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Continued Adventures: The Fanfic Thread

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Alright, I did another Cursed!Killian fic. I don't know why, that's just what happened. Thanks for the beta, Rumsy!
Polished Stones -- on FF and on AO3


And for anyone following it, it looks like The Kilted Stripper is updated and is almost done -- author said there is only one more chapter. And do I need to warn all of you that a fic called The Kilted Stripper is smutty? I mean, you assume that by the title, right? :)

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And for anyone following it, it looks like The Kilted Stripper is updated and is almost done -- author said there is only one more chapter. And do I need to warn all of you that a fic called The Kilted Stripper is smutty? I mean, you assume that by the title, right? :)

You mean he's not running a vintage furniture store?  Because that's where my  mind went.  And, really, there just isn't enough fic about vintage furniture.  I'm sad now, because I was all hopeful before.  ;)

Edited by Mari
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Alright, I did another Cursed!Killian fic. I don't know why, that's just what happened. Thanks for the beta, Rumsy!

Polished Stones -- on FF and on AO3


And for anyone following it, it looks like The Kilted Stripper is updated and is almost done -- author said there is only one more chapter. And do I need to warn all of you that a fic called The Kilted Stripper is smutty? I mean, you assume that by the title, right? :)

Sharky, your story is really good so far!!

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So, I read The Lightbearers by Lady Silverblood. It is really good, though probably not for all--it is a victorian steampunk CS AU. Will Scarlett, Elsa, Jafar. Regina, Rumple are all in it. The prologue is a bit heavy going, but it picks up ugh--steam... from Chapter 1. It's at a very interesting part right now. Anyway, thought I'd recommend it here. 

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Yea, wish I was more prolific. I have so many ideas -- got a great one today! -- but I also have to do this thing called real life.

One thing I do to combat that is write the whole fic before I start posting it all. It's been relatively easy -- fics are only about 25k and not some of those huge things people write. I just know it would take me way too long between updates otherwise. In fact, the idea I came up with today would be a "Five Things..." fic and I plan on writing it all and then actually posting it one a day for a week. But again, I know it may take three weeks to write it first.

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I got a great idea for a modern CS AU, and I may actually try to write the whole thing before I start posting. I wrote out an outline for it, but it's going to take me a few months as it's not my priority. I was thinking of trying to get it done in time for the winter hiatus. I prefer posting my Neverback fic as I finish each chapter though, and yeah--it does take time between updates because of RL. 

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I saw "Coach" was updated over my lunch hour at work, but knew I couldn't devote the time I wanted to reading (let's be real- flailing and emoting all over the place is more accurate) it then.

Just finished. What a perfect, sweet, beautiful ending. It's a true testament to BK's talent that I had that whole grand slam, kiss in the stands scene playing in my head; in high def, complete with epic soundtrack no less! I agree with you all. Easily one if the best fanfics I've ever read, and certainly one of the best CS stories to be found in our EXTREMELY talented fandom. It's a bittersweet feeling now that it's ended...

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So, andromeda/cupid-painted-blind posted that she's not watching the show anymore (she got bored), and probably won't be writing any more CS fics. But thankfully, she won't be deleting any of her old ones. I don't blame her. Her drunk live-blogs in S3 were hilarious, though! She was one of my favorite CS writers, so I'm sad she won't be writing any more. But, everyone moves on at some point, right? I'm getting philosophical here, but I don't think I can keep up the rate at which I'm consume CS fanfic for ever. 

Got a link to any of her stuff, Rumsy?  I don't think I've ready any of hers! *rubs hands together in anticipation*


Also, if y'all aren't on the Bella Notte train yet, you should hop on.  I freaking love it!!

Do you happen to know if this author is on Fanfiction.net or AO3? I have a hard time reading stories on Tumbler from my iPad because when you try to make the page bigger, the side bar ends up covering part of the text...

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Do you happen to know if this author is on Fanfiction.net or AO3? I have a hard time reading stories on Tumbler from my iPad because when you try to make the page bigger, the side bar ends up covering part of the text...


She does, but doesn't update regularly. Her latest stories are not even on it yet. Bad tumblr themes annoy me as well. Isn't there a tumblr app for ipad? The mobile app doesn't load themes.

But you don't need the graphics to load to read a fic. It's trickier to nagivate to a person's fic tag, unless they posted something recent--then you can search their blog using the tag. Otherwise, it loads as a new page, which can make it clunky.

I tend to save fics/chapters into into drafts, and then I can open it on the mobile app anytime. :-p

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I don't suppose any of you fanfic readers are also grammar nazi beta-readers? My beta has a full schedule and now that summer is over and I can write without my children interrupting every five minutes, I'd really like to post some more (and loving season 4 so far, so that helps with inspiration). Message me if you'd be willing.

I typically do not like AU fics at all (what's the point if you change the characters and their circumstances completely?), but Put Me in Coach was so well written, it would've been perfect even if it hadn't been fan fiction, and one of my favorite pieces.

I have really enjoyed karmacanaries "These Dreams", and most things written by msgenevieve as well.

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I've finally started updating my "Missing Pieces" fic the last week (two updates) after a three month hiatus. It's a continuation of my "Leaving Neverland" fic, but mostly follows canon until Pan's Curse hits, and addresses one of the major issues I had with that plot line. Totally, shamelessly Captain Swan. :-)

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So, I decided to continue that Swan Believer ficlet into a S4A story. Here's the link


ETA: I totally got involved in fan-drama. I got four anonymous reviews within the hour complaining that I was "bashing" Regina and making everything OOC, and that I was not supposed to tag Regina in it if I was going to "hate" on her. I had specifically added a warning in the description that it was not a pro Regina story. But apparently that wasn't enough. At first I was going to leave it be, but I don't think I can handle these nutjob Evil Regals, so I took Regina off the tags, and deleted the worst of those reviews. I feel like I gave in to harassment, but the other option was to keep getting rude reviews. Eff this show! The crazy fans suck the fun out of everything!

Edited by Rumsy4
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Ugh, I'm so sorry. I hate when people abuse the anonymous reviewing system on ff.net. If you have a problem with me or my story, at least log in so I can answer you.


You can enable moderation of guest reviews on your settings so that you get a 36-hour window between the reviews coming in and them posting to your story (so you can review and delete if need be). I don't know if there's a way to disable them altogether.

Edited by Dani-Ellie
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I don't want to disable all anon reviewers, because most of them are fine, but I have turned the moderating option on. When your entitled attitude leads you to complain to fanfic writers of all people, then there's definitely something wrong with the life-choices you're making. I hope these fanbrats will realize it some day. Thankfully, the hateful reviews seem to have stopped, for now at least. :-p

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I don't seem to be having a problem. Maybe try again? Sorry, that's pretty useless advice but that's all I got.

Has anyone tried Wattpad before? I signed up for it the other day but haven't posted anything there yet. I've been thinking about writing some original fic and thought that may be a good place to post it since it's not fanfic.

And is anyone attempting NaNoWriMo? I'm going to try working on an AU that I'll probably post during the winter hiatus. I highly doubt I'll make it to 50k words but figured it would at least be a good way for me to focus on my writing.

ETA: I totally got involved in fan-drama. I got four anonymous reviews within the hour complaining that I was "bashing" Regina and making everything OOC, and that I was not supposed to tag Regina in it if I was going to "hate" on her. I had specifically added a warning in the description that it was not a pro Regina story. But apparently that wasn't enough. At first I was going to leave it be, but I don't think I can handle these nutjob Evil Regals, so I took Regina off the tags, and deleted the worst of those reviews. I feel like I gave in to harassment, but the other option was to keep getting rude reviews. Eff this show! The crazy fans suck the fun out of everything!

I've never had any bashing review problems on AO3 or FF.net (only on things posted to tumblr). I tend not to tag people on tumblr if the fic isn't "pro" them, but on fics on AO3, I will tag all the people in it, and I will also mark the pairings so it's obvious which ships are featured.


I do have review approval set up on ff.net for spam/trolls but never had an issue that I can remember. 


I do ask for feedback. I think the "worst" I've gotten is the "Neal bashing"" in the Once Upon a Tweet fics or "More of this character, usually Rumple or Regina". 


I can see how your fic which actually addresses characters acknowledging the past actions of another character might rub some the wrong way, but it's your fic, your interpretation, and you can make her however you want...

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You know, I wonder if one of the issues was that it was on ff.net and AO3. On ff, you can't designate a pairing, just the characters. That's one of the reasons I stick with AO3 when it comes to reading fic. I don't want stories with Hook and Emma randomly in them. I want Captain Swan and luckily with AO3, they let you sort specifically by pairing if you so choose.

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So I wrote a deleted scene because I have issues with the entire "Hook would never ever agree to whatever it takes with Rumple" plot line (because while he might make a deal, he's not stupid...). It still fits canon as of 4x06 but I'm sure the show will ruin it by tonight..


And yes, you can designate pairings on ff.net but it is limited to only two pairings per fic (and also has a limited number of characters you can tag), whereas A03 has an unlimited number of both.

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