Guesswht May 29, 2015 Share May 29, 2015 Never heard anything, maybe a quick mention of Blake this past season so leave me alone with Kate's family, thanks CM. Link to comment
missmycat May 29, 2015 Share May 29, 2015 I wouldn't mind finding out about how Kate and Chris and the brand new baby were doing come next season.The snot nose brat not so much. 3 Link to comment
MCatry May 29, 2015 Share May 29, 2015 I'm so looking forward to having a break from the omnipresent JJ while she is on maternity leave. Yes! According to the latest news there will be four whole JJ-free episodes! Yay!! Lets hope they won't fill them just with unsubs, Morgan and Rossi... 4 Link to comment
ForeverAlone May 29, 2015 Share May 29, 2015 Only four? Dammit, last time there were six! 2 Link to comment
Old Dog May 29, 2015 Share May 29, 2015 I'm still confused over what Erica Messer is doing next season. Is she showrunning both CM and BB and also writing for both? I know she personally identifies with the all powerful and omnipresent character of JJ but I doubt she can do all that by her lonesome. Anyone seen any gossip about it? 1 Link to comment
ForeverAlone May 29, 2015 Share May 29, 2015 I have not heard official word on who the showrunner for the spinoff is. I have not heard official word yet on who is returning either. Link to comment
missmycat May 29, 2015 Share May 29, 2015 Yes! According to the latest news there will be four whole JJ-free episodes! Yay!! Lets hope they won't fill them just with unsubs, Morgan and Rossi... That is fantastic news. Too bad it isn't double that. Anyway despite the fact I can't stand JJ, I do wish AJ Cook herself well. I hope she is well rested and is able to enjoy her new little bundle of joy while she is on this extended leave. MCATry, another thing that concerns me is that Hotch, and probably Reid even more so, are going to be made to take a backseat to these so called temporary JJ fill ins. And then of course when the real thing comes back(unfortunately) they would no doubt start taking a backseat to her once again. 5 Link to comment
JMO May 29, 2015 Share May 29, 2015 I'm glad AJC will only be out 4 episodes (although I haven't seen the 'official announcement'---any links?), partly because I still like the character, and partly because I worry that a series of female 'guest cops/agents' will detract story and screen time from the rest of the cast. Rather than the return of any of the past BAU female agents (and I agree with those who say it is unlikely anyway), I would find it interesting to have a female LEO work a little more prominently with one or more of the team for the duration of the case. They've done it before, a few times, and it's always worked. In that role, the LEO wouldn't need to have particular prominence or storyline, but simply a role that goes beyond what has, generally, become LEO wallpaper. 3 Link to comment
smoker May 29, 2015 Share May 29, 2015 It's like she's not important to Hotch. Come on .. she's been here for 10+years, she means so much to him (and to everyone else). I've been thinking more about Jack than JJ or the rest of the team, I think both situations are believable, but sadly the actor who plays Jack has lost his natural skill for acting. However, I agree, it's weird she is unharmed while everybody else dies. The problem is we're putting ourselves in Hotch's pov instead of Messer's pov, if AJ's character dies then JJ couldn't play the "someone killed my beloved partner" role Link to comment
ForeverAlone May 30, 2015 Share May 30, 2015 Plus there are the whole optics of killing female main characters, which this show has never done. Link to comment
Russet29 May 30, 2015 Share May 30, 2015 Plus there are the whole optics of killing female main characters, which this show has never done. Right but this show has also never done the "optics" of killing male main characters either, unless you count the off screen death of Gideon. 1 Link to comment
Danielg342 May 30, 2015 Share May 30, 2015 Right but this show has also never done the "optics" of killing male main characters either, unless you count the off screen death of Gideon. Technically "Mr. Scratch" did it, even though we knew it was just a hallucination. Plus Reid and Morgan were both shot in the Season 9 finale. However, at the end of the Doyle arc, Prentiss got beat up pretty badly, "dying" as a result- and the show wasn't shy about showing her death or her getting bloodied by Doyle. Of course, that was under Bernero's watch and not Messer's, so make of that what you will. 3 Link to comment
amensisterfriend May 31, 2015 Share May 31, 2015 Maybe JJ will return from her four-episode absence with a well-defined or even vaguely defined personality! Rather than just being generically, flatly perfect, she might have a couple of actual flaws and relatable vulnerabilities. The writers might devote a few seconds to figuring out who this character who gobbles so much screen time actually IS, because, honestly, I feel like I have less a handle on her than when she first popped up in Compulsion 10 seasons ago. I know, I know...not exactly likely, but a girl can dream! And while I'm at it... Maybe Season 11 will also attempt to bring back even the most minor of distinctions among the currently interchangeable team members---surely they can't ALL be equally expert in absolutely *everything*, right?! It would be so much more interesting---not to mention realistic---if they had even SLIGHTLY different specialties, skills, areas of focus, etc. (To be fair, this is an aspect of the show that's bugged me for several seasons, so I don't expect it to change now!) On a related note, maybe not every team member will have completely identical, dully friendly relationships with one another---surely some would connect better with others or clash more with others based on natural differences in personalities, personal and professional perspectives, etc? Oh, wait...they pretty much HAVE no differences in personalities or perspectives anymore! That explains it :) Maybe there will be actual psychological suspense and mystery in lieu of repetitive torture porn, maybe we'll get to see actual profiling in lieu of watching Garcia retrieve any and all secrets of the universe from her magical computer, maybe Hotch and Reid will have more interesting interactions I said, I'm a dreamer! 6 Link to comment
zannej May 31, 2015 Share May 31, 2015 You know what would be awesome? If MGG got to direct an episode written by Andrew Wilder. 7 Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer May 31, 2015 Share May 31, 2015 (edited) Never heard anything, maybe a quick mention of Blake this past season And that was a mistake, IMO, particularly after she and Reid had that talk in Demons. Disregarding the fact that Erica apparently considered it a moral imperative to make her into a parent just as she was walking out the door, and to slightly cheapen (again IMO) her connection with Spencer by having it be that he reminded her of her dead son, it was yet another case of one of his emotional supports being kicked out from under him with her departure. If Kate is leaving because of the impending baby, I'd like to hear more than one line about how she went to Boston to teach or somesuch crap. I'm still confused over what Erica Messer is doing next season. Is she showrunning both CM and BB and also writing for both? I know she personally identifies with the all powerful and omnipresent character of JJ but I doubt she can do all that by her lonesome. Anyone seen any gossip about it? As of May 8th, Erica is "only" listed as a writer for Beyond Boredom, while Mark Gordon and someone named Nick Pepper are the EPs. Of course, that article says that Anna Gunn is still involved, so I don't know how accurate it is. Maybe JJ will return from her four-episode absence with a well-defined or even vaguely defined personality! Rather than just being generically, flatly perfect, she might have a couple of actual flaws and relatable vulnerabilities. The writers might devote a few seconds to figuring out who this character who gobbles so much screen time actually IS, because, honestly, I feel like I have less a handle on her than when she first popped up in Compulsion 10 seasons ago. I know, I know...not exactly likely, but a girl can dream! And while I'm at it... I'm annoyed and yet not surprised that AJ Cook is only going to be absent for four episodes. I don't have anything against her, I really don't, but I am fed up beyond borders (see what I did there?) with JJ. If she comes back with an actual personality and some flaws, I could learn to like her again. Edited June 1, 2015 by Cobalt Stargazer 5 Link to comment
Droogie June 1, 2015 Share June 1, 2015 I liked S10 JJ more than I've liked her since she returned to CM, which is a good thing, since she was on my screen more than anyone else besides the UnSubs. I hope that when she returns after her maternity leave, they bring back the JJ she was becoming/returning to, rather than SuperNinjaBarbie!JJ who will have something to prove after being out for several weeks. As much as the writers seem to listen to the crying fan girls, surely they could see that having her return in top form, kicking all asses and owning every perp in existence, is completely unrealistic and sets an expectation that is virtually impossible to reach IRL. It would be nice if they could show her concerned about the negative effects that two children and a demanding job could have on her marriage, and her energy level. Maybe struggle with babysitter issues or something. Even Hotch laments about time spent with Jack. But I hope that her return isn't met with centric episodes that take time away from team members who've been shoved by the wayside for several seasons now. 2 Link to comment
Gator June 14, 2015 Share June 14, 2015 Hi everyone! I'm obviously new here, but I enjoy reading everyone's thoughts on our favorite show. I'm a Rossi fan so maybe I can add to discussions from that point of view. I agree with those who want next year to be less about gunfights and more about the characters' figuring out the cases. I want to see more Reid maturing and sure of himself. He has so much more to add to this show, and I want him to grow socially and they can show more of that process with him. I love TG and I agree that they need to follow up on his emotional state since Scratch. Rossi is not an old man! (LOL) I've been a farmer and you'd be amazed at how strong a man or woman can be into their eighties. But, they need to stop with the tired, soapy story lines for him even if they do have some relevance. After his chicken game in Nelson's Sparrow, I think he needs to deal with some of that well-hidden depression next season. It would be great to give him a love interest, a companion, that doesn't get killed off. 6 Link to comment
ForeverAlone June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 It looks like Breen is writing the season premiere. I'm hoping his writing this time is more on par with Mr. Scratch and less The Forever People. It is interesting that Erica isn't writing the premiere since she has written all but one since she took over. But she also abdicated writing the season finale last season as well. :) 4 Link to comment
normasm June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 Where did you see this, FA? Link to comment
Old Dog June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 Harry Bring tweeted this - he also just tweeted that Janine has moved on to a big new deal at Warner Bros. So, big changes afoot. 3 Link to comment
ForeverAlone June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 So it is finally confirmed that Janine is moving on. I bet Breen takes her place as he is the most senior of the current crop of writers. Plus he ties with Sharon as my current favorite writer. :) 5 Link to comment
missmycat June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I am thrilled that one of CM's worse writers(too bad we're still stuck with Kim) has departed ways with our show. And if she was indeed in charge of the writing, I do hope we will see some significant improvement this coming season in that area with her departure.Although I would have felt a lot better had Erica Messer also parted ways with our show. And even better taken her Golden Girl with her over to the spin off. 2 Link to comment
jaytee1812 June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 The fabulous Aisha Tyler is replacing Jennifer Love Hewitt. I've haven't been watching regularly for the past couple of seasons but I'm right back in with that signing. Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 The fabulous Aisha Tyler is replacing Jennifer Love Hewitt. I'm torn. I'd really hoped the network had learned their lesson and decided to leave that spot vacant, and Tyler being on The Talk does little to recommend her, but OTOH she's also Lana Kane, so.....hmm. 2 Link to comment
Danielg342 June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I wonder if this means Morgan is toast. :( TV never likes having two minorities on the same team... As for Tyler herself, I only really remember her as the (awful) new host of Whose Line Is It Anyway?...she doesn't have too much presence so I'm leery about the hire. I hope I am wrong though. 1 Link to comment
missmycat June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 (edited) I wonder if this means Morgan is toast. :( TV never likes having two minorities on the same team... As for Tyler herself, I only really remember her as the (awful) new host of Whose Line Is It Anyway?...she doesn't have too much presence so I'm leery about the hire. I hope I am wrong though. Morgan is definitely back according to one of the interviews MGG did in Monte Carlo. Plus Shemar himself was suppose to have tweeted something indicating that he will indeed be returning this coming season. As it is Tyler is only suppose to be recurring once AJC returns. But still though I do worry about her presence taking away from the long time team members, most notably Reid. I honestly do not see how it be at all possible to give Reid less screen time/focus than last season, but my fear is that they will probably find away. Edited June 22, 2015 by missmycat 5 Link to comment
jaytee1812 June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I don't know why you're worried, this is CBS, they're not going to have a black woman take screen time away from any white man. Though I'd much prefer to see more of Aisha than MGG. Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 Though I'd much prefer to see more of Aisha than MGG. Erica, is that you? XD 6 Link to comment
Danielg342 June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I'll see how Aisha Tyler is like, but I think that if CBS felt they had to go with the “token minority hire” they should have just brought back Meta Goulding, since I thought she was great as Jordan Todd. Further to this point, it only makes sense- if you've got a vacancy, you'd rather fill it with someone you know than someone you don't. I want to give Tyler a chance (reservedly) though I believe this was a missed opportunity. 3 Link to comment
normasm June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 In every instance where they have allowed for an aftermath of someone leaving: after, Elle, after Gideon, after JJ; the show was more interesting IMO. There had to be different dynamics come to play, if only temporarily. Six profilers is at least one too many. Maybe she will simply be a consultant, but again, they've brought in someone who overlaps Reid's skill sets. I don't want him to have even less screen time than the last 2 seasons. 6 Link to comment
jaytee1812 June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I know it's sacrilege in this forum, and that's mostly why I don't post here that often, but not everyone wants to see more Reid. In fact outside of this forum no one I know who watches CM particularly cares one way or the other for Reid. In fact the first comment I saw on Twitter was the same as mine, they were about to quit but Aisha Tyler has brought them back in. She should get more time at the start, we need to get to know her, but I doubt Reid, Rossi or Hotch need to worry about losing screen time. 1 Link to comment
JMO June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 In every instance where they have allowed for an aftermath of someone leaving: after, Elle, after Gideon, after JJ; the show was more interesting IMO. There had to be different dynamics come to play, if only temporarily. Six profilers is at least one too many. Maybe she will simply be a consultant, but again, they've brought in someone who overlaps Reid's skill sets. I don't want him to have even less screen time than the last 2 seasons. I agree that there's more dramatic advantage in the team being down a member, and especially two. But I don't think there was ever a likelihood that the show would do without at least one female agent in the field. Of the two, I do like the idea of a recurring character over a series of guest stars. At least with a recurring character, any background/story arc can be spread over as many episodes as they appear in, instead of having to tell the full story of a different guest star each week. About the overlap with Reid's skills-----I don't know. Doesn't all profiling inherently include forensic psychology? Wouldn't all of them have such skills, to one degree or another, in that area? 3 Link to comment
normasm June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 (edited) Jaytee, I see that you don't want more Reid, and that's your right. But Reid has had barely more than Garcia this past season, and the Unsub and JJ have each had much, much more screen time than anyone else. JJ. And the Unsub. I agree that there's more dramatic advantage in the team being down a member, and especially two. But I don't think there was ever a likelihood that the show would do without at least one female agent in the field. Of the two, I do like the idea of a recurring character over a series of guest stars. At least with a recurring character, any background/story arc can be spread over as many episodes as they appear in, instead of having to tell the full story of a different guest star each week. About the overlap with Reid's skills-----I don't know. Doesn't all profiling inherently include forensic psychology? Wouldn't all of them have such skills, to one degree or another, in that area? Yes, but Reid has at least one degree in psychology, and i always think of him as having gone ahead and gotten his doctorate in psychology, specializing in forensic psychology. I know that's just fan-wank on my part, but it is logical, given the canon on Reid, don't you think? Edited June 22, 2015 by normasm 6 Link to comment
JMO June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 Yes, but Reid has at least one degree in psychology, and i always think of him as having gone ahead and gotten his doctorate in psychology, specializing in forensic psychology. I know that's just fan-wank on my part, but it is logical, given the canon on Reid, don't you think? Agreed. I'm sure he already has his doctorate. And he is the one most likely to use the skill with the unsub. The rest of them just shoot. 5 Link to comment
missmycat June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 Agreed. I'm sure he already has his doctorate. And he is the one most likely to use the skill with the unsub. The rest of them just shoot. Well it didn't use to be that way until Erica MESSer got a hold of the show and pretty much turned it into another run of the mill police procedural. Let's face it Morgan is promoted more nowadays for his physique and for his so called ability to kick in doors rather than his intelligence. 1 Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I know it's sacrilege in this forum, and that's mostly why I don't post here that often, but not everyone wants to see more Reid. In fact outside of this forum no one I know who watches CM particularly cares one way or the other for Reid. In fact the first comment I saw on Twitter was the same as mine, they were about to quit but Aisha Tyler has brought them back in. She should get more time at the start, we need to get to know her, but I doubt Reid, Rossi or Hotch need to worry about losing screen time. And as normasm says, you have the perfect right to not want more Reid or whoever else. However, I think the point that Messer would give a giraffe a meaningful plot before Spencer gets an important storyline again still stands. If nothing else, she'll pull an Alex Blake on us. I guess it depends on if the Suits had to make her hire Tyler or not. 7 Link to comment
secnarf June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I've never heard of Aisha Tyler, so I'm pretty much just annoyed that they're bringing in a replacement. Though, I agree that they were unlikely to have no female field agents, just because of the optics of it. I hope recurring ends up being very recurring. I am cautiously hopeful that with the changes in writing staff, things will change for the better. Does anyone know if they're planning on bringing a new person on? 1 Link to comment
ForeverAlone June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I liked Aisha Tyler as a recurring character on season five of CSI: Vegas, so I am actually rather thrilled with this idea. We knew they were going to be bringing additional people on throughout the season (or at least while AJ is out), so the role has to be filled by somebody. I'm hoping she and Reid have some good interaction, since they both have forensic psychology degrees. I loved Alex's work relationship and friendship with Reid, and would love to see that sort of intellectual connection for him again, because he doesn't really have anyone else on the team he can relate to on an intellectual level. Sure he can talk case stuff with Rossi, but as much as I loved early Rossi, I never considered him to be an intellectual character, not like Gideon. And the idea of an interesting friendship between Reid and Penelope has pretty much been obliterated (at least in my mind it has) in recent years. So hopefully this new recurring character means the writers want to steer the cases back more into the realm of forensic psychology and not just the standard police investigation it has devolved into with many of the recent seasons' episodes. 2 Link to comment
missmycat June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I've never heard of Aisha Tyler, so I'm pretty much just annoyed that they're bringing in a replacement. Though, I agree that they were unlikely to have no female field agents, just because of the optics of it. I hope recurring ends up being very recurring. I am cautiously hopeful that with the changes in writing staff, things will change for the better. Does anyone know if they're planning on bringing a new person on? I believe they will be getting a total of 3 new writers. Erik Stiller will becoming on board this season as a full time writer. Although I wasn't all that impress with his episode Breath Play. Another newbie is someone by the name of Karen E Maser. She has been both a writer and a producer. She list Army Wives, ER and Cosby among her tv credits. And she just recently added CM to that list. Now the 3rd writer is someone who has already been involved with the show in a different capacity,but I can't remember his name. As for Aisha Tyler, my hope is since she has other stuff on her plate, such as co hosting The Talk and doing a voice over for the animated series Archer, she'd be unable to commit to another full time gig. 2 Link to comment
rainbowrockgal June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 I find it kind of ironic that Aisha Tyler was in Ghost Whisperer with JLH in the earlier episodes. 2 Link to comment
normasm June 22, 2015 Share June 22, 2015 Apple don't fall far from the tree, I guess 1 Link to comment
smoker June 23, 2015 Share June 23, 2015 (edited) I find it kind of ironic that Aisha Tyler was in Ghost Whisperer with JLH in the earlier episodes. what about nepotism? are JLH and Aisha Tayler friends in real life? because I can picture Messer's coven planning this, after she said they'd focus on the remaining cast. Is that woman a stupid or a bad liar? maybe she thinks we are the stupid ones :( Edited June 23, 2015 by smoker 1 Link to comment
ForeverAlone June 23, 2015 Share June 23, 2015 (edited) Erica did say she would bring in some guest stars to cover AJ's maternity leave. It seems like instead of bringing in a revolving door of guest stars, they might (hopefully) only bring in Aisha. So nothing about this announcement should be a shock to anyone, because we all knew guests would come in for at least JJ's absence. Who knows what will happen the rest of the season? Edited June 23, 2015 by ForeverAlone 1 Link to comment
MCatry June 23, 2015 Share June 23, 2015 The fabulous Aisha Tyler is replacing Jennifer Love Hewitt. I've haven't been watching regularly for the past couple of seasons but I'm right back in with that signing. I have no idea about who this woman is, but I am pretty sure we will see wasted screen time explaining a character that won't last much, while we wait for the return of Super JJ. Now not even the news about Janine walking away will cheer me up. 2 Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer June 23, 2015 Share June 23, 2015 MCatry, Aisha Tyler is a talk show host or somesuch on a show called....wait for it....The Talk. She also voices an awesome character named Lana Kane on Archer, which is about a government group called ISIS, which is like the CIA on crack. 1 Link to comment
MCatry June 23, 2015 Share June 23, 2015 MCatry, Aisha Tyler is a talk show host or somesuch on a show called....wait for it....The Talk. She also voices an awesome character named Lana Kane on Archer, which is about a government group called ISIS, which is like the CIA on crack. No wonder I never heard of her. I wouldn't watch a talk show. I haven't heard of Archer neither. And based on your description, which I truly trust, I don't think I would have watch it more than five minutes. Maybe I just read too much and watch too little tv. 1 Link to comment
Cobalt Stargazer June 23, 2015 Share June 23, 2015 (edited) FWIW, I think Archer is a lot of laughs, and Aisha's potential character saying, "Nooooooope!" is making me snort to myself, but I'm not sure she'll be a good fit for CM. Edited June 23, 2015 by Cobalt Stargazer Link to comment
Guesswht June 23, 2015 Share June 23, 2015 (edited) She's a recurring character, so unlike the star of S10 she's not going to take away screen time from Reid . what about nepotism? are JLH and Aisha Tayler friends in real life? because I can picture Messer's coven planning this, after she said they'd focus on the remaining cast. Is that woman a stupid or a bad liar? maybe she thinks we are the stupid ones :(I agree. But it's definitely not Aisha's fault that she has 'weird' friends. i hope that CM fans will be nice to her. :( ... :) Edited June 23, 2015 by thewhiteowl Link to comment
ForeverAlone June 23, 2015 Share June 23, 2015 I liked what Aisha did with her character on CSI, because she came across as cool, intelligent and professional. I keep imagining her CM character like that, and if she is, I'll probably like her a lot. In any case, she is going to be a more intellectual character and not someone running down the street with guns or giving unsubs roundhouse kicks, and I am always eager to see more characters who use their mind more on a show about psychological profiling. 6 Link to comment
ForeverAlone June 27, 2015 Share June 27, 2015 This is a fun interview Matthew did about season 11 during the Monte Carlo TV festival. No actual spoilers from what I saw. :) 3 Link to comment
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