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Continued Adventures: The Fanfic Thread

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So the hiatus has made me dig back through some old fanfics that I may have not given a chance earlier. Just got done with Freaky Friday -- totally AU with a little smut but turned out to be really good. It's part of a whole series that can be found here on AO3. And I know I posted this on TWOP when the voting was going on, but there is a tumblr for Captain Swan fanfic awards and it looks like they kept up the nominations lists, which may be a good place to start if you're looking for more fics like that.


Also, did anyone read Crimson or Scarlet? Again, I'm only starting to get into more AU stuff because I'm desperate and at 230K words, Crimson seems a bit big to start if it's not good. Seriously, that's as long as an actual novel!


Just got done with Freaky Friday -- totally AU with a little smut but turned out to be really good. It's part of a whole series that can be found here on AO3. ....

Also, did anyone read Crimson or Scarlet? Again, I'm only starting to get into more AU stuff because I'm desperate and at 230K words, Crimson seems a bit big to start if it's not good. Seriously, that's as long as an actual novel!

It's funny you mentioned Freaky Friday--the author just filled a prompt I had sent her in that Universe (True North). :-)

I have not read Crimson or Scarlet, even though I love Silverblood's fics in general. Lost Boys is another AU that the CS fandom raves over, but I haven't read.

God Only Knows has recently been updated. It's a S2 AU where Emma went through the hat alone and meets up with Captain Hook. Here's the link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9183176/1/

Edited by Rumsy4
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Sharky, I enjoyed Crimson understanding it is totally AU and Hook is a bit OOC at times. He does crap that pisses me off, but considering AU I was mostly ok with that. Emma is OOC at the beginning but things change for story reasons to bring her more into character in the first few chapters. It starts out professor Killian/ student Emma but twists sharply near the beginning. It is long, read it like a novel. I am out of stuff to read, I may read it again.

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I just can't get into AUs where they are completely different people. Things like, 'what if only Hook and Emma had gone to Neverland?' AUs, where they are still the same characters with a slight alteration of the storyline are fine. But professor/naughty schoolgirl AUs are beyond me. The other day I read the summary of an AU CS fanfic where they said Emma had a "flair for the dramatic" - what's the point of even writing CS fanfic then? Just write Hook/Regina if you want to pair him with a drama queen. 


Only exception is Lieutenant Duckling fanfics, or Captain Duckling, or Lieutenant Swan - you get it. When the "alternate" characterizations are still part of the canon characters, I can roll with it. But my SUPER PET PEEVE is when, in LD fanfics, Snowing force Emma to get engaged to some random "for the good of the kingdom" - what even? Don't make Snow and Charming OOC to service your need for conflict!

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I can't get into AUs for much the same reason. I read fanfic to read the further adventures of the characters I know and love. With my own fanfic, I tend to try to write it so that it fits in between the scenes. I like the fics that read as the stuff we just didn't get so see, since so much happens in Offscreensville.

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Serena -- I feel the same way you do about out there AU fanfic and the more subtle AU fic. On the other hand, it seems that fanfic has taken a hiatus during the summer as well. There aren't as many new fics and based on the hits I've received on my currently running fic, there aren't as many readers either. Plus, some writers like myself tend to be more inspired during the season when the storylines are ongoing. So I got desperate and started seeking out AU fics that I dismissed earlier so I could have some fresh reading. Some are definitely better than others but it's a good alternative until the show comes back.

Edited by sharky

Rumsy -- I just saw that True North update after posting. So excited! I saw Lost Boys on a fic rec list as well but I think the word count freaked me out on that one too. May have to try it anyway.

Starting "Lost Boys" I will come back later with my thoughts after a couple chapters.

A couple of chapters later. Not loving it, OOC, strange sentence structure at times, possibly not a native English speaker? Killian is a much bigger ass than usual and grabs Emma and crowds her inappropriately when they don't know each other, feels kinda creepy to me. Too wordy for my taste. Cannot Reccomend this one I am afraid.

Edited by daxx
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A couple of chapters later. Not loving it, OOC, strange sentence structure at times, possibly not a native English speaker? Killian is a much bigger ass than usual and grabs Emma and crowds her inappropriately when they don't know each other, feels kinda creepy to me. Too wordy for my taste. Cannot Reccomend this one I am afraid.

I remember just skimming the first few chapters (it was so wordy) and not really getting into it until maybe the fifth/sixth chapter when the actual plot started coming together. I ended up liking it, but it's not one of my OMG!faves.


One of the few AUs that I like that take place in modern settings is Hamlet and the Pirates (highschool setting) because the author really connected events in the fic to events in the show. eg. Emma being shuffled from home to home, Neal disappearing on her after she thinks she's pregnant, Regina having a grudge against Snow because of her big mouth to Cora, etc.


I like Lady Silverblood's When In Rome and Ghosts of Britannia (ancient Rome setting) for the similar reasons.

Edited by snarkastic

I've been getting pretty desperate in my search for some new reads as well. It's led me to some stuff that's a bit AU/divergent from canon now, since most of them were written after season 2, with lots of Neverland speculation thrown in.  Nevertheless, several of them have been entertaining reads:

Forget Me Not - When Emma abandoned Hook at
the top of the beanstalk she had no idea just what path that decision might lead
her down... straight to Neverland apparently. Never trust a Pirate Captain, especially when your survival might depend on it. Follows on from the Tallahassee episode 2x6. AU as of 2x8
Dream of Me - AU set when Emma and Snow return home. Gold knows Cora is coming, and his plan to defeat her once and for all involves putting Emma under A sleeping curse...What will happen when Killian comes to town only to discover his swan is asleep- indefinitely?
The Memory Keeper - One of the more widely known CS fics out there. Set after Hook's encounter at Emma's apartment (mid-winter hiatus, Season 3). Hook now has to find a way to get Emma to remember, and it'll take all his charm and cunning to do so.
Take Me Back to the Start
Linked - I'm super bummed this one appears to be abandoned, because the premise is really a neat one...
A Thwarted Hook - Author's version of Emma and Hook's journey to love. Starts after Hook stabs Gold & Emma knocks him out. Hook with a concussion, Emma taking care of him and starting to care for him. Partially follows canon, to adventures in Neverland.

And then there's this little one shot written by Satan himself.  OMG, you cannot prepare yourself for the emotions.  You've been warned: One Last Adventure

Edited by Lieutenant

A couple of chapters later. Not loving it, OOC, strange sentence structure at times, possibly not a native English speaker? Killian is a much bigger ass than usual and grabs Emma and crowds her inappropriately when they don't know each other, feels kinda creepy to me. Too wordy for my taste. Cannot Reccomend this one I am afraid.


Thanks for the review, Daxx. I guess I'll wait for a really rainy day before I give it a try. :-)


I like Lady Silverblood's When In Rome and Ghosts of Britannia (ancient Rome setting) for the similar reasons.


I'm a huge fan of these fics--they are amazing. 


And if anyone is not reading Beyond the Horizon, you are doing it wrong! :-) 

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I remember just skimming the first few chapters (it was so wordy) and not really getting into it until maybe the fifth/sixth chapter when the actual plot started coming together. I ended up liking it, but it's not one of my OMG!faves.


I like Lady Silverblood's When In Rome and Ghosts of Britannia (ancient Rome setting) for the similar reasons.

If I get desperate I may try skimming the first few chapters like you did. Omg though the amount of introspection these characters are doing at least in the first chapters...

I should try When in Rome and Brittania I suppose.

If I get desperate I may try skimming the first few chapters like you did. Omg though the amount of introspection these characters are doing at least in the first chapters...

Ha! I found this critique amusing considering the stuff I've been writing lately. I feel like all the characters do in my fics is talk! It's great -- I like to talk so of course I'm writing what I know I guess. But I've really started looking at my stories and thinking, "Wait a minute. This is going too fast. Let's slow things down a bit." I guess the opposite of that is Lost Boys. ;) So yea, that doesn't sound like something I would like then. I need pieces to at least be a bit snappy with action and dialogue. Thanks for the reviews on that one, readers!

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It's funny how my writing can change from day to day. One day, all I can write is dialogue and description is like pulling teeth. The next day, everything that comes out is description. So I have to write a scene in stages. Whatever I do when I start it, I have to come back later and even it out. I don't know why that is, but it's annoying.

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This may not be the proper forum, and if so I apologize, but I'm currently noodling around with a couple of ideas. I'm looking for a Beta, if anyone's interested. You can always PM me. It might take me a while to respond, but I am serious about this.

I've been reading fanfic since my X-Files days. Love it. Don't mind smut (there's plenty of it in Spuffy fandom - there's even smut to make you cry). One of the stories I'm working on deals in part with Hook and Emma's first night together. I like to think it's fairly restrained (y'all know the basics), more like playful and fun.

Oh, X-Files fanfic! Love it. Someday I will actually write the XF/Once crossover fic I keep thinking about.


And I've updated Tokens of Good Will for any of you who are following it. I've tried not to spam this place with each new chapter but the most recent one is a good one -- totally biased of course -- so here you go!

FF.net link

AO3 link

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And I've updated Tokens of Good Will for any of you who are following it. I've tried not to spam this place with each new chapter but the most recent one is a good one -- totally biased of course -- so here you go!

FF.net link

AO3 link

You should be proud of this chapter, it was awesome! I am enjoying your fic.

Um, not too much introspection unlike another story I recently (was tortured with) tried to read.

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And When Doves Cry, which may not get updated for a while... 

Lady Silverblood has started a Steampunk CS-AU. Can't wait to read it! https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10494984/1/The-Lightbearers

Isn't When Doves Cry on hiatus? I think so, not looking for that update anytime soon. It's all your fault I am angsting about Coach updates now. :)

I saw the Steampunk fic, I want to wait for a couple chapters before I start it. I think I want to reread coach, the characterizations are so good.


Yeah the author of When Doves Cry is on a hiatus now. 


It's all your fault I am angsting about Coach updates now. :)


Muahaha... gosh, I love that fic! But the angst is killing me right now. BK is on a road trip, so no updates for that either. :-p


And I've updated Tokens of Good Will for any of you who are following it. I've tried not to spam this place with each new chapter but the most recent one is a good one -- totally biased of course -- so here you go!


I've added it to my favs, sharky! I look forward to reading it! 

Edited by Rumsy4
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I started a new thing: Scenes From Season 4. I've written part of the next chapter, but it needs much filling in. We'll see how much I can do on this series of vignettes before spoilers make it AU. No porn in this one -- it's TV-show rated.


I am such a slow freaking writer that I cannot seem to get anything long and involving a lot of plot done. I have ideas, I just can't output them!


The Secret of Drowning is a fanfic that I love, but it's been so long abandoned, I can't see it ever being finished. So know that going in if you haven't read it. Hook & Emma getting sucked into the Team Princess-era portal, and traveling through various worlds trying to get to Storybrooke.

Edited by Souris
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I started a new thing: Scenes From Season 4. ...

I am such a slow freaking writer that I cannot seem to get anything long and involving a lot of plot done. I have ideas, I just can't output them!.

Will check it out, Souris!

I'm having the same problem with writing right now. I have so many ideas for two multi-chapter fics, but am having trouble putting them down. I finally got a beta, and that's been helpful.

I too am sad about Secret of Drowning, and Bested Thrice, another abandoned WiP,

Edited by Rumsy4

Oh good! Hilary is really good with the Historical stuff. I hope she finishes Ghosts at some point! There's another chapter added to the Steakpunk AU--I'm planning to read it over the weekend.

I bought her ebook from Amazon but haven't started it yet. I felt like supporting her for supplying me with so many excellent fics even if I am not in the mood to read it right now. Lol

Beyond the Horizon has been updated. I adore this fic--it's a different take on the "Captain Duckling" story. Hook is a pirate, but not Dark!Hook (even though I do love Dark!Hook fics), and Emma has a core strength and quiet dignity that is really charming. 


Also, please don't judge me! Here's a quite enjoyable CS college AU: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10190292/1/burn-so-bright haha

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I trying to come up with an interesting name for my Neverback fic. Any suggestions? It's going to cover a lot of the events we wished the Show had covered, plus some initial Milah+Hook stuff. Chapter 1 is with my beta right now. I'm so excited to get this going! 


Neighborly Affection and Under the Crimson Flag have been updated. 

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