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S02.E09: Parenthood

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Drew takes action when a gunman attacks at a friend's promotion ceremony.


Quite, huh?  I actually liked that they saved everyone in the end and there was no angst, but, man, did I get annoyed with what Paul pulled.  I get that he wanted to save the kid, but not only breaking the rules but dragging Kenny into it, was pretty damn low.  The fact that Kenny isn't going to sell him out is nice, but Paul really owes him.  But, hey, at least Paul got the hot mom's number out of it, so... worth it?  Recognized the actress as Hildy from Mad Men.


Pretty much liked all the stuff with Drew and Krista.  I really enjoyed their friendship, and I think Brendan Fehr and Jeannee Goossen work great together.  Almost reminds me of the Severide/Shay friendship over on Chicago Fire, before that show went stupid, and ruined it for good.  That said, I noticed they showed that Drew didn't look happy that his "save" was all over the web.  I guess he doesn't like that he is being glorified or something?


I usually try to keep an open mind with divorce couples, but I really find myself not like Lydia/Ragosa's ex.  I'm sure he wasn't perfect, but she just seems so disrespectful to him, and almost acts like he's a deadbeat.  I mean, at the very least, she could have started out with asking him to go somewhere private.  But, nope: she just lays right into him, as soon as she walks into the hospital.  At least Jordan helped him out.  She's not all that bad!


Topher continues to be awesome, and makes T.C. a much more interesting character, when they are both on a case together.  The stuff with the cop and Jordan was a bit silly, but I've seen worse.  Jose Zungia was kind of wasted as the patient's dad, but it is always good to see him.

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Paul is morphing from John Carter to Doug Ross (/TC)?  Rules can be broken because I, mighty, caring doctor, care?  Is that a mistake such that Kenny can just say, oops, I goofed, and stay out of trouble? That did not seem to be a medication that would be on hand in the ER, but rather locked up in the pharmacy department, both because of its special hurdles but also because it seemed to be more a medical floor need than an ER need. Yes, it's just TV, but Paul really stepped way over the line on that one by jeopardizing not himself but Kenny. That part soured me on the whole episode, plus I hate Ragosa's hateful wife.  Just glad everyone got a good outcome.   

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  On 4/14/2015 at 8:32 PM, thuganomics85 said:

Quite, huh?  I actually liked that they saved everyone in the end and there was no angst, but, man, did I get annoyed with what Paul pulled.  I get that he wanted to save the kid, but not only breaking the rules but dragging Kenny into it, was pretty damn low.  The fact that Kenny isn't going to sell him out is nice, but Paul really owes him.  But, hey, at least Paul got the hot mom's number out of it, so... worth it?  Recognized the actress as Hildy from Mad Men.


Pretty much liked all the stuff with Drew and Krista.  I really enjoyed their friendship, and I think Brendan Fehr and Jeannee Goossen work great together.  Almost reminds me of the Severide/Shay friendship over on Chicago Fire, before that show went stupid, and ruined it for good.  That said, I noticed they showed that Drew didn't look happy that his "save" was all over the web.  I guess he doesn't like that he is being glorified or something?


I usually try to keep an open mind with divorce couples, but I really find myself not like Lydia/Ragosa's ex.  I'm sure he wasn't perfect, but she just seems so disrespectful to him, and almost acts like he's a deadbeat.  I mean, at the very least, she could have started out with asking him to go somewhere private.  But, nope: she just lays right into him, as soon as she walks into the hospital.  At least Jordan helped him out.  She's not all that bad!


Topher continues to be awesome, and makes T.C. a much more interesting character, when they are both on a case together.  The stuff with the cop and Jordan was a bit silly, but I've seen worse.  Jose Zungia was kind of wasted as the patient's dad, but it is always good to see him.


Brendan Fehr and Jeannee Goossen are incredible with the friendship between Drew and Krista.  It is one of the best things about the show for me.  I thought that the "I Love Yous" that Drew and Krista exchanged were so touching and heartfelt, and I really hope the writers don't screw up the wonderful friendship they've written and the actors have created.


I think Drew's hesitancy about the "save" relates to the promo for next week. 

  Reveal spoiler


Kenny's much more calm about what Paul did than I would be.  With Kenny now being a "charge nurse," isn't that considered a position of authority and wouldn't missing medication be a fireable offense?  If Paul felt that strongly, he should have just written a prescription and paid for the medication himself.  What he did to Kenny wasn't right.


Question about Naomi's quincinera (sp?) Was it being held at the bar where everyone goes after shift?  I wasn't sure where we were supposed to be.


Yes, Regosa's pay cut has put in family in a tough spot, but Lydia is a complete shrew.

Edited by Ohmo
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As OTT as this show gets pretty constantly, Krista and Drew's friendship is the one thing I find 100% authentic.


As annoying as medical bureaucracy can be, I can't say I'm fond of the Doug Ross approach to it either.  Especially when it involves potentially screwing over your friend.  I'm honestly surprised that Kenny was willing to give him a pass.  He essentially committed grand theft.

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So is Ragosa's son somewhere watching TC and Jordan's forgotten dog? I realize said son isn't involved in any of the recent Ragosa family drama (and he did get a brief mention in the previous Naomi episode, which is more than we can say for the dog), and TPTB probably don't want to bother casting him unless he's relevant to the plot, but I still find it somewhat amusing that Naomi and Lydia can pop into the hospital at all hours of the night and no mention is made of the (presumably younger than Naomi) kid.

Edited by dargosmydaddy
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Brendan Fehr and Jeannee Goossen are incredible with the friendship between Drew and Krista.  It is one of the best things about the show for me.  I thought that the "I Love Yous" that Drew and Krista exchanged were so touching and heartfelt, and I really hope the writers don't screw up the wonderful friendship they've written and the actors have created.

Drew and Krista's friendship is like my favorite thing on tv right now. I just love them. 


Paul was so careless and did such a shitty thing stealing Kenny's ID. If he wanted to get that kid the Rx, he should have filled out the paperwork and paid for it himself. Infuriating.


TC and Jordan still seem to be taking impending parenthood so CASUALLY. They bug the crap out of me. 

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Thanks, thuganomics85, for starting this episode thread. Some good and irritating things this week.


Good: Drew and Krista. I'm all for those two, whether they are a couple or two good friends. Nice to see a man/woman friendship. Plus Drew is all kinds of hot. *shallow* Heh.


Paul stealing Kenny's badge to steal that medicine? All kinds of wrong. Kenny letting him get away with it? Two wrongs. Paul needs to be reprimanded somehow. I wonder if that is going to come back and bite Kenny.


Ragosa's ex wife ... what a freaking beyotch, and his daughter, too. Again they just walk in on him at work and start ragging on him. Where was Kenny to kick them both out? And yeah, Ragosa took a pay cut so why not pry open YOUR purse and fork over money for the Quinceañera hall rental, bitchy ex wife? I don't see you contributing anything except teaching your daughter to be a ragging rag like you.


Plus a Quinceañera can be held anywhere. It could have been a block party if there were no finances available. And there's nothing that says it has to be held on the daughter's actual 15th birthday day, a Quinceañera is like a Latina Bat Mitzvah; it's a festive event scheduled to fit a schedule, like a wedding has to be. And throwing a Quinceañera together at the last minute? Just not done. And what 15-year-old girl wants all her father's work buddies at her special event? And where was her court of honor? If the show was going to make Quinceañera a subject, at least make it correct. Plus banquet halls do not cancel at the last minute, and they all (should) require a deposit. GAH!

Edited by saber5055

I was truly disappointed to see the daughter acting just like her mother.



I know. This show was dropping anvils right and left, telling us children consume our entire lives, they are all we think about 24/7 and our only role in life is to make them happy. (Foreshadowing the Jordan/TC child, of course.) But maybe the show should also teach that parents shouldn't let kids walk all over them and make the rules that the parents are forced to live by, whether they are financially or physically or emotionally able to or not. 

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All I'd like to say is that A) Ragosa "petting" the wall after he punched it was a nice "little thing" that really made me smile. Thanks to the actor and / or writer who thought of that. B) I did not like TC's hair-style/cut this episode at all. It was way too much in his face.


Not enough TC and / or TC with Jordan this episode for me. But that's ok... I have a feeling that the last or second to last episode of the season will be ALL about the baby and / or baby tragedy. Happy sigh.


Also, even I, with my suspension of disbelief think Paul should be in major trouble by now: stealing in this episode, punching a patient / rapist in previous episode, letting the Hispanic girl die out in the tackle store while TC and Jordan were working on Hector,  not noticing the raped girl had something stuck in her, lying to Jordan and letting the older grandma benefactor get away with smoking weed, risking radioactive infection of the entire hospital by not handling that guy properly, and I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting.


Surely these mis-steps are not going un-noticed by the writers. Surely they are smart enough to have it all catch up with him in at least some, small way.


Also, some of the promos for past episodes have hinted that Paul was going to be injured or in trouble with his job. I know and understand and accept that promos are MEANT to intentionally mislead us for that particular episode. But, in other shows, particularly NBC dramas I've watched, the promos end up relating to / foreshadowing something in the finale...

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Drew/Krista made my episode! Finally, their friendship is fully back on tracks! Love it, just love it. And I like how Drew has gotten more at ease with his sexuality since his coming out, teasing his (well-meaning but still a bit awkward) friend.


What was with all the Kenny propping during this episode, with Krista and Paul? I felt as if they had done things wrong only to allow him to be "the better man".


Paul, what the hell! Propping or not, that was a bad, bad move you made. There's making mistakes because you're new and not a Gary Stu, and then there's purposefully doing something wrong and here, you crossed the line.

But I love you still, because you're well-meaning and played by a good actor and above all because no one, not even you, pretended that you didn't do something wrong in-universe.


Jordan is always better when she has her own agency, and here it was to help Ragosa which make it twice better in my book. It's nice to be reminded that she was getting along with him before the others.

I agree that she and TC are very flippant re: you're going to give birth to a human being, not a freaking doll, FGS! but I guess it's an anvil for hardships to come.

TC works wayyyy better as a supporting character imo. He's much more sympathetic and even cool. LOL...if he had just showed up and saved the day every other episode on his motorcycle, I wonder whether we might be asking for "more cool mystery bike guy" right now.


Ragosa's ex-wife makes my bitch-o-meter go berserk. I'll cut his daughter more slack, though. She's only 15, so I found her reaction realistic. At that age, you blow things out of proportions and especially when you have a parent manipulating you. She was sad and disappointed more than anything else, she didn't yell at him in a temper tantrum, she wasn't completely deaf to his explanations, so I'm not revocating her cool kid card just yet.


When TC and Topher were talking about the girl's case, I wished Landry was there to help them on it. Nope, still not over it. And I kinda missed Scott, and certainly missed Joey. Considering that he was involved in Krista taking the test, can I please get a text-scene between them in the next episode?

Edited by Happy Harpy
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