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Speculation WITHOUT Spoilers: Lalalalala! I can't hear you!

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31 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

That's probably why they turned her into a snake, to kill her.

I doubt it.

I still think it was a side effect of Charming's wish.

EQ becomes a snake because of her venomous personality.

Plus 'clever' nod to Operation Cobra.

And isn't Jafar's staff a Cobra that comes to life. 

This is all tied into Aladdin and Jasmine. 

EQ will be back.  Jafar will likely make Regina do something evil by threatening or controlling EQ (and Regina since they are suffer the same fate excepting the sword Emma stole).  Regina will cave because Robin gives her something to lose.

54 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

That's an interesting thought. The heroes are likely stupid enough to think it "unsporting" to kill Gina when she can't defend herself. Rumple is most likely the one who will do it (without telling Belle, obvs).

I doubt Emma relinquishes the sword to the father of the man who is trying to kill her.

Idea for an arc... they get trapped in "Land of The Writers".  The Megavillain, nicknamed AEJ, is perpetually unseen.  However, a character knows they're a target when they pick up a card on the ground, which always begins with "Wouldn't it be cool if..." followed by a character-assassinating idea for a flashback, and the character has that episode to stop it from happening, usually by discovering shiny new toys, such as Disney characters that haven't been "dented" yet.  To escape the land, they must find The Giant Regina, and bow down to it, before the Ratings Clock In The Sky drops to 0.1.  

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7 hours ago, janett snakehole said:

Does anyone have any thoughts on what they're doing with evil snake queen? Do you think they'll kill her in snake form and now Regina is shiny and new having left all her evil deeds behind? Or do you think they're bringing her back as an actual human to deal with her? 

I think they're gonna bring her back to have either Rumple or Regina kill her. But the "twist" is that Regina regrew all that Darkness back. 

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1 hour ago, Rumsy4 said:

I think they're gonna bring her back to have either Rumple or Regina kill her. But the "twist" is that Regina regrew all that Darkness back. 

Perhaps it's like going on and off a diet. When she grows the evil back she gets all she had before plus a little extra for good measure.

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I'm waiting for the episode where Belle enters the Dark Castle's basement and finds Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts et al locked up. Rumple probably stole the castle and thought it would be funny if its residents/servants were all turned into objects. It probably wouldn't phase Belle at all.

Gepetto's parents can join in on Be Our Guest.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I was thinking about what other AU scenarios we haven't seen yet, which we might...

I can imagine A&E wanting to do this one... Regina the bailbondswoman wakes up in Boston with a letter in her hand from someone named Henry in a town called Storybrooke.  She drives into an eerie town, but she is soon stopped and questioned by a Sheriff Emma.  The Sheriff tells her where to find Henry but warns her to beware.  She drives up to a mansion.  An openly hostile Mayor Snow opens the door.  Henry is happy to see her, since he wrote a letter to Regina, when he learned she was his biological mother.  Snow wants Regina out of town since she feels threatened.  Snow had gotten Sheriff Emma to be the surrogate mother with Regina's donated eggs.  Henry and Regina sneak off to have a talk.  He tells her he is mistreated and is not allowed to talk to her other mother, Emma.  He tells Regina that she's the Savior and will bring back the Happy Endings.  Henry sneaks back home, and sees from his window that time is finally moving in Storybrooke again.  In the final season of "Once Upon a Time", watch the team of Regina, Emma and Henry try to help the residents of Storybrooke remember who they really are and escape the shadows of Darth Snow

I've been thinking about what possible endgames there could be for Gideon, and none of them are all that palatable. If they kill him as a villain, that's getting pretty dark for a show supposedly about "hope." Yeah, they've killed plenty of characters, including Rumple's first son, but we saw this guy be born in the present day, not even in a flashback. I guess they could redeem him and turn him good, but then would that mean he becomes the next recurring-turned-regular who is promptly forgotten? Or would he turn good and then go off somewhere else, or maybe just live offscreen in Storybrooke? And then there's the option of re-babying him, which is awfully creepy, but then it would mean that poor Belle wouldn't have lost her baby that way.

And what are the odds that we'll never get a conversation between Snow and Belle about what it's like to have a newborn taken away and turned adult seemingly overnight?

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25 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

I've been thinking about what possible endgames there could be for Gideon, and none of them are all that palatable. If they kill him as a villain, that's getting pretty dark for a show supposedly about "hope."

It's no more dark than Rumple merging souls with his son and then his son is dies so he can live.   It might be dark, but at least it isn't bleak (sorry, dark humor).

If Rumple is dying this season, then I can see him sacrificing himself for Gideon, either staying as an adult or reborn as a baby... whenever Belle looks at the baby, she'll think of Rumple (isn't that sweet?). 

If the conversation is as poorly written as the Snow/Belle hospital scenes in 6A, I'd have to give a pass.  

Edited by Camera One

Until it's convenient.

The heroes can't turn on Rumple now because he's family and Henry's grandpappy.  Yeah, he tried to erase them from existence, but it came from a place of love.

Will Belle ask Emma not to hurt her son even though he's trying to kill her?  Remember when you gave in to the darkness and became the Dark One?

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Will Belle ask Emma not to hurt her son even though he's trying to kill her?

That's probably why Emma gets stabbed - she doesn't want to hurt Gideon, so she only spars with him to defend herself. Then whoops! He kills her because she didn't kill him first.

Edited by KingOfHearts

Because that's what heroes do.  They offer themselves up like sacrificial lambs and thank the murderer.

Did The Black Fairy come with the Land of Untold Stories people?  I wonder what her backstory is going to be.  I'm assuming they will go the "opposite" route and make her start off as the most pure and kind caretaker of children.  The fact that she fell in love with a loser like Rumple's father makes her seem less formidable.  I'm surprised he, the shirker of responsibility, didn't saddle her with the baby.  

If I had to guess, when Malcolm was a young adult and couldn't go to Neverland anymore, he wished on a star, and the Black Fairy came to him.  She was moved by his desire to be go to Neverland, so she took him there, and they had a tryst.  Soon, she realized that he had other women on the side, and he was just using her to go to Neverland, and she snapped.  I don't know how that led to her kidnapping babies, though.

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Here's a thought: what if the Black Fairy is pretending to be Gideon in Storybrooke in order to get close enough to the Savior to kill her? So once Team Hero discover she's doing a glamour spell, they can kill "Gideon" and Belle can still keep baby Gideon (who is off somewhere hidden in the forest).

And if Snow, Emma, Zelena, and Belle ever had a conversation about being separated from their newborns, it would probably go something like this...

Snow: Cheer up, Belle. It's not so bad being separated from your newborn. You can always just give birth to another baby to make up for it.
Emma: Or you can get fake memories of you raising Gideon implanted into your brain.
Zelena: Or you can have faith that after you've been forcibly separated from your newborn because a magical tornado sent you off to another realm, that a random portal will send you right back and reunite you with your child.
Belle: Lovely advice, ladies. But I don't know what to do about Rumple. He's the main reason I sent Gideon away in the first place. How can I trust him with our son after every terrible thing he did that lead me to giving our son up in the first place? What did you gals do about the person who was responsible for separating you from your babies?
Snow/Emma/Zelena: We became best friends with her.

And thus, the arc where Belle goes back to Rumple and they live happily ever after begins.

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Snow/Emma/Zelena: We became best friends with her.

That was so great. I burst out laughing. We need comedic fanfiction that just pokes fun at this show's stupidity.


Did The Black Fairy come with the Land of Untold Stories people?

I'm pretty sure the writers have forgotten the Land of Untold Stories even exists. (It's ironic that it, in of itself, is an "untold story" now.) The Black Fairy probably worked at the daycare or something all this time.


I don't know how that led to her kidnapping babies, though.

She's trying to raise a new generation of Sith, duh.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Let's see what *could* have happened...

JASMINE: Do you trust me?
ALADDIN: Always, Princess.
JASMINE: Then I wish for you to take us to Agrabah.

Agrabah was buried, so Jasmine and Aladdin end up 6 feet under in the desert sands.

Agrabah was destroyed, so Jasmine and Aladdin ceases to exist.

Edited by Camera One
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I could come up with about 12 dumb episode plots featuring Jaladdin and Team Not-Really-Princess.

Just fill in the blanks:
"Jasmine and Aladdin must visit ______ to obtain ______ in order to save ______. Along the way they meet Dorothy, Red, and Third Wheel, who are trying to find Red's ______, so she can feel at home in the world. Unfortunately, _______ is trying to stop them and it turns out they're actually related to _______."

I'm sure A&E played a round of Mad Libs when they thought up S6. What's Emma angsting about? Death prophecy! Who's the scenery chewing antagonist? The Evil Queen! What new land do we need to introduce? The Land of Untold Stories! What popular Disney franchise will we exploit? Aladdin!

Edited by KingOfHearts
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You know, after watching the Buffy S1 finale, I realized how easy it was to get around the death prophecy. Buffy "died" for a few minutes, then got resuscitated with CPR. Gideon could just throw Emma off a pier and Hook could be like, "She's dead!" and then Henry could run in like, "Wait! My dad taught me CPR once!" and save her. Or these fifty billion things:

* Emma dies and goes to the Underworld. Hook uses his own blood to get there and splits his heart with Emma. They take the Charon back.
* Swiss Miss comes to visit from Arendelle. Hearing that Emma is going to die, she outwits the Dark One, takes the shears, and removes Emma's Savior status. She also saves Agrabah, kills the Evil Queen, and delivers the corpse of the man who murdered Charming's dad.
* Henry uses his Author powers to change his mom's fate, but not before making Violet the "hottest girl who ever lived".
* Emma dies, but is replaced with the real Princess Emma from the wish realm.
* Zeus does her a solid for helping Hook kill Hades.
* The Blue Fairy finds the missing ingredient to the most powerful spell ever concocted that can bring the dead back to life - Regina's kidney.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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On this show, there are 50 levels of "dead".  

There's also the question of WHICH fraction of Emma is killed by Gideon.  Maybe he kills Large Glasses Emma.  Or WALLS Emma.  Or Broken-and-Damaged Emma.  Or Cleo's Friend Emma.  Or Mortal Emma, and now she's immortal because she passed the Sacrifice Test.  

Or maybe Gideon kills Emma in another Wish Realm.  So the Fake version of her dies.  

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There's also the question of WHICH fraction of Emma is killed by Gideon.  Maybe he kills Large Glasses Emma.  Or WALLS Emma.  Or Broken-and-Damaged Emma.  Or Cleo's Friend Emma.  Or Mortal Emma, and now she's immortal because she passed the Sacrifice Test.  

Basically, the show is one giant identity crisis. Maybe the writers have one and that's what translates to the screen. The characters always have to use labels like "hero" and "villain" because they don't know who they are. Then the characters are given separate personas - Regina/The Evil Queen, Malcolm/Pan, all those cursed personalities, etc. Regina is the self-insert character and she supposedly has two sides battling in her head. 

Edited by KingOfHearts
5 minutes ago, Camera One said:

We don't even know who's the "big bad" of 6B.. is it Gideon?  Jafar?  The Evil Queen still?  Rumple?  The Black Fairy?  

I expect it will be like 6A, where there is no Big Bad. It's just a bunch of antagonists sometimes working together and sometimes not, but without shades of gray. Sometimes the antagonist will be Rumple, others the Evil Queen, and others the Black Fairy. While some people like to complain that past arcs were too straight forward (myself included), I miss the more obvious goals and predictability. That just worked better than whatever they've got going now. I prefer the Big Bad format. It's easier for the writers to write. They experimented in 4B, backtracked in S5, and tore everything up in 6A.  I'd rather stick with familiar territory than take risks A&E can't handle. 

I'd be content with continued half-seasons. Of course, that's after seeing what happens when TS,TS diverges from that. I don't think the formula is amazing, but at least it's structured. There's always a slight rise in quality whenever its followed more strictly. (3A, 5B)

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Imaginary scene from the next episode...


Blue is flying quickly as she approaches a cabin.  She flies to the window.  A hooded figure gets up off a rocking chair.

BLUE: This is he.  The child of The Dark One.

Figure pulls off his hood.  It is Merlin.

MERLIN: Let us go.  They are waiting.

MERLIN turns himself into a glowing orb and the two of them speed towards a shining STAR.

They fly into a hall with a circular arrangement of 10 podiums.  BLUE and MERLIN attain their full size, as they take their podiums beside GLINDA, ASLAN and GANDALF.

Opposing them are 5 podiums... we see The Black Fairy, Darth Vader, The White Witch, Sauron and an empty spot.

BLACK FAIRY: This is unfair.  Our side of the Council no longer number five.

BLUE: You can blame your own son for that.  Or have you forgotten how you failed us so many years ago.

GANDALF: Let us not speak of the past.  We are all here today to decide how The Child shall help us to return the balance of good and evil in all the Realms.  

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41 minutes ago, Souris said:

I could see an abbreviated season working if there was another show they needed/wanted to hold for midseason and it would take over Once's slot, making a short Once season an easy, stop-gap filler.

Regardless how it was marketed, it would be about Regina and her happiness only.

There's only one scenario that HASN'T played out yet.

Regina as Savior.

In the Season 5 finale, another Curse will envelope Storybrooke and only Regina is immune so she can escape to Boston and come back as the Savior.  But she will lose her memories too.   Regina agrees to do this, but worries she can't.  Emma, Snow and Henry go, "We believe in you.  We know you can save us."   Final season.  Regina comes to Storybrooke in a Red Leather Jacket and helps everyone to come out of their amnesia and get their happy endings back.  Emma will be The Mayor with Walls stopping Regina from spending time with Henry, who sneaks out to carry out Operation Snake with Regina.  Snow will probably be Mary Margaret at the school again except she will get scenes with Regina instead of Emma.  David will probably be in a coma again because why not.  Hook will be a sailor who falls in love with The Mayor with WALLS (please insert copyright symbol here).  We can get a guest star with everyone's favorite returnee... August, who encourages Regina to BELIEVE.  That could be part of a 5-episode series of flashbacks featuring Cora, Cora, Cora, Cora and Cora.  We could have both Red and Dorothy in Storybrooke (plus a hundred and one cameos), so we can have a TLK EVERY episode.  The people in Underbrooke are here too, since we want Cruella back.  And due to this new Curse, the universe corrects itself and Robin Hood is alive again and in the series finale, we get Regina and Robin's wedding, and then Snow, Emma, and all the heroes in Storybrooke storm in and bow down since Regina saved them all.  Oh right, I forgot one very important thing... Belle will work for the cold Mr. Gold and warm his heart with the help of a Chipped Cup.  And everyone lived happily ever after and by everyone I mean Regina and Rumple, and maybe Zelena and Maleficent.

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But she is one of the Writers' pets

I start to question that. I think she was a shiny toy for a while, but now that she has a baby and isn't as evil, so she's no longer entertaining in A&E's eyes. Having a baby on this show means you're done. Plus, she's one of those poor souls who dares to question Regina, and we all know what happens to them. The writers make them disappear and call it "drama". That's just showbiz.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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They insisted on bringing her back after killing her off (unlike half-season villains Peter Pan, Ingrid, Maleficent and Hades).  They gave her the most significant emotional arc in 5B aside from Regina.  They've bent over backwards to make Zelena sympathetic in 6A.  But ultimately, A&E  are their own worst enemies.  Once they've redeemed a character, they are boring to them and they don't know what to do with them anymore.  But Zelena has an advantage since she was a villain.  Unlike Robin Hood, Red, Will and Neal, they can make her revert and be all "Wicked" again.  If they got more seasons, this is precisely what they would have done. 

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5 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

I think she was a shiny toy for a while, but now that she has a baby and isn't as evil, so she's no longer entertaining in A&E's eyes.

Yeah, I think she's the latest victim of shiny new toy syndrome (see Archie, Ruby, Will, Robin ...) -- they just love a guest character, get all excited about that character, hire on the actor as a regular, and then completely lose interest in that character as they get sidetracked by other story lines. It's like the kid who spends December begging for a particular toy, without which their life won't be complete, then they get it on Christmas morning, are excited for about five minutes, and then they get bored and toss it aside to move on to other things they got that they didn't realize they wanted but that are now much more interesting.

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2 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

I'm just really not looking forward to the OQ reboot. Whatever that entails, it's bound to be soppy and angsty.

I really don't see what *can* happen.  This Robin is a completely different entity.  What would it mean to him if Regina told him an alternate version of him was in love with her.  Why would he care?  How is this scenario at all interesting, and how does it lead to any closure?  

Having said that, it is *this* show, so they can make up some BS like when Hades "obliterated" his soul, Regina made an unsaid wish which transferred his essence to the Wish Realm (only possible because of the special powers of the Olympus Crystal), and he will remember if she "wakes" him up and then he can move on and/or become alive again.  

Edited by Camera One
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