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S30.E09: Living On The Edge

Tara Ariano

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I was waiting for you to post, KimberStormer. I was afraid maybe you'd given up on this shit fest and I would've been so disappointed to not read your posts anymore!


I'm sure it's going to be Mike, which is just awful.  I sort of feel about him like the Kim haters felt about Kim: why does everything go his way??  Whyyyy, I hate him.  I accept that he must be playing well, but I can't stand him.


LOL but this is exactly how I feel. Like I guess rationally I know Mike isn't the worst person there or the worst player, but I just hate him so much and I'm beyond pissed he's going to win. It makes this already pretty awful season even worse for me.


What we really need here is a good coconut chopping reward challenge to make this Marquesas 2: This Time, It's More Sexist (and that season had young Mariano!)


Fantastic. And I would love to see a coconut chopping reward. How long has it been since we've had one of those? I feel like it's been awhile. Oh wait, there was one last season, I just forgot it because everyone was playing it kumbaya like and it wasn't entertaining.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I know this is intended to be negative, but it's a Jenn I recognize and like.  Yes, laugh while you're winning, and pout when you're not having fun; life is too short to not feel it completely. 

I disagree. We are not alone in life and the rest of the people around us are not supposed to make us have fun or entertain us. They are humans as well with flaws and sensitivities and we should treat them with respect. Jenn was just cruel with Nina who was older and had a disability and that was something more than rudeness to me, it showed me bad raising. Jenn can't have my respect anymore. I dislike people who use others to have fun and then they bad mouth them or mock them. Jenn was hating Rodney until Rodney made her laugh, suddenly Rodney is the best person on the earth. Next minute he will stop being funny and she'll mock him. That's not free spirited, that's just stupidity, wherever the wind blows and bad uprbringing.

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Honestly with the seemingly extra heavy editing this season I feel less sure of rooting for anyone, or hating on anyone.  Though I hate beards and Dan's is exceptionally nasty so I can hate on him just for that.  As edited I'm still ok with Mike.  His edit shows him trying his ass off and I've got to respect that. 

Quitting does not bother me too much as long as its honest. Sure I don't like it,  it takes away a spot from someone who really wants to be there. But not everyone is going to know how they are going to deal with the situation so I'll cut them some slack.  No money or jury though.    Colton's BS was beyond the pale. 


I don't see why wanting to enjoy the game is such a crime.  Jenn loves Survivor and wants to play but when your on an island with people who do nothing but annoy the crap out of you and you can't even play because you ended up on the wrong side of the numbers.....hopefully she turns its around.  If not I hope she gets in some good snark on Dan and Rodney. 


Not playing though I have a problem with.  People who excessively do the under the radar thing, no.  ESPECIALLY those who throw challenges to keep a tgt off their back.


I think Tyler has been sandbagging and is just now getting ready to play.  I read in one of Dan's interviews where he mentioned sandbagging on RC challenges.  Why put a tgt on your back for reward?  I get that and understand it can be a good strategy.  But I don't like it and don't think it should be rewarded.

Imagine if everyone showed up and just stood there or purposefully buffooned there way through every pre individual immunity challenge. 

I think Tyler is going to make it far and if gets there doing what I think he's been doing I'm not happy about it. 

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The comparison of Ozzy, Malcolm, and Joe is simple.  Gorgeous white or Latino boys with flowing hair who may or may not be challenge monsters and may or may not be social threats.  Seems vague and non-concrete, but I think it's fun to compare.


Ozzy - Challenge dominator, target, not a social threat.  I'm sorry, but I didn't find him a social threat.  In Cook Islands, let's say.  I forget the other seasons because I didn't enjoy them nearly as much.  In Cook Islands he went from Alliance Bully to provider that barely escaped being voted out, to humbled and embraced by Aitu.  


Malcolm - Not a challenge dominator, somewhat of a target, somewhat of a social threat.  Sort of middle of the pack of everything.


Joe - Challenge donimator (though not nearly as much as Ozzy, not enough time to tell), target, not a social threat. 


Joe and Ozzy actually are quite comparable I think, but the tribal shakeups in Cook Islands ended up helping Ozzy much more than what happened to Joe.  I hate how Joe and Shirin just kind of turned on their own to survive.  Ozzy did this with Billy, but then never again afterwards.  He kept loyal to the end.


(My memories are very fuzzy, and all of this might be wrong.  I remember everything like a fairy tale....)

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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My memory is that Malcolm performed great at challenges his first season.  To check this, I looked up the the Wiki summary of Survivor Philippines.  After merge Malcolm won two individual reward challenges, and was on the winning team three more times.  Five reward victories in all.  He also won two immunity challenges during that time. 


Before merge, I again recall him as one of the outstanding performers, who gave a real big boost to his tribe.  The big surprise was that he did so terribly at the FIC.  But that was the one area he was terrible in.  He was so bad, the advantage he won was zero help. 


Malcolm did not do so well at challenges his second season.  But he played just two weeks after his first season, and his body was still heavily depleted. 


Overall, I think he is one of the top few players, who are good at every phase of the game, and who are threats to go far in any season.  Parvati, Boston Rob and Andrea are members of that club as well. 

I think Tyler is going to make it far and if gets there doing what I think he's been doing I'm not happy about it.


If Tyler makes to the end by sitting back and watching the Red team get voted off, and then facilitating the Blue team eat each other alive, I'm all for it.  Maneuvering through the seams to the end is a fine strategy.

  • Love 4

I was waiting for you to post, KimberStormer. I was afraid maybe you'd given up on this shit fest and I would've been so disappointed to not read your posts anymore!


I'll probably give it up if/when Jenn goes out but I'm glad to hear this!  That's so nice of you to say.  Even if I give up on this season of course I'll be back for the next, anyway, and I'll probably watch Ponderosa every week.  Though I must say it's less painful when you know what's going to happen, so maybe I'll just keep getting spoiled and stick with it till the end. 


Joe and Ozzy actually are quite comparable I think, but the tribal shakeups in Cook Islands ended up helping Ozzy much more than what happened to Joe.


That's true.  Cooks was such a weird season, though, it's hard to compare to another.  I wonder if Joe will be able to come back and be top dog like Ozzy did in Micronesia.


My memory is that Malcolm performed great at challenges his first season.  To check this, I looked up the the Wiki summary of Survivor Philippines.  After merge Malcolm won two individual reward challenges, and was on the winning team three more times.  Five reward victories in all.  He also won two immunity challenges during that time. 


Before merge, I again recall him as one of the outstanding performers, who gave a real big boost to his tribe.  The big surprise was that he did so terribly at the FIC.  But that was the one area he was terrible in.  He was so bad, the advantage he won was zero help. 


Malcolm did not do so well at challenges his second season.  But he played just two weeks after his first season, and his body was still heavily depleted. 


Overall, I think he is one of the top few players, who are good at every phase of the game, and who are threats to go far in any season.  Parvati, Boston Rob and Andrea are members of that club as well. 


Yeah, Malcolm was no slouch (and I agree, good at every part of the game, which is one reason I wanted to pipe up and distinguish him from Ozzy and Joe) but of course Matsing lost every time and he certainly didn't dominate Ozzy style at any point.  I'm also influenced by his post-game interviews where he said he was disappointed in his own challenge performance.  I feel like Malcolm's best strength, like Kim (who I would probably say was similar if not ahead of him in challenge performance) was not the challenges but the social game.  That's what I was trying to say.

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If Tyler makes to the end by sitting back and watching the Red team get voted off, and then facilitating the Blue team eat each other alive, I'm all for it.  Maneuvering through the seams to the end is a fine strategy.

Its boring and safe but it is strategy. So technically I get what you are saying.  Although if everyone did it the game would come to a grinding halt so....I still disagree.  And especially sandbagging challenges.  I think that violates Survivor somehow. 

It makes me wonder if this is why the editing is so bad...nothing to show because no one is playing.  Carolyn just sitting there with her one II, quiet.  Tyler, quiet, Dan being obnoxious but laying low in challenges etc.  Everyone just staying safe, not playing.  Its also probably why Jenn is so frustrated. 

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I'll probably give it up if/when Jenn goes out but I'm glad to hear this!  That's so nice of you to say.  Even if I give up on this season of course I'll be back for the next, anyway, and I'll probably watch Ponderosa every week.  Though I must say it's less painful when you know what's going to happen, so maybe I'll just keep getting spoiled and stick with it till the end. 


That's true.  Cooks was such a weird season, though, it's hard to compare to another.  I wonder if Joe will be able to come back and be top dog like Ozzy did in Micronesia.



I've only given up on Survivor twice (almost 3 times, if Colton hadn't been taken out of One World).  But I did go back and eventually get caught up on the seasons I missed.  The past 10 seasons were very hit or miss for me (most of them being a miss), but I was feeling hopeful when BvsW and Cagayan came around.  Even though I didn't like SJDS, it is looking better and better each week compared to this one. I miss the death glares someone gave at TC when they were blindsided, or the blow ups back at the camp and people flip flopping around because someone screwed them over.  And I would totally love a coconut challenge, Marquesas-style.  I can't even say these "blindsides" are blindsides anymore.  Edgardo, Ozzy, Alex (Amazon), Kat, Alec, Sarah...those were some good blindsides.  I'm close to giving up on this season and catching it at another time.  I really think that Probst and company were just doing the usual hype-because-they-have-to.  I hope they take note of the complaints about editing this season, and not make it so obvious in the teasers what's going to happen.  I do enjoy chatting with everyone, though, so it's another motive to keep going.  I used to post on a different forum years ago, but it got to be kind of a drag so I left it.  And my inner circle of Survivor fans has gotten smaller and smaller, so it is nice to have some people to discuss the show with.  Jenn and Shirin are the only 2 left that I'm rooting for, so I hope something happens to keep them in the game.


I think/hope Joe will fare better in another season, though I'm still nervous about it.  It would probably benefit him to have more of his own types around: those that are not only seen as likable but also a productive challenge threat to take the heat off of him.  For whatever reason even his own alliance wanted him gone, so while I don't think he got into the challenge beast domination territory like Ozzy, no one wanted to take that risk.  Ultimately I believe it was coming down to the blues just picking off the remainders of the other tribes, and since NC would be tougher to beat in individual challenges, they started with them.  I have a feeling, judging from Joe's interviews about the game he played, he may be far more low key next time.  


I've been reading spoilers for years for this show, and others.  It doesn't ruin my enjoyment at all.  I like knowing what is going to happen so I can be prepared for it.  When you know someone you really can't stand is about to get served, you look forward to it that much more!

Edited by LadyChatts

Jenn was hating Rodney until Rodney made her laugh, suddenly Rodney is the best person on the earth. Next minute he will stop being funny and she'll mock him. That's not free spirited, that's just stupidity, wherever the wind blows and bad uprbringing.

I don't judge people based on what I predict they might do in the future.


If Jenn continues to like Rodney will you then think Jenn is a great person?

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