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Spoilers and Spoiler Speculation: Benchmarking

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I realize that some of this is out of Shondaco's control, and that we still have two weeks until the premiere, and that the episode descriptions don't always reflect what we actually see, but does any of this seem off or just bad planning to anyone else? Is it just me? I am trying my best to give them the benefit of the doubt, and hope that all of this serves some kind of purpose for characters other than Meredith, but at this point, it doesn't look good, at least not anytime soon. And that makes over 2 years since my favorite characters have gotten any kind of real storyline.

Part of me feels like the episode was born merely out of Shonda & Co being like "We got Denzel Washington to direct! This can't be just any old episode!"

As for Meredith and therapy? I feel cheated as an Arizona fan. An amputation followed by OOC behavior and zero explanation or acknowledgement of how she felt towards it away from in relation to Callie. Sorry, years long vent. Can't help it.

  • Love 5

The more information I read about the next few episodes, the more confused I get.  Last season the majority of the overloaded cast was completely ignored and timelines and semi-established storylines got completely dropped or changed, while a handful of characters (2 of them absolutely brand new) got the majority of screentime. After all of the drama and turmoil of the last season, we get only 8 episodes and a nearly 3 month break.  The last episode left on quite a few cliffhangers (Amelia drinking, Alex's proposal, Jackson's response to April and Owen and Nathan), yet only the Owen/Nathan one has been addressed in spoilers.  But our first episode back appears to be a completely out of the blue different storyline that has absolutely nothing to do with where we left off nearly 3 months ago.  (And I won't even get into how ridiculous and overplayed I find that particular storyline to be).   I had hopes for episode 10 because, seriously, they actually set something up for other storylines, but again the synposis addresses not one of the cliffhangers, except Owen/Nathan.  I don't get it, I really don't.  


I realize that some of this is out of Shondaco's control, and that we still have two weeks until the premiere, and that the episode descriptions don't always reflect what we actually see, but does any of this seem off or just bad planning to anyone else?  Is it just me?   I am trying my best to give them the benefit of the doubt, and hope that all of this serves some kind of purpose for characters other than Meredith, but at this point, it doesn't look good, at least not anytime soon.  And that makes over 2 years since my favorite characters have gotten any kind of real storyline. 


I'd say that a synopsis addressing a cliffhanger would be poor planning. They're typically meant to be as vague as possible, especially when there are so many looming cliffhangers that they don't want spoiled. What could they say about Alex / Jo or April / Jackson without giving up their relationship status? 


And you're right, Shonda and her team have no say in how the episodes are aired (ABC is in total control of the scheduling, such as the 8 / 16 episode runs) or the descriptions / promos. All of that is in ABCs hands. 

I'd say that a synopsis addressing a cliffhanger would be poor planning. They're typically meant to be as vague as possible, especially when there are so many looming cliffhangers that they don't want spoiled. What could they say about Alex / Jo or April / Jackson without giving up their relationship status? 



Yes, but we actually know those storylines won't be addressed until later in the season, the actors involved have said as much. Basically everything that the first part of the season has been leading up to (and there has been quite a bit, albeit at a rather slow pace) will now take a back seat to a completely new storyline introduced out of nowhere. It's weird. 


I now think it's because they know this break simply is too long and want to give people something to go back to, and probably for the majority of viewers "Tune in to find what Owen's and Nathan's deal is and whether Amelia will start drinking again" just isn't as juicy as "OMG, come and see Meredith Grey in MORTAL DANGER!!!1". 

  • Love 3

Episodes are outlined and written long before directors are attached to them. I


Exactly, which is why I think that dropping/delaying of a bunch of cliffhangers (about characters who were virtually ignored last season) after a 3 month hitatus, in favor of something completely new, is poor planning.


I understand why the spoilery stuff surrounding Alex/Jo and Jackson/April isn't addressed, but from the scarce information we have, it is either not going to be addressed at all right away, or it will be addressed in passing by other characters.  I find that aspect of it weird and bad planning on the writers' part, not to mention unfair to the characters' involved.


I now think it's because they know this break simply is too long and want to give people something to go back to, and probably for the majority of viewers "Tune in to find what Owen's and Nathan's deal is and whether Amelia will start drinking again" just isn't as juicy as "OMG, come and see Meredith Grey in MORTAL DANGER!!!1".


I guess that might be true for some viewers, but I think that plenty of people aren't up for yet another Meredith trauma, and are actually interested in seeing what happens with the others.  It just seems like Grey's has decided to completely follow the Scandal and HTGAWM's playbooks and every few episodes has to have some jaw dropping (though totally predictable) hashtag-worthy scenario, whether it makes sense or fits into the season as whole or not.


As for Meredith and therapy? I feel cheated as an Arizona fan. An amputation followed by OOC behavior and zero explanation or acknowledgement of how she felt towards it away from in relation to Callie. Sorry, years long vent. Can't help it.



I feel you on behalf of every other character who has suffered untold trauma and never get any counseling (which is basically every single one of them.)  Other than Meredith and Owen, I don't think that any of them have had real therapy after suffering a great ordeal.  And lord knows, they all need it.

Edited by Deanie87
  • Love 4

Exactly, which is why I think that dropping/delaying of a bunch of cliff-hangery storylines (about characters who were virtually ignored last season) after a 3 month hitatus, in order to start a brand-new ZOMG!! storyline is poor planning.


I understand why the spoilery stuff surrounding Alex/Jo and Jackson/April isn't addressed, but from the scarce information we have, it is either not going to be addressed at all right away, or it will be addressed in passing by other characters.  I find that aspect of it weird and bad planning on the writers' part, not to mention unfair to the characters' involved.


I guess that might be true for some viewers, but I think that plenty of people aren't up for yet another Meredith trauma, and are actually interested in seeing what happens with the others.  It just seems like Grey's has decided to completely follow the Scandal and HTGAWM's playbooks and every few episodes has to have some jaw dropping (though totally predictable) hashtag worthy scenario, whether it makes sense or fits into the season as whole or not.


I definitely see your point, but I don't think it's like the stories will just disappear. Alex is my favourite character, but I'm in the minority of people on this board that really love his friendship with Meredith. I'm not super invested in Jo, so I'm not at the edge of my seat waiting to find out about the proposal. I do really hope we see a lot more Jo / Alex in 12b, though. I want great storylines for Alex, so if they want to keep him paired with Jo then I genuinely hope she gets further development and some more inclusion with the cast. I'm hoping the hints about 12x10 point to Jo finally choosing a speciality, and I hope it's Ortho with Callie. That story had a lot of promise last year and I was sad to see it just disappear. 


Again, I appear to be in the minority on the board of people who are excited for the upcoming Meredith storyline. I totally agree that the amount these characters have suffered on the show is over-the-top, but it's season 12 - I've been saying they go overboard with traumas since S3, so I'm kind of past it by now. I just hope it has real effects that reverberate through the hospital and really affect the characters. I'm especially excited to see Meredith in therapy and for Ellen to get some great material. 


I also think it's good that this is happening in episode 9, so that we actually have time to deal with the fallout rather than the season-ending traumas that often only get an episode or two of fallout in the next season. I believe that they wrote this episode for a reason, so I'm going into it optimistically. 


With 24 episodes a season and a cast of 16 regulars PLUS recurring characters, there's always going to be some fans let down by stories being dropped and picked back up later. I think that's the biggest issue the show has had over the past 2 seasons. I know many people disagree, but I think unless the cast is cut down, this will be how the show works until it's over, which is a pitty. There are indeed a lot of great actors and characters who are being given virtually nothing to do. 

  • Love 3

Its entirely possible to hint that a story will appear in an episode without giving away what happens. For example "Jo gives Alex an answer" or "Alex learns Jo's feelings regarding his proposal" or 100 other ways to word it. It was one of the 3 major cliffhangers of the winter finale and, if its being addressed, it should have had a mention in the synopsis. We know from Sarah Drew that the Japril cliffhanger won't be addressed so I didn't expect to see that in the description.


I know that Shondaland doesn't create the schedule of how the episodes air but I do not buy at all they they don't know far in advance when the winter finale will be. I think it was like that years back because there wasn't really a finale going into the holidays. That's changed - pretty much every network drama has a fall/winter finale now that is heavily promoted and crafted with some kind of cliffhanger.  Shondaland shows speak of the season as A&B seasons. ABC banks an awful lot on TGIT and those finales are definitely planned with marketing strategies in place IMO.

Exactly, which is why I think that dropping/delaying of a bunch of cliffhangers (about characters who were virtually ignored last season) after a 3 month hitatus, in favor of something completely new, is poor planning.

100% agree. Its not really any different than ignoring a cliffhanger after a summer break. This break wasn't a couple of weeks, its been months.

I now think it's because they know this break simply is too long and want to give people something to go back to, and probably for the majority of viewers "Tune in to find what Owen's and Nathan's deal is and whether Amelia will start drinking again" just isn't as juicy as "OMG, come and see Meredith Grey in MORTAL DANGER!!!1".

I think its more split but I agree that the majority of the online people seem more excited to see Meredith. I'm only going by what I read (and admittedly that is quite limited) but I see an awful lot of posts on places like facebook where people are tired of Meredith being in danger again. Some are because its repetitive and others are because they're tired of seeing her dumped on but the end result is there are more people than I would have thought not all that excited about it.

As for Meredith and therapy? I feel cheated as an Arizona fan. An amputation followed by OOC behavior and zero explanation or acknowledgement of how she felt towards it away from in relation to Callie. Sorry, years long vent. Can't help it.

I agree with Deanie, they all could use therapy! I would have loved to have seen a story with Arizona working with a therapist after the crash. Instead we got them all buying the hospital, which for me was a dud. As an Alex fan I feel your pain of having your favorite always get shoved aside for a story we've seen many times before.

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 2

Episodes are outlined and written long before directors are attached to them. 

Oh, I know. But, even the cast is less hyping the episode itself, and more "OMG, guys, Denzel Washington!"  Which, I suppose I get from a professional standpoint, but it's almost like they're softening the blow in a way of "I know you wanted answers about (insert cliffhanger here) but whole new storyline and Denzel Washington instead!"

  • Love 2

I definitely see your point, but I don't think it's like the stories will just disappear. Alex is my favourite character, but I'm in the minority of people on this board that really love his friendship with Meredith. I'm not super invested in Jo, so I'm not at the edge of my seat waiting to find out about the proposal. I do really hope we see a lot more Jo / Alex in 12b, though. I want great storylines for Alex, so if they want to keep him paired with Jo then I genuinely hope she gets further development and some more inclusion with the cast. I'm hoping the hints about 12x10 point to Jo finally choosing a speciality, and I hope it's Ortho with Callie. That story had a lot of promise last year and I was sad to see it just disappear. 


Again, I appear to be in the minority on the board of people who are excited for the upcoming Meredith storyline. I totally agree that the amount these characters have suffered on the show is over-the-top, but it's season 12 - I've been saying they go overboard with traumas since S3, so I'm kind of past it by now. I just hope it has real effects that reverberate through the hospital and really affect the characters. I'm especially excited to see Meredith in therapy and for Ellen to get some great material. 


Alex is my favorite and I want him to be happy and Jo seems to make him happy.  If nothing else, she supports him more than any other character ever has.  So I do root for them, but I have been extremely disappointed in the way that have written (or to be more precise, not written) her as an individual and them as a couple.  I think that they have a lot of potential that could be explored, but for whatever reason, they just won't do it.  I think that their similar backgrounds, anger issues and underdog resident status, for example, could all make for interesting and semi-original drama, but they choose to involve a third party time and again.  So now I am kind of ambivalent and just hope that JC leaves at the end of the season.  I have always loved the Mer/Alex friendship and still do from time to time, but it needs to become a LOT less one-sided in order for me to keep enjoying it.


If Meredith's attack, therapy and the aftermath actually involve other characters (and there is plenty of ways that it could) and brings about further understanding of those characters separate from Meredith, then I will eat my words and cheer the ingenuity of the writers.  If, for example, Jo can connect with Meredith through the shared experience of being violently assaulted, then great.  Or if Jackson and Meredith can actually have a real conversation where Jackson reveals how it felt to grow up with a strong, and sometimes abrasive, single mother I will be thrilled.  But based on experience, Meredith's attack will be all about people rallying around Meredith and to give Penny a redemption arc so that she can then become a regular.  In other words, I am not rushing out to buy chocolate sauce to smother over the words that I will be potentially eating :)


Its entirely possible to hint that a story will appear in an episode without giving away what happens. For example "Jo gives Alex an answer" or "Alex learns Jo's feelings regarding his proposal" or 100 other ways to word it. It was one of the 3 major cliffhangers of the winter finale and, if its being addressed, it should have had a mention in the synopsis. We know from Sarah Drew that the Japril cliffhanger won't be addressed so I didn't expect to see that in the description.


I still haven't gotten over my disappointment and anger at the way last season was handled, so any inkling I have that the majority of screen time is going to go toward new characters or the same small few, or that a storyline for my favorites is going to end before it begins, it just annoys me all over again. That appears to be what is happening here, given what we know right now, but I will keep chocolate sauce on my grocery list for the time being.  

Edited by Deanie87
  • Love 1

With 24 episodes a season and a cast of 16 regulars PLUS recurring characters, there's always going to be some fans let down by stories being dropped and picked back up later. I think that's the biggest issue the show has had over the past 2 seasons. I know many people disagree, but I think unless the cast is cut down, this will be how the show works until it's over, which is a pitty. There are indeed a lot of great actors and characters who are being given virtually nothing to do. 

I definitely think the cast is too large and needs cut down, but I don't think that would necessarily fix anything. Meredith, Amelia, and Maggie have dominated for the last two seasons while everybody else has gotten scraps. Before that it was Meredith, Cristina and Callie and/or some combination of Meredith, Cristina, Bailey, Izzie. Certain characters have never gotten/are never going to get much to do. That's the reality of Grey's.


The cast is too large, but I think if they would just commit to 8 episode arcs that have a beginning, middle and end they could rotate stories better. Stop dragging things out. Let certain characters play a supporting role/hit the backburner from time to time.

  • Love 1

Here's where I hate when we have too much time between episodes and really, really hate that I don't have the willpower not to go into the spoiler/speculation thread!  I'm still looking forward to the new episodes and trying to avoid specifics about them but can't avoid seeking them out.  I'm actually glad that for whatever reason we aren't getting sides anymore, I don't want to know, but I do, but I don't and yet I always look. 


I think this season is so much better than last season, that I'm encouraged that we're going to see good episodes coming up.  Fingers crossed!

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Ha, truly yes, I think Allen booked him to direct announced it to Shonda and she gave him this episode,it couldn´t just  have been any other ordinary episode where Amelia is just shrieking at everybody, I think writers adapt very quickly and adapt stuff to write out of nowhere,as the case is with this episode - all of  a sudden all storylines are sidetracked, they make up stuff with Meredith´s attacker and Pompeo will be directed by Washington  and is front and central in the episode, all the hype goes there, I believe so.


I give you my full support, I think the same.


The only issue with that is that the script would have had to be finished before Denzel agreed to do it. There's no way he said yes without reading a script and knowing the story. Now some last minute script changes are one thing, but if that script was already finished, then the next several episodes (at least) were already story-blocked. I know everyone thinks they're over-hyping the Denzel thing, which I get, but there's no way they just shoe-horned in this Meredith episode for him to direct. It had to be conceived and written long before he came onboard. 



I definitely think the cast is too large and needs cut down, but I don't think that would necessarily fix anything. Meredith, Amelia, and Maggie have dominated for the last two seasons while everybody else has gotten scraps. Before that it was Meredith, Cristina and Callie and/or some combination of Meredith, Cristina, Bailey, Izzie. Certain characters have never gotten/are never going to get much to do. That's the reality of Grey's.


The cast is too large, but I think if they would just commit to 8 episode arcs that have a beginning, middle and end they could rotate stories better. Stop dragging things out. Let certain characters play a supporting role/hit the backburner from time to time.


I wish they got tighter with their arcs, too. I think the past few seasons especially have suffered from stories either going on way too long (buying the hospital) or getting short-changed with sporadic scenes and not enough depth despite great potential (Alex's father story).


Conceivably they could do something like, for example, first 8 focusing heavily on Meredith / Maggie / Deluca / Amelia / Owen / Riggs / Alex / Jo / Steph (9 = the amount of regulars we had in S1) and the next 8 on Meredith / Callie / Arizona / Bailey / Ben / Richard / April / Jackson, then the final 6 on any combination that best suits build-up to the finale. I still wish some of the cast would get cut, but I've been enjoying this season a lot. I just wish it had tighter focus and some better stuff for a lot of characters that I love (Alex, Bailey, Callie, etc.)

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 1

The only issue with that is that the script would have had to be finished before Denzel agreed to do it. There's no way he said yes without reading a script and knowing the story. Now some last minute script changes are one thing, but if that script was already finished, then the next several episodes (at least) were already story-blocked. I know everyone thinks they're over-hyping the Denzel thing, which I get, but there's no way they just shoe-horned in this Meredith episode for him to direct. It had to be conceived and written long before he came onboard.

This sort of reminds me of S7 to be honest. They were hellbent on making that musical work, and every other part of the season became secondary.

That's what it feels like to me. They decided that this was their annual gimmick episode and planned it as such and then Debbie got Denzel on board so they worked it in to fit his schedule rather than it making sense in the context of the season as a whole.

  • Love 4

The only issue with that is that the script would have had to be finished before Denzel agreed to do it. There's no way he said yes without reading a script and knowing the story.

Not true. Directors sign onto projects all the time without a script present, so long as the idea is in play. And the writers probably had this planned out while they were breaking story over the summer, so it's very likely that when Debbie approached Denzel to direct, it was just with the general idea. Especially because he might have a busy schedule and they might have needed to lock him in early.

This sort of reminds me of S7 to be honest. They were hellbent on making that musical work, and every other part of the season became secondary.

That's what it feels like to me. They decided that this was their annual gimmick episode and planned it as such and then Debbie got Denzel on board so they worked it in to fit his schedule rather than it making sense in the context of the season as a whole.


I just think we can't really say that it doesn't fit until we see the episode and the aftermath. Generally I think  all of the disaster episodes (aside from the shooting) came out of nowhere, but I do think there was some build-up for this. When we left, Meredith was at a boiling point with so many characters - Jo and Alex's fight was about Meredith, she was arguing with Callie, and she had that blow-up with Amelia. I'm not sure what the purpose will be, but I believe (or maybe hope) that there is one. I'd especially like to see some Jo / Meredith stuff, and I hope for some good Meredith / Baily and Meredith / Richard moments. My biggest fear is that they use this as a further wedge between Alex and Jo. That would really annoy the hell out of me, and I think it would be a big disservice for her character. I think Jo also hit a low in the first 8, so hopefully the back-half is her getting her mojo back and finding her place in the hospital. 


Not true. Directors sign onto projects all the time without a script present, so long as the idea is in play. And the writers probably had this planned out while they were breaking story over the summer, so it's very likely that when Debbie approached Denzel to direct, it was just with the general idea. Especially because he might have a busy schedule and they might have needed to lock him in early.


Either way, I think my point stands. I guess we can't know whether he saw a script or not, but the entire episode had to have been plotted and so would the next several. I'm just saying I don't think this episode was written for Denzel. They do event / gimmick episodes every year, they just happened to get a big-name director this time. 

  • Love 1

I don't think this storyline developed organically or with any build-up. If Meredith had a confontation with any of the characters she's been having issues with and it had some serious consequences, then yes, absolutely. But apparently she's attacked by a random crazy patient, it could have happened in any episode at a time. 

Of course, it may be played out well and have a purpose in the greater scheme of things, we'll have to wait and see, but I just wish they'd tied up some loose ends before introducing a major storyline like that. For example, they could have simply explained what the deal with Nathan's sister is, whether she's dead, in a coma, missing or whatever. Honestly, it's not something that will keep people on the edge of their seats all intrigued waiting to find out what that's all about, and now will be just left hanging in the air. 

Edited by Joana
  • Love 2

Part of me feels like the episode was born merely out of Shonda & Co being like "We got Denzel Washington to direct! This can't be just any old episode!"


I see where you are coming from because right now it looks as though this "Meredith gets attacked" is shoehorned into the season and current arcs and whatever else has been happening have been tossed to the sides.  But, given that we haven't even seen the episode or the fallout, I am willing to give them a little bit of a benefit of the doubt.  


Like a few others have already said, I hope that Meredith's attack help progress other storylines as well, or at least ties into more than just "help her heal".  If it turns out Meredith's attack is talked about for 2-3 episodes and then we resume the rest of the threads as though it never happened?  Well then I will probably agree with you that the idea was conceived after signing on Denzel.  

Edited by Greysaddict
  • Love 1

I don't think this storyline developed organically or with any build-up. If Meredith had a confontation with any of the characters she's been having issues with and it had some serious consequences, then yes, absolutely. But apparently she's attacked by a random crazy patient, it could have happened in any episode at a time. 

Of course, it may be played out well and have a purpose in the greater scheme of things, we'll have to wait and see, but I just wish they'd tied up some loose ends before introducing a major storyline like that. For example, they could have simply explained what the deal with Nathan's sister is, whether she's dead, in a coma, missing or whatever. Honestly, it's not something that will keep people on the edge of their seats all intrigued waiting to find out what that's all about, and now will be just left hanging in the air. 


Precisely this, if there was  a build-up just like with Derek´s shooter,there was a plot of a few episodes leading  to SF6. then it would have made some sense.


Maybe  they got Denzel to direct,maybe they planned Meredith´s attack in advance,but he was only  available to shoot back  in late October/earlyNovember???,or the episode was planned to be later  in the season,but he couldn´t direct then, so they switched the episodes, there are many options. Or the episode was  not planned at all,it came out of blue,just because they got Washington and Shonda made it all up at the blink of an eye so that Pompeo has her best episode of the season acting-wise - maybe??? directed by Washington when he was available for shooting the show.



I also find it ridiculous with Owen´s sister that something although not everything will be explained in 1215!!! after her name was first uttered in 1208. Nobody will be interested who she is/was or people will just wave their hand and say oh that sister died or is in coma on life support  or whatever at that point in the season I do dare to say. A waste of plot.

Edited by Meredithfan

This sort of reminds me of S7 to be honest. They were hellbent on making that musical work, and every other part of the season became secondary.

That's what it feels like to me. They decided that this was their annual gimmick episode and planned it as such and then Debbie got Denzel on board so they worked it in to fit his schedule rather than it making sense in the context of the season as a whole.

Just read your comment,I  agree,but I think there is an option that Shonda made this all up as the season was going on without planning it because of Washington.

Edited by Meredithfan
If it turns out Meredith's attack is talked about for 2-3 episodes and then we resume the rest of the threads as though it never happened?  Well then I will probably agree with you that the idea was conceived after signing on Denzel.


That's how most of Meredith's perils go though, they happen then its done and over.  She literally died, talked to her dead mother in the great beyond as she was crossing over, chatted with various dead people yet returned to work a week later with her big problem being Derek was hovering. They don't need to do anything special for Denzel in that regard.


We'll see how it goes but IMO there generally not have been much in depth story following someone almost dying. Meredith's been doomed the most but its how everyone's big tragic events go.  If anything Meredith gets more than everyone else so I think there will be the big episode then an episode with some therapy scenes and it will be done. If anyone else is brought into it more I think it will be Amelia. Meredith and Amelia "splitting" was just before with Meredith telling Amelia she isn't her family.  Being attacked may leave Meredith embracing Amelia as her family and not just Derek's.


I still think she's unable to hear as a contrast to Derek being unable to speak. Probably just to get her to forgive Penny since she gets first hand what it could have been like.


The timing of the episode is my only real issue with it. I like some of the event/gimmick episodes and don't like some but I don't have any problem at all with the show doing them.  This far into the series they should get some leeway to go outside the box here and there. The actors overall seem to enjoy working on these type of episodes.


Whatever it ends up being there will still be roughly 15 episodes following. LOL, maybe Alex can get 15 minutes across those.

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 2

PRESS RELEASE for Grey's Anatomy episode 12.10 titled "All I Want Is You"


"As the hospital deals with Meredith's trauma, Callie and Maggie perform a risky, experimental surgery on Alex's 15-year-old patient against his professional opinion. Meanwhile, Owen and Nathan are still at odds with each other, and Maggie and Andrew's relationship continues to develop."

We know Jo will be working with Callie and Maggie, does that mean she'll side with them over Alex? 

  • Love 1

I also find it ridiculous with Owen´s sister that something although not everything will be explained in 1215!!! after her name was first uttered in 1208. Nobody will be interested who she is/was or people will just wave their hand and say oh that sister died or is in coma on life support  or whatever at that point in the season I do dare to say. A waste of plot.


Kevin McKidd said we'd get answers in 12x14, which is only 6 episodes after she was first mentioned... they've certainly dragged stories out a LOT longer than that. 7 - 8 episodes, give or take, is about the average range of a story arc on this show. Denny appeared in about 8 episodes before Izzie realized that she was sick, for example. Chest Peckwell appeared in 7 episodes. There were 9 episodes between Herman revealing her brain tumor and Amelia performing her 'superhero' surgery to save her. Harold O'Malley's treatment lasted 6 episodes, Alex's dad's arc lasted 6 episodes, etc. I don't think that's a long time to drag out a story on a serialized show at all, really.


We're just getting to know Riggs so there's a lot to explore. 

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 1

I just think we can't really say that it doesn't fit until we see the episode and the aftermath. Generally I think  all of the disaster episodes (aside from the shooting) came out of nowhere, but I do think there was some build-up for this. When we left, Meredith was at a boiling point with so many characters - Jo and Alex's fight was about Meredith, she was arguing with Callie, and she had that blow-up with Amelia. I'm not sure what the purpose will be, but I believe (or maybe hope) that there is one.

I also think the build-up was intended to be the escalating conflict between Meredith and the other characters. This is a quick and easy way to move all the stories forward, everyone feels so sorry for Meredith they're forced to put their issues with her aside and support her. 

PRESS RELEASE for Grey's Anatomy episode 12.10 titled "All I Want Is You"

We know Jo will be working with Callie and Maggie, does that mean she'll side with them over Alex? 

Probably. I'm guessing she says no to the proposal so things are awkward there too.


Can they come up with a new plot for Alex, please. They did this with Alex/Meredith not too long ago. I want to see kickass Alex, not overly cautious Alex proven wrong by the superstars.

  • Love 1

If it turns out Meredith's attack is talked about for 2-3 episodes and then we resume the rest of the threads as though it never happened?

I may have to do some digging for it, but I swear there was a quote from Jim Pickens saying that the first 3-4 episodes deal with the fallout of what happens to Meredith.

Also, Kevin posted a bunch of BTS pics from directing episode 14, and one was of Meredith operating. Not that she's over things, but still, operating.

I may have to do some digging for it, but I swear there was a quote from Jim Pickens saying that the first 3-4 episodes deal with the fallout of what happens to Meredith.

Also, Kevin posted a bunch of BTS pics from directing episode 14, and one was of Meredith operating. Not that she's over things, but still, operating.

Here's the video (quote around 0:30)

Edited by Kagomei
They did this with Alex/Meredith not too long ago. I want to see kickass Alex, not overly cautious Alex proven wrong by the superstars.

Agree! I'm hoping the situation at least is a setup for some tension between he and Jo so Alex will have some part of the story. Last season when Meredith went around him  with one of his patients the patient died. Of course it ended with Alex comforting her and her not being wrong, lol. I would love to see Maggie being the one to make the wrong call for once but I doubt that will happen any time soon.

Kevin McKidd said we'd get answers in 12x14, which is only 6 episodes after she was first mentioned... they've certainly dragged stories out a LOT longer than that.


I agree they've dragged plenty out. This seems worse IMO because there was a 3 month break and the cliffhanger the last episode ended with will likely be ignored for more episodes.

Chest Peckwell appeared in 7 episodes.


I always thought that story was cut short because The Originals as picked up.

Edited by windsprints

It seems Meredith will be deaf after the attack or her hearing will be partially impaired and it remains to be seen when her sense of hearing comes back if at all. I wonder if she learns sign language in the therapy or whether she will attend meetings of the community of other deaf people and when she comes back to work physically and mentally fit whether she will have a special assistant who will help her communicate with patients and colleagues and at home with her kids.


I think if they were to portray a handicapped surgeon that takes some courage and honesty, I mean they can´t just make her magically all right  - make her hear in 3 or 4 episodes,which I find would be totally lame. This should be a long process of recovery if it is reversible. To show the struggle of the surgeon coping with this handicap,how to live with it would be worth watching.


I do not see the point of this storyline if it is just about the shock of it all.Some meaningless drama to attract the audience after a long hiatus.

I hope there is something more into it, but knowing the writers´ mojo I am pretty sceptical.

Edited by Meredithfan

It seems Meredith will be deaf after the attack or her hearing will be partially impaired and it remains to be seen when her sense of hearing comes back if at all. I wonder if she learns sign language in the therapy or whether she will attend meetings of the community of other deaf people and when she comes back to work physically and mentally fit whether she will have a special assistant who will help her communicate with patients and colleagues and at home with her kids.


I think if they were to portray a handicapped surgeon that takes some courage and honesty, I mean they can´t just make her magically all right  - make her hear in 3 or 4 episodes,which I find would be totally lame. This should be a long process of recovery if it is reversible.

I think it would be very interesting if they did that, but honestly I doubt it. It would take too much effort to come up with such a beautiful storyline and I can't see they doing that now. 

Particularly I think Meredith will be deaf out of shock and nothing else or maybe only a small ear injury so it will only last one episode or two. I could be wrong, though. Just my thoughts :)

Here's hoping you are right ;)

I'm going to guess that Meredith's hearing doesn't come back within 12x09 because of the way Hinton responded in an interview (before we knew much about this episode). She was shocked that they were doing this in the middle of the season instead of as a finale. She also said something like, "If we're doing this in Episode 9, then where will we be by Episode 24?" There's got to be some larger ramifications for what happens in 12x09, and while Meredith is in every scene, I don't think Hinton was referring to just Meredith.


Now, my belief that the show functions best when Grey is at the center has been outspoken here in the past, but even I know there's no narratively good reason to justify an episode of this magnitude that doesn't have ripple effects -- and for more than just one character. So I'm thinking that while there won't be concrete answers for every 12x08 mini-cliffhanger within 12x09, I also don't think it'll be as bad for the ensemble as some are speculating. (And frankly, even if the show wasn't doing this out-of-nowhere Meredith drama, we still wouldn't have seen much movement on anything. GREY'S stretches things out. That's how a network soap operates.) 

  • Love 1

Not sure why they released this clip from 12x10, but we now know: 


1) Jo must have said no

2) Alex moved out of their apartment and into Amelia's room at Mer's 




EDITED to add these scenes are indeed from 12x09, not 12x10. 

Edited by BaseOps

Not sure why they released this clip from 12x10, but we now know: 


1) Jo must have said no

2) Alex moved out of their apartment and into Amelia's room at Mer's 



Greys Anatomy twitter page says that is the first minute from 12x09. I can't believe that is how they chose to resolve the Alex/Jo cliffhanger. Oh wait, I can. I'm glad Jo apparently said no and they likely broke up, but it's hard to invest when you don't see the important emotional beats, and I like Alex/Jo. I assume we'll get something in 12x10 since they're working together, but I doubt they'll do flashbacks or anything, and to me, that is the kind of stuff the rooting value comes from.

  • Love 1

Not sure why they released this clip from 12x10, but we now know: 


1) Jo must have said no

2) Alex moved out of their apartment and into Amelia's room at Mer's 




LOL way to ruin absolutely all the suspense ABC!!!  I mean all of us here knew that Meredith would be fine but here she is 1000% fine and going to work.  But also ruining the Jolex answer and apparently Amelia moved out.  


I am sort of glad Jo said no, as long as it doesn't result in zero scenes for Camilla.  I know that article/interview came out where she implied she will have more professional scenes but I hope it actually happens.  I feel like sometimes actors have a different view of what they are doing versus what we see.  

Greys Anatomy twitter page says that is the first minute from 12x09. I can't believe that is how they chose to resolve the Alex/Jo cliffhanger. Oh wait, I can. I'm glad Jo apparently said no and they likely broke up, but it's hard to invest when you don't see the important emotional beats, and I like Alex/Jo. I assume we'll get something in 12x10 since they're working together, but I doubt they'll do flashbacks or anything, and to me, that is the kind of stuff the rooting value comes from.


ahh, this makes so much more sense if its the beginning of 12x09.  I had a sinking feeling this was going to be how we found out about Jo's answer but man it sucks.  Both Jo and Alex get shit on as individuals and as a couple.  I love Meredith, I love Alex and I like Jo.  I can't for the life of my figure out why this show can't seem to give proper focus to anyone that is not Meredith, Maggie or Amelia.  

  • Love 1

LOL way to ruin absolutely all the suspense ABC!!!  I mean all of us here knew that Meredith would be fine but here she is 1000% fine and going to work.  But also ruining the Jolex answer and apparently Amelia moved out.  


I am sort of glad Jo said no, as long as it doesn't result in zero scenes for Camilla.  I know that article/interview came out where she implied she will have more professional scenes but I hope it actually happens.  I feel like sometimes actors have a different view of what they are doing versus what we see.  


I think her saying no means we'll get some actual Alex / Jo story. Saying yes would be been pretty odd considering her frustrations right before he proposed. In her interview Camila said that Jo would be more assertive both in her professional and personal life, so it makes sense that she turned down the proposal. If they got engaged and pretended like nothing had happened, it'd make no sense. We've never really had a true obstacle with these two, so I don't mind having them work to get back together. Anything that gives Alex more screen time I'm here for. 

  • Love 2

I'm pretty sure this is for episode 9 not 10... since, according to the press release for 10, the hospital will be dealing with the aftermath of Meredith's attack. 


The overdone use of carpooling is to this season what the overdone use of flashbacks was to last season. What will next season's gimmick be?


I actually don't mind that they tell us Jo's answer/the state of Jolex early in the episode, since we know that once Meredith get's attacked it's going to be all-Meredith all the time and any information at this point is better than no information. And I'm glad Jo said "no", because what does Alex do? Run back to Meredith's house, which isn't that Jo's point? Prior to the proposal Jo said she was going to stay at Stephanie's, and even if Alex is being chivalrous in leaving their home instead, him going to Meredith's is not going to help his case with Jo.

I know I know, where else would Alex go? I'm just trying to look at things from Jo's POV.

ahh, this makes so much more sense if its the beginning of 12x09.  I had a sinking feeling this was going to be how we found out about Jo's answer but man it sucks.  Both Jo and Alex get shit on as individuals and as a couple.  I love Meredith, I love Alex and I like Jo.  I can't for the life of my figure out why this show can't seem to give proper focus to anyone that is not Meredith, Maggie or Amelia.  


I think the episode must take place at least a week after 12x08. I was never really expecting them to pick up right where they left off... as long as we get an actual storyline out of it, I don't really care about seeing Jo actually say 'No.' I just hope they continue to give them focus now. I think their scenes in 12x08 were great, so I'm optimistic about wherever they're going with it. 

I can't believe that is how they chose to resolve the Alex/Jo cliffhanger. Oh wait, I can.


How many of us Alex fans predicted that we'd find out with some lame conversation with Meredith? They could have chosen to have a scene with Alex & Jo to let us know what happened instead of Alex being in the car with the sisters with Maggie stammering on. This is exactly what I didn't want.

I actually don't mind that they tell us Jo's answer/the state of Jolex early in the episode, since we know that once Meredith get's attacked it's going to be all-Meredith all the time and any information at this point is better than no information. And I'm glad Jo said "no", because what does Alex do? Run back to Meredith's house, which isn't that Jo's point? Prior to the proposal Jo said she was going to stay at Stephanie's, and even if Alex is being chivalrous in leaving their home instead, him going to Meredith's is not going to help his case with Jo

I'm glad they didn't leave it hanging for a week and even happier they released it early. Now I won't feel any need to watch live, if at all.  I think the reason Alex moves in has zero to do with Jo or Jolex. Its to have Alex in the house with Meredith so he'll be there to care for her for probably a big chunk (if not the rest of) the season. Maggie will be off in her story with the intern and Alex will remain stuck in the person role. Maybe he'll get a scene here and there at the hospital with Jo. Hopefully there may be something with them at the end of the season if Meredith starts dating again. That's how it usually goes with Alex - nothing much then a few scenes in the last few episodes.


I'm hoping that Jo gets a few minutes of screen time here and there to develop her character. I'd like to see her back with Alex at some point but wouldn't mind her dating someone else if Alex is going to continue being Meredith's person. Being Meredith's person has proven to be all consuming. Let her date Riggs.

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 2

I think her saying no means we'll get some actual Alex / Jo story. Saying yes would be been pretty odd considering her frustrations right before he proposed. In her interview Camila said that Jo would be more assertive both in her professional and personal life, so it makes sense that she turned down the proposal. If they got engaged and pretended like nothing had happened, it'd make no sense. We've never really had a true obstacle with these two, so I don't mind having them work to get back together. Anything that gives Alex more screen time I'm here for. 

Oh I'm thrilled she says no. I hope they use this to develop Jo professionally. I'm just skeptical that it will give them more than a scene or two every few episodes or Alex screen time that isn't predominately centered around Meredith and/or carpooling. I'd be glad to be wrong, but I feel like they've written themselves into a corner here. I just don't see how the Alex/Jo/Meredith issue can be satisfactorily resolved after Meredith's attack. I feel like Windsprints is right and it will be status quo until Meredith gets a love interest and Alex isn't needed any more.

Edited by Evie
  • Love 1

ahh, this makes so much more sense if its the beginning of 12x09.  I had a sinking feeling this was going to be how we found out about Jo's answer but man it sucks.  Both Jo and Alex get shit on as individuals and as a couple.  I love Meredith, I love Alex and I like Jo.  I can't for the life of my figure out why this show can't seem to give proper focus to anyone that is not Meredith, Maggie or Amelia.

It does suck a lot. I feel sorry sorry for Jolex fans.Such an important scene to witness the end of Jolex 1208 dialogue and they just let it disappear.


Nobody can, It is all Shonda´s work.

She has her favourites.

Edited by Meredithfan



He has already been in 4 episodes????


When he landed the part, Elrod was told the role would be one episode only. Scott just completed filming his fourth episode, and apparently, he is doing well in the role. 

Edited by Meredithfan

Just great. Another character. So a one episode role turned into four? How soon until he's made a regular? Do the writers have any sort of plan at all?


I really wonder if we're in for several cast exits at this point.

Edited by Evie
  • Love 1

I think the reason Alex moves in has zero to do with Jo or Jolex. Its to have Alex in the house with Meredith so he'll be there to care for her for probably a big chunk (if not the rest of) the season.

What's most annoying about this arrangement is that wasn't the reason for Maggie and Amelia living with Meredith, and the big push for their "sisterhood", so that they could help Meredith out with the whole work-life balance and be there for each other? That didn't last very long before they put an unnecessary rift between her and Amelia on account of an uninteresting character in Penny, while occupying Maggie's time with her new relationship with Andrew, just for the caretaker/support system role to conveniently fall back on Alex.

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