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Continued Adventures: The Fanfic Thread

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OK, so apparently I'm posting in this thread again. Is it a double post if it's been two days?


Anyways, when I was in The Office fanfic fandom, I had this great fanfic board that I relied on, which is something that we don't seem to really have in the Once fandom. So the question is: would anyone be interested in something like this if I started it? I was thinking FF.net has forums and that may be a good place to house this. Topics would include general fanfic discussion, fanfic promoting, big fanfic challenges [like info about Captain Swan Appreciation Weeks on tumblr and stuff like that], sex ed for smut writers, NaNoWriMo stuff, grammar help, etc. And then of course there would also be threads for each ship to discuss specific fanfics and fic issues in those fandoms. I just feel like tumblr is kind of disjointed when it comes to making friends with other writers and discussing writer issues within the fandom.


So the big issue is would people be interested in something like that? And of course the other problem would be the ships themselves. I know there can be some animosity between the ships, but maybe a fanfic message board could regulate itself or at least help like-minded shippers find their own little place of encouragement within the fandom. Can we all get along in a place like that or would it be impossible?


And to give you an idea of what I'm talking about, here's the specific fanfic Office board I used to help with.

That might be a good idea, sharky, but honestly, I'm not sure how much I'll be able to participate. I do agree that tumblr is too disorganized for this kind of thing. 


I wrote a short drabble of Emma's thoughts post 4:07. 


ETA: ForPony has published her reworking of The Daring and the Devious. It arrived today. Excited to read it!

Edited by Rumsy4
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Alright, everyone! Polished Stones is done! You can read it on FF or AO3 depending on what you prefer. And a huge thanks to rumsy for betaing that whole thing for me before I started posting it. :)


You're welcome! I really enjoyed the story, sharky! And it was nice to have advanced inside knowledge, so to speak. hehe. 


What's this I hear about a CS fanfic (The Daring and the Devious? I've never read it, personally, but I've heard of it) being published? LOL, is this gonna be the new Fifty Shades of Grey? (I'm kidding)


It would be only rated PG if they made an adaptation, though. haha I loved TD&TD. It was a Captain Duckling AU. The chemistry between Hook and Emma was off the charts, and the whole thing an adrenaline rush of adventure. I purchased the reworked story from amazon. It's just as good, and has only some minor changes from the original (also the spelling and punctuation issues the original had were 96% fixed). 

Edited by Rumsy4
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Alright, everyone! Polished Stones is done! You can read it on FF or AO3 depending on what you prefer. And a huge thanks to rumsy for betaing that whole thing for me before I started posting it. :)

That was lovely, sharky, and made my ride home today much more pleasant. Thank you.

Edited by Mari
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It would be only rated PG if they made an adaptation, though. haha I loved TD&TD. It was a Captain Duckling AU. The chemistry between Hook and Emma was off the charts, and the whole thing an adrenaline rush of adventure. I purchased the reworked story from amazon. It's just as good, and has only some minor changes from the original (also the spelling and punctuation issues the original had were 96% fixed). 

Sad day!  I'm super bummed I never got the chance to read this CS au!!  I guess she's not going to keep the original posted, then?  I'd love to read it w/Killian and Emma as it was originally written.  Though I understand if that's not an option now that it's been reworked w/different characters and published.  Dang it!  I always miss the good ones by that much! *headdesk*

Edited by Lieutenant
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Hello all. Normally if I post at all, I'm over in the episode threads, but I've been flipping through some older fan fics and have a question.

I've notice in many AU stories (in which Killian either has both hands or a prosthetic instead of a hook) that Emma is written as calling him Jones. It may simply be my bad memory, but does she ever do this on the actual show? I don't recall it. As such, her calling him Jones in stories doesn't ring true or sit right with me. I totally get that people are likely using it as a stand-in for the "Hook" nickname since he can still call her Swan, but I'd almost prefer a silly backstory for him being called Hook anyway (e.g., he tried to drunkenly punch David once with a bad left hook, now gets teased about it, etc).

Just me and my quirky preferences, I suppose, but the real question for me is still, is he ever called Jones on TV? And I'm just forgetting?

Hi Randomosity! I don't think anyone has called Hook by his last name on the Show, but I get why it is used in AUs. The key to writing/enjoying AUs is not to look at them as though the characters have been transplanted into a new setting, but to ask the question: how would the characters behave organically in the "other" setting. That's why I'm able to enjoy modern AUs, even if at times, the characters aren't exact (as I understand them). In fact, they ought not be the same. They need to be different to fit the changed circumstances they are in. That said, I have read the occasional AU where Killian is given the monicker "Hook" for some in-story reason.

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Yea, I think this is one of those issues where you have to be in the AU mindset. And of course, I preface all of this by saying that I may have actually done the Jones thing in my AU fics. The issue is everyone calls him Hook when he has a hook so if there is never a hook introduced, what do you do? In those cases, I think Jones is a good substitute since it has precedence -- both Emma and Hook have called each other by their last names. So based on that constraint within an AU story, I think it works.

But again, the big issue is the AU part. I know some people have problems getting into a story based on the level of AU. Maybe you can believe Killian being a part of the curse in Storybrooke but having him as Emma's barista in a Boston coffee shop is too much. The good -- or bad -- about fanfic is there is a lot of it. Don't feel bad abandoning a fic if there is something that pulls you out of it.

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I know one thing that bothers me in fanfic is Emma accidentally getting pregnant with Hook's child. While I'm all in favor of them starting a family when they're ready, Emma's not a kid anymore. There are ways to prevent that sort of thing, and I'd like to think she's learned her lesson there. What's more, I don't think Killian's the sort who'd blissfully leave a trail of... well... bastards in his wake, given his own abandonment issues.    

  • Love 1

I know one thing that bothers me in fanfic is Emma accidentally getting pregnant with Hook's child. While I'm all in favor of them starting a family when they're ready, Emma's not a kid anymore. There are ways to prevent that sort of thing, and I'd like to think she's learned her lesson there. What's more, I don't think Killian's the sort who'd blissfully leave a trail of... well... bastards in his wake, given his own abandonment issues.    

Well, it's a more reasonable thing to bother you than one of my peeves.  The "Oops!" is often not every well done.   (My peeve--swearing.  I know many adults swear.  I don't particularly care.  But, when shows air on regular television, the characters usually do not swear very much.  Adding a bunch of swear words just destroys the regular speech patterns, and makes the characters seem out of character to me--even if, yes, I understand why character X would likely swear up a storm on a regular basis in real life.  But, since in the years I've watch character X speak he hasn't, that means he doesn't.)

  • Love 1

Yea, I think this is one of those issues where you have to be in the AU mindset. And of course, I preface all of this by saying that I may have actually done the Jones thing in my AU fics. The issue is everyone calls him Hook when he has a hook so if there is never a hook introduced, what do you do? In those cases, I think Jones is a good substitute since it has precedence -- both Emma and Hook have called each other by their last names. So based on that constraint within an AU story, I think it works.

But again, the big issue is the AU part. I know some people have problems getting into a story based on the level of AU. Maybe you can believe Killian being a part of the curse in Storybrooke but having him as Emma's barista in a Boston coffee shop is too much. The good -- or bad -- about fanfic is there is a lot of it. Don't feel bad abandoning a fic if there is something that pulls you out of it.

Like I said, I guess it's just me and my quirk/pet peeve. Because it's actually not an AU issue for me - I'm perfectly happy to read about the two of them being whatever, whenever. It just rubs me the wrong way that Killian is rarely if ever called Jones on the show, so anyone calling him that in any fic may as well be calling him ...Eugene. Or Sparklepants von Helmholtz. Or whatever. Again, just me it seems, but Jones sounds only slightly less out of place to me than those :p We just never hear it on the show. I know it's his actual name, but it's just not his name, ya know?

I've not written any AU tales, but should I ever do so, there will absolutely be some sort of back story about him getting nicknamed Hook regardless of what he's got at the end of his left arm. Otherwise I'll just keep him Killian.

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled discussions :)

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I'm calling Killian Sparklepants in my next fic! :-) But yea, I totally understand what you're saying. And I'm actually writing an AU fic now where Killian will be nicknamed Captain Hook. Just have to actually write it.


Anything is better than the dreaded "Killy". *shudders*


I don't know if that's just me, but if I see that in a fic, I'm assuming it's written by a 14 year old, and abandon with all haste.

  • Love 4

I just read this absolutely adorable CS story, and I recommend it highly. It's called Fear of Falling, and it's a modern AU. There's lots of daddy!Killian feels, and has several interesting twists.

Here's the mobile link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10676111/1/Fear-of-Falling

I've been ignoring that one, didn't like the summary I guess. If you guys like it I'll try it. I trust your taste a lot.

Fear of Falling is one of the best CS fanfics I've read. I'm not the biggest fan of modern AUs but this one is very good, and really well writen.

I saw you reblogging it once, and decided to give it a try. So, thank you! I somehow found the story quite touching. Btw, if you hate Killian being called "Killy", even by a child, you may have to grit your teeth for the first few chapters. lol

Sharky, I just got a FF.net notification about a new story from you, and I want to know how you do it! I feel like it's taking me forever to get through what I'm currently working on, and I seem to write so darn slowly. I broke my own rule when I started posting my CS fic long before it was finished, and the reader feedback did seem to help motivate me, but I hate to be that person who writes half a story and never gives anyone the ending.


At any rate, I admire your excellent work!

  • Love 1

Sharky, I just got a FF.net notification about a new story from you, and I want to know how you do it! I feel like it's taking me forever to get through what I'm currently working on, and I seem to write so darn slowly. I broke my own rule when I started posting my CS fic long before it was finished, and the reader feedback did seem to help motivate me, but I hate to be that person who writes half a story and never gives anyone the ending.


At any rate, I admire your excellent work!

Ha! Thanks, Leia! To be fair, it's a story that was posted on tumblr a few months ago that I decided to add to my FF and AO3 archives finally to motivate me to start writing more. I have this great story that I started to really get excited about, and I even held off starting it until November so I could add it NaNoWriMo. Even though I knew I would never get to 50K, I thought it would be a good motivator. It wasn't. Instead, I'm sitting with a 10K story done that still needs some edits and add-ins, but I don't want to do that. And this big story I have planned for the hiatus is still in my head more than anything. Perhaps getting some favorites and reviews will get me back in the swing of things, at least that's what I hope. We'll see.

That's weird. Wonder what happened to their tumblr.

Also, I love seeing people favorite my stories on FF, but why do people follow one-shot? Am I missing something?

If I like something I just click all the boxes, I sort by number of follows sometimes to find well thought of fics so I never really remove the follow either.

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I don't suppose any of you fanfic readers are also grammar nazi beta-readers? My beta has a full schedule and now that summer is over and I can write without my children interrupting every five minutes, I'd really like to post some more (and loving season 4 so far, so that helps with inspiration). Message me if you'd be willing.


So yeah, I finally got around to trying to catch up on reading these threads and I see this and I perked up and went, "oooh - hey - I'm a grammar nazi!!" and then went, "oh... right... I'm the missing beta..."


I'm hoping to have more time in the new year... (ha..."hoping").

Edited by Arandil
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I'm a little late to the party (holidays) but wanted to comment on some stuff mentioned above.

I have Emma calling Killian "Jones" in my fic Missing Pieces (canon divergent fic where Pan's curse doesn't take him) because it involves Altered-Memory-Emma and when he introduces himself, he uses his real name and leaves out the moniker of "Hook". Staying in line with typical Emma, she uses his last name when talking to him for the most part for distancing reasons.


I also have the peeves of characters cursing (at least out loud) in fics because the show is on ABC so they can't and it just sounds wrong. In their minds is another story... I can let it go a bit more in total AU, but if it's in their real universe.. just no.

Ditto on the "Emma accidentally gets pregnant" trope. I'm sorry but she's been there, done that at 16 and is smart enough to make sure that never happens again. If/when Emma gets pregnant, it will be very intentional. 

And I never got into the The Daring and the Devious, mostly b/c I coudn't get past the horrible punctuation. It's shame too, because the story appeared to have merit but reading it just irritated me.


I'll have to check out karmacanaries new fic. I usually like her and she finishes her stories.

Finishing stories indeed. There are a few that I'm following that has been on a hiatus for more than a month at least -- some longer. Grrr. It kind of sucks to do it this way, but that's one of the reasons why I don't start posting a multific until I have it fully written. I've been stuck on one fic for a few weeks with little break in my writer's block. So glad no one has started treading it yet. :-)

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Staying in line with typical Emma, she uses his last name when talking to him for the most part for distancing reasons.

But that's just it - is it typical? It may be that I'm just not remembering things and I'm missing something completely obvious, but who else does she call by their last name? Walsh, I guess (was that a first or last name, don't even remember), but she was not herself in that year. Who does she call by their last name normally? Not Neal, not Graham, not David... I personally wouldn't include Hook as a last name given that it's a nickname, like when she calls Henry 'kid', or even the dwarves names being sort of single descriptor nicknames. Not trying to call anyone out here, I'm just trying to make 'Jones' sit better in my own head :) Really, who does she call by their last name?

I also have the peeves of characters cursing (at least out loud) in fics because the show is on ABC so they can't and it just sounds wrong. In their minds is another story... I can let it go a bit more in total AU, but if it's in their real universe.. just no.

Haha, we're backwards. Because I have zero problem with cursing. As they're characterized, you know people like Emma, Regina, and Hook, if he knew the modern vernacular, would be dropping f-bombs (and whatever else) here and there. They're just handcuffed by ABC. Yet unless someone can remind me of Emma calling others by only their last names, it's 'Jones' that I simply can not wrap my mind around as far as what would actually come out of the Emma character's mouth.

To each their own!

I can see it might be "jarring" to read Emma calling Killian by his last name, but if every AU fanfic had him be nicknamed "Hook", it would be contrived. I think Jones does make a good stand-in for Hook, and parallels Hook calling Emma by her last name (who else does Hook call by their last name, for that matter?). ;-) 

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I can see it might be "jarring" to read Emma calling Killian by his last name, but if every AU fanfic had him be nicknamed "Hook", it would be contrived. I think Jones does make a good stand-in for Hook, and parallels Hook calling Emma by her last name (who else does Hook call by their last name, for that matter?). ;-)

Agreed, it is her mirroring his calling her Swan. I kind of like it when she calls him Jones in fics. It makes it more dramatic when they do finally call each other by their first names. Some AU fics she alternates between Captain and Jones. That works for me too.

But that's just it - is it typical? It may be that I'm just not remembering things and I'm missing something completely obvious, but who else does she call by their last name? 

Haha, we're backwards. Because I have zero problem with cursing. As they're characterized, you know people like Emma, Regina, and Hook, if he knew the modern vernacular, would be dropping f-bombs (and whatever else) here and there. They're just handcuffed by ABC. Yet unless someone can remind me of Emma calling others by only their last names, it's 'Jones' that I simply can not wrap my mind around as far as what would actually come out of the Emma character's mouth.


Well, Emma also isn't the type person to leave someone she's been working on a team with chained at the top of a beanstalk. The closest Emma has come to ever letting anyone die is almost allowing Regina to sacrifice herself at the end of season 2. She saved Regina from the wraith, she protected Rumple from Cora, she doesn't leave people behind.

There there's Hook, who she almost left tied to a tree as ogre food and then chained at the top of the beanstalk (and she can't even articulate why when he asks.. b/c she's terrified of what he can make her feel in such a short time), then left in a basement in NY ("Not like I haven't done it before.." - aided by Colin's broken leg of course)... Then even though she should be far angrier at Regina or her parents or ANYONE, she takes all that anger out on Hook in 3B. She has history of pushing Hook away, and the impartial last name is another way to do it.

Emma is the only one Hook uses the last name for, although he does occasionally use titles (your majesty, the prince, etc), and honestly, writing the name "Hook" into every fic when he doesn't have the hook is something I find more annoying. And you don't make his name "Killian Hook" because it is in fact "Jones". 

A lot of AU situations, it makes sense she'd use his last name. It can be common in college fics, roommate fics, partners, etc.

It is interesting seeing what bothers others though. :-)

Edited by OnceUponSomeChaos

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