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Season 11 Anticipation More Stabs, etc...

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I don't think there's any way to tell until we see the episode in question. I still believe we're getting defiant Reid, because I don't see why otherwise Morgan would have to shout at him “I'm trying to save your life, now let me do that!” Perhaps Reid is just oblivious to the peril, but I'm just not sure that he's blameless in this scenario.

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I believe Morgan was talking to a female, who was probably holding a gun on Reid, when he said "If you shoot him(Reid)I will kill you". then Reid says something that promoted Morgan to say "I'm trying to save your life kid". "Now let me do my job." I would be totally shocked if Morgan had not been referring to Reid when he addressed someone as kid. Of course now maybe Morgan should have used the word "Pretty Boy" because then there would have absolutely no confusion as to whether or not he was talking to Reid when he said that.

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I really can't see Morgan calling Reid "pretty boy" in a hostage situation. That's a gentle term of endearment and not something Morgan would say when he is anxious and upset, which is how he sounds when he is talking to Reid in the clip. 


Plus Morgan said what he said about letting him save his life after Matthew said something. So I think his statement was directed toward Reid. 

Edited by ForeverAlone
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yikes NO! no way would/should Morgan refer to Reid as Pretty Boy anywhere but within the confines of conversations between the two of them or maybe in the presence of Garcia/JJ etc. Certainly not while on the job, out in the field. The Garcia/Morgan BabyGirl schtick is unprofessional enough, I don't think Hotch/The Higher Ups would stand for "PrettyBoy" in public for a second. Honestly don't think 40+ Morgan should be calling 30+ Reid 'Kid' in public either, but that's not quite as ridiculous as PrettyBoy would be.


speaking as the wife of a law enforcement officer. No silly nicknames in the field. Or on the radio.

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I guess we'll just have to wait it out to find out what the scene entails. Calling Spencer "Pretty Boy" while out in the field would be very unprofessional and I don't always like it when Morgan calls Spencer "kid.' Seriously, Reid and Morgan are generational peers. This "kid" business is a bit condescending. If I worked with Spencer in the professional realm, I would refer to him as Dr. Reid until he gave me the go ahead to call him Spencer. And in kind, I'd hope he'd initially refer to me as Ms. My Last name, but it wouldn't be long before I'd tell him it's okay to call me Jennifer or Jen. But please don't call me Jenny. I hate that. I hate being called Jenny the way Matthew hates being called Matt.


As for Reid's absence, I fan wank it as it has something to do with one or both of his parents. Maybe William is reaching out to Reid to make amends. Maybe it has to do with Diana's health-mental or physical. Both would make interesting stories but sadly, we can't count on the current writers to make full use of Matthew's talents as an actor to give either story line the justice they deserve.


And as for Reid having a girlfriend? Sure, that would be nice, but could we get some history on this? Everybody gets some romantic history on this show-JJ with Will, Hotch with Haley and Beth, Morgan with Savannah, Garcia with Kevin and Sam. And then there is Rossi and his harem of ex-wives.


When I think of Reid and the potential for romance I don't think of a female carbon copy of Reid. Let her be her own person with her own characteristics. I do figure both Reid and this lucky lady having shared traits-empathy, kindness, introversion and a love of learning and books. He's more analytical and she's more artsy, and they appreciate the various gifts that make them different from each other. Perhaps they meet at a book store, or she moves in next door. They start off as friends and it's a slow burn towards romance. They share the good, bad and ugly of each other's lives. There is no major drama, just a great deal of contentment, stability and happiness for the both of them. Contentment, happiness and stability-Spencer truly deserves all three.


But once again, I know I can't count on the current writers to do this, so fan fiction it is!


I somewhat *hope* it's the oblivious angle, a la “Elephant's Memory”, where Reid's attachement to the UnSub clouds his judgement of his own peril. That way we might learn a bit more about him and his actions are at least justifiable.

Every time I see this episode I get teary-eyed for young Spencer Reid.

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And as for Reid having a girlfriend? Sure, that would be nice, but could we get some history on this? Everybody gets some romantic history on this show-JJ with Will, Hotch with Haley and Beth, Morgan with Savannah, Garcia with Kevin and Sam. And then there is Rossi and his harem of ex-wives.

Contentment, happiness and stability-Spencer truly deserves all three.

I've been bitching about these exact things for years.

  • Love 2

Apparently Reid gave JJ a set of encyclopedias for the new baby.Which I really liked because that would totally be a Reid thing to do.Now what I didn't like was Reid's line about them being on the internet anyways.WTF that is a line that would have been way more suited for Garcia or one of the others. Reid should have said something instead about how he really didn't need them anymore since he had them all committed to memory thus making reference to his eidetic memory.

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This is one of the sneak peeks from episode 7. Reid gives JJ his set of encyclopedias he had as a child as a gift for her new child. While I agree it is a Reid-thing to do, the first thought that came to my head is that if Reid was giving up his childhood encyclopedias, it's because he has given up hope that he could one day be a father. I am sure that is not the subtext Jim was going for when he wrote that scene, but that would be a consequence of that action. It would be one thing if he had gotten a fresh set off ebay or something, but to give his own personal encyclopedias to a newborn? Yeah okay. 

  • Love 4

The kitchenette got a makeover! I think.

I just died of embarrassment

The hug was so...why

'I realise most of this information is most likely on that internet' 

He actually said 'That internet' and made a hand gesture oh my god he's like those people that think they're too cool for the internet.

However if you watch the it with the mindset with he's high it stops being cringy and turns into comedy. There is no way I can take the rest of the season seriously, Criminal Minds is now a comedy for me/ Reid is a character only there for comedic relief. How can anyone take the show seriously anymore? 

I can see now on my second viewing that I had totally misread Reid's line about the internet. However I don't see that line as Reid saying he is too cool for the internet. I just see it as a reference to it being something he really has little use for since his mind works at a faster capacity than internet.

  • Love 2

I just died of embarrassment

There is no way I can take the rest of the season seriously, Criminal Minds is now a comedy for me/ Reid is a character only there for comedic relief. How can anyone take the show seriously anymore? 

Edit: I will now refer to season 11 Reid as Reid 3.0

I can no longer recommend this show to anyone, and that is pretty sad.

Most actors are just turning the characters into a tv version of themselves. Narcissism is on the air now, and that scene is not only unneccesary, but incredibly illogical. If you are a friend of the new mom, you just visit her way before she return to work, and give her whatever present at her place... Sad sigh...

And I don't like Reid 3.0.

  • Love 2

I can no longer recommend this show to anyone, and that is pretty sad.

Most actors are just turning the characters into a tv version of themselves. Narcissism is on the air now, and that scene is not only unneccesary, but incredibly illogical. If you are a friend of the new mom, you just visit her way before she return to work, and give her whatever present at her place... Sad sigh...

And I don't like Reid 3.0.

Sadly I can't exactly disagree with you.However I do blame MESSer and these writers far more than the cast themselves. No wonder they are getting the ratings they are. But at least I can have the satisfaction that CBS just might be having second thoughts on launching MESSer's spin off.

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  and that scene is not only unneccesary, but incredibly illogical. If you are a friend of the new mom, you just visit her way before she return to work, and give her whatever present at her place..

I am just trying to be thankful for the fact that they didn't have the team throw JJ a parade in honor of welcoming her back.

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and she even mentioned that Reid had come by to visit her (the stuff about the baby making cognitive recognition.....) long before. So why wouldn't he just have taken those books to her then, instead of hauling them all to the office, where she'd have to haul them all home after? Just dumb.


And, I wanna work in an office where the champagne is flowing during the workday. WTH?!

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I am just trying to be thankful for the fact that they didn't have the team throw JJ a parade in honor of welcoming her back.

Why not a coronation? They can even bronze her uterus and name her mother of the century.


And though I know Reid would like to be a father, it looks like it might not be in the cards for him. And that's okay with me. Perhaps Reid can have a greater impact on children by not having them. Okay, like I mentioned, Reid's fantasy girlfriend is artsy, perhaps she's a writer. Together he and she join forces to write a series of kids' books based on a boy genius. Reid has the boy genius experience and his girlfriend (later turned wife) has the writing talent. These books because a huge phenomenon like the Harry Potter books and Dr. and Mrs. Spencer Reid get to travel all over the world meeting and mentoring kids who love these books.

  • Love 3

I couldn't disagree more with all of the opinion that the encyclopedia set is an inappropriate gift.  It was important to Reid, which makes it a lovely, generous statement of affection.  He's mature enough to know that there's no point in waiting for something that may or may not happen.  And there's no point in being stingy and withholding something from someone you care about, on the chance that there might be someone you do, or should, care about more, down the road.


I definitely give 'baby' gifts that are meant for use as the children get older, so I'm entirely with Reid on the content, as well as the sentiment.  Babies outgrow 'baby' gifts way too quickly.


As to the party, and the gifts given there---while I think it was a little late for Rossi's celebratory cigars, I also recognize that it was the show's 90 second (maybe 120, because there are photos of Hotch and Morgan drinking champagne with them) acknowledgement of the birth, and the reunion.  I don't have a problem with it.

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Reid is only 34. There is still plenty of time for him to be a father, particularly if he could find a committed relationship. 

Yep. He could be a father and an author. And do a lot of other cool stuff. But of course, that would take MESSer and the current writers showing some imagination and treating Reid as a three dimensional human being. And that's going not going to happen.

I have, to my goddaughter.

I gave some costume jewelry and a vintage beaded handbag to my niece. She just loves "pretties."

Edited by Bookish Jen
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I will just say I think all of the actors are doing their best with what's written, maybe even KV, whose mouth hanging open, "I am so enchanted with this whatever that's going on" demeanor is sooooo old. The writers, and especially the show runners - who set the tone and ride herd (supposedly) on the writers - are responsible if this show continues its breakneck race over the shark pool.

  • Love 5

Matthew was not directing the scene with Shemar. He did not direct episode 11, and that scene was taken on the last day of filming episode 11. I do think Reid is at least in the scene, because Shemar's caption makes it clear that he was working with Matthew in that scene. 


"Baby Boy gotta help out Pretty Boy... CRIMINAL MINDS.. SEASON 11"

Edited by ForeverAlone
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I can't find the comment thread for this episode. So I will comment here. All I can say  for now is that between that gag worthy line coming out of Reid's mouth about how awesome Mary Sue #2 thought Mary Sue #1 was and the fact that it has now been revealed that Garcia is the Dirty Dozen that is being targeted,I honestly don't know if I can stomach this show anymore, not even for Reid.

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Yeah, but most of us would not give a treasured possession from childhood to a child that is not our own. I know I never would, and I am generous as all get out when it comes to my friends with kids. 


My mom gave a treasured possession from my childhood to somebody else's child, and then did not understand why I was upset. Neither did my cousin, when she found out about it.


Morgan very plainly says, "Kid, I'm trying to save your life. Let me do that." Since Matthew is in the scene, "Kid" is Reid.

How are you even sure Reid is in the scene (and not directing or something else)?

When Morgan said that line, he didn't sound like he was talking to Reid, to me. The tone was harsher.


where was Tara in this episode? and why am I looking a gifthorse in the mouth?


At least they've  explained in advance where Reid is gonna be for the next couple episodes. We can stop watching.

Tara went off to her new job and will only be around on a recurring basis - it was explained last episode, I didn't pay much attention beyond that she wouldn't really be around much anymore.

Considering that Reid is going to likely be MIA (or at least a minute phone call cameo at best) for three episodes, you could cut them out. :) 

Oh believe me I plan to.So they gave Matthew all that extra time off because they didn't need Reid for those episodes since he'd be away visiting his mother. No worries though about the team being shorthanded because Mary Sue # 2 will be filling in. And not only that she is going to get to work with her Idol Mary Sue # 1.

  • Love 2

where was Tara in this episode? and why am I looking a gifthorse in the mouth?


At least they've  explained in advance where Reid is gonna be for the next couple episodes. We can stop watching.

We can presume Tara was setting up her task force. But she will be back in episodes eight, nine, 10, 11 I think, and likely even 12. 


Yeah we figured they would pull the mom card for Reid's absence. Since this is not actually storyline driven, I do have to wonder if Matthew asked for the time off. But WHY would he ask for the time off just to screw off for a month, and more importantly, why would CBS agree to it? 

  • Love 4

Yeah we figured they would pull the mom card for Reid's absence. Since this is not actually storyline driven, I do have to wonder if Matthew asked for the time off. But WHY would he ask for the time off just to screw off for a month, and more importantly, why would CBS agree to it? 


I think I'm about to tread where we really have no business being but: he was on the East Coast on an extended trip with his dad. Perhaps there's something personal going on there. We do know Matthew's a huge fan of October/Fall/Halloween and maybe he just wanted to/needed to spend this time with his father for whatever reason.


I'm taking a vacation from Criminal Minds then too :) someone lemme know when Reid's back O:-)

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His father was really only with him for the few days he was at Colonial Williamsburg. I don't think he was with him the entire 18 days Matthew spent on the East Coast. Matthew was doing a wide variety of things up there. Yeah, he's a huge fan of Halloween, but he has been all of his life, and the last 10 years he has been on the show, and he has always managed to balance it with being in every episode of Criminal Minds. 

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Is there any actual official confirmation that Reid won't be in the next few episodes? 

Wouldn't it be funny if everyone here decided not to watch it (some of you already have) and he's actually in the episode? 

I'll be PVRing it, but I won't watch as it airs....that way I can just FF through it afterwards. And if does end up in it, well yay, and if he isn't, I can hit that delete button so fast the Earth's rotation will slow.

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What do we know about episode 11?

Shemar posted a couple video clips of a bit of  a scene where Morgan appears to be trying to take someone down (who is off camera). Wild speculation about what's going on there in one of the other threads here. It was captioned, by Shemar, as 'Baby Boy gotta help Pretty Boy' so obviously Reid's involved there somehow. There were a few BTS photos being floated around: Reid and Morgan addressing probably the media, perhaps other police; Morgan standing outside a restaurant (makes sense, cause the video clip Shemar posted is from IN a restaurant judging by the tables with food dishes on them and chairs all around him)

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How's this for a possible Rossi storyline?


first of all, thank you for the link :D


now, my opinion is I just puke a little bit in my mouth. Really? are they doing a 1984 with the poor bastard who raised that ungrateful woman? Is the exwife going to die, isn't it? like any other woman who was linked to him romantically, if that happens...well it couldn't be more pathetic, but that's only for the storyline and all the opportunities.


there is something about Messer...I just can't stand people who are telling you a lie in your face (Rossi's pass) and they pretend you are buying their bullshit, when in the name of God was Rossi looking for happiness (as a family man)? did I miss something? are they planing some "lost years" or prequel or something...Rossi has been nothing but a dog and he got what he wanted to, being alone. There was a great chance here to show a character who chose his job and enjoys being single and it's content (even happy) about it.

that would have been different from other characters evolution.  Hotch is a family man, but he had to make a choice between being himself and his wife, Reid is alone for different reasons, JJ and Morgan look like they have the same philosophy but Morgan chose someone from his same status: a hero! hahahaha sorry I couldn't help myself. And Garcia... I'm not wasting my time with her.


If I had to say it in one line: this is another missing chance, like many others, to write a good show instead of a soap.

Edited by smoker
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