell takes the trophy easily.

  • Love 4

Quoted from a spoiler tagged section but the quoted part is non-spoilery:

I don't recall anything about the books or show making a distinction over which faith was invoked for a wedding. Did Ned and Cat have two ceremonies to seal their marriage? Robb in the show was married by a septon and the Northerners didn't mind.


Alys Karstark married the Magnar of the Thenns in a Lord of Light ceremony and everyone present, including the Northern clans, accepted it.  It seems like the definition of  marriage is "had some sort of ceremony followed by consummation". 


One of the reasons Tywin gave Tyrion so much crap about bedding Sansa was that the marriage could be set aside if he didn't, so it appears that consummation is the key.  Same thing with Book!Tommen -- he marries Marge but Jaime reminds Cercei that he's not old enough to consummate the marriage so they can always set it aside later.


Lysa wanted to wait to wed Sansa to Robin until after Tyrion was dead -- Roose and crew might have just assumed that "sentenced to death, killed his father and disappeared" was effectively the same as "dead". 

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I've started my skimming through of season 4, and I really have to wonder how anyone got through the Purple Wedding scene without knowing what was coming. It was so horribly unpleasant that the only saving grace for me was anticipating what was going to happen to Joffrey. I'm not sure I'd have been able to watch it at all if I'd had any suspicion that he was just going to keep on being awful. That might have been my moment of deciding that life is too short to spend it watching unpleasant things and turning off the TV.


I did notice that as the camera panned the head table during all Joffrey's awfulness, everyone but Cersei was looking intensely uncomfortable and unhappy, but she was grinning along with Joffrey. The nut doesn't fall far from the tree, I guess.

Edited by Shanna Marie
  On 4/19/2016 at 12:49 AM, WindyNights said:

I assume people told him like Ashara's sister/ his aunt or even his dad.


And how would they know the truth? It's not like there was a wedding or a bedding. They weren't in the room. When it comes to what's going on between people in bed, nobody actually knows the real truth except the participants. I wouldn't accept Edric Dayne, a kid who received second hand information from people who had second hand information themselves, as any kind of an authority.

Edited by Hecate7

Season four is tiring.  Season five is downright exhausting to even contemplate. 


I think Terra asked if I could give examples of things that I liked in the show, but after reading the books I had an almost snarling reaction to.  Arya and Tywin is an example of that.   I thought it was a fun scene in the show, but it's sort of senseless when Arya's POV is factored in.  Plus, it got rid of the scenes with Roose Bolton that were more interesting than Tywin sharing his former parenting woes. 


There's also always going to be the decision to render Ned Stark nearly daft and dim-witted.  It wouldn't have occurred to me that the show actually just created that as a personality trait.  Much of Littlefinger's personality is also manufactured for the show.  I enjoyed him in that "he's the only villain who is fun to watch on this show" way  -- up until season five , that is -- but he gets further and further away from his book characterization.  I've always liked the actor, but now I'm a little baffled by his choices. 


I enjoyed Oberyn on the show -- exit scene excepted, of course -- but in watching I ended up wishing that they'd allowed him to be a darker shade of gray and made it clearer that he was also participating in a bid for power.  In the show it always was a tiny bit baffling that almost twenty years after the fact, he showed up and his sole animating force was a quest for vengeance.   The actor is charming enough that I just didn't spend much time thinking about it.  Knowing that the show runners jettisoned his less noble personality traits, probably to make his death more painful, is very frustrating. 


Name anything about the Northern Lords.  I always thought they were just doing some dark take on the Scottish clans, but assumed it was from the source material.  It's not.  Sure, they are rougher and tougher than the Southern Lords, but they aren't all wandering around in drab colors, looking like they missed the invention of the bath.   So prior to the Slaughter of Starks I had enjoyed them well enough, and now I just get so irritated watching the Northern scenes.  


Here's the thing: if they were doing a dark take on the Scottish clans of old, all that duplicity and treachery makes sense.  My mother is actually from Scotland, so please understand, I'm not out to insult the Scots.  That said?  Yeah, the skirmishes between clans were nasty affairs and they did do things like lure one another into traps.  Really don't have time to go into all the insanely brutal shit that went down, but suffice to say?  I assumed that Martin has been using them as inspiration and if that were true, then the show did a good job. 


Martin may have been using the clans for inspiration, but they weren't the Great Unwashed, always dressed in dingy group either.  


I really enjoyed Lady Olenna on the show and that is something that didn't change.  The Show made changes when it comes to her and I support all of them. 


I also like Margaery, up until season five .which is going to be such a big thing, we can probably just take it as read that almost nothing positive survived season five.  I really disliked season five while I was watching it.  Reading the books just gave me more reasons and some specificity as to why I so thoroughly disliked it.  However, after reading the books, I wished that they'd made Margaery a little more enigmatic.  I love the actor and I think she really could have done a very good job with some more subtle material. 


One of the most interesting things about the Tyrells in the books is that are more guarded and less showy about what they are up to.  Plus whereas I've always found Loras characterization just plain-old offensive, that was made worse by finding out he's meant to have brothers.  


One thing I did appreciate that show changed is Lady Selsye's appearance.  Sorry if I am misremembering her name, Stannis wife is who I mean.  The whole gig with Florents having large ears and just how homely she was supposed to be in the books was overkill.  Actually, Martin has a tendency to go overboard in how grotesquely ugly he likes to make characters and then he'll revisit whatever makes them so ugly repeatedly.  Not that everyone needs to be gorgeous or anything, but it becomes a case of "we get it, she's ugly, good grief,  ease up".  I will give Martin something on that one though, he doesn't have the same weakness that a lot of writers who use that trick -- making someone just repugnantly ugly -- it isn't just a mark of evil in his books.  Good and bad alike are frequently unattractive (what an understatement) , so in his books, it isn't about worth of character, which I appreciate.  


Still, glad the show made Stannis wife Hollywood plain (take an otherwise pretty actress, dowdy her up a bit and put very little makeup on her) vs. the ungainly Dumbo that Stannis had pawned off on him in the books.


Of course, there are decisions that the Show made that I really support.  


The biggest, " I really enjoyed much of that" stuff was Cersei's characterization in the show because I really like Lena Headey.  However, it's much less enjoyable, even if it doesn't warrant boiled cabbage, when I know that adding depth to her characterization came at the cost of getting rid of a lot of shading for Jaime's characterization.  

Edited by stillshimpy
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Yes, it was me, thanks Shimpy ^^


Also, since I am not going to watch Season 6, and I will embark on a fool questo to see if I can avoid... well, it's more for how long I can avoid spoilers, I will stay here lurking around until the end of the week, and then I will disappear in a cloud of sulphur.


So, thanks everyone for the ride, it's been a blast, and most of all thanks Mya for being an excellent mod (and helping me embed a picture in a comment XD) and Shimpy for the inside, the snark, the chance for a collective (re-)read and all the rest :)

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Martin may have been using the clans for inspiration, but they weren't the Great Unwashed, always dressed in dingy group either.

We really didn't meet the Scottish clans analogs until ADWD, with the Wulls and Norreys and Whatnots visiting the Wall.  I think the show took that characterization and applied it across the board to all Northerners.  Kind of a disservice to the North, but since they cut out the mountain clans entirely, it was probably a version of their "compress 3 characters into 1 and flatten them out" philosophy writ large.


The biggest, " I really enjoyed much of that" stuff was Cersei's characterization in the show because I really like Lena Headey.  However, it's much less enjoyable, even if it doesn't warrant boiled cabbage, when I know that adding depth to her characterization came at the cost of getting rid of a lot of shading for Jaime's characterization.


I agree with that, though I was minorly irked that the show took two of her rather despicable actions and gave them to Joffrey (slaughtering Robert's bastards, getting Mandon Moore to try to kill Tyrion).  It wasn't like we needed more reasons to despise Joffrey.

  On 4/19/2016 at 1:18 PM, WSmith84 said:

Nope, the law is the law. A marriage by the Seven is recognised by followers of the Old Gods and vice versa. Ned got married in a sept. Do you think he thought that his marriage was invalid because they weren't married in front of a Heart Tree? Did any Northerner claim it to be so? No. Robb in the show married Talisa in a ceremony of the Seven (for some reason) and none of his Northern bannermen called it a false marriage. Sorry, but there is no evidence to suggest that faith of the Seven marriages are not recognised by the Old Gods and vice versa, and plenty of evidence against it. The writers messed up, that's all there is to it.


WSmith84, that is an interesting commentary, but I think that if we analyze this particular case, (season 5 spoilers)

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  On 4/20/2016 at 2:48 PM, stillshimpy said:
......Arya and Tywin is an example of that.   I thought it was a fun scene in the show, but it's sort of senseless when Arya's POV is factored in.  Plus, it got rid of the scenes with Roose Bolton that were more interesting than Tywin sharing his former parenting woes......


.......I enjoyed Oberyn on the show -- exit scene excepted, of course -- but in watching I ended up wishing that they'd allowed him to be a darker shade of gray and made it clearer that he was also participating in a bid for power.  In the show it always was a tiny bit baffling that almost twenty years after the fact, he showed up and his sole animating force was a quest for vengeance.   The actor is charming enough that I just didn't spend much time thinking about it.  Knowing that the show runners jettisoned his less noble personality traits, probably to make his death more painful, is very frustrating......


Shimpy, I liked (even if they are not perfect) the Tywin-Arya scenes and I think they stand on their own. They are not just fun, there is a hidden tragedy there too. The scenes provide us with character development and they make Tywin and Arya more complex characters.


About Oberyn, maybe I do not understand very well what are you saying......is it bad Oberyn is a better person because he will die eventually? with the same logic, why not to transform Robb in a very cruel man, so that way, when he dies, we do not feel so bad about his death. And if that is the meaning of your commentary, then there is a logical problem there, as you can see.


I think like this: the show has its own Planetos with its own characters, they are good, bad, grey persons. Some of them will die, some of them will not, and we are not sure if that is related or not to the fact they are good, bad or grey characters.



  On 4/20/2016 at 8:14 PM, WSmith84 said:

I'm guessing shimpy that you were about as big of a fan of the Winterfell plot in season 5 as I was.


 WSmith84, Shimpy (Season 5 spoilers)

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Edited by OhOkayWhat
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  On 4/21/2016 at 1:55 AM, OhOkayWhat said:

WSmith84, that is an interesting commentary, but I think that if we analyze this particular case, (season 5 spoilers)

  Reveal spoiler




Shimpy, I liked (even if they are not perfect) the Tywin-Arya scenes and I think they stand on their own. They are not just fun, there is a hidden tragedy there too. The scenes provide us with character development and they make Tywin and Arya more complex characters.


About Oberyn, maybe I do not understand very well what are you saying......is it bad Oberyn is a better person because he will die eventually? with the same logic, why not to transform Robb in a very cruel man, so that way, when he dies, we do not feel so bad about his death. And if that is the meaning of your commentary, then there is a logical problem there, as you can see.


I think like this: the show has its own Planetos with its own characters, they are good, bad, grey persons. Some of them will die, some of them will not, and we are not sure if that is related or not to the fact they are good, bad or grey characters.




 WSmith84, Shimpy (Season 5 spoilers)

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  On 4/21/2016 at 4:03 PM, WSmith84 said:
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WSmith84, (season 5 spoilers)


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Edited by OhOkayWhat

Regarding the season 5 topic at hand;

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Edited by Chris24601
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  On 4/23/2016 at 3:14 AM, Alayne Stone said:

No. No they are not.


I don't think one bottle of wine is going to be enough for me tomorrow. I might have to bump it up to some hard liquor.

Oh God, who gets raped or horribly killed/tortured?


(I actually don't really want to know.  I'm going to do my best to avoid spoilers until Sunday.)

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Re leaks:

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Edited by ambi76
  On 4/23/2016 at 9:33 AM, ambi76 said:

Re leaks:

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In terms of the worst character adaptations

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officially wins hands down for me.

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  • Love 1

Okay, now I'm curious. Part of me doesn't want to be spoiled, but part of me thinks I might be happier if I have a chance to brace myself. I must say that rewatching the series is making me take it a lot less seriously because the seams become more obvious. There's a lot of material it's easy to scroll past.

Spoiler for Season 6, episode 1:


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Edited by glowbug
Let's just say something is extremely mishandled in episode 1.

On this show? Never! 


After last season, I think it would be more of a shocking surprise if they handled something particularly well. I'm in the middle of rewatching season 5, and after season 3, it's so disappointing how badly they bungled Jaime's storyline. They did season 3 so well, and then it was like they completely forgot all that development.


Meanwhile, there's sooo much Ramsay. I can get through about 3-4 episodes a night by scrolling past all his scenes. See shirtless Ramsay singlehandedly hold off the Ironborn! See women competing to be in his bed! See long conversations with Ramsay and a naked woman! I keep getting the creepy sense that he's become something of a self-insert for the writers, when the way the character strikes me is as the way a lot of Internet trolls must see themselves. It makes me want to do one of those "what my friends think I am, what my mother thinks I am, what I think I am, what I really am" meme things.

  On 4/23/2016 at 5:50 PM, glowbug said:

Spoiler for Season 6, episode 1:


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I'm happy about the (S6 spoilers from episode 1)

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  • Love 1

Spoilers for season 6, episode 1 ...


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As for holding off -- I don't know. That's a tough one. I was trying to remain spoiler free but couldn't resist clicking the link I found on tumblr and ... I'm happier for it. I think seeing it with no warning whatsoever would have probably lead to me breaking things. Now I feel prepared for it. I may even just fast forward through the whole thing.


But anyone who is trying to avoid spoilers, just ... don't go on reddit or tumblr. You should be safe over at Westeros.org because they have a strict no leak policy over there too. Can't even talk about any of it.


@WindyNights - You know, I've never even smoked weed. But I'm seriously considering it now.

Edited by Alayne Stone
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More about that spoiler from the first ep of s6:

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Regarding Dorne:

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  • Love 1

Okay, I took a peek.  My thoughts:


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Spoilers for season 6 episode 1:

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Okay, so ...huh.  Season six

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I have to watch tonight.  My husband is home, he's rewatched the entire series in anticipation of the premiere tonight and he's sort of noted my lack of "Yay, GoT tonight!"   When he asked me why, I was suddenly in the "Now I'm married to an Unsullied, what do I say?"  I went with....very, very little.  


Love the video, Terra :-)  Thanks for that! 

Edited by stillshimpy
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@ Chris24601


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@ OhOkayWhat


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Sorry, Digital Count, no we can stop talking exclusively about that and there's something I've long wanted to ask you, I'm going to now:  


At one point you said something about how you were nodding along like mad to something and something else about noting your avatar.  That you were waiting for my reaction on something.  


I can't figure out what that referred to.  What was it? 

Aw man I missed the discussion of the only episodes I saw lol. I only watched up until oberyn's death. It was such an intense scene to read for me, but seeing it acted out I felt absolutely nothing. That was when I realized I just simply didn't like the show anymore. I wasn't like "oh, thats REALLY GOOD" or "WTF THIS IS TRASH." I just watched it with a blank look on my face and was completely indifferent when the episode ended. I can't comment on a season 5 rewatch because I watched literally none of it. 


I was reminded of this thread because of the leaks. I really look forward to sitting back and letting the show be bad this season.

  • Love 1

You know, I think if the last two books were already out and I'd read them, I'd just watch the rest of the show to see how it is. To see what they did well, what they messed up, what was different, what was the same etc. But I really don't want the show to be how I find out how the plot goes, because it's just not of a good enough quality in my opinion. I don't buy for an instance that bull about 'two different stories, same characters'; there are going to be major spoilers in the show. I'm at risk of breaking and watching it anyway; I just don't know whether the energy required to sit down and watch the thing and the disappointment I'll feel outweigh the energy required to avoid spoilers for however long it takes.

I really don't think you have to worry about the show spoiling anything. Especially with


Season 6 spoilers:

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  • Love 2
  On 4/25/2016 at 1:33 AM, WSmith84 said:

You know, I think if the last two books were already out and I'd read them, I'd just watch the rest of the show to see how it is. To see what they did well, what they messed up, what was different, what was the same etc. But I really don't want the show to be how I find out how the plot goes, because it's just not of a good enough quality in my opinion. I don't buy for an instance that bull about 'two different stories, same characters'; there are going to be major spoilers in the show. I'm at risk of breaking and watching it anyway; I just don't know whether the energy required to sit down and watch the thing and the disappointment I'll feel outweigh the energy required to avoid spoilers for however long it takes.

Believe me. The first episode contains no major spoilers for TWOW really.

I can tell they're already making massive divergences from the source material.

The episode threads for this season with Book Talk?  Yes, indeed.  I've just jumped in with both feet and hopefully didn't give anyone too much of a "What the fuck is she doing in here?!?" start.  


By the way, it was weirdly freeing to be able to watch the show knowing where the plot has already diverged and watching it become an even more separate entity.  


Instead of thinking I'd end up spoiled for the next book, instead I had more of a feeling that, if anything Martin wouldn't do the same things in the books, because he wouldn't want readers spoiled for what was to come.  


I could be wrong and I completely get not wanting to risk it.  I just hadn't been looking forward to this season at all and weirdly, it was the first time in ages I didn't feel in the least ticked at the show.  

Edited by stillshimpy
  • Love 1
  On 4/25/2016 at 5:30 PM, stillshimpy said:

The episode threads for this season with Book Talk? Yes, indeed. I've just jumped in with both feet and hopefully didn't give anyone too much of a "What the fuck is she doing in here?!?" start.

By the way, it was weirdly freeing to be able to watch the show knowing where the plot has already diverged and watching it become an even more separate entity.

Instead of thinking I'd end up spoiled for the next book, instead I had more of a feeling that, if anything Martin wouldn't do the same things in the books, because he wouldn't want readers spoiled for what was to come.

I could be wrong and I completely get not wanting to risk it. I just hadn't been looking forward to this season at all and weirdly, it was the first time in ages I didn't feel in the least ticked at the show.

Well it seems more like D & D made the decision to diverge rather than GRRM.

D & D have twice gone on record saying that season 6 won't spoil TWOW aside from a few key elements.

I'm guessing Jon's parentage is one of those things.

Like Ellaria is a pretty peaceful person in the books and the Sand Snakes know now that Doran wants revenge the same as them so there would be no reason to kill him.

  On 4/25/2016 at 9:02 PM, mrspidey said:

Btw. did anyone notice how Dany mentioned being infertile? I thought that was funny, considering how much we talked about that topic in here.

I was just coming to this thread to clarify this. I caught it when Dany said it on the show and thought, "wasn't that a book only thing?" Has Dany's infertility been established on the show before? I wonder how the show is going to handle the prophecy. If they're going to have it fulfilled the way GRRM seemingly has done, I wonder how since there is no Quentyn to rise in the west and set in the east

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  On 4/25/2016 at 10:35 PM, glowbug said:

I was just coming to this thread to clarify this. I caught it when Dany said it on the show and thought, "wasn't that a book only thing?" Has Dany's infertility been established on the show before?

No, that's just it. Some bookwalker got caught by Shimpy and others during season 1 because he claimed Dany was infertile even though MM never said that on the show. 

Dany eventually did tell Jorah that her dragons were the only children she would ever have though, so the show did get around to having Dany seemingly believe it.  Not from anything Mirri Muraz (or whatever) said though.  


Plus, yeah we actually had more than one get caught that way.  Including a woman over on TWoP  who claimed she was taking her med school finals, while pregnant and had just checked her dvd copies and reported that yes, MM had said it.  Only....she hadn't.  Come to think of it, I've no real reason to believe that that poster was actually a woman, I just found it to have a lot of flourish....not merely a medical student, conversant with wombs, but a pregnant one, no less.  


I guess she/he believed a good con was in the details :-)  


ETA:  I also admit to revisiting this thread repeatedly throughout the day so as to play Terra's video over and over :-) 

Edited by stillshimpy
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